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Blacklight Europe Summit

Monday, 16 October - Wednesday, 18 October 2017

1. Blixen is the main room. It can fit 100 people and we can get tables if needed. Booked all 3 days.
2. Saxo is a room right next to Blixen, with a conference table and it can fit 16 people. It has also a big screen. Booked all 3
3. Store K can fit 15 people and has one big table and a projector. Booked from Monday 08:00 to Wednesday 14:00.
4. Lille K can fit 8 people and has one table and a projector. Booked from Monday 08:00 to Wednesday 14:00.
Code4Lib Slack #blacklight:
Monday, 16 October - Workshops
Blixen Saxo Store K / Lille K

08:00 - 09:00 Space setup

08:30 Breakfast and coffee

09:00 - 10:00 Customizing Blacklight Workshop: Installing blacklight

10:00 Coffee break

10:15 - 12:00 Customizing Blacklight Workshop Indexing into Solr


12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (Provided, in Royal Danish Library’s restaurant)

13:00 Coffee

13:15 - 15:00 Solr Workshop or other Blacklight Blacklight ecosystem


15:00 Coffee, cake

15:15 - 16:30 Solr Workshop or other Blacklight Blacklight ecosystem

workshop? (continued) (continued)
Tuesday, 17 October - Plenary + Breakouts
Plenary space (Blixen) Saxo Store K Lille K

08:00 - 09:30 Space Setup

08:30 Breakfast and coffee

09:00 - 09:30 Introduction and Welcome

09:30 - 10:00 Lightning talks

10:00 Coffee break

10:15 - 12:00 Lightning talks

12:00 Lunch (Provided, in Royal Danish Library’s restaurant)


13:00 Coffee

13:15 What’s coming in Blacklight 7

13:30 - 15:00 ILS Integration WARClight Working session: Commented [1]: We can be flexible about how
Lazy-loading facet breakouts get scheduled, depending on how many
values pitches we receive for breakouts (or lightning talks)

15:00 Cake, coffee

15:15 - 16:15 Crowdsourcing in Blacklight Solr Performance Working session:

Measurement Upgrading to
Blacklight 6

16:15 - 16:30 Reconvene

18:30 Group Dinner

Wednesday, 18 October - Breakouts
Plenary space (Blixen) Saxo Store K Lille K

08:30 Breakfast and coffee

09:00 - 10:00 Spotlight Working session:


10:00 Coffee break

10:15 - 12:00 Arclight Traject / Catmandu / ETL Working


12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (Provided, in Royal Danish Library’s restaurant)

13:00 Coffee

13:15 - 14:15 Geoblacklight Not available after 14:00

14:15 - 15:00 Suggestions

15:00 Cake, Coffee

15:15 - 16:00 Lightning talks / Ask the experts

16:00 - 16:30 Wrap-up/Feedback on the event Commented [2]: check to see if we need to strike/tear
down/clean up anything
Session Proposals

Lightning talks Commented [3]: Solicit more lightning talks

These will be 7 minutes informal lightning talks held on Tuesday morning. You are welcome to present on any topics of interest, with
or without presentation materials. (We cannot promise adapters for your laptop, but will try to have a presentation laptop ready for
you if needed).

- Name, Organization, Talk title, Any other information as needed

Warclight (Nick Ruest, York University)

Warclight is a new Blacklight Rails Engine that supports the discovery of web archives. This session will provide a brief overview of
web archives, the rationale for Warclight, indexing web archives, and a closer look at Warclight.

Our integrating views in Blacklight: (Royal Danish Library)

We would like to present a solution that we have developed for the Archive for Danish Literature displaying ocr text and images
(facsimile) in the same view. It features parallel scrolling between the text view (html) and the image view (osd), e.g. when you
change page in openSeadragon, the text automatically scrolls to the right page.

Indexing of TEI files: (Royal Danish Library)

Indexing literary text is very different from indexing metadata. The latter is about creating one index entry with attribute value pairs
for each Digital Library Object (DLO). That is, the DLO is identical with the Anchor Point (AP), the thing we want to link to. Literary
texts is an example where the DLO is not necessarily corresponding to the AP requested by the user. A good user experience for
literary texts requires one index entry per DLO but but very many more APs per DLO. Each AP need to be search and linkable. The
search engine should be able to return 'heart' and 'agony' as well as 'june' and 'tune'. Or at least strophes inside poems containing
these words.
A “Blacklight Farm” (Dries Moreels, Ghent University)
We have set up a “Blacklight farm” for a series of small-scale search websites that we need to host for partners and projects. To stay
feasible, we came up with an alternative way to configure a Blacklight site, using just 2 config files. We are looking for ways to share
this with the community, as it is a stark departure from how Blacklight is normally run.

Blacklight as a Blender of Systems - Behind the catalog of the Blinken Open Society Archives (József Gábor Bóné, Open
Society Archives)
The Vera & Donald Blinken Open Society Archives operating in Budapest is the biggest cold war related archives of the former
eastern bloc. Blacklight is used as our institutional catalog aggregating data from various systems: Koha ILS (Library & Film Library),
Fedora Commons (Digital Repository), and several (soon to be legacy) archival databases. We would like to briefly show how things
are coming together, how we handle hierarchical data (Archival Finding Aids), digital asset display, and multi-lingual metadata
display. Check out our catalog ( and feel free to bomb us with questions.

York Digital Library - past, present and future (Frank Feng, University of York)
I would like to talk about the University of York Digital Library and the technologies we are using e.g. from the in-house Java web
application to current Blacklights / Samvera based application.

Arclight (Jessie Keck, Stanford Libraries)

Recommendations (Ronan McHugh, DTU)
I will discuss some different approaches to recommendations I have implemented in Blacklight and talk about cucumbers.

Critical Solr exploit (Toke Eskildsen, Royal Danish Library)

Last week an exploit for Solr was announced, so the message is simply to fix it now:
For the curious, I’ll spend 1 minute describing what it does and how bad it is.

Blacklight for Fine Arts (Matthias Vandermaesen, Flemish Art Collection)


Customizing Blacklight: Approaches and Best Practices

Leaders(s): Jessie Keck, Justin Coyne, Nikitas Tampakis
This workshop will do a deep dive into approaches and recommend best practices for customizing Blacklight applications. We will
discuss a range of topics, including styling and theming, customizing discovery experiences, and working with Solr.

Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule)
Polyxeni Makri / Royal Danish Library
Frank Feng / University of York
Nikolaj / SMK
David Grove Jørgensen / Royal Danish Library

Solr Performance Tuning

Leader(s): Toke Eskildsen / Royal Danish Library - Aarhus
Short description of the session: Solr reacts well to the “throw more hardware at it”-approach, but performance & scaling can often be
heavily affected by tweaking core setup or collection layout. Not all of it is intuitive: Sharding and generous heap allocations can be
detrimental to performance, reducing cache sizes can increase scalability. Bring your own problems and we will try and solve them
together. If no one speaks up, I’ll entertain with Solr tuning war stories.
Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule):
Nikolaj / SMK
Nick Ruest / York University
Chris Beer / Stanford University
Polyxeni Makri / Royal Danish Library
Frank Feng / University of York
David Grove Jørgensen / Royal Danish Library

Installing Blacklight and Indexing into Solr

Leaders(s): Chris Beer
This hands-on workshop will walk participants through installing blacklight (and its dependencies) and basic approaches to indexing
content into Solr.

Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule):

Blacklight Ecosystem Overview

Leaders(s): Chris Beer, Jessie Keck, Justin Coyne
This workshop will provide an introduction and overview to the variety and diversity Blacklight plugins and applications, including
Spotlight, Geoblacklight, Arclight, and more.

Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule):
Polyxeni Makri / Royal Danish Library
Frank Feng / University of York
Nikolaj / SMK
David Grove Jørgense / Royal Danish Library


These will be 1 hour 15 minutes, informal sessions held in the afternoon. If you propose one, you are stepping up to lead it. These
can be discussions, learning opportunities, group coding work, or other.


Breakout Session Name

Leader(s): Name
Short description of the session:
Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule):

[x] Geoblacklight
Leader(s): Name
Short description of the session: GeoBlacklight is a discovery solution for geospatial data that builds on the successful Blacklight
platform. Many libraries have collections of GIS data that aren’t easily discoverable. This will be a hands-on workshop, focused on installing
and running GeoBlacklight which builds on the morning workshop "Delivering and Preserving GIS Data".
Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule):

[x] Blacklight internationalization with i18n

Leader(s): Name
Short description of the session: Hands-on workshop to create additional translations for the Blacklight UI
Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule):

[x] Spotlight
Leader(s): Chris Beer
Short description of the session: Spotlight is open source software that enables librarians, curators, and other
content experts to easily build feature-rich websites that showcase collections and objects from a digital repository, uploaded items,
or a combination of the two. Spotlight is a plug-in for Blacklight, an open source, Ruby on Rails Engine that provides a basic
discovery interface for searching an Apache Solr index.

Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule):
[x] Arclight
Leader(s): Jessie Keck
Short description of the session: Stanford and Michigan Universities spent an 8 week development cycle earlier this year to create an
MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for an installable Blacklight extension tailored towards the index and display of EAD (2002) in a
Blacklight application. This session will demo the application, our approach to developing our MVP, patterns around extensibility of
the application such as digital object viewers and request functionality, as well as discussion around other archival discovery needs.
Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule):

[x] Warclight
Leader(s): Nick Ruest (?)
Short description of the session: Web archiving and Blacklight; a closer look at Warclight, and indexing ARCs/WARCs in Solr. Likely
discussion would include a more in-depth discussion of the current functionality of Warclight, the technical roadmap, and ARC/WARC
indexing strategies. This session would complement the Solr Performance Tuning session.

Possible Participants (add your name if you’re interested! It will help us fill in the schedule):
Toke Eskildsen / Royal Danish Library - Aarhus

Leader(s): Chris Beer
Short description of the session: Blacklight on top of a SPARQL triple store instead of Solr

[x] Upgrading Blacklight

Leader(s): Chris Beer
Short description of the session: Hands-on breakout where participants collaborate to update their Blacklight-based applications to
the latest code, best practices, etc.

[x] Customizing Blacklight Routing

Tim Berners-Lee wants us to make Cool URIs independent of technology. How do we go about doing that in Blacklight?
We have recently migrated one applications to Blacklight, where we wanted to preserve the old URI space in the new technology
This turned out to be more expensive than expected. Which is the smartest way to implement a Blacklight routing other than the

[x] Crowdsourcing in Blacklight:

We would like to hear if there is any plugin or any kind of solution we can use for crowdsourcing purposes, both frontend and
backend related. We would also like to hear, if there is anyone that has already done that, so that we can use it as an example.

[x] Three amazing features of Blacklight you aren't taking advantage of:
Leader(s): Justin Coyne
We'll walk through the processing pipeline for transforming results you get back from your index. We'll follow that up with a tour of the
presenter pattern and how you can customize your local application by using presenters. Finally we'll explore the new SearchService
and how we've decoupled the backend from the front end.

Adding new tiles to the Blacklight home page

[x] Autocomplete select boxes for facets

[x] ILS integration

[x] Solr Performance Monitoring / Measuring

[x] Lazy-loading facet values working session

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