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Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Shri Sadguru Gangageer Maharaj Science, Gautam Arts and Sanjivani Commerce,
College, Kopargaon, Dist. Ahmednagar 423 601

Department of English

Notes for F.Y.B.A. (Pattern- 2013)

Edited By- Mr. G.Y. Shaikh
Mr. V. P. Khandizod

Subject: (1017) Compulsory English

Text Book: Visionary Gleam: A Selection of Prose and Poetry
(Board of Editors- Orient Blackswan)

Contents: -
Prose Section
5. A Tryst with Destiny – Jawaharlal Nehru
6. Youth and the Tasks Ahead – Karan Singh
7. Prospects of Democracy in India – B. R. Ambedkar
8. The Eyes are not Here – Ruskin Bond

Poetry Section
12. Upon Westminster Bridge – William Wordsworth
13. An Old Woman – ArunKolatkar
14. Success is Counted Sweetest – Emily Dickinson

Grammar Section
4. Tense
5. Subject Verb Agreement (Concord)

Communication Skills
7. Making Complaints
8. Congratulating, Expressing Sympathy and Offering Condolences
9. Making Suggestions, Offering Advice and Persuading
10. Expressing Agreement/Disagreement and Seeking Clarification

pg. 1
Prose Section
5. A Tryst with Destiny -Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964), the first prime minister and a statesman of
independent India, an architect of modern India, a freedom fighter, a social
reformer, a lawyer by profession, and the author of several books was born in
Allahabad in an illustrious family. His western sensibility is due to his education at
Harrow, Cambridge and London. The books An Autobiography, The Discovery of
India and Glimpses of World History that he wrote during his imprisonment
became the classics of Indian English Literature. His intense and close relationship
with his daughter is reflected in his Letters from a Father to His Daughter that
contains important incidents from the history of India and his own experiences as a
freedom fighter. He died on 27th May 1964.
List of Difficult Words:
Tryst: meeting or appointment- करार Tempest: a storm- वादळ
Redeem: fulfill–पर्
ू ण करर्े Verge: border- सीमाभाग
Pledge: oath or promise- प्रार्णना Slumber: peaceful sleep
Quest: pursuit or search- शोध Humility: humbleness- नम्रपर्ा
Grandeur: magnificent- खजिना Obligations: compulsion
Privilege: benefit, advantage granted
Endured: tolerated or suffered or available only to a particular group
patiently or a person
Sovereign: supreme or independent
Beckons: signals Rejoice: great joy or delight– आनंद
Incessant: nonstop or constant Sorrow stricken: powerfully affected
Isolated: lonely and separated by sorrow
Cherish: appreciate

pg. 2
14 ऑगस्ट 1947 पव
ू स
ण ंध्येला स्वतंत्र भारताचे पहिले पंतप्रधान िवािरलाल नेिरू यांनी दे शातील
नवयुवकांना व दे शातील प्रतततनधीना उद्धेशून एक भाषर् हदले ते " ट्रायस्ट ववर् डेस्टीनी " या नावाने
सवण पररचचत आिे . िे 20 व्या शतकातील िे सवाणत मित्वाचे भाषर् मानले िाते आणर् भारतातील ब्रिहटश
साम्राज्याच्या ववरोधात भारतीय स्वातंत्र्य चळवळीच्या ववियी पररर्तीचे मित्त्व प्राप्त करर्ारे एक
ऐततिाससक सन्मानचचन्ि असल्याचे मानले िाते.
तनयतत द्वारा सुतनजचचत वि शुभ हदन आ गया िै । िमारा भारत दे श लंबी तनद्रा और संघषण के बाद
सुनिरे भववष्य सलए पुन: िागत
ृ , िीवंत, मुक्त और स्वतंत्र खडा िै । काफी िद तक िमारा भूतकाल अभी भी
िमें िकडे िुए िै, और िम प्राय: िो प्रततज्ञा, िो संकल्प अब तक करते आए िैं उसे तनभाने के सलए िमें बिुत
कुछ करना िोगा। आि रात बारि बिे, िब सारी दतु नया सो रिी िोगी, भारत िीवन और स्वतंत्रता की नई और
उिली चमकती सब
ु ि के सार् उठे गा। िम नए ससरे से इततिास सलख रिे िैं और अब जिस इततिास का िम
तनमाणर् करें गे उस पर दस
ू रे सलखने को बाध्य िोंगे। जिस समय सारी दतु नया तनद्रा को आगोश में िोगी उस
समय भारत उज्िवल नविीवन और चमचमाती स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त कर रिा िोगा।
एक ऐसा क्षर् िोगा, िो इततिास में बिुत कम आता िै , िब िम पुराने को छोडकर नए िीवन में कदम
रखते िैं। िब एक यग
ु का अंत िोता िै, िब राष्ट्र की चचर काल से दसमत आत्मा नवउद्धार प्राप्त करती िै । यि
सवणर्ा उचचत िै कक इस गंभीर क्षर् में िम भारत और उसके लोगों और उससे भी बढ़कर मानवता के हित के
सलए सेवा-अपणर् करने की शपर् लें।
इततिास के उषाकाल में भारत ने अपनी अनंत खोि आरं भ की। कई सहदयां उसके उद्योग, उसकी
ववशाल सफलता और उसकी असफलताओं से भरी समलेंगी। चािे अच्छे हदन रिे िों, चािे बुरे, उसने इस खोि
को आंखों से ओझल निीं िोने हदया। न उन आदशो को िी भल
ु ाया, जिनसे उसे शजक्त प्राप्त िुई।
आि िम दभ
ु ाणग्य की एक अवचध पूरी करते िैं। आि भारत ने अपने आप को कफर पिचाना िै । जिस कीततण पर
िम आि आनंद उत्सव मना रिें िैं, वि और भी बडी कीततण और आने वाली कई वविय की हदशा में केवल एक
कदम िै , यि वविय अनंत अवसरों का द्वार खोलने वाली िै । इस अवसर को ग्रिर् करने और भववष्य की
ु ौती स्वीकार करने के सलए क्या िममें पयाणप्त सािस और अतनवायण योग्यता िै ?
स्वतंत्रता, ताकत, सत्ता और शजक्त सार् में मित्वपर्
ू ण जिम्मेदारी भी लाती िै । वि जिम्मेदारी इस
सभा पर िै, िो भारत के संपूर्ण सत्ताधारी लोगों का प्रतततनचधत्व करने वाली सभा िै । स्वतंत्रता के िन्म से
पिले िमने प्रसव की सारी पीडाएं सिन की िैं और िमारे हृदय उस द:ु खद स्मतृ त से आपूररत िैं। कुछ पीडाएं
अब भी िैंंं। कफर भी, स्याि अतीत समाप्त िो चक
ु ा िै और अब सुनिरा भववष्य िमारा आह्वान कर रिा िै ।
यि भववष्य आराम करने और दम लेने के सलए निीं िै , बजल्क तनरं तर प्रयत्न करने के सलए िै , जिससे कक िम
उन प्रततज्ञाओं को, शभ
ु संकल्पों को िो िमने इतनी बार ककए िैं और वि िो आि कर रिे िैं, परू ा कर सकें।

pg. 3
भारत की सेवा का अर्ण करोडों पीडडतों की सेवा िै । इसका अर्ण दररद्रता और अज्ञान और अवसर की ववषमता
का अंत करना िै । िमारी पीढ़ी के सबसे बडे आदमी की यि आकांक्षा रिी िै कक प्रत्येक आंख के प्रत्येक आंसू को
पोंछ हदया िाए। ऐसा करना िमारी शजक्त से बािर िो सकता िै, लेककन िब तक आंसू िैं और पीडा िै, तब तक
िमारा काम पूरा निीं िोगा।
इससलए िमें काम करना िैं और पररश्रम से करना िै , जिससे िमारे स्वप्न परू े िों। ये स्वप्न भारत के िैं,
लेककन यि संसार के सलए भी िैं, क्योंकक आि सभी राष्ट्र और लोग आपस में एक-दस
ू रे से इस तरि गंर्
ु े िुए िैं
कक कोई भी ब्रबलकुल अलग िोकर रिने की कल्पना निीं कर सकता।
शांतत के सलए किा गया िै कक वि अववभाज्य िै । स्वतंत्रता भी ऐसी िी िै और अब समवृ द्ध भी ऐसी िै और इस
संसार में , जिसका अलग-अलग टुकडों में ववभािन संभव निीं, संकट भी ऐसा िी िै ।
भारत के लोगों से, जिनके िम प्रतततनचध िैं, अनरु ोध करते िैं कक ववचवास और तनचचय के सार् िमारा सार् दें ।
यि क्षुद्र और ववनाशक आलोचना का समय निीं िै , असद्भावना या दस
ू रों पर आरोप लगाने का भी समय निीं
िै । िमें स्वतंत्र भारत की ववशाल इमारत का तनमाणर् करना िै , जिसमें िमारी, आपकी िम सबकी संतानें रि
यह निश्चय हो कि -
1. आधी रात के अंततम घंटे के बाद, इस अवसर पर उपजस्र्त संववधान सभा के सभी सदस्य यि शपर् लें .
‘इस पववत्र क्षर् में िबकक भारत के लोगों ने अत्यंत द:ु ख सि कर और ववलक्षर् त्याग की गार्ा रचकर यि
अनमोल स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त की िै , मैं, भारत की संववधान सभा का सदस्य िूं, पूर्ण ववनयपूवक
ण भारत और उसके
तनवाससयों की सेवा के प्रतत, स्वयं को इस उद्देचय से अवपणत करता िूंंं कक यि प्राचीन भूसम संसार में अपना
उपयुक्त स्र्ान ग्रिर् करे और संसार में शांतत और मनुष्य मात्र के कल्यार् के तनसमत्त अपना पूरा और
स्वैजच्छक योगदान समवपणत प्रस्तत
ु करे ।’
2. िो सदस्य इस अवसर पर उपजस्र्त निीं िैं, वे यि शपर् (उन पररवतणनों के सार् िो कक सभापतत तनजचचत
करें ) उस समय लें , िबकक वे अगली बार इस सभा के अचधवेशन में उपजस्र्त िों।
िमारा आगे का काम कहठन िै । िम में से कोई आराम निीं कर सकता िै िब तक िम अपनी प्रततज्ञा और
संकल्प पूर्ण निीं कर लेते और िब तक कक िम भारत के सभी लोगों को उनकी सौभाग्यरे खा तक निीं पिुंचा
दे ते।
िम एक मिान दे श के नागररक िैं, और िमें उच्च मानकों पर खरा उतरना िै । िम सभी, चािे िम ककसी भी धमण
से संबंचधत िों, समान रूप से समान अचधकार, ववशेषाचधकार और दातयत्व के सार् भारत की संतानें िैं। िम
सांप्रदातयकता या संकीर्णता को प्रोत्साहित निीं कर सकते िैं, कोई भी ऐसा दे श मिान निीं िो सकता िै जिसके
लोगों की सोच में और कमण में संकीर्णता िो।
िम दतु नया के दे शों और लोगों के सलए शभ
ु कामनाएं करते िैं और िम उनके सार् सियोग करने शांतत,
स्वतंत्रता और लोकतंत्र को आगे बढ़ाने के सलए दृढ़ प्रततज्ञ िैं।
pg. 4
भारत की, प्राचीन, शाचवत और िमेशा नई स्फूततण दे ने वाली, िमारी अत्यंत वप्रय मातभ
ृ सू म को श्रद्धा से नमन
करते िैं और िम नए ससरे से इसकी सेवा करने का संकल्प लेते िैं। िय हिन्द !
Summary: 1
India got Independence on the 15th August, 1947. Nehru addressed to the nation as
the first prime minister of India on All India Radio. He delivered a historic speech
which is known as "Tryst with Destiny". He began his speech by referring to the
pledge made by Indians long years ago to win the freedom for the homeland. He asked
the people of India to dedicate them to the service of India and to the whole mankind.
He remembered that behind this success lies the long and great sacrifice done by the
freedom fighters of many generations. According to him, the people in India would
collect their courage from the role models in the past. The success celebrated on 15th
August was a beginning for great successes in future. He asked the people of India to
accept this challenge and to serve the future generation of India. He reminded the
people of India that freedom and power has brought responsibility. The country had to
take her own decisions, learn from mistakes and move ahead. India has to grow into a
mature and wise nationand be a model to other nations. He felt that all Indians should
work hard for the development of their nation. Doing service to India means doing
service to millions of poor people who suffer all over the county. He felt that the past
is over and it is the future that has to be taken care of. He urged the people to labour
and to work for the fulfillment of the dream. He opined that no country can survive in
isolation. Peace, freedom and prosperity are the common priorities of all humanity. He
warned the people that disaster in one part of the world can affect everyone else,
because the world cannot be divided into small isolated pieces.
Summary: 2
The speech ‘Tryst of Destiny’ was delivered on the evening of 15 August 1947, when
India gained independence from Britain. Throughout his speech, he drew much
reference to the power of the Indian people, and the responsibilities in which he and
the elected legislature of India will have in representing the people of India.
His references to dawn and awakenings relate to the new beginning that Indians are
experiencing at the time in which the speech was delivered. He refers to India as the
pg. 5
star of freedom in the East, a reference to both the rising sun and a bright star, in
which Nehru hopes India to become. He also makes reference to the struggles in
which India has suffered, yet states his optimism in India becoming a prosperous
Throughout his speech he also discusses peace with not only each other, but the rest of
the world. Pakistan and Bangladesh considered and subsequently split from the
original India, however Nehru wanted to emphasize the noble mansion of free India in
which all her children may dwell.
Even with his constant references to peace, equality and freedom for the newly born
India, he also does not fail to mention that much work needed to be done. Talking
about the vast rates of poverty in India, he strikes a more personal chord with the
audience. Nehru continues to pull on people’s thoughts on a personal level throughout
the entire speech, and also instils in them a sense of optimism for the future of the new
state of India.
Nehru uses his impeccable speaking ability, hence his power, to draw parallels
between the struggles of the Indian people and the bright future in which he envisions
for the new nation. This manipulation and influence in which Nehru demonstrates is a
form of invisible yet strong power, and it is this that he continued to demonstrate
throughout his successful 17years as Prime Minister of the new, powerful India.
Practice Questions:
a) Discuss Jawaharlal Nehru’s vision about ‘futuristic India’.
b) What are the responsibilities and burdens that he has mentioned in the text?
c) What is his opinion about communalism?
d) What has been brought by freedom and power?
e) Who are the people that Nehru memorizes of the midnight hour?
f) What are the dreams that Nehru wants to fulfill?
g) Why does he appeal to all of us not to rest?

pg. 6
6 Youth and the Tasks Ahead - Karan Singh
Karan Singh was born in Cannes, France on 9th March, 1931. His father Hari Singh
was the last ruler of the princely state of Kashmir and Jammu. His mother’s name was
Tara Devi. He had his schooling at the Doon School, Dehra Dun. He completed his
graduation in Arts Faculty from Sri Pratap College, Srinagar. He did his M.A. and
Ph.D. in Political Science from Delhi University. Karan Singh was appointed as the
regent of Jammu and Kashmir State in 1949. He was then the youngest regent of the
State. He worked as the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State from 1965 to 1967.
He served as a member of the LokSabha for a span of 17 years from 1967 to 1984. He
lost the LokSabha election in 1984. He was the Indian Ambassador to the US in
1989–1990. The book "Brief Sojourn" is the outcome of his enriching experience as
the Ambassador. He worked as a member of the RajyaSabha from 1996 onwards.
Thus Singh has a vast political experience. Along with his political career he was a
great academician too. He worked as Chancellor of Banaras Hindu University, Jammu
and Kashmir University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and NIIT University. He is the
recipient of Padma Vibhushan (2005). Towards A New India (1974), Autobiography
(1989), Hymn to Shivaand Other Poems (1991), The Transition to a Global Society
(1991) are some of his books.
‘युर् अँड टास्क अिे ड’ या पाठात स्वातंत्र्य आणर् यव
ु कांच्या भसू मकेबद्दल करन ससंग यांनी सांचगतले आिे .
नवीन वपढीला स्वातंत्र्य सिितेने टाळण्यासाठी लेखक सांगत आिे त. स्वातंत्र्यानंतरच्या वपढीला दे शासाठी
त्यांची िबाबदारी लक्षात घेण्याची त्यांनी अपील केली. स्वातंत्र्य फक्त सििपर्े समळाले असे समिन
ू येयाची
युवकांनी िान राखली पाहििे आणर् दे शाच्या स्वातंत्र्याला मिबुत केले पाहििे. तरुर्ांनी दे शाची सेवा करावी,
आचर्णक ववकासासाठी पाऊल उचलले पाहििे, दाररद्र्य तनमल
ूण न करावे आणर् लोकशािीस बळकट करावे. त्यांनी
न्याय, स्वातंत्र्य, समानता आणर् बंधत्ु वाच्या तत्त्वांवर आधाररत भारत एक धमणतनर पेक्ष आणर् लोकशािी
राष्ट्र बनवावा.
करर् ससंि म्िर्तात की युवकांची प्रचंड शक्ती योग्यररत्या वापरावी. युवकाने राष्ट्राचे रक्षर् केले
पाहििे ज्यात धमणतनरपेक्षता आणर् लोकशािीचे दोन आदशण आिे त. दे शाचे संरक्षर् करण्यासाठी त्यांच्यात
एकवचन बद्धता असावी. केवळ दे शाची सेवा करण्याची इच्छा परु े सी नािी तर दे शाची सेवा प्रभावीपर्े करण्याची
क्षमता असर्े आवचयक आिे . समािाची सेवा प्रभावीपर्े करण्यासाठी तरुर्ांना त्यांचे शारीररक, बौवद्धक,

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दे शभक्ती आणर् आध्याजत्मक पररमार् ववकससत करर्े मित्वाचे आिे . करर् ससंग म्िर्तात की िी एक सतत
चालू असर्ारी प्रकिया आिे . तरुर्ांनी राष्ट्रबांधर्ीत पूर्ण मनाने सिभाग घेतला पाहििे. तरुर्, रािकीय,
सांप्रदातयक, प्रादे सशक आणर् भावषक ववववधता दरू ठे ऊन दे शाची सेवा करू शकतात. अशाप्रकारे , करर् ससंि
युवकांना स्वतंत्र भारत चे संरक्षर् व ववकास करण्याच्या मिानकाये करण्यास प्रोस्त्साहित करतात.
“Youth and the Tasks Ahead” is a speech given by Karan Singh. He tells the youth to
become responsible citizens of India. He appeals the post-independence generation to
realize their responsibilities towards the nation.They should not take independence for
The author further feels that the youth is the ultimate power to the nation. If
they use their power in a systematic way, then can bring vast changes to nation. They
can then safeguard secularism. According to author, the youth will provide leadership
in all fields of life. They are the main heads of nation building. The youth must have
responsibilities and discipline in life. They must also practice nationalism, patriotism
and spirituality in order to bring peace in the nation.
The essay “Youth and the tasks ahead” talks about freedom and youth’s role into it.
The author is asking the new generation to avoid being easy. He appeals the post-
independence generation to realize their responsibilities towards the nation. Freedom
should not be taken for granted. The youth should maintain and strengthen freedom.
The youth should serve the nation, step upfor economic development, demolish
poverty and strengthen the democracy. They should make India a secular and
democratic nation based on the principles of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity.
Karan Singh states that the immense strength of the youth should be properly
canalized. The youth should protect the nation which has two ideals of secularism and
democracy. They should have a commitment to protect the nation. Mere(केवळ/ फक्त)

desire to serve the nation is not sufficient. It should be accompanied by the ability to
do so effectively. In order to serve the society effectively it is important for youth to
develop their physical, intellectual, patriotic and spiritual dimensions. Karan Singh
states that it is a continuing process. The youth should give their whole-hearted
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participation in nation building. The youth can serve the nation by transcending
political, communal, regional and linguistic diversities.Thus, Karan Singh appeals the
youth to undertake the noble tasks of defending and developing a free India.
List of Questions:
1. The young generation is at the threshold of facing more challenges than their
forefathers. Discuss
2. “Muscles of iron and nerves of steel” is the need of the hour for the youth.
3. How can the youth make themselves fit for the task of serving the nation?
4. How can the youth repay their debt to society?

7. Prospects of Democracy in India __ B. R. Ambedkar

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born on 14th April, 1891 at Ambavade in the Ratnagiri District
of Maharashtra. His father served in the British Army at the Mahu Cantonment. His father
encouraged him to take education. He completed his matriculation in 1907 from Elphinstone High
School, Mumbai. He took admission in Elphinstone College, Mumbai and successfully completed
his graduation in Economics and Political Science in 1912. He got the scholarship of the Gaekwar
ruler of Baroda for his post graduate studies. He completed his post graduation in Economics in
Columbia University, New York. He successfully completely his Ph.D. in Economics in 1927. He
got the Master’s degree at the London School of Economics in 1921. In 1916 he took admission for
the Bar Course at Gray’s Inn and completed it around 1923.
He was appointed as the chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee. He played a major role in
drafting the Indian Constitution. He was a prolific writer. The upliftment of the down-trodden was
the ultimate end of his life. He strove hard to protect the rights of Dalit by starting the periodicals
like Mook Nayak, Bahishkrit Bharat and Equality Janta. He served as the first Law Minister from
1947 to 1951. The Bharat Ratna was conferred upon him posthumously in 1990.
Brief Outline:
Dr. BabasahebAmbedkar in the essay “Prospects of Democracy in India”
presents before the reader the social reality of India. He states that democracy can be
successful in India only in the absence of caste system. Democracy is primarily a mode
of associated living. The roots of democracy are to be searched in social relationship.
The existence of the cast system is a standing denial of the existence of democracy.
The Caste System isbased on ‘Graded Inequality’. It results into a separation of society.

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As Indian society is embedded in the Cast System, everything is organized on the basis
of caste. Moreover, there is no room for the outcastes in politics, in industry, in
commerce and in education. Thus, the Caste System is the first obstacle in democracy.
Ambedkar talks about the second obstacle in democracy. He states that the
Indian society does not know its common good and so it is disabled by unity of action.
He further points out that only education can destroy the caste system. It is not
sufficient. But it would raise the spirit of rebellion of the lower class people. Education
should be given to the lower strata of Indian Society. If the lower stratum of the society
is given education, the caste System will be blown up. Thus, Ambedkar suggests that
education should be given to the lower strata of the society in order to demolish the
Caste System.
List of Difficult Words: Purpose: the reason - उद्देश
Prospect: the possibility Loyalty: faithful
Democracy: a form of government in which
the people vote for representatives to govern Innumerable: ununcountable
on their behalf Exclusive: restricted
Assigned: task or duty Denial:, refusal नाकारर्े
Diplomatic: tactful Charity: गरिेच्या काळात मदत करर्े
Republic: a state in which power is held by the
people’s representatives, Communal: िातीय / प्रांततक
Parliament: an assembly making the laws in a Downtrodden: oppressed –दसलत
Outcastes: person rejected by their society –वाळीत
Adult suffrage: the right to vote in political
elections – मतदानाचा अचधकार टाकर्े
Equating: equal to another Pernicious: harmful
Government: the group of people who govern Isolation: place apart or alone, एकलकोंडा
a state, the system by which a state as Equitable: treating everyone equallyसमानता

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“Prospects of Democracy in India” या तनबंधामध्ये डॉ बाबासािे ब आंबेडकर
यांनी वाचकांसमोर भारताचे सामाजिक वास्तव सादर केले. ते म्िर्तात की भारतात
केवळ िाततव्यवस्र्ेच्या अनुपजस्र्तीत (िातीव्यस्र्ा नसतानाच) लोकशािी यशस्वी िोऊ
शकते. लोकशािी प्रामख्
ु याने संबंचधत लोकिीवनाचा एक मित्वाचा भाग आिे.
सामाजिक संबंधांमध्ये लोकशािीचे मूळ शोधले पाहििे. कास्ट ससस्टमचे अजस्तत्व िे
लोकशािीच्या अजस्तत्वाला सुरुंग लावण्यासारखे आिे . कास्ट ससस्टमचे/ िात प्रर्ाली
े असमािता'वर आधाररत आिे . यामुळे समाि ववभागाला िातो. भारतीय समाि,
कास्ट ससस्टममध्ये अंतभत
ूण असल्यामुळे सवणकािी िातीच्या आधारावर आयोजित केले
िाते. रािकारर्ात, उद्योगात, वाणर्ज्य आणर् सशक्षर्ात सुद्धा वंचचतांसाठी /
बहिष्कृतांसाठी िागा नािी. अशा प्रकारे , िाततव्यवस्र्ा िी लोकशािीतील पहिला अडर्ळा
आिे .
लोकशािीतील दस
ु ऱ्या अडर्ळ्याववषयी अंबेडकर सांगतात की भारतीय समािाला
सामान्य चांगल्या गोष्टी मािीत नािीत आणर् म्िर्ून ते एकतेने राित नािीत. त्यांनी
पुढे सांचगतले की फक्त सशक्षर्च अशी व्यवस्र्ा आिे की िी िाततव्यवस्र्ा नष्ट करू
शकते आणर् यता माधमातून वपढीत वगाणच्या लोकांच्या ववद्रोिांची भावना वाढे ल व ते
अन्यायाववरुद्ध आवाि उठवतील. भारतीय समािाला सवणतोपरी स्तरावर सशक्षर् हदले
पाहििे. िर समािाच्या खालच्या स्तरावर सुद्धा सशक्षर् हदले गेले तर िातत व्यवस्र्ा
ू टाकली िाईल.
अशा प्रकारे , आंबेडकरांनी असे सचू चत केले की िातीच्या व्यवस्र्ेचा नाश करण्यासाठी
समािाच्या खालच्या स्तरावरपयंत सशक्षर् हदले पाहििे. तरच िातीव्यवस्र्ा नष्ट
िोईल आणर् खऱ्या अर्ाणने लोकशािी यशस्वी िोईल.
Summary 2:
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a relentless champion of human rights and
staunch believer in democracy, he said: “Democracy is not a form of
government, but a form of social organisation.” In “Prospects of
Democracy in India”, he analyzed Indian Democracy and said a
democracy is more than a form of government. It is primarily a mode of
associated living. The roots of democracy are to be searched in the social
relationship, in the terms of associated life between the people who form a
society. He believed that in democracy revolutionary changes in the
economic and social life of the people are brought about without

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bloodshed. The conditions for that are (i) there should not be glaring
inequalities in society, that is, privilege for one class,
(ii) the existence of an opposition,
(iii) equality in law and administration,
(iv) observance of constitutional morality,
(v) no tyranny of the majority,
(vi) moral order of society, and
(vii)public conscience. Addressing the Constituent Assembly, he
suggested certain devices essential to maintain democracy:
“(i) constitutional methods,
(ii) not to lay liberties at the feet of a great man,
(iii) make a political democracy a social democracy.” In this article, an
attempt has been made to provide an analysis of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar’s
critique of democracy in India and discuss his ideal of social democracy.
List of Questions:
What, according to the author, is a standing denial of democracy?
What is the difference between the ‘Class System’ and the ‘Caste System’?
Why is there no room for the downtrodden and the outcastes in politics, industry,
commerce and education?
Why does Dr. Ambedkar express doubts about India’s democratic system?
How does Dr. Ambedkar describe the existence of caste system in India?
How can education help in destroying the caste system?

The eyes are Not Here –Ruskin Bond

About the author

Ruskin Bond was born in Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh, on 19th May, 1934
and grew up in Shimla, Jamnagar, Dehradun and Mussoorie. As a young
man, he spent four years in the Channel Island and London. He now lives
in Mussoorie. • Most of Bond’s writings show a very strong influnce from
the social life in the hill stations at the foothills of the Himalayas, where
he spent his childhood. • His first novel, “the Room on the Roof”, was
written when he was 17 and published when he was 21.

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The Eyes are not here is short story by Ruskin bond that was originally
published in Contemporary Indian English Stories. This story was also
known as the titles like, The Girl on The Train / The Eyes Have It. The
narrator of the story is a blind man whose eyes were sensitive to light and
darkness. He was travelling to Dhradun by train. During the journey, he
talks to a girl who was a co-passenger in the train. He assumed the girl
with eyesight. He could not guess that girl was also blind but when she
got off from the train and another co-passenger came into the
compartment informs that girl was blind.
Theme of The Story :
The story is about the troubles and problems of the blind people. It
highlights the loneliness of the blind people and also shows author’s
sympathy for the blind people. It also deals with issues of human
Critical Overview of the Story:
‘The Eyes are not Here’ is an interesting story written by Ruskin Bond. It
was first published in Contemporary Indian English Stories. It is a short
story written in first person narrative. The narrator who tells the story is
himself blind. The story is about the narrator and a girl – his co-passenger
in the train. The story is about the troubles and problems of the blind
people. It highlights the loneliness of the blind people and also shows
Bond’s concern for the blind people.
The narrator is on his way to Dehradun. He meets a girl in the train. He
starts conversing with the girl. He never reveals the girl that he is blind.
He tries to impress her. He is very happy in the company of the girl. He
finds the girl very interesting. But the girl gets down at Saharanpur. The
narrator fails of forget the sweet memory of the girl. He cannot stop
thinking about the girl even after her departure. A new co-passenger tells
the narrator that the girl was blind. It is a great shock for the narrator.
Thus story has a twist at the end. It is ironical that both the girl and the
narrator are blind. The shocking end makes the story interesting.

रजस्कन बॉण्ड यांनी सलहिलेली एक मनोरं िक कर्ा 'द आईि आर नॉट िे अर' आिे . िी कर्ा
सवणप्रर्म समकालीन भारतीय इंग्रिी कर्ांमध्ये प्रकासशत झाली. प्रर्म पुरुषी कर्नामध्ये

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सलहिलेली िी एक छोटी कर्ा आिे . कर्ा सांगर्ारा कर्ाकार स्वतःच आंधळा आिे . या
कर्ेमध्ये एक कर्ाकार आणर् मल
ु गी व इतर गाडीतील सि-प्रवासी आिे . िी कर्ा आंधळ्या
लोकांच्या अडचर्ी आणर् समस्यांबद्दल आिे . या कर्ेच्या माध्यमातून लेखकाने अंध लोकांच्या
एकाकीपर्ावर प्रकाश टाकला आिे आणर् चचंतािी व्यक्त केली आिे असे हदसून येते.
यातील अंध प्रवाशी (कर्ाकार) दे िरादन
ू च्या हदशेने िात आिे . तो ट्रे नमधील एका मुलीला
भेटतो. त्या मुलीशी बोलर्े सुरू िोते. त्या मुलीला तो कधीच प्रकट करत नािी की तो आंधळा
आिे . तो ततला प्रभाववत करण्याचा प्रयत्न करतो. मल
ु ीच्या सिवासात तो खप
ू आनंदी असतो.
त्याला मुलगी अततशय मनोरं िक वाटली. पर् सिारनपूरमध्ये ती तरुर्ी उतरते. मुलीची गोड
ृ ी नायक ववसरत नािी. तो ततच्या डडपाचणरनंतर / गेल्यानंतरिी ववचार करर्े र्ांबवू शकत
नािी. परं तु, त्यानंतर एक प्रवाशी त्या ट्रे न च्या कंपाटण मेंट मध्ये येतो आणर् त्याच्याकडून
समिते की मुलगी अंधळी िोती. कर्ाकारासाठी िा एक मोठा धक्का िोता. अशा ववचचत्र
ु े धक्कादायक कर्ा मनोरं िक बनवते.

Poetry Section
12. Composed upon Westminster Bridge – William
Wordsworth (1770-1850), Wordsworth, born in his beloved Lake District, was the
son of an attorney. He went to school first at Penrith and then at Hawkshead Grammar
school before studying, from 1787, at St John's College, Cambridge. In 1790 he went
with friends on a walking tour to France, the Alps and Italy, before arriving in France.
The magnificent Lake District deeply affected Wordsworth's imagination and
developed a love of nature. After losing his mother and father, his beloved sister
Dorothy, supported him a lot.
He is credited for leading English Romantic Movement with the publication of
Lyrical Ballads (1798). About 1798 he started to write a large and philosophical
autobiographical poem, completed in 1805, and published posthumously (after his
death) in 1850 under the title The Prelude.
विलियम िर्ड्सिर्् (1770-1850), लेक डडजस्ट्रक्टमध्ये िन्मलेला, अटॉनीचा मल
ु गा िोता. 1782

ू ते सेंट िॉन्स कॉलेि, केंब्रिि येर्े सशकत असताना पेतिर् येर्े प्रर्म आणर् नंतर

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स्कॉन्स्कच्या शाळे त गेला आणर् नंतर या सवण कालखंडाचा "प्रीलड
ू " मध्ये स्पष्टपर्े वर्णन केले

गेले. लेक डडजस्ट्रक्टच्या भव्य लँ डस्केपने वडणस्वर्णच्या कल्पनेवर खोलवर प्रभाव टाकला आणर्

तनसगाणचे प्रेम ववकससत केले. आठ वषाणच्या वयाच्या वर्डणसवर्णला आपल्या आईला गमावावे

लागले. कौटुंब्रबक समस्यांमळ

ु े वडणस्वर्णला त्याच्या वप्रय बहिर् डोरोर्ीपासन
ू वेगळे केले, िी

त्याच्या आयष्ु यातील अत्यंत मित्वाचे व्यक्ती िोती. सॅम्यए

ु ल टे लर कॉलरीिच्या सिकायाणने

सलररकाल बॅलर्डस (17 9 8) ला प्रकाशीत केले. त्यानंतर त्याने आत्मचररत्रात्मक कववता सलहिली

िी 1805 मध्ये पर्

ू ण झाली आणर् 1850 मध्ये द प्रेलड
ू शीषणकाने मरर्ोपरांत (त्याच्या

मत्ृ यन
ू त
ं र) प्रकासशत झाली.

Critical Outline of the poem:

“Earth has not anything to show more fair”… This is the opening line of William
Wordsworth’s sonnet “Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802”. As a
romantic poet, Wordsworth usually praises nature and its beauty but this sonnet differs
from his other poems. In this text, Wordsworth expresses strong feelings and emotions
towards London in the 19th century. He describes London in the morning and
surprisingly he is amazed by the beauty of the city itself.
` The poem, written in the Petrarchan sonnet form, describes the beauty of London in
the early morning just when the sun rises. We observe the beauty of the city through a
sense of the appreciation of the speaker. It is as if he is looking at a wonder, at
something that cannot be, but is still there. This sense of admiration is communicated
through the development of a strange paradox, which states the impossible unity of
two contradictory things: the industrial city and the natural beauty of nature. This
paradox is introduced through the image of dress, which the rhymes of the octave
highlight: the city is fair (beautiful) because it wears „like a garment‟ the natural
beauty of the morning; but wearing the beauty of the morning in fact means that the
city is bare (naked): what it wears is just „the smokeless air”.
The paradox is carried over and developed further in the sestet. The connection with
the dress metaphor is established through the image of the city being steeped in the
light of the sun and then the paradox is extended to the strange union of being dead (or
asleep) and being alive. The city is now more attractive and more alive than nature
itself, but this is only so because it is steeped in the light of the sun and is thus deep
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asleep. The rhyming words steep – deep – asleep highlight these connections. As
opposed to the city, which is „lying still‟, the natural parts of the landscape, the
sunlight, the „valley, rock, or hill‟ as well as the river are now active, they dominate
over the sleeping city, as is emphasized by the rhyming words hill – at their will –
lying still. The city, represented in the last line by the metaphor of the heart, is thus
alive because it is dead, because it is inactive and is dominated by its natural
The thematic development of the poem is beautifully supported by the rhythms. The
enjambments (and the eye-rhyme) in the octave express the endless admiration for this
beautiful sight, the overflowing emotion of the speaker. This is further emphasized by
the fact that although the lines of the Petrarchan sonnet in English should be iambic
pentameters, none of these lines are exactly iambic. Even where the rhythm gets very
close to this (lines 3, 4, 5, 12), the sentence structure or a caesura disrupts the smooth
iambic rhythm. This is true of all the lines except the very last one where the rhythms
smoothes out and a perfect iambic pentameter ends the poem:
“And all that mighty heart is lying still!”
One function of this metrical development is clearly to mark the end of the poem.
While the line says that the „mighty heart‟ of the city „is lying still‟, the iambic
rhythm gives us a strong sense of the beating of a heart. Thus the paradox that is
developed all through the poem reaches its final statement in this line. The city now is
„lying still‟, it is dead, it is not itself, it is dominated by its natural environment; and it
is precisely because of this that it can come to life: the mighty heart begins to beat only
when it is lying still.
As we understand, this sonnet is perhaps not a true nature poem so much as a poem in
which a city appears as part of a natural landscape. In fact, his portrayal of the city has
a deeply idealized quality, as if he is talking about a heavenly rather than an earthly
city. It uses beautiful and descriptive language, an easy flow of meter, and satisfying
rhymes to convey a sense of the exalted feeling that has been evoked in the speaker.

साराांश: “Earth has not anything to show more fair”… ही विलियम िर्ड्सिर््च्या
“Composed upon Westminster Bridge, या सॉिेटची पहहिी ओळ आहे "3 सप्टें बर
1802 रोजी लिहहिी गेिी. ही िविता सामान्यतः निसग् आणण त्याची सांदरता प्रशांसा
िरते परां त हे सॉिेट त्याच्या इतर िवितेपेक्षा िेगळे आहे . या िवितेत, िर्ड्सिर्् 19व्या
शतिातीि िांडि शहरािडे उत्िट भाििा (feelings and emotions) व्यक्त िरतात.

pg. 16
ििी िांडि शहराच्या सिाळीच्या िेळेचे िण्ि िरतो आणण शहराच्या त्या िेळेच्या
सौंदया्िे आश्चय्चकितही होतो.
पेट्रारिि सॉिेट फॉम्मध्ये लिहहिेिी ही िविता आहे . ििी िांडि शहराच्या
सिाळीच्या िेळी असणाऱ्या सौंदया्चे िण्ि िरतो िी जेंव्हा सूयद
् े खीि उगििा िव्हता.
िाचिािाही या सौंदया्ची जाणीि स्पीिरच्या िण्िािे समजते. ििी आश्चय् व्यक्त
िरतो िी जे िाही हदसते आहे ते असणे शक्य िाही परां त तसे त्यािा हदसते आहे
म्हणजे ते सत्य आहे . या हििाणी विरोधाभासाच्या (paradox) मध्यमातूि सूचचत िेिे
जाते, जे दोि विरोधाभासी गोषटीां एिा हििाणी असणे शक्य िाही. परां त, औद्योचगि
शहर आणण निसगा्चे िैसचग्ि सौंदय् एिाच हििाणी पाहायिा लमळत आहे . हा
विरोधाभास ‘dress image’ च्या माध्यमाति
ू सादर िेिा जातो’ यासािी ििी
octave चा आधार घेतात.
सिाळच्या िेळेिा शहर "िैसचग्ि सौंदया्िे िटिे आहे आणण जणू िाही या शहरािे
सांदरतेचा पोशाख चढििा आहे िारण िांडि िगरी "धरू रहहत" आहे िी जी िेहमी
असत िाही. या िवितेमध्ये ििीिे त्याच्या उज्जज्जिि भाििाचा अर्् साांगण्यासािी ती
सांदर आणण िण्िात्मि भाषा, मीटरचा सिभ प्रिाह आणण गायि समद्ध
ृ ी िापरिी आहे .

List of Difficult Words:

fair: beautiful, blond - सुंदर, गोरा
majesty: quality, dignity वैभव steep: cover, here envelop
doth: does glideth: moved slowly
garment: a piece of clothing, splendor: grandeur, भव्यता
कपडा glittering: shining, sparkling
List of Questions
How does Wordsworth describe the city? What are the features of the city?
Describe in your words the speaker’s attitude towards the city.
Comment on the theme of the poem.

13 An Old Woman -Arun Kolatkar

Arun Balkrishna Kolatkar (1932-2004) is known for a bilingual poet of Marathi and
English. He was awarded the Commonwealth Poetry Prize and also recipient of
Marathi awards like Kusumagraj Puraskar, Bahinabai Puraska,. He translated a few
Marathi poets and Saint Tukaram in English by the title ‘Says Tuka’.
His early Marathi poetry deals with surrealism and expressionism. His first
verse in English Jejuri appeared in 1976 that is called as a quest poem. It (Jejuri) is a
series of poems that discusses about a pilgrimage and gives a record to a very sacred
pg. 17
religious place in Maharashtra. It deals with the ancient religious practices and the
modern rational view of dealing with it. It oscillates between faith and skepticism. It is
a spiritual quest that tries to find divine existence in the futile world. It depicts fine
contrast between ancient stones of the temple and modern consumer world of the
अरुण िोिटिर (1932-2004) मराठी आणर् इंग्रिीचा द्ववभाषी कवीं म्िर्ून प्रससद्ध आिे .
त्यांना कॉमनवेल्र् पोएट्री परु स्काराने सन्मातनत करण्यात आले याचबरोबर मराठीतील

ु ाग्रि परु स्कार, बहिनाबाई परु स्कार, प्राप्त झाले. 'सेि तुका'
कुसम या शीषणकाने त्यांनी संत
ु ाराम यांचे अभंग भाषांतर केले आिे त.
त्यांची सरु
ु वातीची मराठी कववता अवास्तववकता आणर् असभव्यक्तीवादांशी तनगडडत आिे .
1976 मध्ये िेिुरी िा कववता संग्रि आला. (िेिूरी) कववता संग्रि तीर्णयात्राबद्दल चचाण करते
आणर् मिाराष्ट्रातील एका अत्यंत पववत्र धासमणक हठकार्ा बद्धल माहिती सांगते. िे काव्य
प्राचीन धासमणक प्रर्ा आणर् त्याशी तनगडीत आधतु नक तकणसंगत दृचयांशी संबचं धत आिे .
याचबरोबर िे श्रद्धा आणर् श्रद्धेचा संशयास्पद भसू मका सांगते. कवी या काव्यातन
ू एक
अध्याजत्मक शोध दशणवतो कक िो श्रद्धा आणर् श्रद्धेचा संशयास्पद भसू मकेतन
ू िगात दै वी
अजस्तत्व शोधण्याचा प्रयत्न करते. िे प्राचीन मंहदराच्या आणर् आधतु नक ग्रािक ववचव यामधील
उत्कृष्ट फरक दशणववते.
List of Difficult Words:
Grab: seize or hold tightly
Tag: label
Burr: something or somebody that sticks like a burr – बरु शी
Crone: an old woman
Finality: conclusiveness or the condition or fact of being final – शेवट
Wretched: miserable or very दब
ु ल

Brief Outline:
An Old Woman is a graphic imagery of an old beggar woman who is
struggling hard to survive on the barren hill of the town Jejuri. She is begging mere
fifty paise to the poet and wants to be his guide for the Horse Shoe Shrine. She clings
to the poet like a burr that the poet does not appreciate. The poet portrays two
contrasting and paradoxical worlds in which the old woman represents problems of her
generation and the poet represents the world of intellectuals that remains aloof from
the glaring social disparity. The poem vividly describes the wretched hill and the
wretched old woman who try to survive in the name of God. She pinpoints her
problem that she can’t do anything except begging due to her age. She tries to guide

pg. 18
the poet though he has not asked for it. The old woman understands the poet’s
unwillingness but then she pinpoints the fact that she can survive on the wretched hills
by becoming guides for the pilgrims. She says, “What else can old woman do on hills
as wretched as these”. The poet feels pity for her helplessness in the end and offers her
what she demands. It portrays the pathos that a small amount of fifty paise can make
the old woman happy but at the same time, it makes the poet unhappy when he realizes
her hardships at this very old age. As the speaker views her squarely, he, in a sort of
“revelation” becomes aware of the decay which has set in her person and which is
extended to the decaying tradition symbolized by the hills and the temples. The poet’s
use of concrete imagery, subtle irony and symbolism reinforces the central theme of
alienation and perception. “Humanity stands above all” is the message of the poem.

‘An Old Woman’ िी एका वद्ध
ृ सभकारी स्त्रीची ग्राकफक प्रततमा आिे की िी िेिरु ी शिराच्या
टे कडीवर असर्ायाण मंहदरािवळ स्वतःचा चररतार्णसाठी कठोर पररश्रम करीत आिे . ती कवीला
केवळ पन्नास पैशांची सभक ककं वा मदत मागत आिे आणर् त्याबदल्यात ती कवीला िॉसण शू
श्राइनसाठी मागणदशणक बनू इजच्छत आिे . कवीला वद्ध
ृ स्त्री एखाद्या बरु शी प्रमार्े चचटकते
म्िर्िे मागे लागते. कक िे त्याला आवडत नािी. कवी दोन ववरोधाभासी िगाचे वर्णन करतो
ज्यात वद्ध
ृ स्त्री ततच्या वपढीतील समस्या दशणवते- िी चमकदार सामाजिक असमानतेपासन
ू दरू
रािते आणर् कवी बवु द्धमत्तांच्या िगाचे प्रतततनधीत्व करतो. उिाड- ओसाड टे कडीवर दे वाच्या
नावावर हटकून रािर्ारी दद
ु ै वी वद्ध
ृ स्त्रीची स्पष्टपर्े वर्णन या कववने केले आिे . ती ततच्या
समस्येचे तनराकरर् करते की ती ततच्या वयानस
ु ार सभक्षा सोडून कािीच करू शकत नािी. कवी
अपेक्षा करत नसन
ू सद्ध
ु ा िी वद्ध
ृ महिला कवीला मागणदशणन करण्याचा प्रयत्न करते. वद्ध
ृ स्त्री
कवीच्या अतनच्छतेला समिू शकते परं तु ती स्वतःचा चररतार्णसाठी कािीतरी करून आलेला
हदवस लोटण्यासाठी प्रयत्न करत आिे आणर् तीर्णक्षेत्रासाठी मागणदशणक ठरून ती उिाड
टे कर्डयांवर हटकून रािण्याचे ती तनजचचत करते. कवी शेवटी ततच्या असिायपर्ाबद्दल करुर्ा
बाळगतो आणर् ततला िे िवे ते ततला दे त.े वद्ध
ृ स्त्रीला पन्नास पैशांनी आनंदी ठे वता
येण्यािोगे नािी असे कवीला िार्वते या गोष्टीचा त्या वद्ध
ृ महिलेला िेव्िा त्रास िार्तो तेव्िा
कवी दख
ु ी िोतो कारर् अशा उिाड ओसाड माळरानावर / टे कडीवर अशा वद्ध
ृ ििणर म्िातारीने
िगावे कसे असा प्रश कवीला पडतो. कवीला ततचे खोल गेलेले डोळे (bullet holes) हदसतात.

ृ म्िर्ते कक,“What else can Old woman do on hills as wretched as these”

िेंव्िा वद्ध
तें व्िा कवीला पायाखालची िमीन सरकल्याचा आभास िोतो, टे कर्डयाना, मंहदराला तडा

pg. 19
गेल्यासारखे वाटते, आभाळ कोसळते कक काय असे वाटते. कवीला असह्य वाटते, वद्ध
ृ ििणर
म्िातारीची कीव येत,े उद्ववग्न िोतो आणर् शेवटी ततच्या अपेक्षेप्रमार्े कािी पैसे दे तो.
List of Questions
a) Answer the following questions in 100 words.
1. Describe the old woman in the poem.
2. Why does the poet give fifty paise to the old woman?
3. How does the stature of the old woman and that of the narrator change in the end
4. What is the similarity between the hill and the old woman?
b) Answer the following questions in 150 words.
1. Write a note on the conflict between the modern consciousness and the ancient
religious tradition in India.
2. Why does the poet’s attitude to look at the old woman change in the end?
3. What does the narrator mean when he says, “You want to end the farce‟?
4. What do the hill and the temple symbolize?

14 Success is Counted Sweetest - Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson, (1830-1886) American poet, is widely considered one
of the greatest poets in American literature. Her unique lyrics are
distillations of profound feeling and original intellect that stand outside
the mainstream of 19th-century American literature. Emily Dickinson
composed almost 1800 poems, but fewer were published in her lifetime.
She freely ignored the usual rules of versification and even of grammar,
and in the intellectual content of her work she proved exceptionally bold
and original. Her verse is distinguished by its epigrammatic compression,
haunting personal voice, enigmatic brilliance, and lack of high polish.
एलमिी डडकिन्सि, (1830-1886) अमेररकन कवी आिे . अमेररकन साहित्यातील सवाणत मोठ्या
ै ी एक मानले िाते. 19 व्या शतकातील अमेररकन साहित्याच्या मख्
ु य प्रवािाच्या बािे र असलेले
त्यांचे अनोखे गीत गिन भावना आणर् मळ
ू बद्ध
ु ीचे स्र्ान आिे . एसमली डडककन्सन यांनी 1800 कववता
सलहिल्या, परं तु कािीच कववता त्यांच्या आयष्ु यात प्रकासशत झाल्या. ततने काव्याच्या व व्याकरर्ाच्या
सामान्य तनयमांकडे दल
ु क्ष
ण केले आणर् ततच्या बौवद्धक ठे वर्ीत स्वताचे असाधारर् बोल्ड आणर्
ओररजिनलपर्ा ससद्ध केला. ततच्या साहित्यामध्ये कमालीचा वेगळे पर्ा हदसन
ू येतो. ततच्या

pg. 20
कववतांमध्ये मासमणकता, ववनोदी पर् अर्णपर्
ू ण आशय, आकजस्मत गढ
ू ता, अकालनीय चातय
ु ण व उच्च
भपकेपर्ा यांची कमतरता आढळते.
Brief Outline:
The poem is basically about the passion for success of any kind. It is a
thought provoking poem about the eternal truth of the life of a successful
person who goes through many hurdles in order to become successful. It
deals with the basic human concern for love, pain, fame, death and
immortality, intense and painful inner struggle. She opines that one can
understand the value of nectar, when he/she goes through “sorest need”.
She gives an example of a person who holds flag in his hand but that
doesn’t mean that he is victorious. The real victory can be very well
understood by the one who fought for the dignity of that flag and defeated.
She thinks that winning a war is not without those who have sacrificed
their lives. He perhaps would have realized the importance of victory
more than anyone else. Simple diction, colloquial rhythms and
unconventional imagery are the special features of her poetry. The
message of the poem is “no pain, no gain”.
सांक्षक्षप्त रूपरे षा:
कववता मळ
ू तः कोर्त्यािी प्रकारचे यश समळवण्याच्या उत्कटतेबद्दल आिे . यशस्वी झालेल्या
व्यक्तीच्या िीवनातील चचरं तन सत्याबद्दल िी एक उपिासात्मक काव्य आिे की िी यशस्वी
िोण्यासाठी अनेक अडर्ळ्यांना पार करते. प्रेम, वेदना, ख्याती, मत्ृ यू आणर् अमरत्व, तीव्र आणर्
वेदनादायक आंतररक संघषण यासाठी मल
ू भत
ू मानवी बाबींशी याचा संबध
ं आिे . िेव्िा एखाद्या गोष्टीची
" अत्यंत गंभीर गरि" तनमाणर् िोते तेव्िाच त्या गोष्टींचे मल्
ू य समिू शकते असे कवयत्रीला वाटते.
ततने अशा व्यक्तीचे उदािरर् हदले आिे ज्याने िातात ध्वि धरला आिे परं तु याचा अर्ण असा नािी की
त्याला ववियाची ककमत माहित आिे . त्या झेंडाचा सन्मान करण्यासाठी पराजित झालेल्या व्यक्तीला
वास्तववक वविय चांगल्या प्रकारे समिू शकतो. कवयत्री अशी ववचार करते की यद्ध
ु जिंकर्े िे त्यांच्या
िीवनाचे बसलदान/त्याग केल्यासशवाय असत नािी. तो कदाचचत इतर कोर्ापेक्षािी ववियाचा मित्त्व
अचधक समिू शकला असता. या कववतेमध्ये सामान्य भाषाशैली, योग्य तालबध्दपर्ा आणर्
अपरं परागत प्रततमांची ववशेष वैसशष््ये आढळतात. या कववतेतन
ू कवयत्री यशाचे मित्व सांगताना
वेगवेगळे उदािरर्े दे तात. ते सांगतात कक यश समळवताना खप
ू कष्ठ, यातना, त्याग सोसावा लागतो.
कर्ासशवाय फळ नािी / काटयासशवाय गल
ु ाब नािी / टाकीचे घाव सोसल्यासशवाय दगडालािी दे वपर्
येत नािी / "नािी वेदना, नािी लाभ" असा संदेश या कववतेतन
ू समळतो.

pg. 21
Practice Questions:
1. Explore the theme of desire and want in the poem. Illustrate with examples from the
2. The poet has skillfully used imagery in the poem. What effect does it have on the
3. Write a note on the style and rhythm of the poem.
4. Elaborate the central idea of the poem.

5. How will you explain “success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed‟?

6. Do you agree with the poet’s definition of success? What is your definition of

Grammar Section
4. Tenses – (िाळ)

Sr. Main Types of Tenses

No Sub Types
. Present Past Future

Singular- कियापदाला s/es प्रत्येय

कताण कािीिी असो, सा.कि.
(goes) कताण कािीिी असो, फक्त
Plural – only main verb (V1) ( Will / Shall वापरावे व
01 Simple कियापदाचे भत
ू िािी रूप
go) त्यानंतर main verb
I & You अपवाद - only main verb (ex- went) / V2
(V1) (ex- go)
Progressive / Am / is /are + V ing Was / were + V ing Will be + V ing
Had + V3 (P.P/ कि.3 रे Will have + V3 (P.P / कि.
03 Perfect Have/ has + V (P.P / कि. 3 रे रूप)
रूप) 3 रे

Perfect Will Have + been + V

04 Have / has + been + V ing Had+ been + V ing
Progressive ing

pg. 22
कत्याणचा साह्यकारी िीयापदानुसार वापर: लक्षात ठे वण्याची पद्धत १
कताण / subject Present Past Future
He, She, It, this, S (V1) + s/es V2 will
िता् एििचि C is Was Will be
Singular Noun
– (S.N- Gopal, P has had Will have
Singular Hari, Radha ,
Subject tiger, lotus, stone P.C Has Had Will have
etc. )
We, They, you Only main
S V2 will
ु िी), verb (V1)
िता् Plural Noun C are were Will be
(P.N.- Children,
अिेििचि People, girls,
Plural boys, women, P Have had Will have
Subject tigers, chairs,
pens, trees, Ram
and Gopal, Hari, P.C have had Will have
Vishal & I etc. )
Only main
S verb (V1)
V2 will
िता् – अपिाद I and You (त)ू C am was Will be
P Have Had Will have
P.C. have had Will have

साह्यिारी कियापद ि त्याांच्या ित्याांिा िक्षात िे िण्याची पद्धत २ री

Am I (आय)
He, She, It, this, That, Singular Noun (S.N- Gopal, Hari, Radha , tiger, lotus,
Is stone etc.)

We, They, you (तुम्िी), Plural Noun (P.N.- Children, People, girls, boys,
women, tigers, chairs, pens, trees, Ram and Gopal, Hari, Vishal & I etc.)
I, He, She, It, this, That, Singular Noun (S.N- Gopal, Hari, Radha , tiger,
was lotus, stone etc.)

We, They, you (तुम्िी), Plural Noun (P.N.- Children, People, girls, boys,
women, tigers, chairs, pens, trees, Ram and Gopal, Hari, Vishal & I etc.)

Have I, We, They, you (तम्

ु िी), Plural Noun (P.N.- Children, People, girls, boys,
pg. 23
अनेकवचन women, tigers, chairs, pens, trees, Ram and Gopal, Hari, Vishal & I etc.)
कत्यांसाठी (I & You – अपवाद)
Has He, She, It, this, That, Singular Noun (S.N- Gopal, Hari, Radha , tiger, lotus,
एकवचन stone etc.)

Do We, They, you (तम्ु िी), Plural Noun (P.N.- Children, People, girls, boys,
अनेकवचन women, tigers, chairs, pens, trees, Ram and Gopal, Hari, Vishal & I etc.)
कत्यांसाठी (I & You – अपवाद)
Does He, She, It, this, That, Singular Noun (S.N- Gopal, Hari, Radha , tiger, lotus,
एकवचन stone etc.)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below, using verbs in simple present form
to express eternal truths. – त्रििािाबाचधत सत्य / िैश्श्िि सत्य

A Most snakes lay (lay) eggs, but the python gives (give) birth to young ones.
B People who work (work) for long hours in the sun often get (get) sun burnt.
C Computers store (store) large amount of data.
D Magnets attract (attract) iron filings.
E Plants produce (produce) their own food through the process of
photosynthesis. During this process, plants take in (take in) carbon-dioxide
from the air and give out (give out) oxygen.
F Our lungs expand (expand) when we breathe in (breathe in) and contract
(contract) when we breathout (breath out). The lungs have (have) tiny blood
vessels which are called capillaries. Oxygen goes (go) directly into the blood
through these capillaries. The heart pumps (pump) blood to different parts of
the body.

pg. 24
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below, using verbs in simple present
tense to show present truths. – सद्यश्स्र्ती / दै िांहदि किया

Raghavanlives (live) in Kochi. He works (work) in a bank. He has (have) two

children, who go (go) to an English medium school. Raghavan‟s wife teaches
(teach) Sanskrit in the school. His brother is (be) an artist. He paints (paints)

Exercise 3 – बातमीसािी – headline सािी Simple Present Tense िापरािा.

Write headline for the following news report. The Headline should be not
have more than five words and should include a verb in simple present
tense form.
A. The Indian under 19 cricket team defeated the Sri Lankan team by six
wickets in the Arjun Ranatunga Trophy match which was played in Colombo
yesterday. The captain of the Indian team side every player in the team had
contributed to this victory,
Ans. The U19 team brings glory.
B. On Thursday, the chief minister of Kerala inaugurated a new computer
training centre in Kottayam. In his inaugural speech, the chief minister said that
this centre would provide advanced training in software development, and
would open up new job opportunities for the youth of Kerala.
Ans. Kerala gears up software development.
Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks in the paragraphs below using the present progressive
tense forms of the verbs in brackets.
A My uncle who lives in Varansi, is visiting (visit) Kerala. He is spending
(spend) a week in a village near Guruvayoor. He is travelling all over the state
by bus, although it is his first trip to the place.
pg. 25
B Mohanan fell ill and went to see a doctor, who advised him to be careful
about his diet and to take plenty of exercise. So now Mohananis drinking
(drink) a litre of milk every day. He is eating plenty of fruit and is going for a
walk in the park every morning.
C The president of India is arriving (arrive) in Kolkata next week everyone is
busy preparing for his visit. Workers are cleaning (clean up) the streets.
Painters are painting (paint) the buildings.
D I live in Chennai, were the coffee is excellent. But I am spending(spend) a
week in Delhi. I can‟t get filter coffee here, so I am drinking (drink) tea
instead. I am eating (eat) chapattis instead of idlis and quite like the change.
E The Republic Day parade has begun. The soldiers are marching (march) into
the stadium. The president is taking (take) the salute and all the other guests
are standing (stand up) to honour the national flag. The military band is
playing (play) the national anthem.

Exercise 5
Fill In the blanks in the sentences below by using either the simple present
tense or the present progressive form of the verb given in the bracket.
A meeting of the students is in progress. The secretary of the Student‟s Union is
speaking (speak). He isreading out (reading out) the annual report of the
union. He thinks (think) that the college r should organize a debate and offer a
prize to the best speaker as the union has (have) a lot of money. But some of
the other students feel (feet) that the money should be used to help deserving
students with their fees and books.
Exercise 6
Fill In the blanks in the sentences below by using present perfect tense.
Mother: Rima are you ready to go to school?

pg. 26
Rima: Yes, mother. I have brushed (brush) my teeth.. I have combed (com)
my hair. I have packed (pack) my books in my school bag. Mother: What about
your breakfast?
Rima: I have eaten (eat) my breakfast already.
Mother: Good girl! Well your bus has come (come). Bye Rima.
Rima: Bye, mother!
The following scene takes place in a school. An inspection team is to visit
the school on the next day everyone is busy cleaning the place. The
headmaster is questioning one of the students to find out how much work
has been done. Fill In the blanks in the dialogue, using the given verbs in
the present perfect tense.
Headmaster: Are the classroom clean?
Student: Yes sir, we have washed (wash) the floors with water.
Headmaster: What about the furniture?
Student: We have wiped (wipe) all the desks and benches. There is not dust on
Headmaster: And the banners? Are they in place?
Student: Yes sir, we have put up (put up) the banners on the walls.
Headmaster: What about the invitations?
Student: We have sent out (sent out) all the invitations to guests as well as to
Headmaster: Good. Is someone going to take photographs?
Student: Yes sir. We have arranged for (arrange) for a photographer.
Headmaster: Excellent. You seem to have done a good job.
Student: Thank you sir.

pg. 27
Exercise 7
Fill In the blanks in the sentences below by using the given verbs in the
simple present, present progressive, Present perfect or present perfect
progressive tenses, as required.
A My brother is a writer. He writes novels. He has been writing novels since
1990 and has written 15 novels so far.
B I love learning languages. I have been learning (learn) different languages
since I was in school. So far, I have learnt (learn) eight languages. I am
learning (learn) Japanese now.
C Rajeev: Where do you live, Babu?
Babu: I live (live) in Thrissur.
Rajeev: Trussr? I thought you were from Kochi
Babu: Yes, I was born in Kochi, but I moved (move) to Thrissur now. I have
been (be) there since 1999 and I am building (build) a house there.
Rajeev: Do you work in Trissur?
Babu: Yes, I am teaching (teach) in a school there. My wife works (work)
there too, but this year she is doing (do) a teacher training course in Hyderabad.
Her school has given (give) her a year’s leave.
Rajeev: Does she write to you?
Babu: Oh yes, she writes (write) to me regularly. She also talks (talk) to the
children on the telephone every night. She is missing (miss) them very much.

Exercise 8
A Fill in the blanks using the past tense form of verb in brackets.
1 Kalidaswas(be) a great poet. He lived (live) 2000 years ago.
2 We had (have) a house in Alapuzha but we sold(sell) it last year.
3 The child broke (break) the cup. He was (be) sleepy and he dropped (drop)
the cup on the floor.

pg. 28
B Fill in the blanks using verbs in either the simple past or present perfect
tense as required.
1 Madan first visited (visit) Nagaland in 1980, when he was (be) only 15 years
old. He fell (fall)in love with the place at once. Later, he returned (return) to
Nagaland many times, and become (become) an expert on it.
2 My brother is a famous artist. He has painted (paint) many beautiful pictures,
but his most famous painting is a portrait of Indira Gandhi, which he painted
(paint) in 1980.

Exercise 9
Fill In the blanks in the sentences below by using the simple past or ‘used
to’ or ‘would’ to show habitual activity in the past.
Raman lived (live) in Chennai for 10 years. He used to work (work) in a bank.
He would go (go) to the office at 9.00 every morning and return late at night.
He used to take (take) his family to the beach every Sunday.

Exercise 10
Fill In the blanks using the given verbs in their simple past or past
progressive forms.
A Last night while my friend was taking (take) a walk in the park, he saw (see)
a snake. It was crawling (crawl) through the grass.
B The bell rang (ring) while I was having (have) a bath. I opened (open) the
door and found (find) a child sitting on the verandah. He was reading (read) a
C When the principal walked (walk) into the classroom he saw (see) the
teacher correcting test papers. The students were playing (play) football

pg. 29
Exercise 11
Fill In the blanks in the sentences below by using the given verbs in
brackets in either the simple present, present progressive, Present perfect
tenses, as required.
A The sun had set (set) by the time we left (leave) for home.
B I had seen (see) the Charminar earlier and went (go) only to keep Gopi
C Abu just posted (post) the letter that he had written (write) two weeks ago.
D Before we got (get) to the bridge, the water had risen (risen) above the
danger mark.
E By the time they had consulted (consult) a doctor, the man’s condition
worsened (worsen).
Exercise 12
Fill In the blanks in the sentences below by using appropriate tense forms
of the verb in brackets.
My father is an engineer. He builds (build) houses. He had been building (build)
houses for more than 20 years now and has built (build) about 200 houses
during this time. But now he is planning (plan) to change his profession. For the
last two years, his friends were asking (ask) him to take up singing as a career.
He sigs (sings) well and does (do) several shows. Before he become (become)
an engineer, he had dreamt (dream) of becoming a singer. Father is hoping
(hope) to succeed in achieving his heart’s desire soon.
Interviewer: Mr. Menon, what do you do?
Menon: I am (be) a teacher, sir.
Interviewer: How long have you been teaching Mr. Menon?
Menon: I have been teaching (teach) for the last 12 years.

pg. 30
Interviewer: What subject do you teach?
Menon: I usually teach (teach) chemistry, but I am teaching (teach) biology
this year.
Interviewer: Why?
Menon: Our biology teacher, Ms Monipally, has been (be) away. She is
expecting (except) a baby, and is (be) on leave since February. The principal
has asked (ask) me to take her classes when she is (go) on leave.
Interviewer: Is your wife a teacher too, Mr. Menon?
Menon: No sir, she is (be) a nurse.
Interviewer: Does she work in a government hospital?
Menon: She is (be) in a government hospital last year but at present she
isworking (work) In a private clinic.
Interviewer: Do you have any experience of working in a foreign country?
Menon: Yes sir, I worked (work) in Kuwait. I was (be) there from 1999 to
Interviewer: Would you like to go back there?
Menon: Not at all. As a matter of fact, I got (get) offers from several
employment agencies in Kuwait, but I have not accepted (accept) anything so

Exercise 13
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using will/shall +stem, ‘going to’ +
stem, the present continuous or the simple present tense forms of verbs in
the brackets.
A According to the weather forecast, there will(be) heavy rainfall all over the
state tomorrow.
B I have decided to become a sculptor when I grow up. I am going to join
(join) an art school/

pg. 31
C The directors of the company are meeting next week. All the arrangements
for the meeting are complete.
D He buy’s (buy) a new car tomorrow. It is a silver grey Alto.
E My daughter will return (return) home soon, but she has not made a booking
so far.
F The doctor is busy now but he is going to see (see) you after an hour.
G You are neglecting your health. You will fall sick.
H a: What is the programme for the prime minister’s visit tomorrow?
B: Well, the prime minister will arrive (arrive) at 7.30 a.m. sharp. He will go
(go) first to the Raj Bhavan. Then he is going to visit (visit) the State Museum
and unveil (unveil) a statute of the former chief minister. He returns (return) to
Delhi at 8.30 p.m.
I Wewill visit (visit) Mumbai next Tuesday. We have already bought our
J Let us hope they are going to learn (learn) English.
Exercise 14
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the future progressive forms
of the verbs in the brackets.
A Don’t phone me tomorrow morning because I will be writing (write) some
important letters.
B My friend promised to drop in next week but I don’t think he will be able to
come as he will be travelling (travel).
C Raghavan will be waiting (wait) at the airport when you reach Kozhikode
D Next Monday, at this time will be shaking (shake) hands with President
Abdul Kalam.

pg. 32
Exercise 15
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the future perfect forms of
the verbs in the brackets.
A Rita has decided to deposit Rs 100 into her savings account every month. By
the end of year she will have save (save) Rs 1200.
B Virender Sehwag has played 96 test matches so far. By the end of this tour he
will have played (play) his hundredth test match.
C Our examination has begun, and by next Saturday I will have written (write)
my last paper.
D Call me two days from now. By then we will have taken (take) a decision
about your transfer.
E Navnita will have arrived (arrive) by the time you reach home.
Exercise 16
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the future perfect
Progressive forms of the verbs in the brackets.
A At this time tomorrow, the man will have been sleeping (sleep) for twelve
B When you reach college in the afternoon, the other students will have been
attending (attend) classes continuously since morning.
C They will have been cleaning (clean)the house since morning when you
reach there.
D Asifwill have been teaching (teach) for six years at the computer institute by
the time his father retires in 2009.
E When you see me on stage tomorrow, I will have been dancing (dance)
continuously for four hours

pg. 33
Exercise 17
Rewrite the following sentences in the tense suggested in brackets.
A Rosamma is keying in her paper for the conference. (Change into the
present perfect tense)
Ans. Rosamma has keyed in her paper for the conference.
B They were working all day. ( Change into the simple present tense)
Ans.They work all day.
C I lived in Kolkata for ten years. (Change into the present perfect
progressive tense)
Ans. I have been living in Kolkata for ten years.
D Farukh will buy us chocolates when we visit him. (Change into the future
perfect tense)
Ans. Farukh will have bought us chocolates when we visit him.
E Huge boulders has rolled down the mountainside when we got there.
(Change into the simple past tense)
Ans. Huge boulders rolled down the mountainside when we go there.
F I am playing a game of card with my uncle. (Change into the past
progressive tense)
Ans. I was playing a game of card with my uncle.
G Jessie met you at the clinic (Change into the simple future tense )
Ans. Jessie will meet you at the clinic.
H The bees have left the hive. (Change into the present progressive tense)
Ans. The bees are leaving the hive.
I Kunju broke his leg when the vacation started. (Change into the past
perfect tense) Ans.Kunju had broken his leg when the vacation started.
J Sarabjit Singh has been practicing for the tournament since October.
(Change into the past perfect progressive tense)
Ans.Sarabjit Singh had been practicing for the tournament since October.

pg. 34
5. Subject-Verb Agreement (Concord) – (कताण- कियापद याच्यामधील सिमती)

कताण – व – कियापद िे व्याकरर्ामध्ये एकमेकांना सिमत असतात म्िर्िेच

त्यांच्यामध्ये Agreement (Concord) असते. याला कािीिर् व्याकरर्ाचा प्रचसलत तनयमिी
म्िर्तात कारर् िे भाषेच्या तनसमणती व ववकास यानुसार आिे . कताण अमुक असेल तर कियापद /
साह्यकारी कियापद काय वापरावे िे ठरलेले असते. िे असेच का ककंवा तसेच का असे ववचारर्े िे
अववचाराचे ठरे ल कारर् याला भाषेचा स्वछं दीपर्ा म्िर्तात.
यानुसारच, खालीलप्रमार्े कताण आणर् साह्यकारी कियापद िे काळानुसार सभन्न असते व
fix / ठरलेले असते. तसेच ते एकवचन ककंवा अनेकवचन यानुसारिी ठरलेले असते.
Sr. To Be ची रूपे
Person Subject To Have ची रूपे To Do ची रूपे
No. Present Past

1st Singular I - am I – was I - have I – do

Person Plural We - are We- were We – have We - do

2nd Singular You - are You - were You – have You – do

Person Plural You - are You - were You- have You – do
He, She, He, She, He, She, He, She,
Singular is was does
It, S.N- It, S.N- It, S.N- has It, S.N-
3rd They, They, They, They,
Person (P.N.- (P.N.- (P.N.- (P.N.-
Plural are were have do
Children, Children, Children, Children,
People,etc. People,etc. People,etc. People,etc.
Meaning- S.N. – Singular Noun (एकवचन नाम) , P.N. – Plural Noun (अनेकवचन नाम)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the appropriate form
(singular or plural) of the verb given in brackets. Use the verbs in the
tenses suggested.
A Bose speaks (speak: simple present) Kannada fluently.
B I work (work: simple present) for an NGO in Gwalior.
C There were (be: simple past) three crows on the tree branch.
D The boys were playing (play: past progressive) table tennis.
E Stephen has cleared (clear: present perfect) the table.
F The planes are approaching (approach: present progressive) the airport.

pg. 35
G You were staying (stay: past progressive) alone in the huge house.
H Natasha and her sister went (go: simple past) for a walk in the park.
I They paint (paint: Simple present) very well.
J Reena wants (want: Simple present) to go to Chennai for her holiday, but her
friends prefer (prefer: Simple present) to go to Mumbai.
K Ahmed and Rafi were (be: Simple past) on their way to school. They were
running (run: past progressive) to catch the bus as they were (be: simple past)
L Mr. Kutty is moving (move: present progressive) into his new house next
week. He has invited (invite: present perfect) all his friends to a house warming
party and we have accepted (accept: present perfect) his invitation.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the appropriate form
(singular or plural) of the verb given in brackets. Use the verbs in the
tenses suggested.
A The young children in this school have (have: Simple present) yoga classes
twice a week.
B Both the rice and the curd were (be: simple past) fresh and tasty.
C The rice and curd which the restaurant serves are (be: simple present) fresh
and tasty.
D Rs 10,000 a month is (be: simple present) a good salary for a beginner.
E Neither Murali nor Tara knows (know: simple present) the answer to this
F Either the boys or their parents have collected (collect: present perfect) the
report cards.
G The furniture in these rooms is (be: simple present) very expensive.

pg. 36
H Each chapter in these books needs (need: simple present ) to be read
I Everyone is looking at (look at: present progressive) the beautiful paintings
on the walls.
J The information you gave me happens (happen: Simple present) to be
K The jury were looking (look: past progressive) at one another with puzzled
expressions on their faces.
L The luggage is falling (fall: present progressive) off the rack.
M Physics is (be: simple present) my favorite subject
N Either you or your sisters have used (use: present perfect) these brushes.
O The public has (has: simple present) a right to know the facts of the case.

Communication Skills

7. Making a Complaint
(Refer to the textbook)
Exercise 1
Look at some of the expressions used in both formal and informal situations to make complaints.
Read each item and repeat it, using the right intonation.
I’m sorry to trouble you, but there’s a problem I’d like to speak to you about.

That’s very kind of you.

didn’t mind.

I’d like to have the piece replaced.

I’m sorry to have bothered you.

I’m very upset with you.

pg. 37
I’m annoyed with you.
I’m surprised you didn’t think of giving me the good news.
That’s all right.

Let’s just forget it, shall we?

Exercise 2
Working in pairs, write and enact the following situations in the form of brief dialogues choosing
appropriate expressions from those given above.
1. Mr. Nikam has by mistake been sent a huge bill by the telephone department for calls made on
another number. He goes to meet the official in charge of billing at the Bharat Sanchar Nigam
office in his area and makes a formal complaint.
2. Maria finds that her sister has forgotten to feed the parrot that she left in her care while out of
station. She calls her on the telephone and complains.

Model Answer:
Participants: Mr. Nikam and the official in charge
Mr. Nikam: Good morning Sir! I’m sorry to trouble you, but I’ve a complaint to make.
The Official: What is it about?
Mr. Nikam: There’s a problem in the bill that has been sent by the department.
The Official: I‟d help you if you could show the bill please.
Mr. Nikam: Here it is.
The Official: The record shows that the calls have been made on another number. I’m sorry.
We’ll send the corrected copy of the bill.
Mr. Nikam: That’s all right.
The Official: Thank you very much.

8 Congratulating, expressing sympathy and offering condolences

(Refer to the textbook)
Exercise 1
Look at some of the expressions used in both formal and informal situations to congratulate
somebody on an achievement, to express sympathy and to offer condolences. Read each item and
repeat it, using the right intonation. Remember that these are situations that call for sincerity and
genuine feeling and in the absence of these, the words become mere clichés.

pg. 38
I’m sure this won’t happen again.
I’ve no doubt that you’ll do much better next time.

I’m sorry about what happened.

mustn’t let this depress you.

Exercise 2
Working in pairs, write and enact the following situations in the form of brief dialogues choosing
appropriate expressions from those given above.
1. Prabha is in bed with jaundice. She will not be able to take the final examinations in tow
subjects. Her aunt visits her to express sympathy and comfort her.
2. Professor Prasad has won ICAR‟s Scientist of the Year award. His colleagues Dr. Susie Sapra
congratulates him.
3. On hearing about the death of Steve’s mother, Rajesh visits his colleague to offer his

Model Answer:
Participants: (Prabha and her aunt)
Aunt: How are you, Prabha? I just heard that you are in bed with jaundice.
Prabha: I will be fine very soon. The doctor has asked to take rest for a week. I feel very sad as I
will not be able to take the final examinations in two subjects.
Aunt: I’m sorry. You mustn’t let this depress you. I’ve no doubt that you’ll do much better next
Prabha: I’ll try my best. Thank you for boosting my morale.
Aunt: Take care. All the best for your future prospects.
Prabha: Thanks a lot.

pg. 39
9. Making Suggestions, Offering Advice and Persuading
(Refer to the textbook)
Exercise 1:
Look at some of the expressions used in both formal and informal situations to offer
suggestions, to advise or to persuade. Read each item and repeat it, using the right

Let’s repeat these expressions for practice.

don’t we repeat these expressions a few more times?

expressions if they wish to speak fluently.

don’t you try repeating these expressions?

Exercise 2
Working in pairs, write and enact the following situations in the form of brief dialogues
choosing appropriate expressions from those given above.
1. Madhuri finds her brother, Manu slipping in his studies. She advices him on how he
could pull himself up again.
2. Bhatia gives suggestions to his junior colleagues on how to promote a new brand of
health drink.
3. Manohar persuades his friends to visit an exhibition of Indian art.
Model Answer:
Participants: Mr. Bhatia and his colleagues Rajiv and Nisha
Mr. Bhatia: Hello Rajiv and Nisha. Please have a seat.
Rajiv and Nisha: Thank you Sir.
Mr. Bhatia: I suggest you to follow some tactics to promote a new brand of health drink.
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Rajiv: Sure What are we supposed to do?
Mr. Bhatia: I advise you to follow this format that I have made for you. It will guide you
to promote our product.
Nisha: We’ll go through it and work accordingly.
Mr. Bhatia: That’s nice. All the best.
Rajiv and Nisha: Thank you Sir.
10. Expressing Agreement/Disagreement and Seeking Clarification
(Refer to the textbook)
Exercise 1
Look at some of the expressions used in both formal and informal situations to express
agreement and disagreement, and to seek clarification on something. Read each item and
repeat it, using the right intonation.

you’re right.
I’m afraid; I’ll differ with you on that point.
I’m sorry, but I can’t accept the idea.
You’re absolutely right.
I’m sorry to interrupt, but I have a doubt that I’d like you to clarify.

Exercise 2
Working in pairs, write and enact the following situations in the form of brief dialogues
choosing appropriate expressions from those given above.
a. Two persons discuss the issue of euthanasia. They agree on some points and disagree
on others.
b. Ms. Anjali Majumdar is giving a talk on the first topic in your physics textbook. You
have a doubt and would like Ms. Majumdar to explain a point she has made before she
continues her lecture. You ask for clarification politely.

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Model Answer:
Participants: Ms. Majumdar, Mr. Abhijit
Mr. Abhijit: Excuse me, mam, pardon me for interrupting, but I have a doubt. Would
you like to explain the point you have made before?
Ms. Majumdar: I quite agree with you. I’ll try to explain it again.
Mr. Abhijit: I’m sorry. I completely agree with the first two points but I’ll differ with
you on the third point.
Ms. Majumdar: I’ll prepare myself tomorrow on the disagreement and we’ll discuss it.
Mr. Abhijit: Thank you, this is fine.
Ms. Majumdar: My pleasure.

All the Best…..

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Spoken English Classes in Kopargaon

Contact: Mr. G.Y. Shaikh - (M.A. Eng. M.Phil, NET, SET2) Mob. 9021094347

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