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Estrategias Didácticas para la

Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés

en el Ciclo Superior de la
Educación Secundaria

Alumna: Chávez, Romina

Capacitador: Bossus, Carla

Diseño curricular: Historia (4° año)

Unidad 3: de la crisis del 30 a la segunda guerra mundial


El sistema educativo de enseñanza bonaerense organiza, para su 4°, 5° y 6° año de la Escuela

Secundaria Superior , la separación de ramas que centran su atención en áreas específicas de
conocimiento de acuerdo a las diferentes modalidades.

Es importante preparar a los estudiantes para su ingreso en instituciones terciarias y/o

universitarias o en el mundo del trabajo. También es relevante la enseñanza del inglés como
lengua extranjera, ya que permite que los alumnos desarrollen un pensamiento crítico y respeto
de otras culturas y la diversidad reforzando el valor por su propia identidad.

Ante la necesidad de insertarse en un mundo cada vez más globalizado, la enseñanza del inglés no
debe limitarse al estudio de su estructura sino a la utilización de la lengua inglesa en contextos que
permitan a los estudiantes apropiarse de significados y desarrollar competencias comunicativas
para responder con flexibilidad a la realidad a la cual tendrán que enfrentarse. El inglés debe ser
también una herramienta de comunicación para la presente “generación multimedia” debido al
uso simultáneo que hacen los jóvenes de los medios de comunicación y de las nuevas tecnologías.
Poniendo dicha herramienta en práctica en contextos reales.

Por lo tanto, el enfoque que se propone en este proyecto es el de Aprendizaje Integrado de

Contenido y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE). Dicho enfoque será utilizado para complementar el
enfoque comunicativo basado en tareas. De esta manera, los alumnos usan el inglés como
herramienta para aprender contenidos de materias específicas: Historia, Geografía y Política y
Ciudadanía; y a su vez aprender a usar dicha lengua en contextos específicos.

Mediante el uso de AICLE, se proponen para los alumnos los siguientes objetivos:

Objetivos de enseñanza:

o Motivar a los alumnos a poner en práctica lo estudiado en contextos propios de su

o Mejorar la disposición hacia la lengua extranjera y potenciar el conocimiento y las
habilidades aprendidas en otras materias.
o Saber seleccionar material en lengua extranjera para trabajo en el aula.
o Crear conciencia sobre:
o Los efectos globales de una guerra.
o El carácter destructivo de la misma.
o La importancia del respeto hacia otras culturas/razas.
o Actos discriminativos en una sociedad.

Objetivos de aprendizaje:

o Ampliar su competencia comunicativa y usar la lengua extranjera para la realización de

tareas, llevar a cabo proyectos con su respectiva presentación.
o Afianzar su propia identidad y desarrollar la comprensión de otras culturas.
o Desarrollar el pensamiento crítico.
Mind Map
of the

Name of the Project (thread): The Destructive Combination of Power and Hatred in a War

Macro Goal: to raise students’ awareness of the harmful effects of a war on a society and on people’s lives.
Mind map of the project: The destructive combination of power and Impact of the War in
Argentina Discrimination
hatred in a war.
Unit 1: development of
Adolescents’ views the war: Allies, Axis
Argentina and
on war in the 20th powers and policies
WWII Unit 2: Apartheid, Arynisation,
and 21st centuries guettos

Presentation to Identifying
school community Content Drawing conclusions

Cognition Comparing concepts

World Understanding

Classifying Recognising/inferring lexis and grammar

language Non fiction texts: Defining/describing
Analysing data
biographies,history concepts/visual input
texts,photos, charts
Expository/graphic/descriptive checking
Creating a Power Point presentation
genre and excerpts about war experiences
Language through Using the dictionary
Key vocabulary/phrases learning
Language of Language for learning
Present Describing pictures/feelings
Continuous Describing past
Simple Reflecting on events
Asking/answering Discussing life experiences
adolescents’ questions
Past Simple Language of views
comparing/explaining/ Writing a description
Passive defining/discussing
Describing feelings/actions happening at the
moment of speaking

Development of the war

Pre task:

1. Look at these pictures. Can you describe them? What is the connection among them?

2. Do you know any wars?

3. What happens in a war?

Beginning and spread of the war (1939-1940)

Before you read (dictionary skills):

o Read the sample sentences. Work out the meaning of the words in bold. Then, write your
definitions in your folder. Use a dictionary to help you.

The government supplied the school with money for books.

The Argentine and Brazilian presidents signed a contract to import meat.

Many cows died, so the government implemented the rationing of meat.

After 15 years of cruel battle, the two conflicting countries needed peace and called for an

The film started at one o’clock and finished at three o’clock. It lasted two hours.

Three years of international tension – including the Spanish Civil War, the Anschluss (union) of
Germany and Austria, Hitler's occupation of the Sudetenland and the invasion of Czechoslovakia -
culminated in the German invasion of Poland on 1 September. Britain and France declared war on
Germany two days later. While the USA proclaimed neutrality, it supplied Britain with essential
supplies, and the critical Battle of the Atlantic between German U-Boats and British naval convoys

Western Europe was quiet during this 'phoney war' (a war with little fighting). Preparations for
war continued but there were few signs of conflict. Gas masks were distributed, and everybody
waited for the war to begin.

In Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, however, there was nothing phoney about the war. With the
Ribbentrop Pact signed between the Soviet Union and Germany in late August, Russia followed
Germany into Poland in September. That country was divided between the two invaders before
the end of the year, and Russia continued this aggression and invaded Finland.

Rationing was introduced in Britain early in the New Year, but little happened in western Europe
until the spring. The 'winter war' between Russia and Finland finished in March, and in the
following month Germany invaded Denmark and Norway.

On 10 May, Germany invaded France, Belgium and Holland, and western Europe encountered the
Blitzkrieg - or 'lightning war'(a war conducted with speed and force. Germans used dive-bombers
and tanks).

In France an armistice was signed with Germany, with the French Vichy government - under a hero
of World War One, Marshall Pétain - in control in the 'unoccupied' part of southern and eastern
France, and Germany in control in the rest of the country.
Hitler conquered France. He turned his attention to Britain and began preparations for an
invasion. However, he needed air superiority, and he charged the Luftwaffe(the German air force)
with destroying British air power and coastal defences.

The Battle of Britain, lasting from July to September, was the first to be fought in the air. Germany
bombed Britain but the British Royal Air Force had radars. This stopped German surprise attacks.

The 'Blitz' of Britain's cities lasted throughout the war and saw the bombing of Buckingham Palace
and the near-destruction of the city of Coventry, and the death of 40,000 civilians.

Passive Voice:

History texts often have sentences in Passive Voice. It is used to emphasize the actions people did
in a period of time. The person who did the action is not often mentioned. For example:

Food was given to the war prisoners every day. (What is important here is that the prisoners
received food)

How do we form these sentences?

Subject(food) + Past Simple of BE (was) + Past Participle (given)

Reread the text again and underline sentences in Passive voice you find. All the examples are in
Past Simple.

After you read:

o Define the following concepts from the text. Then, compare your definition with a partner.

Phoney war – Blitzkrieg – Luftwaffe –

o Answer: Which was the First Air Battle?

A Global war (1941-1943)

This war had a global dimension. German forces arrived in North Africa in February, and invaded
Greece and Yugoslavia in April, 1941. Hitler invaded Russia. This was called Operation Barbarossa
and it began on 22 June.

In the Pacific, the Japanese were tired of American trade embargoes. They organized a surprise
attack on the US Navy base of Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii, on 7 December.

Global conflict started, with Germany declaring war on the US, a few days later. Within a week of
Pearl Harbor, Japan invaded the Philippines, Burma and Hong Kong. The Pacific war started.

British forces defeated the German in North Africa at El Alamein, and Russian forces
counterattacked at Stalingrad. The news of mass murders of Jewish people by the Nazis reached
the Allies. The German surrendered at Stalingrad: the first major defeat of Hitler's armies.

In mid-May German and Italian forces in North Africa surrendered to the Allies. Mussolini fell in
July and in September the Italians surrendered to the Allies.

In the Pacific, US forces defeated the Japanese at Guadalcanal, and British and Indian troops began
their guerrilla campaign in Burma. American progress continued in the Aleutian Islands, New
Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Japan began its last offensive in China, capturing territory in the

Allied bombers began to attack German cities in daylight air raids.

After you read:

o During the Second World War, the world was divided into two groups: the Allies (countries
against Germany) and the Axis powers (countries on German’s side).
Classify the countries involved in the war into Allies and Axis powers.

Allies Axis Powers

o Work in pairs. Identify the countries involved in the war in a world map. If there is a
country you don’t know, do some web quest about it.

The end of the war: (1944-1945)

The Allies advanced in Italy. The Germans counter-attacked in February. At the end of May the
Germans retreated from Italy. Rome was liberated in June.

On 6 June, 1944 Operation Overlord started: the Allies landed in Normandy, northern France. They
defeated the German forces defending the beaches. This victory was called D-Day.

The landings surprised the Germans and they were unable to counter-attack.

Russians attacked. German soldiers were captured and killed. In August the Russians took
Bucharest. Estonia was taken within months, and Budapest was under control by the end of the

However, in December a German counteroffensive - the Battle of the Bulge - killed 19,000
Americans and delayed the Allies' march into Germany.

Then camps were liberated. Hitler committed suicide on the 30 April. Two days later, Mussolini
was captured and hanged by Italian partisans. Germany surrendered on 7 May. The next day was
celebrated as V-E (Victory in Europe) day. The war in Europe was over.

In the Pacific, however, the war continued. The British advanced further in Burma, and in February
the Americans invaded Iwo Jima.

There were plans for an Allied invasion of Japan. On 6 August one atomic bomb was dropped on
the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later another was dropped on Nagasaki. The Japanese
surrendered on 14 August. This was called V-J (victory in Japan) Day.

After you read:

o Compare the different victory days:

Date Place Main events

o Then, compare your results with the class.

Why do you think Operation Overlord was successful? Choose the following factors and justify
your choices.

× Air superiority
× Allied naval power
× British Empire and US troops
× Cooperation among Allies
× Military intelligence of Allies
× Poor decisions by Hitler
× Weaknesses of German forces

o Go to your local/school library or do some web quest. Answer these questions:

What was Argentina’s position in the war? Was it an Allied, an Axis power or neutral?

War policies: Apartheid


Before you read:

o Work in pairs. Look up the meanings of the following words in a dictionary. Then, find
them in the text.

Pass-exclude-law-apartheid-ransack- starve-typhus-chamber

Hitler organized a boycott of Jewish businesses and his government passed laws that excluded the
Jews from government employment and public life. Under the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 German
Jews lost the citizens rights. Germany became an apartheid state. This process was called

On 9-10 November 1938, hundreds of synagogues were burned down, thousands of Jewish homes
and stores were ransacked, around 30,000 Jewish men were sent to concentration camps, and
more than 90 were killed.

Nazis organized Kristallnacht (the pogrom: the killing of Jews). But the German population took the
role of spectator. Another important consequence of the pogrom was that the SS security
apparatus, the Gestapo (secret police), the SD (Sicherheitsdienst or security service) and the SS
followed this anti-Jewish policy.

Officers took Jews’ properties too. Jews soon starved and got typhus. To prevent the spread of
epidemics the Nazi authorities built walls around the Jewish districts: the ghettos. Jews were also
deported into concentration and extermination camps.

SS commanders were looking for discreet and efficient killing methods. They made a connection
with the Nazi programme of compulsory euthanasia. They developed gas vans and gas chambers
to murder prisoners at the camps.

Children in a concentration camp A gas van

After you read:

o Explain the anti Jewish policy. Take the concepts: Apartheid, Aryanisation, Kristallnacht,
ghettos and killing methods as a guide. Use the following phrases to explain:
× (Apartheid) consisted of……………………………………………………
× (Jews) were sent to…………………………………………………………..
× (Nazis) organized……………………………………………………………….
× This law excluded………………………………………………………………

o Were there any concentration camps in your country? If so, which ones?
o Was there a cruel policy like this in your country? If so, which one?
o Can you find examples of discrimination in your city/country?

Anne Frank

Before you read:

Look at Anne´s photograph. Discuss with the class.

o How old was she?

o Where was she from?
o Why was she important during WWII?

Her biography:

Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929. She was a German-Jewish teenager and she was forced to
hide during the Holocaust. She and her family spent 25 months during World War II in an annex of
rooms above her father’s office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

When the Nazis discovered them, Anne, her family, and the others living with them were arrested
and deported to Nazi concentration camps. In March of 1945, nine months after she was arrested,
Anne Frank died of typhus at Bergen-Belsen. She was fifteen years old.

Her diary was saved during the war by one of the family’s helpers, Miep Gies. It was published in
1947. Today, her diary is a famous book.

After you read:

o Check if your answers in the previous activity were right.

One passage from her diary:

"It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling
to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.
It’s utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see
the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one
day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I
somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace
and tranquility will return once more" - July 15, 1944
o Analyse the underlined words. Hypothesise and answer:
Did Anne feel desperate or hopeful? Justify your answers

× Go on discussing:

o Look at more photos about Anne´s life.

o What did she like?
o How did she feel during that terrible period?
o Compare her adolescence to yours.(lifestyle, hobbies, likes/dislikes/ideals)
o What would you do if you lived during a war?
Anne and her sister on the beach.

Anne at school.

Anne’s bedroom. It was decorated with postcards and photos of film stars.

Anne with her sister.

Making hypothesis:

To make hypothesis, we often use Second Conditional. We form a second conditional

sentence like this:

I would buy a BMW + if I had a lot of money.

Person + would + verb (infinitive) + if + person + Past Simple.


o Work in small groups.

1. Imagine you were a teenage living during the Second World War and you
kept a diary like Anne’s. Write a simple excerpt explaining how you feel and
what is happening in your world. Then, stick it on your school walls.
2. Look for pictures illustrating life during the war. Make a Power Point
presentation and write what was happening in each picture. Share the
presentation with the class.

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