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(Under the aegis of the DPS Society, New Delhi)

Syllabus for Annual Exam. 2018-19

Class : VII

Subject Unit/Topic QP Format Marks

1. Unseen Comprehension Passage
2. E-mail
3. Diary entry
4. Article writing 1. Reading Skill-Two unseen 1. Reading Skill: 20
5. Gap-filling passages marks
6. Editing 2. Writing Skill-Three 2. Writing Skill: 20
7. Reported Speech questions(E-mail, Diary entry, marks
8. News Headlines Article writing) 3. Grammar:
English 9. Dad and the Cat and the Tree 3. Grammar-Four Questions on 20 marks
10. Story of Cricket Integrated Grammar 4. Literature:
11. Meadow Surprises 4. Literature-RTCs, Short-Long 20 marks
12. Fire Answer Questions
13. Rebel
14. Quality
15. A Tiger in the House
1 +{ÉÊ`öiÉ MÉtÉÆ¶É ´É {ÉtÉÆ¶É 1 पठन-कौशल
2 ®ú½þÒ¨É Eäò nùÉä½äþ
3 EÆòSÉÉ (+{ÉÊ`öiÉ बोि)
4 BEò ÊiÉxÉEòÉ 1 पठन-कौशल)15(
5 JÉÉxÉ{ÉÉxÉ EòÒ ¤Énù±ÉiÉÒ... एक +{ÉÊ`öiÉ MÉtÉÆ¶É तथा एक
6 xÉÒ±ÉEÆò`ö, +{ÉÊ`öiÉ {ÉtÉƶÉ)
7 ¦ÉÉä®ú +Éè®ú ¤É®úJÉÉ
8 ´ÉÒ®ú EÖÆò´É®ú ˺ɽþ 2 व्यवहाररक व्याकरण 2 व्यवहाररक
9 ºÉÆPɹÉÇ Eäò EòÉ®úhÉ......
10 +É¸É¨É EòÉ +xÉÖ¨ÉÉÊxÉiÉ ´ªÉªÉ (चार लघु प्रश्न) व्याकरण )15(
11 हम पंछी उन्मक् ु त गगन…
12 दादी मााँ 3 िाहहत्य
11 व्याकरण (वणण-ववच्छे द, ( दो लघु एवं तीन

ु वार, अनन
ु ासिक,नक्
ु ता, ननबंधात्मक प्रश्न)
3 िाहहत्य )25(
िंधि ,={ɺÉMÉÇ, |ÉiªÉªÉ, ववराम-
4 लेखन (पााँच ननबंधात्मक
धिह्न, िमाि,मह
ु ावरे )
13 महाभारत (+YÉÉiÉ´ÉÉºÉ से ºÉ¨ÉÉ{ÉxÉ
14 +xÉÖSUäônù ±ÉäJÉxÉ,
{ÉjÉ-±ÉäJÉxÉ (औपचाररक व 4 लेखन )25(
अनौपचाररक )
ववज्ञापन,न, धिर-वणणन
Very Short Answer type VSA – 1 mark each
1. Simple Equations, Algebraic questions – 6 questions SA – 2 marks each
Expressions, Data Handling Short Answer type questions – 6 LA – 3 marks each
2. Integers, Rational Numbers questions VLA – 4 marks each
Maths 3. Lines and Angles Long Answer type questions – 10
4. Triangle and Its Properties questions
5. Congruence of Triangles Very Long Answer type
6. Practical Geometry questions – 8 questions
7. Perimeter and Area
8. Exponents and Powers
1.Rulers and Buildings (C.C)
2.Towns Traders and Crafts
3.Tribes Nomads and settled
4.Devotional Path to the Divine
5.Making Of Regional Cultures 1.MCQ 1x3 =3
6.18th Century Political 2. Fill in the blanks 1x3=3
Formations 3.Time line 1x3=3
Political Science 4.Appropriate term 1x3=3
7.Women Change the world 5.Define 1x3=3
SOCIAL (C.C) 6.Write in one word 1x3=3
7.VSAT Question 2x4=8
SCIENCE 8.Understanding Media
8.SAT Question 3x4=12
9.Understanding Advertising
10.Markets Around Us 9.LAT Question 4x3=12
10.VLAT Question 5x3=15
11.A shirt in The market 11.Activity based 3x2=6
12.Struggle for equality 12.Passage based Question 4
Geography 13. Map work 5
CC - Water
6.Natural Vegetation
7.Human Environment-
8.Human Environment-
9.Life in temperate grassland,
10.Life in the Deserts.

1. Fill in the blanks
TERM – I 2. True and False
1.Heat 3. Answer in one word
2. Wind, Storm and Cyclones TERM – II
PHYSICS 3. 3.Motion and Time 1. Fill in the blanks/Answer in
TERM – II 15-20 word/ Give reason /Define/
1. Electric Current and its Effect Short notes/ Answer in 60 words
2. Light / Answer in 80 words
2. Difference between/ Answer in
60 words
1)Fill in the blanks(1
2)True/False(2 marks)
1)Fill in the blanks 3)Answer in one
TERM-I 2)True/False word(2 marks)
1)Acids,bases and salts 3)Answer in one word 4)Answer in 15-20
2)Weather,climate and adaptation of 4)Answer in 15-20 words words(2 marks)
animals 5)Define the following 5)Define the
CHEMISTRY TERM –II 6)Give reasons following(2 marks)
3)Physical and chemical change 7)Difference 6)Give reasons(2
4)Soil 8)Short notes marks)
5)Water:a precious resource 9)Answer in 60 words 7)Difference(4 marks)
10)Answer in 80 words 8)Short notes(4 marks)
9)Answer in 60
words(3 marks)
10)Answer in 80
words(5 marks)
1. Fill In The Blank
2.State True And False and also
Correct the False Statement
3.Answer the following
1. Nutrition In Animals Questions In One Word or One
2. Respiration In Organisms Sentence
3. Transpiration In Animals and 4.Answer the Following
Plants. Questions in 15-20 words
BIOLOGY 4. Reproduction In Plants 5.Define the Following Terms
5. Forests: Our Lifeline 6. Give Reasons
6. Waste Water Story 7. Difference Between
8. Write Short Notes
9. . Answer the Following in 60
10. Answer the Following in 80
1. Uses of Internet in
communication, Chat, mail, E-
greetings, online telephony,
Picasa, Cloud Computing,
Newsgroups, Web feed
Communication on the Internet 2. Website designing, different
Introduction to HTML elements of HTML – body, head,
COMPUTER Basics of HTML Commands : title, break
More tools in Flash : 3.HTML elements, paragraphs,
horizontal rule, headings,
comments, bold, italic etc
4.Pen and Eye-dropper tools,
importing pictures, transferring
objects, grouping outlines and
fills, working with text.
1) YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ VÉå»îçG 1*%Y×PöTö GVîçe` - 5
2)×`×¾ »Lç» %ç±ÁTöîçG 2*%Y×PöTö YVîçe` - 5
3)×[ýY»ÝTö `Œ 4)%×_×+Eõ» LX½EõUç 3*×_FX Eõ_ç - 3
ASSAMESE 5)Ø‘öåV` æYÒ] 4*YçPöîçe`(YÒæ`Âçwø»,[ýçEõî
6)=»SÝÌ^ç YFÝ» LÇ»SÝÌ^ç %a] »$JôXç,×[ýY»ÝTö `Œ) - 15
7)×_eG 5*[ýîçEõ»S([ýçEõî,LTÇö¾ç PögçJ$ ô,S±¼ö ×[ý×Wý
8)åV`}]X 9)[ýçEõaec÷×Tö b±¼ö ×[ý×Wý,[ýçEõaec÷×Tö) – 12
खण्ड क अपन,हित अवबोिनम ् 5 अंक
एकपदे न, पूर्व
ण ाक्येन, यथाननदे शम ्
खण्ड ख रिनात्मक अवबोिनम ्
चचत्रवर्णनम ् (4 अंक) अंक
ु ाद(2 अंक)
खण्ड ग अनुप्रयुक्त व्याकरणम ्
(बहुवैकल्पपक,(5 अंक) शब्द रुप, धातु अंक
रुप, अव्यय,पयाणय आदद)
खण्ड घ पन,हित अवबोिनम ् एकपदे न,
ू वण ाक्येन, (4 अंक)
दहन्दी अनुवाद (3 अंक)
भावाथण (श्लोकाथण) (4 अंक)
शब्दाथण (2 अंक)

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