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The company's birth chart - Astrodienst


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Happy Birthday, Astrodienst

A look at the company's birth chart

by Liz Greene

1 of 6 20-Feb-19, 9:33 PM
The company's birth chart - Astrodienst

Everything that comes into being at a given moment bears the qualities of the
moment, and a company, like an individual, has a birth chart. The planets in their
signs, houses and aspects reflect the same archetypal patterns as they do within an
individual, and operate according to the same psychological laws, although obviously
their expression in the outer world will not be the same. So what kind of "person" is
Astrodienst, and what kinds of potentials might be awaiting expression in the future?

Here we see the paradox of an airy entity powerfully focused on

understanding and delineating the hidden depths in life and in
human nature.

This is an air-dominated chart, with the Sun in Libra trine an Aquarius Ascendant and
only one planet in water. This combination
befits a company whose function is to share
new and innovative ideas with the wider
community through intellectual and
technological expertise. With the Sun in the 8th
house, what is shared, however, is the wealth
of Pluto’s realm, for the natural ruler of this
house is Scorpio. This, too, is fitting, because
the ideas and themes which Astrodienst
communicates utilise astrology to explore the
deeper levels and motivations of human
nature. A person born with the Sun in the 8th
Astrodienst, 4 October 1983
needs to consciously choose the inner world
04.00 PM, Zürich, Switzerland
as a realm of commitment and exploration; that
is their "destiny" or deepest motivation. The
same applies to a company, although the "motivation" is not attributable solely to one
individual’s choice, and has its own momentum and energy. Astrodienst was also born
under one of the great generational markers, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of
1982-1983, and this emphasises the need for delving into the depths - not only as a
means of fulfilling the company’s "purpose", but also as a means of survival. Saturn-
Pluto conjunctions, when they appear in an individual’s chart, often reflect
psychological interests and gifts, and it is not coincidental that the first Jung Institute
was founded in Zürich under an earlier Saturn-Pluto conjunction. In Astrodienst’s birth
chart, Saturn is in Scorpio, Pluto’s sign, and Pluto is in its own natural house. Here we
see the paradox of an airy entity powerfully focused on understanding and delineating
the hidden depths in life and in human nature. That is the core and primary life-theme
of this birth chart, and everything else orbits around it.

The language of Astrodienst is a language not entirely acceptable

to the outside world: Chiron usually reflects difficulty in
acceptance by the collective, and its placement in Gemini
underlines the fact that astrology is a language not yet
acknowledged by the larger collective in which we live.

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The company's birth chart - Astrodienst

The 7th house - connected with relationships

Copyright © and
2019the public - AG
Astrodienst is also strongly
- Privacy Policy - report a problem
emphasised, and here we find a Venus-Mars conjunction as well as a Moon-Mercury
conjunction in Virgo. The 7th house focus tells us that this entity is deeply involved in
communication with the public. Venus and Mars together suggest that this
involvement is expressed with passion and considerable emotional energy, arousing
both admiration and competition from the outside world. Mercury and the Moon
together in Mercury’s sign reflect precision and accuracy in communicating ideas, as
well as technological expertise and a strong relationship between words and imagery.
This admirably suits any dissemination of astrological concepts as well as any
company which utilises the visual potentials of the internet. From its inception,
Astrodienst has always been involved in communicating astrological images and
ideas, and the fluency of the Moon-Mercury conjunction in Mercury’s sign may also
reflect the fact that the company web site and its products are available in so many
languages. Interestingly, the Venus-Mars conjunction is square Chiron in Gemini in
the 3rd house. The language of Astrodienst is a language not entirely acceptable to
the outside world: Chiron usually reflects difficulty in acceptance by the collective, and
its placement in Gemini underlines the fact that astrology is a language not yet
acknowledged by the larger collective in which we live. An individual with such a
configuration might feel pain or distress at this kind of struggle to make ideas
understandable. A company does not experience such emotional reactions. But an
individual’s pain might motivate him or her to excel in communicating, and this same
energy may fuel Astrodienst’s constant efforts to improve and enhance, through
language and technology, the ideas which are being expressed.

Jupiter within 1º of the MC also reflects the success of the

company and its ability to adapt to changing economic challenges
according to the time.

This powerful and angular Chiron in Gemini is also trine the Sun. Chiron is the only
planet below the horizon and is therefore a "singleton", occupying a position of special
importance and emphasis. The need to articulate a complex and often misunderstood
language - for astrology is, after all, a language which expresses in symbolic form
archetypal patterns at work in human beings and in the whole of life - has always
been a source of enormous energy and inspiration for the company, and it is one of
the deepest "reasons" for Astrodienst’s existence. Sun-Chiron aspects in an individual
often describe the need to heal, to contribute actively to alleviating some of the
unhappiness in the world; this is why so many Sun-Chiron people work in the helping
professions. The Sun also forms benign sextiles to a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in
Sagittarius, which is in the 9th house close to the MC. The important configuration of
Sun-Chiron-Jupiter-Uranus encapsulates the special "talents" of the company, in the
same way that solar aspects encapsulate the special "talents" of any individual.
Jupiter and Uranus together in Sagittarius, in the house naturally ruled by that sign,
emphasises the pursuit of meaning, and also the expansion of the company into many
languages and cultures. It is an innovative, inspired and intuitive configuration,
reflecting a constant flow of new creative ideas and a refusal to be static and "rest on
its laurels". Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions historically often reflect major scientific and

3 of 6 20-Feb-19, 9:33 PM
The company's birth chart - Astrodienst

technological advances; the first landing on the Moon coincided exactly with an earlier
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Jupiter within 1º of the MC also reflects the success of the
company and its ability to adapt to changing economic challenges according to the

The balance between the airy and fiery emphasis and these
earthy planets means that dreams and ideals are put into solid
form, and are balanced with the ability to survive in a tough

Finally, we need to consider Neptune, also in Sagittarius, placed right on the cusp of
the 11th house and forming trines to both Venus and Mars. The 11th house is the
house of the collective itself, and Neptune here describes great idealism and a longing
to make a constructive contribution to the group. Astrodienst has made an enormous
amount of information available free on the internet for the benefit of the astrological
community as a whole, perhaps reflecting this intense idealism. Three planets in earth
signs in this birth chart mean that there is enough common sense and practicality in
this entity to recognise that idealism without a reasonable relationship with the
material world may be well-meaning but does not guarantee continuing viability. The
balance between the airy and fiery emphasis and these earthy planets means that
dreams and ideals are put into solid form, and are balanced with the ability to survive
in a tough world. Although there will always be some individuals who believe that they
are entitled to everything in life free, many more recognise that this company has
been able to ensure its survival while generously making an enormous amount of
information and support available to thousands of people without cost.

Saturn’s tendency to crystallise things in form seems to have

reflected the physical embodiment of the deeper purpose of the

Transits and progressions are as relevant to the chart of a company as to the chart of
an individual. They reflect the times when particular innate patterns and qualities are
ripe for expression in the outer world. Whether these transits and progressions are
"hard" (difficult aspects) or "soft" (harmonious aspects), there is always an opportunity
for greater consciousness and the opening up of new levels of expression for the natal
planet. For example, when the first of the Astrodienst computer-generated report - the
Psychological Horoscope Analysis - was launched in 1987, the progressed Sun
moved into exact trine with the natal Ascendant, reflecting a harmony or coming
together of the deeper "purpose" of the company (Sun) with how it expresses itself to
the outer world (Ascendant). This kind of progressed aspect in an individual chart
usually also reflects some new creative expression which defines the person in the
outer world’s eyes. Also in 1987, transiting Saturn was aligned on the axis of the
Moon’s Nodes. These mysterious points are often associated with "fate" because they
represent the intersection points of the Sun’s and Moon’s orbits: a combination of
"destiny" (the Sun) and "embodiment" (the Moon). Saturn’s tendency to crystallise

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The company's birth chart - Astrodienst

things in form seems to have reflected the physical embodiment of the deeper
purpose of the company, not surprisingly through a medium reflecting the Gemini-
Sagittarius axis: the communication of ideas related to meaning and spiritual or
philosophical concerns. When the Astrodienst web site was launched in August 1996,
transiting Saturn was in Aries, trine the company’s Jupiter, Uranus and MC. There
could be no better image of the crystallisation of that Jupiter-Uranus impetus to
disseminate knowledge in new and inspired ways than this powerful transit. At the
same time, transiting Chiron and the transiting Moon’s north Node in Libra were
exactly on the company’s natal Sun. This triggered the natal trine between Sun and
Chiron and emphasised both the need and the capability to communicate astrology’s
language to a wider public.

Astrodienst was always "an idea ahead of its time", but it would
seem, from this glimpse of what is coming in the chart, that the
time may at last be beginning to catch up with the idea.

So what lies ahead? In the progressed chart for 2003-2004 - Astrodienst’s twentieth
birthday year - progressed Mercury is exactly sextile Neptune, suggesting new and
imaginative forms of communication (Mercury) which fulfil the ideal of contributing
something helpful and valuable to the community (Neptune in the 11th). This theme is
repeated by the progressed MC on natal Neptune and lining up on progressed
Neptune: Astrodienst’s role in the collective is in some way coming to fruition in the
public eye. Progressed Venus and Mars are lining up with the company’s natal Moon
in Virgo, suggesting a greater emphasis on contact with the public (Moon in the 7th)
and perhaps a wider public profile - something which might bring battles in some
quarters (Mars) as well as appreciation and respect (Venus). It may be that all this is
connected with new collective attitudes toward astrology. After all, Uranus has just
moved into Pisces after its 7-year sojourn in Aquarius, and this suggests an emphasis
on the creative imagination and on the invisible dimensions of life. The last time
Uranus went into Pisces, the jazz era was born and some of the greatest literature in
the world was published in just seven short years. As Uranus changes signs, our
visions of progress also change, and the emphasis on technology and "social
engineering" so evident while it moved through Aquarius is now likely to generate a
powerful need to connect with higher and deeper realms of existence. Such a
collective shift would involve not just Astrodienst, but the field of astrology as a whole.
The academic world has finally accepted astrology in the United Kingdom, and
postgraduate degree courses are now available at British universities; this process is
also occurring in the USA and in the Netherlands. This may reflect a much wider
acceptance of astrology, and if so, Astrodienst is likely to be at the cutting edge of
such a change. Individuals born with the Sun in aspect to outer planets are usually in
tune with new ideas and visions long before they become recognised and acceptable
to collective consciousness, and Astrodienst’s birth chart has the natal Sun sextile
Uranus and trine Chiron - both outer planets. Astrodienst was always "an idea ahead
of its time", but it would seem, from this glimpse of what is coming in the chart, that
the time may at last be beginning to catch up with the idea.

© Astrodienst / Liz Greene, 2003

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The company's birth chart - Astrodienst

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