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Operative control of dental caries

Review article
Acta Medica Academica 2013;42(2):216-222
DOI: 10.5644/ama2006-124.89

Current possibilities in occlusal caries management

Hrvoje Jurić

Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dental caries is a multifactorial disease that affects most populations
Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine throughout the world and it is still the primary cause of oral pain and
University of Zagreb and Clinical Hospital tooth loss. The occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth are the most vulner-
Center Zagreb, Clinic for Dentistry able sites for dental caries due to their anatomy. Therefore, the aim of
Zagreb, Croatia the following article is to summarize current knowledge on occlusal
caries development and the possibilities of its prevention. Although
Corresponding author: the overall caries rate today has fallen for populations in industrial-
Hrvoje Jurić ized countries, the rate of occlusal surface caries has not decreased.
Department of Pediatric Dentistry This may be explained with fact that topically applied fluorides and
School of Dental Medicine their mode of action prevent caries better on smooth than on occlusal
University of Zagreb surfaces. As we know, tooth decay of first permanent molars causes
Gundulićeva 5 a great deal of different short and long term difficulties for patients.
10000 Zagreb Therefore, there is a continuous need for implementation of programs
Croatia for caries prevention in permanent teeth. Nowadays, we like to treat our patients by minimally invasive methods. A very important step in
Tel.: + 385 1 4802 102 our effective preventive treatment is sealing pits and fissures as a cor-
Fax.: + 385 1 4802 159 nerstone of occlusal caries management. Reliable assessment of caries
activity is also very important for defining treatment needs and plans.
A very important decision, which should be made during occlusal car-
Received: 1 April 2013
Accepted: 16 May 2013
ies management, is the selection of restorative material according to
the treatment plan. Conclusion. Current possibilities in occlusal car-
ies prevention and management are very effective. Therefore, dentists
Copyright © 2013 by today do not have any excuse for avoiding the philosophy of Mini-
Academy of Sciences and Arts mally Invasive Dentistry, especially when we talk about caries man-
of Bosnia and Herzegovina. agement of occlusal surfaces in permanent molars.
E-mail for permission to publish: Key words: Occlusal caries, Prevention, Pit and fissure sealing.

Introduction worldwide was that dental caries had de-

clined significantly and was continuing to
Dental caries is a multifactorial disease that
affects most populations throughout the decline in the population. The dental com-
world and it is still the primary cause of oral munity has prided itself on its efforts that
pain and tooth loss (1). From different epi- have reduced dental caries, including use of
demiological studies we know that 60-90% systemic and topical fluorides, toothpastes,
of the total population suffers from dental sealants, improvements in diet, oral health
caries and problems with caries start in very education and dental care (4, 5). There are,
young patients with primary teeth (2, 3). however, some recent studies that report
On the other hand, over past decades alarming increases in caries incidence.
the common consensus from many reports These increases are in children and adults,

Hrvoje Jurić: Occlusal caries management

primary and permanent teeth, and include fluorides prevent caries better on smooth
coronal and root surfaces (6-8). The emerg- surfaces than in pits and fissures. That
ing public health issues are related to dis- makes changes in current epidemiologic
parities in the prevalence and treatment of situation and it is recognized like increase
dental caries. An important facet is the so- of new primary lesions on occlusal surface
cial impact of differences in dental caries for (15). Therefore, there is a continuous need
specific groups of individuals throughout for implementation of effective programs to
the world. The increases in caries appear to prevent caries in the pits and fissures of the
occur in lower socioeconomic groups, new permanent molars of schoolchildren.
immigrants and children. While the causes
of these increases in caries are unclear, it is
Occlusal caries lesions
possible that the benefits of prevention are
not reaching these groups. The term fissure caries was earlier used to
The dental hard tissues – enamel, dentin describe the caries lesions found in pits and
and cementum – form relevant solid surfac- fissures. This definition was based on the
es which are coated by a pellicle, to which assumption that the high incidence of car-
microbial cells attach (9). Saliva modifies ies lesions in molar pits and fissures was
the complex interplay between the teeth and directly related to poor cleaning accessibil-
the surrounding biofilm: the secretion, flow ity to these surfaces. Occlusal pits and fis-
rate and composition of saliva are dynamic sures vary in shape but are generally narrow
parameters that are controlled by the physi- (about 0.1 mm wide), with invaginations
ological and pathological conditions of the or irregularities where bacteria and food
host (10). The bacteria in the biofilm are are mechanically retained. Saliva cannot
metabolically active and they cause fluctua- reach the base of the fissures and those areas
tions in the pH of saliva. These fluctuations cannot be properly cleaned mechanically.
induce the loss of mineral from the tooth, Toothbrush bristle is too large (diameter 0.2
when the pH decreases, or gain of minerals mm) to penetrate most fissures. The thick-
when the pH increases. The localized de- ness of enamel at the base of deep fissures is
struction of the hard tissues, the caries le- minimal and in many cases the fissures ex-
sion, is the sign or symptom of the disease tend practically to the dentinal surface (16).
(1). Occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth are Present knowledge indicates that the
the most vulnerable sites for dental caries narrow fissures in young permanent molars
due to their anatomy, favoring plaque re- are not the focus for the caries initiation per
tention and maturation (11). Although the se. Two factors have been considered of im-
overall caries rate has fallen for populations portance for plaque accumulation and car-
in industrialized countries, the rate of caries ies initiation on occlusal surfaces: the stage
lesions in pits and fissures has not decreased of eruption or functional usage of teeth and
at the same time (12). As we see, young per- surface specific anatomy (17, 18). A carious
manent teeth are especially vulnerable, and lesion initiates as a local process at the en-
early progression of occlusal caries lesions in trance, along to deep fissures as plaque ac-
first permanent molars causes a great deal of cumulates within the slopes of the cusps on
different short and long term difficulties for occlusal surfaces. These sites offer protection
patients (13, 14). One of the main reasons against physical wear, and favor the forma-
for the less effective occlusal caries preven- tion of micro-cavities that further improve
tion today, in the so-called “post-fluoride” local conditions for oral bacteria, whereas
generation, is the fact that topically applied the deepest part of the fissure usually har-

Acta Medica Academica 2013;42:216-222

bors non-vital bacteria or calculus (19). The restorative intervention. Using scientific
growth and proliferation of bacteria acceler- advances, MID allows dentists to perform
ate demineralization and destruction of oc- the least amount of dentistry needed while
clusal surfaces (1). These areas often become never removing more of the tooth structure
stagnated due to the demineralization/rem- than is required to restore teeth to their nor-
ineralization process and can be clinically mal condition. The development of adhesive
identified. Therefore, for conventional pit dentistry and scientific progress in under-
and fissure caries, the use of the more accu- standing the nature of caries has enabled
rate term “occlusal caries” is suggested (20). dentists to do more than simply remove and
replace diseased tissue. The new paradigm
of MID can be emphasized of following the
Development of occlusal caries management
concept presented by Tyas and coworkers
We can provide for prevention of occlusal (23): early caries diagnosis; the classification
caries on different levels and using different of caries depth and progression; the assess-
approaches. At the very beginning of oc- ment of individual caries risk; the reduction
clusal caries prevention Hyatt suggested the of cariogenic bacteria; the arresting of active
prophylactic odontotomy (21). During this lesions; the remineralization and monitor-
procedure small superficial occlusal cavities ing of non-cavitated arrested lesions; the
were made in pits and fissures and restored placement of restorations in teeth with cavi-
with amalgam. After that, Boedecker’s first tated lesions (minimal cavity design); the re-
suggestion was that for preventive reasons pair rather than the replacement of defective
we can undertake prophylactic restoration restorations; assessing disease management
with oxyphosphate cements on occlusal outcomes at pre-established intervals.
surface. Finally, for the same preventive rea-
sons, he suggested “eradication” of occlusal
Current approach in occlusal caries
enamel fissures. Using this technique, the
slopes of the cusps were reduced in order prevention
to ensure adequate accessibility of the pit Sealing of sound occlusal enamel
and fissure system during teeth brushing
and successful plaque removal from the oc- A non-invasive approach is always impera-
clusal surface (22). When we look back, we tive when we talk about prevention in den-
realize that those technique had two main tistry. Therefore, professional teeth cleaning
disadvantages. Both techniques in the end with fluoridated paste and application of
sacrifice sound enamel and their preven- fluoride varnish on the occlusal surface or
tive effectiveness has never been proven by sealing of the pits and fissures system are
any clinical study. Nowadays, we like to treat techniques which should be recommended
our patients using minimally invasive meth- for everyday practice. When we talk about
ods or if possible, non-invasively. Therefore, sealing of sound pits and fissures, we can ac-
those old techniques for prevention of oc- tually distinguish two different levels of in-
clusal caries have only historical value. tervention and we can recognize preventive
What is the scientific and professional and therapeutic sealant application.
background of the modern “Minimally In- When we do preventive sealant appli-
vasive Dentistry” (MID) philosophy? The cation we treat completely sound occlusal
goal of MID is to preserve healthy tooth enamel without any clinical signs of demin-
structure as much as possible. It focuses on eralization. The therapeutically oriented ap-
prevention, remineralization, and minimal proach of sealant application means that we

Hrvoje Jurić: Occlusal caries management

have the clinically visible first signs of enam- penetration depth than sound fissures. Nei-
el demineralization (“white spots”) and that ther the use of an adhesive nor its intermedi-
without any invasive intervention we seal ate curing influenced the microleakage score
that enamel (24). One of the main problems and the penetration ability of sealants (31).
is that pit and fissure sealing must be applied Therefore, we still wait for more in vitro and
very early, immediately after tooth erup- in vivo studies which would confirm the ef-
tion, when the cooperative ability of children ficacy and reliability of dentin lesion sealing.
could be very low. In this case, some anatom- In the meantime, when we want to deal with
ical factors and lack of proper isolation may pit and fissure dentin lesions we should stick
reduce the retention of sealants and that de- to procedures such as “preventive resin resto-
creases efficacy of occlusal caries prevention. rations” (PRR). This restorative approach for
occlusal caries was introduced by Simonsen
and Stallard and was indicated for small cavi-
Enamel/dentin lesions sealing
tated lesions of occlusal surfaces extending
In recent years we have increased therapeu- up to the dentin level (32, 33). In this method
tic sealant application over incipient caries cavity preparation is minimal and limited
to prevent progression of the lesion (25, 26). to the removal of the local caries lesion. The
In this case, the most important fact is how cavity is then restored with composite resin
many viable bacteria are left behind that can or glass ionomer cement, before the sealant
induce further progression of caries lesion. is applied over the edges of the filled cavity,
The second important fact is the adequate also covering the remaining pits and fissures.
adherence of sealing material. Theoretically, Simonsen classified preventive resin
good adhesion of sealing material cuts off restorations into 3 categories: type 1 does
any possible influence from the oral cavity, not penetrate the enamel. Type 2 involves
the metabolic activity of cariogenic micro- a restorative procedure in the enamel and
organisms is reduced and caries progress replacement of lost tooth structure with
stops. Research shows that the application of sealing of the adjacent unprepared pits and
sealants on fissures with questionably cavi- fissures accomplished using a flowable resin
tated lesion (“sticky fissures on probing”) composite. Type 3 is suggested if the lesion
resulted in the reduction of viable bacteria, has emerged up to the dentin level. Two
compared with unsealed fissures (27). Use materials are used – one to restore and one
of acid etching as a pretreatment also killed to prevent future caries attack (34). For the
between 75-95% of all bacteria in the pits underlying filling material we can use com-
and fissures (28, 29). Analyzing those data, posite resin (flowable or standard) or glass
and according to the modern philosophy ionomer cement (35). The second material
of MID, it is very obvious that cutting away seals the complete fissure and it should be
enamel caries lesions is not necessary. made with composite resin.
Sealing of cavitated pits and fissure le-
sions in dentin is still a procedure which Diagnostics of occlusal caries and decision
should be better investigated. A few reports making
show that arresting of dentin lesion is possi-
ble, but we believe that the clinical outcome Caries diagnosis is a process which can be
of the treatment is still unpredictable (30). considered as a three-step procedure: detec-
On the other hand, another study shows that tion of the lesion, assessment of the severity
sealed caries fissures showed significantly of the lesion and assessment of the lesion ac-
more microleakage and insufficient sealant tivity (36). Accurate and reliable assessment

Acta Medica Academica 2013;42:216-222

of caries activity is important for determin- results, it may be concluded that resin-based
ing appropriate treatment needs and estab- sealants are still the gold standard and best
lishing an adequate treatment plan (37). choice for everyday clinical practice (41,
From a clinical point of view, caries lesions 42). Other materials used for pit and fissure
can be classified as progressive (active) or sealing are less effective than resin-based
non-progressive (inactive). If the progres- sealants (43). However, some other studies
sion of the lesion is somehow limited, the confirm that “alternative” materials, such
terms “arrested” or “chronic” can be used. as glass ionomer cements, can also be very
Assessment of the activity of lesions was in- effective for pit and fissure sealing in situa-
troduced in a set of clinical caries diagnostic tions when we need to seal partially erupted
criteria (38). “Nyvad criteria” are based on molars and have difficulties in proper tooth
the physical properties of the surface reflec- isolation (44).
tion and texture of early lesions, with chalky
and rough lesions being active, and smooth,
shiny surfaces being inactive or arrested. Conclusion
The color of the lesion can also be used to Current possibilities in occlusal caries man-
make the distinction between arrested and agement, as we mentioned in the text above,
active, as the surface enamel of arrested le- are great and very effective in preventive
sions takes minerals from surrounding flu- and therapeutic approaches, as many dif-
ids, while active lesions retain their white ferent studies confirm (45), especially when
appearance. Active non-cavitated lesions we stress the fact that the incidence of car-
have a higher risk of progressing to a cavity ies on occlusal surfaces has increased last
than the same inactive lesions. According to two decades in comparison of caries on
this diagnostic criteria, decision making and smooth surfaces. Therefore, dentists today
establishing of treatment plan is easier and do not have any good excuse for avoiding
the clinical outcome more predictable. The the philosophy of MID, especially when we
second diagnostic criteria used very often talk about prevention and restorative inter-
are the International Caries Detection and vention on occlusal surfaces of permanent
Assessment System (ICDAS). This system premolars and molars. From fluorides to
was developed to create an integrated defi- resin-based sealants and glass ionomer ce-
nition of dental caries and a uniform system ments, we have a large number of different
to measure the caries process (39). Today we possibilities, techniques and materials, to
also have ICDAS II, the updated modifica- prevent the loss of hard dental tissue. This
tion of the original criteria (40). The criteria way of thinking is easy to understand when
for the ICDAS classification were and have we consider the fact that any cavitation is the
features associated with the “Nyvad criteria” irreversible loss of hard dental tissue which
and we can say that the assessment of car- must be replaced with biological inferior
ies activity is today the cornerstone for deci- material, as all dental restorative materials
sion-making in occlusal caries management. available today.

Materials for pit and fissure sealing Conflict of interest: The author declares that he has
no conflict of interest.
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