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Authors:Atul Malhotra, MDRichard M Schwartzstein, MDSection Editor:Scott Manaker, MD,

PhDDeputy Editor:Geraldine Finlay, MD

Contributor Disclosures

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is
Literature review current through: Dec 2018. | This topic last updated: May 01, 2018.
INTRODUCTION — Although supplemental oxygen is valuable in many clinical situations,
excessive or inappropriate supplemental oxygen can be deleterious [1]. According to human
and animal studies, high concentrations of inspired oxygen can cause a spectrum of lung
injury, ranging from mild tracheobronchitis to diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) [2-6]. The latter is
histologically indistinguishable from that observed in the acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS). The mechanisms and clinical consequences of oxygen toxicity are reviewed here.
Specific issues related to the administration of oxygen are discussed separately. (See "The
evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the adult patient with acute hypercapnic respiratory
failure" and "Long-term supplemental oxygen therapy".)

CELLULAR INJURY — Hyperoxia is not precisely defined but significant elevations of the partial
arterial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) are found only when the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)
is greater than 21 percent of atmospheric pressure. Adverse events may result from increased
oxygen tension in the alveoli, blood, or at the cellular level. Hyperoxia appears to produce
cellular injury through increased production of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs), such as
the superoxide anion, the hydroxyl radical, and hydrogen peroxide [7,8]. When the production
of these (ROIs) increases and/or the cell's antioxidant defenses are depleted, they can react
with and impair the function of essential intracellular macromolecules, resulting in cell death

Oxygen free radicals may also promote a deleterious inflammatory response, leading to
secondary tissue damage and/or apoptosis [10-12]. Much of the evidence supporting direct
cellular injury due to ROIs comes from studies in transgenic mice with altered superoxide
dismutase activity. Mice with augmented antioxidant mechanisms are relatively tolerant to
hyperoxia, while manganese superoxide dismutase knockout mice die shortly after birth with
extensive mitochondrial injury within degenerating neurons and cardiac myocytes [13-15].
Data from animal models suggest possible roles for insulin growth factor 1 [16] and
angiopoietin 2 [17] in the pathogenesis of hyperoxia-induced lung injury.

The respiratory tract is exposed to the highest concentrations of oxygen in the body, placing
airway lining cells and alveoli at the greatest risk for hyperoxic cytotoxicity [18]. Hyperoxia may
also increase susceptibility to mucous plugging, atelectasis, and secondary infection by
impairing both mucociliary clearance and the bactericidal capacity of immune cells [19-24].

CLINICAL CONSEQUENCES — High fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2) have been associated
with several effects on lung tissue/gas exchange including diminished lung volumes and
hypoxemia due to absorptive atelectasis, accentuation/production of hypercapnia, and
damage to airways and pulmonary parenchyma. The term "oxygen toxicity" is usually reserved
for the last of these consequences, ie, tracheobronchial and alveolar damage.

Absorptive atelectasis — High FiO2 results in washout of alveolar nitrogen (nitrogen is

replaced by oxygen, which is largely absorbed into the blood, resulting in a small alveolus
prone to collapse), which can result in alveolar closure, ie, atelectasis. Absorptive atelectasis is
theoretically more likely in the following circumstances:
●A low regional ventilation-perfusion ratio (where oxygen diffuses from alveoli to capillaries
faster than it is replenished by inhaled oxygen), decreasing alveolar volume, may result in
complete alveolar closure.

●Qualitative or quantitative surfactant abnormalities that promote alveolar collapse and

further reduce the ventilation-perfusion ratio

●A high rate of oxygen uptake, due to an increase in metabolic demand

●An impaired pattern of respiration that fails to correct atelectasis (eg, ventilation at low tidal
volumes and/or without intermittent sighs or "adequate" PEEP when using mechanical

Shunting resulting from absorptive atelectasis is minor in younger patients, but can rise to as
high as 11 percent in older, otherwise healthy volunteers breathing 100 percent oxygen for 30
minutes [25].

Once established, absorptive atelectasis is not directly reversed by a reduction of FiO2,

emphasizing the desirability of rapid titration of FiO2 to the lowest fraction necessary to
maintain an arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) >90 percent [26].

Decrements in vital capacity of up to 20 percent have been noted after hyperoxic exposure in a
number of experiments [2,19]. This is presumably due to a combination of absorptive
atelectasis compounded by shallow breaths related to pain due to secondary pleural irritation.

Accentuation of hypercapnia — Hyperoxic hypercarbia describes the phenomenon of

increased partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) associated with increases in FiO2
predominantly described in individuals with chronic compensated respiratory acidosis; these
patients have limited ability to increase alveolar ventilation to compensate for rising PaCO2
and falling pH. In general, increased hypercapnia does not lead to CO2 narcosis and respiratory
failure as the relative rise in PaCO2 is small and these patients are acclimated to their higher
baseline level of PaCO2. (See "The evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the adult patient
with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure".)

Several mechanisms act in concert to produce hyperoxic hypercapnia, including [27-29]:

●The Haldane effect. This describes the rightward displacement of the CO2-hemoglobin
dissociation curve in the presence of increased oxygen tension; the increased oxyhemoglobin
results in dissociation of CO2 from hemoglobin, increasing blood CO2 levels. Since
oxyhemoglobin binds CO2 less avidly than deoxyhemoglobin, a patient with significant
hypoxemia given supplemental oxygen may experience a rise in PaCO2.

●An increase in dead space (ie, "wasted") ventilation. This probably reflects worsening
ventilation-perfusion matching and redistribution of blood flow from well-ventilated to poorly
ventilated alveoli due to a reversal of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction as alveolar PO2 rises
with the supplemental oxygen; the lung unit remains poorly ventilated since supplemental
oxygen does not change the condition that produced the low ventilation. Carbon dioxide-
induced bronchodilation may also be important in mediating the increase in dead space [30].

●A modest decrease in minute ventilation, which also reduces alveolar ventilation, due to
decreased stimuli from peripheral chemoreceptors to the central respiratory center. (See
"Control of ventilation".)
●The anxiolytic and anti-dyspneic effects of supplemental oxygen can promote sleep,
particularly in patients who arrive in the emergency department sleep-deprived. The onset of
sleep is associated with loss of the drive to breathe associated with the reticular activating
system. When the awake and behavioral influences on breathing present during wakefulness
are absent, respiration is sustained solely by metabolic control mechanisms. This can result in
progressive hypercarbia [31,32].

●Hypoventilation decreases inspiratory flow demand, which reduces the amount of room air
entrained around a face mask or nasal cannula. This may increase the FiO2 delivered to the
patient, even if the flow rate from the oxygen source is unchanged [31]. The net effect is
augmentation of the above mechanisms which worsen hypercapnia. The effect on ventilatory
drive, increasing FiO2, sets up a dangerous vicious cycle, leading to progressive hypercapnia. If
not aware of the pathophysiology, increasing FiO2 in hypoxemic patients with reduced drive
may result in hypercapnic respiratory failure. As an example, in the postoperative patient,
when oxygen saturation falls due to hypoventilation, increasing the FiO2 further can lead to a
vicious spiral of worsening hypoventilation, hypercapnia, and hypoxemia which is then treated
with additional increases in supplemental oxygen, finally culminating in overt hypercapnic
hypoxemic respiratory failure. Mechanisms and management of hypercapnia are discussed
separately. (See "Mechanisms, causes, and effects of hypercapnia" and "The evaluation,
diagnosis, and treatment of the adult patient with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure".)

Airway injury — Many healthy volunteers experience substernal heaviness, pleuritic chest
pain, cough, and dyspnea within 24 hours of breathing pure oxygen; these symptoms are
probably due to a combination of tracheobronchitis and absorptive atelectasis [33]. Erythema
and edema of large airways can be observed bronchoscopically in most patients treated with a
FiO2 of 0.9 for six hours and are thought to reflect hyperoxic bronchitis [34]. In addition, the
concentration of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) in exhaled gas increases after only one
hour of breathing 28 percent oxygen, regardless of the presence of underlying lung disease

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a disease seen in neonates following recovery from

neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, has been attributed to the effects of mechanical
ventilation and oxygen toxicity in the immature lung. BPD is characterized by epithelial
hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia in the large airways, thickened alveolar walls, and
peribronchial and interstitial fibrosis. Infants with BPD generally suffer respiratory distress and
require supplemental oxygen for up to six months. (See "Bronchopulmonary dysplasia:
Definition, pathogenesis, and clinical features".)

Parenchymal injury — Progressive worsening of airspace disease can be observed in

mechanically ventilated patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Possible
mechanisms include progression of the underlying pulmonary process, development of
ventilator-associated pneumonia, ventilator-induced lung injury secondary to mechanical
forces, or diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) from oxygen toxicity. Determining the magnitude of
parenchymal injury due solely to oxygen therapy in humans is problematic because
confounders are always present. Much of the limited human data on hyperoxic pulmonary
injury are derived from healthy volunteers exposed to high FiO2; clinical relevance is

Several studies involving patients in critical care units have attempted to assess the clinical
significance of pulmonary oxygen toxicity but have yielded conflicting results:
●One prospective study randomized 40 patients undergoing cardiac surgery to postoperative
treatment with either 100 percent oxygen delivered via an endotracheal tube for a mean of 24
hours, or to the minimum FiO2 required to maintain an arterial oxygen tension of 80 to 120
mmHg [36]. Despite the differences in FiO2 exposure, there was no difference in right-to-left
shunt fraction, effective compliance, or dead space to tidal volume ratio between the two

●A second report randomized 10 patients with irreversible brain damage to either 21 or 100
percent oxygen for a mean of 52 hours and in the hyperoxic group, noted increased right-to-
left shunt fraction, and increased dead space to tidal volume ratio [37]. However, postmortem
examination of the lungs revealed no major histopathologic differences (including no hyaline
membranes characteristic of early DAD) among the two treatment groups.

The physiologic deterioration in the hyperoxic patients in the second study may have reflected
progressive absorptive atelectasis, which was less prominent in the first series where patients
were exposed to hyperoxia for shorter periods, and had spontaneous respiratory efforts.
Alternatively, physiologic changes associated with brain injury or cardiac surgery may explain
the apparent differences in behavior of these two populations. (See "Neurogenic pulmonary

●A retrospective study of 16 previously healthy, nonsmoking survivors of ARDS found that

treatment with an FiO2 >0.6 for more than 24 hours was both a sensitive and specific predictor
of a reduced diffusing capacity (DLCO) at one year [38]. Although there were potential biases
in this study based on severity of illness (patients with more biologically severe ARDS
presumably received higher concentrations of oxygen), the duration of FiO2 >0.6 was the only
variable which predicted the degree of diffusing abnormality.

Potentiation by bleomycin — Patients who receive bleomycin appear to be more susceptible

to DAD following oxygen exposure, based upon in vitro data and uncontrolled clinical
experience [39]. The typical presentation of combined bleomycin/oxygen toxicity involves a
patient with testicular cancer or Hodgkin lymphoma who, after receiving bleomycin, requires
high FiO2 at any later time point, eg, due to aspiration, pneumonia, or general anesthesia.
Following oxygen administration, the patient develops acute, subacute, or chronic worsening
of bilateral alveolar infiltrates with increasing dyspnea, nonproductive cough, and decreasing
lung compliance. (See "Bleomycin-induced lung injury".)

The diagnosis of this syndrome is established by the exclusion of other processes such as heart
failure, worsening pneumonia, ongoing aspiration, or alveolar hemorrhage. Lung injury
associated with amiodarone or external beam radiation may involve oxygen radicals in its
pathogenesis, and also may predispose individuals to hyperoxic complications. (See
"Amiodarone pulmonary toxicity" and "Radiation-induced lung injury".)

Extrapulmonary toxicity — The retinopathy of prematurity (previously called retrolental

fibroplasia) has been attributed to the toxic effects of oxygen. One cohort study of 101 infants
demonstrated a significant association between the duration of transcutaneously measured
PaO2 >80 mmHg and the incidence and severity of retinopathy [40]. Central nervous system
symptoms, including generalized tonic-clonic seizures, have been reported secondary to
hyperoxia but are unusual in the absence of hyperbaric therapy. (See "Retinopathy of
prematurity: Pathogenesis, epidemiology, classification, and screening".)

Hyperoxia may also alter cardiovascular function [41,42]. Increased oxygen tension can lead to
local coronary vasoconstriction, and microscopic foci of myocardial necrosis have been
observed in animal models [43]. Reductions in stroke volume and cardiac output, relative
bradycardia, and an increase in systemic vascular resistance may ensue, but the clinical
relevance of hyperoxia-related hemodynamic effects remains unclear [44].

Mortality — The impact of the end organ effects of hyperoxia on survival has been studied in
several populations and is discussed separately. (See "Overview of mechanical ventilation",
section on 'Fraction of inspired oxygen'.)

PREVENTION — There is no single threshold of fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) defining a

safe upper limit for prevention of oxygen toxicity, although clinical experience suggests that in
the absence of sensitizing agents such as bleomycin, FiO2 <0.6 is not likely to induce oxygen
toxicity. The relative importance of the duration and magnitude of hyperoxic exposure also has
not been clearly defined, although it is likely that the area under the FiO2 versus time curve is
the best predictive variable. Factors that are difficult to quantify, such as the adequacy of a
given patient's antioxidant defenses, probably also play a role in determining individual

Reduction of FiO2 — Reducing the FiO2 to the lowest tolerable limit is a good principle for all
patients, in particular those likely to be at risk of hyperoxia-induced lung injury because of a
prolonged duration of oxygen therapy or prior therapy with bleomycin. In practical terms,
oxygen should be administered to achieve a minimal arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) of 60 to 65
mmHg (arterial oxygen saturation [SaO2] approximately 90 percent).

A number of therapeutic strategies can be employed in patients with ARDS to minimize the
need for a high FiO2 and thereby reduce the risk of oxygen toxicity. However, despite their
dramatic effect on FiO2 reduction in some cases, none of these therapies has been
unequivocally demonstrated to improve overall mortality in acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS). Interventions of this type include:

●Administration of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to prevent alveolar derecruitment

and lower the right-to-left shunt fraction (see "Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)")

●Titration of an "ideal PEEP" in conjunction with a protective ventilation strategy, which has
reduced mortality in one study, but has been somewhat controversial [45] (see "Mechanical
ventilation of adults in acute respiratory distress syndrome")

●Performance of additional alveolar recruitment maneuvers (eg, a sustained delivery of

continuous positive airway pressure of 40 cm H2O for 60 seconds) [45,46]

●Prone positioning [47] (see "Acute respiratory distress syndrome: Supportive care and
oxygenation in adults")

●Inverse-ratio or other alternative modes of ventilation (see "Modes of mechanical


●Inhaled nitric oxide [48,49] (see "Acute respiratory distress syndrome: Investigational or
ineffective therapies in adults")

●Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation [50] (see "Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

(ECMO) in adults")

●Liquid ventilation (see "Liquid ventilation")

●Diuresis if pulmonary edema is possible.

●Bronchopulmonary hygiene if secretions are prominent.

In our practice, we begin to implement these measures as soon as it is evident that the patient
will require greater than 60 percent inspired oxygen for longer than six hours.

Augmentation of antioxidants — Because oxygen radicals lead to pulmonary toxicity,

enhanced defenses against these molecules theoretically should minimize or prevent lung
damage [51]. The potential importance of augmented antioxidant mechanisms is illustrated by
the relative tolerance to hyperoxia of transgenic mice with increased superoxide dismutase
activity [13].

Animal data suggest potentially beneficial roles for strategies that either inhibit oxidant
generation (eg, deferoxamine, allopurinol, tungsten) or provide supplemental antioxidants (eg,
alpha tocopherol, beta-carotene, N-acetylcysteine, dimethylthiourea) [18,52-56]. As an
example, one prospective randomized baboon study demonstrated decreased hyperoxic
pulmonary injury in animals randomized to aerosolized manganese superoxide dismutase [57].
A different study induced protection against hyperoxic lung injury in rats by transferring the
heme oxygenase-1 gene via a recombinant adenovirus vector [58]. Data on the efficacy of
these potential therapies in humans are lacking.

Immune modulators — Manipulation of the cytokine milieu may permit modification of the
deleterious inflammatory response provoked by hyperoxia. As an example, one study of
transgenic mice with increased lung expression of interleukin (IL)-11 found reduced hyperoxic
lung injury, possibly mediated through diminished hyperoxia-induced expression of IL-1 and
tumor necrosis factor [10]. The improved tolerance to hyperoxia occurred despite only small
changes in lung antioxidant concentrations.


●Hyperoxia is not precisely defined. Potential adverse clinical consequences of supplemental

oxygen therapy include absorptive atelectasis, accentuation of preexisting hypercapnia, airway
injury, parenchymal lung injury, and extrapulmonary toxicity. (See 'Clinical consequences'

●The term, "oxygen toxicity," generally refers to parenchymal lung injury due to supplemental
oxygen. (See 'Clinical consequences' above.)

●Oxygen toxicity is mediated by reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs), which can promote
inflammation and induce cell death. (See 'Cellular injury' above.)

●There is no well-defined threshold fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) or duration of

supplemental oxygen therapy below which oxygen toxicity cannot occur. (See 'Prevention'

●Patients with any previous bleomycin exposure who are hypoxemic should receive the lowest
possible FiO2 compatible with tissue oxygenation goals (ie, avoidance of tissue hypoxia). The
potential for oxygen toxicity must be communicated to the anesthesiologist if a patient with
bleomycin exposure needs a surgical or endoscopic procedure. (See 'Reduction of FiO2'
●The FiO2 should be titrated to the lowest concentration required to meet oxygenation goals.
In our practice, we ideally aim for an arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) between 60 and 70 mmHg
and peripheral oxygen saturation between 90 and 96 percent; further increases in PaO2 add
relatively little to the oxygen content of the blood. But, clinical judgment should be used in
selecting a target oxygen saturation for an individual patient (eg, patients with coronary artery
disease or pulmonary hypertension may tolerate hypoxemia poorly). (See 'Reduction of FiO2'

●Additional strategies to maximize oxygenation and reduce FiO2 (eg, diuresis,

bronchopulmonary hygiene, prone positioning, inhaled nitric oxide, recruitment maneuvers
and/or optimal positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP]) should be considered when FiO2
exceeds 60 percent for more than six hours. (See 'Reduction of FiO2' above.)

●The use of antioxidants to prevent oxygen toxicity remains experimental. (See 'Augmentation
of antioxidants' above.)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT — The editorial staff at UpToDate would like to acknowledge David R

Schwartz, MD, who contributed to an earlier version of this topic review.

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