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1)Which one is true for enveloped virus?

2)Which one is a RNA virus?
3)Annual antigenic virus?
4)Which viruses have get a segmented genome?
5)Which one is not live vaccine?
6)Which one is true for adenovirus?
7)Which one causes congenital infeciton?
8)Which one is true for HIV?
9)Which one is true for viruses?
10)Which one is false rabies viruses?
11)Which one is true for rota viruses?
12)Which marker showes proteciton against HBV?
13)Which one is true for Chlamydiaciae?
14)B hemoliz A group C karbonhidrat olan bakteri?
15)Which one is true for mycoplasma pneumonia?
16)Which one is false for coxiella burnetti?
18)Which of the following disease in humans is prevented by vaccine?
19)Hyphea,pseudohyphae,mycelium tanım 3 ayrı soru?
20)Most definitive one for the diagnosis of fungi?
21)Black piedra'lı soru?(superficial mycoses)
22)What kind of capsulated yeast causes meningitidis?
23)Metamonin staining+pneumoni+HIV'li hastalarda?(jirovecii)
24)Transmitted by sexually parasit?
25)What kind of parasit is vector-borne disease?
26)What kind of parasit may be transmitted transplacentally?
27)Megacolon+megaesophagus yapan parasit?
28)Corneal ulcers +encephalit yapan parasit?
29)At which stage of bacterial growth antiboitics are most active?
30)Which one is not a macroelement for bacterial nutrition?
31)Which one is not growth factor for bacteria?
32)Which one is not a virulence mechanism?
33)Which one is not an intracellular pathogen?
34)Which one is not a mechanism of effect for antibotics?
35)Which one is B-lactam antibiotics?
36)Hangisi genetic transfer yöntemi değil?
37)Which one has the most rapid activity on skin?
38)Which one is the most frequent mechanism of resistance to aminoglycosides?
39)Which one is not a disease caused by clostridia?
40)Which one is wrong about the epidemelogy of Shigella?
41)Which one is wrong for mycobacteria?
42)Which one is the most important anaerob nonsporing causing infection?
43)Syphilis can be diagnosed by.....
44)Which of the following is not a characteristic of Francisella Tularensis?
45)Which one is not a feature of Yersinia pestis?
46)What is wrong for prion?

1) Hypoxia of new born frequenty occurs because of following EXCEPT;

a)decreased levels of iron
b)premature seperation of placenta
c)excessive contraction of uterus
d)compression of umbilical cord
e)excessive anaesthesia

2) Find the false statement about functional and endocrine problems in the neonates.
a)Acid base balance
b)pancreatic amylase is secreted high amount
c)there is limited fat absorption in GI tract
d)glucose concentraiton is decreased and unstable
e)bilirubin is high in first weeks

3)O2 consumption per minute is highest in the following type of exercise

a)800 m sprinter
b)100 m sprinter

4)Which of the following energy systems is used in 100 m sprinter?

a)phosphagen and glycogen lactid acid

1)Which of following condition CANNOT be performed by ultrason?

1)Which of the following mechanism affects the classic complication of diabetes?
a)wnt signalling
b)caspase activation
c)tnf-a pathway
e)AGEs products

1) Quantal-dose response curves are often......
2)Gilbert's syndrome have deficiency of phase II enzymes.->toxic effect yapan ilaç?

1)Granulation tissue composed of....

2)Tuberculosis granuloma composed of....

3)Paraneoplastic syndrome refers?

4) WHich kind of neoplasms is most common in adult?

5) Hangisi bening neoplasm?

6)Lag period?

7) Healing maturing scar tisse is mainly composed of collagen ....

8)Immidiate transient response in inflammation affects....(venules yapmıştım ben bunu)

9)Some oncogens and related cancer->hangisi doğru?

a)Her2-..>colonic adenocarcinoma
b)BRCA-> breast and ovarian..

Office programlarım olmadığından ben de soruları buradan paylaşıyorum millet kusura bakmayın :)
Şeymanın sorularıyla aynılar olabilir, farklılar da olabilir, olabilir de olmayabilir de... işte geliyor:
komite 5
eşleştirme soruları:
1)gr + diplococci pneumonia menengit yapar aşısı var (s.pneumonia?)
2)etil alkol zarını geçirgen yapar proteinini denature eder (n.gonorrhea?)
3)pseudomembrane colitis yapar (C.difficile)
4)gastric lymphoma yapar
5)mideye bir antibiyotik veriyorlarmış buna birşey oluyormuş öyle bi soru vardı
6)hayvanda oncogenic insanda degil (ebola virus?)
1)hangisi intracellular pathogen degil ? staph. aureus
2)coxiella brunetti hangisi yanlış? (culture yapılmaz/worldwide?)
3)Y.pestis özellikleri
4)annual mutation yapan? h.influenza
5)fungi teşhisi için? culture
6)bacteriodes fragilis
7)vector-borne disease? lesihmania donovanii
8)f.tularensis hangisi yanlış?
9)congenital inf. yapan? cytomegalovirus
10)malaria neyle boyanır? giemsa
11) pseudomonası enterobacterlerden ayıran? (oxidase ?)
12)corneal ulcer ve encephalit yapar? (acanteameoba?)
13)aıdslilerde gastroenterit yapar? p.jirovecii?
14)HBV bağışıklık nerden anlaşılır? Anti-HBs
15)mycoplasma özellikleri?
16)chlamydia antibiyotik hangisi kullanılmaz? penicillin (soru tam böyle olmayabilir)
17)most infectious? bacteriodes fragilis?
18)clostridia ne yapmaz?
19)HIV proteini? gp120
1)living tissue'yu temizleme? (antisepsis/sterilization?)
2)adultta en cok görülen kanser tipi? lypmhoma/ malignant epithelial ?
3)hangi collagen mature scar tissueda görlür? tyoe 3
4)WBCnin destruction side a gitmesine ne denir? chemotaxis/diapedesis?
1)hangisi b-lactam antibiyotiktir? amphicillin
2)B ve A ilacı vardı aynı dozda veriliyordu öyle bir soru? B 5 times potent than A
3)acetylcholine ve atropin verilmiş ters etki gözlenmiş? competitive inhibition
4)2 ilaç verilmiş isimlerini hatırlamıyorum farklı receptörlere bağlanarak zıt etki göstermişler?
physiologic inhibition

yanlış cevaplar varsa doğrularını yazın lütfen kafa karıştırmış olmayayım, haydin iyi tatiller :)
Yersinia pestis
F.tularensisle ilgili yalnış? –tularemi –pneumoni –inhalationla bulaşır -..
Pseudomembrane collitis yapan clostridium difficile
Adenovirus özellikleri
Pseudomonas aureginosa enterobacter arasındaki fark? Oxidase
Asısı var? Difteri
Benign? Osteochondrom
Ethyl alkolle deriden ayrılır?
C.difficile ne yapmaz?-gas gangrene -pseudomembran collitis -tetani…
Maple syrup urine disease problmli aa?branched chain aa
Obligate intracellular degil? Rickettsia,yersinia,chlamydia..
Hangisi aidslilerde gastroenterit yapar?P.jirovecii
Mycobacterium tuberculosis öz?
Pharyngitin en önemli sebebi?
Collagen tip4 yaradaki
A gruptur?streptococcus pyogenes
Hangisi deride en hızlı etki gösterir?iodophor? alkol? Chlorhexidine?
Gilberts syndromeda ilaç? İridotechan
Ölü aşı?rabies
Tuberkulozdan korunma yöntemi degil?rodentlerden arındırma
Synergistic? Antagonistic? agonistic effect? Atrophin olan soru
Physical antagonism
İnflammation tissueya gidis?chemotaxis

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