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Reconstructing diet composition on the basis of

faeces in a mollusc-eating wader, the Knot Calidris

A. Dekinga & T. Piersma

To cite this article: A. Dekinga & T. Piersma (1993) Reconstructing diet composition on the basis
of faeces in a mollusc-eating wader, the Knot Calidris canutus , Bird Study, 40:2, 144-156, DOI:

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Bird Study (1993) 40,144-156

Reconstructing diet composition on the basis of faeces

in a mollusc-eating wader, the Knot Calidris canutus

A. DEKINGA and T. PIERSMA Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

(NIOZ), PO Box 59, 1790 AB Den Burg, Texel and Zoological Laboratory,
University of Groningen, PO Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands

Methods are described to assess the molluscan diet of Knots feeding on intertidal
flats in western Europe from their faecal output. The size distributions of two
common bivalve prey, Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma edule, can be
estimated from the heights of shell hinges retrieved from droppings. The average
ingested size of the tiny mudsnail Hydrobia ulvae can be reconstructed from
partially broken shells. Diet composition in terms of biomass can be estimated by
a two-step procedure. First, the diet composition in terms of ash or shell mass is
estimated on the basis of the sieved mass of droppings. The application of the site-,
season- and size-specific ratios of biomass/shell mass or biomass/ash mass then
provides a breakdown of diet with respect to biomass. An exploratory field study
in the Wadden Sea showed that measurable fragments in (rarely encountered)
regurgitates overestimate prey size. According to the faecal analysis, there was
a seasonal change in diet from bivalves to mudsnails with the approach of winter.
In combination with field measurements of defecation rates, the outlined
methodology may allow the use of droppings as indicators of intake rates.

he distribution of birds is invariably attention.8-13 Although the prey organisms of

T constrained by the abundance of critical
resources, of which food is one of the most
Knots are sometimes too small to be observed
when ingested, 14 hard-shelled molluscs usu-
important. A first step in elucidating the re- ally dominate their diet. Such molluscs are in-
lationships between birds and their food is to gested whole, their crushed remains ending
determine what they are feeding on, methods up in droppings and regurgitates. This mate-
for which can vary between just observing rial has frequently been used to describe the
free-living birds foraging and killing them for diet of Knots 9-12,15 and related wader
gut analyses. Foraging studies are easiest in species. 16-18
bird species that live in open and accessible Our study belongs to a growing number of
habitats, with small numbers of prey species of methodological papers which aim to analyse
sizes large enough to be visible when ingested, the extent to which recognizable prey remains
and for which abundance and availability para- in faeces, pellets or enforced regurgitates pro-
meters which can easily be measured. Waders vide an unbiased picture of the diet. 19-25
are widely recognized as such a group, and Throughout we were motivated by the belief
this may explain why they feature so promin- that the value of the conclusions drawn from
ently in the foraging literature. 1-7 Among the field studies will be proportional to the efforts
small waders, the feeding ecology of Knots made to calibrate their methodologies.
Calidris canutus has perhaps received most To evaluate our laboratory trials, and to illus-
trate the results to be obtained by the approach
advocated, we briefly present an analysis of
Correspondence: Theunis Piersma, Netherlands Institute faecal samples and regurgitates collected
for Sea Research (NIOZ), PO Box 59, 1790 AB Den during one autumn-season of fieldwork in the
Burg, Texel, The Netherlands. Wadden Sea.
Reconstructing the diet of Knots 145

METHODOLOGICAL RATIONALE hours, dim light to simulate starlight at night).

Fresh water was always available ad libitum.
The problem is to estimate accurately both the
Experiments were carried out with four
size distribution of the prey species and the
natural prey types: the three bivalve species
proportions of the diet attributable to different
Edible Mussel Mytilus edulis (57 experiments; 8
prey species. As an indicator of profitability to
different birds), Edible Cockle Cerastoderma
the predator, prey size is generally the most re-
edule (2; 2 birds), Balthic Tellin Macoma balthica
levant parameter because it is usually corre-
(7; 3 birds), and the Mudsnail Hydrobia ulvae
lated with prey availability. 26-3° It is the relative
(16; 3 birds). To extend the range of observa-
contributions in terms of biomass that indicate
tions, the subtidally living bivalve Spisula
the importance of different prey types as food.
subtruncata was opportunistically used in one
Recognizable and measurable prey frag-
series of 12 experiments (4 birds). A total of 12
ments found in the faeces were used to estim-
different individual Knots was used in the ex-
ate ingested size distributions (Methods section:
periments. The variation in the number of
'Predicting shell size from measurable frag-
trials per prey type is a consequence of the
ments'). However, in view of the great variation
difficulty of collecting sufficient amounts of
in the proportion of measurable shell fragments
some natural prey. The birds were not fed grit.
retrieved from the droppings, the biomass
Cerastoderma, Macoma and Hydrobia were col-
contribution of each prey species in the diet
lected at a variety of localities in the Dutch
was derived from weighed samples of shell
Wadden Sea, Mytilus was scraped from the
fragments sorted by species (Methods section:
small basalt piers along the North Sea coast of
'Faecal analysis'). Additionally, in view of the
Texel, whereas Spisula was fished just offshore
variable biomass of the molluscs involved (in
the Dutch coast in the southern North Sea.
relation to shell size, geographical location and
During storage of up to 4 weeks, the molluscs
season), the biomass intake of Knots was esti-
were kept in basins with cold (1.5°C) running
mated using much more constant 'markers'
sea water. They were not fed, but the low
(shell or ash mass) estimated from sieved shell-
water temperature ensured minimal loss of
fragment mass, and the appropriate empirical
body tissue.
ash/biomass or shell/biomass quotients (Re-
Droppings and regurgitates (pellets) were
sults section: 'Estimating diet composition'). A
collected separately from the floor below the
number of scaling and weighting problems are
mesh. Pellets occurred only rarely. Visual
identified and resolved.
observations showed that they were usually
voided after birds had taken a drink, which
explained why the regurgitates were often
found in the water container.
Diet reconstruction in biomass terms means
Feeding experiments
that we have to estimate the 'ingested mollusc
Feeding experiments were carried out to simu- meat equivalent' (the organic cuticle of mollusc
late the feeding of Knots on natural prey types shells is hardly, if at all, digestible; T. Piersma,
under controlled conditions where the charac- unpubl. data). In bivalves the meat (soft body
teristics and quantity of both intake and ejecta tissue) is easily separated from the shell,
could be accurately quantified. Feeding experi- and therefore the biomass (ash-free dry mass)
ments took place in climate rooms. In order to in the meat (henceforth indicated with
ensure a range in the levels of daily food in- AFDMmeat) and in the shell (AFDMshetr) are
take, a variety of air temperatures (1.5, 13, 19 easily measured. In small gastropods this is
and 33°C) was offered. The experimental cages impossible and biomass is therefore expressed
measured 50x 50x50 cm. The bottoms of the in the total ash-free dry mass (AFDMtotai). For
cages were covered with a plastified wire mesh each series of feeding trials the characteristics
through which droppings and regurgitates of the food on offer, such as length-dependent
fell. In this way the trampling of excreta by fresh mass, dry mass, AFDMsheu and
birds was avoided, and it was easy to distin- AFDMmeat (or AFDMtocailand ash masses, were
guish droppings from regurgitates. We gave a determined. In the bivalves, 5-10 specimens
13-hr day (bright light from 07.00 to 20.00 per length class were freshly weighed and the
146 A. Dekinga and T. Piersma

meat separated from the shell after a short sub- trum of Knots.)
mersion (5 s) in boiling water (see Zwarts 31 for In Hydrobia broken shells from which the
remarks on this methodology). For both the tops had disappeared were used, by measur-
shell and the meat fractions, dry mass (after ing the width of the last whorl and relating
drying to constant mass at 55-60°C), ash mass width to total shell height. However, although
(after incinerating the dry material at 550°C) apparently fully digested (contra Cadée's 34
and ash-free dry mass (derived by subtraction) findings for Hydrobia-eating Shelduck Tadorna
were measured. Samples of Hydrobia under- tadorna, droppings from which contained
went the procedure without separating the living snails), not all individual shells were
meat from the shell. fragmented during digestion. We therefore
Each of the 94 feeding trials consisted of an also measured the length of intact shells in the
offering of one food type at 13.15 hours. The droppings.
food was taken away the following morning at Bivalve lengths were measured with calip-
09.00 hours, leaving the birds 4 hr to empty ers; hinge heights and Hydrobia widths and
their guts before the experiment ended heights were measured under a binocular
at 13.00 hours. (Successive experiments with microscope with an eye-piece micrometer.
differently coloured prey, e.g. dark-shelled
Mytilus and light-shelled Macoma, suggest that
only very little (< 1% of a daily portion) shell
material remains in the gut after 4 hr of Faecal analysis
emptying, hence providing an unlikely bias.)
After drying at 55-60°C, faeces were weighed
We determined the size distribution (in addi-
and sieved over a 0.3-mm mesh to remove
tion to the characteristics mentioned above) of
sand, organic material and the smallest shell
both the food on offer and that left uneaten.
fraction. The particles remaining on the sieve
Because many of the Knots had been living
consisted almost entirely of shell fragments
for some time in captivity during which they
and were weighed (this fraction will hence-
were fed with trout food pellets, they usually
forth be called DM drop ). The measurable hinges
took a few days to adjust to a new food type.
of Macoma and Cerastoderma and the broken or
As a rule, we gave them at least 4 days' ex-
intact Hydrobia were selected and measured. In
perience of a novel food type before conducting
some cases the number of measurable items
the experiments. However, one experimental
was so large that weighed sub-samples were
animal joined the sessions immediately after
used to reconstruct the composition of the
arrival from the mudflats in the Dutch Wadden
faeces. Apart from determining the size of
Sea with a damaged wing. This bird was al-
measurable fragments, sub-samples or the en-
lowed to continue feeding on its natural prey
tire amount of DMdrop were sorted into mollusc
species and weighed, yielding values for
species-specific partial-DMdrop .
Predicting shell size from measurable
The only measurable parts of Macoma and
Cerastoderma in the faeces of Knots were their
tops. We constructed predictive equations to Knots were observed and samples of their
estimate shell length in these two bivalves by droppings and regurgitates collected on the
measuring the hinge+top (or hinge only) flats after feeding flocks had left, and on the
height as outlined in Fig. 1. No such parts beach roosts near the island of Griend, located
could be identified in Mytilus (contra the in the middle of the western Dutch Wadden
studies on Common Eiders Somateria mollis- Sea (53°08'N, 4°56'E). To avoid bad smells,
sima 32 ' 33 ) All hinges of Spisula in the Knot droppings were stored dry or frozen.
droppings were broken and the size distri- Sand was retained on 0.3-mm sieves in some
bution of ingested shells could not be recon- field samples collected on the lower-lying flats
structed. (Fortunately this subtidal species with coarser sediments. We overcame this
does not form part of the natural food spec- problem by also sieving over a 0.5-mm sieve
Reconstructing the diet of Knots 147

and sorting both samples. All remaining sand distributions (of ingested shell lengths in this
fell through the 0.5-mm sieve, and was sepa- case) are usually wider than the real distribu-
rated from the rest in sub-samples of all that tions due to estimation scatter, there is no evi-
remained on the 0.3-mm sieve, such as dence that hinges of particular size classes
fragments of different mollusc prey species. were systematically lost (Fig. 2; each experi-


Estimating prey size distributions 24

E 20
Bivalves _c
C7, 16
In both Macoma and Cerastoderma, shell length ^
is allometrically related to hinge+ top height, ^ L MACOMA
^ 8
but the relationships are almost linear in the hinge + top
size range usually taken by Knots (Fig. 1). The 4
high R 2 values of 96% and 91% (although 1111111

00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 22
based on log-transformed variables) allow ac-
Hinge + top height (mm)
curate estimation of shell length from hinge
hinge+ top height. Analyses of covariance hinge only + top
were carried out to test for differences between
observers (n = 7 for Macoma and n = 4 for
it SHELL • c/ i
Cerastoderma). With more than 70 hinges meas- Ê
ured by each participant, the inter-observer 14
effects on both slopes and intercepts were sig- L
4-- ^F i^P/ I
12 50 //
nificant (P < 0.05). However, the additional ^

variance explained by the observer effects was L ^/

small enough (1.1% in Macoma and 2.0% in Cf) /

Cerastoderma) to be unimportant. In contrast, 6
rather large differences in the relationship hinge height mm
4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
between hinge height and shell length may
exist between sites. A covariance analysis to 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1 . 6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
test for the homogeneity of slopes and inter- Hinge+top height (mm)
cepts revealed a significant difference between Figure 1. Estimating shell length (SL) from the
the intercepts (but not slopes) for Cerastoderma height of hinge + top (HTH) or hinge only (HH) in
from the Wadden Sea compared to those from two common heterodont bivalve species which are
the Somme estuary in northern France fed upon by Knots in the Wadden Sea: Macoma balth-
(P < 0.001, additional explained variance = ica and Cerastoderma edule. The shaded area relative
to the y-axis indicates which length classes are
16.3%; Fig. 1). The subsequent analyses of
usually eaten by Knots according to the literature.
field samples of droppings revealed that the
Drawings of intact shells and hinges illustrate the
tops were absent from the majority of the iden-
measurements. Averages per hinge height category
tifiable Cerastoderma hinges, and therefore a are presented with 95% confidence intervals (thick
separate prediction line for shell length on bars) and ranges (thin vertical lines). The double-
'hinge-only' height was constructed (Fig. 1). logarithmic regression lines are of specimens from
It is now necessary to consider if hinges from the Wadden Sea only, and are based on measure-
all size classes of molluscs have an equal ments by 7 different observers of Macoma
chance of being found intact in the droppings. (SL = 14.071 HTH °', R 2 = 0.96, n = 668) and 4 ob-
servers of Cerastoderma (SL = 9.229 HTH ° i 2s ,
A rather variable proportion of the hinges of
R 2 = 0.91, n = 304). For Cerastoderma the (dotted)
Macoma fed to Knots were relocated in the
line for a population from the Somme Estuary,
faeces (average = 45%, SD = 18%, range =
northern France, is also presented (SL = 12.289
16-71%, n = 7), the rest having apparently HTH °.734 , R 2 = 0.89, n = 78). The line to predict shell
broken up during the digestion process. In the length on hinge height only was based on 72 meas-
case of Cerastoderma, 11% and 14% of hinges urements by one observer (SL = 17.579 HTH) 71%
were relocated. Although reconstructed R 2 = 0.94).
148 A. Dekinga and T. Piersma


n1=321 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
nh=11 0 Shell length (mm)


1 •
ni = 500
n h _ 40

0 15

n1= 1 4
n h =72

20 Ê 12


v 9

40 6


0 3
0 2 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Shell length (mm) Average estimated shell length (mm)

Figure 2. Correspondence between the shell length distribution of bivalves ingested by Knots
(histograms) and the shell length distribution reconstructed on the basis of heights of hinges
(filled and open circles) retrieved from their droppings (Fig. 1) in seven feeding experiments with
Macoma and two with Cerastoderma. For each experiment, n, indicates the sample size of measured
bivalves out of those fed to the birds and n h the total number of measured intact hinges found in
the droppings. The panel at the bottom right gives a plot of the average ingested shell length as
a function of average estimated shell length. Neither the intercept (1.308) nor the slope (0.852) of
the calculated regression equation represented by the thick line (R 2 = 0.94, n = 9) differed
significantly from 0 and 1 respectively (i.e. y = x, thin line).
Reconstructing the diet of Knots 149

ment provided one pair of data points and a broken shells. Because the relationship between
Student's t-test for the 7 pairs of averages for average shell height of Hydrobia in droppings
Macoma yielded t = 0.235, P > 0.10). On the and those ingested can be fairly well described
basis of a comparison between estimated and by the log-linear model in Fig. 3, it is possible to
actual average shell lengths per experiment estimate average ingested shell length from
(Fig. 2), we conclude that the reconstruction of either broken or intact snails in the droppings.
the sizes of ingested bivalves derived from the When collecting droppings on mudflats
heights of intact hinges in the droppings, pro-
vides an unbiased estimate. However, we
stress the necessity to use locality-specific 80 n,=116 n,= 56
regression lines in future studies. n f =166 % ' nf =87
Although the majority of individual drop- 40
pings collected in the field contained only one 0 _ Í k1
prey species (T. Piersma, pers. obs.), some 80 n,= 125 n, =155
contained the remains of two or more species. It is nf =35 ^ n f =3c)
possible that a combination of ingested shell types
0 rain
(e.g. Macoma together with Cerastoderma) could
80 n, =200 n,=76
affect the relative presence in the droppings of
measureable fragments of different-sized prey.
nf =165 A nf =19

Although we did not carry out the relevant
experiments, we think this is unlikely because the a 0 ^

80 n, =85 _ n ;= 33
force required to break the shells of the different Q n f =56 nf= 14
molluse prey is very similar over the size ranges F- 40
taken by Knots (T. Piersma, unpubl. data). ^
ó 0 t
To n 1 =134 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7E
nf =16 ^5.5
Mudsnail Hydrobia 40
É5.0 - ° ' '///

Because the only measurable fragments of 0 :g,4.5

n;=134 v4.0- de°
Hydrobia were slightly broken or intact (but 80
nf - 45 = /
empty and digested) shells, we tried to test 40 N 3. 5 ^
whether such shells were representative of v 3 .0 ^
0 tii ° d»
those ingested. The proportion of individual
80 n 1 =152 :4,2.5 i
Hydrobia shells passing through the digestive n f = 17 i2.0 •o
tract of Knots unbroken was low but variable 40 o
d .5 '
(average = 5.0%, sd = 6.6%, range = 0.6- V-''.. ,
0 `^lo
23.0%, n = 11). Small shells were more likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4
Shell height (mm) Average height of shel
to remain undamaged than large shells and we in dropping (mm)
therefore fitted a log-linear regression of aver-
age ingested on average estimated shell height Figure 3. Correspondence between the shell height
(Fig. 3). This conclusion is also implied by distribution of Hydrobia ulvae ingested by Knots
Zwarts & Blomert's 12 finding that half-broken (histograms) and the height distribution of measurable
Hydrobia, of which the width of the last whorl shells found intact in the droppings (•). For each of the
could be measured, were larger than those re- 11 feeding trials, n„ indicates the size of the measured
maining intact in the stomach-contents of free- sample out of a larger number of ingested snails and n i
living Knots (killed for experiments), and by a the total number of measured intact shells found in the
study of Common Eiders (droppings) which droppings. Small Hydrobia shells more often remain
intact than larger shells, and the plot at the bottom
had fed on Periwinkles Littorina littorea (G.C.
right indicates how average ingested shell height can
Cadée, pers. comm.). However, an analysis of
be estimated from the intact Hydrobia found in faeces
covariance of the log-transformed average (•, unbroken line: Iny = 0.420 x-0.183, R 2 = 0.92, n =11),
reconstructed shell height on non-transformed and from the height (H) reconstructed from width (W;
average ingested shell height (see Fig. 3), failed by the equation H = 1.7924 W' 326, R 2 = 0.90, n = 324) of
to indicate significant differences between broken shells (o, broken line: lny = 0.438 x-0.200, R 2 =
reconstructed shell heights from intact and 0.85, n=11; histograms not shown).
150 A. Dekinga and T. Piersma






0 0

80 60
N 120
a 60
E 60
° 80
d 40 40
40 20

0 0
0 40 80 120 160 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Dry mass of droppings retained on 0.3 mm sieve (g)
Figure 4. Estimating ingested shell mass from faecal samples. Ingested shell mass (expressed either as dry shell
mass, DMahem, or indexed as ash mass) is regressed on the dry mass of the fraction of faeces retained on a 0.3-mm
sieve (DMdrop) for three types of prey commonly fed upon by Knots and one additional prey type (Spisula). No
values for ingested DMsheu were available for the Mudsnail Hydrobia, because shell and meat are difficult to
separate in gastropods. Each data point stands for a 24-hr feeding trial with one bird. For each category the
regression line through the origin is shown. For the heterodont bivalves Macoma, Cerastoderma and Spisula, the
regression for DMsheu = 0.987 DM drop (R2 = 0.99 n = 21) and for ash DM ash = 0.962 DMdrop (R2 = 0.98, n =
For Mytilus they are respectively DMsheu = 1.040 DMdrop (R 2 = 0.63, n = 57) and DM ash = 0.945 DMarop (R 2 = 0.91, n =
57), and for Hydrobia DMash = 1.267 DM drop (R 2 = 0.65, n = 16). See text for further details and covariance analyses.

with high densities of Hydrobia it is difficult to laboratory have lowered values). Therefore, to
avoid the collection of some live animals. If the estimate diet composition in terms of biomass,
faeces are stored dry, the shells of digested we have to use an inert and seasonally con-
Hydrobia which remain intact may be difficult stant marker. The shell mass (or the total ash
to distinguish from accidentally collected live mass) of molluscs meets this criterion (T. Piersma,
snails, and so the reconstruction on the basis of pers. obs.). 404 Does the dry mass of the faeces
broken shells is generally preferable. retained on the 0.3-mm sieve (DMdrop) correlate
well with the ingested shell mass (DM hel) or ash
Estimating diet composition mass (DMash)? Figure 4 shows strong re-
lationships between ingested ash mass and
The meat contents of molluscs, even of indi- DM drop in all three food categories, although
viduals of the same size, varies greatly with they are somewhat weaker in the case of in-
season and origin (see below; all species 31 , gested shell mass and DM drop in Mytilus. An
Mytilus, 35-37 Macoma 38 . 39 ) and recent history analysis of covariance showed no effect of
(e.g. molluscs kept for some time in the species on either intercept or slope of the re-
Reconstructing the diet of Knots 151


a January-February • Macoma, 15 mm
0.70 • March-April o Mytiles, 15rnm
O May-June • Cerastoderma, 10 mm
A July-August
0.60 - • September-October
v November-December




0.30 -





0.05 I I L I I 1 1 1 1 1
II 13 15 17 19 J M MJSNJMMJS N
Shell length (mm) Time of the year (month)

Figure 5. The effect of seasonal changes in biomass of the bivalve prey of Knots on the quotient a
(AFDMmeat/DMshet) used to reconstruct diet composition from dropping contents. The two left panels show the
season (different lines) and size (x-axis) dependent quotients for Macoma (top) and Cerastoderma (below). The
panel on the right shows the seasonal changes in average mass of specific size classes of Macoma, Mytilus and
Cerastoderma eaten by Knots, for bivalve populations from the Frisian Wadden Sea coast (lines; based on 11 years
of data on biomass presented by Zwarts 34 and shell mass by L. Zwarts (per. comm.)) and for Macoma from the
Balgzand area (shaded; reconstructed from Fig. 3 in Beukema (Sz de Bruin' so as to give the proportional changes
in mass relative to the annual average mass for the Frisian Wadden Sea coast).

gressions of dry shell mass and ash mass on attributable to the different prey types are
DMd rop within the group of heterodont separated (see below and Table 1). For Knots
bivalves. Although the slope of Mytilus for feeding on bivalves only, ingested shell mass
shell mass on DM drop was higher than in the can be estimated from DM drop by the equation
heterodont bivalves, and the slope of Hydrobia DMshell = 0.994 DM drop (R 2 = 0.87).
for ash on DM drop was higher than in all the In order to estimate diet composition with
bivalves, covariance analyses failed to show respect to biomass we now have to compute
significant effects of food type on intercepts or the ingested AFDM meat (or AFDM tat : compul-
slopes of the regressions when all mollusc prey sory in Hydrobia) on the basis of estimated ash
were considered together. We may therefore or shell mass by multiplying the latter mass by
reliably estimate ingested ash mass from the the ratio between AFDM and ash or shell mass
faeces mass of mollusc-eating Knots retained (if AFDMmeat/DMshelt = a, then
on a 0.3-mm sieve by the equation DMash = a DMshell = AFDMmeat)• The a-quotient varies
0.977 DM drop (R 2 = 0.86). More prudently one with season and shell length (Fig. 5). The exist-
could also use separate equations for bivalves ence of a non-linear relationship between the
and Hydrobia if the remains in the droppings shell size and shell mass is a further complica-
152 A. Dekinga and T. Piersma

tion. Consequently, the procedure of calculating a convex-shaped Cerastoderma were taken by

mean reconstructed shell size on the basis of Knots, supporting the claim of Zwarts &
fragment measurements, and then to look up Blomert u that ingestable mollusc size depends
the appropriate quotient (e.g. in Fig. 5), will give on slenderness. Ingested Hydrobia were rela-
biased estimates of the species-specific con- tively small and the difference between recon-
tributions to ingested biomass. Instead, it is
best to apportion the species-specific ash or 25 MACOMA
n =1188
shell mass equivalents of the faecal sample
(calculated from the species' contribution to
total DMdrop, i•e• partial DMdrop) to the dif-
ferent shell size classes (on the basis of the size
distribution of hinges), adjusted for the non-
linear size-dependent ash or shell mass (Fig. 6:
shaded histograms). Site-, size- and season-
specific a-quotients can then be used to calculate CERASTODERMA
size-class specific biomass values which, when 35 n:21

summed, provide the total biomass equivalent

of the particular prey species in the particular
sample of droppings. 25


Evaluation: faeces in the real world 15

During the two laboratory trials with Macoma 10

when more than one hinge could be retrieved 5

from the regurgitates of Knots, the recon-
structed size of Macoma derived from regurgi-
tates, was equal or smaller than that derived
o nlntact '533
from hinges in droppings. Respective mean 60
• nbroken' 578
(±sd) shell lengths from regurgitates were 50 ntotai =111I
9.38±2.27 mm (n = 15) and 4.93±0.67 mm (n = 8),
and from droppings 11.85±3.02 mm (n = 49) and
4.99±1.58 mm (n = 23); the differences are not 30
statistically significant at the 5%-level (Student's 20
A comparison of simultaneously collected
field samples of droppings and regurgitates (it 0
3 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19
is hard to call them pellets in view of their soft
Shell length/height (mm)
and slimy appearance) showed the latter to
contain the remains of significantly larger
Figure 6. Frequency distributions of the sizes of
Macoma than droppings (Fig. 7). Thus, regurgi- three mollusc species ingested by Knots near Griend
tates yield overestimates of the size of Macoma. in the western Wadden Sea in August—October
This confirms the results of Goss-Custard et a1. 9 1988. Size distributions were reconstructed on the
but contrasts with the findings in the laborat- basis of shell remains as outlined in this paper. For
ory (above) where droppings and regurgitates Hydrobia the histogram presents reconstructed shell
yielded equal sizes. However, the range of av- heights on the basis of both broken and intact shells.
ailable and ingested shell lengths, and there- The line histograms give the frequency distributions
on the basis of measured fragment numbers, the
fore the chances of finding a bias, was much
shaded histograms show the relative frequency dis-
more limited in the laboratory experiments
tributions when numbers were weighted for size-
than in the field. We advise the use of drop- specific shell mass. Respective average lengths on
pings to obtain unbiased estimates of ingested the basis of unweighted and weighted (shaded) dis-
Macoma. tributions are 13.1 and 14.7 mm for Macoma, 10.9 and
The sizes of ingested molluscs (Fig. 6) show 11.7 mm for Cerastoderma and 2.8 and 3.2 mm for
that flat-shelled Macoma of greater length than Hydrobia.
Reconstructing the diet of Knots 153

structions on the basis of intact and broken crangon were occasionally captured and in-
shells was negligible. gested during early autumn. Indeed, recogniz-
In August, Knots near Griend fed only on able remains (e.g. pincer parts) were found in
Macoma (Fig. 8), Cerastoderma being an unim- the droppings. In view of the comparatively
portant prey. During the course of the autumn thin 'shells' of crustaceans (cf. molluscs), their
season the contribution of Macoma to the diet contribution to faecal dry mass is likely to be
declined, and by October almost the entire diet underestimated. The methods described in
consisted of Hydrobia. This dramatic change in
300 -
food spectrum coincides with a withdrawal of
Macoma to a greater depth below the surface of á
the sediment (T. Piersma, unpubl. data). ° 200 -
Hyrdobia was available throughout but was only
fed upon by Knots when the densities of available 100
Macoma dropped. The biomass equivalent of

the shell fragments found in the droppings 0

changed little during the study period (from 29
mg ash free dry mass in August and September 40
I s.d.
to 38 mg ash free dry mass in October). It is
evident from Fig. 8 that Hydrobia has a more
favourable quotient between biomass and
shell/ash mass than the bivalve species. 0
Field observations suggested that small 'sample 19 7
drop 550 1850 675
crabs Carcinas maenas and shrimps Crangon 100 -

droppings Macoma
0-0 regurgitates



August September October

Figure 8. Seasonal changes in the diet composition of

Knots foraging near Griend in the western Wadden
Sea in August—October 1988 as reconstructed from
samples of droppings (one sample usually contained
100 droppings). The reconstruction was based on
shell size specific calculations (as explained in 'Es-
timating diet composition'). Diet composition is ex-
2 4 6 8 0 2 14 1 6 18 20
pressed in sieved 'shell' mass (DM drop : dry mass of
Shell length (mm) fragments in droppings retained on a 0.3-mm sieve;
left column) and in ash free dry mass (AFDM meat for
Figure 7. Comparison of the length distributions of bivalves, AFDM totai for Hydrobia; right column). The
Macoma balthica reconstructed from the 'hinge + top's average (±sd, for the listed number of faecal sam-
retrieved from 550 droppings and from 50 regurgitates. ples) mass of sieved 'shell' fragments and the calcu-
All ejecta were collected at a high tide roost on Griend lated biomass equivalent per dropping (i.e.
on 8 August 1988. Mean (±sd) reconstructed shell AFDMmeat for bivalves and AFDM total for Hydrobia)
lengths from the regurgitates were 14.77±1.64 mm (n = for each of the three periods are given in the two top
139) and from droppings 13.11±2.42 mm (n = 758). This rows. Note that the a-quotients used are empirical
difference is statistically significant (Student's t-test, for the appropriate site and season, and somewhat
P<0.001). lower than those in Fig. 5.

154 A. Dekinga and T. Piersma

this paper would be inappropriate in cases struct the diet of Knots 1o,12 are probably valid.
where crustaceans contribute significantly to Although estimating the size distribution of in-
the diet of Knots in intertidal areas (a situation gested Hydrobia does present a problem (Fig. 3),
we have not yet encountered, and which has this prey species has not been of great importance
not been described in Europe). in any of the published studies.
This study therefore provides a post hoc -

validation of earlier contributions, and also ex-

DISCUSSION: DID PREVIOUS tends the possible use of droppings. The
STUDIES GET IT RIGHT? method allows a fairly accurate description of
Because there was no evidence for a loss of the diet in terms of biomass, as well as provid-
fragments related to shell size of the bivalve ing an indication of ingested biomass per drop-
prey, previous studies using the size distribu- ping (Fig. 8). In combination with defecation
tion of prey remains in the droppings to recon- rates, estimated 'ingested biomass equiva-

Table 1. Summary of the procedures to arrive at an estimate of diet composition on the basis of faeces in Knots feed-
ing on molluscs. Note that the presented equations relating sieved dropping mass to ingested shell or ash mass
should be globally applicable (printed in bold), whereas others (i.e. those relating faecal fragment size to shell
length) may vary between geographical locations; those listed refer to the western Wadden Sea (see text). The esti-
mation of AFDMmeat of bivalves may either be done via ash mass and ratio (only given for Macoma) or via shell mass
and ratio (given for all three bivalves). Note that in the case of bivalve species the best (most unbiased) estimations
of the total biomass equivalent per dropping requires the use of the size-specific contributions to DM drop (calculated
according to the relative number of hinges and the non-linear relationship between size and shell/ash mass) and the
size-specific a-quotients

Working Measuredlestimated
environment Procedure parameters

Field Collect certain number of droppings on area where Knots were

foraging for 45 min or longer narop
Store droppings dry or frozen
Laboratory Dry the droppings to constant mass
Sort over 0.3-mm sieve to remove sand, dirt & smallest fragments
Weigh the fraction retained on the sieve DMdrop
Manually sort the sieved fraction in fragments from different prey
species under binocular and weigh partial DMarop
Measure identifiable fragments with ocular micrometer for bivalves: hinge height (HH)
hinge+top (HTH)
for Hydrobic: shell widths (W)
shell heights (H)
Desk Compute prey size (distribution) and diet parameters:
Macoma: SL = 14.071 HTH oso1 shell length (SL)
DM,sh = 0.977 DMamp ash mass (DMash)
DMsheu = 0.994DM arop shell mass (DMsheu)
AFDMmeat = DM ash • correct AFDMmeat/DMash quotient meat mass (AFDM meat )
AFDMmeat = DM,hen • correct AFDMmat/DMsheu quotient meat mass
Cerastoderma: SL = 17.579 HH ° mss shell length
SL = 9.299 HTH°'' shell length
DM shell = 0.994 DMdrop shell mass
AFDM shett = DM sheu • correct AFDM meat /DM shell quotient meat mass
Mytilus: not possible shell length
DMsheu = 0.994 DM amp shell mass
AFDMmeat = DMsheu • correct AFDMmeat/DM„ quotient meat mass
Hydrobic: H = 1.729 Wí. 326 for broken shells shell height (H)
In SL = 0.438 H-0.200 ingested ay.length
DM ash = 1.267DM arop ash mass (DMash)
AFDMtotat = DM ast , • correct AFDMtotat/DMash quotient tot.AFDM (AFDMtotat)
Reconstructing the diet of Knots 155

lents' per dropping can be used to estimate Coastal Systems group at NIOZ for providing
biomass intake rates. 12 Whether the much help and for their tolerance, and Ben Helming
smaller biomass equivalents of the droppings and Rients Hofstra of the van Hall Instituut in
of Knots in New Zealand 10 compared to those Groningen for allowing A.D. to participate
in the Wadden Sea (Fig. 8), 12 are due to differ- until completion. Dick Visser meticulously
ences in defecation or intake rates remains to be prepared the figures. Finally, the constructive
found out. In principle, however, the measure- remarks of John Goss-Custard, Lukas Jenni,
ment of droppings contents in combination with Gerhard Cadée, Jan J. Beukema, Leo Zwarts,
defecation rates could provide fairly sensitive Anita Koolhaas, Nick Davidson, Georg Nehls,
estimates of intake rates, even in situations where referees and editor have helped to get this
individual prey are too small to be observed when paper into shape.
1. Goss-Custard, J.D. (1970) The responses of red-
shank (Tringa totanus (L.)) to spatial variations in
SUMMARIZED the density of their prey. J. Anim. Ecol. 39,
The essence of this paper is summarized in 91-113.
Table 1, which lists the procedural steps and 2. Goss-Custard, J.D. (1977) Responses of red-
shank, Tringa totanus, to the absolute and rela-
equations needed to quantify the diet of Knots
tive densities of two prey species. J. Anim. Ecol.
in the estuaries of north-west Europe. Because
the procedures are straightforward and gener- 3. Sutherland, W.J. (1982) Do oystercatchers select
ally applicable, similar schemes can be de- the most profitable cockles? Anim. Behay. 30,
veloped for Knots foraging at other locations 857-861.
and on different prey types, and for other in- 4. Zwarts, L. (1980) Intra- and interspecific com-
tertidal benthic predators. Note that, at least petition for space in estuarine bird species in a
for Knots, it is not necessary to redevelop all one-prey situation. Acta XVII Congr. Internet.
the equations required to estimate ingested Ornithol. (Berlin), pp. 1045-1050.
ash or dry shell mass from DMdrop (which 5. Meire, P. (1987) Foraging behavior of some win-
tering waders: prey selection and habitat dis-
would basically require a repeat of this study).
tribution. In Foraging Behavior (eds A.C. Kamil,
All that are needed are the relevant laboratory
J.R. Krebs & H.R. Pulliam), pp. 215-237.
data on the mass-composition of the prey- Plenum Press, New York.
species (the AFDM/DMsheu quotients) and a 6. Piersma, T. (1987) Production by intertidal
check on the equations predicting their size benthic animals and limits to their predation by
from fragments. shorebirds: a heuristic model. Mar. Ecol. Prog.
Ser. 38, 187-196.
7. Swennen, C., Leopold, M.F. & De Bruijn,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS L.L.M. (1989) Time-stressed oystercatchers,
This study has been a co-operative enterprise Haemato pus ostralegus, can increase their intake
rate. Anim. Behay. 38, 8-22.
in which Jeffrey Samuels, Anita Koolhaas and
8. Prater, A.J. (1972) The ecology of Morecambe
Jan van Gils played critical roles. We thank
Bay. III. The food and feeding of Knot (Calidris
them for their efforts in carrying out feeding canutus) in Morecambe Bay. J. Appl. Ecol. 9,
trials and measuring thousands of molluscs 179-194.
and fragments, and Martin Poot, Bernard 9. Goss-Custard, J.D., Jenyon, R.A., Jones, R.E.,
Roeien, Ingrid Tulp and Yvonne Verkuil for Newbery, P.E. & Williams, R.LeB. (1977) The
doing their share. Rinke Hoekstra and Georg ecology of the Wash. II. Seasonal variation in
Nehls helped to collect droppings near Griend. feeding conditions of wading birds (Charadrii).
The crews of the Griend, the Navicula and the J. Appl. Ecol. 14, 701-719.
Phoca ensured that natural Knot prey were cap- 10. Piersma, T. (1991) Red Knots in New Zealand eat
tured and people transported. The Vereniging molluscs too: preliminary diet observations at
Miranda, Firth of Thames and Farewell Spit in
tot behoud van Natuurmonumenten in Neder-
November 1990. Stilt, 19, 30-35.
land granted permission to do the fieldwork on 11. Nehls, G. (1992) Food selection of Knots Calidris
Griend. Leo Zwarts was our enthusiastic 'tele- canutus in the Wadden Sea: the importance of
phonic vademecum' who also made many data seasonal and annual variation of food availa-
points available. Jaap van der Meer assisted bility. Wader Study Group Bull. (in press).
with statistics. We thank our colleagues in the 12. Zwarts, L. & Blomert, A.-M. (1992) Why Knot
156 A. Dekinga and T. Piersma
(Calidris canutus) take medium-sized Macoma 27. Zwarts, L. (1985) The winter exploitation of
balthica when six prey species are available? Mar. fiddler crabs Uca tangeri by waders in Guinea-
Ecol. Prog. Ser. 83,113-128. Bissau. Ardea, 73, 3-12.
13. Zwarts, L., Blomert, A.-M. & Wanink, J.H. (1992) 28. Piersma, T. (1986) Foraging behaviour of Terek
Annual and seasonal variation in the food supply Sandpipers Xenus cinereus feeding on Sand-
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Wadden Sea in late summer. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 475-486.
83, 129-139. 29. Esselink, P. & Zwarts, L. (1989) Seasonal trend
14. Gerritsen, A.F.C. (1988) Feeding techniques and the in burrow depth and tidal variation in feeding
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15. Goss-Custard, J.D. (1973) Current problems in 30. Zwarts, L. & Wanink, J. (1989) Siphon size and
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