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This is to serve as a large-scale purification as well as condensation/refinement of your personal

energies, initiation/inoculation with the Enochian currents, and the beginning of a long series of
personal studies.

Ultimately, this will further you along on the path of personal Evolution. Once you decide to
begin, do not stop before finishing the 32-week series; mental imbalance could (but will not
necessarily) result. The workings were designed with a specific structure and order in mind.

Perform each one, one at a time, once per week (recommended) for the most gradual and safe
transition. More than once per week can EASILY be too much for even the most experienced, as
it could cause too many changes in too short a time. Be sure you understand everything before
commencing this operation.

This is a semi-formal procedure; some reverence and seriousness is expected.

Note:When you vibrate a name or Key, invoke that force into you.

Week 1

Vibrate 1st Key.

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Fire (6th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God RZIONR (Ra-Zod-I-Oh-Na-Ra)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God NRZFM (Na-Ra-Zod-Fa-Meh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BZIZA (Ba-Zod-I-Zod-Ah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

ZIZA (Zod-I-Zod-Ah)
IZAZ (I-Zod-Ah-Zod)

ZAZI (Zod-Ah-Zod-I)

AZIZ (Ah-Zod-I-Zod)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

ACAR (Ah-CA-Ra) corresponding to/performing the action of fire

PALI(PA-LI) corresponding to/performing the action of water

SISP(SI-Sa-Peh) corresponding to/performing the action of air

ADRE(Ah-Da-REy) corresponding to/performing the action of earth

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind.

Week 2

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Fire (17th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God VADALI (VA-DA-LI)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OBAUA (Oh-BA-U-Ah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BANAA (BA-NA-Ah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels





Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

BRAP (Ba-RA-Peh)


ECOP (EC-Oh-Peh)

GMNM (Geh-Mah-Neh-Mah)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind.

Week 3

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Fire (16th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God NOALMR (NOh-ALah-Ma-Ra)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OLOAG (Oh-LOh-Ah-Geh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BDOPA (Beh-DOh-PAh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels


OPAD (Oh-PAh-Deh)



Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

VASG (VAh-Sah-Geh)

SCIO (Sah-CI-Oh)

APST (APah-Sah-Teh)

OPMN (OPah-Mah-Neh)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind.

Week 4

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Fire (18th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God UOLXDO (U-Oh-La-Xa-DOh)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God SIODA (SI-Oh-DAh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BPSAC (Beh-Pah-Sah-Ceh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

PSAC (Pah-Sah-Ceh)

SACP (Sah-Cah-Peh)

ACPS (Ah-Cah-Pah-Sah)

CPSA (Cah-Pah-SAh)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:


OOPZ (Oh-Oh-Pah-Zod)

DIOM (DI-Oh-Mah)

DATT (DAh-Tah-Teh)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 5
Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Water (12th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God IAAASD (IA-Ah-ASah-Deh)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ATAPA (ATAPA)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HNLRX (Heh-Nah-Lah-Rah-Xah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

NLRX (Na-La-Ra-Xa)

LRXN (La-Ra-Xa-Na)

RXNL (Ra-Xa-Na-La)

XNLR (Xa-Na-La-Ra)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

RNIL (Rah-NILah)



XPCN (Xa-Pa-Ca-Na)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind
Week 6

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Water (4th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God NELAPR (NEh-LAh-Pah-Ra)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OMEBB (Oh-MEh-Bah-Beh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HTDIM (Heh-Ta-DI-Ma)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels



IMTD (I-Ma-Ta-Deh)


Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:


VSSN (Va-Sa-Sa-Na)

LEOC (LEh-Oh-Ca)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 7

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Water (10th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God OBGOTA (OBa-GOh-TA)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God AABCO (Ah-ABa-COh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HTAAD (Heh-TAh-ADeh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels


AADT (Ah-ADeh-Tah)

ADTA (Ah-Deh-TAh)

DTAA (Deh-TAh-Ah)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:



NHDD (Neh-Hah-Dah-Deh)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 8

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Water (11th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God MALADI (MA-LA-DI)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OLAAD (Oh-LAh-ADeh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HMAGL (Heh-MAh-Geh-Lah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

MAGL (MAh-Geh-Lah)

AGLM (AGeh-Lah-Meh)

GLMA (Geh-Lah-MAh)

LMAG (Lah-MAh-Geh)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

XRNH (Xa-Ra-Na-Heh)

NDZN (Nah-Deh-Zod-Nah)


Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 9

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Air (9th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God AOURRZ (Ah-Oh-U-Ra-Ra-Zod)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ALOAI (ALOh-Ah-I)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name EXGSD (EXah-Geh-Sah-Deh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

XGSD (Xah-Geh-Sah-Deh)

GSDX (Geh-Sah-Deh-Xah)

SDXG (Sah-Deh-Xah-Geh)

DXGS (Deh-Xah-Geh-Sah)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

PMOX (Pah-MOh-Xah)

NPNT (Neh-Pah-Neh-Tah)

ACCA (ACeh-Cah)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 10

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Air (7th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God LLACZA (Leh-LAh-Cah-Zod-Ah)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God PALAM (PALAMeh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name EYTPA (Eh-EE-Tah-PAh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels




AYTP (Ah-EE-Tah-Pah)

Vibrate the names if the Servient Angels in turn:


RBNH (Ra-Ba-Na-Heh)

PAOC (PAh-Oh-Cah)

OYUB (Oh-EE-U-Beh)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 11

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Air (3rd Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God IDOIGO (I-DOh-I-GOh)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ARDZA (ARah-Da-Zod-Ah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name ERZLA (ERa-Zod-ah-LAh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

RZLA (Ra-Zod-ah-LA)

ZLAR (Zod-ah-LA-Ra)

LARZ (LA-Ra-Zod)

ARZL (ARa-Zod-ah-Leh)
Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

FMND (Fah-Meh-Nah-Deh)


TOTT (TOh-Tah-Teh)

CZNS (Cah-Zod-Nah-Sah)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 12

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Air (8th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God AIAOAI (Ah-I-Ah-Oh-Ah-I)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OIIIT (Oh-I-I-I-Tah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name ETNBR (ETah-Nah-Beh-Rah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

TNBR (Tah-Nah-Beh-Rah)

NBRT (Nah-Beh-Rah-Tah)

BRTN (Beh-Rah-Tah-Nah)
RTNB (Rah-Tah-Nah-Beh)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

SHAL (Sah-HAh-Lah)

OCNM (OCa-Nah-Meh)



Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 13

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Earth (15th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God OPMNIR (OPah-Meh-NIRah)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ILPIZ (ILah-PIZod)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NASMT (NAh-Sah-Meh-Tah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

ASMT (ASah-Meh-Tah)

SMTA (Sah-Meh-TAh)
MTAS (Meh-TAh-Sah)

TASM (TAh-Sah-Meh)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

STIM (Sah-TI-Mah)

IZXP (IZod-aXah-Peh)


MSAP (Meh-SAh-Pah)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 14

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Earth (14th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God ANAEEM (ANAh-Ey-EyMah)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God SONDN (SONah-Dah-Nah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NPHRA (NePah-HaRAh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

PHRA (Pah-HaRAh)
HRAP (HaRAh-Pah)

RAPH (RAPah-Heh)

APHR (APah-HaRah)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:



GBAL (Geh-BALah)

OMGG (OMeh-Geh-Gah)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 15

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Earth (13th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God ANGPOI (ANah-Geh-POh-I)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God UNNAX (UNeh-NAh-Xah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NBOZA (Neh-BOh-Zod-Ah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

BOZA (BOh-Zod-Ah)

OZAB (Oh-Zod-Ah-Beh)

ZABO (Zod-Ah-BOh)

ABOZ (Ah-BOh-Zod)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

IZNR (IZod-Nah-Rah)


ORMN (OReh-Mah-Nah)


Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 16

Vibrate 1st Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Earth (5th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God ABALPT (ABALah-Peh-Tah)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ARBIZ (ARah-BI-Zod)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NOCNC (NOh-Ceh-Nah-Cah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

OCNC (Oh-Ceh-Nah-Cah)

CNCO (Ceh-Nah-COh)

NCOC (Neh-COh-Ceh)

COCN (COh-Cah-Nah)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:


RXAO (Rah-XAh-Oh)

DOOP (DOh-Oh-Peh)

OPNA (Oh-Peh-NAh)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 17
Vibrate 2nd Key.

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Fire (6th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God RZIONR (Ra-Zod-I-Oh-Na-Ra)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God NRZFM (Na-Ra-Zod-Fa-Meh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BZIZA (Ba-Zod-I-Zod-Ah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

ZIZA (Zod-I-Zod-Ah)

IZAZ (I-Zod-Ah-Zod)

ZAZI (Zod-Ah-Zod-I)

AZIZ (Ah-Zod-I-Zod)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

ACAR (Ah-CA-Ra) corresponding to/performing the action of fire

PALI(PA-LI) corresponding to/performing the action of water

SISP(SI-Sa-Peh) corresponding to/performing the action of air

ADRE(Ah-Da-REy) corresponding to/performing the action of earth

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind.
Week 18

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Fire (17th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God VADALI (VA-DA-LI)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OBAUA (Oh-BA-U-Ah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BANAA (BA-NA-Ah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels





Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

BRAP (Ba-RA-Peh)


ECOP (EC-Oh-Peh)

GMNM (Geh-Mah-Neh-Mah)
Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind.

Week 19

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Fire (16th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God NOALMR (NOh-ALah-Ma-Ra)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OLOAG (Oh-LOh-Ah-Geh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BDOPA (Beh-DOh-PAh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels


OPAD (Oh-PAh-Deh)



Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

VASG (VAh-Sah-Geh)

SCIO (Sah-CI-Oh)

APST (APah-Sah-Teh)
OPMN (OPah-Mah-Neh)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind.

Week 20

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Fire (18th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God UOLXDO (U-Oh-La-Xa-DOh)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God SIODA (SI-Oh-DAh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name BPSAC (Beh-Pah-Sah-Ceh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

PSAC (Pah-Sah-Ceh)

SACP (Sah-Cah-Peh)

ACPS (Ah-Cah-Pah-Sah)

CPSA (Cah-Pah-SAh)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:


OOPZ (Oh-Oh-Pah-Zod)
DIOM (DI-Oh-Mah)

DATT (DAh-Tah-Teh)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 21

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Water (12th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God IAAASD (IA-Ah-ASah-Deh)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ATAPA (ATAPA)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HNLRX (Heh-Nah-Lah-Rah-Xah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

NLRX (Na-La-Ra-Xa)

LRXN (La-Ra-Xa-Na)

RXNL (Ra-Xa-Na-La)

XNLR (Xa-Na-La-Ra)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

RNIL (Rah-NILah)


XPCN (Xa-Pa-Ca-Na)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 22

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Water (4th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God NELAPR (NEh-LAh-Pah-Ra)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OMEBB (Oh-MEh-Bah-Beh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HTDIM (Heh-Ta-DI-Ma)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels



IMTD (I-Ma-Ta-Deh)


Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:


VSSN (Va-Sa-Sa-Na)

LEOC (LEh-Oh-Ca)


Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 23

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Water (10th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God OBGOTA (OBa-GOh-TA)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God AABCO (Ah-ABa-COh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HTAAD (Heh-TAh-ADeh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels


AADT (Ah-ADeh-Tah)

ADTA (Ah-Deh-TAh)

DTAA (Deh-TAh-Ah)
Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:



NHDD (Neh-Hah-Dah-Deh)


Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 24

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Water (11th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God MALADI (MA-LA-DI)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OLAAD (Oh-LAh-ADeh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name HMAGL (Heh-MAh-Geh-Lah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

MAGL (MAh-Geh-Lah)

AGLM (AGeh-Lah-Meh)

GLMA (Geh-Lah-MAh)
LMAG (Lah-MAh-Geh)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

XRNH (Xa-Ra-Na-Heh)


NDZN (Nah-Deh-Zod-Nah)


Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 25

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Air (9th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God AOURRZ (Ah-Oh-U-Ra-Ra-Zod)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ALOAI (ALOh-Ah-I)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name EXGSD (EXah-Geh-Sah-Deh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

XGSD (Xah-Geh-Sah-Deh)

GSDX (Geh-Sah-Deh-Xah)
SDXG (Sah-Deh-Xah-Geh)

DXGS (Deh-Xah-Geh-Sah)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

PMOX (Pah-MOh-Xah)


NPNT (Neh-Pah-Neh-Tah)

ACCA (ACeh-Cah)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 26

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Air (7th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God LLACZA (Leh-LAh-Cah-Zod-Ah)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God PALAM (PALAMeh)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name EYTPA (Eh-EE-Tah-PAh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels



AYTP (Ah-EE-Tah-Pah)

Vibrate the names if the Servient Angels in turn:


RBNH (Ra-Ba-Na-Heh)

PAOC (PAh-Oh-Cah)

OYUB (Oh-EE-U-Beh)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 27

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Air (3rd Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God IDOIGO (I-DOh-I-GOh)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ARDZA (ARah-Da-Zod-Ah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name ERZLA (ERa-Zod-ah-LAh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

RZLA (Ra-Zod-ah-LA)

ZLAR (Zod-ah-LA-Ra)

LARZ (LA-Ra-Zod)

ARZL (ARa-Zod-ah-Leh)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

FMND (Fah-Meh-Nah-Deh)


TOTT (TOh-Tah-Teh)

CZNS (Cah-Zod-Nah-Sah)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 28

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Air (8th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God AIAOAI (Ah-I-Ah-Oh-Ah-I)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God OIIIT (Oh-I-I-I-Tah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name ETNBR (ETah-Nah-Beh-Rah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

TNBR (Tah-Nah-Beh-Rah)

NBRT (Nah-Beh-Rah-Tah)

BRTN (Beh-Rah-Tah-Nah)

RTNB (Rah-Tah-Nah-Beh)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

SHAL (Sah-HAh-Lah)

OCNM (OCa-Nah-Meh)



Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 29

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Fire of Earth (15th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God OPMNIR (OPah-Meh-NIRah)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ILPIZ (ILah-PIZod)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NASMT (NAh-Sah-Meh-Tah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

ASMT (ASah-Meh-Tah)

SMTA (Sah-Meh-TAh)

MTAS (Meh-TAh-Sah)

TASM (TAh-Sah-Meh)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

STIM (Sah-TI-Mah)

IZXP (IZod-aXah-Peh)


MSAP (Meh-SAh-Pah)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 30
Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Water of Earth (14th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God ANAEEM (ANAh-Ey-EyMah)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God SONDN (SONah-Dah-Nah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NPHRA (NePah-HaRAh)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

PHRA (Pah-HaRAh)

HRAP (HaRAh-Pah)

RAPH (RAPah-Heh)

APHR (APah-HaRah)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:



GBAL (Geh-BALah)

OMGG (OMeh-Geh-Gah)

Closing Speech
Meditate/Relax mind

Week 31

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Air of Earth (13th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God ANGPOI (ANah-Geh-POh-I)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God UNNAX (UNeh-NAh-Xah)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NBOZA (Neh-BOh-Zod-Ah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

BOZA (BOh-Zod-Ah)

OZAB (Oh-Zod-Ah-Beh)

ZABO (Zod-Ah-BOh)

ABOZ (Ah-BOh-Zod)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:

IZNR (IZod-Nah-Rah)


ORMN (OReh-Mah-Nah)

Closing Speech

Meditate/Relax mind

Week 32

Vibrate 2nd Key

Vibrate Key of the Lesser Angle Earth of Earth (5th Key)

Vibrate the 6-letter name of God ABALPT (ABALah-Peh-Tah)

Vibrate the 5-letter name of God ARBIZ (ARah-BI-Zod)

Vibrate the Kerubic god-name NOCNC (NOh-Ceh-Nah-Cah)

Vibrate the names of the Kerubic Angels

OCNC (Oh-Ceh-Nah-Cah)

CNCO (Ceh-Nah-COh)

NCOC (Neh-COh-Ceh)

COCN (COh-Cah-Nah)

Vibrate the names of the Servient Angels in turn:


RXAO (Rah-XAh-Oh)

DOOP (DOh-Oh-Peh)
OPNA (Oh-Peh-NAh)

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