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Verb + preposition

Around, by, over, along, on, together, at, in and away

Get around: we can use it to describe how someone gets from one place to another

To find a solution for a particular problem

Get by on: to survive to manage to live on a specific amount of money

Get over(something) to survive, to continue, to make good from a bad situation

Get along with

Get on with: to be friendly with someone, or to like somebody

To do some work, to continue doing something, to finish something

Get together: to arrange, to spend time with each other, to meet in order to do something

Get on at somebody: it hats a negative meaning- to criticize somebody in an unkind way

Get in: we often use this as an expression

Get away with something

Get off on something: gets exited, gets some real interest in something


Get lost

Get stuffed: go away and leave me alone (very rude)

Get a grip make an effort to control your emotions and behave, more calmly

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