Sei sulla pagina 1di 105

Total Index A0.

BookA, B andC

Sparepafts catalogue BO
Totallndex BookA, B and C 80.01
lnttuduction 80.02
Spare Pafts B1
Tableof contents 81.01
Safetyinstructions 81.03
Stand-by pafts B2
External documentation c0
TotalIndex BookA, B and C c0.01
Tableof contents c5.01

e n/ ' 1 0 . 0 9 . 1 9 9 8 AA020014 2t2

Gesamtinhaltsiibersicht A0.01
BuchA. B undC

Moto r-Ersatztei IkataIog BO

BuchA, B und C 80.01
Einfihrung 80.02
Ersatzteile B1
lnhaltsverzeichnis 81.01
Sicherheitshinweise 81.03
Reserveteile B2
Fremddokumentation c0
BuchA.8 und C c0.01
lnhaltsverzeichnis c5.01

de / 10.09.1998 AA020013 2t2

Intoduction A0.02


The prcsentoperatinginstructions includenotesand guidelines Ior properhandlingof the engine

plant. lt is matchedwith the equipmentconditionand the type ot fuet sold.
Sincethe type of fuel used considerablyinfluencesthe service life of the components,the MaK
after-salesseruicehasto be consultedwhen it is requiredto changefrom destillatetuel operationto
heaw fueloiloperation, in ordertoensurcan expertretrofitofthe engineplantandto exchange the
necessarydocumentation.When changing over lrom heaw tuel oil operation to destillate
operation.the MaK after-salesserviceshouldalso be consultedfor a longerperiodo{ time so that a
documentationwith extendedmaintenanceintervalscan be madeavailable.
With regardto operation 6nd mainlenance of the engineincludingthe necessary workto be carried
out,the operatinginstructionsaresubdivided intothe followingchapters:

A1 Technicalenginedata
A,| Fuels
A5 Maintenance

with the respective

intormation contained in the individual
the technicalpersonnelis able
to maintainthe enginein sucha mannerthat regardingits output,reliability,economyand service
li{e optimum operatingresultscan be achieved.
lf you needfunherinformation or if you haveany otherquestions,we kindlyaskyou ro conracrour
The operatinginstructions do not releasethe pelsonnelin chargeof this engineplantfrom their
duty to take care. The recognizedrules ot technology arc to be observed,taking into account
overriding regulations,observanceof the generalsalety measuresand locallyapplicableaccidenl
prevention regulations.Dataor explanstionsassumedto be the basicknowledge of trainedtechni,
caland engineroom personnel, are not contained.
MaKis not responsible
for damagecausedby improperopeaation
and mainlenance.

Theseoperatinginsrructionsare onty intendedfor our custohers,A[ rights reseruedfof this docu

me.t. Alltechnicaldaracontainedin iheseoperaringinstructionsmlst neitherbe reprodoc€d,disiri
butednor utilizedfor competitivepurposesor disciosedto thkd panieswithout ou. expressapprovat.

Postaladdress: MaK lvlotoren GmbH& Co.KG.pO. Box9009.D-241F7 Kiel

Telex: 29 29 93 mak d (for sparesordersand afte.salesserviceonlv)
Telephone: 0431- 399501 (chietoperator)
Tele.fax: 0431- 3995-807/808 {after-salesseryiceontv)

e n/ 1 6 . 0 1 . 1 9 9 7 AA000024 1t1
liaK Einf0hrung A0.02


DievorliegendeBetriebsanleitung gibt Hinweiseund Richtlinienfiir einesachgemeBe Nutzungder

Molorenanlage.Sie ist auf den Ausriistungszustand
und die verkaufteKrattstoffaftabgestimmt.
Da die eingesetzteKraftstoffartdie Lebensdauerder BauteilewesentlichbeeinfluBt,muB bei ejner
geplantenUmstellungvon Destillat-Kraftstoffbetrieb auI Schwerdlbetriebder MaK-Kundendienst
eingeschaltelwerden,um ein€lachgerechte Umriistungder Motorenanlage sicherzustellen
Austausch der bendtigtenDokumentation zu erreichen.BeieinerUmstellung von Schwerdlbetrieb
auf Destillatbetrieb
sollteiiber einenlengeren itraumebenfallsder MaK-Kundendienst benach-
richtigt werden, damit eine Dokumentationmit verldngertenInstandhaltungsfristenrur Verfrigung
FUrden Betriebund Unterhaltdes Motorsmit den dabeianlallenden
Arbeitenist die Betriebsanlei,
tung in {olgendeKapitelunterteilt:

A1 TechnischeMotordaten
43 Bedienungsanweisung
44 Betriebsstofle
A5 Instandsetzung
46 Werkzeuge

Mit den jeweiligenAngabenin den Kapitelnist das technische Personalin die Lagegesetzt,den
Motor so zu betreuen.daB hinsichllichseinerLeistung,Zuverlessigkeit,
Wirtschaftlichkeitund Nut-
zungsdauer optimaleBelrjebsergebnisse erziellwerdenkdnnen.
Fragenbittenwir, sichmit unsererAbteilungKun-
dendienslTechnikin Verbindung
zu setzen.
DieseBetriebsanleitung entbindetdas PersonaldieserMotorenanlagenichtvon seinerSorgfalts-
pflicht.Zu beachtensinddie anerkanntenRegelnder TechnikunterBeriicksichtigung
ter Bestimmungen sowieder Einhaltung der allgemeinen
SicherheitsmaBnahmen und der vor Ort
Angabenoder Erl6uterungen, die als Grundwissen bei
ausgebildetem Fach-und Maschinenpersonal vorausgesetzt
Fiir Schdden,die durch unsachgem6Be
Bedienungund Instandhaltung

Diese Beiriebsanleitunswird nur unseren Kunden anvenra!1. Fur die Unterlase behalten wir ons atle
Eechte vor. All€ dsrin enthaltenen lechni$hen Angaben dtrten ohne unsere a!sdfiickliche cenehhi,
gung weder veruielfa[igi, verbre{et noch zu Zwecken des Wettb#erbs veMener oder anderen mit

Postanschrift: MaK Motoren GmbH& Co.KG.Posttach9009,0,24157Kiel

Fernschreiber: 29 29 93 mak d (nurfilr Ersatzteilbestellungen
und Kundendienst)
teteTonrosr: 0431-3995 01 (Zentrale)
Telelax: 0431-3995-807 / 808 {nurKundendienst}

d e/ 1 6 . 0 1 . 1 9 9 7 4A000023 1t1
enoinedara A1



en / 09.09.1998 AA000103 111

if,aK Governordata A1.04



en / 19.02.1996 A,A000097 1t1

of auxiliaryequipment 41.05

- at the lastcamshaftbearing 4,0- 4,5bar
at rated enginespeed

- if the pumpis fittedon the engine^ >Z.Sbar

min.feedheadat pumpinlet4 m. watergauge 2baa

Nozzlecoolant 1.5- 3,0bar

Fuel at iniestion pump inlet 1.5- 3,0bar

Iniection nozzleopening pressure

- takethe applicableligureslrom 350bar
the acceptancetest records(A!10)

Control air 7,5 bar

Starting air 1 2 ' - 3 0b a r

\' * minimum pressurefor starting

en / 30.03.1998 TD000010 111

Massand Dimensions A1.08


Mass in kg Dimensionsin mm
AxBxC gA
8 Cyl.
"Ll+4 CY? /' l\

B o
Bedplate 6180x2100x1087
compl.with bearing 7900x2100x1087
Locatingmainbearingcap 210

Normalmainbearingcap 280

Locatingmainbearing 42

Normalmainbearing 22

Crankshatt 1 1 6 0 0 ,1 4 1 0 0 16000 @792x6495

O 792x8215

Intermediateframe 10720 13980 1 5 6 1 0 5500x1730x978

Crankcase coverwith

Enginehousingwith 25900 33800 39350 5500x1365x1138

cylinderlinerand stud 7220x1365x1138

Cylinderliner 1146 O 5801757x1524

normalbearing A 1501162x1O0
e-roo 110 O 70(M68x4)x3166
Facingtor camshatt
- Segment

Pistonand connecting-rod 1357 @580x1960

Piston 408 O 580x940
Pistonpin 160 O 240x490

e n/ 2 2 . 1 2 . 1 9 9 3 TD000024 1/4
Massand Dimensions A1.08


Mass in kg Dimensionsin mm
AxBxC gxA
cvl. 6 Cyl. 8 Cyl. _2.,'l
Designation tndep. cll l,/)
Connecting-rod 480 @ 175/ 180x2087



Oil scraperring 1 t

Cylinderhead 1690 1138x846x1087

Inletvalvewith rotocap 34


Springtor inletand 6,8


Exhaustvalvewith rotocap 124

Startingvalve 21


Fuelinjector 30

with ' 2320 3130 O 910x6029,5
cams) A 91Ox7719,5
O 910x8609,5
lnletcam 46.3

Exhaustcam 46,3

Fuelcam 46

Rollertappets 52

Pushrodwith pushrod 19

en/22.12.1993 TD000024 214

Massand Dimensions A1.08


Mass in kg Dimensionsin mm
cvl. 6 Cyi. i s cvr. ',,^|'
Designation andep. CLL_W CY?

- Tappethousing 43,4
- Rollertappet 13,3
- Roller 5,8
- Thrust piece 6,7

Fuelinjectionpump 7A

Reversingunit with 520

oil bottle

Oil bottle(empty)

Startingair distributor 45 49 54

Gearcase 1665x380x1800

Steppedgearwheel @913x270
- Governor 100 131 100

lnjectionpumpcontrol 98 120 127


speedcontrcl 19
Shutdown device 18

L u b eo i l p u m p 21
for liner

Endcasingwith cover 675 1902x'1645x500

Stub shaftwith power

- Cover
' Stubshaft
Vibrationdamper 1995 2600 2600 0 1060x140
g 1400x25O

e n1 2 2 . 1 2 . 1 9 9 3 T0000024 3t4
Massand Dimensions A1.08


Mass in kg Dimensionsin mm
cvl. 6 Cyl. _a ,.'^l'
Designation Inoep,
8 Cyl.
-i ll)
*'^ cla

Stub shaftwithout power

- Gearring 35
- Stubshaft 107
Vibrationdamper @1060x140
O 1400x250
A 1400x25O



- TurbochargerVTR454 3250 2221x1421x1286
- TurbochargerVTR564 6500 6500 2591x1656x'1712
- Bracketpumpside 800 988 988
' Brackettlywheelside 887 887

Chargeair cooler 1600 '1894x782x658

Fuelfilter 120 520x375x580

- Straine
r insert 5


Staningvalve 20.5

4126 @1950x27O
3170 @1950x180

en 122.12.1993 TD000024 4t4

calculation 41.09



e n/ 1 9 . 0 2 . 1 9 9 6 AA000099 1/1
MaKMolo€nGmbH& Co,KG Drehschwingungsberechnung Bericht-Nr./ EeportNo.
24159Kisl 9A5aLA72

Motor-Nr. I Engine No. Ktt -Nr- | Becod No.

532331234 24Ir9B I L99

MotortypI Enginetype Ad der Anlage I Type ot Installadon

6 M 6 0 1C Schlff shsuptantr ieb /Elsin engine

KundeI Custotuer Wefit I Yad

Furtrans Shipping & Trade Co.LID lorgern,Is taDbul- Tuzla , Turkei
MehmetAfkan Sk.No.7
8 1 0 2 0K o s u y o l u - l s t s n b u l , T u r k e i

Abnahme / Tested by B.Etlr. / YardNo,

Bureau Veritas 060/061

Dieser Berlcht wurde e6tellt yon: 5. rl0.,4gSg

This repofi ivas made by:
D. Bdeck DatumI Dete

Pdfung durch I checkd bf


lnhalEvetzeichnis Table ol Contents Elatt I Sheet

Etgebnis der I erechnung Aesuft ol Calculation L

BercchnungsdaEn Calculation Data 3-+
ElastischesSystem Mass Elastic Syslem J
Drehahldiagramme SpeeddiagEms 5-9
Holzer Tabellen Hoker Tables 40 -42
E ederunaen Explanations ,,|3
Raufi lar Genehmigungsveme*e I S'dce lor rcma*s ot approvdl:

Btsttlshed: 4
vonI ot: /l 3
MaKMororenOmbt-i& Co.KG Ergebnisder Berechnunq- Bericht-Ni./ ReporiNo.
24159l(el Resultot Calculalion 98601072

1. Betri ebsei nschriinkungen

: 1. o p e r a t i o n arle s t r i c t i o n s:
1 . 1 Nonnalbetrieb I.1 liorma
I runnjng
Drehzahlsperrbereich Barredspeedranoe
I 0-280 1/nrin Engi ne speed0-260rpm
I im Getriebe Torquereversal in gear box
D e r S p e r r b e r e i c hi s t t h e o r e t i s c h T h eb a r r e ds p e e dr a n q ej s a s c e r -
e r n i t t e l t u n dn u 8 b e i d e r P r o b e - t a i n e dt h e o r e t i c a l l v - a nhda st o o e
fahrt durch Abhorchendes Getriebe c h e c k ebdy s o u n dt e l t i n q t h e o e a .
kontrol I iert werden. b o xd u r i n qt h e s e at r j a l s .

I.? A us s e t z e r b e t [ i e b I.2 Irregu

Iar running
Hierunteh r / i r da l l g e n e i nd e r B e - T h i s g e n e r al yl n e a n st h e o p e r a t i o n
t r i e b m i t u n g l e i c h n a B i gZeynl i n d e r w i t h u n b Iaa n c e dc y l i n d e r 1 b a d s .
b el a s t u n g evne r s t a n d e n .
P r a k t i s c hg i b t e s z w e iE x t r e n e : Thereare two extremecases:
1.2.1 Ziindaussetzer 1 . 2 . 1M i s f i r i n g
K e i n eEi n s p r ti z u n g ,a b e r( o m p r e s - l l o i n j e c ti o n , b u t c o m p r e s s j o n
s i o n v o ll v o r h a n d ebne i e i n e mb e - f u i l y a v a i l a b l ej n o n eo f t h e c y -
1i e b i g e nZ y li n d e r . I inders.
Al l g e m e i nH e in w esi e : Generalnotes:
S i e h eB e t r i e b s a n l e i t -u nl lao t b e t r i e b s e e o p e r aitn g I n s t r u c t i o n s ,
( B l a t tA 3 . 1 2 . 0 2 . 0 1 ) Energency operation
( s h e eA t
S p e z i elle Hi n w ei s e : S p e c i a ln o t e s :
K e i n e B e t r i e b s e i n s c h r e n k u n oaeuns N oo p e r a t i o n arl e s t r i c t j o n sf o r
drehschrJingungste i scchhne n - G r i j n d e n . r e a s o n so f t o r s i o n a l v i b r a t i o n s .
E s m u 0a l l e r d i n g s s i c h e r g e s t ej lt However,it mustbe ensuredthat
w e r d e n ,d a Bd i e f l a x . P u n p e n f i i l i u n g t h e n a x , f u e l r a c k p o s j t j o nd o e s
den 100%Priifstandsprotoko I lwert n o t e x c e e d1 0 0 % of the test bed
nicht ijbersteigt. r e c o r dv a l u e .
1 . 2 . 2 v o ll a u s s e t z e r 1 . 2 . 2F u1 l f a i l u r e
K e i n eK o m p r e isosn , a u s g e b a u t e s N oc o n P r e si osn , r u n n i n gg e a r
Triebwerk. 0r s n a n t e d
A l l g e m e i n eH ' i n w e i s e : G e n e r a ln o t e s :
S i e h eB e t rj e b s a nl e i t u n'q N o t b e t r i e b S e eo p e r a it n g I n s t r u c t j o n s ,
(Blatt A3.12.02.01) Emergency operation
( s h e e tA 3 . 1 2 . 0 2 , 0 1 )
S p e z i el e
l Hinweise: S p e c i a ln o t e s :
F i i r e i n e n h a v a r i e r t e nM o t o rm u 8d i For a danagee d n g i n et h e p o s s i b l e
m 6 9ilc h e o r e h z a h Iu n d L e i s t u n g speedand output must be found out
ertastet werden, b y s l o w a n d c a r e f u l j n c r e a s e su p t o
t h e I i mi t .

Blatt I Sheet: 2
MeXMororonGhbH & Co.XG Berechnunosdaten Bericht-Nr./ ReporiNo.
24159K6l Calculatio-n
Data 986010?2

M o t o r / e nion e :
M a K6 M 6 0 1 C Viertakt einfachw. 6-Zyl. in Reihe
f o u r S .C .S .A . 6_cvl.in_line
D a u e r l e i s t u n g / c o n t i n o ruast i n g 7 5 0 0k } Jb e i / a t 4 2 5i / n j n l r c n
Bohrung/bore580 nn Hub/stroke600 mn
Zindfolge/firing order: 1-3-5-6-4-2
0 s z . G e w i c h t / r e c i p rw. e i g h t : 8 1 4 . 5 k g p l e u e l s t . v e r h . / c o n , r o dr a t j o 0 . 2 1

HiiI senfederdAnpfer/ s I eeve spring danper Auoenteil/outer Dart 263.00

0 r a w i n g : R e d , L a n g e / e q uj.e n g t h
n a c hl ' l a K - Z e i c h n u n g / atcoc .l ' 4 a K 48.08
1.00.7-62.50.00-37 I n n e n t iei / j n r i e r o a r t r25.00
V e r h a l t n i s n a B i goea m p f u n g /iRaet i v e d a n p j n g :p s j = 3 . 6

A b s c h n i t tD A m p f e r - l e t z t eZr y l . / s e c t i o n d a m p e r - l a sct v l i n d e r 2.93

M - - f 4 o m eenitn e s Z y l i n d e r s / n o n e not f i n e r t i a o f a c v l j n d e r 180.30
A b s c h n i t tz w i s c h e nz w e i Z y l . i n d e r n / s e c t i obne t w e e niwo cvlinders
A b s c hi nt t Z y li n d e r 1 - S c h w u n g r a d / s e c t ci oynl i n d e r i - f 1 y w - h e e 1 5.07
12 Gegengewi chte/ 12 counter vreights 74.00
J e 2 S t i j c ka n d e n Z y l i n d e r n / 2p c s e a c ho n c y l i n d e r s 1 - 6

M a K - Z e j c h n u n g / ld' lraa(w i n g1 . 8 0 . 7 - 7 3 . 1 0 . 0 1 - 2 0 2282.00
E l a S t i s c hK e u p p l u n ol /ef x i b l e c o u Di ln 0 :
V ul k a n , R a t o - S4 8 3 1 , s e r i e s 2 1 0 0
Z e i c h n u n g s - t ' ] r . / d r a wni noq.: 1 G 4 8 3 0 0 0 A 4
V e r h e l t n i s n i i 8 i gD e e n p f u n g / R e l a t i vdea m p i n gpr s i = i . I 3
r r r n a r r e r r /p rr n a r y p a r t 102.00
E l a s t i z i t i i t / fl e x i b iI i t v 625.00
M i t t e ' l t e il / r i d d l e p a r t - 168.00
El a s t i z i t a t / f l e xi b i I i t v 625.00
Mitteltei I /niddle Dart- ?22.00
E I a s tj z j t a t / f I e x i b i1i t y 625.00
Sekundarte i I /secondarypart 285.00
U n t e r s e t z u n o s q e t r i e b e / r e d u c toi o
A B BZ a m e cLht d . , T y p M A V1 0 0 - 1 1
i o . = 0 . 2 8 9 9 ,z u l i s s i g e P t o - L e i s t u n g / p e r m j s s i bpl et o - o u t p u t : 9 9 0k l , {
l b r c h n u n 9 s - N/ rd.r a w ni g no.:9499891
E'ingangsw l ee/li n p u t s h a ft 8 .3 1
Ritzel/pinion 22.80
A b s c hjnt t R i t z e l - P t o - R a d / s e c t i opni nj o n - p t o - w h e e l 0.45
P t o - R a d / P tw o heel 67.60
A b s c h n i t tP t o - R a d - R i t z e l / s e c t i opnt o - w h e e l - p i n i o n 0.45
R'itzel/pjnjon i4.60
Getri eberad/gearwheel 213.80
Ausgangs!,iel i e/output shaft 35.47

Bhtt I Sheet: J
GmbH& Co.KG Berechnungsdaten Berichl-Nr./ ReportNo.
24159K€l CalculationData 9860r.072

ProDe'l lerwelle/Drooe'ller shaft :

Z e i c h n u n g s -/Nd r .a w i n gn o .: 1 4 9 6 5 9 9 , AZ8a8m e cLht d . , E l b l a g , p o l e n
I l e ll e n f l a n s c h / s h a f tf l a n a e r0.17
e l l e n e l a s t i z i t e t / s h a fitl e x i b i I i t v 275.40

V g r sc _ eI D
l r o p eI'e r l c o nt r o l I a bl e Di t c h o r o D el'e r :
D u r c h m e s s e r / d i a n e=t e5r 2 0 0m n , a F l d g e l / b l a d e s
l , { a s s e r z u s c h lvaogl l e S t e i g u n g / w a t eard d j t i o n m a x . p i t c h 1741.00

l{91I eJrgglleratoram Hauotoet|iebe/shaftaenerator at main oearr

P = 1 0 0 0K V A ,n = 1 4 9 9r p n , 1 g = 3 . 5 2 7 8

P t o - Ri t z eI / P t o - p ini o n 13.80
A b s c h n i t tP t o R i t z e l - K u p p l u n g / s e c t i opnt o p i n j o n - c o u p l i n g 21.02
Elastische K u o p l u n ol /ef x i b l e c o u piln o :
V u l k a nR a t o - S1 5 2 7 , s e r i e s 2 4 0 0
Z e i c h n u n g s - l l r . / d r a w innog.r I G 1 5 2 0 0 6 A C
V e r h atln i s n e 8gi e D e m pu fn g / R eal t i v e d a mipn g: l . 1 3
f r r n a r l e t l / p r I m a r yp a r t 1 3 6. 9
E l a s t i z i t a t / fl e x i b i1i t v 2009.00
llitte ltei l/niddle Dart- 7. 4 7
E t a s ! 1 z1 ! a ! / t t e x t D l I t t v 2009.00
Sekundiirtei 11.20
I ternator:
ACEo,Iyp A504p, P = 1000KVA,n = 1499rpm 207.84

Blatt I Sheet:
Massensystem Bencht-Nr

263 328.3 328.3 328,3 3283 3243 ?:84 222 245 22,4 6 7 . 6 T 46 2 1 38 1017 1741
1 4 5 6 7 8 9 't8
11 1l t9 20 21 22

1f 'f6
t5 tl
13.8 13.69 7.4721904

aez.1chnu.g.n Deliqnalions rtkeh2l ],tlrd/crrrt D(dl 1t,)

o, Ar_schwln".dsld.h*fe!
3i ;:;H::11;i'P*' *;:::":*" g*:; i;;:;; ;",;i 1,oooo
04 t!1eb,e!k sea! cf'! 5 323,30 41,oo 1,oooo
zyl.5 Fnnang
05 !!1eb,e!r zy!.4 1*'?] : 323,30 4,25 41,oo 1,oooo
-":il1 324,30 4,25 41,00
06 r!l.b{€!r zyr.3 *Jl:l 9::: ?l : 1,oooo
oz r'reu..'r zyr.z :":: ?a: 324,30 4,2s 41,00 1,oooo
oa *r.r,.",tzyrr ;;;i:1
;;;liliilii&ii iil:31 iZ1 ll;ll i;llli
0s schhnslad + er. xupErqnq lrwher + p!, couFrjne-
10 m.lasrls(b. ;;;,i;; ;;;;"" o,oo 1,oooo
rupFr.unq _'tr"*lrr" i-pri,g ,;;;;;
rr rr .l:srllch€ Rcrplqnq ;;;:"" o,oo 1,oooo
- rr*:_sr" .*pr,"i ,;;',;; ;;;;""
i; X":i;ji;:):,.'*** *.;r,.; ;;;:;; ;:;i 33.s0 1.oooo
' c"'.."co'".r-x'ppro.s ::.:t::$,"
;:;:::i":i*""""",."" 1?;i2. !;li "" 3l;1" i:!!g8
15 m .r:'cr!.h€ xcF,prunq - q*:-ur" .oupi,ne-
l; #":x;:i*:,t3** *61;;;
;-.;;' ;;;;,"" j,.21s " ""
l:::: ii,i:
il,:" :.:1:Z
1: A:;ff::n::i' :::*' 3s,oo 1,oooo
Fr.nrchElbrndunq ;::i!i!iii!:. 1l:i3" 1ll, ?;13":ttjja
;r:nq..r connecrron ;;.i;. ;;a.""
22 v.!sreup!op.r1e! cp plop.Ir.r o,2aee
i;;;;"" ;,;i o.zses

Drehzahldiagramme Bencht-Nr
MolorenGribH I Co.KG Belaslungnach Kombinaioi<!toe/Loadacc to Combrnator
Cotoe 98601072

9- 10 € asl.KuppunqSyslemstelle9- 10
Flex.CouplingLocaton 9- 10 Fex Coupring
Localon 9- i0

30 3
25 2.5
20 ?
10 1
0 0
280 300 320 340 360 380 4q) 42A 4aO 280 300 320 3.40 360 380 tAA 420 41Q
Motordrehzahl/Enqine Speed[1/min] (i=1.0) Motodrehehl/Enghe speedI1/minl(i=10)
O r d n u n g e n3:. 0 _ 60 ---- 5.5 ..... O d n h g e n : 3 . 0_ 6,0--., 5 5

Elast KupplungSystemstette
14- 15 Elast.Kupplung
Flex.ColpringL@non 14- 15 Flex.CouplngLocation
MomentforqueIkNm] Verluslleistung/Powef
4.5 I
3.5 T
3 ,6
1 .2
0 0
280 3(x) 320 340 360 380 4@ 4m 440 2€0 300 320 340 360 40A 42A 44
speed[1/min](i=3.5278) sp*d [1hinl (=3,5278)
_ 3.0...- 2.5 Odrungen: 3.0 _ 2,5 ,--- Froperler

GetiebemonentStell€17- 10 Get'iebemoment
Stelle19- 20
Torqu€in c€rbox Loc.17- 18 Torqu€in Gerbo! Loc.19- 20
IkNml MomeniTorque
5 100
4,5 90
3 €0
2 40
1 20
.5 10
0 0
280 300 320 340 3€0 380 4cr') 42A 440 280 300 320 340 360 380 4cr') 420 44A
Motordrehzahl/Engine Speed[1/minl (i.3,5278) l,,loiordrehzahl/Engine
Speed[1/mif] (i:1.0)
O r d . u . g e nP: r o p e l r _
s t.0 ..-- 2.5 Ordnunqe.3.0_ 2.5 -'-- Propeiler

Blaft-Nr.: 6
Drehzahldiagramme Eencht-N./Report-No
NAE\K Speeddiagrams
MotorenGmbHA Co KG Selastung.achKonbrnatoAuRe/Load.c.. ro Cohbhato. Cude 98601072

Wechselspafnung Systemslelte6- 7 Wechselspannlng 9ystemstele 12, 13

Alternatng Stress L@aton 6- 7 AlternatngSkess Locaio. 12- 13
Spannuns/Stress[N/mmz] Spannur9/Stress

280 300 320 340 360 380 4C0 420 440 280 300 320 340 360 380 d00 420 4,ro
rMotordrehzahl/Engine Speed[1/min] (i=10) Motordrehzahl/Engne
Speed[1/min](i.1 0)
O f d n u n g e n2.. 5 _ 05 ---- 5.5 O d n L n g eJ' 0 _ 25 -..- P'opele'
Wechselspannung Systemstelle
1+ 17 W4hserspan.lngSystemstelle 18 19
Altehat'ngShessLocation16- 17 Alternali.gStressLocalion18- 19
spannu.g/St6s INhrd2] spann!ndshess

280 300 3m 340 360 380 4@ 420 4& 280 300 320 340 360 380 440 420 44A
Speed[1/minl(i=3,5278) Speedtlhinl (i=1.0)
_ 30 ---- 2.5 ordnungen:3,0 _ 2,5 ,--- Pfopeller

Wechserspan.ung Systemstette20- 21 WechselspannungSyslemsielte

21- 22
AllernatingStress Locetion20- 21 Altemating
ShessLocatlon21- 22
iN/mm2l Sp3nnu.g/Stress
5 5

3 3

2 2

0 0
280 300 320 340 360 380 4|fi 4m 440 280 300 320 340 360 380 4AO 4X 440
Sp€€d11/mhl (i=0,2899) MotordrehzahrEnsine
Speedr/minl (i=02899)
O.dnlngen:3.0 _ 2,5 ,--- Propetler.... Ordnunsen:3,0 _ 2.5 -,-- Propeller

Blatt-Nr.: 7
SheefNo-: 4 3
Drehzahldiagramme eencht'Nr/Report-Nol
NAE\K Speeddiagrams
GmbHI Co.Kc Eelasilng nach Kombrmto.kufre/Loadacc to Combr.ato.Cuwe 98601072

Systemstelle9- 10 (Aus$uer Zyi 6) Elast.Kupplung 9- 10(AussetrerZy6)
Locatio.910 (MisnringCyl 6) Location9- J0 (Misnnn!Cyr6)
Flex Coupllng
Moment/Torc!etkNml v€l lsllerstlig/P@erLoss[kw]
50 5

30 3
25 25
20 2
t0 l
5 5
0 0
280 300 320 340 360 380 4ffi 4m 4tO 280 300 320 3!4 360 380 40C 420 4,10
Motodreh2ahl/Engne speed{1/mi.l (l=1.0) rvlotordrehzahl/Ensrie speed[1/minl( -i.0)
o r d n u . g e n 0: . 5 _ 3,0 ---- 1,5... O d n l n g e n :0 . 5 _ 3.0- -- - 5,0 ...

Elast.Klppllng Syslemstette
lt 16 (AussecerZyt.6) 15-l6 (Als*lzer Zyl.6)
Flex.colpii.g Locaton15- 16 (lvlsnnngCyi.6) Frex.couplingL@alion15-16(Misfii.gCl. 6)
Monenrrorque[kNm] Vedlstl€rstungr'PMrLossJkWl

2SO 3@ 320 340 360 3aO 4AO 420 44A 2€O 3o0 320 340 360 380 400 429 4.40
Motordrehzahi/Engino Spe€dt1lminl (i=3,5278) Motodehzahl/EngineSpeed[1/n,nl 0=35278)
O r d . u n g s 0 . 5_ 1.0.-.- Propeld.... Ordnungen0 :, 5 _ 1 . 0, - , - 1 , 5 . . . .

Gebebemoment Slelle17- 18 (Au$etz6.Zyl.6) Gelaebemonent Stelle19- 20 (Als*rzer Zyl 6)

in GearboxLoc.17- le (Llisfiring
Cyl.6) Torqle ln Geatox Loc 19-20 (lvisiinrgCyl.6)
l,lomenmorque [kNm] Momentlorque[kNm]
5 100
4.5 90
3 60
2.5 50
2 40
1 2a
0 0
280 300 320 340 360 380 4Cn 420 440 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Motodrehzahl/Enghe (i=3.5278)
Speed11/minl MotodrehzahtEngineSpeedtl/nrinl ii=l 0)
O r d n u r g e0n. 5: _ 10.-.- Propet,er Ordnufge0n .: 5 _ 1 . 5- - - - 1 . 0 . . . .

Elatt-Nr: I
Sheet-No.i 43
Drehzahldiagramme Eencht-N
r /Report-No.
NAE\K Speeddiagrams
Motoren Gmbl-l & Co KG gelaslungnach Komblnatorkufre/Lo.d acc ro CombnatofClpe 98601072

Wechselspannu.g 6,7 (AusseEerZyi.6)

Systernstelre Wechserspannung Systemste le I ?- 13 (Auss€iz$Zyr 6)
StressL@atjone 7 (lllsfring Cyl 6)
Anemating 6'ernarng
S ' . " s sL o c ai o r ' 2 - ' i V . f n - g CI I
50 5

35 35
/ i
30 3
20 2
15 1.5
10 1
0 0
280 300 320 340 360 3A0 4QO 42a 44A 280 300 320 340 360 380 4C0 42A
fi4otodrehzahi/EngineSpeedr/minl (i:1 0) Motordrehzahl/Ensrne
Speed11lmrnl(i.1 0)
O d n u n g e n1 0 _ 5.0 -,,- 0.5 ..... Ordnunge 0n
5 :_ 15---. 1.0

Systmstettei6- 17 (AusseEerZyt 6) Wehselspannung Systemslelle
18- 19(AlsseuerZyt.6)
Svess Location16- 17 (MisnrinqCyt.6) StressLocaton18- r9 (Mislirlng
Altemating cyl. 6)
IN/mm2] spannung/shessIN/mm2]
1Q 5
6 3
5 2.5
2 1
1 .5
0 0
280 300 320 340 360 380 4AO 4m 44A 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 4X 4&
Moiordrchzahl/Engine Speedll/manl (i:3 5278) Motordrehzahl/Engine Speedi1lmrnl (i:1.0)
o r d - u " g e n0 5 _ 10.... o'oPerbr O d r u n g e n0: . 5 _ 15.--'- 1.0 ....

We.hseispa.nungSystemdell€20,21 (AusseEerZyl.6) Wechselspannuns 21- 22 (Aussetzer

SysteBstelle Zy' 6)
SlressLocat'on20- 21 (Misfri.g Cyr.6) AlteriatingStess Locanon21- 22 (Llisfin.gCyl 6)
spannuns/stessIN/mm2] spannuns/stesstN/mm2l
10 10
9 I
8 I
7 7
6 6
5 5

3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
280 30A 320 340 360 380 40A 42A 44A 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Nloljordrehzahl/Engif e spe€d[1/min](i:0.2899) Motordrehzahl/Ensine Speedllhrnl (l:0.2899)
O d n l n g e n :0 5 _ 1,5---- 1.0 ... O . d n l ] n g e n0:. 5 _ 1,5- - -, 1.0....

Elatt-Nr.: I
ilaK llotoren GnbH& Co, KG Eigenfrequenzen Ktr. Nr./Recordlto
24159Kiel llatural Frequencies
1 .Crad 161 1/rnin 2.ctad 327 I lnln 3.Glad 718 1/min
Nr. Anpl ( rad) Monen!(kNm) A[lpI ( rad) Monent{kNn) AntDl( rad) Mornen!(kNm)
1 t.00 75 1.00 308 1.00 1 4 85
2 1.00 111 0.99 452 0.93 214L
3 1.00 204 0.98 830
4 1.00 297 0.98 L207 0.91 55 3 1
5 0.99 391 0.98 I58Z 0 .88 1:-67
6 0.99 484 4.97 1954 0.85 A141
7 0.99 516 0,96 2323 0.81 10258
8 0.99 669 0,95 2689 0.17 1 1 68 8
9 0.98 1339 0.94 5303 0.71 2 7 2 74
10 0. 15 1346 -72.58 9333
11 -0.69 1302 - 5.40 3432 -1-8.42 -13760
72 -1.51 1180 -7.54 914 -9.82 -29564
13 -1.52 1170 -7.55 7I3 -9.57 -30796
1 6 9 .9 8 43592 2,47 3061
15 -1. 79 -I32 82.40 4431-2 -3,67 29A6
-6.62 44206 - 9.51 2 7 70
17 -1.52 -144 - 7.55 44Aa4 - 9 .56 ]-425
18 -1.52 997 - 7.55 44199 - 9.56 -33021
L9 -7.52 99 1 . -7.57 44070 -9.54 -33807
20 -L.52 898 -7 -51 42774 - 9.54 -45331
2)- -1.55 893 -9.07 42056
22 -1.80 -0 -20.64 0 4.66 0
!'E(T0RSUMMEN ArE MAssE 3 *********
BEzocElr pHAsE-vEctoR
ro uesj:
0.5 0.0I2 6.5 0.012 0.5 0 .0 4 9 6 . 5 0.049 0.5 a.z3l 6.5 a.231
1.0 0.002 7.0 0.0 0 2 1 . 0 0.009 7.0 0.009 1.0 0.039 7.0 0 . 0 39
1.5 0.002 7.5 0.002 1,5 0.007 7.5 0.007 1.5 4 . A 3 2 7. 5 0.032
2.4 0.002 8.0 0.002 2.4 0.009 8.0 0.009 2.0 0.039 8.0 0.039
2.5 0.012 8.5 0.012 2.5 0.049 8.5 0.049 2.5 0.237 8.5 0.231
3.0 5,979 9.0 5-919 3.0 5.914 9.0 5.914 3.0 5.582 9.0 5.582
3.5 0.01.2 9.5 0,012 3.5 0.049 9.5 0.049 3.5 0 -231 9.5 0.231
4.0 0 . 0 0 21 0 . 0 0.002 4.0 0 . 0 0 91 0 . 0 0.009 4.0 0 . 0 39 1 0 . 0 0.039
4.5 0 . 0 0 2 1 0. 5 0.002 4.5 0 . 0 0 71 0 . 5 0.007 4.5 0 . 0 32 1 0 . 5 0.032
5.0 0 . 0 0 21 1 . 0 0.002 5.0 0 . 0 0 91 1 . 0 0.009 5.0 0 . 0 39 1 1 . 0 0.039
5.5 0.012 11.5 0.012 5.5 0 . 0 4 91 1 . 5 0.049 5.5 0.237 rl.5 A,237
5.9 5.979 72.4 5.979 6.0 5 . 9 1 41 2 . 0 5.9L4 6.0 5.5A2 72.A 5.5a2

oflvon: .13
l,laKilotoren GnbH& Co. KG Eigenfrequenzen K t r . N r ./ R e c o r dl l o
2 4 1 5 9K i e l llatural Frequencies
4.Grad 1033 l./nin I 5 . G r a d 1 5 3 1 1 / n i n I 6 . c r a d 1978 1/min
Nr. Arnpl(rad) MoneDr(!!qLL l$!.Llrad) Monenr(kNn) A]r]pI(rad) Momenr(kNm)
1 1.00 3081 1.00 11283
2 0 .85 432A 0.67 8933 o.46 t 3 73 1
3 0.84 7555 0.65 14410 a.42 1 96 1 4
4 0.81 10658 0.59 19359 0.33 243\6
5 0.76 13588 0.51 23634 4.23 27564
6 0. 70 L6295 a.4a 27A5A
7 0.63 18736 a.29 29495 -0.01 29013
8 0 . 56 2Aa7l 0.16 30883 -0.13 27128
9 0.45 33419 0.01 31356
ID - 2 0. 4 4 -6198
11 - 1 6 . 1 9 - 4 8893 L 3. 7 1 25AI2 -0.03 -53
12 14.37 -925 -1,92 10946 0.00 -27
i3 1 4 .3 8 Z9L4 -2.01 9761 0 . 0 0 -25
14 -1.67 -4291 0.11 645 -0.00 -t
15 6.95 -3683 0.00 -0
0.00 1
17 14.38 941 -2.4I -1008 0.00 2
18 14.38 L5239 -2. At 5256 0.00 -16
t9 14.37 L7696 -2,02 4499 0.00 -14
z0 14,31 53679 - 2 , 0 2 - 6 5 9 1 0.00 7
2t L 2. 4 6 55164 -L.74 -7457 0.00 8
0.16 0 0.00 0
0.5 0.490 6.5 0.490 0.5 1.086 6.5 1.086 0.5 1.932 6.5 1 . 9 32
1.0 0.075 7.0 0.075 1.0 0.131 7.0 0.131 1.0 0.128 7.0 0.128
1.5 0.064 7.5 0 . 0 64 1.5 0.133 7.5 0.133 1.5 4 . 2 7 5 7. 5 0.2L5
2 , O 0 . 07 5 8 . 0 0.075 z.a 0.131 8.0 0.131- 2.0 0.128 8.0 0.128
2,5 0.490 8.5 0.490 2.5 1.086 8.5 1 . 0 86 2.5 7.932 8.5 r.932
3.0 5.126 9.O 5.tZ6 3.0 4.008 9.0 4 . 0 0 8 3. 0 2 . 2 7 9 9. O 2.219
3.5 0.490 9.5 0.490 3.5 1.086 9.5 1.086 3.5 1.932 9.5 1.932
4.0 0 . 0 7 5 1 0. 0 0.075 4.0 0 . 1 3 11 0 . 0 0.131 4.0 0.12810.0 0.128
4.5 0 . 0 64 1 0 . 5 0.064 4,5 0.13310.5 0.133 4.5 0.21510.5 A.2L5
5.0 0 , 07 5 1 1 . 0 0.075 5.0 0 . 1 3L 1 1 . 0 0.131 5.0 0 . 1 2 81 1 . 0 0.128
5.5 0.49011.5 0 . 4 9 0 5.5 1,086 11.5 1.086 5.5 1.93211.5 I.932
5.0 5.126 t2.O 5.126 6.0 4.008 12.0 4.008 6.0 2.21912.O 2.279

S h e e /t B l a ! r : / , t 4
flaK lilotoren GdDH& Co. KG Eigenfrequenzen K t r . l { r ./ R e c o r dl l o
2 4 1 5 9K i e l Ilatural Frequencies
/ Remark:
7.crad 3090 1/min 8.Grad 3496 r/nill 9.Grad 5684 1/min
Nr. tulp1( rad) Momenr(kNmL Anpr (rad) Momenr(kNn) turpl ( rad) Nlomenr (kNm)
1 1.00 21546 1 .00 35258 1.00 93187
z -4.32 23299 -0.70 236A8 -3 . lA -6A962
3 -0.39 9197 -3.30 -445039
4 -0.43 -5137 -4.72 -41196 -1.41 -509100
5 -0.41 -t932A -0.54 -65142 1.18 -472436
6 -0.33 -30680 3.18 -101509
7 - 4 . 2 0 -37556 0 . 06 - 74 5 6 4 3.62 3 1 905 1
8 - 0 . 0 4 -1a944 0 . 38 -57790 2.26 581980
9 0.L6 ZA0 4.67 157658 -0.69 -1136
10 -0.02 -30 -97.A6 -20463AA 4.02 32
11 0 . 00 2 1 1 8 1 . 1 33 3 . 1 0 5 3 4 6 E + 0 6 - 0 .c 0 -1
12 -0.00 1 - 1 9 5 4 9 .77 - 7 I . 2 2 9 8 / 5 E + A 7 -0.00 -1
1l -0.00 I - L l 5 9 0 . 5 1 -7 5. 1 83 I 7 2 E + 07 0.00 -1
14 0.00 0 - 4 3 72 8 . A 2 - a 2. 8 4 04 2 L E + O A 0.00 c
15 -0.00 -0 4 . 2 5 3 6 E + A 17 2 . 5 5 4 7 3 7 E + 0 8 -0.00 -0
16 -0.00 -0 1 3 6 6 5 9. 7 1 2 . 8 0 5 5 4 5 E + 0 8 0.00 !
17 -0.00 -0 -I325L.28 12.5603938+08 0.00 0
18 -0.00 1 - 1 3 2 5 1 .2 8 3 8 . Z L I Z 3 Z E + A 1 0.00 -0
19 -0.00 I -13423.23 35.5839558+07 0.00 -0
20 -0,00 -0 - L 14 2 3 .2 3- 2 8 . 8 94 12 6 E + A 6 0.00 0
2r -0.00 -0 -12398. 3 4 - 45. 79A376E+A6 0.00 0
22 0.00 -0 1,96.22 -2116 0.00 0
0.5 1.343 6.5 1 . 34 3 0.5 2.269 6.5 2.269 0.5 2.861 6.5 2.861-
1.0 0.691 7.0 0.693 r.0 0.489 7.0 0.489 1.0 1 . 4 2 7 7. 0 L,427
1.5 0.091 7.5 0.091 1.5 0.105 7.5 0.105 1.5 0.445 1.5 0.4a5
2.0 0.693 8.0 0.693 2.4 0.489 8.0 0 . 4 8 9 2- A !.421 8.0 7.427
2.5 1.343 8.5 1.343 2.5 2.269 a.5 2,269 2.5 2.461 8.5 2.86r
3.0 4.610 9.0 4.610 3.0 2,420 9.O 2.420 3. 0 t . 6 74 9 . 4 r . 6 74
3. 5 1 . 34 3 9 . 5 1.343 3.5 2.269 9.5 2.269 3.5 Z.A61 9.5 2,86r
4.0 0,69310.0 0.693 4.0 0.48910.0 0.489 4.A t.427 LO.A 7.427
4.5 0.09110.5 0.091 4-5 0.10510.5 0.105 4.5 0 . 4 4 5 1 0 .5 0.445
5. 0 0.69311.0 0.693 5.0 0.4891r.0 0.489 5.0 L.427 Il,.A L,427
5.5 1 . 34 3 1 1 . 5 1,343 5.5 2.269IL.5 2 . 2 6 9 5.5 2 . 8 6 1 1 1 .5 2.A61
6.0 4.61012,0 4.610 6,0 2 . 4 2 A1 2 . A 2 . 4 2 0 6 . 0 L.61412.A 7,614

Sheet/ EIatt: /,tZ

o f / v o n : y '3
MAKMOIOGNGMbH & CO.KG Erlauterunoen Bericht-Nr./ ReponNo.
24159 Kiol Explanatio;ns 98501072

V e r w e n d e t eM a B e i n h e i t e n : I ltnits of nceqr,,FmFFr,,<A.i.
Atte-fi"Gsem zahten- report
w e r t ee n t s p r e c h de en ni n t e r n a t i o n a l e n lf,fffi;fi;-this
I correspon wdj t h t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a j
l q a 8 s y s t (eSnl - S y s t e n ) . I S y s t e ronf U n i t s( S I U n i t s ) .
S a m t l i c h le' l a s s e n t ' " ; g h e i t s m o sn ienndt e l T h e u n i t o f a l l n o m e n rosf j a e r L i a i s
r n o e r L l n n e l r L X g n z al n g e g e D e n .
I lkSm?J.
A n s t e l l e d e r i i b l i c h e nD r e h s t e i f i g k e i t I I n r a " u a o f t h e u s u a t t o r s i o n a l r i o i d i t-v'
c l k N m / r a dw ] ird der Reziprokweri I c [ k N r n / r a d*]e a " e i n J i c i t i n q r h e ' -
L l r a d , / G N nal n g e g e b e nc. = 1 0 " .
I r e c i p r o c a l v a l u e L I r a d / G N m ]G : = t0r.

u r e A n r r t e D s at ar g et s t a u l e t n b e r e c h - | T h e p r o p u l s i o nD l a n t i s s u b s t j t u t e db v
n u n g s f i h i g e sE r s a t z s y s t e f ld, a s a b w e c h - | a c o h p u t a b l ee q ui v a l e n t s y s t e m ," h i c n '
s e l n d a u s l t l a s s e un n d F e d e r nb e s t e h t , z u - | a l t e r n a t e l y c o n s i s t s o f r n o m e nor sf
r i i c k g e f i . i h r tA. l l e A n l a g e n t e i l e ,d i e I i n e r t i a a n i ! s p r i n g s . A l l c o n p o n e n tnso t
n i c h t r n i t M o t o r d r e h z a huln l a u f e n ,s i n d I r u n n i n ga t e n b i n e ' s p e e ad r e r e f e r r e d t o
a u f d i e l 4 o t o r d r e h z a hr el d u z i e r t . . A n l a - e n g i n e - s p e e d . - C o f l p o ; ernutnsn i n gf a s t e r
g e n t e i l e , ,d i e s c h n e l l e r d r e h e na l s _ d e r |
I t h ; n t h e e n g i n eh a v ea g e a r r a t i o
I t l o t o r ,h a b e n . e i nU b e r s e t z u n g s v e r h e l t n i sI greater than unity.
g r o b e ra r s e r n s .

v o r l i e g e n d eD r e h s c h w i n g u n g s b e r e c h n u nlgT t r ' i - t o i ! i o n a T - v j b r a t i o n c a l c u l a t i o n
w u r d e- e n t s p r e c h e ndde n R e g e l nd e r I h a s b e e nc a r r i e d o u t a c c o r d i n gt o t h e
Schwingungstechn - ink a c hb e s t e ml , { j s s e n I r u l e s o f v i b r a t i o n e n g i n e e r i n !t o t h e
u n du n t e r Z u h i l f e n a h n e nodernster I best of our knowledge-an wdi t i t h e a i _
R e c h e n h i l f s m i t t edl u r c h g e f i i h r t . I s i s t a n c eo f t h e r n o s im o d e r nc a l c u l a _
Ition aids.
D i e , E r g e b n i s suen d S c h l u B f o l g e r u n g e n I t n e r e s u l t s a n d c o n c l u s j o n sa r e o n l y
s i n d n u r g i j l t i g , s o w e i td i e . E i n g a b e d a t el vn a l j d a s f a r a s t h e d a t a g i v e na r e i o r _
k o r r e k r s i n d , w o r a u fw i r j e d o c hn u r b e - | r e c t , w h i c h , h o w e v e r c, a n - o n l yb e j n _
z i i g l i c h u n s e r e se i g e n e nL i e f e r a n t e li s
EinfluB haben. I f l u e n c e db y u s w i t h i n o u r s c o i e o f
daBder Auftraggeber I lJereconrnend
our customer
to nakethe
a l l e n B a u t ei l l i e f e r a n t e nd i e D r e h a c h l i i n - | t o r s i o n a l v . i b r a t i o nc a l c u l a t j o n
g u n g s b e r e c h n uznugr - V e r f i i g u nsgt e l l t , u m
I a v a i l a b l e t o e a c h c o n p o n e nstu p p l j e r
d i e s e ne i n e N a c h p r i j f u nagu f R j c h t i g k e j t l f o r c h e c k i n qt h e c o r r e c t n e s so i t h e
d e r . D a t e nu n d Z u l a s s i g k e i td e r a u f t r e - | data andth; admissibjljty of the
t e n d e nB e a n s p r u c h u n gzeune r m i i g l i c h e n . I s t r e s s e st o b e e x o e c t e d .

u n s e r eG e ! , / a h r l e j s t u wn gi r d n e b e nd e r - B e - | O w g u " " " n t y i s l j n i t e d t o t h e c o r -

s e i t i g u n g e i n e s e v t l . B e r e c h n u n g s f e h l e rIs r e c t i o n o f ; n v c o n p u t a t j o n ael r r o r a n d
a u f N a c h b e s s e r uondge r E r s a t z d e s s c h a d - l t h e r e p a i r o r - r e p l a c e n e not f t h e d e f e c -
haftenTeiles an unserem Liefe.gegen- I t j v e p a r t o f t h e e q u j p m e nst u p p l i e db y
s t a n d b e s c h r a n k t l. , l e i t e r g e h e n d
Aen - | u s . A n y o t h e r c l a i n s i r e e x c l u b e dj r - -
s p r t i c h es i n d - g l e i c h a u s w e l c h e n I r e s p e c t i v eo f t h e i r b a s i s j n l a w .
R e c h t s g r u n-d a us g e s cIho ss e n .

Blatt I Sheet: 43
testrecords Al.lO


Acceptancetest records

e n/ 1 9 . 0 2 . 1 9 9 6 AA000095 1t1
: lla( Drtstt - ExGrlrt
)btor€n Sti I Co,KG Accrptancelcst Rlcord
- (Her llo.
Engim lyF : 6[ 601C | 241198 englrp S€rl.l lo.: 632l|
bt.nt t q.r.t|fc: 32 'C
AtlDsplErlccondltlomdurlngtest n r:
ltrDspheric pr€slur€: 1005rib.r Relrttv€ htnidity : 75 t Altttud€ | l0 .
lle usadtor the test nn: ( n - 3 )
v.l|P lile rctuil iu€l oll snalysls T6t b.d . 5/Jll
fuel derlsity &' llydr.ullcbr.L : 14UZ I125
l-uloll tyD€
Englmd.t.: tour-stmle/djrtct I nJectt drlporte|lgi ne cloclslse mtrtiar (vls.d frt. OE drlv. sd)

n ted porcr : 75m lH R.ted ipe€d 4n5 rt l Firlng order: l-3-5-5-4-2

lor! : 580 n Stmle 600 rEl
Turbocl|l llr tlp6 wn 454-1t seri11lio. flr a29550 Sp€ctflc.tlon:
r8l20 rF 570 'C
l5 C
Fu€llltt.cttcn prry: L'or.rE€PGGG0 Plullpr dldEter : l7'0 !| Idl' stml€ rlr : 8'0 * 0'! '

Fuelhrector : x.l k l/l op€ntngpr€ssutc : 380 bir Speclt{dtlon :

0ll cool6 Cool. surf.ce aaer : cr.nlsh.ft :

Drdtnqtld.: 1,83.r-25.10.01-05
Cool, iurfice .raa : llrb.r : l57l
Fr€shstar coollr :
iidnq datr CYItnd€r
l ) l I 2 | 3 | 1 l s | 6 | 7 I
to drirlng llo.
lnl.t q.ns 55 '
befcrr T.D.C.
Inlsl closos l0 '
.tt.r B.D.C.
t.h.ust op€ns 50 '
'befor. 8.0.C.
hh.uit closes 55 '
rfter T.D.C.
: 1950 rn l'- 17.0 m FlyYJEelr€tght : 40() l|
FltrlE€l dl.mter
settingi Cylind€r
r)1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 7

fru li|Er top

C@rc@rt of ld€ction Pt,P
rbllvlry lndlc.ted ln tltri ng
rlrdd of gre. d.gres b€foE T'o.c.

tuel Inlactlq| DrD ract

Frlttr| *.n control handl.
in 'stop' [m]
ru.l iniecttdt pr4-
ract porltior uol rated pder
tll.l ltd. pttp A/l m.: 5 At
blockld rt
65,0 m Dolo.d
n. 425 IF Alr consuptlonfor startlng |nd l€verslngI ( n . 3 )
Go\amasEed settlr{ r 0 . 5 d
fi..rtrr sird m lo.d h - 43E 4'! 0ottl e cnpaclty
Itinlr! ri!.d m lo.d n - 285 rgr Inltial prtssur. ! 18,0 b..
lllnlrr ipeedrlth loed rF St.rtln9: tiD at 10.0 b.r
RaoalnlrE pr\essune
ln Dotrla : 9.0 br

l) Io. r cylindrr d| fly$€.1 e'ldol engine

B.nt A. left vlGredfrd! d.ive €nd I - riSht vlsi€d fr!' ftlve end

DICltf / V.r5l6 5.0 / C0PYRI6III

a tc.
P-- !
-!lE !'

5 t a -

a : : E i

g : I

! 5 :
i E 3

a 2 t t
r i t

! 3


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l-r I : I
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!E5i-r:E I
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.! !.8 t'

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f aK


en / 09.09.1998 AA000108 'v1

Tableof conGnts A3.01

Operatinginstructions A3
Tableot contents 43.01
Introduction A3.02
Safetyinstructions A3.03
Instructionsfor heaw fuel operation A3.04
Instructionsfor heavyfuel operation
Fuelsystem A3.04.07.00
for heaWtuel Operation
Careand supervision/ Enginefuel
Instructionstor heaw fuel operation
Lubricatingoil system
-- Instructionslor heavyfuel Operation
Careand supervision / LubricatingOil
Engine 43.05.00
oilsystem A3.05.08.00
Coolingwatersystem A3.05.09.00
Startingair system ffi.05.10.00
Startingair system A3.05.11.00
testing A3.05.15.00
Puttingintoservice/starting A3.05.18.01
Puttingintoservice/loading A3.05.18.03
Engine 43.06.00
Fuelsystem A3.06.07.00
Changingthe typeot fuel A3.06.07.01
FuelDamperSystem ,

en / 10.09.1998 AA020023 1t2

Tableot contents A3.01

oilsystem A3.06.08.00
Coolingwater system A3.06.09.00
Staningsystom A3.06.10.00
Partialloadoperation A3.06.18.00
Engine 43.07.00
out ot service/stopping A3.07.18.00
Dangerol lrost
Engine 43.08.00
Dangerot frost
Anti{reezeprotection A3.08.01.00
Engine A3.09.00.00
Shorttermpreservation A3.O9.O1.OO
Longterm preservation
Engine A3.1o.oo
Engine A3.11.00
Remedial measures A3.11.18.02
Engine A3.12.00
Emercency operation
Witha defective
Emergency operation
With a de{ective
mis{ire A3.12.02.00
misJire A3.12.02.01

en/ 10.09.1998 A,A020023 2n

lntroduction A3.02


Containedhereinare certainpoints regardingthe initial operation,the assurance of a reliable

serviceas well for overcomingthe need lor long pe ods ot non operation,thus ensuringa lapid
returnto servtce.

Foranyworkingdatamentionedin this book,pleasebearthe followingin mind:

It is possiblefor the enginepowerto be limited betorereachingits full performancecapacity,

to meet special requirements.Thereby in compliancewith DIN ISO 3046 we differentiate

. Maximum continuouspower
this is the maximumpermissible

' Ratedpower
this is indicatedon the acceptancetest recordsfor your engine.

. Fullstoppower
this is the poweroutputlimitedby a restrictor
on the injectionpumpracks.

Unlessotherwiseindicated,our informationalwaysretersto the maximumcontinuouspowerand if

this is unknowntothe operatorhe shouldmakeinquiriestothe manufacturer.

The power is limited by a rcstrictorat the fuel injectionpump control shaft during the test bed run
and normallyat rated power and speed.Any other arrangementscan be seenfrom the acceptance

When using heavierfuel oradesindependenton the density of the luel, the rated powet
will be reached at . !gella-et_poS!!!q!! thrt is accordingly !9!4e!. As such. the limhinO
position must also be accordinglylower,This is especiallythe caseafter a changeof fuel
from that of an essentiallyhigher density as it is the casewhen chsngingfrom distilled
fuel to heavy oil. The rheration ol the luel rack position may only be carried out by
personnelwho havereceivedpermissionto do this from MaKt

en / 12.02.1996 AA000295 1/2

Introduction A3.02


The operatorshaveto work with the necessarycare and to keepto the safety notes.
The existing
protectionand saletydevicesmust not be removednor changed,
and any damagedetectedmust be
immediatelyreported.Safetydevicesmay only be changedin sDecialcasesby personnel
who have
receivedpermission to do thislrom MaK,

The preparationsfor the tirst startup are made by the MaK serviceengineer,
who wa explainthe
plant to the engineroom staff in detail.Detailquestionsare to be setfled
on site irom tne operating
Instructaons and explanationsshould be noted down in the instructions.After commtsstoningthe
engine,all importantdataand workshouldbe recordedin eitheathe enginelog book
or in our ship
management svstemDIMOS.

Pleaseobservethe data and recommendationsin your operating instructions

together with the
marntenanceand servicingmeasuresrecommendedby us. They are the basislor long
a useful life
w|th a constantdegaeeof economylor yourengineinstallation.

After everycleaningofthe enginewith Iat solventdetergentsall metallicblank patts
be protectedagainsligh y whh rn oil fitm!

Specialcaremust be trken to ensurethat all beadngpoints affectedbythe cleaning

thoroughly lubricatedafterwards!

en / 12.02.1996 AA000295 2n
Instuctionsfor heavytueloperation 43.04


The instructionsstated below are to be the readinessfor service and

operationalreliabilityof the enginesystemdudng highextremesof use,requiresperfectfuel and
dependsuponoptimalconcentrations and monitoringsupervision.

. Fuel system A3.04.07.nn

. Lubricatingoil system A3.04.08.nn

et\/ 10.12.1997 AA000291 1/l

iiaK Instructionsfor heaw fuel operation



The evermoreintensiveutilizationof crudeoils by modern processingis the roasonthe portion of

the residualoils (heavyfuel) has becomesmalterand the portionof the in the residuatoils
remainingcontaminating matterhas.however,increased,

Thedistinguishingpropertiesol suchresidualoilsaretheir highviscosityand theirdensityas well

portiono{ chemicalcompounds
as the increased with sulphutvanadium, sodiumand catlinesetc.

The remainigcontaminating mattersinfluencethe operationofthe "heaw fuel engine"!Optimum

treatment of the fuel and an intensivesupervisionof the plant are there{orea preconditionfor
economical operationol -heaw fuelengines".

For inlormationabout heavy luel quality and for instructionsand maintenacesee section

en I 10.12.1997 8A000004 1t1

Instructionsfor heavyfuel Operation A3.04.07.01
Careandsupervision/ Enginefuel

Careand supervision
lf you are uncertsinofthe bunkerquality,a carcfulascenationoI the quality must take place.

diagramatic view ol
the h€avyfuel circulatory

Fnroirazrux trtne

f ff'**{/ttx Errrr

f n'al"rrrz ulr ertnr

DP2 Fuelpressureregulatingvalve Fueo
l i lc i r c u l a r i nDoU m D
HP5/HP6 Heavyfuel tEnsldr pudip {separatod
DT2 Dieseloii rnt€rmediate
r.h k HR1 Frel pressureregulatingvalve
HF1 F u e l f i n ef i h e r( d u p l e fxi h e d HSDl/HS2
HF2 FuelprimarVfilter (duplerlilted
Self+ieaningr0elfih€r ftT2
HH1 Heavyfuel final preheater HT5/6
HN3 Heavyfuel pr€heater(separator)
HHl Heawluel final preheater
HH3 Heavyfuel preheater(separator)

en / 19.08.1996 8A0000r0 1t4

Instructions{or heavyfuel Operation
Careandsupervision / Enginefuel

1. Storagetank

When fueling, only empty storagetanks are to be used.This is to avoid segregationor the
consequences oI any incompatibilitythst may occurwhen takingon differenttypesof fuel. lf a
plant has no bunkerheating.the HFOpumpabilitymust be guaranteed by the supplieror
checkthe settingpoint by cooling(in a retrigerator).

2. Seftlingt.nk HT5,HT6

Emulsions are normallybrokenup undertemperature influencein a settlingtank,and a part

ofthe water and heavycontaminationare separatedtaomthe fuel as sludge

Two settlingtankshaveprovidedfor HFO-operation

and eachone has beendesignedfor a full
loadoperationof 24 hours.

. Connectthe tanksalternately
ofthe tuel consumedso asto obtainthe best
seftlingeffect possible.

' Belorecuttinga tankin, thoroughlyremoveanywaterand sludge.

The longerthe fuel remainsin the settlingtank,the more contaminants

and waterwill be

Duringoperation, of the tankshouldbe between80 - 90'C.

the settemperature

3. SeparatorHSD1,HSDz

The separatorshavethe most importanttask in the fuel treatment.They lower the contento{
solidsandwaterto the minimumthat canbetechnicslly reached.

. Both separatorsare to operateindependentlyofthe manulacturers/system.

'I -;:a: ihe desion with


e n / 1 90 8 1 9 9 6 8A000010 2 !
Instructionsfor heavyfuel Operation
Careandsupervision/ Enginefuel
M20| M2Aa M332C/ M 452lM 453CI M551/ M552C|M60lA4 601C

4. Self cleaningfuel filter HF,l

Fortuel, tilter elementswith I meshsizeot 1O[m are required.

In the event of Iilter alarm.which is activatedbetweenthe flushing intervalsil the differcntial

pressureis accessive,the operationol the separatorsmust be checkedand the fiher cleaned
(forservicinginstructions seethe documents from the manutacturer).

5. Daytank HT 1

The day tank is designedto collectthe treatedfuel, for a minimum oI hours full load
operation.lI the treatment plant is in ordet it will always be tilled to the overftow tevet.(No
formationof water condensatjon)

. Dailyde-sludging
is important.

. Atemperaturelevelbetween80 - 95 .C shouldbe maintained.

6. Fuelpressurepump HP1,HP2

The fuel pump pressurizes

the mixing tank. The pump relief valve has to be closed in


The systempressuremust not risewhen increasingthe valvesp ng load.

7. Fuelpressure-regulating

This valve is installed in the excessretum line and must be set so that the Dressureat the
engineis ofthat rcquired(seetechnicaldataALlqS).

8, Mixing tank HT2

Thistank hasa levelmonitorIn the eventof alarmand/orwhenfillingthe tank,openthe vent

valvetor a shontime by hand.

9. Circulatingpump HP3,HP4

This pump has been designedlike a force pump. Checkthat the reliefvalve is closedas
describedin (6).

en / 19.08.'1996 8A000010 3/4

Instructionsfor heaw fuel Operation
Careandsupervision / Enginefuel

'10. FinalpreheaterHH1

The prcheateris to lower the tuel viscosityto a levelthat is optimalfor injection.

1O-12 mm2ls cst; (1,8- 2 .E). in orderto reacha good atomizationand tuel-atrmrxture.

. l l t h e p r e h e a t e r i s o l t h e e l e c t r i c a l t y p e , e n s u r e t h e t e m p e r a t u r e s w i t c h i s s1e8t0a"tC
m. i n .

lf the preheateris of the steamtype, a condensationtrap should be installedat the steam

outlettoensurcsufficientheatingis possible.


Fueltemperatur€boforeengineirtake < 150.C,

11. Finetilter HFI

The fine filter protectsthe fuel injectionsystemand removessolids not previouslyseparated.

It is importantto cleanthe filter when 50 % oI the red arca on the differentialpressuregauge
is visibleor whenthe filteralarmhasbeenactivated.

For serviceand maintenanc€instructionssee

12. Viscoshymeasurementand contrcl equipmer HR2

Checkwhetherthe indicatedviscosityis actuallyrunt whenevertakingon {uel, checkthe

sheet (see operating media
tempe€tures and viscosity against the viscosity-temperature
44!q!-!?-OQ) adjustthe viscositycontrol if necessary.

en / 19.08.1996 8A000010
Instructionsfor heavy fuel operation
iiEIK Lubricating
oil system


Lubricatingoil system

The progressively
decliningqualityol heavyluel oilsand the contamination contained thereincan
leadto enginetroubleswith increasing frequencyiI the lubeoil is not caredtor in an adequate

pointout the importance

Forthis reason,the followinginstructions oI a carelullubeoil treatment
and supervisionot the lube oil circuitso as to ensurea trouble,freeand economicalenqine


The selectionof the suitablelubeoil and the limitvaluesare observedaccording

to the operating

Thelubeoalhasimportantfunctionsin engineoperation
as e.g.:

. Replace
metallicfrictionwith the muchlowerfluidtrictionotrhe oitfitm.

. Protectenginepans from corrosivecombustiongases.

Sulphurousresiduesand combustionproductsof the fuel torm sulphuricacid
with the water vapor which resuhs from combustion and which afterwards
condenses.This produces corrosive wear on bearings, pistons. valves and

. Dissipate

. Act as a coolant{pistons).

' lmprovethe sealbetweenpiston,pistonringsand cylinderliner,to limitgasblow-by.

. Suspendabradedparticles,
combustion and productsoI deteriolation.

e^ I 11.12.1997 8A020008 1/1

lnstructionsfor heaw fuel Operation 4,'l
Careandsupervision / Lubricating

Careand supervision

lubeoil purafication
In heaw tuel operation, by separators tor a propertreatment.
is indispensible
Thereis no other meansto eliminatelrom the oil, the productsresultingfrom cleaningand
neutralization(carbonand asphallcompounds) includingwater

1. Lubricationoil fihering

By passoil cleaningin separatorsis specitiedtor heavytuel operation.

. The separationtemperaturemust be between90 - 95 oC.

. The maximum utilizationof the separatoris to be 20 % ot the ratedcapacity(seethe rating

plateof the separator
or pump).

2. Oil level control

. Checkthe oil leveldaily.

. Tle,lqwith fresh oil. if 20 7oofthe sleq{ied quantity has beenconsumed.

.{\1,.,"r !e{ f rer,. ,l_aLd*l.

Thiswill replacepartofthe adllitivesconsumed.

' Makean oil analysisat regularintervals.

3. Lubricatingoil system

The pump fitted on the enginetakesthe oil trom the sump tank via a protectivestrainer
(wherefitted)and pumpsit to the automaticlubeoil tilter The lubricating oil is then pumped
via the su!$eqleDt oil cooler to the duplex tilter (with indicator)and then via the safety
strainertiifr'6%i1 pressureregulatingvalve. After this, it is distributedamong rhe engrne
lubricating points.

Lubeoil is separated
in a bypassflow

en/ 11.07.1996
Instructionsfor heaw fuel Operation
CareandsuDervision / Lubricatinq

T i Principaldiagrammatic viewof
the lubricating
oil circulatory
tI ' system



.it I


lF2 L 0 b eo i l a u l o m a t i cf i l l e r LP5
LP9 Transferpump (separator)

LH1 LR2 Oil pressureregulatingvalve


e n/ 1 1 . 0 7 . 1 9 9 6 8A000015 2t4
Instructionsfor heavyfuel Operation
Careand supervision
/ LubricatingOil
M2UM2aAM332CI M 152| M 453CI M551| M552C/M601/M601C

3.1 PrelubricationLP2lstandbyor prelubricrtionpumpl

Onlya sufficienlprelubrication
will producethe necessary
oil film on all bearingsfor engine

. Checkthe oil pressurebuild-upat the last main bearing{if there is no automaticengine


. Primethe circuituntil the pump pressureis steady.

3,2 Checkthe operationotthe engine.driventorce pump LP1

. Checkthe oil pressure(at ratedspeedand workingtempe€ture), if the pressureis too low.


. is the oil pressure

regulating valveclosed?
. is the pumpreliefvalvetight?
. arethe suctionpipessealstight?
. is the suctionstrainerclogged?
. is the Ilushingquantityof the automatic
filtertoo large?

3.3 Ltjbeoil Automarictilter LF2(flushingwith oil ol compressedairl

Theflushingfrequencyresultslrom the quantityof din particles

that remainedin the lubeoil
the separator

. Monitor the flushing intervals of the filter (the tlushing cycle counter indicatesthe
contamination level),

lf thereare morethan 100flushingsper day,the causeo{ the oil contamination

must be

' Checkthe separatoroperation

' Chargeair is too cold(sootformation)

. Checkand cleanthe lilter elements(seethe servicinginstructions

in the documentstrom
the manu{actuaed.

. Iilterflusheswith oil. setthe flushingflow (valvein the flushingline)so

lf the back-flushing
thattherewill be no dropin the wo*ing pressure.

' tilter is equippedwith flushingoil preparation,

lf the back-Ilushing the insertsol this must
be cleanedor exchanged in the eventof a filteralarm.

e n/ 1 1 . 0 7 . 1 9 9 6 BA000015 314
Instructionsfor heaw fuel Operation A3.04.08.01
Careandsupervision/ Lubricatinq

Thelunctioningo{ the entireseriesot tiltersis indispensible lor properfiltrationof the lubeoil.
The automaticlilter is the m€in lilter and as such it hasthe finest must therelore
only be bypassed in extremeemergencies.

3.4 Lube oil Automaticlilter LF2lwith per{lglgral oit ftushinsl

. Regularcheckingand cleaningof the gauzeinserts(the differentialpressureindication

showsthe contamination
levelotthe elements).

. Carefully
checkthe filterelementsfor damage.

. It the filter has various damagedcartridge means a malfunction of the

entirefilter Renewdamagedcartridges.

Seethe servicinginstructionsin the documentslrom the manufacturer

3.5 Duplexlube oil filter LFI lwith indicator)

. Checkthe lilterat regularintervals.

lf required (differentialpressureindicator shows 50 % of the red area or filter alarm),

carefullycleanthe isolatedtilter chambetthe fiher cartridgesbeinginstalledat working

Removethe cartridgesduring everythird cleaning.

' Renewdamagedfilter ca(ridges.

For servicinginstructionssee operatingmediaA5.,nn.

3.6 Strainerfiher lfor pumps)

. Cleanthe strainer fillers in the suction pipes of the serviceand standby pumps every
6,000operatinghoursand/orwhenwork hasbeendoneon the suctionsideof the lubeoil

e n/ 1 1 . 0 7 . 1 9 9 6 8A000015 4t4
maK Initial operation



en / 27.06.1996 8A000022 1t1

Initial operation A3.05.07.00

Fuel system

After a long breaklrom seruiceand/or beforethe initial operationwith heavy and destillatedfuels
we recommend:

. Removethe fuel injectorsaccordingto A5.05,07.07.01.nn.

. Checkthe nozzlesand openingpressureaccordingto IEJEJZ{g!1.!!.

The rule is: heavyfuel - coolednozzles

tuel - uncoolednozzles

lf an engineequippedfor heaw fuel,is to be onlytemporarilyrun on distillate will not
be necessaryto fit uncoolednozzles.

. Drainthe dayluel tank.aemove

the sludgeand relill.

. Cleanthe fuelfilteraccording
to A5.

. Ensurethat all cocksand valvesare in the correctposition.

. Ventthe fuel system.

Useauxilaryfuel pump.In casethe day tankis at a higherleveland the pump has a bypass
line:openthe stopvalveat the pump.

. Checkfor smoothoperationolthe controlracklinkages:

Eachindividualcontrol rack has movementin both directionsso as to give pertectoperation.

. Setall equipmentpartsof the fuel and nozzlecoolingsystemsintothe operatingposition.

. Switchthe fuel circulatingpump on and checkthe vent screws,flange connectaons

threadedpipeunionsfor leaks.

Additionalp.eparationwork for hesvyluel operation


. Switchon all necessarypreheaterslorthe correcttime.

. pumpon.
Switchthe fuelcirculation

The fuel temperaturebefore the injectionpumps is to be checkedaccordingto its viscosity


en I 11.12.1997 8A000018 1/1

iiaK Initialoperation
Lubricatingoil system


Lubricatingoil system

The lubricatingoil shouldbe analyzedregularilyduringoperationand after a longerperiodof

enginedown-time. seeA4.05.08.nn.

. Cleanthe lubricatingo;l duplextilter and the suctionstrainettheseboth beingsituatedin

front ot the lube oil force pump and the standby pump {see A5.,nn,

' Drysump
- Drainoff the water trom the oil tank
- Checkthe oil level

' Wetsump
- Checkthe oil levelin the sumpby meansot a dip stick.

. Switchon the standbyor pre-lubricating


- Ventthe entirelubricating
oil system.

- Checkall flangesand threadedconnectionsin the systemfor tight connection.

- Checkthe lubrication
ot the to owingpoints:

Brgend and smallendbearings

Valve rockers
Oil nozzles
for the pumpsactuating
Oil nozzles gear

A slightoil flow mustbe visible

- Checklubricating
oil pressure.

Theworkingpressurehasto be reachedwith switched-on

standyor prelubricating
see 4!!.0!.

Phms with lubricatingoil separator:

. S t a n t h e s e p a r a t o r a n d p r e h e a t t hi netohiils m a n n e r i n d u e t i m e b e f o a e s t a n i n g t h e e n g i n e .

Turbochalgerwith independentlubricatingoil supply:

. Checkthe oil levelsat the turbineand compressor


en / 28.02.1997 8A000026 1/1

maK Initial operation


Coolingwater system

' Fill the coolingwateasystemvia lhe is requircdthat the coolingwater hasa
level of corrosionprotection(seeA4.05,09.nn).

. Set the correct position of the isolatingand changeovercocksand/or valves on the cooling
water system,seebook C.

. Switchon the freshwater standbypump and checkthe systemfor leaks.

. lf thereare cocksor valvesin the coolingwater pipingon the engine,lor drainingindividual

coolingwater spacesfor repair{e.9.cylinderhe6d,turbocharger etc.),checkwhetherthese
cocksor valvesare open,so that there will be no heataccumulationin the Dartsto be cooled.

. Unlessconnected to a permanentventingarrangement, all components and pipesbelonging

to the systemmust be consecutivelyvented.The vent pipefrom the engineto the headertank
generallyhasa stopvalveto throttlethe waterflow.Whilelhe engineis running,a sufficient
permanent ventingmustbe ensured.

. Preheatthe enginein goodlime beforestarting:Switchthe prcheater and circulatingpumps

on or openthe isolatingvalvesil the coolingwatercircuitis connected
with the circuitoI the

lf an engineis runningon heavyIuelfrom pierto pier,preheatingis absolutelynecessary. The

starting performanceis betterwith distillatefuel.Watercondensationis avoidedand the time
neededuntiltheenginehasbeenwarmedup to normalworkingtemp€rature is considerably


For pressuresand temperaturesseeA!q5 an 4!:108.

e n/ 1 6 . 1 2 . 1 9 9 7 BA000030 1t1
Initial operation
M2a2N332ClM 4521M453C/M551,^4

Compressedair system

. Checkthe lollowing componentsfor easeof movementand leaks:

Startingair distributor A5.

Masterstartingand vent valve A5,

. Checkthe pistonof the startingand maximumfuel limiterlor smoothoperationl

The pistonmust move freelywithout bindingor catchjngby air pressureor spnng aq,on

lf thereare specialrequirements to be met,the enginewill havea tuel limiterdependingon

chargeair pressure.and this also limits the startingfuel. Check:4!q!q!E!.lq?.!!.

. Drainthe staftingair equipment.


. Open the main valve on the air bottles. For engineswith remote controlt put the pressure
reducingstationship in positionl. llor lll.

' Checkemergency stopunit by activating

a emergency stopbutton.
Activate Resel al the safety system.the stop solenoid is resettedand the emergencyslop

. In no casethe startingair shut-offvslve must be closedduring engineoperation


en / 01.07.1997 BA000244 1/1

Initial operation
M20/ M25| M32| M13| M2A2M332CtM 452| M 453C/M551/M 552C/

Do not closestarting air shul-ott valvedudng operationl

At;i-i6; the starting system, the engine air system atso supplies the emergencysrop
devicesand the crankcaseoil mist detector

Whenthe shut'oft valve is closed,the air supplyof the emergencystop cylindersat the
injectionpumps and at the crankcaseoil mist detectorare shut off, in additionto the starting

Thusthe functiono{ 2 safetysystemsis prevented!

It is absolutelV
thatthe startingair supplyis alwaysopenduringengineoperation,
to ensurethe operational
oI the enoine.

In no casethe stadingair shut-offvalvemustbe closedduringengineoperation!

e n/ 0 1 . 0 7 . 1 9 9 7 84000719 1t1
Initial operation A3.05.15.00
General testing

. Ensurethatthe air admissionintothe engineroom is in order

. Drainthe water trom the exhaustpiping after the turbochargerand checkpipe for Jree

. Checkthe permanentwater drain at the chargeaarmanafoldfor free passage.

Whenthe engineis cold.a smallamountof watermay comeout as a resultof condensation. lI

the amount o{ water is large,the causemust be tre.pd. Do not start the engineto avoid the
dangerof water shocks. !"\_2L
. Openthe indicator

. Turnthe engine(barringgearor rod).Forthisl

ll the enginehas r clutch:

. Declutch
the engine.

lf the enginehas a brake:

. Ventthe brakeseparatelyor setthe localenginecontrolhandleon minimumspeedand the

mergencyslop leveron stop.

. Blowwith $aning air (staningvalve,emergency

startingvalve)throughthe cylindersand bar
Ine engrne,


. Reversethe engine several limes frcm the local control station and check tor proper
Aftereachreversingoperationcheckthe reversingdiscend position.Lockinghas
to be complete.

. Closethe indicatorvalvesand makesome startingattempts.

e n/ ' 1 2 . 0 2 . 1 9 9 6 8A000246 1/1

Initial operation A3.05.18.01
Puttinginto service/starting
. M282lM332C,^4452/M453C/M551/M552C/M601A4601C

Accordingto the applicationof the engineand the degrceof automation, apan from the basic
equipmentlor the local controlof the engine(emergency control),turther specialfittingsand
facilitiesto operatetheseare provided.Theseare not dealtwith in this seclon.
Unlessthesefacilitiesare includedin the contractualsupplyscopeof MaK,then a tunctionalscheme
and descriptionof the lunctionalschemeapplyingespeciallyto this particutarsystemwill be
preparedand coordinated(seebgqkC).

Direst start at the main engine (emergencaoperation)

ln a scopeof this initialoperation withthe startingprocedure
we aredealingexclusively on the main
In orderto ensurethe lunctioning,
it is importantto knowthe automationdegreeof the system.

\ When alarm, safety systemsand also revolutioncountersarc switched off, normally all lunctions
are automaticallymonitored,manuallycheckedor executed.

panelin the gaugeboard)
. Switchthe positionselectorin the operatingp6nelto1 = engine(2 = remotecontrol).
. Put the emergency shut-down lever at the operating stand or the control linkage into

. Engineprelubrication:
- Switch on the engine standbypump approximately5 minutesbeforethe slart. For
operatingpressuressee pressuresin operatingmediaA!0!.
. Setrevolutionspeedsomewhathigherthanthe nominalminumum.
- Onthe speedadjustingheadofthe mechanical-hydraulic
\r_. . Engines
with brake:release
the brake.
. Stantheenginemanualactuation
attho masterstafting
Keepthe startingattemptas shoftas possible(airconsumption,
coolingof cylinders).
. Stopthe prelubrication
or stand-bypump(automaticslly
or by hanol.
. Bringthe engineslowly up to operatingtemperature.See loadingpageA3lqEJgI!.

. Mechano-hydraulicaovernorwithmanualsettinglacility.
. governorvia an additionalpotentiometer
Electronic-electric on the engineor switchbox.

<\-- . bythe handleon the injectionpumpcontrolshaft.

en I 12.02.1996 8A000248 1t1

iiEIK Puttingintoservice/loading

Loadingdujing the warming up oI a main engine

\ t14 )u
Precondition: The jackelwater has been preheatedto thg temperature(t) given below when

Disti ate fuel t - 40 .c

HeaWoil fuel t = 5 - 10 qCbelow working temperatureat the engine


lf load;ngis not controlledby a programme,

the loadcanbe increased
to 60 % within1 min. and to
full loadwilhin3 - 4 min.

Cold starting. belowthe above preheatingtemperature

-Bili. >\'
MaKgenerallyadvisesagainstcoldstartingbecause ofthe higherwearandthe highthermalloads
on the partslqfmingthe combustion chamber.
:'j' >

Onlythe following b;;iinstructions are thereforegiven:

) lt is possibleto stsrt the cold engine on distillate fuet, however.this should onty be done in
j elleE!!-o31|casesand the engine shouldbe w4I!Oqd_ q? very carelully.
L :: i.:">i/.i:45";:+5
The conditionsfor starting the cold enginewith heaw fuel are very reafiCied.A more viscousfuel
wrll make rgnition more difficult, i"n alr4ilipn to the above thermat iDttugnces.Incomptete
combustion,heavy depositsin the extrauit'Yystemand combustionchamOe.l'uiiihfi"aw *ear, on
pistonsand cylinderlinerswill be the qa!]lrjqueJ1Qes.

Attention: 19Vwr.11,.:.,'i. ,,v,, ,, ,.:.1,,

i ,.t:.,
A cold-startingattempt on heavyluel can only be iustified in an emergencyl

The engine should always reachworking temperatureafter every stan. fdiiicuiiiiy in shon test
runs.Runningthe engine{or a shorttime only,will prcducesulphurous acid.whichwill damagethe
valvesand exhaustdfcts, iDCouiunqliqnwith other corrosivecombustionresidues.
With local control or manuat ri'Jn'ifon'ngof the engine,the indicators.such as pressuregauges,
thermometers and tachometersmust be continuously watched.The localcontrolstationshould
only be left, when the readingshaveapproximatelyreacheda _sleedy stateconditionin the desired

lJ there is a daiied speed range oliiig to torsional vibration,this should be passedas rapidly as
possible. Seethe plateon the engineand/orA1.09.

en | 16.12.1997 8A000046 111

riEIK Operationalsupervision
En g i n e



en / 27.06.1996 8A000058 1/1

rf,aK Monitoring


Operation in the caseof low intake air temperatures

The engineis only allowedto be operatedat max.90 % power il the air intaketemperaturesare
below+10'C as otherwisethe permissible nominalignitionpressure is exceeded.

It can be run at full powerit the intakeair is pre-warmed

or mixedwith machineair so thatthe
temperature at the compressor inletis higherthan+10"C.

In the caseoI compressor

inlettemperatures below+10.C.{ull poweris only permissible if the air
chargeafterthe compressoris blown off so that the boost pressuredoesnot exceedthe valuesat

en / 28.05.1998 BA000595 1t1



Fuel system

. Drainthe water from the day tuel tank and checkit at regularintervals.

. Inspectthe fuel treatmentplant.

. ll the engineis runningon heavyfuel,changeoverto distillate

luel in time-SeeChanging
Type of Fuel A!qqqz.!!.

overto distillate
luel may be necessaryl

' after lengthy setuiceat partial load operation.{see PartialLoad Operationwith Hea\ryFuel

- or beforescheduledmaintenancework on the tuel system.

"Alarm - leakagefuelinjectionpipe"

. After an alarm and its resetmakesurethat the fuel leakagepipe is checkedwith a control
probe,referto A5.05.01.05,50.nn.

en 112.02.1996 8A000070 1t1

liaK Operationalsupervision
Changingthetypeof fuel


Changingthe type ot fuel

1. Changing
overlrom distillate
fuelto heavyfuel

Preparethe systemaccordingto A3.05.07.nn.

2. Changingoverlrom heaw tuel to distillatetuel while the engineis runningseediagramin


lf the engineis to continuewith distillate

fuel operation. the systemmustbe changedoverin
time because the change-over to distillate
fuelwill only be completedafter1/2to t h.

The change-overhas to be exclusivelymade by the three-wayselectorcock for heaw fuel/


The three-waycock in the returnline {trom the engineto the heavyfuel day tank and/orto the
mixing tank) hasto remain in its positionso that the excess{uel will be returneo.

A different proceduremay leadto sticking{scuffing)ofthe injectionpump plungers.

At the earliest,the circulating preheater
shouldbe switchedotf t h afterchange-

A change-overoI the flow towrrds the heavy fuel day tank (emergency)and
flushingwith distillatefuel,to emptyheaw fuel lilled systemmore rapidly,is only
permitted when the enginehas been shut downl

Fuelpress!rc system(only within heavyoil circle):

Theluel pressuremay only be setat the pressure

valve,belorethe mixingtank.

en / 27.06.1996 8A000074 1/1

OperationalMonitoring A3.

FunstionalDescriptionof a DamperSystem
for Fuel Feedand Return Lines

1. General
j , . r . .: ; " r ' "
As high pressurepliaaiions in the tuel systemwere a fiequent causeof damageto comp!n-.l
ents Such.asfilters, pressureswitches,transmittersetc., a damper system consistingof air-
{i||edvoiumedampersinthe1leedandleturn|ineshasbeendeve|ooed. I

An automatic refilling device (solenoid valve, aia qceumulator etc.) always provides a
sufiicientajrygLun-re in the dampersvstem(Fig.1).
g-Uqhion r ^ :
.L) 9. ..,

'"'\' " " ""' - :'l- 'l-ll-j

The fuel.levelis being monitoredby rllgls of which w-ofts"6stdGt timit :-_.."
:n eC9!!!e!l!.s!)rqb9
!!4|!Qh.Whenthe oscillatrng probeis immeisedin liquid{Iuet)the trequencychanges
electronicsactuates; contactlessswitch. The caltactless switch triggers the solenoidvalve
via a fall-delatltime- relny. Via the solenoia vaive'a'dqfilr:d volume flows from the air
accumulatorinto the dampersyslem.By this tfre fiquio c-firilrl iS$rtet downwardsand rhe
oscillatingprobeagain reachesits resollantfreqLrencyin thi air meaium.

The fall-delay lme.relay is set to approx.,7 sqg. and pt","]d::.j" the sotenoid vatve a
gorrespondingpressurecgmpensationbetweenthe air accuryiulator and the damper system
'tl-" - .i -1
afterdrdp-outofthe contactlebsswitch.After approx.7 sec.the solenoidvalve is de-energized
andthe air accumulator
is refilledwith supplyair

en / 21.05.1997 8A000705 1E
OperationalMonitoring A3.

2. LeveUimit switch with -osqillgtilsp!9!9 (LIOUIPHANT)

The LIOUIPHANTis a level limit switch with an osci ating probe for direct use in storage
and pipescontainingliquidswith temperatures
tanks,containers between-4o .C and +150.C
and a maximum viscosityo{ 10,000mmr/s{cst).

The deviceworks like a switch,i.e. besid-es

a supply vottageand the devices
to be switchedon and off {e.9.solenoidvalvesetc.)are required.

The symmetricaloscillatingprobe(Fig.3/3021is piezoetectrically
energizedto its resonantfre-
aqt.4q j1!4 't d'.?4
quency.When the oscillatingprobeis iDEersed_ in liquidtthe frequencychanges,ndthe
eleclronicsactuatesa switchingcontact,

the high tuel temperatures(> 150 "C) the probe is insta ed separatelyfrom the

Onthe electronic
insentherearetwo changeover
switchesand one LED.

The normal operatingposition is:

swilchmin - max st minimum.The red LEDlights|rp when tbg.-
Positionof the changeover
gTllgtlfgjlq aii lcontactopen).

Positionof the changeover

switchof the responsiveness
at 0.7.

e^ 127.05.1997 8A000705 2B
OperationalMonitoring A3.

3. Schemafor retilling equipment {Fig.1+3)

Fig, 1 shows how the pneumaticcontrolof the dampersystemis designed.

The coritrolair is adjustedto d9!h!9 the Iuel pressureat the pressurereducer124-10.

In de-energizedst^tp of the solenoidvalvesthe control air passesfrom the pressurereducer

124-10via the solenoidvalves383,15(connectiohs 1 and 2) into the air accumutators
The volume pressure reachedin fiUgrd-upsrtj: is indicatedbythe pressuregauges158-7.

Whenthe solenoidvalves383-15are energized, the air passesfrom the accumulators

via the connections2 and 3 into the feed and returndampervesselsrjJpectively.
-'t 2 -: '
t;l' 'a 5;!t'"^''''

AfterJilling-upoI the dampersthe solenoidvalvesare de-energized 1 and 2
connected) andthe air accumulators
162-7are rctilled.




en 127.05.1997 8A000705 3E

4. Electricinstallation - see circuit diagram (Fig.2+3)

The oscillatingprobes (Z) are installeddirectly in the leed and return damper vesselg.The
electronici!9g[ts {evalF-atirE
units/ Fig.3/302}are arrangedat a distanceof approx.2 m from
probesin separate
the oscillating housings.

ThetalFdelayMaKtime relays(1-60sec.)U25.1for returnand U.25.2for feedare installedin

the terminalbox "X1"on the engine.

ge is aJ_plied,
the g.r:eq0diodes
of the relaysU.25.1and U.25.2will light up. D€ge0dilgql the
'y t'
liquid level in the areaof the probethe relayofthe evaluelllq !4_itis eitherenergizedor de-eir-

. . 1 . . ,, 1
Thereddiodeof the evaluating
unit lightsup if the probeis notw;tted { air).

whenthe probeis wettedby tuel.
Thered diodeis extinguished

Thetime refayis activatedasfollows: Ur .,.1.

Connectionterminal4 is switchedto plusvia the electronic
evaluatingunit ot the oscillating whichthe relayon U.25.1(U.25.2)
picksup.Thered andthe greendiodelightup.
It the contactat terminal 4 is opened,rhe i;'diiiol6i'o"" or, "rr"r rhe set rime and the retay

Iime setting: approx.T sec,

.^l' ,
' '':- '
':"'' '
Thesolenoidvalvefor feedand returnis triggeredvia contact6 - 7 of the relayon U.25.1and

The probe must be clearedwith "one"air lilling from the accumulator.
lf the set time of
7 secondsis not s-ufficient,
the time settingmust be_extended,

en | 27.05.1997 8A000705 4B
OperationalMonitoring A3.



\ :

en I 27.05.1997 BA000705 5i8
OperationalMonitoring A3.

5. Simulation of the automatic filling

,'^a '
| ' ' "
Sincepresentlyno vent valve is providedon the dampervessel,the automaticlilling of feed
and return fuel pressurevesselsmust be simulatedby venting at the air inlet screw connec-

A sd"ty not",

The relevantsafetymeasuresare to be o6G;ed, sincethe fuel is underpressurcand features

a temperatureol > 150'C (see45lE).

The switching prccedureof the automatictilling can be very well ctrect<eO

Uy oOllrving ttre

Observrtionsduring the two statesolthe red LEDin the electronicunits:

I " ;
A LEDlights up: {normalstate)
'1. Probenot wetted
2. Solenoidvalvenot energized
3. llme relaygreenLEDlightsup
4. suppliedwith air (connection
Air accumulator to airsupply)
5. Pressuregaugeon the air a-ccumulator
showsdoublethe fuel pressure
t,,,r ; ..
L.-i... .,-_,-.,.

"' - t "
B LEDdoes not light up I

1. Probewetted
2. Solenoidvalveenergized
3. Timerelaygreenand red LEDslightup
4. emptied(connection
Air accumulator to fuel pulsation
damfer) ..
5. Pressuregaugeon the air accumulator
showsthe 6tiSiingfuel pressure
rz." rr^6' -- " i^"'
' l
t ^

en | 27.05.1997 8A000705 6i8

OperationalMonitoring A3.

Beforeputting the dampersysteminto operrtion

1. Openthe shut-offvalve
in the mainstartingair pipe

2. Adjustthe air pressure

on the pressure

3. Setthe lall-d9laytime relaf'to 7 sec.

4. Checkthe adjustmentstateof the electronicunit

5. Openthe fuelvalveon the engineand sdjustthe luel pressure

Testol the switching functioo:

For this test closethe shutoff valve in the air 1!|Inissionpipe fo the damperand carefullyopen the
on the damperuntilfuet"-"rg;"i
Closethe screwedconnection
and openthe shut-offvalveagain.With one fillingoperation
the pro-
be must be releFsed.

Restartingrfter an engineshutdown r./ ,

Normallyatteran engineshutdownthe startingair on the engineis blockedand vented.Bythisthe
a,r vofume is afso venred.As rhe fuel continueslo circulate,the probe may O" rffig:7l,t"
which in its turn rg!9n*esa filling operation.Ihis, hg!vl!'er,will r9r.ftri!1
without effecl,as duc !q thp
' 'Ltr >
switchingoff of the startingair there is no more air volume in the accumulator.
Thus,the systemremainsin this positionalsoafteropeningthe startingair again.Thisstatecanbe
on the pressure
reqognized gauge(Fig.1) 158-7on the airaccumulators
162-7.ln thjsstatetheyindi-
catethe apnlie.lfuel pressure.
At the sametimethe reddiodein the correspo_nding
unit rs
I>.6 .!dt

In_orderto activatethe systemsgain,proceedas tollows:

r ' . 1 -
Setthe changeoverswitch min - max (Fig.2/100)to positionmax.The corresqondingair accumula-
tor will then be lilled after7 seconds.Atqwards set the switchto min. positidnagain,bv whiclt the
to-'2'' z'
air will be blown into the damper.lf necessaryrepeatthis ope€tion until at min. positionthe red
p r o b ei n t h e e v a l u a t i nugn i t l i g h t us pw h e nt h ea i rv o l u m ei s b e i n g[ ! g ) U Ii rn . .. c'.-L
It a reset pushbutton(101)is fitted, actuatethis button tor approx.7 seconds,untit the alarm EqOJ
hasgoneout. Repeatthis operationas well,iI necessary.

en I 27.05.1997 8A000705 1/8


-l.olc " c ii
,)al ,_^.

^. -.. tt. 7e


u.25.1 U-25-2

en I 21.05.1997 8A000705 8t8

IiEIK Lubricating
oil system

Lubricatingoil system

. Checkdailythe lev€lsin the:

' Lubeoil sumptank

- Easelrame
- Oilsump

' oil pressure,,

Monitorthelubricating temperature

For Pressure-,Temperatureindications

seeALqE and_ltllgoand also AcceptanceTesrRecordspageAL!!.

en I 16.12.199'l 8A000078 1t1


Coolingwater system

. Checklhe level in the fresh-waterexoansronranK.

' Checkthe water pressure,temperaturesand temperature rise. For pressure-tempeEture

indications,seeA1.05of the operationmedia,{or Temperatures
of the OperatingMediaA!-,lqO
as well as AcceptanceTestRecords41.10.

lf lor any reasonwhatsoever aretoo high,lowerthemgradually

temperatures to the normalvalues.

It the cooling is too will reducethermal stressesand possibledamag€.

and careofthe enginecoolingwaterseeOperating

e n/ 1 6 . 1 2 . 1 9 9 7 8A000082 1t1
Operationalsupervision A3.06.10.00

Air starting system

Checkthe pressurein the air bottles.

0rain the water dailVlrom the air bottles,compressedair {ilter,water traps and fittings.

In no casethe startingair shut-offvalvemustbe closedduringengineoperation


en /16.12.1991 8A000086 1/1

iiaK Operationalsupervision


!.artial load operationwith heavyfuel

,-:.,,4r.t .,ar:

i In orde. to prGventincrelsedwerr and terr, pollution of air and exhaustsystemsand an increasedI

contrmination ot the lube oit, the partiat toad operation hrs to be crlried out with disti ate tuel
] /
I onry. I

luel providesfor an unlimitedpartialloadoperation.
The heaw tuel operationis not usefuland economicbelow a r6tedoutput ol 25 %o.

lf a heaw fuel engineis wo*ing in the lower partialload rangein pier to pier operation,the
combustioncan be incomplet6.After a lengthyoperationat very low load,carbondepositsmight be
toundin the combustionchamberand exhaustgasducts.

lf operationis then to be continuedin the upper load range,the load must only be increased
graduallyfor a periodol up to 15min., lor reasonsot safety.

lf the laodis raisedtoo rapidly.depositsmay impairthe oil film, damagingthe pistonand cytinder

Restrictionstor partialload operationon heavyfuel cannotbe avoidedfor some specialships,such

as supply vessels,diver base vesselsetc. and for generators,if the low load is run for a lengthy
period,bec6use depositstrom combustionresidues will thengreatlyincrease.

The graph below represenlsthe restrictionsIor such cases.

Continuousheavyluel operationis permitted

above 25 yo Pe. Below this range.the heaw
C l e a n i n gr u n o l e n g i n e
fueloperatingtime mustbe limitedaccording
to the load stage, unless the operating
conditionspermit a continuationat a high


The engineruns on heavyluel at Pe = 15 7o.

After 4 h, changing-over to destillateluel is
requiredor the enginewill continueat a Pe
> 70 % ifthis is possible.
The depositswill burn away in approx. t
40 min. and it will be possibleto run with BestrictedHFOoperarion
heaWfuelat low loadagain.
tr 2 I {55 8 1 0 1 52 0 2 6 h
Pe, versus h graph, for engines wiih two stage chsrge atr
coole. and HFO operarion. Charge air hearod to 60 - 70 "C at
parnal 1oad.Cenirifugal l!be oil purifyrng tor 24 hourtday,

en / 11.12.'1997 8A000090 1t2

if,E\K Partialloadooeration


lf neithera changing-over
to destillatefuel nor to high-loadoperationis possible,an
ofthe lubricatingoil isto be expected!


The permissibleexhaust gas temperatureafter the turbjne (see A3.06.06.nn)must not be

exceededover the entireoperatingrange,includingpartialload.

Differing(ules may be applicableat pa(ial load,to protectthe entireengine,during for


l{ a new engineis firct operatedonly occasion€llytor severalhours in a load range< 50 %, as

is some times the casewhen a power station is being erected.operationwith destilledtuel is

lf an enginewith automaticchargeair controlis changedoverfrom heawluelto distillate

operation,the settingof the chargeair temperaturecontrol must not be changed.

en| 11.'12.1997 8A000090 2t2

liaK Removalfrom operation

M 2 0 M 6 C lC


en ,/27.06.1996 8A000094 ] t -
Removalfrom operation
outof service/stopping

The scope ol this placementfrom servicedeals exlusivelywith the engine stop procedureat lhe

Thefunctiono{ the remotecontrolwithinthe MaKscopeof supply,is describod

by a functionaldia,
gram in the documentation{seebqq!.lg)

Stopping the enginedirectly at the main engine (emergencyoperation)

. Switch positionselectorin the boardto 1 = Engine(2 = remotecontrol)or remotecontrolfaci-

lity 10Controlfrom Engine.

. Setrevolutionspeedto nmin.

Onthe speedadjustinghandleolthe mechanicaFhydraulic governor

- orwith the electronic-electricalgovernor potentiometer
viathe additional (engineor switch

. Placethe emergencycut out lever on the consoleor at the control linkage.into the
stop posrlron.


. Stopthe engineby manualactuation

ofthe shut-downleverofthe fuel rackcontrolshaftresp.
the operatingstand.

. Plantswith enginebraking:lockthe brake.

Avoida suddenstopunderloadl

. Beforestoppingthe engine,run it underlow loador let it idlefor about5 minutes.

lI the enginehasto be stoppedunderload,ensurethat it is beingcooledfor about5 minutesto avo-

id the tormationof steambubbles.

. lf the coolantwaterpumpis independenl:

- electricalpumpsshouldbe leftin operation.

. lf the pumpsareengine-driven:
- startthe standbyor preheating

- Variousengineswith mutualpreheating:
' operatethe valvesaccording
to the pipingdjagram.

Closethe isolatingvalveson the startingair bottlesandfueldaytank.

en / 12.02.1996 8A000252 1t2

Removalfrom operation
outof service/stopping
ss 1/[4s52C/M601/M601

lf the engineis to be slarted agrin afte. a short interval

To avoid the accumulationol heat immediatelybeforeor after shutting down, stan all systemcir,
cuitsand keepthe engineat workingor preheating temperature accordingto the durationoI the
stop and the type ot fuel used(see43!qL!!=D).

When the engine is running on heavyfuel, a changeoverto gas oil {seeAAqglqZJ! Changingthe
typeoI fuel)is only requiredif servicingthe luel injectionsystemis intendedor it as is possiblein
somecases,the enginewill be operaledat iow loadfor a lengthyperiodot time (seeA3.06.18.nn
Panialloadoperation with heavyoil).

. Cutthe preheating

. pump.
Startthe coolantwaterciaculating

. lfthe engineis preheated

by otherenginesin operation,
openthe isolatingvalves.

- In heavyluel/distillatefuel operation,runningof the luel systemmust continue,as when ope-

ratingthe engine,to keepit warm:circulating pump,tuel preheating via viscosimeter,
tlushingtilter {if provided}are in operation.
The tuel separatorbetorethe day tankwill also
continueto operate.

. The nozzlecoolingoil pumpwill be keptrunning,when no maintenance

work is to be carried

. Keepthe lubricating
oil systemwarm and thusfreefrcm condensate
and sludgedepositsby

. Ventilate
the machinery
spacesonly as requiredto avoidexcessive
coolingol the engines.

Beforea lenglhyperiodof standstill(e.9.up to 4 weeks),heaw tuel enginesareto be changedover

luel operation(soaceA3.06.07.nn
to distillate Changing the type of fuel).Thisis alsovalidtor disti!
lateengineswhichhavepreviously beenoperatedat a predominantly low partialload.

Enginepreservation is requiredif the non-operationalperiodexceeds4 weeks.Climaticconditions

and durationoI storage,determinethe nalure ofthe measuresto be taken (seeA3.09,00.nnPreseF

en | 12.02.1996 8A000252 2/2

riaK Dangerof frost
E n gi n e



en / 24.06.1996 8A000106 1t1

riaK Dangerof frost



lf the engineis repeatetelytakenout of servicefor only short peiods (withouta devicein the system
to keep it warm). during times when the temperaturecan fall under freezingpoint, it will be
necessaryto proted the syslem by the use oI an antifreezesolution with protection against

The concentrationlevel of the antilreezesolution is to be choosenin such a wav that a
sufficientdegreeoI protectionis ensured!

Contraryto anti-corrosionemulsions,
the chemicalcoraosion
inhibitorsusedin the coolantwater,
can generallybe mixed with commercialantilreeze.

Exaclinstructionslor the use, must be enquiredlrom the manulacturerof the anti-corrosiveagent.

Fora lengthydown-timeperiodwith a dangerot lrost the engineis to be preserved.seeA3.lX,.01.nn

and/or A3.tq9.1024!.

en / 24.06.1996 8A000110 1/1

Preservation A3.09.00.00

The durabilityand offectivityof a preservationis determinedby the following components:

. implementedpreservationmeasures
. package
. maximumpeiod oI storage

Onlythe carefulimplement6tion
andtuningof thesemeasures
ensuresa sufficientprotection
o{ the
engineandthe fittings.

The various climatesof the relevantslorage locationsand/or destinationsas well as the intended
peroid of storagedeterminesthe kind and scopeof the measuresfor a short term prese ation or
long term preservation.

Some components are to be disassembled rnd cons€quently reassembled tor a
preservation!The disassembleand reassemblework is qllqlE to be carried out ol
monitoredby by skilledmashinepersonnell

Short term oreservation: A short tern prcservation(43.09.01.nn)

is to be car ed out for a shut
down of the engine with following storage of up to 2 months in
nationalor is also suitablelor a possibly
necessary roadtransportwithinCentralEurope.

Long term preservation: A long term preservaiion(A3.09.02.nn)is to be carrjed out, iI the

engineis shut down tor longerthan 2 months,but not longerthan
l year and storedwithin nationalor CentralEuropeanareas.These
measuresapply as well for a possibly necessarytransport on board
(underdeck)ot seagoingshipsintosimilarintemational areasl

The measurestor preseryationfo. subtlopicalortropical areasare to be coordinatedwhh
MaK accordingto the dedination and storagelocation!!dthe intendedperiodof storagel

e n/ 1 6 . 1 2 . 1 9 9 7 BA000114 1t2
Preservation A3.09.00.00

Package/Storage: The measurestor storageand packagedependon period of storage

and storagelocation.

The short term preservation provides sufficient protection when

stored and placedin well ventilatedmachinerooms/hallsand when
transpoftedon roadunderEuropean climateconditions.

In caseof storagein the open the engine is to be carefullyprotected

againstatmosphericinfluenceswith a water restistenttalpaulin or a
againstmechanical damages-

Ensuresufficientventilationbelowthe covering.In CentralEurope.

checktarpaulinand preservationregularyevery4 weeks.

In case of bad climateconditions,the measuresof a long term

preservation {A3,09,02.nn)areto becarriedout andthe engineandthe
liftings^oolsare to be checkedbelowthe tarpaulinevery 2 weeks.

Founddamagesare to be immediatelycorrected.Removealrcady
existingcorrosionand renewpreservation.

It therc is a dangerof frost.sufficientprotectionmust be provided,see

A3.08.01.nnand/or.Alqgqan and AllE lqgI!.

Depresewation: The measuresfor depreservation(A3.09.03.nn)are to be carried out

accoding to the implementedmeasuresfor a shortterm preservation
or longterm preservation
priorto commisioning o{ the enginel

e n/ 1 6 . 1 2 . 1 9 9 7 BA000114 2/2
tiaK Preservation
Shorttermpreservation A3.09.01.00

Light preservafion(shortterm preservatton)

t. Requiredtools, preservation,
cle.ning and .uxiliary merns
1.1 spraygun,injectionpipe,
can be sprayedand does not dry
: ::::liT
a vtscous,:r."-at {e.s.Arar Konit sAE 30)
stickrng and dryinq (e varvorine
,r .o.."ron-inilii;il;;";:'X,iJrT:latrve s rectvr
r.. ernytene
i,o stovent_free

The enginefinish may not be
etched-bv,o*nins and/or washins
Use ontvsuirabtewai;;;;;;;;"i" asent'
Keepto tne operation,saiay_and-;anitatton
instructionsof the manufacturer!


Thepreservation measures for the ind

accordrngto the fo ow,nn "uou"n"" componentsare to be carriedout
2.1 Fuelsystem

' In caseof heaw fuerdrivenengine,

swrrcnoverto destiredfuer,seeA3.06.07.nn.
. Cleanfuel duptexfitter,seeAS.q5.07..lz.0l.nn.
. Mix destilledfueland
corrosioninhibfrngoil in a r6tioof
r he required quantity of fuet .8" 1 | 1, see1.4.
fliters),for 15 - zti -f". .""
engrnetypeand may be calculatecl dependson the
by rnercIowtng,ormule:

. Emptythe destilled
fuet day tank and fiI it with with
the mixtureof fuet/corrosioninhibiting

' withthetueycorrosion
""Jff:1:ilff:rT inhibitins
oirat75%of thenominar
. Monitorthelevelin the daytankand
ano equrpment)remain full.
lfthe engineis seperated
from I
emptvThenf;rmryse",,n" "o"l^"^:|tl! theengjneuntilthefuelsvstem
lyn with plastic
nectronpoints plugs!

en / 24.06.1996
iial( Preservation


2.2 Lubricatingoil system

. Cleaning
the lubricating
oil duplexfilters,seeA5.05.08,04.0't.nn.

Thetubricating oil remainsin the circuititthe valuesrequiredfor engineoperation
are in order (seeA4.05.08,nn).

RecommendationtPumpfreshlubricating oilthroughthe enginecircuit,untilclean

oil dripsout otthe lastsmallend bearing.
. lf the enganeis separated from the plant,removelubricatingoil. Then firmly seal each
connection with blindllangeor stopplug.

2.3 Coolingwater system

. Cooltheenoinedownto 30 oCand drainthe coolingwater

Thecoolingwatertractsareprctectedbythe corrosioninhibiterin the coolingwater.

. Engineswith cagedexhaustvalvos:Iillthewaterspaces
ofthe cageswith glycolitthereis
a dangerot frost,see1.5.

2.4 Crancase,runninggear,cam shrft, roller tappetslor valves,injectionpumps, chargerir


. Spraythepa(s with preserving

oil (see1.2)andmakesurethatallareasofthe crankshaft.
rodsand gealsarecoated.
cam shaft.connecting

\-- . Openthe chargeair manifoldand spraythe interiorwith preservation

oil (see1.2)and

2,5 Uppervalve rockers

. and removerockergearcover

. Spraythepartstittedin the cylinderheadswith paeservation

oil (see1.2).
. Cleanthe seatingoI the rockergearcover.

. Fitand tightenthe rockergearcover

en / 24.06.1996 BA000118 2n
iiaK Preservation


2.6 Externalpreservation

. brightpansotthe engine.
Cleanorwash all unpainted

The enginefinish may not be etchedby cle.ning and/or washing agentl
Use only suitablewashing sgertsl
Keepto the operation.salety and sanitationinstructionsof the mrnufacturert

. Dry the cleanedpartsand coat them with a drying preservative{see1.3}.

3. Presewationmeasurestittings rnd tools

Preservationmeasurestor 6 and 12 monthssee heaw Dreservation.

en / 24.06.1996 840001r8 3B
Preservation A3.09.02.00

Heavypreservation(long term preservation)

1. Requiredtoolt preservation,cleaninglnd euxiliarymeans

1.1 spraygun.injectionpipe,brush,cloth
1.2 preserving oil thatcan be sprayodanddoesnot dry (e.9.AralKonitSAE30)
1.3 a viscous,stickingand drying preservative(e.9.ValvolineTectyl506)
1.4 non-drying corrosion-inhibiting grease{e.9.ShellALVANIA 3)
'1.5governoroil {e.9.HydrolDO46)
1.6 cleanturbineor hydraulic oil {M.05.08.nn)
1.7 slovent-freecleaningand/orwashingagent
1.8 plasticplugs(e.9.Kapstounisersal protective

The enginefinish may not be etchedby cleaningand/or washing ageitl
Use only suitablew.shing agemsl
Keepto the operation,safetyand sanitationinstructionsot the manufadurcr!

2. Preservationmeasuresengine

In caseshutdownorthe enginefor longerthan2 months,lollowingwork isto be carriedout

besidethe measuresstatedunderA3,(X),01.nn.

2.1 Combustionchambersand cylinderline6

. Openindicatorvalves
. Turn the piston o{ one cylinder in the normal direction of rotation to BDCwith opened
. Spraypreservingoil {see1.2)throughthe indicatorpassage
intothe combustion
by meansof spraygun and injectionpipe.
. Then,rotateto the enginein nominaldirectionof rotationto TDCand spraythe inlet valves
as well with preservation
oil (see1.2).
. Repeat
lhis operation
for the othercylinders.
. Closethe indicatorvalves.

en / 04.08.1997 84000122 1B

2.2 Starting systemand st.rting ai. distributor

' Removethe sealingflangefrom the startingair distributor.

. Slackenthe drain plug at the staringvalveas well as the banjo plugsof the air feed linesat
the startingvalvesof all cylinders.
. Spraypreservation oi! (see1.2)throughthe distributorlines.While spraying,open the
startangvalvesseveraltimes by meansof a drift insertedthrough the air control borcs.
. Preservationoil must emergeatthe control apertures.
. Refjtthe banjoplugs,drainplug andllange.
. andtakeout banjoplugoflhe staningair distributor.
. Sprayin preservation
oil (see1,2)andrefitbanjoptug.

2.3 governor
' Changethe oil in caseof due interval.
' Fillgovernoraccording
to manulacturer
document{bookC) uptotheimwithgovernoroil
. Applynon-dryingpreservating
grease(see1.4)to the gearwheelbehindthegovernordial.

2.4 Turbochalger
. Changeoil andtill turbocharger
up to max.levelwith cleanturbineor hydrsulicoil

In casethe engineis takenout of the plant:
- sealexhaustllangewith coverand seal,
- wrap air filter with PET-foiland lute air-tight,
- protectfoil againstshocks(it necessary. with a battenwall).
. Keepto the instructionsotthe manufacturer.see !qq!-.]q, if necessary,carry out funher
preservationmeasuresaccordingto instructionsof manufacturer,

en / 04.08.1997 84000122 2B
Preservation A3.09.02.00

2.5 Externalpreservation

. Closethe crancaseventilationwith protectiveplug so that it is air tight (see1.8).

. Cleanorwashallunpainted
brightpartsotthe engine.

The enginelinish mry not be etchedby cleaningand/or washing agent!
Use only suitablewashing ageots!
Keepto the operation,salety and sanitationinstructionsotthe manulacturorl

' Dry the cleanedpartsand coat them w;th a drying preservative(see1.3)

. When this has dried, apply a secondcoat of drying preservativefor securinga sufficient

3, Preseruationmeasu.esfiftings and tools

' Tho.oughlycleanthe smallparts.

. lf necessary, bores,groovesand similarpartswith self-adhesive
coverthreads, aluminium
' Thensealsmallpartsimmersedwith thermoplastic.
Biggerand complexcomponentsmay not be immersedlThey are to be coatedwith drying
corrosioninhibitingpaste{see1.3)atthebrightpartsand packedin oit paper!
. Storefittingsand toolsin woodenbox linedwhh bituminous
Makesure,all partaresecuredwithinthe box.
. Sealopeningofthe boxwith plastictoil priorto puttingon the cover

The abovementionedpackageis sufficienttor a transpofton sea (belowdeck)and a
storageperiodof up to 6 months!
In caseot longerstorage(upto 1 year),ail not immersedfittingsareto be welded.

en / 04.08.1997 8A000122 3,a

liaK Preservation



1. Requiredcleaningand auxilirry means

1.1 oil (A4.05,08.nn)

Cleanturbineor hydraulic
1.2 Solvent-free

The enginetinish may not be etchedbythe cleaningand/or washing agentl
Use only correspondinglysuitablewrshing agentsl
Keepto operation,satetyand sanitationinstructionsot the manufac{urerr

2, Depreservationmeasures

Thefollowingmeasures attera lightor heaw preservation.

areto be implemented

2.1 Generalwork

. Establishthe conditionthe enginewas in beforethe preservation

and disassembly
measureswere taken:removethe protectiveplugs.covers,blankingflangesor other
sealantpansand any lockingdevaces.
' Reconnectthe enginelo the plant if it has beennecessaryto seperateit.

2.2 Fuelsystem

' Depreservation
is not requircd,evenif the pipingis stillfilledwith the mixtureusedfor the
. the enginewith this possiblyin the systemremainingmixture.

2.3 Lubricatingoil system

. No deprcservationmeasuresare required.

2.4 Coolingwate. system

. Checkthe conditionof the coolingwater systemand flush with freshwater if necessary.

. lf chemicalcorrosioninhibitorsare to be used and corrosioninhibitlngoil has been
previously used, the entire system must be flushed with an alkaline solution, see

en / 15.12.1997 8A000416 1/2

riaK Preservation


2.5 Governor(mechanical-hydraulic
. Re-establish
the correctoil levelin the governor
. Dial governors: remove any excosspreservinggreasefrom the gear wheels behind
the governordial.

2.6 Turboch.rgsr{with independentlubrication)

. lf necessary,cleanthe preservedpartsaccordingto instructionsofthe manufacturer

. Drainprotective
' Assemblenew bearingsand fill up oil.

2.7 Externaldepreservation

. Removecorrosioninhibitingcoatingcompletelylrom all coated,brightengineparts,if


The enginetinish msy not be etchedby the cleaningand/or washing agentl
Use only correspondinglysuitablewashingagents!
Keepto operation,srtety and sanitationinstructionsof the manufacturer!

e n/ 1 5 . 1 2 . 1 9 9 7 8A000416 2t2
riaK Running-in



en / 24.06.1996 8A000242 1t1

riaK Running-in



All enginesleavingour wo*s havebeenfully run in, thus no furtherrunningin instructions


In the caseof certainrepairshowever.such as reconditioningwork on pistons (A5.,

piston rings (A5.|
and cylinderliners (A5.05.G1.04.02.nn1,
as is pointedout on the job
cardanquestion, the followinginstructions
mustbe observed:

. When the engine has been preheated,staft at 20 qo rated power and then go to full power
withinthe time providedlor eachtypeol engine:

M 20,t\4282,M 332C 6h
M25,M32,M4s3C th
M 552C,M 601,M 601C 8-10h

It a heavy fuel engine is to be run in again and is operatingbetween20 yo and 50 % ot the rated
powet the fuel shouldbe of the distillatevarietybecause of the higherp.oductionoI combustion
residues at pan load1A3.06.18.nn).

While increasingthe power. compare the pressuresand temperatureswith the figures on the
exceptancetest recordsA1.10to assessthe engineworking conditions.

No running-ininstructions
needto be followedwhen repairshavebeencarriedoul on the mainand
big end bearings.

en / 05.07.1996 8A000126 1t1

IiETK En g i n e



en / 24.06.1996 8A000130 1t1

Fault tracing
iTEIK Introduction



In the event of any irregularityin the machinerythe characteristicof the trouble should be
the lault tracedsnd the causefound. Remedialactionsmust be initiatedimmediatelv.

In cas€of discerniblefauhs stop the motor timely to rvoid the risk of g.eaterdamages.

Minor troubles.whose causeis not obviousor whose influenceon operationseemsto be less

importantlor the present,must neverbe ignored.They haveto be repairedas soon as possible.

The nalureot the trouble,will be the determining

lactoras to whetherthe poweror speedhaveto
be reducedforthe durationit lasts.

lf thereis a tailurein the measuringinstrumentsor monitors,that cannotbe repairedimmediately,

run the enginewith particular care.Thisis especially
so if an alarmor safetydeviceis concerned.

Any essential
lault deviations
will be signalledby the alarmand safetysystem,if sucha degreeoI

ln the event of trouble in the remotecontrcl or certaincomponentssuchas governot turbocharger

etc.,seethe respectivesectionsin bookC.

It a defectiveenginecannotbe quicklyrepaired,it hasto be prcseruedas in sectionA3,09.01.nn

or A3.09.02.nn, dependingon the toreseeabledateof reconditioning.

en / 24.06.1996 84000134 1t1

Fault tracing
Remedial measures

Enginestarts poorly or does not start at all

Possiblecause: Remedy:
. Air pressure
in the staningair bottleis too SeeALIqEfor requiredbottle prossure
' Solenoidvalveto the air staner is defective
' Air starteris delective

Enginereachesignition speedbut does not fire

'_ Possiblecause: Remedy:

Govehordoesnot admitfuel see manufacture/sinstructionsin book C: siehe

' Stopcylindersarejammedanddo not
. Governotoil pressure
is too low

Linkagebetweengovernorand injectionpump see manufacturcr'sinstructionsin book C:

controlshaft is detective Governorfailures

. Faultyconnectionbetweengovernor
Controlshaftis jamming;{uelfeedpressure
terminalshaftand injectionpumpcontrol settoo high
. Elasticelementin the linkageofthe
. lnjectionpumpcontrolshaftcannotmove

Lackot fuel
. Daytankis empty
' Inadequate ventingof the fuelsystem Ventthe system;see43.05.07.nn
' lsolatingvalvesare not in operating
' Fuelfiltersare clogged
' Fuelfeed pump is delective
Repairor replacepump;see
' Lubeoil pressureswitch is defectiveor
misadjusted so thatthe solenoidvalve
switchesoff alter the startingattempt
' Engineis too cold Warmup engine;seeA3.05.18.nn

en / 08.07.1997 8A000727
Fault tracing
Remedial measures

Filter differentialpressureis too high during starting/pre-lubrication

Possiblecausel Remedy:
. Fuelfilter is dirty Cleanfiltet seeA5.'l.nn
. Differentialpressuregauge is defective
' Oil is too cold
. Waterin the oil causesgressyemulsion
and oilthickening
' Oil cooleris leaky

Enginedoes not reschfull speedand/or full power

Possiblecause: Remedy:

Governorfailure see manulacturer'sinstructionsin book C:


Filterot luel limiter(depending

on chargeair
pressure) is clogged

Fuelsystemis defective

' Air in the luel system

' Waterin the luel
. Fuelfeed pump is deiective Repairor replacepump;see
. Fuelfilteris clogged Clean{ilter;seeA5.
' Pressure valveot injectionpumpis
' Pumpplungeris seized
' Nozzleis clogged;nozzleneedleis seized Forservicingthe injectionpump,see

Ouantityof combustion
air is insufficient

. Air intakelilter is clogged see manufacturer'sinstructionsin book C:

. Air intakeducting is obstructed
' Chargeair cooleris fouled Forcleaningthe chargeair coolersee
' TTurbocharger
is damaged Forrepairseemanufacture/s instructions
book C
. Turbocharger
is fouled Forcleaningthe compressor end see
manutacture/sinstructions in bookC

en / 08.07.1997 BA000727 2t4

maK Faulttracing


Enginespeedis not steady

Possiblecause: Remedy:
. Toomuchclearance in the linkagebetween
governorand injectionpump
' Fuellineis sluggish
. Frictionin the injectionpumpscausedby
excessiveluel feed pressure
' Injectionpumpplungeris temporarily
caught,is leakyorthespringis broken
' Vibrationdamperis detective Checkthe vjbrationdamper
' Roughdriveowingto wearandtearor
' Governorlailure seemanufacturer's
in bookc;

Opaqueexhaust gas - engineis emitting soot

Possible causel Remedy:

Pressureof injectionvalve is too low

Nozzlesare fouled by carbondeposits

Nozzleneedleis jammedor nozzleis defective

Combustion air supplyis insufficient

. Air intakefilteris clogged
. Chargeair cooleris fouled
. Turbocharger is damaged
\v . Turbochargeris touled
. Engineis retadedtoo tar Reducefuelfilling
' Abgasgegendruck zu hoch.da {reier
Exhaustgasbackpressureis too high
because the exhaustductingis clogged
. Valvesare leaky For servicingthe valvessee.
' Poorcombustion due10very low load, Forincreasing the loador changeoverto gas
at heavytuel operation oil operationseeA3.06,07,nn

en / 08.07.1997 8A000727 3t4

Fault tracing A3.11.18.02
Remedial measures

Exhaustgasesare blue
Possiblecause: Remedy:

Oil in the combustion


' Pistonrangsaresticking the pistonsand ringssee,


. Severewearandlear ol cylinderlinerl Forcheckingthe cylinderlinerssee

scoring.ovality A5,

' Valveguide and/orsealare worn the valveguideclearance

Forcheckang see

Exhaustgasesare white

Possiblecausel Remedyl

. Exhaustgascondensation dueto low

. Partof the fuel is unburntbecausethe Forenginewarm-upseeA3JEJ€.!!
engineis too cold

' Waterin the fuel

' Waterin the chargeair manifold seeA&qqqo.!! -Chargeair cooler"
' Leakages
in the cylinderhead For replacementoI cooledvalveseat inserts
see A5.,nn
. Cylinderheadis cracked

en / 08.07.1997 8A000727 4/4

raK Emergencvoperation



en / 24.06.1996 8A000142 1t1

rf,aK Emergencyoperation
Witha defective
A 3 . 1 2 . 0. 0


Detectivaturbochargel mayoccurthatthey haveto continuetheiroperation

as a
enginewith a reducedoutput,whentheturbocharger hastailed.

As the valvetimingof the enginehasbeenadjustedto tull load,the enginewill exhaustpartol the

combustiongasesinto the inductionmanifoldand takethem in againwhen the turbocharceris
inoperaliveland alsonormallyin the lowerpartialloadrange).The haghproportionof exhaustgas
and the missingchargeair pressureonly permita reducedbmepto protectthe engineagainst
thermal overload. The fuel injection pump delivery must be reduced according to the bmep
recommended below

Determination oI the maximum permissible tuel

rack poshion lbar)
The relation betweenthe luel rack position (t) and 20
the meanbrakeeffectivepressure(pme)is approx. 18
Inear. 16
Forthe determination of the permissibleluel rack 1?
position.a fuel-bmepgraph can be prepared,as
shown in the example by two luel rack and bmep
valuestaken{rom the acceptancetest rccords. I

The valueslor the 100% and 50 % outputfigures I

should be taken for this. The characteristic z
intersectionthroughboth coordinateswill indicate
the fuel rackposition
for any bmepvalue 10 20 30 10

P = 100%, f = 40 mm, bmep= 22 bar
P = 5 0 % , f =2 2m m ,b m e p= 1 l b a r

en 116.12.1997 BA000146 1t1

maK Emergencyoperation
Witha defective


Emergencyoperation of the main engine

. Stopthe engine

' Removethe air fihersilenc€r

. Shut down the turbocharger(blockthe rotor),see manufactureisinstructionsbook C.

lf btockingis not possiblel
- disassemblethe rotor
- obturatethe exhaustgassideagainstbearinghousingand air sideby means
of a

' Interruptthe oil supplyto the turbocharger,for thisl

- unscrewthe connection of the pipeat the engineand closethe conneclorwith a plug an
... unionnul,
, Plugandlastenthe freeend ot the pipe.

The coolingwater supplyis to be interrupted
only in caseth€re is a considerable
at the turbinehousingon gasside,whichwould endangerthe engine.

lf therearetwo turbochargersfeedingintoone chargeair manifold:
- Closethe air outletcasingol the turbocharger
takenout o{ servicewith a blanking

. Starttheengineandreducetheoutput. lfthe installation

is for heavyluel,we recommendthe
changeto distillate
fuel in emergency


Startthe enginewith a

r-" = s oarl abt. 60 % nominalpower


The load conditions,as for a tixed propellerinstallation.

should be reachedby reducingthe
propellerpitchand enginespeed.Operationat ratedspeedis practically impossible, because
engineoutputthat canbe reached, is generallylowerthanthe propellerinputat zeroprcn.

Muhiengine plants with one propeller

The propellersare generally oI the variable pitch type. Declutchthe engine with the defective
turbocharger Set the propeller pitch, so that the engine remainingin servicecan be run at rated
speedand continuous power lt is not necessary and impossible
withoutequipment, for unbalanced
engineloadsto runthe defective engineat reducedoutpulto inc.ease thetotalpoweravailable. The
expenditureandthe gain in powerwould notjustifythis.

e^ I 16.12.1997 BA000256 1/2

riaK Emergencyoperation
Witha defective


Monitoringthe enginewhil€ the turbochargeris defective

Changethe fuel rackpositiongraduallyuntilthe

exhaustgas temperatureafter the turbine is a maximum 5OO.C

Carefullymonitorthe exhaustgastemperatures
if exhaust
gas alarmshavebeencut out.

Chargeairtemperaturewhile the turbochargeris defective

lI the chargeair coolerhastwo stages.the chargeair temperatureis raisedat part load by
isolatingthe low-temperature circuitof the cooler,which is controlledby chargeair

Becauseof the turbocharger

Iailure,howeveLthe chargeair temperature
shouldbe low, but not
lower than 30 'C.

lf the charge air cooler is of the two-stagetype, the low,temperaturecircuit must therefore be
openedby hand.

Finishingwith emergencyoperation

After an emergencyoperationwith treavytuel, at least one cylinder head must be removed tor
reasonsof safetyand to ascertainas to whethera generaloverhaulof the valvesis necessary.

en / 16.12.1997 8A000256 2t2

IiE\K Ooerational


Operationalmis{ire - protection ot the flexibte coupling

and restrictions
releronlyto engineswith flexiblecouplings.

lf one cylinderfails partially o. completely,thia will .lways increasethe stressesin the
llexible coupling.

No changesrsducingthe output to any one cylinder on the engine should thereforebe


Theadditionalloadswill bethe heavietthe smallerthatthe outputof a defective

! reason,compression shouldremain.if one cylindercompletelymislires.A cylinderhead,valveor
pistonand connectingrod shouldonly be removedif unavoidable.

lf misfiringoperationcannotbe avoided,it may be necessary

to limitthe poweroutputof the whole
plant in conformitywith its type.

Notes will be given to this effecton the enginecontrolconsoleor in the torsionalvibration

Forresultsof this calculation.

lf you haveany doubt,contactthe manufactuaer

or makethe followingprovisional

Single.engineinstallationswith fixed or CPpropeller

' Firstrun the engineat only 50% of the ratedoutputby rcducingthe propellerpitchor speed.

' lf the gear becomes noisy and/or the speed hunts, vary the speed unti! the operation is

' Stopthe enginenot laterthan30 min. and touchthe couplingwith your handto checkit for

en / 24.06.1996 8A000154 1t2

raK Emergencyoperation


The permissiblesudacetempersturein mi*iring operationis approx.60 "C.

lf heatingis only moderate,the power outpul can be increasedin stepsup to max.gO% of the
ratedpower.which should not be exceededfor thermalreasong.

' At this speedstage,occasionally

checkthe flexiblecouplingvisuallyand itsremperarure.

' The detectshould be repairedimmedistely.Beforereturningto normal operationagain,the

flexiblecouplingshouldbe checked
lordamageby a specislisl olthe maker

Twin engine installations:Shut the defectiveenginedown and run the plant with the other engine

Delectiveenginesot generatingsets should also be shut down. lf this is impossible,the emergency

operating mode can be started analoguously with single-engine installations with fixed

en / 24.06.1996 BA000154 2/2

rf,aK Emergencyoperation


In general.,,operationalmisfire"meansthatthe engineis operatedwith non_uniformly
Thiswill causeadditionalloadswhicharethe higherthe morethe marchof the g6spressu-
re of a delectivecylinderdeviatestrom the remainingcylinders.

Thereforewe strongly recommendnotto carry out rny adjustmentsat the enginewhich
might result in an output rcductionof individualcylindersl
In rny case,troublesdeteded rt individuslcylindersshouldbe .emediedimmediatelvl

In casethe operational mislirecannotbe avoided,i.e.csnnotbe reoairedbv meanso{ on-

boardtools, we differcntiatebetweenthe lollowing extremeconditions,dependingon the
severityof the troubles:

l. Mislire
Mislire meansengineoperationwith inteffuptedinjectaonat any cylinder.
Thecompression pressureot the troubledcylinder,however,is applied.

At engineoperation
the lollowinghasto be observed:
. Requiredoutputand speedrestrictions
in the torsionalvibration
. Evenif thereare not restrictions the positionof the torsionalvibration,it is
recommended to checka llexiblecouplinglor excessiveheating.
. lt hasto be avoidedthatwith permanentlyexistingengineloadvariations
a "surging"
ol the turbochargeroccursin any operatingpoint.
- In caseof an excessivevibrationof the control rackyou should relocatethe operating
pointin orderto reducethe vibrations.

e n/ 1 2 . 0 5 . 1 9 9 8 BA000753 1t2
IIEIK ODerational


2. Total misfire

ln casethe engineis supportedby {lexiblebearings and a runninggearhasto be dismoun-

ted completely,the enginehasto be fixed in accordancewith the instruclons

The possibleoutputsand speedsat whicha damagedenginecanbe operated, dependon

the systemin questionand haveto be madeout by touchingwhilespeedand outputare

The following limit valueshaveto be strictlyobserved,and the actualvaluesmust not fall

belowthe limitvaluesl

. The exhaustgas temperaturesupstreamtuabochargermust not exceedthe

in AI 10.

.,,Surging" of the turbocharger

hasto be avoided.
. Outputand/orspeedhaveto be changedin caselransmission
. The temperatureatthe surfaceotthe couplingmust not exceed60 "C

supportare to be checkedpermanentlylor tight fit.

Theengineoutputpossibleundertheseconditionsis approx.35 % o'fthe ratedoutput.In

caseof doubtpleasecontactthe MaK.!b[.

2.1 Twin engine systems/ generatorsystems

Thedamagedengineshouldnot be restafted.

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