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Mumtaza Islamic School telah berdiri sejak tahun
2009. Di tahun ini, Mumtaza akan memasuki 10 tahun
dengan banyak perubahan dan perkembangan baik
dari sisi sarana maupun pendidikan. Mumtaza Islamic
School adalah lembaga pendidikan yang didirikan
dengan tujuan menciptakan generasi muslim yang
cerdas dan berakhlak islami. Maka salah satu upaya
dalam rangka mewujudkan semua itu, diadakanlah
kegiatan MIF 2019 ini. Acara ini sekaligus dalam
rangka ulang tahun Mumtaza Islamic School. Diantara
rangkaian kegiatan MIF 2019 ini meliputi peringatan
Hari Besar Islam seperti Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW,
Isra Mi’raj, doa bersama, Mumtaza Fun Run, Bazaar,
perlombaan dan lain-lain.
In addition, we are inviting some embassies around
Jakarta. In this regard, we believe that big gathering of
people usually create suitable environment for
communication and insight exchange, especially when
it is guided by the same purpose.
Nowadays, by the coming of technological
development era, the essence and the existence of
commemorating Islamic historical events seem to be
forgettable. Even more, many Islamic students do not
seem to care how special his story of life is.
Therefore,the purpose of MIF is to remind people and
to teach students about the importance of this event.
The existence of this event is mainly to commemorate
Islamic historical events and to promote mutual
relationship between Mumtaza Islamic School and
some other National and International schools,
embassies, and companies in Indonesia by inviting
them to participate in the activities conducted during
the event which does not only limit students to study,
but also encourages Islamic and or educational
entertainment activities.


1. To commemorate the Islamic historical events

2. To celebrate Mumtaza Islamic School anniversary

3. To promote Mumtaza Islamic School as one of

reputable Islamic schools in Indonesia

4. To provide an opportunity for Indonesian students

to engage in various competitions and many
cultures including Islamic cultures

5. To promote interaction between host school

students and guest school students

6. To stimulate students' courage to show their

abilities and skills by joining the festival

7. To nourish and build togetherness through sharing

Jl. Kayu Manis / Lereng No. 01 RT 05/02Pondok Cabe Udik,
Pamulang - Tangerang Selatan

Monday - Saturday
February 18-23, 2019

During the event, there are some competitions which
are classified into individualand in others, participants
will compete in teams. Here are the details of the
1. Tahfidz Competition
2. Murattal
3. Storytelling Competition
4. Spelling Bee Competition
5. Traditional Dance Competition
6. Futsal Competition
7. Science Experiment Competition
The MIF 2019 event mainly aims at commemorating
Islamic Historical Event such as Milad-un-Nabi
Muhammad and Isra Mi’raj as the Great Days in
Islam. During the closing, this event is highlighted
with a series of Islamic performances such as Hadrah
performance by Mumtaza Primary teachers, Simtud
Duror recitation, a Tahfidz performance by Mumtaza
Primary Students and others.

During the event, a variety of food and beverage,
clothing, books and other learning sources are also
made available to promote the richness of the

Salah satu kegiatan sosial yang diadakan selama MIF
2019 ini adalah donor darah yang bekerjasama
dengan pihak PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) sebagai
bentuk kepedulian kami kepada saudara-saudara kita
yang membutuhkan.


Kegiatan ini diadakan dalam rangka membangun
kebersamaan dan ukuwah, baik antar sesama orang
tua murid dan juga antara orang tua murid dan guru
dalam bentuk jalan santai bersama dan lain-lain.

Salah satu acara yang tak kalah penting adalah
kegiatan doa bersama, dengan harapan semoga acara
MIF 2019 ini membawa kebaikan dan perbaikan untuk
keluarga besar Mumtaza Islamic School.


No. Items Vol Freq Unit Total

. Cost

1. Ceremony

Performer 3 1 3.000.00 9.000.000

unit/pax. 0

Total 9.000.000

2 Facilities & Equipments

Stage 1 1 8.000.00 8.000.000

unit/pax. 0
Sound System 1 1 8.000.00 8.000.000

unit/pax. 0

Tent 1 1 16.000.0 16.000.000

unit/pax. 00

Total 32.000.00

3 Refreshments

Attendances’ Snacks 70 1 20.000 14.000.000

unit/person 0

Attendances’’ Lunch 70 1 25.000 17.500.000

unit/person 0

Committees’ Snacks 10 2 25.000 5.000.000

unit/person 0

Committees’ Lunch 10 2 30.000 6.000.000

unit/person 0

FB Equipments 1 1 4.000.00 4.000.000

unit/pax. 0

Fruits and Beverages 1 1 500.000 500.000


Goody Bags 60 1 15.000 9.000.000

unit/person 0
Guardian Snack Box 10 2 20.000 2.000.000

unit/person 0

Total 58.000.00

4. Pub. Dec. Doc. Division 1 1 8.000.00 8.000.000

unit/pax. 0

5. Public Relation & Security 1 1 6.000.00 6.000.000

unit/pax. 0

6. Competition Expense

Prize 27 1 3.000.00 81.000.000

unit/pax. 0

Judges 27 1 1.000.00 27.000.000

unit/person 0

Equipments & Facilities 27 1 700.000 18.900.000


Total 126.900.0


7. Health Division 1 1 2.000.00 2.000.000

unit/pax. 0

8. Bazaar Division 1 1 3.000.00 3.000.000

unit/pax. 0
9. Stationaries 1 1 3.000.00 3.000.000

unit/pax. 0

10. Contigency Fee 1 1 7.000.00 7.000.000

unit/pax. 0

Total 15.000.00

Grand Total 240.900.


Principal : Khalimi, M.Pd.
Advisory : Ali Wiyoto, S.H.I, M.E.
Mustolihudin, M.Pd.
Kuni Afifah Hasan, M.H.I.
Rina Yuliwati, S.Psi.
Event Coordinator : Nurmawan,S.S.I.
General Secretary : Santi Lestari, S.S.
Treasure : Cicih Desido, S.E.
Siti Khodijah, S.Pd.

Program Division : Dian P. Kharisma Ivada, S.Pd.

Mustaqim, S.Pd.
Arief Suci K. Sihanto, S.Psi.
Ahmad Furqon S.Ag, S.Sn.
Novi Novera, S.S.I

Public : Rumiyati, S.S.

Relation Division Siti Hazrina Siregar, S.Pd.
Abdurarahman Al Farhani
Achmad. H. Wahyudi, S.Pd.I.
Ali Mudasir, S.Pd.I

Competition & : Faramudita Dwi Iriani, S.Pd.

Prizes Division Risyda Azizah, S.Pd.
Equipment Division : Fuadi Abror, S.Pd.I
Abdul H. Sabeni
M. Athfal Matswa, S.Pd.
Riki Farnanda, S.H.I.
Iffah Elvina
Asep Saefuddin
Muhammad Irfan
Farid Nazaruddin

Decoration : Amalia Fasykhatussian, S.Kom.

Documentation Ahmad Mufarikh, S.Kom.
Division Yayah Nihayah, S.Hum.
Susanti Aryani, S.Pd.
Roudhatul Jannah, S.Ag.
Epip Yuhopipa, M.Pd.

Refreshment : Kuntu Fitra, S.Pd.

Division Kharisma Kurniawan, S.Pd.
Siti Nurjannah, S.Pd.
Aisyah Henri, S.Pd.
Laila Fajriah, S.Pd.I.
Dewi Ayu Yuningsih

Bazaar Division : Dian Handayani, M.Pd.

Rosidaliya, S.S.
Health Division : Rista Marissa

In the end, it is a big opportunity for embassies who
are interested in introducing the kids their cultures.
We plan to conduct the event by joining hands with
them. These introductions will be in the form of
booths, banners, leaflets and posters which help in
introducing your cultures or traditions through the
whole project. Finally, we are so grateful to your
attention and we are looking forward to your

Acknowledged by,
Primary Principal Event Coordinator

Khalimi, M.Pd. Nurmawan,


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