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Mixed heavy metal stress on photosynthesis,

transpiration rate, and chlorophyll content in poplar
a a
Romika Chandra & Hoduck Kang
Department of Biological and Environmental Science, Dongguk University, Biomedi
Campus, 32 Dongguk-ro, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 410-820, Republic of
Published online: 19 Jun 2015.

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To cite this article: Romika Chandra & Hoduck Kang (2015): Mixed heavy metal stress on photosynthesis, transpiration
rate, and chlorophyll content in poplar hybrids, Forest Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/21580103.2015.1044024

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Forest Science and Technology
2015, 1 7

Mixed heavy metal stress on photosynthesis, transpiration rate, and chlorophyll content in
poplar hybrids
Romika Chandra and Hoduck Kang*
Department of Biological and Environmental Science, Dongguk University, Biomedi Campus, 32 Dongguk-ro, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do 410-820, Republic of Korea

(Received 14 April 2015; Accepted 20 April 2015)

The present work aimed to study the physiological effects of mixed heavy metals, cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), chromium
(Cr), and zinc (Zn) in four poplar hybrids. Poplar hybrids were treated once with six different concentrations (0, 5, 50, 100,
200, and 500 ppm) of mixed heavy metals for a period of 3 months. The photosynthetic and transpiration rates were
measured before and during treatment using an LCi SD portable photosynthesis system whereas the photosynthetic
pigments were analytically determined. According to the results obtained, poplar hybrids exhibited a decrease in
chlorophyll content and carotenoids except for hybrid 1 (Eco 28) which showed an increase at 200 and 500 ppm heavy
metal concentrations. The photosynthetic rate decreased with increasing heavy metal concentrations; however, an increase
was observed at the highest concentration of 500 ppm at 14.54 mmol m¡2 s¡1. Transpiration rates were significantly
affected by increased heavy metals. Hybrid 1 (Eco 28) was deduced as the hybrid that has the ability to tolerate high levels
of mixed heavy metals. Among the four poplar hybrids tested, hybrid 1 (Eco 28) was the best candidate for
phytoremediative experiments under greenhouse conditions. These results are valuable in understanding how various tree
hybrids respond to mixed heavy metal stress, especially when using them as bio indicators for phytoremediation
Forest Science and Technology

Keywords: poplar hybrids; mixed heavy metals; photosynthetic rate; transpiration rate; photosynthetic pigments

Introduction and disturbing photosynthesis. Inhibition of photosynthesis

Heavy metal contamination of the environment from vari- is the consequence of interference of metal ions with pho-
ous sources, including industry and agriculture, is an area of tosynthetic enzymes and chloroplast membranes (Aggar-
concern around the world. Although heavy metals are natu- wal et al. 2012). In higher plants, photosynthesis is
ral components in soils at trace levels, various anthropo- indirectly reduced by heavy metal accumulation in leaves
genic activities such as increased environmental pollution which influences the functioning of the stomata and hence
from industry, agriculture, and mining have contributed to affects photosynthesis and transpiration rates overall.
undesirable toxic accumulations of heavy metals. Photosynthetic pigment reduction by heavy metals affects
Phytoremediation is a cleanup technology for metal photosynthesis indirectly, hence the use of non-destructive
contaminated soils. Some model phytoremediators methods and the ease of measurement allows photosyn-
include various varieties of trees; examples include cot- thetic pigments to be frequently used to determine stress
tonwood, poplar, and willows. Trees are ideal in the reme- for regulatory purposes (Aggarwal et al. 2012).
diation of heavy metals because they can withstand higher The sensitivity of plants to heavy metals depends on
concentrations of pollutants due to their large biomass an interrelated network of physiological and molecular
(Paz-Alberto and Sigua 2013). They have the ability to mechanisms such as: (i) uptake and accumulation of met-
accumulate large amounts of the contaminants in their als through binding of extracellular exudates and cell wall
systems because of their size and extensive roots systems. constituents; (ii) efflux of heavy metals from cytoplasm to
Furthermore, trees have the ability to stabilize an area, extra nuclear compartments including vacuoles; (iii) com-
prevent erosion, and minimize the spread of the contami- plexation of heavy metal ions inside the cell of various
nants. They can be easily harvested and removed from the substances, for example, organic acids, amino acids, phy-
area with minimal risk, allowing the effective removal of tochelatins, and metallothioneins; (iv) accumulation of
contaminants (Paz-Alberto and Sigua 2013). osmolytes and osmoproteins and induction of antioxida-
Some heavy metals such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), tive enzymes; and (v) activation or modification of plant
cobalt (Co), and iron (Fe) are essential in trace amounts metabolism to allow adequate functioning of metabolic
for various metabolic activities in plants. However, excess pathways and rapid repair of damaged cell structures
of any kind of metal (essential or non-essential) adversely (Cho et al. 2003).
affects plant metabolism (Hall 2002). In plants, metals Various poplar genotypes have been used to determine
exert their toxic action mostly by damaging chloroplasts their responses at physiological and molecular levels in

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 2158-0103 print/ISSN 2158-0715 online

Ó 2015 Korean Forest Society
2 R. Chandra and H. Kang

different heavy metals. Sebastiani et al. (2004) looked at watered over the 3 month treatment period. The treated
the effects of heavy metal (Zn, Cu, chromium [Cr], and experimental pots were set up according to a complete
cadmium [Cd]) enriched organic waste on biomass por- randomized block design (CRBD). Each treatment was
tioning and heavy metal accumulation in plant organs in replicated six times and appeared once in each block.
two poplar clones (Populus deltoids x maximowiczii
clone Eridano and P. x euramericana clone I-214).
Photosynthesis and transpiration rates
Gaudet et al. (2011) compared the physiological and
molecular responses of Cd stress in two Populus nigra L. An LCi SD (ADC Bioscientific Ltd., Hoddesdon, UK)
genotypes originating from contrasting environments. portable photosynthesis system was used to measure the
Robinson et al. (2007) investigated the potential of hybrid photosynthetic and transpiration rates of the plants, which
poplar for boron (B) phytomanagement using a lysimeter were recorded before treatment and 2 months after treat-
experiment and a field trial on B contaminated wood ment to determine any changes that might occur over time.
waste. Zacchini et al. (2011) studied the effects of Cd
accumulation and tolerance in P. nigra and Salix alba.
Photosynthetic pigments
Despite numerous studies, the specific mechanisms
involved in heavy metal accumulation and detoxification To estimate photosynthetic pigments chl a, chl b, and car-
are yet to be well described. Characterization of these otenoids, plant materials (leaves) were harvested from the
mechanisms could be important in improving the potential greenhouse and 0.1 g was placed in 8 ml of 80% acetone
of Salicaceae plants for phytoremediation. for 7 days under dark conditions in the refrigerator. After
The main aims of this study were to use non-destruc- 7 days absorbances were taken with UV/VIS spectropho-
tive and easy access parameters to determine the effects tometer at 663, 645, and 470 nm (Skanlt software 3.2 for
of mixed heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn) stress, under Multiskan Co., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA,
greenhouse conditions, on: (i) leaf chlorophyll a (chl a), USA). Chlorophyll content was estimated according to
chlorophyll b (chl b), total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a/b Arnon (1949) and carotenoid content according to Lich-
ratio, and carotenoids; and (ii) photosynthesis and transpi- tenthaler (1987).
Forest Science and Technology

ration rates.
Statistical analysis
Materials and methods Collected data are expressed as mean § SEM. All data
were analysed by the Holm-Sidak ANOVA multiple com-
Plant materials and experimental conditions
parison statistics using GraphPad Prim 6.0 software.
The experiment was conducted under greenhouse condi- Statistical significance was accepted at p ˂ 0.05.
tions in Ilsan, located northwest of Seoul, South Korea
during the months of April September 2014. Four Popu-
lus hybrids were selected based on genetic diversity, Results
growth, and wellbeing in early spring 2014. The details of Photosynthesis and transpiration rates
the clones are provided in Table 1. Cuttings of approxi-
The exposure of mixed heavy metals to poplar hybrids
mately 15 cm lengths from the four hybrids were planted
under greenhouse conditions resulted in an increase in
in 2 L pots filled with sandy loam soil in which the origi-
photosynthetic rate with increase in heavy metal concen-
nal plants were growing in the field. After 2 months to
trations (Table 2). Hybrid 1 had the highest photosynthetic
allow sprouting and roots to stabilize, the plantlets were
rate of 14.54 mmol m¡2 s¡1 at 500 ppm of mixed heavy
treated with heavy metals of various concentrations rang-
metal concentration, being the highest photosynthetic rate
ing from 0 ppm as control followed by 5, 50, 100, 200,
among all four hybrids. No other significant differences
and 500 ppm. Mixed heavy metals utilized were chro-
were observed among other heavy metal concentrations
mium III chloride (CrCl3), copper (II) chloride (CuCl2),
for hybrid 1. For hybrid 2, fluctuations in photosynthetic
cadmium chloride (CdCl2), and zinc chloride (ZnCl2).
rate were observed across the concentrations; however,
Each heavy metal was prepared separately and equal
the lowest photosynthetic rate of 7.75 mmol m¡2 s¡1 was
amounts of the same concentrations were mixed for treat-
observed at 5 ppm mixed heavy metal concentration and
ment. Plantlets were treated with 20 ml of mixed heavy
the highest of 12.60 mmol m¡2 s¡1 at 200 ppm. Hybrid 3
metal per plantlet once only. Plantlets were regularly
had the lowest photosynthetic rate of 2.61 mmol m¡2 s¡1
Table 1. Poplar hybrids selected for greenhouse phytoremedia- at 200 ppm which increased 5 times to 10.08 at 500 ppm.
tive experiment. However, hybrid 4 had a significantly higher photosyn-
thetic rate at 5 ppm of 8.20 mmol m¡2 s¡1 which
Code Hybrid name decreased to 6.84 and 7.23 for 50 and 100 ppm, respec-
1 Eco 28 (Populus euramericana Guinier) tively. A clear pattern can be observed for all four poplar
2 DN 034 (Populus deltoids x P. nigra) hybrids with the photosynthetic rate increasing with
3 TN 074 (Populus tricocarpa x P. nigra) increased mixed heavy metal concentrations, the majority
4 TD 225 (Populus tricocarpa x P. deltoids) being significant around 200 500 ppm mixed heavy
metal concentrations.
Forest Science and Technology 3

Table 2. Photosynthetic rates of four poplar hybrids under mixed heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn) treatment in greenhouse conditions.

Photosynthesis rate A (mmol m¡2 s¡1)

Mixed heavy metal (ppm) Hybrid 1 (Eco 28) Hybrid 2 (DN 034) Hybrid 3 (TN 074) Hybrid 4 (TD 225)

0 10.21 § 0.20 10.12 § 0.26 9.05 § 0.34 9.05 § 0.17

5 8.82 § 1.24 7.75 § 0.26 9.72 § 0.27 8.20 § 0.54
50 11.32 § 0.18 11.43 § 0.52 7.11 § 0.42 6.84 § 0.63
100 8.56 § 0.23 10.21 § 0.93 8.12 § 0.46 7.23 § 0.50
200 8.71 § 0.21 12.60 § 0.52 2.61 § 0.50 8.88 § 0.53
500 14.54 § 0.70 11.73 § 0.11 10.08 § 0.20 7.70 § 0.56

Note: Mean values § SEM.

p < 0.0001;  p < 0.001;  p < 0.01;  p < 0.05. Values significantly different from control (0) (n D 10).

Transpiration rates varied across the hybrids, the high- hybrid 1 showed a general decreasing trend for chl a, chl
est value coinciding with 50 ppm for hybrid 1 at b, and total chlorophyll, with increasing concentrations of
11.23 mmol m¡2 s¡1 followed by 500 ppm at 8.89 mmol heavy metals up to 200 ppm after which the chlorophyll
m¡2 s¡1 (Table 3). Heavy metal concentrations of 5 ppm contents increased. The initial decrease in pigment con-
and 200 ppm had significant transpiration rates when com- tents chl a and total chlorophyll were highly significant.
pared to control (0 ppm). Hybrid 2 had the highest transpi- However, the carotenoid contents decreased with increas-
ration rate at 9.99 mmol m¡2 s¡1 at 200 ppm followed by ing heavy metal concentrations and at 500 ppm increased
9.61 at 50 ppm. Transpiration rates significantly different dramatically to 3.17 mg/g, although the increase was not
from control were at the low mixed heavy metal concen- significant. In hybrid 2 and hybrid 3 the chl a, chl b, and
trations of 5 ppm and 100 ppm. The transpiration rates of total chlorophyll contents, as well as carotenoid contents,
Forest Science and Technology

hybrid 3 were most significant at all concentrations. The decreased as compared to control. This suggests that the
highest of 10.87 mmol m¡2 s¡1 at 50 ppm followed by various concentrations of heavy metals affect the pig-
10.14 mmol m¡2 s¡1 at 100 ppm and the lowest of ments contents. The most significant change in leaf chl a,
3.42 mmol m¡2 s¡1 at 200 ppm. The lowest transpiration chl b, and carotenoid contents was observed in hybrid 4 at
rates were observed in hybrid 4 where the apparent lowest 500 ppm of 9.00 mg/g, 3.71 mg/g and 1.45 mg/g respec-
transpiration rate was at 50 ppm (3.55 mmol m¡2 s¡1) and tively, being the lowest significant values across all
the highest was at 200 ppm (8.14 mmol m¡2 s¡1). No spe- hybrids. Overall, slight decreases in chl a and b were
cific relationship was observed for transpiration rates observed; however, 500 ppm heavy metal concentration
across the different mixed heavy metal concentrations in had the lowest photosynthetic pigments in hybrid 4.
hybrid 4. Significant transpiration rates were observed There were no significant changes in chlorophyll a/b
across all four poplar hybrids. However, the differences ratio across all concentrations in all four hybrids (results
varied for each hybrid; in general, a decrease in transpira- not shown). An overall decrease in carotenoid content
tion rate was observed with an increase in mixed heavy was observed for all poplar hybrids; however, no signifi-
metal concentrations. cant changes were observed in leaf carotenoid contents in
all hybrids across all heavy metal concentrations.
Photosynthetic pigments
The exposure of poplar hybrids to heavy metals for phy-
toremediation greenhouse experiments overall resulted in Discussion
significant reductions in chlorophyll and carotenoid con- Heavy metal stress alters many physiological and meta-
tents in leaves (Table 4). The chlorophyll content in bolic processes in plants. The data presented demonstrate

Table 3. Transpiration rates of four poplar hybrids under mixed heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn) treatment in greenhouse conditions.

Transpiration rate E (mmol m¡2 s¡1)

Mixed heavy metal (ppm) Hybrid 1 (Eco 28) Hybrid 2 (DN 034) Hybrid 3 (TN 074) Hybrid 4 (TD 225)

0 7.45 § 0.24 10.17 § 0.41 8.29 § 0.39 5.99 § 0.16

5 5.96 § 0.70 8.64 § 0.52 9.96 § 0.18 6.38 § 0.15
50 11.23 § 0.05 9.61 § 0.26 10.87 § 0.44 3.55 § 0.53
100 7.84 § 0.28 8.77 § 0.78 10.14 § 0.72 6.24 § 0.61
200 5.30 § 0.11 9.99 § 0.38 3.42 § 0.53 8.14 § 0.34
500 8.89 § 0.13 7.64 § 0.14 9.53 § 0.28 7.52 § 0.47

Note: Mean values § SEM.

p < 0.0001;  p < 0.001;  p < 0.01;  p < 0.05. Values significantly different from control (0) (n D 10).
4 R. Chandra and H. Kang

Table 4. Mixed heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn) treatment effects on photosynthetic pigment concentrations in four poplar hybrids.

Photosynthetic pigments (mg/g)

Hybrid Mixed heavy metal (ppm) chl a chl b chl (aCb) Carotenoid

Eco 28 0 16.08 § 0.98 6.65 § 0.43 22.61 § 1.31 2.77 § 0.12

5 13.21 § 1.48 5.50 § 0.67 18.71 § 2.14 2.52 § 0.26
50 13.62 § 1.50 5.48 § 0.78 19.10 § 2.27 2.60 § 1.89
100 13.44 § 1.21 5.52 § 0.53 18.96 § 1.74 2.46 § 0.12
200 14.39 § 2.60 5.94 § 1.11 20.33 § 3.71 2.66 § 0.42
500 17.84 § 1.89 5.54 § 1.06 23.38 § 1.40 3.17 § 0.32
DN 034 0 17.34 § 1.07 7.03 § 0.70 24.48 § 1.69 3.34 § 0.18
5 17.50 § 0.97 7.55 § 0.54 25.05 § 1.51 3.18 § 0.20
50 14.20 § 1.22 6.25 § 0.72 20.46 § 1.61 2.87 § 0.23
100 16.67 § 0.91 6.85 § 0.41 23.51 § 1.31 3.12 § 0.20
200 15.69 § 0.60 6.41 § 0.36 22.11 § 0.95 2.91 § 0.08
500 14.08 § 0.80 5.56 § 0.34 19.63 § 1.14 2.77 § 0.13
TN 074 0 18.07 § 1.03 7.80 § 0.51 25.87 § 1.53 3.73 § 0.39
5 15.81 § 1.08 6.76 § 0.51 22.56 § 1.58 2.89 § 0.27
50 15.26 § 0.80 6.41 § 0.35 21.68 § 1.15 2.91 § 0.17
100 15.71 § 1.11 6.64 § 0.55 22.34 § 1.66 3.06 § 0.60
200 15.70 § 0.76 6.64 § 0.28 22.44 § 0.98 2.83 § 0.12
500 15.90 § 0.73 6.86 § 0.37 22.94 § 1.14 2.81 § 0.16
TD 225 0 15.79 § 1.17 6.76 § 0.58 22.55 § 1.75 2.75 § 0.20
5 14.98 § 1.30 6.35 § 0.64 21.29 § 1.92 2.46 § 0.16
Forest Science and Technology

50 14.24 § 1.32 6.12 § 0.75 19.80 § 1.76 2.23 § 0.19

100 13.43 § 0.91 5.63 § 0.42 19.06 § 1.33 2.20 § 0.15
200 14.72 § 0.37 6.20 § 0.17 20.92 § 0.54 2.42 § 0.06
500 9.00 § 0.74 3.71 § 0.33 12.46 § 1.14  1.45 § 0.13

Note: Mean values § SEM.

p < 0.0001; p < 0.001; p < 0.01; p < 0.05. Values significantly different from control (0) (n D 4).

that mixed heavy metal exposure leads to significant concentrations; however, only hybrid 1 (Eco 28) had a
decreases in photosynthetic pigments in poplar hybrids. high photosynthetic rate at 500 ppm (Figure 1). Decline in
Chlorophyll content is often measured in plants to assess photosynthetic rate has been exhibited in other plants, due
the impact of environmental stress, as changes in pigment to the reduction in photosynthetic pigments by the heavy
content are linked to visual symptoms of plant illness and metals. Heavy metals such as mercury (Hg), Cu, Cr, Cd,
photosynthetic productivity (Parekh et al. 1990). and Zn have been found to decrease the chlorophyll con-
In the present investigation, the photosynthetic rates tent in various plants in most cases (Aggarwal et al. 2012).
decreased for all poplar hybrids across all heavy metal This decline in photosynthetic pigments is most probably

Figure 1. Effects of mixed heavy metal treatment on photosynthetic rate of four poplar hybrids under greenhouse conditions.
Forest Science and Technology 5

Figure 2. Effects of mixed heavy metal treatment on transpiration rate of four poplar hybrids under greenhouse conditions.
Forest Science and Technology

Figure 3. Effects of mixed heavy metals on chl a, chl b, total chlorophyll (aCb), and carotenoid contents in leaves of the four poplar
hybrids at different heavy metal concentrations. Values are mean § SEM, significance at p ˂ 0.05 (n D 4).
6 R. Chandra and H. Kang

due to the inhibition of the reductive steps in the biosyn- This confirms that the use of photosynthetic parameters
thetic pathways of photosynthetic pigments due to the high provide helpful information on plant response to mixed
redox potential of many heavy metals. In addition, the key heavy metal exposure. Hybrid 1 (Eco 28), which is a local
enzyme, protochlorophyllide reductase, which is involved hybrid, had higher chl a, carotenoid content, and photo-
in the reduction of protochlorophyll to chlorophyll is well synthetic rate at the highest mixed heavy metal concentra-
known to be inhibited by heavy metals (De Filippis and tion of 500 ppm, which probably suggests that further
Pallaghy 1994). Various authors have reported similar investigation needs to be conducted with this hybrid in
decreases in chlorophyll content under heavy metal stress order to understand the mechanisms involved that could
in cyanobacteria, unicellular chlorophytes (Chlorella), make it a suitable candidate for phytoremediative field
gymnosperms such as Picea abies and angiosperms, such work. These results, together with the fact that Populus
as Zea mays, Quercus palustrus and Acer rubrum, sun- euramericana hybrids have been found to be suitable can-
flower as well as almond (Siedlecks and Krupa 1996; Zen- didates for earlier phytoremediative work suggests that
gin and Munzuroglu 2006; Elloumi et al. 2007). A few there are probably certain genetic factors that contribute
reports show an enhancement of pigments after exposure to higher tolerance of P. euramericana hybrids when
to heavy metals (Devi Prasad and Devi Prasad 1982). compared to other poplar hybrids.
The contradictory segments of the data are probably due
to the effects of mixed heavy metals, which compete with
each other in the soil water medium. Uptake by the roots Disclosure statement
and their levels of accumulation in the leaves vary depend- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
ing on the hybrid, hence showing an overall expected
decline in hybrids 2, 3, and 4. Whereas hybrid 1 had the
highest photosynthetic rate, decreases for 5, 50, and References
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