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En tradici�n Perenne en respuesta a Juan Senkowski por haber hablado mal de

Margarita Porete:

No creo que la opini�n de nadie que condene a la muerte a una persona se deba tomar
en cuenta como una autoridad espiritual por mucho que ocupe puestos de autoridad en
la iglesia. Respecto a la obra de Margarita Porete el espejo de las almas simples
en mi opini�n refleja una vida cristiana aut�ntica.

Respecto a Ren� Guenon y los tradicionalistas, no he le�do mucho pero lo poco que
he le�do me ha parecido muy bueno. No obstante reconozco que este tipo de lecturas
aportan muchos conocimientos interesantes y verdaderos pero innecesarios para el
avance espiritual y que se corre el riesgo de atiborrarse de conocimientos que
permanezcan en la esfera intelectual y que no son aplicables en el �rea de la
experiencia. Y este peligro lo han se�alado m�sticos de todas las edades tanto
avalados por la iglesia como no avalados. Por eso pienso que es necesaria la
moderaci�n a la hora de acercarse a este tipo de lecturas. Este peligro no se da en
obras de caracter mas asc�tico como la de los padres de la iglesia u otros autores
de espiritualidad cuyos escritos animan mas a la pr�ctica de los medios mediante
los cuales el alma verdaderamente se acerca a Dios y que considero mas �tiles.

Las verdades que se aprenden de manera intelectual no se aprenden verdaderamente..

Lo �nico importante es acercarnos a Cristo y ya el Esp�ritu Santo nos revelar� las
verdades que el considere oportunas.

a Emma en hesiquia Blog:

Hola , yo tambi�n tropiezo cuando pienso en el mal en el mundo. �SI Dios es

omnipotente porque permite el sufrimiento? y cosas por el estilo... A parte del
hecho de que Dios nos ha hecho libres y eso conlleva el que tengamos la posibilidad
de utilizar nuestra libertad para hacernos sufrir y hacer sufrir a los dem�s, el
�nico pensamiento que me sirve es el de que si existe mal es porque tras el pecado
original estamos separados de Dios, que es el �nico bien. Y Dios no nos ha dejado
abandonados en el mal sino que se ha hecho hombre en Jesucristo y ha venido a
unirnos de nuevo con �l cargando con todo el peso del kosmos ca�do y sufriendo en
su humanidad infinitamente mas que cualquier otro ser humano. Ademas debemos
confiar en la transitoriedad del sufrimiento y en la victoria eterna sobre todo mal
de Jesucristo Nuestro Se�or en la cruz y para sobrellevar mejor nuestros
sufrimientos podemos apoyarnos en la idea de que as� como Jesucristo redimi� a la
humanidad mediante su sufrimiento, nos concede participar, en menor medida, de sus
sufrimientos (1 col 1:24) y, de esa manera, nos hace participes a los cristianos en
la redenci�n del mundo como esta escrito "y vendr�n salvadores al monte Si�n" Abd

Estoy seguro de que para Dios no hay nada mas Sagrado que el Sufrimiento humano.

EN uno de los grupos de facebook de misticismo cristiano:

He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so
that he takes his seat in the temple of God, declaring himself to be God. 2 Tes 2:4

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also
overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Revelation 3:21

The same that Antichrist and our sinful pride nature (antichrist within us) wants
to achieve by himself, independently of Christ (2 Tes 2:4) , Christ wants to bestow
us by his love, mercy and grace (Revelation 3:21).

A Juan Rios:

Hola, yo no encuentro dicotom�a alguna entre el Padre celestial y el dios hebreo

en los evangelios.
En ellos Jes�s hace referencias a varias profec�as del antiguo testamento que se
profetizaron en nombre de YHVH (ej Mateo 15:7-20) consider�ndolas leg�timas.
Respecto al evangelio de Juan esto queda claro en el siguiente pasaje tambi�n: Juan
8:54 "Respondi� Jes�s: Si yo me glorifico a m� mismo, mi gloria nada es; mi Padre
es el que me glorifica, el que vosotros dec�s que es vuestro Dios." Aqu� vemos como
Jes�s identifica a Su Padre con el que los Jud�os dicen que es su Dios, es decir

En Juan 8:38-44 Creo que lo que Cristo viene a decir es que los Jud�os a�n
dici�ndose a si mismos Hijos de Dios no son tales, si no que todav�a son presa de
los deseos ego�stas y malvados de su naturaleza carnal y obedeciendo al hombre
viejo y a sus deseos, son Hijos del diablo y no de Dios,

En cuanto a las otras partes del nuevo testamento, si se compara Apocalipsis con
los libros de los profetas del Antiguo testamento podemos ver que muchos de los
hechos que San Juan profetiza coinciden con las profec�as del Antiguo testamento y
en las ep�stolas de San Pablo y las otras ep�stolas tambi�n se acepta el Antiguo
testamento como leg�timo.

En cuanto a los gn�sticos creo que la mayor�a, aun identificando a YHVH como el
demiurgo y no como el Dios alt�simo, tambi�n basaban algunas de sus ex�gesis en
textos del Antiguo testamento. Para los gn�sticos valentinianos el demiurgo era un
simple instrumento a trav�s del cual la sabidur�a superior obraba por lo que sus
obras eran buenas a�n estando en la ignorancia del Dios supremo y consider�ndose
as� mismo como Dios. Es por esto que aceptaban las profec�as del demiurgo pues
consideraban que en realidad estas profec�as eran inducidas por la sabidur�a
superior.. Respecto a las otras escuelas gn�sticas creo que no daban al demiurgo ,
al Dios de los jud�os, ninguna credibilidad o participaci�n del bien pero creo que
tambi�n basaban algunas de sus ex�gesis en el AT.. as� que no estoy muy seguro de

Es cierto que las palabras de YHVH en el antiguo pacto muchas veces parecen lejanas
al concepto de Dios Amor que describe el Nuevo testamento aunque hay profec�as y
pasajes en donde si se hace mas manifiesta esta realidad.. Por ejemplo cuando
describe la gloria que Dios tiene aparejada a su pueblo Israel al que siempre, a�n
corrigiendo duramente, perdona y gu�a hacia la tierra prometida, el lugar de su
Santa Presencia.

Yo creo que esto se explica por que a�n no tenemos luz para interpretar
correctamente sus palabras y, como los jud�os, nos quedamos en la letra incapaces
de vislumbrar las realidades espirituales a las que se hacen referencia. Las
palabras de YHVH en el antiguo pacto se dirigen a un pueblo a�n dominado por el
hombre viejo y como dice San Pablo " Es necesario que a trav�s de muchas
tribulaciones entremos en el reino de Dios. H14:20 -22". Yo creo que esas palabras
de YHVH que parecen lejanas al Dios Luz-Amor se refieren a esas correcciones a
trav�s de las cuales Dios nos tiene que apartar del mundo y guiar hacia si y
materializar la muerte del hombre viejo en nosotros. Quiz�s fueron estas
dificultades a la hora de interpretar las que indujeron a los gn�sticos a separar
el Dios de los jud�os del Dios alt�simo.. o quiz�s debemos interpretar que el
demiurgo al que hacen referencia los gn�sticos se refiere a nuestro concepto de
Dios a�n velado por la ignorancia de la carne y el Dios alt�simo hace referencia al
pleno conocimiento de Dios revelado en Cristo Jes�s gracias a su obra redentora...
No estoy seguro.


A Cheri WHite:

Hi sister , i stopped following you but i started again, i like your posts but not
I think you are right when you say that we should look for the Christ inside our
hearts and be lead by Him.
But i do not agree when you say that this Christ was not Jesus. You talk in a way
that seems like if you were danying the encarnation of God in Jesus.

That Jesus was the Christ does not contradict the fact that he lives inside our
very hearts and that he is the very essence of everything.

Let me explain you my point of view in case it enlightens you, i am not dogmatic
and also have my living Christ experience.

First lets start talking about the suffering in the world and the egotism and evil
in our hearts and in the world. It would be more logical that everything would be
perfect, wouldnt it? I think you agree with me that the cause of all evil is the
ignorance and divorce of God in humanity and in consecuence the distance and
divorce of our very inner and true selfes. This is what original sin refers to, the
humanity withdrawn from God. Now, God didn't let us in that evil and ignorance of
himself but he himself was born as a man in Jesus in order to restore us to his
communion again. Take a look at the cross + the vertical stick signs Christs
divinity, the horizontal stick signs Christs humanity and the holy centre signs the
very reconciliation of God and humanity in the ONE , in the point where the two
sticks crosses in the Very Holy Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. humanity and
divinity reunited by Christ humanity and divinity as he begged His Father (his
divinity) when he said "that they be one" in 17 John.

the way how he does this is by sending his Holy Spirit to our hearts. His Holy
Spirit is Jesus, Christ himself that comes and live in our Hearts. This is the
Christ within that you talk about and this is by whom we must be guided , i agree
in this. This Holy Spirit, Christ Spirit (romanians 8:9), Jesus Spirit (Acts 16:6),
Gods Spirit (romanians 8:9), one only Spirit (Efesians 4:4) is the one that
reproduces the Holy image of Jesus in ourselfs by killing all egotism and leting us
know God, Jesus, Christ in His divinity and our true selfes. But in order that God
send us His Holy Spirit He had had to made Himself a man like us in Jesus and Die
on the Cross. And this is why Jesus had not sinned and was not a normal man like
us. He was the first man, the root of the new covenant , the root of Jesse as
Revelation says and the first born because as he said in John "He was not of this
world but we were from this world". and now we are not of this world because he,
that never was of this world delivered us from this world (john 15:19) All Humanity
was engulfed in sin , There was need that God came as Man and killed death and sin
within our hearts and later, as a consecuence in all exterior world.

Jesus is the Paradigm , the new man, the first born. When he says that he is the
way he is not only talking about his Holy presence within our hearts, he is also
talking about his humanity that must be reproduced in us by His Holy Spirit. We
Christians are also called to follow him to the Cross and to Gods throne.

So that Christ Spirit lives within our Hearts does not contradict the fact that
that same Spirit was born as a normal Man and lived the life that Christians are
called to live.

Now regarding old covenant i agree that we can not understand it in a literal way
but i think thatit must be understood in an inner way for example when he says that
he killed 70 Israelites for touching the ark... i think all this is refered to our
carnal inclinations that must be slained by Gods Spirit ... and the same for Gods
words.. i think they are like a literal translation of the way a person must face
in the way to God..

regarding revelation i readed that you wrote that YHWH was the beast.. it is not
so. For example in John 8:58 Jes�s says that his father is the one of wich the jews
said that he was their God, that is YHWH. Other example is when Jesus talks about
the law given by YHWH in the old testament. He never said that It was the law given
by Sat�n but he said that he came yo fulfill It And he gave validity to old
testament prophecies when he spoke.

Regarding the old law i think It is like a literal transcription of the spiritual
human state of uni�n with God that Jes�s brought US through his holy Spirit. I
think that is why St Paul says that he freed US from the law. Because we, as carnal
can not fulfill that law that is spiritual. When we receive his holy Spirit , we
are transformed by him yo the image of Christ in his humanity and our transformed
nature un uni�n with God is able to fulfill that spiritual law not by carnal
efforts but because It is its nature. And that way Jes�s has freed US of the law ,
not abboling It but giving US his Spirit , killing our old carnal man Who can not
fulfill the law because is carnal and giving us our true self made as image of God
that is spiritual and wich Life fulfills the law spiritually.

respuesta comentario Thimoty Mccoy

According to new testament Sat�n is not YHWH . YHWH is God. If you read the old
testament you can see many profecies of the old testament where YHWH is speaking
that in the new testament are adjudicated to Christ by st Paul or in apocalypse
The doctrine of Sat�n being YHWH is what gnostics though but It is not supported by
scriptures. For example in John 8:58 Jes�s says that his father is the one of wich
the jews said that he was their God, that is YHWH. Other example is when Jesus
talks about the law given by YHWH in the old testament. He never said that It was
the law given by Sat�n but he said that he came yo fulfill It And he gave validity
to old testament prophecies when he spoke. So if you say that Sat�n is YHWH you can
not rely in bible teachings nor in old nor in new testament nor in st Paul
writtings nor un apocalypse.
I think that YHWH is the only GOD that was made human in JESUS in order to reveal
himself and rescue us.


Regarding the old law i think It is like a literal transcription of the spiritual
human state of uni�n with God that Jes�s brought US through his holy Spirit. I
think that is why St Paul says that he freed US from the law. Because we, as carnal
can not fulfill that law that is spiritual. When we receive his holy Spirit , we
are transformed by him yo the image of Christ in his humanity and our transformed
nature un uni�n with God is able yo fulfill that spiritual law not by carnal
efforts but because It is its nature. And that way Jes�s has freed US of the law ,
not abboling It but giving US his Spirit , killing our old carnal man Who can not
fulfill the law because is carnal and giving us our true self made as image of God
that os spiritual and wich Life fulfills the law spiritually. Jesus , if i wrote
something wrong forgive me and give me light to fix It.


I readed about gnosis about two years ago interested in its christology because i
think that It reflects better the primitive church doctrine than the post nicean
points of view that see God the son as an eternal person different from the father.
Regarding actual gnostic societies like samael a�n weor or things like that i didnt
pay any atention. Regarding old Christian gnostic sects there where Many with
different points of view but i think in any of them YHWH was viewed as Sat�n. It
was viewed as the demiurge. Sat�n was a different entity called cosmocrator or
something like that. Regarding old testament and new testament validity un this
sects , i think most of them accepted new testament and some of them new Also. Some
viewed YHWH , the demiurge as a bad entity but some of them like valentinians said
that the upper God acrted through him without his knowledge and used old testament
quotations un their doctrine also... I didnt wasted Many time in this matter
because i think that investigating all this things is not necessary.. i think that
we should better pray and clean our conciousness in orden to approach to God and
that his holy Spirit reveal us all the truth. I think that what caused this reject
of YHWH as God is the difficult understanding of some old testament passages but i
am not sure ... Anyway i think It is antes error not to accept old testament YHWH
words as God words when Jesus accepted them and o cantidad understand how this old
gnostic sects didnt do It because they relied in the gospels and un the gospels It
is clear that Jes�s Saw the God of the jews as his father..

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