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A Comparative Analysis of the Interaction

between Different FACTS and HVDC

Liangde Xu, Ping Dong, Member, IEEE, and Mingbo Liu

A lot of studies indicate that the interaction between

Abstract--SVC and TCSC, two different types of FACTS control channels exists in concurrent operation of HVDC and
devices, play an important role in power systems. The interaction FACTS devices. In [2], the interaction between HVDC and
between SVC/TCSC and HVDC may impose negative influence SVC in Hydro Quebec power grid was investigated by time-
on power systems. Taking IEEE 3-machine 9-bus AC/DC hybrid
domain simulation method and root locus method. The result
system as a test system, the relationship between connection type
of FACTS and interaction is investigated, and the steady-state shows that the interaction is observable only if very fast SVC
and dynamic relative gain array (RGA) methods are adopted to response is to be applied, and only when SVC operates nearby
compare the interaction between TCSC (series type) and HVDC full capacitive state. In [3-4], it was further pointed out that
with that between SVC (parallel type) and HVDC in the different there may exist a strong interaction between HVDC and SVC
cases, such as changing electrical distance and DC transmission in a tightly coupled AC/DC hybrid power systems when the
power. The sensitive frequency which occurs in the RGA peak
short-circuit ratio of AC system is in a low level. In [5], the
value point is found. Results show that the interaction between
FACTS and HVDC varies with electrical distance, DC relative gain array (RGA) method was introduced as a steady-
transmission power and frequency, which can provide technical state measurement of interactions, which was adopted to
support for configuring FACTS devices. investigate a two-area power system with HVDC and SVC.
However, the influence of system frequency has not been
Index Terms--Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS); considered.
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC); Static Var Compensator This paper builds mathematical model of IEEE 3-machine
(SVC) ; Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) ;
9-bus AC/DC system including series/parallel FACTS devices
Relative Gain Array( RGA) ; Interaction analysis.
installed. Then the steady state RGA and dynamic RGA
methods are adopted to analyze all kinds of factors affecting
the interaction between FACTS and HVDC.
H IGH Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and flexible AC
transmission system (FACTS), which introduces power
electronics technology and modern control theory into AC/DC
Fig. 1 shows an IEEE 3-machine 9-bus AC/DC system [6,
hybrid transmission system, become an important means to
7] .The DC line is connected between buses 7 and 8. All
enhance transmission capacity , controllability and stability of
generators are represented by third-order models and the
power systems [1]. In accordance with their connection type,
excitation system is described as a first-order process [8].
FACTS devices can be divided into series type, parallel type
and integrated type. The series FACTS, like thyristor ⎧ dδ
controlled series compensator (TCSC), is commonly used in ⎪ dt = (ω − 1)ω0
regulating power flow, while the parallel FACTS such as ⎪
⎪T d ω = P − [ E ′ i − ( X ′ − X )i i ] − D(ω − 1)
static var compensators (SVC) is used for regulating node ⎪⎪ j dt m q q d q d q
voltage. All kinds of FACTS devices used in practical ⎨ dE ′ (1)
application have shown excellent performance and broad ⎪T ′ q
= E fd − Eq′ − ( X d − X d′ )id
application prospects. However, with the aggravation of ⎪ d 0 dt
⎪ dE
power system complexity, crossing-coupling between the ⎪T fd
= − E fd + K A (Vref − Vgt )
control channels of HVDC and FACTS may impose negative ⎩⎪
influence on power systems [1]. Therefore, the interaction and 2 2
coordination between different type of FACTS and HVDC uq = Eq' − X d' id − Ra ⋅ iq ud = X q iq − Ra ⋅ id Vgt = ud + uq
, ,
need to be solved. The DC transmission system is composed by two AC/DC
converters as shown in Fig. 2 [9]. The DC current Idc and the
This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China extinction angle γ are controlled by PI regulators. The HVDC
(51107042) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities system’ equations are depicted as follows:
LD.Xu, P.Dong and M.B.Liu are with the Department of Electric Power
Engineering, South China University of Technology, 510641, Guangzhou,
China. L.D.Xu,; P.Dong,Email: epdping@; M.B.Liu,Email:

978-1-4673-2729-9/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

⎧ represent node current, V represents node voltage. Based on
⎪U Rdc = 3 2 mRU R cos α − 3 X tR I dc Eq. (1)-Eq. (5), the mathematical model of the AC DC hybrid
⎪ π π system can be described as Eq. (6).

⎪U Idc = 3 2 mI U I cos γ − 3 X tI I dc
⎪ π π ⎧ dx
⎪ = f ( x , y , u)
⎪ ⎨ dt (6)
⎨ R = Rdc dc
P U I , Q R = R
P tan φ (2)
⎪⎩ 0 = g ( x, y, u)

⎪ PI = −U Idc I dc , QI = PI tan φ

⎪ U Rdc U Idc
Where x represents state variables, y represents algebra
⎪cos φ ' ≈ , cos φ '' ≈ variables, u represents control variables. Linearizing Eq. (6)
⎪ 3 2 3 2 and eliminating algebra variable Δy, then it is converted into
⎪ m RU R mI U I
⎩ π π Eq. (7) [10].

⎧ Δx& = AΔx + BΔu

⎨ (7)
⎩ΔY = C Δx + DΔu
Based on Eq. (7), the transfer function is given:

G(s) = = C(sI − A)−1 B + D (8)

Fig.1 3-machine 9-bus AC/DC system

RGA method, proposed by Bristol in 1966 [11], is used
U R 1: m R X U U X m :1 U I
for quantitative analysis of the interaction between different
tR Rdc Idc I
control loop in multi-variable control system, and so as to

α γ
arrive the best pairing of control system. Based on the relative
P > 0, Q > 0 P < 0, Q > 0
R R I gain of the system, RGA is defined by the ratio of

Fig.2 HVDC transmission system uncontrolled gain (all other loops open) and controlled gain
(all other loops closed).
SVC, as a parallel FACTS device, can be described as a The closed-loop control system constituted by SVC and
parallel capacitor or reactance, which injects or absorbs HVDC is installed as shown in Fig. 5, and a similar closed-
reactive power from power system. SVC model is given as Eq. loop control system constituted by TCSC and HVDC can be
(3). constructed as shown in Fig. 6.
I svc = U svc ⋅ jBsvc (3)
U svc α VRdc
I svc Vsvc

Fig. 5 The closed-loop control system consisting of SVC and HVDC
Fig.3 Steady-state model of SVC

Series FACTS TCSC can be described as a variable α VRdc

reactance, which is shown in Eq. (4).
X t csc Pt csc
U t csc = I t csc ⋅ jX t csc (4)
U t csc
U1 U2

Fig. 6 The closed-loop control system consisting of TCSC and HVDC

X t csc Except for FACTS devices, other parameters of the two
Fig.4 Steady-state model of TCSC studied systems are the same. In Fig.5, this paper chooses the
firing angle α and the SVC equivalent susceptance BSVC as the
Power network can be described by admittance matrix, control variables, while chooses the VRdc (the dc voltage at the
which is shown in Eq. (5). rectifier side) and Vsvc (the voltage of bus installed with SVC)
I = YV (5) as the output variables.
A similar selection of the variables can be applied in
Where Y stands for the nodal admittance matrix, and I
another control system, as shown in Fig. 6. Choose the firing HVDC is calculated respectively with different electrical
angle α and the TCSC equivalent impedance Xtcsc as the distance. The calculation results are shown in Table 1.
control variables, VRdc (the dc voltage at the rectifier side) and TABLE I
Ptcsc (the active power flow of the line at which the TCSC is
connected) as output variable. SVC RGA TCSC RGA
Position (HVDC and SVC) Position (HVDC and TCSC)
Take SVC for example, based on the control system
shown in Fig. 5, the RGA matrix of the studied system can be ⎡0.6472 0.3528⎤
Bus5-Bus4 ⎢ ⎥
formed as Eq. (8): ⎡ 1.0004 −0.0004⎤ ⎣0.3528 0.6472⎦
Bus4 ⎢−0.0004 1.0004 ⎥
α Bsvc ⎣ ⎦ ⎡0.8234 0.1766⎤
Bus4-Bus6 ⎢ ⎥
⎣0.1766 0.8234⎦
VRdc ⎡ λ11 λ12 ⎤ (8)
Vsvc ⎢⎣ λ 21 λ 22 ⎥⎦
⎡0.6472 0.3528⎤
Bus4-Bus5 ⎢ ⎥
⎡ 1.0092 −0.0092⎤ ⎣ 0.3528 0.6472 ⎦
Bus5 ⎢−0.0092 1.0092 ⎥
Where ⎣ ⎦ ⎡ 1.6935 −0.6935⎤
Bus5-Bus7 ⎢ ⎥
(∂ΔVRdc / ∂Δα ) ΔB ⎣−0.6935 1.6935 ⎦
λ11 = svc
(9) ⎡0.8234 0.1766⎤
(∂ΔVRdc / ∂Δα ) ΔV Bus4-Bus6 ⎢ ⎥
svc = 0
⎡0.9859 0.0141⎤ ⎣0.1766 0.8234⎦
Bus6 ⎢ 0.0141 0.9859⎥
Hence, according to the definition, RGA’s elements λ11 ⎣ ⎦ ⎡ 0.8888 0.1112 ⎤
measures the effect that the control channel of SVC/TCSC has Bus6-Bus9 ⎢ ⎥
⎣0.1112 0.8888 ⎦
on the gain of the control channel of HVDC. In addition, the
⎡ 0.8888 0.1112 ⎤
RGA matrix can be obtained by the transfer function G(s) as Bus6-Bus9 ⎢ ⎥
⎡0.9780 0.0220⎤ ⎣ 0.1112 0.8888 ⎦
shown in Eq. (10). Bus9 ⎢0.0220 0.9780⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎡0.8797 0.1203⎤
RGA = G(s) ⊗ (G(s) ) -1 T
(10) Bus9-Bus8 ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0.1203 0.8797 ⎦
According to Eq. (10), when s =jw=0, G(0) represents the ⎡ 1.0895 −0.0895⎤ ⎡ 1.6935 −0.6935⎤
Bus7 ⎢−0.0895 1.0895 ⎥ Bus7-Bus5 ⎢−0.6935 1.6935 ⎥
stable-state relationship of the input and output of multi- ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
variable system. RGA obtained in this situation describes the
⎡0.9680 0.0320⎤ ⎡0.8797 0.1203⎤
interaction between FACTS and HVDC in steady systems. Bus8 ⎢0.0320 0.9680⎥ Bus8-Bus9 ⎢ 0.1203 0.8797 ⎥
Take s=jω=j2πf, the RGA matrix of the system G(s) in any ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
frequency could be calculated [12]. Furthermore, From Table 1, the steady-state RGA diagonal elements of
characteristic frequency, occurred in the RGA peak value, HVDC and series SVC, parallel TCSC are all close to 1.
could be identified, which provides quantitative information According to the nature of the RGA matrix, it could be drawn
for the study of interaction between the controllers. that the interaction between SVC/TCSC and HVDC is not
According to the value of the steady-state RGA diagonal great and the system will not be severely affected.
elements or dynamic RGA curve, the size of interaction could For SVC, the RGA diagonal elements locate in the range
be determined and the interaction between HVDC and series of 0.96-1.09, while the RGA diagonal elements of TCSC are
TCSC, parallel SVC could be compared. Judgments are based within the range of 0.64-1.70. It is shown that the RGA values
on the following: of TCSC are further away from 1 than these of SVCs. For
1) If the steady-state RGA diagonal elements are equal to example, the RGA element with SVC installed on the Bus-4 is
1, there is no interaction between FACTS devices and HVDC. 1.0004, while the corresponding RGA elements of TCSC in
The greater the element values deviates from 1, the greater similar electrical distance are 0.6472 and 0.8234. Therefore,
interaction exists. If the RGA element is negative, the system the interaction between HVDC and the series TCSC is greater
is an unstable system because of coupling effect [13]. than the interaction between HVDC and SVC.
2) The more the dynamic RGA curve peaks appear, the To further observe the relationship of RGA elements and
greater the peak deviated from 1, the stronger interaction electrical distance, three cases that SVC is located respectively
between FACTS and HVDC exists. in Bus7, Bus5 and Bus4 is investigated. The RGA diagonal
3) If 0 <λii <1, then the interaction increases the gain of elements are all greater than 1 in above three cases, which
control channel; if 1 <λii, the interaction reduces the gain of means that interaction changes in the same direction and it is
control channel. comparable. Similarly, the cases that TCSC installed in line
Bus5-Bus4, Bus4-Bus6 and Bus9-Bus6 are selected. The trend
IV. THE APPLICATION OF RGA of RGA elements with the increasing electrical distance is
shown in Fig. 7 (Abscissa represents the electrical distance
A. Change of electrical distance increases).
DC line is connected between bus 7 and bus 8, as shown in In addition, it is clearly observed that the steady state RGA
Fig.1. The steady-state RGA matrix of SVC/ TCSC and diagonal elements of two different types FACTS devices,
SVC and TCSC, are both biased in favor of 1 with the
increase of electrical distance, which indicates that the HVDC与 SVC
interaction size is decreasing. 1.1

RGA diagonal elements

B. Change of DC Transmission Power 1

DC transmission power largely reflects the relative 0.9

strength of AC and DC system. The interaction between HVDC与 TCSC
FACTS devices, which is connected to AC/DC system is
naturally influenced by DC power. Therefore, the interaction 0.7
between HVDC and SVC/TCSC could be comparably
analyzed by changing the size of DC transmission power. SVC Bus-7 Bus-5 Bus-4
TCSC Bus 5—Bus 4 Bus 4—Bus 6 Bus 6—Bus 9

Fig.7 The relationship between interaction and electrical distance


Pdc=107MW Pdc=107MW Pdc=107MW
Bus-7 Bus-5 Bus-4
2.5 Pdc=120MW 2.5 Pdc=120MW 2.5 Pdc=120MW
Pdc=70MW Pdc=70MW Pdc=70MW
2 2 2

1.5 1.5 1.5

1 1 1

0.5 0.5 0.5

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Frequency(Hz) Frequency(Hz) Frequency(Hz)
Pdc=107MW Pdc=107MW Pdc=107MW
Bus-8 Bus-9 Bus-6
2.5 Pdc=120MW 2.5 Pdc=120MW 2.5 Pdc=120MW
Pdc=70MW Pdc=70MW Pdc=70MW
2 2 2

1.5 1.5 1.5

1 1 1

0.5 0.5 0.5

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Frequency(Hz) Frequency(Hz) Frequency(Hz)
Fig.8 The dynamic RGA curve of SVC and HVDC in system frequency range 0-3Hz


Bus7—Bus5 Bus5—Bus4 Bus4—Bus6

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Frequency( Hz) Frequency( Hz) Frequency( Hz)

10 10
5 5

0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Frequency( Hz) Frequency( Hz)
Fig.9 The dynamic RGA curve of TCSC and HVDC in system frequency range 0-3Hz

Based on Eq. (10), the dynamic RGA matrix which coupling degree with HVDC. Compared to that, the
describes the interaction between SVC/TCSC and HVDC at interaction between HVDC and SVC which is parallel type is
any system frequency can be calculated. Since the frequency smaller.
of low frequency oscillation is generally in the range of 0.2- 2) According to comparison the interaction between SVC
2.5Hz [14], the DC transmission power is set as 70MW, and HVDC with that between TCSC and HVDC by changing
107MW (normal conditions), and 120MW. Fig.8 and Fig.9 the electrical distance and DC power, the RGA peaks and the
show the dynamic RGA curve between SVC/TCSC and corresponding system frequency are investigated. The analysis
HVDC in the range of 0-3Hz. reveals that, with the increasing of electrical distance and the
From Fig.8, the dynamic RGA curve amplitude distributes decreasing of DC power, the interaction between different
in 0.9-2.5 in different DC transmission power, while most FACTS and HVDC decreases.
frequency curves are gentle and very close to 1. In Fig.9, the
dynamic RGA curve of TCSC and HVDC are largely deviated VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
from 1 and there are more peaks. In addition, the maximum The authors would like to thank the support of the National
peak value is 15. Thus, according to the dynamic RGA curves, Natural Science Foundation of China 51107042 and the
the interaction between HVDC and the series TCSC is greater Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
than that between HVDC and parallel SVC. (2011ZM0017).
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This paper concerns the interaction between different type
of FACTS and HVDC. Based on the model of 3-machine 9-
bus AC/DC hybrid system, steady-state and dynamic RGA
analysis for comparing the size of the interaction between
series TCSC, parallel SVC and HVDC is carried out. Analysis
results reveal that:
1) TCSC, used for regulating the line power flow, is more
sensitive with the change of DC power, and it has strong

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