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Voc� aprendeu a desembara�ar e remodelar o tecido da realidade em harmonia com os

seus desejos e licen�as po�ticas. Suas magias s�o parte do seu vasto repert�rio,
magia que voc� pode entoar em diferentes situa��es. Veja o cap�tulo 10 para as
regras gerais de conjura��o e o cap�tulo 11 para a lista de magias de bardo.


Voc� conhece dois truques, � sua escolha da lista de magias de bardo. Voc� aprende
truques de bardo adicionais, � sua escolha em n�veis mais altos, como mostrado na
coluna Truques Conhecidos da tabela O Bardo.


A tabela O Bardo mostra quantos espa�os de magia de 1� n�vel e superiores voc�

possui dispon�veis para conjura��o. Para conjurar uma dessas magias, voc� deve
gastar uma espa�o de magia do n�vel da magia ou superior. Voc� recobra todos os
espa�os de magia gastos quando voc� completa um descanso longo.
Por exemplo, se voc� quiser conjurar a magia de 1� n�vel curar ferimentos e voc�
tiver um espa�o de magia de 1� n�vel e um de 2� n�vel dispon�veis, voc� poder�
conjurar curar ferimentos usando qualquer dos dois espa�os.


Voc� conhece quatro magias de 1� n�vel, � sua escolha, da lista de magias de bardo.
A coluna Magias Conhecidas na tabela O Bardo mostra quando voc� aprende mais magias
de bardo, � sua escolha. Cada uma dessas magias deve ser de um n�vel a que voc�
tenha acesso, como mostrado na tabela. Por exemplo, quando voc� alcan�a o 3� n�vel
da classe, voc� pode aprender uma nova magia de 1� ou 2� n�vel.
Al�m disso, quando voc� adquire um n�vel nessa classe, voc� pode escolher uma magia
de bardo que voc� conhe�a e substitu�-la por outra magia da lista de magias de
bardo, que tamb�m deve ser de um n�vel ao qual voc� tenha espa�os de magia.


Sua habilidade de conjura��o � Carisma para suas magias de bardo, portanto, voc�
usa seu Carisma sempre que alguma magia se referir � sua habilidade de conjurar
magias. Al�m disso, voc� usa o seu modificador de Carisma para definir a CD dos
testes de resist�ncia para as magias de bardo que voc� conjura e quando voc�
realiza uma jogada de ataque com uma magia.

- CD para suas magias = 8 + b�nus de profici�ncia +seu modificador de Carisma

- Modificador de ataque de magia = seu b�nus de profici�ncia + seu modificador de



Voc� pode conjurar qualquer magia de bardo que voc� conhe�a como um ritual se ela
possuir o descritor ritual.


Voc� pode usar um instrumento musical (encontrado no cap�tulo 5) como foco de

conjura��o das suas magias de bardo.

Voc� pode inspirar os outros atrav�s de palavras animadoras ou m�sica. Para tanto,
voc� usa uma a��o b�nus no seu turno para escolher uma outra criatura, que n�o seja
voc� mesmo, a at� 18 metros de voc� que possa ouvi-lo. Essa criatura ganha um dado
de Inspira��o de Bardo, 1d6. Uma vez, nos pr�ximos 10 minutos, a criatura poder�
rolar o dado e adicionar o valor rolado a um teste de habilidade, jogada de ataque
ou teste de resist�ncia que ela fizer. A criatura pode esperar at� rolar o 1d20
antes de decidir usar o dado de Inspira��o de Bardo, mas deve decidir antes do
Mestre dizer se a rolagem foi bem ou mal sucedida. Quando o dado de Inspira��o de
Bardo for rolado, ele � gasto. Uma criatura pode ter apenas um dado de Inspira��o
de Bardo por vez. Voc� pode usar essa caracter�stica um n�mero de vezes igual ao
seu modificador de Carisma (no m�nimo uma vez). Voc� recupera todos os usos quando
termina um descanso longo. Seu dado de Inspira��o de Bardo muda quando voc� atinge
certos n�veis na classe. O dado se torna 1d8 no 5� n�vel, 1d10 no 10� n�vel e 1d12
no 15� n�vel.


A partir do 2� n�vel, voc� pode adicionar metade do seu b�nus de profici�ncia,

arredondado para baixo, em qualquer teste de habilidade que voc� fizer que ainda
n�o possua seu b�nus de profici�ncia.


A partir do 2� n�vel, voc� pode usar m�sica ou ora��o calmantes para ajudar a
revitalizar seus aliados feridos durante um descanso curto. Se voc� ou qualquer
criatura amig�vel que puder ouvir sua atua��o recuperar pontos de vida no fim do
descanso curto ou longo, cada uma dessas criaturas recupera 1d6 pontos de vida
Os pontos de vida adicionais aumentam quando voc� alcan�a determinados n�veis na
classe: para 1d8 no 9� n�vel, para 1d10 no 13� n�vel e para 1d12 no 17� n�vel.


No 3� n�vel, escolha duas das per�cias em que voc� � proficiente. Seu b�nus de
profici�ncia � dobrado em qualquer teste de habilidade que voc� fizer que utilize
qualquer das per�cias escolhidas.

- Kit de Herbalismo/ Kit de Venenos/ Suprimentos de alquimista (INT)

- Natureza (INT)

No 10� n�vel, voc� escolhe mais duas per�cias em que � proficiente para ganhar esse


Spell casting With Extracts

As an alchemist, you are a master of brewing extracts that mimic spells. While
clerics, wizards, and other magic using classes are praying for or memorizing
spells, you are busy mixing ingredients and distilling their arcane energies into
extracts bottled spells to �cast� later when you drink them. No verbal or somatic
components are needed for spells in extract form (unless you count bending the
elbow and glugging), and any material components are already in the vial you hold.
Because extracts are ingested, they are of limited use offensively. Alchemists
mostly drink them to bolster their abilities and heal wounds, while relying on
their bombs to deal damage. An extract only has a range of self, even if the spell
it mimics has a greater range. These spells are indicated with a �self� tag in
parentheses next to the spell name on the formula list. Extracts bind to the
alchemist during distillation. If anyone other than you drinks your extract, it has
no effect on them (unless you chose Arcane Distiller as your Research Focus). Once
created, extracts remain potent until your next long rest, after which they become
inert and must be prepared again.
You can prepare an extract from any formula you know, and you can know any number
of formulas. The Alchemist table shows how many spell slots you have to prepare
your extracts of 1st level and higher.
Cantrips At 1st level, you know two cantrip formulas of your
choice from the alchemist formula list. You learn additional alchemist cantrips of
your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the
Alchemist table. You habitually prepare these lesser extracts from leftover
ingredients. They cost nothing and you always have enough.

Formula Book

As alchemical formulas are too complex and convoluted to memorize, you must copy
them into a formula book, to consult when you prepare your extracts. Except for its
contents, a formula book is identical to a wizard�s spellbook, and the same rules
apply for copying and replacing. Preparing and Brewing Extracts The Alchemist table
shows how many spell slots you have, which represents your ability to brew extracts
of 1st level and higher. To brew one of these extracts, you must expend a slot of
the spell�s level or higher. For example, at 3rd-level, you can brew three 1st-
level extracts and one 2nd-level extract. You regain all expended spell slots when
you finish a long rest. You can prepare all of your extracts during a long rest,
but the wise alchemist leaves a few slots open to deal with the unexpected
situations that often arise during an adventure. Extracts takes 10 minutes per
extract level to prepare outside of a long rest. Drinking an extract and gaining
the effects of the spell within requires an action. If the spell normally requires
a concentration check to maintain, you must make an equivalent check, which
represents the inherent volatility of dangerous substances.

Alchemical Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your alchemist extracts, since you
learn your formulas through dedicated study and experimentation. You use your
Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you
use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for any extract you
brew and
when making an attack roll with a bomb.

- Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier + the

tool proficiency of the type of extract you want to make.

- Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Ritual Brewing

You can brew an alchemist extract as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and
the spell is in your formula book. Formulas Known of 1st Level and Up At 1st level,
your formula book contains four 1st-level alchemical formulas of your choice. Each
time you gain an alchemist level, you can add one formula of your choice to your
formula book. Each of these formulas must be of a level for which you have spell
slots, as shown on the Alchemist table. On your adventures, you might find other
formulas that you can add to your formula book.


Alchemists like to blow things up, including their foes. In combat, they shower
their enemies with bombs. You can use a number of bombs equal to half your
alchemist level + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one bomb). This number is
reset after a long rest. As an action, you can swiftly draw the volatile chemicals
needed to make your bomb, mix them in a small vial with an ounce of liquid
catalyst, and then throw your new bomb at a target (or to an unoccupied point) up
to 60/90 feet away. Use your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency
bonus for the attack roll. If you are targeting an unoccupied point, treat it as a
ranged attack against AC 5. You must have onde hand free to hold a bomb (or two
hands if you want to craft one).On a hit, the target takes 1d6 fire damage + extra
damage equal to the alchemist�s Intelligence modifier + Dexterity modifier. Each
creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
against your spell save DC or take splash / explosive damage.On a miss, your bomb
lands 5 feet away from the target. Roll a 1d8 to determine where the bomb hits (or
a 1d6 if you�re using a hex map), with 1 falling short (off-target in a straight
line toward the thrower), and 2 through 8 (or 6 for hex maps) rotating clockwise
around the target. The bomb deals splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of
where it lands. Splash damage from an alchemist�s bomb equals the number of dice
rolled for the bomb plus the alchemist�s Intelligence modifier and dexterity
modifier. For example, if you normally roll 3d6 for a bomb and have a +3
Intelligence modifier and + 3 Dexterity modifier, your bomb�s splash does 9 fire
damage. Alchemist bombs are unstable and must be thrown immediately, becoming inert
at the end of your turn or if handled by someone else. The damage of an alchemist�s
bomb increases by 1d6 points every three alchemist levels.

Special Concoctions

At 1st level, you learn how create a variety of alchemical concoctions. At a short
or long rest, you can expend it as making alchemical solutions provided by your
studies, you have a total recipes equal to your Inteligente modifier + your
Alchemist level (minimum of 1 recipe), these recipes can be found or rewritten on
your alchemist recipe book, or simply buying it at the Alchemical labs or herbalist

- DC to make a Concoction = 10 + the modifier of the ingredients.

- Concoction save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier +

the tool proficiency of the type of extract you want to make.

- Veneno da Naja Imperial (Veneno, ferimento)

- Bomba de Gel Expansivo (Bomba, explosivo)
- Charuto Explosivo Distrativo (Utens�lio, multiuso)
- Granada de Concuss�o (Bomba, utilit�rio).


Starting at 2nd level, you can craft common alchemical items in a fraction of the
time required by most people. Once per day, even during a long rest, you can spend
2 uninterrupted hours to craft one of the common items listed on the Swift Alchemy
table. No ability check is required; you automatically succeed. You must still pay
for, or provide, any ingredients needed.

As your alchemical skills increase, you can craft potions and elixirs of ever-
greater potency. Your skill with Swift Alchemy improves at 7th level, letting you
create improved versions of the alchemical items, and at 13th level, opening up
even more advanced formulas. In addition to
the items listed on the Swift Alchemy table, you can also craft the other potions,
elixirs, philters, oils, and poisons that exist in the game.

You can also choose to create alchemical items normally (without Swift Alchemy) by
making an ability check with the appropriate tools. You must be proficient with
tools related to the item you are trying to create (typically alchemist supplies,
herbalism kit, or poisoner�s kit). Roll a
d20 and add your proficiency bonus and your Intelligence modifier, and then compare
the total to the DC needed to craft the item. See the 5E Reforged document for
examples of the DC's, material costs, and time requirements to create alchemical


At 2nd level, you learn how to compound a volatile elixir that, when swallowed,
blots out your identity and awakens the brute that sleeps within you. Your Jekyll
gives way to Hyde.

It takes 30 minutes to brew a dose of mutagen, and once brewed, it remains potent
until used. Drinking a mutagen takes an action. You must then finish a long rest
before you can brew another dose. You can only maintain one dose of mutagen at a
time if you brew a second one, the first one becomes inert. Only you can benefit
from your mutagen.

The transformation lasts for 1 hour, and you can�t revert to your original form
until the mutagenic effect subsides. The mutagen you brew is the equivalent of an
extract that triggers the following four effects:

� Natural Weapons: You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns, or a different natural
weapon of your choice. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 of bludgeoning, piercing, or
slashing damage, as appropriate to the natural weapon you chose. Lastly, you are
proficient with your unarmed strikes and use your Strength or your Dexterity bonus
to determine attack and damage rolls, you can attack at least twice with your
natural weapons.

� Monstrous Power: Your features take on a more monstrous appearance. You gain
advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks, and your body grows in power, granting
you one of the following three

� Bear�s Endurance: You have advantage on Constitution checks. You also gain 2d6
temporary hit points, which are lost when the mutagen ends.

� Bull�s Strength: You have advantage on Strength checks, and your carrying
capacity doubles.

� Cat�s Grace: You have advantage on Dexterity checks. You also don�t take damage
from falling 20.feet.(6.meters) or less if you aren�t incapacitated.

� Toughened Hide: Your skin becomes like hardened leather. Your base AC becomes 13
+ your Dexterity

� Monstrous Cost: These features come at a high price. For the duration of the
mutagen you have the following penalties:

� You have disadvantage on Intelligence and Charisma ability checks (except

Intimidate) and saving throws.

� You cannot use your extracts, or cast spells through any other means.

� You cannot wear armor or wield a shield or a weapon while the mutagen is active.
Once the mutagen wears off, your body returns to its normal form, and you must take
a long rest before you can go through another transformation.

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