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Contamination of rural surface and ground water

by endosulfan in farming areas of the Western
Cape, South Africa

Article in Environmental Health · April 2003

DOI: 10.1186/1476-069X-2-1 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Mohamed Aqiel Dalvie Eugene Cairncross

University of Cape Town Cape Peninsula University of Technology


Leslie London
University of Cape Town


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Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B (2009) 44, 271–277
Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 0360-1234 (Print); 1532-4109 (Online)

DOI: 10.1080/03601230902728351

Pesticide exposure and blood endosulfan levels after first

season spray amongst farm workers in the Western Cape,
South Africa


Occupational and Environmental Health Research Unit, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Bellville, Cape Town, South Africa
TNO Quality of Life, Zeist, Netherlands
Occupational and Environmental Health Division, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands

The study investigated serum endosulfan changes resulting from occupational exposure to the pesticide on farms. Eight applicators
and 17 non-applicators were tested (serum endosulfan, anthropometry, short exposure questionnaire) before and after the first day
of seasonal spraying. Task-based job exposure matrix (JEM) estimates were calculated. Mean baseline serum endosulfan (530 ±
0.05 µg/L) was high. Increases in post-spraying endosulfan levels (IPSE) were higher in applicators (mean = 60 ± 90 µg/L) than
in non-applicators (mean = 3.5 × 10−6 ± 90.0 µg/L) adjusting for age (β = 54.0, p = 0.162, R2 = 0.22). There was a weak positive
relationship between IPSE and JEM estimates. IPSE occurred in applicators and non-applicators and were higher in applicators. The
validity of the JEM weightings and characterization of other routes of pesticide exposure require further investigation.
Keywords: Pesticide exposure; bio-monitoring; endosulfan; job exposure matrix; spraying, mixing; drift; occupational; environmental.

Introduction calculated from crop sector specific yearly agrichemical use

patterns derived from audit data, weighting for job task and
Pesticides are used extensively in South African agricul- number of exposure days. Several exposure variables can be
ture and their use may pose significant health risks to farm used as independent exposure variables and which are not
workers.[1−5] There is therefore a need for conducting epi- incorporated in the JEM. These include current and past
demiological studies investigating the health effects of pes- use of personal protective equipment, current knowledge
ticides in South African agriculture. In order to conduct the and attitude score, past poisoning with pesticides, domestic
epidemiological studies, careful characterization of chemi- use of agrichemicals or containers, current water sources,
cal exposures is important in the absence of environmental and potential lifetime residential exposure.
measurements and biological monitoring data. The job weightings (Table 1), which represents pesticide
A previous study developed a job exposure matrix to exposure associated with a particular job activity, were de-
quantitatively estimate the occupational pesticide exposure veloped in consultation with experts in industry and indus-
of farm workers in the Western Cape South Africa and trial hygiene personnel in the previous study and validated
this JEM has subsequently been applied in epidemiologi- by consulting key informants in industry using the Delphi
cal studies investigating the health effects of pesticides in technique.[6] Estimates of relative exposure are expressed as
this region.[6] The JEM calculates occupational pesticide percentages on a scale based on a typically high exposure
exposure by the product of the weighting for farming type, activity, such as driving a tractor with a mist blower having
a relative exposure of 100. The JEM is thus able to take into
Address correspondence to Mohamed Aqiel Dalvie, Occupa-
account reported direct exposures (application, mixing) as
tional and Environmental Health Research Unit, School of Public well as indirect exposures (such as field contacts, presumed
Health and Family Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Univer- spray drift, and other routes). However, the precision of
sity of Cape Town, Anzio Road, Observatory, 7925, Cape Town, the JEM is critically dependent of the weighting chosen
South Africa; E-mail: and previous research has pointed to the need to validate
Received August 2, 2008. these weightings using biomarker analyses.[6]
272 Dalvie et al.
Table 1. Weighting used in the job exposure matrix (JEM’s) ap- analytical laboratory at the Cape Peninsula University of
plied in this study. Technology.
Endosulfan was measured according the methods devel-
Job tasks JEM 1∗
oped by Guardino et al.[11] Serum samples were homoge-
Tractor spraying with mist blower 70 nized followed by extraction using Bond Elute Extraction
Tractor driver of handsprayer configuration 50 Cartridges (C18, 10 mL LRC, 500 mg sorbent mass). The
Mixing of pesticides (separate from spraying) column was conditioned with 2 volumes (10 mL) of ethyl ac-
Mixes indoors 100 etate, and 1 volume each of methanol and deionized water.
Mixes but outdoors 80 High-pressure chromatography grade solvents were used.
Handspray from back of tractor 70 A 250 mL amount of filtered sample was column aspirated
Back spray 70
at 20–25 mL per minute under vacuum. The column was
Maintenance of equipment (separate from spraying) 20
Thinning work in orchards 10
then washed with one volume (10 mL) deionized water and
Shaping work in vineyards 5 thoroughly dried for 15 minutes under vacuum. Pesticides
were eluted into a borosilicate glass vial with 2 × 10 mL
ethyl acetate which was then left to evaporate at room tem-
perature. Hexane measuring 1 mL was added to dissolve
Blood and urinary bio-monitoring of pesticides mea- the residue, for GC analysis. All the chemicals and reagents
sures the internal dose of pesticides in humans and reflects used in the extraction and cleanup of endosulfan residues
absorption resulting from short-term pesticide exposure.[7] were checked for any pesticide contamination. Glassware
We aimed to determine in the current study the impact used was free from residue contamination. Standards were
of occupational exposures on blood endosulfan levels and prepared from analytical standards (> 98% purity). A Var-
comparing JEM based exposure estimates to changes in ian 3300 GC with an electron capture detector (ECD) was
blood endosulfan levels during first-season exposure of used for identification and quantification of extracted sam-
Western Cape farm workers to endosulfan, a pesticide com- ples. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.2 µg/L.
monly used and frequently detected in environmental me- Weight and height measurements were taken in field and
dia in the region.[8,9] body mass index calculated for each participant.
We analyzed increases in post-spraying serum endosul-
fan levels both as a continuous and as a dichotomous (cut-
off = 0) variable. Variables representing occupational expo-
Materials and methods sure included applicant/non-applicant status, JEM score
and JEM score dichotomized at the median and catego-
We conducted a cross-sectional study comparing post first- rized based on quintiles. Univariate, bivariate and multi-
seasonal spraying increase in serum endosulfan levels to variate analyses, using multiple linear and multiple logistic
occupational exposures amongst farm residents (n = 25) regression analysis, were performed for relevant variables.
on a farm in the Hex River Valley, an agriculturally inten- Residuals were normally distributed, the variances were
sive grape –farming area in the Western Cape, South Africa. homogenous and no variables were collinear for multiple
Participants were selected with the assistance of farm man- linear regression models.
agement. The testing period was 24 hours (baseline mea- We tested multiple linear and logistic regression models
surements were taken on the day before, and post-spraying for the form of the linear predictor and for the adequacy
measurements on the day of first seasonal application of of the link function. For multiple linear regression anal-
endosulfan) as serum endosulfan levels decay rapidly fol- ysis, collinearity was identified if r > 0.9 or a variance
lowing exposure. The estimated elimination half-lives of en- inflation factor > 10, and the effect of outliers/influential
dosulfan metabolites range between approximately 1 and 7 points, identified by DFBETAs > 1, Cook’s D > 0.5 or Stu-
days in adult humans and animals.[10] dent residuals > 2.5 while outliers and influential points for
A short questionnaire with sections on tasks details, use multiple logistic regression analysis were identified if stan-
of protective equipment and environmental pesticide expo- dardized residuals were > 2 or < −2 or if leverage patterns
sures during the period of testing and abbreviated sections were far from the average covariate pattern. There were no
on medical history and lifestyle factors were administered outliers and influential points.
to all participants. JEM estimates were calculated as the In multivariate modelling, increase in post-spraying en-
sum of all task scores (task hours × JEM weight) using the dosulfan serum levels was treated as the dependant variable
weighting allocations developed by London and Myers[6] and occupational exposure as the independent variable ad-
(Table 1). justing for age. Age was the only variable yielding an asso-
A qualified nurse collected 10 mL baseline and post- ciation with endosulfan levels at a p-value < 0.1 in bivariate
spraying blood samples from each participant. A bio- analysis. We conducted statistical analysis using Stata 8.[12]
technician centrifuged the blood samples in the field and The study was approved by the University of Cape
the serum was stored on dry-ice until transported to the Town’s Ethics Committee and by the University of
Blood endosulfan levels among farm workers 273

Michigan Internal Review Board and was conducted in Interestingly, although more than three-quarters of the
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki of the 25th participants lived within 10 meters of the nearest vineyard
World Medical Assembly.[13] Written informed consent was and more than 90% within 20 meters, only one participant
obtained from workers prior to their inclusion in the study reported that he was aware that spray drifts reach his house.
and their confidentiality was preserved. However, since all participants worked during the period of
testing, proximity of residence to spraying was not thought
to be a confounding variable.
Three workers reported in their medical histories health
problems which could potentially affect their biological
pesticide residue levels including two that had been di-
The participants were predominantly male (88%) and few
agnosed with ‘kidney problems’ and another with ‘liver
(16%) had tertiary education (Table 2). Consistent with
problems’. One applicator reported that he had suffered
findings in previous studies in Western Cape farm worker
pesticide poisoning during that year. None of the three
populations, height (mean = 1.67 ± 0.08 m) and weight
women who participated were pregnant, but one woman
(68.24 ± 11.74 kg) measurements were low with the mean
was menstruating at the time the study was conducted.
body mass index (BMI) = 24.7 ± 5.2. Most (76%) were
Of the 25 participants, eight applied pesticides (mixed
current or past smokers and all participants were current
or sprayed pesticides) during the period of testing and 17
(64%) or past drinkers (36%).[14,15]
did not apply pesticides. Of the eight applicators there were
Only one participant reported the use of pesticides at
seven who did mixing (four indoors and three outdoors).
home during the period of testing (Table 2). Nobody re-
There were five tractor sprayers, all of whom also performed
ported eating from the sprayed crops during the period of
mixing (three outdoors and two indoors). There was one
spraying. About a fifth of the participants reported that
hand sprayer who did not do mixing. Of the 17 workers who
they used empty containers for domestic purposes and
did not apply pesticides, three performed thinning, pruning
most participants (80%) brought their contaminated cloth-
or tying-up of shoots, seven performed other tasks in the
ing home after work.
vineyard and seven performed maintenance work near the
vineyard. There were 14 workers in total who reported that
they performed maintenance work including three applica-
Table 2. Demographic, lifestyle and environmental exposure in-
formation of participants. tors, one that performed pruning and three that performed
other work in the vineyard.
Percentage None of the workers performed back-spraying or were
Variable (n = 25) involved in repair of pesticide equipment. There were also
no-one that performed harvesting as the study was not
conducted during the harvesting period.
Male 22 (88%)
Female 3 (12%) The mean task duration of all the job tasks studied was
Completed tertiary education 4 (16%) longer than 18 minutes with the lowest duration 15 minutes
Pesticides used at home 0 (0%) and the highest 16 hours (Table 3). Indoor mixing and
Pesticides used in the garden 1 (4%) thinning tasks were the shortest in duration followed by
Ate crops from vineyard 0 (0%) outdoor mixing. All other tasks were substantially longer
Took contaminated clothing home 20 (80%) in duration lasting on average more than six hours with a
Spray drifts reaching homes 1 (4%) maximum of 14 hours.
Walked through vineyard while spraying 10 (40%) Only one participant worked for more than four hours
Walk through vineyard after spraying 16 (64%) at a distance greater than 9 meters from the vineyard.
Distance of home to nearest vineyard All applicators reported wearing at least one protective
< 10 meters 19 (76%)
gear item while a small percentage of those that performed
10–20 meters 4 (16%)
> 20 meters 2 (8%) thinning wore protective gear and none of the other workers
Used of empty containers for domestic use 5 (20%) wore any.
Diagnosed with kidney problems 2 (8%) The median JEM score (calculated as the sum of task du-
Diagnosed with liver problems 1 (4%) ration in hours X task weighting) for applicators (n = 8) was
Diagnosed with heart problems 1 (4%) 460 JEM hours and range 50–1170, for non –applicators
Diagnosed with pesticide poisoning 1 (4%) (n = 17) the median was 40 and range 35–75 JEM hours.
Any other medical problems 3 (12%) For all participants the median was 50 JEM hours and
Menstruating women 1 (4%) range 35–1170 JEM hours.
Current or past smokers 19 (76%) All workers had detectable baseline serum endosulfan
Current drinkers 16 (64%) levels (mean = 524.2 ± 49.5 µg/L). The post-spraying en-
Do not drink but drank in the past 9 (36%)
dosulfan levels of more than half (n = 14, 6%) of the workers
Drank alcohol in the last 24 hrs 11 (44%)
increased. The mean post-spraying serum endosulfan level
274 Dalvie et al.
Table 3. Summaries of work activities and protection during the period of testing.

Protection (%)∗
Time spent on activities
Activity N (hrs) Mean (Median, Range) G O T M P Any

Mixed and measured pesticides inside 4 0.31 ± 0.13 (0.25, 0.25–0.5) 75 100 50 50 0 100
Mixed and measured pesticides outside 3 1.67 ± 0.57 (2, 0.1–2) 33 67 67 33 0 100
Drove a tractor and sprayed pesticides with a spray 4 9.0 ± 5.03 (8, 0.4–016) 25 50 50 50 50 100
Drove a tractor while others sprayed pesticides 1 7 100 100 100 100 100 100
with hand sprayers
Hand-sprayed from the back of a tractor 1 0.31 ± 0.13 (0.25, 0.25–0.5) 100 100 0 100 100 100
Did thinning, pruning or tying-up shoots or 3 0.31 ± 0.13 (0.25, 0.25–0.5) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Performed other activities in the vineyard or 7 7.14 ± 1.57 (7, 5–10) 0 28.9 0 0 0 0
orchard while spraying was being done
Maintenance work 14 6.07 ± 3.87 (7, 0.1–14)

N = none, G = gloves, O = overall, P = plastic overcoat with hood, T = top boots, M = Mask.

(544.1 ± 82.1) was higher (p > 0.05) than baseline (mean spraying endosulfan levels explaining a low percentage of
difference = 19.9 µg/L ± 0.0946). the variance (Table 4), though this might have been due to
Age was positively associated (p = 0.05) with post- a small sample size especially in the case of gender with
spraying endosulfan levels (Table 4) explaining 15% of the only three women participants. Domestic gardening, use
variance. of containers at home and medical history were not asso-
Anthropometric measurements, gender, smoking and al- ciated with increases in serum endosulfan levels. Two of
cohol drinking did not have significant effects on post- the three non-applicators (with JEM scores between 40–35

Table 4. The effect of age, sex, anthropometric measures, smoking and drinking on post-spraying endosulfan levels.

Increase in post - Number of workers Summary of linear

spraying serum whose post - regression analysis
endosulfan (µg/L) spraying endosulfan P-value, regression
Variable N Median levels increased (%) coefficient, R2

Age 0.05, 3.5, 0.15

<33 13 −2.0 ± 23.0 7 (54%)
>32 12 43.0 ± 30.0 7 (58%)
Sex 0.79, −15.0, 0.003
Female 3 33.0 ± 61.7 2 (66.7)
Male 22 18.0 ± 29.0 12 (54.6)
Weight 0.98, 3.6x10−2 , 0.0
< 13 30.0 ± 30.0 7 (53.9)
> 12 9.0 ± 30.0 7 (58.3%)
Height 0.54, −15.8, 0.02
<1.67 13 28.4 ± 30.0 8 (61.5%)
>1.66 12 10.8 ± 23.0 6 (50%)
BMI 0.89, 0.05, 0.003
< 24.5 12 9.0 ± 24.7 5 (41.7)
> 24.49 13 30.0 ± 28.0 9 (69.2)
Smoking 0.732, −20.0, 0.005
Yes 19 16.0 ± 22.0 11 (58%)
No 6 31.0 ± 16.0 3 (50%)
Drinking 0.43, 31.0, 0.03
Current 9 40.0± 33.0 5 (55.6)
Past 16 9.0 ± 23.0 9 (56.3)
BMI: Body Mass Index
Blood endosulfan levels among farm workers 275

JEM hours) who reported walking through the vineyard Table 6. Crude and adjusted associations between occupational
while spraying occurred had increased post-spraying en- exposure indices and post-spraying increase in serum endosulfan
dosulfan levels (by 40 and 70 µg/L). Three of the 9 non- levels using multiple linear regression analysis (N = 25).
applicators (all with JEM hours below 40) who reported Dependent variable: Post-spraying increase in serum
that they walked through the vineyard after spraying but endosulfan levels (µg/L)
not during spraying had endosulfan levels that increased
(between 10–150 µg/L). Dependent variables β± SD P-Value R2
All workers who did not take contaminated clothing
home (n = 5) were sprayers whose mean post spraying in- Applicator (Yes, No)
crease in serum endosulfan levels (80 .0 ± 45.0 µg/L) were Crude 63.0 ± 39.0 0.120 0.10
higher (p > 0.05) than applicators who took contaminated Adjusted for age 54.0 ± 38.0 0.162 0.22
JEM score
clothing home (40.0 ± 60.0 µg/L, n = 20).
(JEM hours)
The two workers with kidney problems were non- Crude 1.93 × 10−2 ± 6.7 × 10−2 0.776 0.004
applicators with low JEM estimates (< 50 JEM hours) of Adjusted for age 2.6 × 10−2 ± 6.3 × 10−2 0.685 0.15
whom the post-spraying endosulfan levels of one increased
by 0.1 mg/L. The worker with liver problems was an ap- JEM: Job exposure matric.
plicator with a high JEM estimate (430 JEM hours) whose
post-spraying serum endosulfan level did not increase.
The one applicator who reported that he had suffered est amongst the non-applicators, followed closely by those
pesticide poisoning during that year had both a high JEM that performed tasks other than thinning in the vineyard.
estimate (490 JEM hours) and a post-spraying increase in The post-spraying endosulfan levels of the three workers
serum endosulfan level of 80 µg/L. The woman who was that performed thinning did not increase (Table 5).
menstruating was a non-applicator with a low JEM score JEM score was positively related to post-spraying endo-
(35 JEM hours) who’s post-spraying serum endosulfan level sulfan levels although the strength of the relationship was
increased by 15 µg/L. weak (Table 6). The results did not differ substantially when
Based on the above bivariate analysis we included only JEM score was dichotomized at the median or categorized
age in multivariate analysis. Sensitivity analysis was con- based on quartiles.
ducted excluding participants with outlying serum endosul- Sensitivity analysis, alternatively including and exclud-
fan results due to factors such as kidney or liver disease, the ing workers with outlying endosulfan levels gave the same
participant reporting pesticide poisoning, the three non- findings. Logistic regression analysis using dichotomized
applicators who reported walking through the vineyard increase in post-spraying serum endosulfan levels (in-
during spraying and whose post-spraying endosulfan levels creased vs. did not increase) as the dependent variable and
increased, and the six workers with low JEM scores whose the same independent variables above, produced similar
post-spraying endosulfan levels increased. The menstruat- results.
ing woman was also excluded.
Increases in post-spraying endosulfan levels were more
common (p > 0.05) amongst applicators (75%) than in Discussion
non-applicators (47%) (Table 5) and the increases were
also higher (p > 0.05) both when adjusting and not ad- The baseline serum endosulfan levels amongst all the par-
justing for age. The post-spraying endosulfan levels of the ticipants in the study was high (mean = 524.2 ± 49.5 µg/L)
workers that performed maintenance work were the high- in comparison to those found in other settings.[16−19] This
is indicative that rural residents in these farming areas are
exposed to endosulfan present in the environment as this
Table 5. Increases in post-spraying blood endosulfan levels was the first time that endosulfan was sprayed in the year on
amongst the different occupational exposure groups in the study. the farm studied. Previous studies in rural Western Cape
have detected endosulfan in water and soil.[8−9] Another
Number of workers
whose post-
interesting finding was that there was an increase in post-
Median endosulfan spraying endosulfan spraying serum endosulfan levels amongst both applicators
Task (Range)(µg/L) levels increased (75%) and non-applicators (>50%).
An important consideration in determining the relation-
Applicator 8 80.0 (−60.0–21.0) 6 (75%) ship between occupational exposure and blood endosul-
Thinning 3 −80.0 (−130 – −70.0) 0 (0%) fan levels is to evaluate to what extent individual varia-
Other work in 7 10.0 (−120.0–15.0) 4 (57%) tion in absorption of endosulfan amongst workers would
vineyard affect the comparability in their serum endosulfan levels
Maintenance 7 30.0 (−11.0–150.0) 4 (57%)
after spraying. The fact that age was the only significant
confounder in predicting post-spraying increases in serum
276 Dalvie et al.

endosulfan levels out of a wide range of variables (BMI, It should be noted that the JEM applied for the 24 hour
height, weight, sex, smoking, alcohol consumption, med- testing period in this study differed in some respects to
ical problems, pesticide poisoning and environmental pes- the one used in epidemiological studies measuring long-
ticide exposures) was an advantage in this study for com- term exposure to pesticides. Firstly, task duration in this
paring post-spraying increases in serum endosulfan levels study was measured more precisely in hours rather than in
amongst workers. In view of the above, it is feasible to com- days. Secondly, amongst in-field non-applicators, this study
pare post-spraying increases in serum endosulfan levels to measured endosulfan absorption resulting from spray-drift
indices of occupational exposure. It should, however, be and did not measure exposure during re-entry into the field.
noted that both serum endosulfan levels and occupational An important finding in this study which has implica-
indices do not reflect the metabolism and distribution of tions for the application of the JEM in future epidemiolog-
endosulfan.[7] ical studies was that walking through the vineyard during
The positive association of application status (applica- and after spraying impacted on serum endosulfan levels.
tor versus non-applicator) with increases in post-spraying This exposure needs proper characterization. The results
serum endosulfan levels (explaining 10% of the variance) also showed that age should be considered as a potential
demonstrated that this occupational exposure variable re- confounder for future studies when applying the JEM in
flected a difference in endosulfan absorption. The statis- future epidemiological studies.
tical non-significance of the relationship could have been Another important assumption to consider with regard
due to a low sample size. A limitation of the study was to the application of the JEM in determining occupational
the fact that application status could not be further cate- exposure is that one set of task weightings is used for all
gorized as applicators were predominantly tractor sprayers pesticides although the absorption co-efficients for differ-
who also did mixing. The increase in post-spraying serum ent pesticides might differ considerably. The JEM exposure
endosulfan levels amongst many non-applicators was prob- calculations therefore assume that the variation in pesti-
ably due to the fact that they were all in-field workers, but cide absorption across job tasks to be fairly constant for all
demonstrates that pesticide spray mist does impact the en- pesticides.
dosulfan levels of workers near the spraying area. The rea- The low predictability of anthropometric measurements,
son why the increase in post-spraying endosulfan levels of sex, smoking and alcohol drinking of post-spraying in-
the workers performing maintenance work was the highest creases in endosulfan (Table 5) was due to a low sample
amongst the non-applicators could be due to direct contact size especially in the case of sex with only three women
with contaminated surfaces and low usage of protective participants.
gear amongst these workers. Amongst the non-applicators, There were a few anecdotal findings which may warrant
it was surprising that there was no increase in the post- further attention. The increase in the post-spraying endo-
spraying serum endosulfan levels of the three workers who sulfan by 0.15 mg/L in the woman non-applicator with a
only performed thinning but this could be due to the higher low JEM score (70 JEM hours) who was menstruating was
usage of protective gear of these workers compared to the an interesting finding. Additionally the possible impact of
other non-applicators and the fact that re-entry exposure history of kidney and/or liver problems on post-spraying
was not measured in the study. Another limitation in the serum endosulfan needs further investigation. The impact
study was that workers performing tasks out of the field of personal protective equipment on post-spraying serum
was not evaluated. endosulfan levels could not be determined in this study as
JEM score (product of JEM task weighting and task the usage was similar amongst applicators.
duration) had a positive but weak association with post-
spraying increases in serum endosulfan levels explaining a
low percentage of the variance.[6] This could have been due Conclusions
to a too-low sample size for this relationship and also the
lack of exposure contrast amongst the workers. The sen- The baseline serum endosulfan levels of all the participating
sitivity of the analytical methods in measuring endosulfan farm workers were high. This indicates that farm workers
was unlikely a problem as serum endosulfan levels in this as well as farm residents in this intensive farming area and
study were high compared to a previous study and were also other intensive farming areas in the Western Cape
measured in parts per billion.[18] are exposed to endosulfan present in the environment. The
The lack of an increase in post-spray endosulfan levels study also demonstrated that endosulfan spraying not only
of those workers who performed only thinning (Table 5) increase serum levels of applicators, but also those of non-
was probably due to the fact that re-entry exposure was not applicators probably due to exposure to spray drift. There
applicable in this study. were no out-of –field farm residents included in the study,
It is interesting that nobody reported domestic use of but it is possible that spray drift could also impact the serum
pesticides during the period of testing but this would un- levels of these residents. A study investigating the health
likely have influenced the results as endosulfan is not an effects of endosulfan on farm residents in the Western Cape
active ingredient contained in household pesticides. is therefore warranted.
Blood endosulfan levels among farm workers 277

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