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A closer look at the changing world of teenagers and their lives.



style movies
a young teenager got me thinking. What is it that actually makes a teenager? Today when much focus is on
youth and youth culture – be it the media, the society or even the Church, there is an essential need to study
and understand teens. Teens are the new youth and any effort to reach out to the younger generation calls for

a closer walk with them – making sense of their confusions, desires, fears and attitudes to life. A recent finding

teens music that the majority of people who accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour did so while they were in

their teens highlights our need to be on the same page as our teenagers when it comes to sharing the story of
real scooporkutlife
communities urban instantheroadsipod
instant game

possible CONTD. ON PAGE 3

hopecontradictexpressphilosophyinvent value
Heart Talk
The spirit of Jubilee is in the air and I have experienced this in every place I have
visited during this grace-filled year. You may be connected to the movement through
a ministry responsibility. Maybe you are a priest/religious who got your vocation
journeying through the movement. Perhaps you are not fully active now because of
various other commitments. Irrespective of who or what you are, or where you come
from, the Lord is touching all of us in the Jesus Youth in a special way this year. I see
this Jubilee spirit particularly in the two powerful gifts God has bestowed in the life
of our movement – the Core People (who built it) and the Support System (created by
the Holy Spirit which has surprised and challenged the members at every stage).
The Core People: As I journeyed for Jubilee visits along the scenic roads of Kerala,
‘God’s own country’ where Jesus Youth, which we can surely call as ‘God’s own’, was
born, I found something even more powerful than nature – the hard work of those
who built this movement in its early stages. I had the privilege of visiting senior
leaders who have been with the movement from the early 1980s. I was amazed
at what some of them shared with me. One of the leaders spoke of how in those
days, they used to sometimes walk 20 kilometres to get to a prayer meeting. What
touched me even more was the fact that despite this long walk, they used to first
kneel down in prayer for hours before beginning any activity. I learnt how many of
our inspirational ministries were formed and how they sent out many missionaries
to distant lands. As I met all of them, one thing shone through – THEIR LOVE FOR
THE MOVEMENT AND THE CHURCH. I think this passion etched in the heart of every
Jesus Youth has contributed mainly to flaming our JUBILEE SPIRIT.
Looking back, we can see how by the power of the Holy Spirit, this movement
quickly became a life-changing process for people, helping them make a greater
In the evangelical commitment to Christ and the Church. Our functioning style encouraged even the
account, st. Mark simplest people to delve into the deep and living teachings of the Church and
stresses how “jesus ordinary young people to find radical answers to the challenges of the world. In
looking upon him loved many parishes and campuses, the openness of Jesus Youth to the Church inspired
him” (cf. Mark 10:21). many others to adopt a similar lifestyle. Our ministries in various life situations
In the lord’s look is like the students, nurses, doctors, etc., connected the world to the Church and
also brought the Church closer to the people. The energy and momentum of the
the heart of the very
movement was thus gained perhaps not through great theoretical speeches but by
special encounter and the active narration of God’s blessings in our lives. Truly it is amazing to see how
of all the christian the movement has helped lay people to understand their own value and role in the
experience. In fact, Church. They have evolved from being mere Sunday Catholics to serious thinkers
christianity is not with a strong missionary dimension. This is evidenced by the fact that many senior
primarily a morality, leaders, following their work in youth ministry, are now active in various councils
but experience of jesus and commissions of the parish and diocese.
christ, who loves us The Support System: Another blessing which became evident as these senior Jesus
personally, young and Youth shared their experiences was the unique and timely help of an able Support
old, poor and rich; he System comprising of bishops, clergy, friends, institutions, well-wishers and their
loves us even when we own family members. The spontaneous and proactive way this System has worked
turn our back to him. … can be seen as nothing but the work of the Spirit. Whether it was a parish priest
In this love is found the who opened his Church hall for us or parents who opened up homes or bishops
who blessed us with their paternal care, it was all God’s hands shaping us into
source of the whole of
what we are today. Though sometimes there have been situations where we lacked
christian life and the wholehearted support, on looking back we find that this too has contributed to our
fundamental reason of personal formation and the laying of a strong foundation for our ministry work.
evangelisation: if we Recently I met the elderly parents of an active Jesus Youth and the father shared
have truly encountered how one of the rooms in their house was named the ‘JY Room’ because it was
jesus, we cannot do always full of young people, meeting and praying together!
other than witness him As we move ahead in this Jubilee year let us visit one another and our Support
to those who have not System, thanking all and praying together. I praise God for giving us this movement
yet crossed his look! which is ‘moving us deeper into the Church’ and at the same time is like the
‘Church on the move’ in our mission places. Making the Jubilee visits was a
veritable retreat for me as I was greeted everywhere with a joyful “Happy Jubilee!”
And I greet you likewise - “HAPPY JUBILEE!”

message of his holiness George Devassy

Pope Benedict xvi for the Jesus Youth International Co-ordinator
25th World Youth Day, 2010
Cover STORY Contd. from page 1

The Teen World

their parents), their search is influenced
primarily by their friends’ perceptions.
Seventeen-year-old Asha from Dimapur
in India tells me, “I try and create my own
style. Sometimes I copy what my friends do”.
Teens often experiment and resort to extreme
measures to find their individual identities
and finally take on one they find most
comfortable - often one that highlights their
strengths and plays down their weaknesses.
This often hides their true abilities and talents.
Despite this, fearing rejection from their peers,
they wear this assumed identity which often
becomes their own by the time they are done
with their teenage years. This also shapes
their belief system, attitudes and general
social consciousness. Gradually they begin to
breathe and live this assumed identity and try
to fit it into their perception of their place in
this world.
Jesus with them. Besides, as Pope Paul VI exhorted
in Evangelii Nuntiandi, 63, “Evangelisation loses
much of its force and effectiveness if it does not Myriad Expressions
take into consideration the actual people to whom Teenagers today have umpteen options when
it is addressed, if it does not use their language, it comes to expressing their identity. Television
their signs and symbols, if it does not answer the is still the number one influencer of teenage
questions they ask, and if it does not have an impact behaviour and with reality shows, every talent
on their concrete life”. you have can make you famous, be it dancing,
singing, acting, daredevilry, cooking or even
To write about one-fifth of the world’s population making a fool of yourself. Besides, with
itself is no easy task. And when the number we all you need is a webcam and
are talking about exceeds over 1.2 billion, it is not you suddenly have a viewership of thousands.
surprising that parents, educators, policy makers, Even rural teenagers are so engaged by this
marketers, fundamentalists, social activists and online exposure and influenced by the TV that
social networks are all focussing today on this one they take these varied expressions into their
demography. The life of the teenager is increasingly classrooms, streets and homes. The online
becoming a battleground for attention and world with its numerous social networks,
investment. blogs and tweets has suddenly given every
teenager a place where they can be heard,
So who exactly are these dynamic, strong, moody, seen, visualised and their rants expressed. All
dangerous, reckless, confused, focussed, listening you have to do today to get a glimpse of these
impaired, activity inspired, hyperactive teenagers expressions is to look around and chances are
Be it mobile phones anyway? And how does the world see them? you’ll find teenagers expressing themselves
that check email, fast
Teens today are doing things that were unheard
food for meals, instant of in the past. They are at the forefront of sports, Instant Gratification
friending or unfriending movies, science, religion and activism. Is this a What hasn’t changed over the past decade
phase that will also pass away? Will they grow out of
online, reacting to is the thrust on instant gratification. Teens
it? The answer lies in understanding them or more today want stuff here and now. Gone are
a political turn of importantly, how they understand the world. the days of waiting for results, they are not
events, changing their afraid to experiment or work on making their
wardrobe or aspiring Identity Search world instant. Be it mobile phones that check
to do all of the above As much as they refuse to admit it, today’s younger email, fast food for meals, instant friending
generation is on a search for their true identity. They or unfriending online, reacting to a political
at the same time, teens are unsure about what is expected from them and turn of events, changing their wardrobe or
today are engulfed in so tend to try out every means to find their identity. aspiring to do all of the above at the same
a culture of instant Many teenagers look for favourable role models to time, teens today are engulfed in a culture
ape – in mannerisms, style and even ambition. of instant availability of anything and
availability of anything Obviously, as they spend more than 6-7 hours daily everything. Even among rural teenagers the
and everything. with their friends (far beyond what they do with scene is no different. With stories of urban


are open to being loved and to love. Antony, a
teenager from Dubai shares, “It may be easy to
look around our world today and see a whole
lot of chaos, difficulty and strife. Yet, when
we come with an open heart, we can also see
our opportunity to love all things into balance,
joy, harmony and peace. This planet does not
need more visions of desperation, fear, doubt
and hate - it requires an abundance of love,
especially unconditional love, to heal and
restore the beauty contained in every moment.
This becomes the easier path once we take the
first step and begin to share our love”.

The Password is ‘Understanding’

reducing global warming and going green A proper understanding of today’s teens
or starting a band or mixing martial arts and will itself help us to better interact and be
dance to create new forms of expression comfortable with them. We all need to
or designing or being active in politics, the understand that this is a phase, a difficult one
list is endless. What is more interesting is perhaps, but just a phase that will pass away.
that today’s teenagers have many varied However care should be taken to deal properly
interests that they try to keep up with, plus with teenagers in this interesting stage of their
the added ones that their parents want lives. Often the questions are: 1) How can we
them to be interested in. So much so, that get teens involved and interested in their own
we now have a generation that has multiple lives? 2) How do they realise that God can be an
skills. Another interesting trend is one of integral part of it?
‘slactivism’ – slackness + activism. Teenagers
What they really need is maybe at the forefront of many activist
ideals, but they soon lose interest and start
someone to listen. They to slacken, hence beginning a new trend of
One of the crucial elements in dealing with
teenagers is to stay away from the danger of giving
may not be overt about it ‘slactivism’ that is becoming very common
them advice. They are getting plenty of advice.
but once you prod them among them today. The big question is,
What they really need is someone to listen. They
“How do we engage our teens with enough
you will be surprised by interest such that they do not slacken?”
may not be overt about it but once you prod them
you will be surprised by what you learn. There’s so
what you learn. There’s much you learn about teenagers by just listening
so much you learn Openly Expressive to all that they have to say.
about teenagers by just Teenagers today are very adaptable because
of their grooming in varied interests
listening to all THAT and this is also helping them to express
they have to say. Teens need to be engaged. Ministry plays a
themselves emotionally. They are not scared
vital role in forming this aspect. We read earlier
of expressing the way they feel, even if it is
about them having varied interests. We need
to a few peers or to an online community.
to meet them at the area of their interest and
Teenagers are often driven by what they
happenings spreading via cable channels get them engaged in it. Constant follow-up and
feel more than what they think, which
and mobiles becoming an integral part increasing challenges can all help in getting
explains the constant impulsiveness and
of every teenager’s household, teens are them to stick on. Music, theatre, co-ordinating,
hyperactivity. Positively it means that they
among the new casualties of an increasingly organising, etc., can help them realise their
materialistic world. Today marketers are abilities and also keep them engaged and
using teenagers to spread this culture among coming back for more.
their parents with increased ‘pester power
marketing’ (kids using pestering as a means Appreciate
of getting parents to buy them stuff, a good A pat on the back and a kind word goes a
example being the McDonald’s Happy Meal) long way in leading teens. Teens need to be
offering free gifts such as stickers, tattoos, appreciated for the effort they put in as they are
collectibles, ringtones and music downloads. constantly looking for validation of what they
Parents today find it hard to resist the instant do. This gives them the motivation and love that
gratification itch passed on to them by their they long for so much.
teenage children.
Walk the Talk to Inspire
Varied Interests Teens are looking for role models who walk the
Teens have intense interests, some of which talk. They are looking for authority figures who
were unheard of in previous generations. can show them how they can be a true version
Whether mashing up videos online or of themselves. Smart as they are, they can see
volunteering to save whales or spreading through farces and make-believe and their
awareness about eco-friendly cars or search makes them seek out leaders who inspire
Teenagers are looking
for someone to
trust them and give
them the freedom to
express themselves.
In empowering our
teenagers we give them
an assurance of our love
and faith in what they
do thus enabling them to
meets over the last decade, reaching out to more
give more to the world and more teens like them. Such bold initiatives
and to their peers. are what can be expected as we truly partner
with teenagers to spread the Gospel joyfully and
actively. The Jesus Youth Teens Ministry is growing
around the world supported by leaders who are
actively listening to, engaging and empowering
by their lives. True Christian leaders beckon teens around them. Find out more about JY Teens
teens to confide and share their lives with at
them. Hearing Joel speak, “Keep doing what
you guys do best, one of which I definitely Life Teen
noticed was encouraging people to seek Life Teen is a Eucharist-based international
God”, underlines our need to walk the talk in Catholic ministry that transforms teens, parishes
today’s world! the Catholic Church. Let’s take a look at and the culture around them. Based in U.S.A, they
some of them, including our own Teens support the parish youth ministry with events,
Ministry. conferences and summer camps. They have an
Empower active web based ministry and can be found
Finally, empower them! Teenagers are online at
looking for someone to trust them and give JY Teens
them the freedom to express themselves. The Jesus Youth Teens Ministry is striving
hard to reach out and more importantly Net Ministries
In empowering our teenagers we give them
involve teens in active ministry. One of Net Ministries is an active outreach ministry that
an assurance of our love and faith in what
the unique characteristics of this ministry has a very strong presence in Australia, Canada
they do thus enabling them to give more to
is that it uses young teenagers to minister and the U.S.A. Every year they train hundreds
the world and to their peers. This results in
to teens around them. Guided by their of young people who take a nine-month
a rich experience that will help them make
elder brothers and sisters in the ministry commitment to get on the road and travel to
a surefire decision for life. As Richinda from
and rooted in the six pillars, these young hundreds of parishes and dioceses, ministering to
Sri Lanka shares, “Richinda airlines flyin’ so
missionaries go forth and do incredible thousands of young teenagers in schools.
nicely wit da precious pilot JESUS!”
things for the Lord. They have been Get to know more about them at
behind amazing projects such as ‘Chalo
Teen Ministers! Nagaland’ and ‘Chalo Kashmir’, which took
Ministering to teens is a special calling
and demands specific ministries to guide
young teens from all over India to minister Tomorrow’s Hope
to the teens in those places. JY teens One of the surprises of the Holy Spirit in our
and motivate teenagers. Today, there are around the world have been organising times is the way in which young Catholics are
numerous teen ministries worldwide serving teen retreats, conferences and teen ushering in a new springtime of faith and vitality
for the Church. Boundless missionary frontiers
are opening up with more and more youngsters
vibrantly living the faith and spreading the Good
News in cyberspace. Living in a time of rigorous
spiritual renewal with teens leading the way, we
can be certain that the future of the Church is

The current Jesus Youth
South East Asia Co-ordinator,
he is a vibrant speaker and
trainer for JY formation
programmes and trainings.
A former full time volunteer,
he is presently working as a
Life Skills Coach in Bangalore and is also pursuing
his doctoral studies in leadership.


Inaugural Holy Mass: Bishop Jean Laffitte with Bishop Antony Fisher and concelebrants.

Intercession being one of the focusSes of the Jesus Youth Jubilee year, Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament and Prayer around the Jubilee Cross is being held at
local levels in different countries around the world. In Europe, Jesus Youth
with the support of the Youth Section, Pontifical Council for THE Laity, began
a round-the-clock intercession campaign and Eucharistic Adoration on Ash

Wednesday at THE Centro San Lorenzo.

ADORATION Centro San Lorenzo, ROME

Rome, called the Eternal City for drawing hearts to God, working miracles,
the role it has always played in the bringing countless blessings in its wake.
history of Europe, is now making
ripples, marking a significant It all began during the JY Europe National
milestone for the Jesus Youth Teams’ Gathering in Assisi last November,
movement. For in this our Jubilee when the leaders were inspired to make the
year, from a little Chapel in Centro Lenten season of the Jubilee year a unique
San Lorenzo, streams of healing and and grace-filled one. It was decided that
grace are flowing from the heart the Jesus Youth family would pray during
of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the whole of Lent before the Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament, lifting the needs of started at 6 pm on Ash Wednesday, 17th February. Rome, called the
the Mother Church and the movement. The inaugural Holy Mass was celebrated by Bishop Eternal City for the
A small team was formed to organise Jean Laffitte, Secretary to the Pontifical Council role it has always
the prayer campaign and the volunteers. for Families and Bishop Antony Fisher, Diocese played in the history
Reji Kottukappally and Anna Born were of Paramatta, Australia, together with ten other of Europe, is now
entrusted with the responsibilty of co- priests from various countries. More than 75 people making ripples,
ordinating this project. Four key areas were attended the Mass, which was celebrated in English, marking a significant
also selected as the focal points of this with readings and singing in other languages. milestone for the
year’s intercession:
Jesus Youth Movement.
Jesus Youth volunteers from different countries in
For in this our Jubilee
• Priests/ Seminarians and the vocation to Europe have been taking turns to cover the shifts for
Priesthood this unique prayer venture. Other prayer groups, lay
year, from a little
associations and movements are also invited. Now
Chapel in Centro San
• The re-evangelisation of Europe
there are many pilgrim groups visiting the Chapel Lorenzo, streams of
• Intentions of the Holy Father Pope and the World Youth Day Cross in addition to the healing and grace
Benedict XVI JY volunteers, to help take turns round-the-clock. are flowing from the
The local support is also growing greater with some heart of Jesus in the
• The sanctification of the Jesus Youth
elderly Italians always ready to fill in the gaps. The Blessed Sacrament,
presence of more religious and priests visiting the drawing hearts
Chapel to venerate the Lord is an added blessing. to God, working
Very soon, Jesus Youth was granted miracles, bringing
permission by the Youth Section of the countless blessings in
Indeed, the Lord has been blessing this initiative
Pontifical Council for the Laity in Vatican its wake.
abundantly and many have been drawn to the seat
to use their Chapel in Centro San Lorenzo
of mercy and divine love, experiencing conversion
(International Youth Centre) for the prayer
leading to confession after many years, getting
campaign. It is in this Chapel that the
healing from sicknesses, finding consolation in times
World Youth Day Cross is kept when not
of sorrow and having prayers answered miraculously!
touring the globe. As the World Youth Day
This has also been a great opportunity for Jesus “Organising the
Cross holds a special place in our hearts,
Youth to work and pray with other international Eucharistic adoration
obtaining this Chapel was like a dream
movements, volunteers and leaders, thereby taking was a huge challenge.
come true. The much awaited intercession
the movement to the next phase of its growth. But right from the
campaign and Lenten Eucharistic Adoration
beginning, we could
see the Spirit of the
Lord doing things we
thought impossible!
The whole experience
has reaffirmed for
me that our call is
missionary and our
task, nothing but
building the Church in
all possible ways.”
Jose Mathew,
JY Europe
JY Team with His Eminence Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, Archbishop Abraham Viruthakulangara, Ecclesiastical
President, Pontifical Council for the Laity Advisor, Jesus Youth India at Centro San Lorenzo

“I see people - “To be able to go “My experience “The Rome “This time is a big
individuals and every morning here has been one intercession blessing for me. Not
groups, VIP’s and during Lent to of deep joy. Thank was a great only can I deepen my
ordinary people - enjoy the presence you for your warm experience mainly relationship with
come to spend some of the Holy and welcoming because there the Lord, I can also
time before the Sacrament, to grow embrace. I think, was nothing see His mighty hands
Lord amidst their deeper in faith on earth no to bother me. I working miracles
busy schedule. And and to spend more deeper friendship didn’t have to and wonders in
when I see them time in prayer is a exists than that keep checking my everyone who
make every effort grace that God is which the Lord watch to see if it comes. I am so
to come again giving me. I thank Himself knits was time to go… grateful to Him
and again, I can all the organisers together amongst all I had to do for choosing me to
undoubtedly say, ‘HIS for permitting this those who adore was sit in front serve Him through
PRESENCE CHANGES close encounter Him in the Blessed of the Living GOD this wonderful
THE WORLD’.” with Jesus Christ.” Sacrament.” and just Adore initiative.”
Reji Kottukappally, María Paula, Ludwig, HIM.” Anna Born,
UK Argentina Switzerland Cijo, UK Germany


Adding momentum to
the numerous Jubilee
preparations around the
world are the ongoing
‘100 Days of Grace’. The

Days of Grace
entire phase, spanning
50 days before and
after Easter, has three
distinct thrusts - purifying
oneself, praying for the
movement and drawing
closer to the Church. This and use them for
is the first time that Jesus personal/community
Youth is participating in growth. ‘100 Days of Grace’
such intense spiritual will culminate with Jesus
preparation after 2007, Youth, as individuals
when this Lenten exercise and as a movement,
was officially started. recommitting to the work
of the Holy Spirit on
To help the members Pentecost Day.
in this journey, weekly
reflections written by This being the Jubilee
various Jesus Youth year, the blessed days
leaders are posted on are a special time to In the context of the Jubilee, there was felt a strong need to bring together individuals
the website (http://www. receive the Jubilee who have played a role in the growth of the movement over the last 25 years - a sort graces. Additionally of reunion of the last generation. Thus arose the decision to celebrate JY Reunion Day
All are encouraged to the Recommitment Day when anyone who has been associated with the movement, in a small or big way, could
translate these writings will be celebrated as JY connect back to the movement, reconcile differences if any and make the Jubilee a
into their local languages Reunion Day worldwide. time to look forward with new hope and anticipation.

Mission in Asia Asian Movements Meet in Thailand

Inaugural Holy Mass

The meeting was inaugurated by Most Rev. Archbishop

Leaders of twenty-five Asian movements with Archbishop Menamparampil, Chairman FABC-OE
Salvatore Pennacchio, Apostolic Nuncio in Bangkok.
Archbishop Menamparampil, Chairman of FABC-OE, was
A meeting of ecclesial movements was organised by the Federation present throughout the programme. The resource persons
of Asian Bishops’ Conference - Office of Evangelisation (FABC-OE) at included Fr. James Kroeger from the Philippines,
Pattaya, Bangkok from 24th to 26th January 2010. The task of organising Fr. Jacob Theckanath, Secretary of FABC-OE and Dr. Edward
and bringing together all ecclesial movements in Asia for this meeting Edezhath, Animator of Jesus Youth.
was entrusted by the Office of Evangelisation to Manoj Sunny of Jesus
Youth. Nearly 60 delegates representing 25 movements from 17 countries At the end of the three-day meeting, the concept of a
participated in the event. These included significant movements like fraternity of movements was evolved and a Fraternity of
ICCRS, Focolare, Communion & Liberation, ICPE, Fondacio, CFC, Catholic Catholic Movements in Asia was formed. A council of five
Fraternity, the Neocatechumenal Way, World Marriage Encounter, etc. The persons with Manoj Sunny as the Convener was elected to
Jesus Youth movement was represented by George Devassy (International facilitate communication and mutual collaboration among
Co-ordinator) and Shijo P. Joseph (Co-ordinator, JY Thailand). JY the Catholic movements in Asia.
volunteers were also present to help during the event.


28th Dec. 2010, 4pm to Testimonies
1st Jan. 2011, 9pm on the Web
A web platform to collect and publish testimonies.
A gathering of Jesus Youth Tell your faith story to the world. And read about
from across the world. A other life-transforming encounters with the Lord
time of thanksgiving and from JYs around the world. All this on
celebration together as one starting June 2010.

family. Come and be a part of
this momentous occasion!
1000 one-month
Registrations Mission Commitments
In the Jubilee year, Jesus Youth around the world
open in June 2010. are encouraged to take up one-month mission
To register and get more information commitments - as families or as individuals. The
regarding the Conference, log on to goal is to collect at least 1000 such commitments. These mission trips can be undertaken any time
over the next 10 years starting in 2011. You can sign
up on from June 2010.

The Pastoral Orientation Centre in and Youth Culture’ by Dr. Edward the creative scope of media
Kochi was the venue for the four- Edezhath was followed by a for evangelisation among
day National Assembly and General presentation on ‘New Media and youth. The Assembly on the
Body Meeting of Signis India – the Christian Mission’ by Shelton whole highlighted the role
World Catholic Association for Pinheiro. With live streaming, of Christian communicators
Communication in India, held short videos, Vox Pop sessions, in the media to build a value
from 5th to 8th February 2010. The podcast, etc., the JY Media Team based society and the greater
Inaugural Mass was celebrated helped to present an overview responsibility they have in
by His Excellency Joseph Kariyil, of emerging media trends and building the young generation.
Bishop of Kochi and the Inaugural
Ceremony was presided by His
Grace Andrews Thazhath, Secretary
General - Kerala Catholic Bishops’
Conference and the Archbishop
of Trichur. The seminar included

Signis India several paper presentations and

sessions by numerous distinguished
speakers on the different aspects of
5th to 8th February 2010
the impact of media on youth. The
day concluded with ‘Soul Café’ - a
musical evening by the Rexband.

The second day of the Assembly

was animated by the Jesus Youth.
JY Media Team at Signis India
A session on ‘Contemporary Media


Journey of the

In Germany, the Jubilee Cross is travelling
from the south of the country (Konstanz)
to the north (Berlin). Journeying with the
Cross is a statue of Mother Mary adorned
with Jubilee roses. This special addition
ensures that a rosary is recited daily before
the Cross.

The Jubilee Cross journey was launched in CANADA
Ireland with a special ceremony at The Journey of the Jubilee Cross began
Our Lady of Visitation Parish, Fairview. on 13th March 2010. The Cross is to be
It was attended by about 50 Jesus Youth hosted by every JY home in Canada
from Dublin. After handing over the Cross and a common prayer booklet with
to Joan Barrett from Clontarf, Dublin, guidelines has been prepared to help
Fr. Fergus O’Connor (Parish priest of Our the host families. Families hosting the
Lady Queen of Peace, Merrion Road) Jubliee Cross are encouraged to invite
concelebrated Holy Eucharist with Fr. Sony neighbours and friends to partake in
Sebastian Palathra CMI (Pastor, JY Ireland). the graces of this ‘pilgrimage’ of the
The Cross which started its journey in Jubliee Cross. They are also encouraged
Dublin will now travel to other cities in to do acts of charity/mercy like donating
Ireland. clothes or sponsoring at least one child via the ‘Outreach - Child Support’ project.
As part of the Jubilee celebrations As part of the Jubilee celebrations,
and prayerful preparations, the the Jubilee Cross is being carried
Jubilee Cross which was blessed daily to different JY homes where
by JY Qatar Pastor - Fr. Simon it is placed for one whole day.
Cheruvathoor, is journeying across Special prayers are conducted and
JY homes in Qatar. Special prayers then the Cross is moved to a new
are conducted around the Cross at host family the following day. The
various places and in the Church Cross is visiting even the camps
as well. and hostels in all the four parishes
of Kuwait.

The Jubilee Cross Prayan started off in
January from Bangalore, Karnataka, following
which it travelled nearly 5000 kilometres
through 21 areas in the State. The Cross has
made its presence felt everywhere and many
JY families, youth and even people who have
never heard about the Jesus Youth, were very
happy to receive the Cross in their families
and parishes. The Cross is scheduled to
move through the different regions of India
each month. In February the Cross travelled
through the state of Tamil Nadu and in
SINGAPORE March through the state of Andhra Pradesh.
In Singapore, the Jubilee Cross is In the Kerala region, another Jubilee Cross is
journeying through all the prayer moving through the zones. The Cross Prayan
groups, common gatherings and started in January from Neyyatinkara.
homes of Jesus Youth. When at prayer
meetings, members gather around the
Cross, recite the JY Prayer and share
about the many blessings they have
received through the movement.

The Cross has already journeyed to
Liverpool, Manchester, Bolton and
Warrington and was everywhere
welcomed with an inaugural Holy Mass
and a briefing on the importance of the
Jubilee year. People gathered around
the Cross, reflecting on the passion and
mercy of Christ in this Lenten season,
have lifted prayers for the movement
and thanked God for the blessings USA UAE
showered over the years. The Cross will The journey of the Jubilee Cross in Following the Jubilee launch
continue its journey in UK, carrying with the US will take the shape of a cross celebrations at Jebel Ali on 22nd
it a lot of blessings. spanning the entire country! The Jan. 2010, the Jubilee Cross was
wooden Cross, constructed in the West handed over to Abu Dhabi where
region, was transported to the East it passed through the homes of
coast of the country in time for the JY families and prayer groups.
National and Regional Co-ordinators’ Intercession and prayer around
Gathering at New Jersey. The Cross was the Cross was organised at each
blessed by the JY National Pastor and stop. Through the year the Cross
its journey was officially inaugurated will travel to the different Emirates,
by the handing over of the Cross to the where the local Jesus Youth will
Youth and Family Co-ordinators of the receive it with great enthusiasm.
North East region. From here, it has
moved down to the South East region.

APRIL 2010 PAGE 11

training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the Holy Spirit.The training was ve
organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even physically through my days here in Bangkok. This is one of the most beaut
ings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the movement. It gave me self-confidence and a new missionary zeal. I can surely say that I’
wn 100 times through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activities were great. Everything about the training was do
spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the Holy Spirit.The training was very well organized and
ematic. I have beenThis
enriched - spiritually,
is one of the most mentally JESUS
and even physically through my days
Bangkok. This is one of the most beautiful trainings I’ve

nded. The training was very well organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even physically through my days here in Bangkok.
trainings I’ve ever attended. I
is one of the most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the movement. It gave me self-confidence and a new
learnt a lot about God, myself and
sionary zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 100 times through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activities wer
the training
t. Everything about the movement. It gave
was done in a me self-
spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the Holy

it.The training was very and a and
well organized newsystematic.
missionaryI zeal.
have been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even physically through my days here in Bangkok. Th
I can trainings
ne of the most beautiful surely say
I’ve that I’ve grown
ever attended. 100 a lot about God, myself and the movement. It gave me self-confidence and a new missionary
I learnt
I can surely say that I’ve
times grown 100
through times
this through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activities were great.
ything about the training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the Holy Spirit.Th
Vineeth Andrew, India
ing was very well organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even physically through my days here in Bangkok. This is one o
Participant, JYIFT ’09 Garden of Gospel Peace, Thailand
most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the movement. It gave
4 July 2010 TO me self-confidence
16 July 2010 and a new missionary zeal. I ca
ly say that I’ve grown 100 times through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activities were great. Everything abou
training was doneJESUS YOUTH
of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the Holy Spirit.The training was ve

organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even physically
entire my days here
training was intruly
Bangkok. This is one of the most beaut
a mind-
ings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the movement. It gave me self-confidence and a new
blowing experience. missionary
Sessions like zeal.
‘WalkI can surely say that I’
wn 100 times through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activities were great. Everything about the training was do
the Talk’ were not just limited to

spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the Holy Spirit.The training was very well organized and
words as the resource team proved
ematic. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the movement. It gave me self-confidence and a new missionary zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 100 tim
it through
ugh this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activities their
were great. actions.
Everything Thethe
about training
training was done in a spirit of

er, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the had training
Holy Spirit.The some great facilities
was very and
well organized and systematic. I
been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even physically through my days here in Bangkok. conducive for
is one of enriching
the my spiritual
most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I
nt a lot about God, myself and the movement. It gave me self-confidence and a new missionary
life. zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 100 times through th
ing. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activities were great. Everything about the training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, jo
Suja Sunny, Oman
e and order. There is absolutely
Garden no doubt
of Gospel that all
Peace, this comes from the Holy Spirit.The training was very well organized and systematic. I have been enrich
Thailand Participant, JYILT ’09
piritually, mentally and even
3 July physically
2010 through
TO 31 July 2010my days here in Bangkok. This is one of the most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot abou
myself and the movement. It gave me self-confidence and a new missionary zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 100 times through this training. The
ing was very good overall. All the resource people and activities were great. Everything about the training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and
r. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the Holy Spirit.I have been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even physically through my days
in Bangkok. This is one of the most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the movement. It gave me self-confidence
w missionary zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 100 times through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activit
e great. Everything about training INTERNATIONAL To beThere
was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. held is
for the firstnotime
absolutely atthat
doubt an all this comes from the H

it.The training was very well organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, mentally andlevel,
even this programme
physically throughismy days here in Bangkok. Thi
of the most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the movement. for
It gave meupcoming young
self-confidence and leaders to
a new missionary zeal. I can surely say th
grown 100 times through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activities were great. Everything about the training was done in a spirit of
get a deeper exposure to the Jesus

r, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the Holy Spirit.The training was very well organized and systematic. I have been enriched -
Youth lifestyle and spirituality. Along
tually, mentally and even physically through my days here in Bangkok. This is one of the most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the
with powerful and motivating input
ment. It gave me self-confidence and a new missionary zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 100 times through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resourc
e and activities were great. Everything about the training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. the
Thereparticipants will
is absolutely no be that all this comes from the Hol
t.The training was very well organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even physicallyby a team
through myof
in Bangkok. This is one of the most
Garden of Gospel Peace, Thailand
tiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the movement. The training was
thewell organizedthroughout
movement and systematic. I have been enriched -
23 July 2010 TO 4 august 2010
tually, mentally and even physically through my days here in Bangkok. This is one of the most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about G
elf and the movement. It gave me self-confidence and a new missionary zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 100 times through this training. The training
very good overall.It
Allwas a wonderful
the resource experience.
people Not
and activities were great. Everything about the training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. T
bsolutely no doubt thatthe
just all content
this comes
andfrom the Holy
wisdom Spirit.The training was very well organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, mental

even physically through
during the sessions, but also the one of the most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the
my days here in Bangkok. This is
ement. It gave me self-confidence and a new missionary zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 100 times through this training. The training was very good
testimonies and witnessing lives of
all. All the resource people and activities were great. Everything about the training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolut
the speakers and participants which

oubt that all this comes from the Holy Spirit.The training was very well organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even
sically through myinspired meinto
days here deepenThis
Bangkok. my relationship
is one of the most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lot about God, myself and the movement.
me self-confidence andGod.
a newImissionary
was also zeal.
challenged to say that I’ve grown 100 times through this training. The training was very good overall. All the
I can surely
reflect on
urce people and activities mygreat.
were mission as a disciple.
Everything about the training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt th
his comes from the HolyJoseph,
Rajesh Spirit.The training was very well organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, mentally and even physically throu
ays here in Bangkok. This is one of the most beautiful trainings I’ve ever attended. I learnt a lotof Gospel
about God, Peace, Thailand
myself and the movement. It gave me self-
Participant, JYIAT ’09 12 July 2010 TO 22 July 2010
fidence and a new missionary zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 100 times through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource
le and activities were great. Everything about the training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy, peace and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this
es from the Holy Spirit.The training was very well organized and systematic. It gave me self-confidence and a new missionary zeal. I can surely say that I’ve grown 10
s through this training. The training was very good overall. All the resource people and activities were great. Everything about the training was done in a spirit of prayer, love, joy,
e and order. There is absolutely no doubt that all this comes from the Holy Spirit.The training was very well organized and systematic. I have been enriched - spiritually, menta

‘Emergo 2010’, Kuwait JY Gathering, Bahrain Teens DTP, Oman

leaders and on the last day, all the core team His ministry and has instilled among all a
 ‘Emergo 2010’ members, animators and elders of Bahrain strong sense of family.
The fourth Jesus Youth National Conference came together for a special time of sharing Alexander Kuruvilla
‘Emergo 2010’ was held on 25th February and discussion. During his visit, George
in the Cathedral Church, Kuwait City. OMAN
also met all the key leaders who have been
Around 650 youth from difference parts of instrumental in initiating JY in Bahrain.  JY Families Growth Retreat
Kuwait participated. The Conference was Siby Varghese A growth retreat was led by Fr. Jose Palatty
inaugurated by Mons. John John Kallarackal, CMI for JY Families from 22nd February to 14th
First Secretary, Nunciature of Kuwait. SINGAPORE March 2010. In all, 90 families from Ghala,
Dr. Edward Edezhath was the main speaker  ‘Teens Retreat 2010’ Salalah and Sohar participated. The retreat
for the programme which also included panel Around 50 teens from all over Singapore was intended for those who had attended
sharing, testimonies, audio-visual, Holy Mass participated in ‘Teens Retreat 2010’ from the earlier retreats organised by the National
and Adoration. 13th-16th Feb. It was held at St. Anthony’s Family Team. Jesus Youth of Oman is also
Primary School, Bukit Batok. The retreat, blessed to have a new pastor, Fr. Baby
 Discipleship Formation Programme (DFP)
conducted by Dony Peter and C.C. Joseph Mathew Erathel OFM Cap.
The initial training for DFP 2010, a year-long
from Bangalore, was a Spirit-filled experience
formation programme for youth, was held from  Teens DTP, Ghala
for all the teens. The sincere and heartfelt
7th-18th January in Kuwait. The training was led Teens Grace of Ghala with the support of the
testimonies at the end of the retreat testified
by Adv. Raiju Varghese, JYIT member. Twenty- Teens Ministry held a Discipleship Training
to the grace of God and His blessings that
six people attended this training and they Programme for teenagers. The programme
were poured out during this time.
have taken a one-year commitment to work in was conducted at the Ghala Parish Hall from
Shimy Stephen
different labour camps and ladies hostels. 17th-21st March 2010. The participants were
Mano Mathew IRELAND students of Class 8 and above. C.C. Joseph
BAHRAIN  Youth Leaders’ Retreat (India) was the main resource person.
Based on the Jesus Youth lifestyle, a retreat Binoy Xavier
 Three-day Event
was organised for the leaders of the youth
A series of events was organised from 6th- AUSTRALIA
ministry from 15th-18th January 2010. Led by
8th March 2010 during the visit of George  ‘The Light’
George Devassy, it was held at St. Columban’s
Devassy, the International Co-ordinator to A one-day teens’ programme ‘The Light’
Retreat Centre, Wicklow. For all, the ‘lifestyle’
Bahrain. The first day had a talent workshop was held on 30th January 2010 at Perth, WA.
retreat was a first and proved to be a life
for the Audio-visual and Music ministry Nearly 60 teens participated. The resource
changing experience. With less inputs and
followed by a programme where nearly 250 team included Bro. Bony Abraham (MGL), Lijo
more group sessions, sharing and interaction
Parish youth participated. The next day had George, Jonathan Delaney, Nimmy Alex and
with elders; the retreat has helped the
sessions and interaction intended for the the Jesus Youth of Perth.
leaders to have greater love for the Lord and

‘Teens Retreat 2010’, Singapore Youth Leaders’ Retreat, Ireland ‘The Light’, Australia

APRIL 2010 PAGE 13


JY Family Gathering, Germany Teens Retreat, UK

 Discipleship Weekends imparted priestly blessings at the concluding  UCLAN Mission Week
To revitalise and strengthen the commitment Eucharistic celebration. UCLAN Catholic Chaplaincy, Preston organised
of the Jesus Youth leaders, a discipleship Vimal Vattappillil a mission week from 7th-12th February 2010.
weekend was organised at Sydney, NSW UK Jesus Youth UK actively participated in various
on 13th - 14th March and then at St. Frances outreach activities like the one-to-one campus
De Sales, Oak Park, VIC on 20th - 21st March  Pre-teens’ Retreats evangelisation, worship night with prayer
2010. Colin Calmiano from Bangalore was From the month of February, a series of pre- ministry and the audio-visual night.
the resource person for both these weekend teens’ retreats were conducted in Worcester, Abhy Thomas
gatherings. Through his talks, he led the Coventry, Stock-on-trent and Salford. The
retreats were for children between the ages INDIA
members to reflect on Christian discipleship
and leadership. of 5 and 12. Various dynamics like games,  Leaders’ & Animators’ Gathering
Mayrose Pius letter writing, drawing and action songs were More than 30 animators and current leaders
included in the programme which helped the came together in St. Mary’s School, Andheri
GERMANY children to have a joyful time. from 12th - 14th February 2010. George
 One-day Programme, Herdringen Devassy and Subin Jacob were the main
 ‘Jesus And Me’ (JAM 2010)
On 27th February 2010, JY Germany together resource persons. During these days the
‘JAM 2010’, an initial level programme was
with the parish of St. Antonius and Vitus in group was enlightened on what they should
organised for the teens in London on 13th
Herdringen, conducted a one-day programme be ready for as JY leaders. The programme
February 2010 at the parish hall of Our Lady
for the local youth. The programme based on concluded with a short planning session
& St. George Walthamstow. There were 25
the theme ‘Finding the treasure’ comprised of for each of the ministries - Campus, Teens,
teens and 15 pre-teens as participants. Short
skits, presentations, testimonies and Praise Professionals and Nurses.
talks, testimony sharings, Adoration and Holy
and Worship. The day ended with Holy Mass Mass were the main highlights of the day.  Training Programme, Lucknow
celebrated by the Parish priest. A Jesus Youth training programme was
 Teens Retreat, Manchester conducted from 29th-31st January 2010 at
 JY Family Gathering, Cologne A teens retreat was organised at Highfield
The first ever JY Family Gathering in Germany the Diocesan Social Service Centre, Uthretia.
Hall in Bolton. There were 32 participants. Twenty-one youth from ten different
was held on 30th January 2010. Seven young Abhy Thomas and Shelton D’Costa were the
couples participated. Enriching thoughts parishes of Lucknow diocese attended the
main resource persons. The teens left with programme. Holy Mass across the three
by Fr. Thomas Kattathara SJ on ‘Family as a a desire to follow Christ in their actions and
vocation’ and subsequent workshops helped days was celebrated by Fr. Ignatius D’Souza
so be examples to this world. The retreat has (Vicar General, Lucknow), Fr. Ronald D’Souza
the participants to have a blessed time. also helped the local JY to reach out to a few
Fr. Ignatius Chalissery CMI, of the Indian (Youth Director, Lucknow) and Fr. Elias (Asst.
new places in and around Manchester. Youth Director, Lucknow). The group was also
Catholic Community of Köln Diocese,

Discipleship Weekend, Australia One-day Programme, Germany UCLAN Mission Week, UK



Leaders’ & Animators’ Gathering, India Youth Meet 2010, Qatar Jubilee Launch, North East Region, USA

blessed to have the graceful presence of at St. Peter’s School, the JY of Jammu- ordinator). The new teams were announced
Sr. Benigna (National Lady Animator, ICYM), Kashmir were encouraged by the presence of by George Devassy and anointed by Fr.
Sr. Sunitha (Lady Animator, ICYM Lucknow) Most Rev. Bishop Peter Celestine (Bishop of Varghese Chempoly (JY Middle East Pastor).
and Sr. Julie throughout the programme. The Jammu-Srinagar).  Jubilee Launch
resource team for the training included Subin Siljo Thomas The Jesus Youth Jubilee celebrations were
Jacob, Sr. Jaya, Jibin and Abhilash. QATAR formally launched on 22nd January 2010.
 Bible Course Around 600 members from different regions
Around 28 Jesus Youth from across India  Youth Meet 2010
of UAE came together at St. Francis Church,
started the Jubilee year with a ten-day Bible A one-day programme based on the theme
Jebel Ali to make this event memorable.
course. The course was held in Mumbai from ‘Awakening’ was held on 26th March for
Following a solemn Holy Mass, the Jubilee
12th to 23rd January 2010. It was conducted the youth of Our Lady of Rosary Church.
candle was lit by Fr. Johnson and the Jubilee
by the Catholic Bible Institute under the Nearly 270 youth of different nationalities
prayer was recited by all present holding
guidance of Rev. Dr. Fio Mascarenhas and participated in this programme inaugurated
lighted candles. Following a procession
Dr. Renu Silvano. Sessions were held daily by Fr. P.M. Peter OFM Cap, the Vicar of Our
Lady of Rosary Church. C.C. Joseph was the with the Jubilee Cross and candle, Vincent
with the evening time set aside for personal Fernandez (Jubilee Co-ordinator) made
study and group activity. main resource person for the event.
Jibin Stephen a presentation on the Jubilee year. The
 Junior Evangelisers’ Training, Kerala Calendar and plans for the Jubilee were also
Fifty-two youngsters from across Kerala are UAE shared in the gathering.
part of this year’s JET (Junior Evangelisers’  National Reconstitution  Service Team Panel Training
Training). The first module of the training After days of prayer and preparation, JY UAE Prior to the reconstitution of the National
was held from 11th to 14th February 2010 had its reconstitution of the National Team team, a residential training was conducted
at Niveditha, Aluva. The JET team, through on 5th March 2010. Around 250 members on 19th and 20th of February 2010 for all the
homework and regular contact, is now from all the Emirates were present. For the Service team panel members. The training,
preparing the group for the next module to be first time in the history of JY UAE, national led by Manoj Sunny and George Devassy, was
held in May. teams for different streams were formed: hosted by the JY of Umm Al Quwain group.
the Service Team with P.V. Jojomon (Co-
 JY Gathering ordinator) and Dennis Mathew (Asst. Co-  Family Retreat
The Jesus Youth of Jammu-Srinagar diocese ordinator), Family Team with Prejomy Jose The first JY family retreat in UAE was led by
arranged a New Year gathering on 2nd January & Reeja Prejomy (Co-ordinator) and Saby Manoj Sunny and Beena Manoj on the 15th
2010. Nearly 300 people, including Jesus Varghese & Manju Saby (Asst. Co-ordinator) and 16th Jan. 2010. Held at St. Francis Church,
Youth members, their parents and the zonal and the Youth Team with Bejesh Solomon Jebel Ali, nearly 30 families from the different
team, attended this programme. Organised (Co-ordinator) and Jecko George (Asst. Co- Emirates participated. The participating

Bible Course, India New National Service Team, UAE Family Meet, Canada

APRIL 2010 PAGE 15


National Team’s Annual Summit, USA ‘Shine Out’, UAE ‘Witness!’, Canada

families welcomed the idea of ‘mission Mass celebrated by Fr. Jose Thaiparambil and Church, Coral Springs, Florida for the Jubilee
families’ and surrendered themselves to the Fr. Dominic Barber (Vice-Rector of launch. The gathering, in the presence of the
Lord’s mission. St. Augustine’s Seminary). Jubilee Cross, started with Eucharistic Adoration
followed by Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Joseph
 ‘Worship Night’, Dubai  Family Meet
Bai (Archdiocese of Shanghai, China). Then a
The music ministry of Dubai organised a To get the adults to take a more active and
small presentation on ‘JY Today’ and the Jubilee
‘Worship Night’ on 6th Feb. 2010 at the Main supportive role in youth formation and
year celebrations was given by Sunil Nadarajan
Hall of St. Mary’s Church, Dubai. Based on related outreach activities, a programme was
(National Co-ordinator, USA).
the theme, ‘How great is our God’, the event organised on 12th March 2010 in Toronto. The
consisted of lively Praise and Worship songs, a programme focussed on the six pillars and North East Region
skit and a worship dance. ‘Worship Night’ is a on encouraging others to be more involved On 30th Jan. 2010, about 300 Jesus Youth came
series of Praise and Worship events that have in our various ministries. Fr. James Cherickal, together at St. Matthews Church, Ridgefield, NJ
been happening since 2008 in Dubai. Fr. Issac Tharayil and Fr. Jose Thaiparambil to mark the launch of the Jubilee year. Holy Mass
provided input on key topics. was celebrated by Fr. Jose along with four other
 National Gathering Roy David priests. Following this, there was a procession
This year’s national gathering of JY UAE ‘Shine with 25 candles, each candle representing a
Out’ was conducted on 2nd December 2009 at USA
year of the movement. The occasion proved to
St. Francis Church, Jebel Ali. The programme  National Team’s Annual Summit be a blessed time of sharing, reconnecting and
built on the theme ‘Be an Example’ (1 Tim. The National Teams and Regional Co- celebrating in the Lord.
4:12) was held in two different streams, for ordinators came together at St. Paul’s Abbey, Thomas Pulickal
youth and family. More than 800 youth and NJ from 12th -15th Feb. 2010 for the annual
130 families participated. Dr. Manoj (USA) leadership training and reflection. The
and James P. Thomas (Al Ain) were the main training was led by Manoj Sunny. Fr. Vinod
speakers. Madathiparambil, the National Pastor, guided
Sharon Fernandez the participants through a fruitful reflection
CANADA on ‘Caritas in Veritate’ (Papal Encyclical). The
JY Jubilee was the animating theme of this
 Teens’ Follow-up Programmes
summit. The blessing of the Jubilee Cross
As a follow-up to the teens programme in
and prayer around the Cross was a moving
October, ‘Cornerstones’ was organised on 30th
experience for everyone.
December 2009. To help the teens to become
more active, leaders were also appointed for  Jubilee Inauguration
each region. On 17th and 18th of March 2010, Western Region
the second line teens came together again for The region marked the inauguration of the
‘Harvest’. They were told about small groups Jubilee year on 2nd Jan. 2010 with Holy Mass
and JY Prayer and encouraged to organise in two locations. In Phoenix, AZ, nearly
outreach initiatives locally. 60 Jesus Youth from Southern California
and Phoenix came together. Fr. Mathew

Munjanatt (Pastor, JY Western region)
On 27th February 2010, about 20 youth from
celebrated the Mass and gave a Jubilee
various campuses in Toronto met together at
message. In San Francisco, around 75
Sisters of St. Joseph Convent, Hamilton for
members from the Northern California area
‘Witness!’. The programme was intended to
participated in the Holy Mass celebrated by Most holy and afflicted Virgin,
empower and equip campus youth to live a
Fr. Jimmy Thottappally.
passionately Catholic lifestyle. Sessions were Queen of Martyrs and of all Saints,
given by Fr. Kevin Cull (Vocations Director of South East Region Obtain for me in heaven this grace,
Hamilton diocese), Sindhu Michael and Roy Around 100 members gathered together on To see my God there face to face.
David. The programme concluded with Holy 27th Feb. 2010 at Our Lady of Health Catholic

Printed and Published by Mr. Manoj Sunny on behalf of Jesus Youth International Office, 6F Thadikaran Centre, Palarivattom P.O., Cochin-682 025, Kerala, INDIA, Ph: +91 484-4054870, 4054371, Fax: +91-484-2346084, Email:
  Editor-in-charge: Shelton Pinheiro  Editorial Team: Beena Manoj, Anu Pinheiro, Jubie John & Liss Thomas  Layout Design: Sanil C.A.  Printed by SR Graphics, Kottayam, Ph:+91 481-2301142

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