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Engineering Mathematics -I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram UNIT – IV

Multiple Integrals and Its Applications 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Curve tracing 4.3
Procedure for tracing Cartesian...

Chapter · November 2014

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2770.4007


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Nimmagadda Venkata Nagendram

Kakinada Institute of Technology & science KITS


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Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Multiple Integrals and Its Applications

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Curve tracing

4.3 Procedure for tracing Cartesian curves

4.4 Procedure for tracing curves in parametric form x = f(t) and y = (t)

4.5 Procedure for tracing Polar curves

4.6 Areas of Cartesian curves

4.7 Areas of Polar curves

4.8 Lengths of curves

4.9 Volumes of Revolution by Double Integrals

4.10 Volumes of Revolution by Triple Integrals

4.11 Volumes of solids

Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Introduction Class 1

In discussing the graph of xn for negative integral values of n, it was

explained how the curve approaches the axes of co-ordinates asymptotically.
We shall now consider the method of finding the asymptotes to a curve.

In many practical applications of integration, a knowledge about the shapes

of given equations is desirable. On drawing a sketch of the given equation,
we can easily study the behaviour of the curve as regards its symmetry,
asymptotes, the number of branches passing through a point etc.

4.1.1 Definition: Asymptote. A straight line which cuts a curve in two

points at an infinite distance from the origin, but which is not itself wholly
at infinity, is called an asymptote to a curve.

4.1.2 Method of finding asymptotes: Let f(x, y) = 0 ................ (1) be

a rational algebraic curve of degree n and let y = mx + c .................(2) be
the equation of any straight line.

Eliminating y between (1) and (2) we obtain f ( x, mx + c) = 0 .................. (3)

Whose roots are the abscissa of the points of intersection of the curve (1)
and the straight line (2).

Now let the equation (3) be expanded and expressed in descending powers of
x as A0 xn + A1 xn-1 + A2 xn-2 + ............ + An = 0 ................................ (4)
Where A0, A1, ........... etc., are functions of m and c.

Since the constants m and c of the straight line are at our choice. Let us
choose m and c to satisfy the equations A0 = 0, and A1 = 0 obtained by
equating to zero the co-efficients of the two highest powers of x in the
equation (4).

For these values, it is clear that two roots of the equation (4) becomes
infinite, i.e., two points of intersection of the line (2) and the curve (1) are at
an infinite distance from the origin, so that y = mx + c is an asymptote.

Hence, solving the equations A0 = 0 and A1 = 0 for m and c and substituting

their values in the equation y = mx + c we obtain the asymptotes.

It will be found that a curve of the nth degree does not possess more than n
The method given above does not give the asymptotes parallel to the y – axis,
since they are of the form x = k and are not included in the form y = mx + c
for any finite m. the following method may therefore be adopted for finding
the asymptotes parallel to the axes.

4.1.3 Definition: Double Point: A point through which two branches of a

curve pass is called a double point. At such point P, the curve has two
tangents, one for each branch.


4.1.4 Definition: Node. If the tangents are real and distinct, the double
point is called a node.

4.1.5 Definition: Cusp. If the tangents are real and coincident, the double
point is called a cusp.

4.1.6 Definition: Conjugate/isolated. If the tangents are imaginary, the

double point is called conjugate point or isolated point. Such a point can not
be shown in figurative expression.

4.2 Curve Tracing - Asymptotes parallel to the axes.

4.2.1 To find the asymptotes parallel to the x – axis.

Arrange the equation in descending powers of x and equate to zero the co-
efficients of the highest powers of x. Then two roots of the given equation is
as an equation in x become infinite. Hence for the value of y so obtained say
a, the equation y = a is an asymptote parallel to the x – axis.

4.2.2 To find the asymptotes parallel to the y – axis.

Arrange the equation in descending powers of y and equate to zero the co-
efficients of the two highest powers of y and solve the resulting equation for
x, then for the value of  of x so obtained, the equation straight line x =  is
an asymptote parallel to the y – axis.
Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 2

4.3 procedure for tracing Cartesian curves.

4.3.1 Symmetry. (i) A curve is symmetrical about the x – axis, if only even
powers of y occur in its equation.

Example: y2 = 4ax is symmetrical about x – axis.

(ii) A curve is symmetrical about the y – axis, if only even powers of x occur
in its equation.

Example: x2 = 4ay is symmetrical about y – axis.

(iii) A curve is symmetrical about the line y = x, if on interchanging x and y
its equation remains unchanged.

Example: x3 + y3 = 3axy is symmetrical about the line y = x.

4.3.2 Origin. (i) see if the curve passes through the origin. A curve passes
through the origin if there is no constant term in its equation.
(ii) if it does, find the equation of the tangents thereat, by equating to zero
the lowest degree terms.
(iii) if the origin is a double point, find whether the origin is a node, cusp or
conjugate point.

4.3.3 Asymptotes. (i) see if the curve has any asymptote parallel to the axes
(ii) then find the inclined asymptotes.

4.3.4 Points. (i) Find the points where the curve crosses the axes and the
(ii) find the points where the tangent is parallel or perpendicular to the x -
axis that is the points where  0 or  .
(iii) Find the origin or regions in which no portion of the curve exists.

4.3.5 Some important curves.

Certain curves are of great importance in several branches of applied

mathematics. It is therefore desirable that the student should be familiar
with them. Besides the graphs of some elementary functions already
illustrated in the text, the student must be familiar with the conic sections.
The equations and the forms of a few curves are given below: The logarithmic or equiangular spiral.

r = a e  cot  this is one of the very

interesting of polar curves.

It is of the form shown in figure here.

Figure The Cardioid.

r = a ( 1 + cos  )

The equation is in the polar form.

The curve is of the form shown in O A
Figure here.

Figure The Astroid.

x2/3 + y2/3 = a2/3

The equation can also be expressed
In the parametric form. a
O a
Thus x = a cos3  + b sin3  are the
Parametric equations of the curve.
The curve is as shown in figure here.
Figure The cycloid.

x = a( - sin ), y = a(1-cos )
This is the curve traced out by
a point in the circle which rolls 2a
without sliding along a fixed
straight line as shown in figure here.
O X The catenary. Y
y = c cosh (x/c)

This is the curve in which a uniform

Heavy flexible chain rests when supported
By two points. The curve is also called
The chainette. The form of the curve is
Shown in figure here.

4.3.6 Problem:
Find the asymptotes of the curve y3 - 4x2y – xy2 + 4x3 + 4xy – 4x2 = 5
Solution: Let y = mx +c be an asymptote. Eliminating y we have
(mx + c)2 – 4x2(mx + c) – x(mx + c)2 + 4x3 + 4x(mx + c) – 4x2 – 5 = 0
 (m3 – m2 – 4m + 4) x3 + (3m2c – 2 mc + 4m – 4c – 4) x2 +(3 mc2 – c2 + 4c) x
Chosen m and c such that m3 – m2 – 4m + 4 = 0
3m2c – 2 mc + 4m – 4c – 4 = 0
From the first equation we get m = 1, 2 and -2 and from second equation the
corresponding values of c are 0, - 1 and 1.
 the asymptotes of the curve are y = x, y = 2x -1 and 2x + y = 1.
This completes the solution.

2 x
4.3.7 Problem: Trace the curve y2 = x2 .
2 x

(i) The curve is symmetrical about the x – axis, since the equation contains
only y2.

(ii) The curve passes through (0, 0) and also through (-2, 0).

(iii) y is imaginary when x > 2 and also when x < -2, In other words the curve
lies entirely within the range – 2  x  2.

(iv) As x  2, y2  +  or y   . Hence x = 2 is an asymptote.

dy x 2  2x  4
(v) Differentiating the equation logarithmically, we have 
dx ( x  2) 4  x 2
dy x 2  2x  4
 At the origin (0, 0)  =1
dx ( x  2) 4  x 2
 the straight lines y = x and y = - x are tangents to the curve at the origin.
dy dy
At the point (-2, 0) is not defined but as x  - 2,   .
dx dx
 the tangent at the point (-2, 0) is the straight line parallel to the y – axis.
The general shape of the curve is as show in figure below:

( x 2  1)
4.3.8 Problem: Trace the curve y = .
( x 2  1)
Solution: (i) since only even powers of x occur in the equation, the curve is
symmetrical about the y – axis.
(ii) when x = 0, y = - 1 so that the curve cuts the y – axis at (0, -1). But when
y = 0, x is imaginary and hence the curve does not cut the x – axis.
( y  1)
(iii) writing the equation as x2 = , we find that x is imaginary when – 1
( y  1)
< y < 1. Hence no part of the curve lies between the lines y = -1 and y = + 1.
(iv) Again, the equation may be written as y = 1 + . Therefore, y is –
( x  1)

ve in the interval  1 < x < 1 a nd as x   1 + 0 i.e., from the right or x 

1 – 0 i.e., from the left y   .

 The part of the curve between the lines x =  1 and x = + 1 lies below the
line x = + 1 lies below the line y =  1 approaches the lines x =  1 and x = 1
But when x > 1, y is + ve and as x  1 + 0 y  + . Also as x  +  , y  +
1 + 0.

Hence for x > 1 the part of the curve lies above the line y = 1 and to the right
of the line x = 1 and approaches both of them asymptotically.

The part of the curve to the left of the line x = 1 and above the line y = 1 is
symmetrical with the part just considered.

It is easily seen that the curve attains a maximum value  1 when x = 0 so

that (0, 1) is a maximum point.

The general shape of the curve is as show figure below:

4.3.9 Problem: Trace the curve r2 = a2 cos 2.

Solution: (i) since cos ( -2) = cos 2 the curve is symmetrical about the
initial line.
(ii) Since only r2 occurs it is symmetrical about the pole.
1 3
(iii) when      cos 2 is – ve so that r is imaginary. As  changes
4 4
from 0 to /4 , cos 2 changes from 1 to 0 so that r decreases from a to 0.

The curve consists of two symmetrical loops

and is of the form shown in figure here.
The curve is known as Lemniscate of Bernoulli.

Exercises By Dr N V Nagendram

4.3.10 Problem:
Find the asymptotes of the 2x2 + 3 x2y – 3xy2 – 2 y3 + 3x2 – 3y2 + y – 3.

4.3.11 Problem:
Find the asymptotes of the x3 + 2x2y – xy2 – 2y3 + xy – y2 = 1.

4.3.12 Problem: Find the asymptotes of the curve which are parallel to
either axes x3 + 3xy2 + y2 + 2x + y = 0.

4.3.13 Problem: Find the asymptotes of the curve which are parallel to
either axes x2y3 + x3y2 = x3 + y3.

4.3.14 Problem: Trace the curve ay2 = x2(x – a).

4.3.15 Problem: Trace the curve a4 y2 = x5(2a – x).

4.3.16 Problem: Trace the curve y2 = (x – 2)2 (x – 5).

4.3.17 Problem: Trace the curve (x2 – 1)y2 = x.

4.3.18 Problem: show that the curve (a2 + x2) y = a2x has three points of
inflexion. Trace the curve.

4.3.19 Problem: Trace the curve r = a cos 3.

4.3.20 Problem: Trace the curve y =
(a 2  x 2 )
4.3.21 Problem: Give a rough sketch of the curve y = e5-2x.
Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 3

4.4 Procedure for tracing curves in parametric form x = f(t) and y = (t).

4.4.1 Symmetry. (i) A curve is symmetrical about the x – axis, if on

replacing t by – t , f(t) remains unchanged and  (t) changes to –  (t).

(ii) A curve is symmetrical about the y – axis, if on replacing t by – t , f(t)

changes to – f (t) and  (t) remains unchanged.

(iii) A curve is symmetrical in the opposite quadrants, if on if on replacing t

by – t , both f(t) and  (t) remains unchanged.

4.4.2 Limits. Find the greatest and least values of x and y so as to

determine the strips, parallel to the axes, within or outside which the curves

4.4.3 Points. (i) Determine the points where the curve crosses the axes. The
points of intersection of the curve with the x – axis are given by the roots of
 (t) = 0, while those with the y – axis are given by the roots f (t) = 0.

(ii) Giving t a series of values, plot the corresponding values of x and y,

noting whether x and y increase or decrease for the intermediate values of t.
dx dy
For this purpose, we consider the signs of and for different values of t.
dt dt

(iii) Determine the points where the tangent is parallel or perpendicular to

the x – axis that is where  0 or  .

(iv) when x and y are periodic functions of t with a common period, we need
study the curve only for one period, because the other values of t will repeat
the same curve over and over again.

4.4.4 Remark. Sometimes it is convenient to eliminate t between the given

equations and use the resulting Cartesian equation to the curve.

4.4.5 Problem: Trace the curve x = a cos3 t, y = a Sin3 t.

4.4.6 Problem: Trace the curve x = a ( + Sin ), y = a(1 + Cos ).
Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 4

4.5 Procedure for tracing Polar curves.

4.5.1 Symmetry. See if the curve is symmetrical about any line.

(i) A curve is symmetrical about initial line OX, if only Cos  or Sec  occur
in its equation. That is it remains unchanged when  is changed to – .

Example: r = a (1 + Cos ) is symmetrical about the initial line.

(ii) A curve is symmetrical about the line through the pole  to the initial line
OY, if only sin  or cosec  occur in its equation that is it remains
unchanged when  is changed to   .

Example: r = a Sin 3 is symmetrical about OY.

(iii) A curve is symmetrical about the pole, if only even powers of r occur in
the equation that is it remains unchanged when r is changed to – r.

Example: r2 = a2 Cos 2 is symmetrical about the pole.

4.5.2 Limits. See if r and  are confirmed between certain limits.

(i) Determine the numerically greatest value of r, so as to notice whether the

curve lies within a circle or not.

Example: r = a Sin 3 lies wholly within the circle r = a.

(ii) Determine the region in which no portion of the curve lies by finding
those values of  for which r is imaginary.

Example: r2 = a2 Cos 2 does not lie between the lines  = /4 and  = 3/4.

4.5.3 Asymptotes. If the curve possesses an infinite branch, find the


4.5.4 Points. (i) Giving successive values to  find the corresponding values
of r.

(ii) Determine the points where the tangent coincides with the radius vector
or its perpendicular to it that is the points where tan  = r = 0 or 

4.5.5 Problem: Trace the curve r = a Sin 3.

4.5.6 Problem: Trace the curve r2 = a2 Cos 2.

Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 5

4.6 Areas of Cartesian curves.

4.6.1 Area bounded by the curve y = f (x), the axis and the co-ordinates
x = a, x = b is  y dx .

Let AB be the curve y = f(x) between the ordinates LA( x = a ) and MB( x = b ).


L N N M X
Let P(x, y), P(x+x, y+y) be two neighbouring points on the curve and
NP,NP be their respective ordinates.

Let the area ALNP be A, which depends on the position of P whose abscissa
is x. Then the area PNNP = A. Complete the rectangles PN and PN. then
the area PNNP lies between the areas of the rectangles PN and PN. i.e.,
A lies between yx and (y + y) x.
 lies between y and y + y. Now taking limits as P  P i.e., x  0 and
 y  0 implies = y. Y y=b

x = f(y)


Integrating both sides between the limits x = a , x = b, we have

 y dx
Aa =
or [ value of A for x = b ] =  [value of A for x = a] =  y dx .
Thus area ALMB =  y dx .

4.6.2 Definition: Quadrature. The area bounded by a curve, the x-axis and
two ordinates is called the area under the curve. The process of finding the
area of plane curves is often called quadrature.

4.6.3 Definition: sign of an area. An area whose boundary is described in

the anti-clockwise direction is considered positive and an area whose
boundary is described in the clockwise direction is taken as negative.

4.6.4 Interchanging x and y in the above formula, we see that the area
bounded by the curve x = f(y) the y – axis and the abscissae y = a, y = b is

 x dy
. Y

A x=a x=b
+ ve area
x=a +ve Figure

-ve area
x=a - ve area x=b


Figure B
In Figure the area ALMB =  y dx
which is described in the

anticlockwise direction and lies above the x-axis, will give a positive result.

In Figure the area ALMB =  y dx
which is described in the

anticlockwise direction and lies below the x-axis, will give a negative result.

In Figure the area ALMB =  y dx
will not consist of the sum of the

c b
area ALN =  y dx and the area NMB =
 y dx but their difference.

4.6.3 Example: Find the area of the loop of the curve ay2 = x2 (a – x)

4.6.4 Example: Find the area included the curve between y2 (2a – x = x3 and
its asymptote.

4.6.5 Example: Find the area enclosed by the curve a2x2 = y3(2a – y).

4.6.6 Example: Find the area enclosed between one arch of the cycloid
x = a( - sin ), y = a(1 – Cos ) and its base.

4.6.7 Example: Find the area of the segment cut off from the parabola
x2 = 8y by the line x – 2y + 8 = 0.

4.6.8 Example: Find the area common to the parabola y2 ax and the circle
x2 + y2 = 4ax.
Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 6

4.7 Areas of Polar curves.

Area bounded by the curve r = f() and the radii vectors  = ,  =  is

r d .

2 

Let AB be the curve r = f() between the radii vectors OA ( = ) and

OB ( = ). Let P(r, ), P (r+r, +) be any two neighbouring points on the

= Q Q

r P


Let the area OAP = A which is a function of . Then the area OPP = A. Mark
circular arcs PQ and PQ with centre O and radii OP and OP.

Evidently area OPP lies between the sectors OPQ and OPQ i.e., A lies
1 2 1
between r  and (r   r ) 2  .
2 2

A 1 2 1
 lies between r and (r   r ) 2 .
 2 2

A 1 2
Now taking limits as   0  r  0, = r .
 2

 1
Integrating both sides from  =  to  = , we get A  =
2 

r 2 d

or [ value of A for  = ] – [ value of A for  = ] =
2 

r 2 d

Hence the required area OAB =
2 

r 2 d .
4.7.1 Example: Find the area of the cardioids r = a ( 1 - Cos  ).

4.7.2 Example: Find the area of a loop of the curve r = a Sin 3.

4.7.3 Example: Prove that the area of a loop of the curve x3 + y3 = 3axy is

4.7.4 Example: Find the area common to the circles r = a2, r = 2a Cos .
Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 7

4.8 Lengths of curves

4.8.1 Definition: The length of the arc of the curve y = f(x) between the
b   dy  2 
points where x = a and x = b is 
1     dx
  dx  

A s

O  aL N M X

------------ x ------

-------------------- b -----


Let AB be the curve y = f (x) between the points A and B, x = a and x = b.

Let P(x, y) be any point on the curve and arc AP = s so that it is a function of

ds   dy  2 
Then  1     dx
dx   dx  

b   dy  2  b
ds x  b
  1     dx =  dx dx = s x  a
a   dx   a

= [value of s for x = b] – [value of s for x = a] = arc AB - 0

b   dy  2 
Hence the arc AB =  1     dx .
a   dx  
4.8.2 Definition: The length of the arc of the curve x = f(y) between the
b   dx  2 
points where y = a and y = b is 
1     dy .
  dy  

4.8.3 Definition: The length of the arc of the curve x = f (t), y = (t) between
b  dx  2  dy  2 
the points where t = a and t = b is 
      dt .
 dt   dt  

4.8.4 Definition: The length of the arc of the curve r = f () between the

 2  d r 2 
points where  =  and  =  is 

r  
  d .
 d  

4.8.5 Definition: The length of the arc of the curve  = f (r) between the
   d  2 
points where r = a and r = b is 

1   r   d r .
  d r  

4.8.6 Example: Find the length of the arc of the parabola x2 = 4ay
measured from the vertex to one extremity of the latus - rectum.

4.8.7 Example: Find the perimeter of the of the loop of the curve
3ay2 = x( x – a )2.

4.8.8 Example: Prove that the length of one arc of the cycloid
x = a ( 1 – Sin t), y = a ( 1 – Cos t).

4.8.9 Example: Find the the entire length of the cardioids r = a(1+ Cos ).
Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 8

4.8.10 Definition: Revolution about the x-axis. The volume of the solid
generated by the revolution about the x-axis, of the area bounded by the
curve y = f(x), the x-axis and the ordinates x = a, x = b is 
 y 2 dx .

A P P

O N N M X


Let AB be the curve y = f (x) between the points LA and MB, x = a and x = b.

Let P(x, y), P(x+x, y+y) be any two points neighbouring points on the
curve and NP, NP be their respective ordinates.

Let the volume of the solid generated by the revolution about x-axis of the
area ALNP be V, which is clearly a function of x. Then the volume of the
solid generated by the revolution of the area PNNP is V. Complete the
rectangles and PN.

Then V lies between the volumes of the right circular cylinders generated
by the revolution of rectangles PN and PN, i.e., y2 < V < ( y + y )2 x.

 y2 < < ( y + y )2.

Now taking the limits as P  P i.e., x  0 and  y  0, = y2

b b b
dV x  b
 
dx  
 y2 d x or V x  a
 
 y2 d x

or [value of V for x = b] – [ Value of V for x = a]. That is, volume of the solid
obtained by the revolution of the area ALMB = 
 y2 d x .
4.8.11 Definition: Revolution about the y-axis. Interchanging x and y in
the above formula we see that the volume of the solid generated by the
revolution, about y-axis, of the area, bounded by the curve x = f(y) the y-axis
and the abscissae y = a, y = b is 
 x 2 dy .

4.8.12 Definition: Revolution about any axis. The volume of solid

generated by the revolution about any axis LM of the area bounded by the
curve AB, the axis LM and the perpendiculars AL, BM on the axis is

 ( PN ) 2 d (ON ) where O is fixed point in LM and PN is perpendicular from

any point P of the curve AB on LM.

With O as the origin, take OLM as the x-axis and OY perpendicular to it as

the y-axis.

Let the co-ordinates of P be (x, y) so that x = ON, y = NP. If OL = a, OM = b

b OM
then the required volume = a
 y2 d x = 
 ( PN ) 2 d (ON ) .

4.8.13 Example: Find the volume of a sphere of radius a.

4.8.14 Example: Find the volume formed by the revolution of loop of the
curve y2 (a + x) = x2 (3a – x ) about the x-axis.

4.8.15 Example: Prove that the volume of the reel formed by the revolution
of the cycloid x = a( + Sin ), y = a (1 – Cos ) about the tangent at the
vertex is 2a3.

4.8.16 Example: Find the volume of the reel – shaped solid formed by the
revolution about the y – axis, of the part of the parabola y2 = 4ax cut off by
the latus – rectum.

4.8.17 Example: Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving the
cissoids y2 (2a – x) = x3 above its asymptote.
Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 9

4.9 Volumes of Revolution by Double Integrals

4.9.1 Double integrals:

The definite integral  f ( x) dx is defined as the limit of the sum f(x1) x1 + f(x2)

x2 + f(x1) x1 +............ + f(xn) xn , where n   and each of the lengths x1,
x2,......., xn tends to zero. A double integral is its counterpart in two

Consider a function f(x, y) of the independent variables x, y defined at each

point in the finite region R of the xy – plane. Divide R into n elementary
areas A1, A2, A3,......, An. Let (xr, yr) be any point within the r th
elementary area Ar consider the sum
f(x1, y1), A1 + f(x2, y2), A2 + ................... + f(xn, yn), An i.e.,  f (x
r 1
r , y r )  Ar .

The limit of this sum, if it exists, as the number of sub-divisions increases

indefinitely and area of each sub-division decreases to zero, is defined as the
double integral of f(x, y) over the region R and is written as  f ( x, y) dA .

Thus  f ( x, y) dA = Lim Lim
n  
 f (x r , y r ) Ar ........................................ (1)
R  A 0r 1

The utility of double integral would be limited if it were required to take limit
of sums to evaluate them. However, there is another method of evaluating
double integrals by successive single integrations.

For purposes of evaluation, (1) is expressed as the repeated integral

x2 y 2

  f ( x, y) dx dy .
x1 y1

(i) when y1, y2 are functions of x and x1, x2 are constants , f(x,y) is first
integrated w.r.t. y and keeping x as fixed limits y1, y2 and then resulting
expression is integrated w.r.t. x within the limits x1, x2 i.e.,

x2 y2

I1 = 
 f ( x, y) dy

Where integration is carried from the inner to the outer rectangle.

Here AB and CD are the two curves whose equations are y1 = f1(x) ;y2 = f2 (x).
PQ is a vertical strip of width dx.

Then the inner rectangle integral means that the integration is along one
edge of the strip PQ from P to Q (x remaining constant), while the outer
rectangle integral corresponds to the sliding of the edge from AC to BD.

Thus the whole region of integration is the area ABCD.

Y C Q y2 = f2(x) D Y

B y=y2 D

x=x1 x=x2 P Q

A P y1=f1(x) B A y=y1 C


Figure Figure

(ii) when x1 and x2 are functions of y and y1 and y2 are constants, f(x, y)
is first integrated w.r.t. x keeping y fixed, within the limits x1, x2 and the
resulting expression is integrated w.r.t. y between the limits y1, y2 i.e.,

y2 x2

I2 = 
 f ( x, y) dx

Which is geometrically illustrated by the following figure shown here


x=x1 y=y2 x=x2

P Q

A P y = y1 B

O Figure X

Here AB and CD are the curves x1 = f1(y) and x2 = f2(y). PQ is a horizontal

strip of width dy.

The inner rectangle indicates that the integration is along one edge of ths
strip from P to Q while the outer rectangle corresponds to the sliding of this
edge from AC to BD.

Thus the whole region of integration is the area ABDC.

(iii) When both pairs of limits are constants, the region of integration is
the rectangle ABDC.

In I1, we integrate along the horizontal strip PQ and then slide it from AC to

In I2, we integrate along the horizontal strip PQ and then slide it from AB
and CD. Obviously I1 = I2.

Thus for constant limits, it hardly matters whether we first integrate w.r.t. x
and then w.r.t. y or vice versa.

5 x2 Example: Evaluate   x( x  y 2 ) dx dy

0 0 Example: Evaluate   xy dx dy , where A is the domain bounded by x-


axis, ordinate x = 2a and the curve x2 = 4ay. Change of order of integration. In double integral with variable

limits, the change of order of integration changes the limits of integration.
While doing so, sometimes it is required to split up the region of integration
and the given integral is expressed as the sum of a number of double
integrals with changed limits. To fix up the new limits, it is always advisable
to draw a rough sketch of the region of integration.The change of order of
integration quite often facilities the evaluation of a double integral. The
following examples will make these ideas clear. Example: Change the order of integration in the integral

a a2  y2

I=   f ( x, y) dx dy .
a 0 Example: Change the order of integration in the integral

1 2 x
I=   xy
0 x 2
dx dy . Double integrals in Polar co – ordinates.

2 r2

To evaluate   f (r,  ) dr d ,
1 r1
we first integrate w.r.t. between limits r = r1

and r = r2 keeping  fixed and the resulting expression is integrated w.r.t. 

from 1 to 2. In this integral, r1,r2 are functions of  and 1, 2 are

B  C

2 


O Figure X

Here AB and CD are the curves r1 = f1() and r2 = f2() bounded by the lines
 = 1 and  = 2. PQ is a wedge of angular thickness .

Then  f (r ,  ) dr
indicates that the integration is along PQ from P to Q while

the integration w.r.t.  corresponds to the turning point of PQ from AC to

BD. Thus the whole region of integration is the area ACDB. The order of
integration may be changed with appropriate changes in the limits. Example: Calculate r dr d over the area included between the

circles r = 2 Sin  and r = 4 Sin .


2 3 2 x Problem:   xy dx dy ; Problem:   (x  y 2 ) dx dy
2 2

1 1 1 x
4 x y Problem: 
0 0
 (e x
) dx dy

1 1 x 2
1 Problem:  
0 0 1 (x  y 2 )
dx dy Problem:   xy dx dy over the +ve quadrant of the circle x2 + y2 = a2

2 Problem:   ( x  y) dx dy over the area bounded by the ellipse

x2 /a2+ y2 /b2= 1. Problem:   xy( x  y) dx dy over the area between y = x2 and y = x.

Evaluate the following integrals by changing the order of integration:

1 1 x 2 3 4 y Problem:   y dx dy ; Problem:   ( x  y) dx dy


0 0 0 1

4 a 1 x 2
a/ 2 a2  y2 Problem:   dy dx ; Problem:   Log ( x  y 2 ) dx dy


0 x 2 / 4a 0 y
 y  x
  xe
x 2 Problem: dy dx ; Problem: /y
dy dx
0 x
y 0 0 Problem: Sketch the region of integration of

 /4
ae  /2

 f (r ,  ) r dr d and change the order of integration.
2 log ( r / a ) Problem: Evaluate   r Sin dr d over the cardioids r = a(1 – Cos

) above the initial line. Problem: Show that r Sin  dr d  2 a 3 / 3 , where R is the semi-


circle r = 2a Cos  above the initial line.

r dr d Problem: Evaluate  (a 2  r 2 )
dx dy over one loop of the

lemniscates r2 = a2 Cos 2.

4.9.2 Area enclosed by plane curves. Cartesian co-ordinates. Consider the area enclosed by the curves
y = f1(x) and y = f2(x) and the ordinates x = x1, x = x2.

Divide the area into vertical strips of width x. If P(x, y), Q(x+x, y+y) be two
neighbouring points, then the area of the small rectangle PQ = xy.

 Area of strip KL = Lim as y  0  x y .



A x y B

x=x1 x=x2

O Figure X

Since for all rectangles in this strip x is the same and y varies from y = f1(x)
and y = f2(x).
f2 ( x) f2 ( x)

 Area of strip KL = x Lim

y  0
 dy  x  dy .
f1 ( x ) f1 ( x )

Now adding up all such strips from x = x1, x = x2.

x2 f2 ( x) x2 f2 ( x) x2 f2 ( x)

Lim  x .  dy 
 The area ABCD = x  0  dx  dy    dx dy
x1 f1 ( x ) x1 f1 ( x ) x1 f1 ( x )

Y A D


x P y

B C

Similarly dividing the area ABCD into horizontal strips of width y, we get
y2 f2 ( y)

the area ABCD = 

 dx dy .
f1 ( y ) Polar co-ordinates.

Consider an area A enclosed by a curve whose equation is in polar co-


Let P(r, ), Q(r + r,  + ) be two neighbouring points. Mark circular areas
of radii r and r + r meeting OQ in R and OP produced in S.

Since arc PR = r and PS = r.



O Figure X

 area of the curvilinear rectangle PRQS is approximately = PR.PS = r.r.

If the whole area is divided into such curvilinear rectangles, the sum
 r  r taken for all these rectangles, gives us in the limit the area A.

Hence A = Lim
 r 0
 r   r    r d dr where the limits are to be so chosen
  0

at to cover the entire area. Example: Find the area of a plate in the form of a quadrant of the
ellipse x2 /a2+ y2 /b2= 1. Example: Show that the area between the parabola y = 4ax and
x2 = 4ax is (16/3)a2. Example: calculate the area included between the curve

r = a( Sec  + Cos ) and its asymptote.
Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 10

4.10 Volumes of Revolution by Triple Integrals

4.10.1 Triple integrals. Consider a function f(x, y, z) defined at every point

of the 3 – dimensional finite region V. Divide V into n elementary volumes
V1, V2, .........., Vn.

Let (xr, yr, zr) be any point within the r th sub-division Vr. Consider the sum

 f (x
r 1
r , y r , z r ) Vr .

The limit of this sum, if it exists, as n   and Vr  0 is called the triple
integral of function f(x, y, z) over the region V and is denoted by
 f ( x, y, z) dV .
For purposes of evaluation, it can also be expressed as the repeated
x2 y 2 z 2

integral 
x1 y1 z1
f ( x, y, z ) dx dy dz .

If x1, x2 are constants ; y1, y2 are either constants or functions of x and z1,z2
are either constants or functions of x and y, then this integral is evaluated
as follows:

First f(x, y, z) is integrated w.r.t. z between the limits z1, and z2 keeping x
and y fixed. The resulting expression is integrated w.r.t. y between the limits
y1 and y2 keeping x constant. The result just obtained is finally integrated
w.r.t. x from x1 and x2.

y2 ( x)
z2 ( x)

Thus I =    f ( x, y, z) dz dy
z1 ( x )
x1 y1 ( x )

Where the integration is carried out from the innermost rectangle to the
outermost rectangle.

The order of integration may be different types of limits.

1 1 x 2 1 x 2  y 2

4.10.2 Example. Evaluate  

0 0
 xyz
dx dy dz .

 1 x 2   
1 x 2  y 2
 
Solution. We have I =  x  0 
y 0  dy dx
z dz
   

 1 x 2 1 x 2  y 
 
= x  0 2
y dy  dx
0  0 

1 

1 x 2
1 

= 0 
x y 2
(1  x 2  y 2 ) dy  dx

 0 

1 1 x 2
1 y2 y4
= 0 x (1  x ) 2  4
2 0

 x (1  x 
= 2
) 2 .2 x  (1  x 2 ) 4 .x dx
8 0

=  (x  2x  x 5 ) dx

8 0

1 x 2 2x 4 x 6 1 1 1 1 1
=   =     
8 2 4 6 0
8 2 2 6 48

Hence the solution.

1 z x z

4.10.3 Example. Evaluate    ( x  y  z ) dx dy dz .

1 0 x  z

Solution. On integration w.r.t. y keeping x and z constant, we have

x z z
 
1 z 1 z 1
y2 1 xz 2 z2
I=   xy   yz dx dz   0 ( x  z)2 z  2 4 xz dx dz  2 1 2  z x  2 z dz

1 0
2 x z 1 0

 z3 z3  z4
= 2    z 3   dz  4  0 . Hence the solution.
1 
3 2  4 1
Evaluate the following problems:
1 2 2
4.10.4 Problem: 
0 0 1
x 2 yz dx dy dz [Ans. 1]

c b a
8 3
4.10.5 Problem: 
 c  b a
( x 2  y 2  z 2 ) dx dy dz [Ans.
a bc(3  2ab 2  2ac 2 ) ]

4 2 z 4zx2
4.10.6 Problem:  
0 0 1
dy dx dz [Ans. 8]

a x x y
1 4a 3 2a 3
4.10.7 Problem:  
0 0 0
e x  y  z dx dy dz [Ans.
e  e  ea  ]
4 8

e Log y e x
1 2
4.10.8 Problem:   
1 1 1
Log z dz dx dy [Ans.
(e  8 e  13) ]

a2 r 2

2 a sin  a
5a 3
4.10.9 Problem:   
0 0 0
r dz dr d [Ans.

Try Ur Self ...

Engineering Mathematics - I Semester – 1 By Dr N V Nagendram

UNIT – IV Class 11

4.11 Volumes of Solids.

4.11.1 Volumes as double integrals.

Consider a surface z = f(x, y). Let the orthogonal projection on XY-plane of

its portion S be the area S.

Divide S into elementary rectangles of area x y by drawing lines parallel to

X and Y – axes. With each of these rectangles as base, erect a prism having
its length parallel to OZ.

 Volume of this prism between S and the given surface z = f(x, y) is z x y.

S S


X Figure

Hence the volume of the solid cylinder on S as base, bounded by the given
surface with generators parallel to the Z-axis.

= Lim
 r 0
 z  x y    z dx dy or   f ( x, y) dx dy where the integration is
  0

carried over the area S.

4.11.2 Note: While using polar co-ordinates divide S into elements of area
r  r.  replacing dx dy by r d dr.

We get the required volume =   z r d dr

4.11.3 Volume as triple integral.

Divide the given solid by planes parallel to the co-ordinate planes into
rectangular parallelepipeds of volume x y z.

C x y z



X Figure

 The total volume = Lim

 x0
  x y  z     dx dy dz with appropriate
 y0
 z 0

limits of integration.

4.11.4 Volumes of solids of revolution.

Consider an elementary area x y at the point P(x, y) of a plane area A. As

this elementary area revolves about x-axis, we get a ring of volume = [ (y +
y)2 – y2 ] x = 2y x y, nearly to the first powers of y.

Hence the total volume of the solid formed by the revolution of the area A
about x-axis = A
2  y dx dy .

In polar co-ordinates the above formula for the volume becomes

 2  r Sin  r d dr   2  r Sin  d dr .

Similarly, the volume of the solid formed by the revolution of the

area A about y – axis = A

2  x dx dy .
4.11.5 Change of variables.

An appropriate choice of co-ordinates quite often facilitates the evaluation f

a double or triple integral. By changing the variables, a given integral can be
transformed into a simpler integral involving the new variables. Change of variables in a double integral. Let the variables x, y be

changed to the new variables u, v by the transformation x = (u, v), y =  (u,
v) where (u, v),  (u, v) are continuous and have continuous first order
derivatives in some region Ruv in the uv – plane which corresponds to the
region Rxy in the xy – plane.

Then  Rx y
f ( x, y) dx dy   Rx y
f [ (u, v), (u, v)] | J | du dv

 ( x, y )
where, J =  0 is the Jacobian’s of transformation from (x, y) - (u, v)
 (u , v)
co-ordinates. Change of variables for triple integral.

The formula corresponding to  Rx y

f ( x, y ) dx dy  
Rx y
f [ (u, v), (u, v)] | J | du dv

is  Rx y z
f ( x, y, z ) dx dy dz     f [ x(u, v, w), y(u, v, w), z(u, v, w)]| J | du dv dw
R x y z

 ( x, y , z )
J=  0 is the Jacobian’s of transformation from (x, y, z) - (u, v, w)
 (u , v , w)

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