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Altpersischer Wortschatz by Walther Hinz

Review by: Roland G. Kent

Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 68, No. 3 (Jul. - Sep., 1948), pp. 151-153
Published by: American Oriental Society
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Altpersischer1XV ortschatz. By WALTHER HINZ. the user is not eoneernedwith the relation of
Pp. viii + 160. Leipzig: E01WMISIONSVERLAG forms,he finds the wordidentifiedgrammatieally,
F. A. BRoaeHvus,1942. (Abhandlungenfur translated into German,and aeeompanied by useful
die Kunde des ZIorgenlandes, information on proper names and on dubious
XXVII. 1.)
words, and a list of the oeeurrenees. Sinee the
This convenientvolume, most copies of which publicationof Tolman'sAneient Persian Lexieon
weredestroyedin the bombingsof Leipzig,consists, in 1908, there has beenno othereompleteglossar-
after the preface and a list of abbreviationsof except SukumarSeil's in his Old Persian Inseaip-
journals, of six sectzons: ( 1) a list of the OP tions (Caleutta,1941), and Sen's is quite unreli-
inscriptions,with brief descriptionof each and a able,besideshavingall the disadvantagesof Hinz's
statementwhere the best text or edition is avail- (see my review,Lg. 18. 154-156).
able (pages 1-10); (2) the transliterationof OP I now take up the items whieh seem to me to
(11-13); (3) the cuneiformsyllabaryused in the needremark,prefacingeaehwordwith the number
OP inscriptions (14-16); (4) bibliographyfrom of the page on which it oeeurs and following it
1911 to the time of publication(17-39); (5) the with the plaee of its oeeurreneein the inseriptions
Wortschatzor lexicon itself (40-155); (6) a list if desirable;at the end of what is quoted from
of the OP words,alphabetizedfrom the end. Hinz thereis a eolon,after whiehmy ownremarks
As for the bibliography,it is to be remembered are gilTen. Refereneeswithoutnameof authorare
that the book appearedin 1942, and that since to my own artieles.1 40 abaran XPh 17: mis-
then there has been a fair amountof publication; writing for abaraha (Lg. 13. 298), and not the
of the articles that might have been included, reverse;there is no instaneeof final n written in
I note the absenceonly of Buck,Lg. 3.1-6 (1927), OP. Therefore-ha is eorreetin DNa 19-20, and
on DH, and of certaill reviews. Hinz's aphabet- abara(n) (not abaran,with writtenfinal n) should
izing, which shows also his transcription, is be restored in DSe 18. 41 abtsVDS 1. 86 nsf.
st b c d f g h 7<l
t k 1 m n p r s s s t t 1iw y z z; my 'Flussbett'; so Hinz with a question-mark:but
own practice, which conforms more nearly to see J.NOF62.269-270. 43 adaraya:on adaraiya
generalcustom,uses c x c 0 v j for his c h s t w z. atlclsimilar orthographies,see JAOS 62.271-272.
In quoting, I shall use his s+Tstem, but my own 43 adartyand similar passives:see Sehaeder,Un-
in the attachedremarks. He placesin parentheses garisehe Jahrbucher 15. 560-563 ( 1936); they
letters (n, h, an occasional, rarely others) that should be normalized-iya, as -ya- passives with
representsoundspronouncedin OP but not repre- aetive endings. 44 afuwayaDNb 38 nsf. 'Ent-
sentedin the script; in this I shall here follow his scheidung' (so Hinz, dubiously): read rather
practice. OccasionaldiSerencebetweenhis iden- aruvayainst. sg. ' with aetion,'ef. JNES 4.44-52.
tifying abbreviatioilsfor the inscriptions, and 46 ahanzysubj. pres. 2d sg. ' du seiest': errorfor
mine,will causeno confusion;in the rareinstances 1st sg. 'may I be.' 47 ahsta DPe 23 adj. nsf.
of potential misunderstanding,both abbreviations 'behutet, heil,' with refereneeto Hz. Apl 70 for
will be given. reading:but Hz. takes as substantive' Sieherheit.'
In the lexicon itself, Hinz arrangesall words
and forms in a strictly alphabeticalorder, which 1 In addition to the usual abbreviations for periodieals,
has the inconveniencethat forms of the sameverb I use also the following for eertain seholars and their
occurin severalplace3:thus from kar- ' do, make,' works:
we Snd those forms beginningwith akar-on page Hz. = Ernst Herzfeld,
48, then after an interveningwordthosewith aku- AMI = Archaologisehe Mitteilungen aus Iran.
on 48-50, those with ca- on 74, one with kar- on ApI = Altpersisehe Insehriften.
100, those with krt- on 102, those with kun- on Tm. = H. C. Tolman,
103. Forms of verbs that have compounds,like Lex. = Ancient Persian Lexieon and Te2rts.
bar- ' bear,'show even greaterseparation. But if XVb. = E. E. Weissbach,
KIA = Keilinschriften der Achameniden.

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152 Resiews of Books

I prefer the old interpretationaxsata adj. nsf. IIinz's interpretation,ZDMG 85.228): rather a
' unharmed.' merely emphatic particle, for OP nowhere es-
50 amahama(n)ta DB 4. 92 pret. 3d pl. 'sie pressesthe adversativeCbut' in the extant texts,
erlernten': a very dubiousword,ef. anotherpossi- though there is ample opportunity. 77 daSyuwa
bility JAOS 62. 269. 52 [an]iyata DSj 3, whieh DB 1. 34 'im Lande': rather dakyauva, cf. loc.
Hinz aeeeptsdubiouslyfrom my artiele JAOS 51. gaAava and (without postposition)Babirauv Mar-
214-21S, with same restorationindependentlyby gaus. 79 [Datuwa]hyakya DB 4. 85 is given as
Wb. in a letter: I now prefer [partlv]iyaAa,as based on Wb. WIA 71: Wb. 70-71 has [Dattz]-
proposedby Brandenstein,WZKAI39. 45 (1932) . in his text andan alternativesuggestion[Dadutza]-
54 apariyaya(n) DB 1.23 'sie wurdenin Zueht in his note and translation; any restorationis
gehalten': this is Inerely the doubly augmented basedon the Elam. and Akk. transliterations.
preterit to 116 partyclit(iy) 'er aehtet, halt (das 81 duwitaparnam DB 1. 10 adv. ' in zwei (GFe-
Gesetz) ein, wandelt (im Gesetz),' cf. JAOS 35. schlechter-)Folgell,zwiefaltig': I prefer' one after
331-336 (1917), Lg. 13.303 (1937; whieh Hinz the other, in succession,'cf. Bartholomaeapud
eites!). 58 artutcaXPh 41 ete.: see now Lg. 21. Tolman,Lex. 102. 83 frasvta nsm. 'auserkoren':
223-229. 59 asa sctruvaDSf 40-41 nsm. 'Blei,' in both passagesI agree with IIz. AMI 3. 9-10,
after Hz. ApI 299: I hasTe alwaysinsistedthat the ApI 156-158, that the text is really frasarB, and
seeond word began with a trace of da, and now that the word is followedby 3d pers. SadayataXy.
Hinz writes me that he aeeepts Duehesne-Guille- 85 gatwaabl. sg. m. ' vom Throne (weg) ': inter-
min's interpretationin BSOS 10. 925-927 (1942) pretation correct, but form really loc. gaSava,
as asa daruv' ebony' (lit. ' stone-wood'), to whieh functioningas abl.; cf. haca[: Bab]irauvDSf 33,
view I also aeeede, withdrawing my previous haca: Ffi(n)dauwDSf 44.
opinion (JAOS 51. 208, 53. 18-19). 93 hsapawaDB 1. 20 asf. + wa ' sowohl des
62 ataha?tazaBh. 4.90 ' Botsehaft' (dubiously Nachts': but the acc. would be xsapam-va(cf.
Hinz, after Morgenstierne,Aeta Or. 1.252): ef. retentionof final m beforeconsonantof encliticin
JAOS 62. 268. 63 aura DPe 24 adv. ' hernieder, gatSam-cct maniyam-ca DB I. 65), and we have
herab,'after Benveniste,BSLP 30. 72-73: I still herethe gen. zsapahin a rhymingpair with raucah
preferthe old interpretationA(h)ura 'by Ahura,' ' by day' in rauca-pati-va, bothcasesdenotingtime.
despite the laek of the seeond part of the divine 98 tsuwamDNd 2 ' Bogenscheide,Bogenhulle,'
name. 63 A (h ) urakya: SIazdahaXPe 10 : the Hinz doubtfully:the word, though not of known
original stone laeks the dividerbetweenthe words etymology,must mean ' battle-ax,'cf. JNES 4.
(so Cameron,fromthe photographs). 64 A(h)ur- 233. 98 ka pron. nsm. alwaysafter tuvam 'du,'
arnazd[atya]DB 4. 44 adj. nsm. ' als Ahuramazda- so ' du, wer [du auch seiest] ': probablyratheran
Bekenner,'after Wb. KIA 62-63: the following instrumentaladverbfrom the same stem, general-
grtatyaiyseemsnot to be in Hinz'slexieon. I still izing the precedingpronoun (:IDernapud Caland,
prefer Auranxazd[cFrn. upara]rtaXyaty,ef. JAOS z. Syntax der Pron. im Av. 47).
62. 27a, 63.67-68. 65 awaDB S. IS, 31°. DNa 39 104 ma. . . ma [. . . ma] DPd 18-19: shouldbe
pron. dem. npm. ' jene,' [awa] DB S. 22° apm. 19-20, and only a part of the ma is lost. 107
' jene ': e2ceptthe first eharacterill DB S. IS, the nx2ntyamca DB I. 65 asn. coll. ' uncl die Gehofte,'
e2amples in DB are entirely restorations,and cf. the followingword148 wttabisca inst. (-acc.)
shouldbe avaXyfor both cases; ef. forms eited on pl. m. ' und die Hofhorigen,Hintersassen': I read
66 by Hinz. In DNa 39 the wordis fem. and not rather v0btsV-can inst. as acc. (like Hinz), and
mase. 68 awatatsvata DB 4. 72: on this dubious translate' the householdpropertyand the houses'
word,cf. JAOS 62. 2 v2-273. 68 awazanDB 2. 13 in chiastic order to the preceding,abicarisV gai-
' sie erschlugen': errorfor -ana( n ) . Wamca ' the pastures and the herds' (so IIinz:
73 brazmantyaSPh 41, 51 4 'mit Inbrunst, ' Weidelandund das Herdellvieh'). 107 JfIargauw
dureh Andacht' (dubiously Hinz): cf. Lg. 21. DB 4. 25, DBj 1 ' in Margiana': should be Slar-
.'?23-229.73 BU ( bumty)nsf. ' die Erde': may gauv. 107 [iVaryazanakya] DB 3. 88: dependson
have been bt.timq/esVn
as the form is nowherewritten the Elamiteandtracesof the firstand third charac-
in full. 74 ci[na] DSe 36 adv. ' sondern,viel- ters in Rawlinson'ssqueezes,whichwouldwarrant
mehr' (my restoration,JAOS 58.116-117, but also VarA^azanahya ' AIonthof the Wolf-men.'

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Reviewsof Books 153

110 tmati]st[amsam] DB S. 27: read rather pointnand in the absence of evidence I prefer
[ma0]ista[sam],as nom. S[ku(n)]xa immediately Upadarmakya,which is easily etymologized. 137
follows; cf. JNES 2. 113. 110 m[rtaSya] DB 5. upariy[ayam] DB 4. 64-6S, with Wb.: I prefer
36, after Wb. ZfA 46. 56: text certainly correct, the u}anya[xsaya]iy of Tm., Lex. 8S, based on
but Wb.'sinterpretation,'of him dead,' is right, Jackson'sexaminationof the :Rock. 138 usiya
and Hinz's 'im Tode,' loc. sg. n., is wrong. 112 ga[ta]w2 DNb 3o lsm. ' in der Urteils-Statte':
nama nsm. and nsn., nam2 nsf. ' namens, mit rather ' with understanding in the place (of
Namen': ratherndmaloc. sg. suffisless nama(n), battle),' cf. JNES 4. 47-50. 139 ufa ' and,' cited
and nam2 acc. Skt. nama, both denoting speci- from XPh 24, 3S, 38, and A2Sd4: the first three
fication, and specializedfor use with following passageshaveuta, and the fourthis beforea lzreak,
class nouns in the genders indicated by Hinz. other copies of the same inscriptionshowinguta-
112 [nawa] DSz. c Il ' Schiffe,'after Wb. maXyand ufamay(cited by Hinz under ufamaXy).
:IiIA 104: rathernava, with Tolman, Les. 52,* 141 (g)uwarazmiya nsf. ' Chorasmien,'given
Skt. navas. 114 pa[(n)caman] DB S. 3: read as alternative to (H)uvarazmts, each occurring
rather [itam], JNES 2.109-110. 115 parau- twice: but perhapsthe prior is the older form irl
wa(?)ya DPe 15: delete, as the stone has para: -z, (H) uvarazmty,cf. Lg. 19. 223. 142 [ ( h) uz]-
draya,cf. Cameron,JNES 2. 307-308. 119 [d] - banamDB 2. 74 asm. ' die Zunge,'with Wb. and
pasa DSe 48: read rathera: pas2[va]. Tm., for :Iiingand Thompson'sharbdnam:rather
122 [pir]uwa DSf 51, with S:onig,Burgbau66- h(i)zbanam with Meillet, MSLP 19.58-59, cited
68: rather [ismar]uv from Elam. is-ma-luywith by E:inz; cf. Lg. 19. 226. 144 wasabaraDNd 1
E:z. AMI 3. 74-75. 124 s2. . .da. . . DB 4. 54: nsm. ' Streitasttrager' (dubiouslyHinz): see now
Tm.'s emendationand restoration,Lex. 26, k2[ra- JNES 4. 233, where the meaning ' bowbearer ' is
hya: 0]2[hy . . . ] is quite satisfactory. 124 saiy- proved. 149 wiya: mrdaDB 5. Il ' er vernichtete'
mamA1I (Hinz's Art. I Silb.) adj. nsm. ' silbern': with wronglyinserteddivider,as emendedby Wh.
a dubious word in a dubious ialscription. 127 ZfA 46. SS for daXy: mrda: this I accept, with-
stunaya adj. asm. 'saulern, Saulen-': dubiou3 drawingmy own interpretationJAOS 62. 273.
form, perhapsa defectivelywritten loc. in -2y2, IS0 yadimantyaXy XPh 47 yadiy+ subj.prels.
denoting specification. 128 sfy2ta: out of alpha- med. lst sg. 'wenn du erwagest,dellkst': Ist sg.
betic order. 128 skautim DB 4. 65: accordingto is misprint for 2d sg., as his translationshows.
S:ing and Thompson,actually sakauraima,but of 151 yanaiy XV 22 adv. 'darauf' (raumlich), so
course identical with skautirn DSe 39-40 (page :Kent Lg. 9. 96: I did not give the meaning
125). ' darauf,' which is demonstrative,but gave the
133 tyata DB 1. 23, DSf 42, pron. rel. isf.: rel. relative ' whereon.' I now normalize yaniy as
in DSf 42, but def. art. in DB I.23, cf. Hinz 54 equivalentof Av. yahmi, Skt. yasmin, with -n-,
s. v. apariyaya(n). 133 tadayamaiy: see abovo extendedfrom the instr. form. 154 ztwaSyaDB
on 83 frmvt. 134 tarmts: misprint for tarmis. S. 19-20,35 lsn. ' im Leben': not neuter,but masc.,
136 [(h)u]casmaasn. 'dasAuge': theu- is an ' of him living,' cf. on Il0 m[rtaSya].
erroneousinsertionacc. to Benveniste,TPS 1945. ZIanyof the variationswhich I have suggested
53-54, quoting Jackson, IF 2a. 182; because of from Hinz's views are of course personalviews,
final -, which is impossibleas a writing for nom.- and not necessarilycorrect. Proof of this is seen
acc. of -man- stem, normalizecasamto stem casa- that in a number of instances I have departed
(Lg. 19.225-226). 136 (h)ufrast2diy DB 4.69, from my own previouslyexpressedviews as given
with -diy as enclitic pronoun after Benveniste, n prlnted articles. But it is only by the free
. .

BSLP 31. 64: rather-diy Av. zt, Skt. hi, JAOS discussionof such difEerences of opinionthat final
35. 351-352 (1917; so also AIorgenstierne,Acta agreementon moot points may be reaclled,and
Or. 1.248-2a3 [1923] ). 137 UpadramakyaDB therebyadvancesin scholarshiptnaybe made.
1. 74 gsm.: whether-dram-or -darm-dependson ROLAND G. I<ENT
whetherwe restoreElam. tir or {ar at the critical UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA

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