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Regulation – 2017
Academic Year 2017- 2018
Prepared by
MS.A.Karpagam, Assistant Professor/Mathematics

SEM / YEAR:I / I year M.E. ( CAD)
UNIT I -MATRIX THEORY- The Cholesky decomposition - Generalized Eigen vectors, Canonical
basis - QR factorization - Least squares method - Singular value decomposition.
Q.No. Question Taxonomy Domain


1. Define Hermitian Matrix. BTL -1 Remembering

2. Write the necessary conditions for Cholesky decomposition of a BTL -1 Remembering

3. Find the Cholesky decomposition of BTL -2 Understanding

 8 6 2 
4. Find the sum and product of all Eigen values of   6 7  4 BTL -2 Understanding
 
 2  4 3 

5. Define Least square method. BTL -1 Remembering

6. Find the least square solution to the system 𝒙 + 𝒙 = ,− 𝒙 + BTL -2 Understanding

𝒙 = 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒙 − 𝒙 =
7. Write down the stable formula for generalized inverse. BTL -1 Remembering

Write short note on Singular value decomposition of complex

8. BTL -1 Remembering
matrix A.
9. State Singular value decomposition theorem. BTL -1 Remembering

10. If A is a nonsingular matrix, then what is A+? BTL -4 Analyzing

11. Define orthogonal and orthonormal vectors. BTL -1 Remembering

12. Write short note on Gram Schmidt Orthonormalisation process. BTL -1 Remembering

13. What is the advantage in matrix factorization methods? BTL -1 Remembering

14. Describe QR algorithm. BTL -1 Remembering

15. BTL -5 Evaluating

Let 𝑨 = = 𝑨 .Compute A2 using QR algorithm.

Determine the canonical basis for the matrix A = [ ]. BTL -3 Applying
− −
17. Define the generalized Eigen vector, chain of rank m, for a BTL -2 Understanding
square matrix.
18. Find the generalized inverse of 1 1
0 1 BTL -5 Evaluating
 
 

Check whether the given matrix is positive definite or not

19. − BTL -4 Analyzing
( − )
− −
Give the nature of quadratic form whose matrix is 1 0 0 
20.   Analyzing
 0 1 0  BTL -4
 0 0  2
 


𝒊 −𝒊 Remembering
1.(a) Determine the Cholesky decomposition of the matrix [− 𝒊 ] BTL -1

1. (b) − Remembering
Obtain the singular value decomposition of A=[− ] BTL -1

2. (a) Find the Cholesky decomposition of the
𝒊 BTL -2 Understanding
matrix[− 𝒊 − 𝒊]

2.(b) Find the QR factorization of A =[ ] BTL -2 Understanding

3. (a) Solve the following system of equations in the least square sense BTL -5 Evaluating
𝒙 + 𝒙 − 𝒙 = , 𝒙 + 𝒙 − 𝒙 = ,− 𝒙 − 𝒙 + 𝒙 =
− −
3.(b) Determine the Cholesky decomposition of [ −
] BTL -3 Applying
− −
4. (a) Fit a straight line in the least square sense to the following data
X: -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 BTL -6 Creating
Y: 10 15 19 27 28 34 42

4.(b) Find the QR factorization of A = [ ] BTL -4 Analyzing

5. (a) Construct the singular value decomposition for [ BTL -6 Creating
− ]
− −
Solve the following system of equations in the least square sense
5.(b) BTL -5 Evaluating
x1 + x2 +3x3 =1 ; x1 + x2 +3 x3 = 2

6. (a) BTL -2 Understanding

Obtain the singular value decomposition of A = [ ]

Determine the Cholesky decomposition of the

− − Applying
− − −
BTL -3
6.(b) matrix[ ]


7. (a) BTL -4 Analyzing
Find the QR decomposition of ( )

7. (b) BTL -3 Applying
Obtain the singular value decomposition of [ ]

8. (a) BTL -6 Creating
Construct QR decomposition for the matrix ( − )

8.(b) BTL -6 Creating

Find the canonical basis for A =[ ]

− Remembering
9. (a) Find the QR factorization of A = [ ] BTL -1

9.(b) Solve the following system of equations in the least square sense BTL -5 Evaluating
x1 + x2 + x3 =1 ; x1 + x2 + x3 = 2 ; x1 + x2 + x3 = 3.
10.(a) Obtain the singular value decomposition of A = [ ] BTL -1 Remembering

Find the QR factorization of A = [ ] BTL -4 Analyzing

Obtain the singular value decomposition of A = [ ] BTL -2 Understanding

11.(b) Solve the system of equations using Cholesky decomposition BTL -5 Evaluating
4x1 –x2-x3 =3; -x1+4x2-x3 = -0.5; -x1-3x2+5x3 = 0
Find the QR factorization of A =[ ] BTL -4 Analyzing

Obtain the singular value decomposition of A=[− ] BTL -2 Understanding

13.(a) − Understanding
Obtain the singular value decomposition of A=[ ] BTL -2

13.(b) − Understanding
Obtain A+of A=[− ]the generalized inverse. BTL -2

Find the Unique solution of least square problem A = [ ]
14.(a) BTL -6 Creating
𝑏= [ ]

14.(b) Show that[ ]and[ ]are similar matrices but they do not BTL -6 Creating
have same singular values.
UNIT –II-CALCULUS OF VARIATION : Concept of variation and its properties – Euler‟s equation –
Functional dependant on first and higher order derivatives – Functionalsdependant on functions of several
independent variables – Variational problems with moving boundaries – problems with constraints - Direct
methods: Ritz and Kantorovich methods.
Bloom’s Domain
Q.No. Question
y Level

1. Define functional and extremal. BTL -1 Remembering

2. Write Euler’s equation for functional Remembering

BTL -1

State the necessary condition for the extremum of the functional
3. x1
 F ( x, y, y' ) dx .
I= BTL -2

 y '2 
4. Find the extremals of the functional   x 3  dx .
x0 
BTL -3

5. Write a formula for functional involving higher order derivatives. Remembering

BTL -1
x1 BTL -5 Evaluating
 (1  x
Solve the Euler equation for y ' ) y ' dx
x1 BTL -5 Evaluating
 ( x  y ' ) y ' dx
7. Solve the Euler equation for

8. Write other forms of Euler’s equation. Understanding

BTL -2
Find the curve on which the functional straight line
9. x1 Creating
 [( y ' )  12xy] dx with y(0) = 0 and y(1) = 1can be extremised.
2 BTL -6

10. Write Euler-Poisson equation. BTL -1 Remembering

Write the ostrogradsky equation for the functional

11. Remembering
BTL -1

12. Define moving boundaries. BTL -2 Understanding

13. Define Geodesic. Applying
BTL -3
14. Define isoperimetric problems Remembering
BTL -1
15. Define several independent variables. BTL -5 Evaluating

Write short note on Rayleigh - Ritz method. BTL -5 Evaluating

17. State Brachistochrone problem. BTL -2 Understanding

18. Creating
Which method is to be applied for solving isoperimetric problems? BTL -6
19. Write the ostrogradsky equation for the functional I[u(x,y)]= BTL -1 Remembering

20. Write a short note on Kantorovich method. Remembering

BTL -1
1.(a) Find the extremals of (i) . Applying
BTL -3

1. (b)
[y  ( y ' ) 2  2 y sin x] dx Applying
Find the extremals of BTL -3

y(0) = y(π/2) = 0.
2. (a) Solve the extremals BTL -5 Evaluating

Find the extremals of
 BTL -3
2.(b) 2
[y  ( y ' )  2 y sin x] dx y(0) = y(π/2) = 0.
2 2

3. (a) Show that the straight line is the shortest distance between two Understanding
BTL -2
3.(b) Find the extremals of Understanding
BTL -2
A curve c joining the points ( ) and ( ) is revolved about
4. (a) Analyzing
the x-axis. Find the shape of the curve, so that the surface area BTL -4
generated is a minimum.
[y  ( y ' ) 2  2 y e x ] dx Applying
Find the extremals of BTL -3

5. (a) 

[y ' y  4 y cos x] dx y(0) = y(π) = 0.

2 2
Find the extremalsof Applying
BTL -3

On what curve the functional

5.(b) Understanding
2 BTL -2
[y '  y  2 xy ] dx with y (0)  0 y ( 2 )  0 be extremised.

2 2

Show that the curve which extremize

6. (a) Understanding
given that BTL -2

Find an approximate solution to the problem of minimum of the

functional by Ritz Applying
6.(b) BTL -3
Determine the extremals of the functional
7. (a) that satisfies the boundary Applying
BTL -3
7. (b)
[y  ( y ' ) 2  2 y e x ] dx Applying
Find the extremals of BTL -3

8. (a) Solve the boundary value problem y” + y +x = 0 ( 0  x  1 ) BTL -5 Evaluating

y(0) = y(1) = 0 byRayleigh Ritz method.
8.(b)  BTL -5 Evaluating
2 2
 dx   dy 
Show that the functional  [2 xy       ] dt such that x(0) =
0  dt   dt 
0 x(π/2) = -1 y(0) = 0 , y(π/2) = 1 is stationary for
x = - sin t y = sin t.
9. (a) Find the curve on which an extremum of the function BTL -4 Analyzing
can be achieved if the second
boundary point is permitted to move along the straight line .
9.(b) Prove that the sphere is the solid figure of a revolution which BTL -2 Understanding
for a given surface has maximum volume.

10.(a) Solve the boundary value problem by Rayleigh Ritz method. BTL -5 Evaluating

10.(b) Find the extremals of the functional

= , Applying
BTL -3
, z(0)=0, .
11.(a) Find the curve connecting the points such that a particle sliding BTL -4 Analyzing
down this curve under gravity from one point to another reaches in
the shortest time.
11.(b) BTL -5 Evaluating
Find the extremals of A   1 [ xy '  y x' ] dt subject to a constant
integral  ( x'2  y'2 ) dt  1

12.(a) Solve the problem y” = 3x+4y,y(0) = 0 , y(1) = 1by Rayleigh Ritz BTL -5 Evaluating
12.(b) 2
(1  y '2 ) Applying
Find the extremalsof 
y(1) = 0, y(2) = 1. BTL -3

13.(a) 1 BTL -4 Analyzing

Find the curves on which the functionals  [ y ' 2  12 yx] dx with y(0)
= 0 , y(1)=1 canbe extremised.
13.(b) x1

 y' dx given that

Find the extremals of isoperimetric problem
x0 Applying
BTL -3
 y dx  c a constant.

14.(a) Solve problem y” + (1+x2)y +1 =0 by Rayleigh Ritz method if BTL -5 Evaluating

y(-1) = y(1) = 0.
14.(b) x1

 [2 yz  2 y
Find the extremals of 2
 y 2  z '2 ] dx . Applying
BTL -3


probability–Conditional probability–Baye’s theorem-Random variables-Probability
function–Moments–Moment generating functions and their properties–Binomial,Poisson,
Geometric, Uniform, Exponential, Gamma and Normal distributions–Function of a random
Bloom’s Domain
Q.No. Question
y Level

1. Define conditional probability. Understanding
BTL -2
If X is aCRV with p.d.f. f(x) =2x ,0 <x< 1 , then find the pdf of the
2. Understanding
BTL -2
RV Y = 8X3
3. If the mean of a Poisson variate is 2, then what is the standard Understanding
BTL -2

If X and Y are independent RVs with variances 2 and 3 .Find the
4. Understanding
BTL -2
variance of 3X + 4Y.
5. What is the use of Bayes’ theorem? Creating
BTL -6
6. Define uniform distribution. Applying
BTL -3
The mean variances of binomial distribution are 4 and 3 respectively.
7. Applying
BTL -3
Find P(X=0).
8. Find the moment generating function of Poisson distribution. Applying
BTL -3
The probability that a man shooting a target is ¼. How many times
9. must he fire so that the probability of his hitting the target at least Understanding
BTL -2
once is more than 2/3.
10. Obtain the moment generating function of Geometric distribution. BTL -1 Remembering

If 3% of the electric bulb s manufactured by a company are

11. defective, find the probability that in a sample of 100 bulbs exactly 5 Analyzing
BTL -4
bulbs are defective.
If the RV X takes the values 1 ,2,3 , 4 such that 2P(X = 1)=3P( X =2
12. Analyzing
BTL -4
) =P ( X =3 ) = 5 P (X =4 ) find the probability distribution.
13. State the memoryless property of an exponential distribution. BTL -1 Remembering

If a RV has the pdf , find the mean variance

14. Evaluating
BTL -5
of RV X.
The first four moments of a distribution about 4 are 1 ,4,10 and 45
15. Analyzing
BTL -4
respectively. Show that the mean is 5 and variance is 3.

Find the value of X ,then find the

16. Evaluating
BTL -5
value of K.
If the probability is 0.05 that a certain kind of measuring device will
17. show excessive drift , what is the probability that the sixth measuring Evaluating
BTL -5
device tested will be the first to show excessive drift?

If a RV has the probability density , find the

18. Analyzing
BTL -4
probabilities that will take a value between 1 and 3.

A Random Variable X has the p.d.f. Find

19. Analyzing
BTL -4
the CDF of X.

20. Write two characteristics of the Normal Distribution. Remembering
BTL -1
In a bolt factory machines A, B, C manufacture respectively 25%,
35% and 40% of the total of their output 5, 4, 2 percent are defective
1.(a) bolts. If A bolt is drawn at random from the product and is found to BTL -6 Creating
be defective, what are the probabilities that is was manufactured by
machines A, B and C?
Derive the MGF of Poisson distribution and hence deduce its
1. (b) Remembering
BTL -1
mean and variance.
A manufacturer of certain product knows that 5 % of his product is
defective .If he sells his product in boxes of 100 and guarantees hat
2. (a) Remembering
BTL -1
not more than 10 will be defective ,what is the approximate
probability that a box will fail to meet the guaranteed quality?
The probability density function of a random variable X is given by

f (i)Find the value of k

2.(b) Analyzing
BTL -4
(ii) P (0.2<x<1.2) (iii) What is P[0.5 < x < 1.5/x 1 (iv) Find the
distribution function of f(x).
If X is a discrete random variable with probability function
3. (a) p(x) = , x =1,2 ... (K constant ) then find the moment generating Applying
BTL -3
function ,mean and variance.
3.(b) Find the MGF, mean and variance of the Gamma distribution. Remembering
BTL -1
In 100 sets often tosses of an unbiased coin, in how many cases
4. (a) Applying
BTL -3
should be expect (i) 7 heads and 3 tails, (ii) atleast 7 heads.

The number of monthly breakdown of a computer is a random

variable having a poisson distribution with mean equal to 1.8.
4.(b) Find the probability that this computer will function for a month Analyzing
BTL -4
(i)Without breakdown(ii) With only one breakdown and(iii)With
atleast one breakdown.

5. (a) Let the random variable X has the p.d.f. Applying

BTL -3
Find the mean and variance.
Out of 800 families with 4 children each , how many would you
5.(b) Analyzing
expect to have i) at least 1 boy ii) 2 boys iii) 1 or 2 girls BTL -4
iv) no girls.

6. (a) In a normal distribution, 31 % of the items are under 45, 8% are Understanding
BTL -2
over 64.Find the mean and variance of the distribution
Let X be a continuous random variable with p.d.f

(i)Find a, Applying
6.(b) BTL -3

(ii) Compute P(X (iii) Find the c.d.f of X.

7. (a) If X is Uniformly distributed in (0 ,10) ,find probability (i) X < 2 Analyzing
BTL -4
(ii)X > 8 (iii) 3 <X <9?
7. (b) A wireless set is manufactured with 25 soldered joints. On
average one in 500 is defective.How many sets can be expected Analyzing
BTL -4
to be free from defective joints in a consignment of 10,000 sets?
8. (a) A discrete RV X has the probability function given below
X : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
P(x) : 0 a 2a 2a 3a a 2a 7a2 + a BTL -3
Find (i) Value of a (ii) p (X <6) , P ( X  6 ) , P ( 0 < X < 4 ) (iii)
Distribution function.
8.(b) Find the MGF , mean and variance of the Exponential distribution Remembering
BTL -1
9. (a) The slum clearance authorities in a city installed 2000 electric lamps
in a newly constructed township. If the lamps have an average life
of 1000 hours with a std deviation of 200 hrs ,what number of lamps
might be expected to fail in the first 700 burning hours? After what Analyzing
BTL -4
period of burning hours would you expect 10 percent of the lamps
would have been failed ? (Assume that the life of the lamps follows
a normal law)
9.(b) Find the MGF , mean and variance of the Uniform distribution. Remembering
BTL -1
10.(a) The daily consumption of milk in a city ,in excess of 20,000 gallons
,in approximately distributed as a Gamma variate with the
parameters k = 2 and The city has adaily stock of 30,000 Applying
BTL -3
gallons. What is the probability that the stock is insufficient on a
particular day?
10.(b) Find the MGF , mean and variance of the Binomial distribution. Remembering
BTL -1
11.(a) Find the first four moments about the origin
 4 x(9  x 2 ) Evaluating
 0 x3 BTL -5
f ( x)   81

 0 otherwise
11.(b) The number of hardware failures of a computer system ina week of
operations has the following P.d.f, Deduce P(X<5 / X>1), K.
BTL -3
No.of failures 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Probability K 2K 2K K 3K K 4K
12.(a) A continuous random variable X that can assume any value between
X = 2 and X =5 has a probability density function given by f(x) = k Applying
BTL -3

(1+x). Calculate P(X<4).

12.(b) In a certain city , the daily consumption of electric power in

millions of kilowatt hrs can be treated as a RV having Gamma
distribution with parameters λ = and k = 4.If the power plant
BTL -4
of this city has a daily capacity of 12 million kilowatt – hours,
Write the probability that this power supply will be inadequate on
any given day?
13.(a) If the probability mass function of a random variable X is given by
Identify the value of k, Applying
BTL -3
, mean and variance of X.
13.(b) The marks obtained by a number of students for a certain subject is
assumed to be normally distributed with mean 65 and standard
deviation 5.If 3 students are taken at random from this set Analyzing
BTL -4
Interpret the probability that exactly 2 of them will have marks over
Suppose the pdf of X is .. Determine the
BTL -5
pdf of Y=aX+b, for a≠0.
14.(b) VLSI chips , essential to the running condition of a computer
system, fail in accordance with a Poisson distribution with the rate
of one chip in about 5 weeks .if there are two spare chips on hand
BTL -3
and if a new supply will arrive in 8 weeks .Evaluate the
probability that during the next 8 weeks the system will be down for
a week or more,owing to a lack of chips?
Laplace transform, Definitions, properties – Transform error function, Bessel’s function, Dirac Delta
function, Unit Step functions – Convolution theorem – Inverse Laplace Transform: Complex inversion
formula – Solutions to partial differential equations: Heat equation, Wave equation.
Bloom’s Domain
Q.No. Question
y Level

1. State the existence of Laplace Transform BTL1 Remember

2. Find the Laplace transform of unit step function BTL4 Analyze

3. If L( f (t )  F (s) , then prove that L[e f (t )]  F ( s  a ) BTL3 Apply


4. Find L[t sin 2 t ] BTL4 Analyze

e t sin t BTL4 Analyze
0 t dt
5. Evaluate

6. Find L[t e 4t sin 3t ] BTL4 Analyze

7. State Initial and Final value theorems for Laplace transform BTL1 Remember

8. 1  et BTL4 Analyze
Find L[ ]
9. State and prove that change of scale property in Laplace transforms BTL3 Apply

10. Define Laplace transform of Error function BTL1 Remember

11. 1 2 BTL4 Analyze

Find L1 ( )
s 1
12. Determine L{3t  2e 3t } BTL3 Apply

13. 2s  5 BTL4 Analyze

Find L1 [ ]
9s 2  25
14. u  2u BTL2 Understand
What is a in  a2 2
t t
15. sa BTL4 Analyze
Find the inverse Laplace transform of log[ ]
16. Define Laplace transform of unit step function and find its Laplace BTL1 Remember
17. s 1 BTL3 Apply
Find the inverse Laplace transform of log[ ]
s 1
t BTL3 Apply

18. Solve the integral equation y   3 y  2 ydt  t , given that y(0)=0

19. dy BTL3 Apply

Using Laplace transform method, solve  y  2 ,given that y(0)=2
20. Find Laplace transform of t e 2t cos t BTL4 Analyze


Find (i) L[t sin 5t cos 2t ] (ii) L[sin 3 t ] BTL3

1. Apply
cos 2t  sin 3t
(iii) L[t e t sin 2t ] (iv) L[ ]
(i) Verify Initial Value Theorem and Final Value Theorem for BTL4 Analyze
f (t )  1  e (sin t  cos t )
2. 1
(ii)Find the Laplace Transform of erf (t )

3. (i) Derive the Laplace transform of error function and use it, find BTL5 Evaluate
L(erf ( t )

 b , for 0  t  a
(ii)Find the Laplace Transform of f (t )   given
 2b  t , for a  t 2a
 b
that f(t+2a)=f(t) for t>0
(i) State and prove Convolution theorem in Laplace trans forms, BTL4 Analyze
(ii) Using Convolution theorem, find the inverse Laplace Transform of
( s  9)(s 2  25)

(i) Find the Laplace transform of (i ) J 0 (t ) (ii) t J 0 (t ) BTL5 Evaluate

5.  
L1  2 ;t
 (s  a ) 
(ii) Apply the convolution theorem to evaluate 2 2

1 bt BTL4 Analyze &

(i)Find the Laplace transform of(1) erf ( t ) and (2) (e  e  at ) & Apply
6. t
s BTL3
(ii) Using Convolution theorem, evaluate L ( )
( s  a)(s 2  1)
Using Laplace transform, solve the IBVP BTL5 Evaluate

7. PDE : ut  3u xx , BCs : u ( , t )  0, u x (0, t )  0,
ICs : u ( x,0)  30 cos5x.
Using Laplace transform, solve the IBVP BTL5 Evaluate
8. utt  u xx 0  x  l , t  0, u ( x,0)  0 , ut ( x,0)  sin( ) ,0  x  l ,
u (0, t )  0 and u (l , t )  0, t  0
Using Laplace transform, solve the IBVP BTL5 Evaluate
9. PDE : utt  u xx 0  x  1, t  0, BCs : u ( x,0)  u (1, t )  0, t  0
ICs : u ( x,0)  sin x, ut ( x,0)   sin x, 0  x  1
. A string is stretched and fixed between two fixed points (0,0) and (l,0). BTL4 Analyze
Motion is initiated by displacing the string in the form u   sin( ) and
10. l
released from rest at time t=0.Find the displacement of any point on the
string at any time t.

Using Laplace transform method solve the initial boundary value problem BTL5 Evaluate
described by
11. u tt  c 2 u xx , 0  x  , t  0 , subject to the
conditions u (0, t )  0 , u ( x,0)  0,
u t (0, t )  l for 0  x   and u is bouded as x  .
12. State and prove Initial and Final value theorems in Laplace trans forms BTL4 Analyze
(i) Derive the Laplace transform of Bessel functions BTL4 Analyze
(i ) J 0 ( x) (ii) J 1 ( x)
1s2 1
L [log 2 ]
(ii) Find s
A infinitely long string having one end at x=0 is initially at rest along x- BTL5 Evaluate
14. axis. The end x=0 is given transverse displacement f(t), when t>0. Find the
displacement of any point of the string at any time.
Fourier transform: Definitions, properties – Transform of elementary functions, Dirac Delta function –
Convolution theorem – Parseval’s identity – Solutions to partial differential equations: Heat equation, Wave
equation, Laplace and Poison’s equations
Bloom’s Domain
Q.No. Question
y Level

1. Define Fourier transform BTL1 Remember

2. State Fourier Integral theorem BTL1 Remember

3. sin x, in 0  x    BTL4 Analyze

Find the Fourier transform of f ( x)   
0, otherwise 
4. Write the existence conditions for the Fourier transform of the function BTL3 Apply
5. Give Fourier transform pairs BTL1 Remember

6. f ( x)   1 , in x  a BTL4 Analyze
Find the Fourier Transform of
0, in x  a
7. State and prove modulation property in Fourier transform BTL3 Apply

8. State and prove change of scale property in Fourier transform BTL4 Analyze

9. State and prove shifting property in Fourier transform BTL1 Remember

10. a x BTL5 Evaluate

Find the Fourier Sine transform of e ,  x  
11. Find the Fourier Sine transform of 1/x BTL4 Analyze

12.  x BTL4 Analyze

Find the Fourier Sine transform of e

13. Does the function f(t)= 1 (--∞ < x < ∞) have a Fourier transform BTL1 Remember
14. Determine the frequency spectrum of the signal g (t )  f (t ) cos  c t BTL3 Apply

If F(α) is the Fourier Transform of f(x), then the Fourier Transform of BTL3 Apply
15. 1
f(ax) is F ( / a )
16. Find the Fourier transform of Dirac Delta function BTL4 Analyze

17. State convolution Theorem on Fourier Transform BTL1 Remember

18. State Parseval’s identity on Fourier Transform BTL1 Remember

19. f ( x)   x , 0  x  a BTL4 Analyze

Find the Fourier cosine Transform of
0, x  a
20. If F(s) is the Fourier transform of f(x), then find the Fourier transform BTL5 Evaluate
of f(x) cosax
1.  x2 BTL4 Analyze
(i) Find the Fourier Transform of f ( x )  e 2

 x, in 0  x  1

(ii)Find the Fourier Transform of 2  x, in 1  x  2
0, in x  2

Find the Fourier Cosine and Sine Transform of e 2 x and evaluate the BTL4 Analyze
2.  
cosx  sinx
(i)  2 d (ii)  2 d
 4 0
 4
(i) State and prove Parseval’s identity the Fourier transforms BTL3
f ( x)   1, if x  a &BTL4 Apply &
(ii) Find the Fourier Transform of hence Analyze
3. 0, else

sin t 
deduce that (
)dt 
 BTL5 Evaluate
(i)If the Fourier sine transform of f(x) is , find f(x).
1  2
f ( x)   1  x , if x  1
4. (ii)Find the Fourier Transform of hence
0, if x 1

sin t 4 
deduce that (
) dt 
(i)6. Find the Fourier Transform of f(x) defined by BTL4 Analyze

f ( x)  1  x 2 , if x  1
hence evaluate
5. 0, if x 1

x cos x  sin x x
x 3
) cos dx .
f ( x )   1, if x  a BTL5 Evaluate
(i)Find the Fourier Transform of hence deduce
0, if x a
6. that
 
sin t  sin t 2 
)dt  and  (
2 0
) dt 

x 2 dx  BTL5 Evaluate
(i) Using Fourier Sine Transform, prove that  ( x 2  9)( x 2  16)  14
7. a x
if a  0 , deduce that
(ii) Find the Fourier transform of e

dx 
 (x
2 2
 3 , if a  0
 a ) 4a

8. A one-dimensional infinite solid,    x   ,is initially at temperature BTL5 Evaluate

F(x). For times t>0, heat is generated within the solid at a rate of g(x ,t)
units, Determines the temperature in the solid for t>o
A uniform string of length L is stretched tightly between two fixed points BTL5 Evaluate
9. at x=0 and x=L. If it is displaced a small distance  at a point x=b, 0<b<L,
and released from rest at time t=0, find an expression for the displacement
at subsequent times.
10. Using the method of integral transform, solve the following potential BTL4 Analyze
problem in the semi-infinite Strip described by

PDE : u xx  u yy  0 , 0  x   , 0  y  a
Subject to BCs: u(x,0)=f(x) , u(x,a)=0, u(x,y)=0 ,
0  y  a , 0  x   and tend to zero as x  
Using the finite Fourier transform, solve the BVP described by PDE: BTL4 Analyze
11. V  2V
 2 ,0  x  6 , t  0 , subject to BC: Vx (0, t )  0  Vx (6, t ) , IC
t x
Solve the heat conduction problem described BTL4 Analyze
u  u
 k 2 , 0  x   , t  0 u (0, t )  u 0 t  0,
t x
u ( x,0)  0 0  x  , u and both tend to zero
as x  
Compute the displacement u(x ,t) of an infinite string using the method of BTL6 Create
13. Fourier transform given that the string is initially at rest and that the initial
displacement is f(x),    x   .
Solve the following boundary value problem in the half-plane y > 0 BTL5 Evaluate
described by
PDE : u xx  u yy  0 ,    x   , y  0
BCs : u( x,0)  f ( x) ,    x  
u is bounded as y  ; u and both vanishas x  



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