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Actividad de aprendizaje 12

Evidence 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs

Presentado Por:
Geraldine Gonzalez Tijo

Eliana Constanza Cardona Ramírez

Formación Virtual
Negociación Internacional

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA


Bogotá D.C. Febrero 11 de 2019


Actividad de aprendizaje 12
Evidencia 1: Writing and essay about logistics costs

En el mundo de los negocios internacionales es importante evaluar y analizar distintas

situaciones que pueden ser de beneficio en la toma de decisiones; por esta razón, a
través de esta evidencia podrá conocer las ventajas de reducir los costos logísticos y
de transporte en la distribución logística internacional, además, conocerá cuáles son
las desventajas de estos altos costos, cuestiones que le serán de gran ayuda en su
quehacer laboral.
Para desarrollar esta evidencia, es importante que lea y analice previamente el
material de formación denominado Essay structure and grammatical tenses,
específicamente en el tema Writing an analytical essay, y el vocabulario disponible
en el subtema Linking words, además del siguiente material complementario:
The real impact of high transportation costs.

Sample outline # 1.

Posterior a estas lecturas y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta

evidencia, desarrolle lo siguiente:
1. Elabore un ensayo en inglés sobre la Distribución Física Internacional (DFI), con las
siguientes características:

o Título.

o Introducción.

o Puntos principales.

o Conclusión.

2. El ensayo debe responder a la pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las ventajas de reducir los
costos logísticos y de transporte en la Distribución Física Internacional y las
desventajas de los altos costos en la misma?, el escrito debe contener un mínimo de
500 palabras.

3. Investigue al menos una fuente bibliográfica sobre este tema y cítela en su ensayo.

4. Para escribir el ensayo debe utilizar los tiempos verbales de manera correcta y
contener las estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario acordes al tema que se está
tratando, para esto puede consultar un diccionario online de su preferencia, si lo
considera necesario.

The importance of the costs of the logistics system in the global market


To being with, we must take into account that logistics and international physical
distribution are key in foreign trade operations, given that logistics is key to
achieving maximum efficiency and effectiveness, wich can be summarized as
follows: Efficiency because the less time a product remains in each of the stages of
a logistics chain, the lower costs will be added to the final value of the product and
the market will be supplied more quickly and effectively because in most cases,
lower costs can be translated into higher operational profits. For this reason there
are two factors that determine the operation and that we must analyze: Time and
costs, therefore, the time factor must be considered as a determining factor in the
reduction of costs.
Today to achieve this goal, we have to take into account one of the factors that
influence the increase in transportation depends, which tends to rise and thereby
affect operational costs: the price of oil, since it mainly affects the fuel (Diesel) on
which most transportation depends, which tends to rise and thereby affect
operational costs.

On the other hand, the lack of investment in transport infrastructure affects

negatively, therefore, this way limits the supply chain of products at a global level,
thereby generating a rise in the final process of each product.
Clearly the international physical distribution, being this the process of export of
products and/or service that has as main objective to reduce to the maximum the
risks, times and costs from the origin like point of departure until the destiny like
final point. In other words, any failure in one of the stages of a product can
suspend the distribution system that affects international trade.
As for the positive aspects that benefit the companies besides creating strategies
to counteract the distances and to be able to carry out their activities as close as
possible to the final market we see that the companies are modifying the way in
which they pack their products in such a way that these occupy less space and
weight so that all the costs as well as of transport are reduced.
To conclude in the companies there are basic system that facilitate their smooth
operation, one of them is the logistics system related to the flow of materials from
suppliers to end users and whose establishment requires an exhaustive analysis
and study to achieve that the company has a fully integrated logistics element, so

that it can fulfill the mission that is incumbent on it and consists of a system that
executes customer service policies at the lowest possible cost.
This is how issues such as the transport of goods from their preparation, handling,
preparation of documents, especially when there are high operational costs,
international standards of managements as well as environmental and multiple
options in modes and means of transport that make companies mark more and
more comparative advantages that allow them not only to survive in our markets
but to grow steadily with competitive advantages, thus contributing to the
achievement of the objectives outlined in the country’s economic policy.;j

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