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Deformation Analysis of Deep-Drawing by a Finite Element Method

H. Darendeliler, B. Kaftanoglu ( l ) ,Mechanical Engineering De[:?rtrnent, Middle East Technical University,

Anka ra/Turkey
Received on January 14, 1991

A finite element method is developed to s ~ d the

y eiastic-plasticdeformation of ;heti materials in the presence of laroe saains and large
displacements. It is based on updated Lagangian type formuladon and memome shell theory. The sheet is vsumed to be’isoaopic and mte
insensitive which o k y s J z flow theory. The work-hardeningcnaractenstics of material and Coulomb hcdon between the iheet metal and i m t n g
roois 35e incorponted. The method is used for modelling p&al deep-drawing with the appropriate boundarl, condinons. Numerical solutions y e
compared with the experimentalresulrs.

KEY WORDS:Forming, deep-drawing

Sheet metal forming processes; basically hydraulic bulging, punch- 4 curvilinear coordina!e system is used i n order to detemune rhe modon of
stretching and dcep-drawing are widely used in industry such as in automotive, the material points in the membrane shell at the reference and deformed
aerospace and in production of various meral pms. Successful theones have been configurations (Fig. 2).
SO far developed for the malvsis of svmmezical Parts. but non-symmeaical
deep-drawing presents a formlhablc prdblem which requires an intensive effun
Denoring the position vector P of a mataid point at time ‘ t referred
usually by a finite element procedure with a lot of computation time on large and
fast computers. respectively to mtangular coordinates ZK.the base vectors and memc tensors are
given by 121
Many numerical analysis have been proposed for the axisymmetncal
analysis of deep drawing of a sheet blank. Woo [14,15] used the fmite difference
method to analyse the square cup drawing and axisymmetric deep-drawing
process. which includes a combined solution of radial drawing over 1 die and axa
stretch-forming over a punch. Kaftanoglu [3] obtained the complete solution of
deep-dnwing process by using :he finite difference method. Wih [ 1 3 presented a
formulation for the analysis of elastic-plastic solids. He used the finite element 4


method. Mattiasson et al. 171 analvsed deepdrawing process to investigate the

effect of the material parameter; and to simulate the real iorming process.
E. Massoni et al. 161 presented a solution for deep-drawing and numerical studies and !he unit base vector n o m l to the sheet is
are given for hemispherical and ellipdc punchs.
Kilkq and Kaftanoglu [J.5] investigated the deformation of flange region d
c,xq !3)
in square cup drawing. Finite difference method is used and the numerical results
are compared with the exoerinients. Toh and Kobayashi [ 111 modelled the square Izaxzpl
cup drawiiig by using a rigid-plastic finite element method. They assumed the
sheet material to obey Hill’s anisotropic yield cnterion and associated flow rule.
Also based on the finite element results of material flow dunng the deformation. an
opnmum blank shape is determined.
Similarly, the posldon vector shows the position of h e material point Y
time t At in the deformed body with respect to the same Axed reference system
ZK.and the base vectors and the memc tensors are,
The present paper deals with the analysis of pardal square cup drawing by
using an incremental finite element method. Fig. 1 shows a schematic view of the
square cup drawing process. In deep-drawing process large displacements and (4)
large srrains are present. Therefore the derived governing equation is capable of
encountering large deformarions and also contdins both material and geomeuical
nonlinearities. The sheet material is assumed as a membrane shell. Hence. the
normal stress 111 the thickness direction and the transverse shear stresses are gp,= g,
-- ’ gy
ncrlected, and it has been shown that they have negligible effect on the solution
[ 161. An elastic-plastic Ixhnviour is used and t h s material is assumed to obey the
and the u n i t base vector normal to the sheet is

- --
Von-Mises yield criterion with isotropic work-hardening. Coulomb friction
betwen the sheet material. and die and punch is incorporated. Numerical rcsulis
obtained by using the finite element method are compared with the expenmental gpxg,

The Greek indices are ranging from 1 to 2 where a and 0 refer to initial
coorhnate system.


Figure 1. Schematic view of square cup drawing

a) Kinematics

The thickness of the sheet material used in deep-drawing is comparatively

smaller than the width and the length. Due to large punch and die radius compared
with the material thickness the transverse stresses arc neg!igible. Therefore. the 2‘
sheet metal can h assumed as a membrane shell.
Figure 2.Coordinate systems in the deformation process.

Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 40/1/1991 281

b) Virtual Work Equation 2nd Cauchy and Kirchoff stre% tcnsars arc related for an iricornpressiblsmaierizl
Cj s 1) as
The vinual work expression can be %TItten as
'r = 1
. S . S E d V * = - f 'i.6;dS.c) i'.6;dVo (7)
vo So vo and their Jaurnnnn rates ue related as follows

In h e absence of h e body forces ior a membrane shell the above eciuation
i = T' - u ...,.. , l 120,

Finally equanon (17; is

ji J [ z i dD.9 1 T.6D,< SD.,q


where S IS the second Piola-Kirchoff mess tensor

E .s h e Lagrange b r a n tensor
'i: is the surface a n o n vector
8; is h e vmud dirpiacerncnr vec~or
The material denvanve 3f equanon (8) ;s
CJ Constitutive Equation

It has been shown that elastic and plastic contributions to the total
(9) La-mngian smin rate can be written as (91

The Lagrange strain tensor can be derived for a membrane shell 3s follows E = Ec + I?' (22)

and if current configuration is used as the refe:ence one, i.c. in updated L a p n g i m


D = D' c DP (23)

which shows, that. in h e elasnc-plastic large smin formulanon rste of deformation

tensor D can be addiuvely decomposed into an elastic and a plastic pan.

In the present analvsis. three node linear isoparsmetric triangular Using the classical Prandtl-Rcuss equations with the J2 - :low theory for
elements are used. Hence the strain tensor within the trianguim dement for a an isouopically hardening material it can be shown hat [XI
membnne shell is
T,, = Cijkl DkI (24)


and in rhc above equation

in = 0 for elastic loading or any elastic unloading
m = 1 for any loading at yield

E is Young's modulus, u is Poisson's ratio. H IS the slope of the Cauchy

and its material derivative can be found as stress-logarithmic plastic main for a simple tension test and 6,, is the Kronecker
d e h . Since

. .
T, = J T , ~+ j T , , (26)
+ ( 8 ~ 3 ) . ~ p ~ , . a ~ j , e ~~ ~e ..ep~+e . u ( 6 x , ) , , x , , p l (14)

Second Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor can be represented in terms of the and J = 1 , and j cc 1 in ihe equation (24) T:; c w be replaced by ? , then
Cauchy stress tensor in a Cmesian coordinate system as follows I I ]
ztJ = Cijkl Dkl (27)

and for membrane shells the stress-strain re1,ition

material derivative of rhe second Piola-Kirchoff stress is

Second Piola-Kirchofi stress tensor can be wntten in terms of Jaumann

rate of Cauchy sness tensor by using the Trusdell mcss rate. Hence. vinual work
equation t&es the following form

In the current study an updated Lagranginn formulation is used.

Coinciding the reference and current configurations instantaneously, the
deformation gradient tensor can be written as [ I ? ]

F 2 F" 2 I (18)

h e punch h a d The scni?!it side of the die profile and punch proZlr we c~lindncnl
surfaces and the nodes & rhis region should niove o\er thk surfacc. 7 ' h m is a
torus surface a t the comers of the die profile and the punch profile which
1 determines the motion of the nodes in this region. Htnce. a finite element c d e
1 with changing boundary conditions is used. Ar the end of each iocremciit :he
coordinates of :he nodes are updsrcd.
Between the sheet metal and die And punch. Coulomb friction is assumed.
The node on the sheer men1slips if
I7 ' P IF/ c.J)
where T i s the ungcntial force and f; is the normal Foce ,ie:emned from the
internal stresses in adjoining elements In the previous step. The validity of the
p = L
,H. -1
g *1oT:
: assumption is checked in the current steg by using :he current internal smsxs.


Q = R+?(I-u')P
a ) Solution Procedure
for any loading at yield and
The element stiffness mamccs given In equation 132'1x e issrmbied :o give
he global soffness mamx. The resulting set of both geomemslliy and materially
nonlinear equations 3re solved in 3 large number incremental load steps.
Yewton-Raphsonmethod is used for equilibrium iterxion in a c h step.
In order to determine the slip conditions. at the beginning of each step a
m3.I solution is made and the displsccmcn:~of the nodes arc determined without
imposing any slip consmint. Then ihese results are s e d :o Jetennine the slip
directions of the nodes, repeating the load increment. ,At :he end of :he increment
[he assumed slip conditions from the mnl solutions arc checked with rhe obtained

1-U b ) Experiments

for e!&hC loading or my unloading. wluch was fi.rsr gven by Y m d & et al. [16]. In rhc finite element modelling and expenmenis a quare punch is used
with a dismce of 40 mm Setween the sides, and the radius st the comer of [he
punch profile is 10 mm. The clearance berwern punch md die is I mm. The
blankholding force is So00 N in all of the experiments.
The expenmenis have been carried out for a rieel having !he following
nulerial propenies:
Young's Modulus.E = 21O.oOO MP3
The sheet metal is modelled by using consnnt m a n tnangular elements
Poisson's ratio. u = 0.3
E1g 3) The velomy of any matenal pom u,m the element can bc wnnen as Yield Suength = 2O.ooO W a
- - 0.274!64

k = 1, number of nodes per element

Hardening chancrenstic. (3 = 56 (0.015475 + E J
U, = L, U* (31)
The sheet is 0.8 mm thick and a square blank is used with a side length of
I = 1.2.3 SO mm..\lolykote is used as the lubricant between the die set and rhe sheet metals
during the experiments. The punch speed Is kept cons[ant 31 2.5 cm/min.
where throughout :he expenmenis. Experiments u e cur;ed out to obiain cup heights of
10 mm. 15 mm and 20 mm.
IS the shape funcnon
uk is the nodal velonaes c) Comparision of Yumerical and Experimental Results
In the finite element modelling. due io symmetry only one eight of the
Then the resulting virmal work expression in vector notation, by using square blank is analyxd Fig. S),
q n s . (21) and (28). can be written for each element as follows

and the mamces arc found by using the shape functions

'Y,P= 'k.P '3.k


Figure 3. Finite Element mesh used m the inodelling of q u n cup drawing.

lo,]. [a,] and [o,] are the proper stress matrices.

Calculated and measured blank shapes are given in Fig. 4. for punch
ravels of 10 mm. 15 nim, and 20 nun.respectively. The deformatit '1 of the rim of
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS the blanks are in good agreement along the diagonal for all the cup heights.
Between the midpoints of the sides the difference increasrs as larger cup heights
In squve cup drawing. a flat sheet metal is used initially. As the are achieved. In general the theoretical results agreed quite well with the
deformation prccceds, the material above the die is drawn propsively towards the observations. In Figs. 5a. 6 s and 7a the thickness strain dismbutions acioss the
die profile, and some ponions of the material below the punch snetch and siide diagonal of the cup are given, whereas Figs. Sb, 6b and 7b show the variation of
over the punch head towards the clearance between punch and die. The material thickness swtn between the midpoint of the sides of the blank for the mentioned
flow is much more complicated rhan axisymmemc drawing; the material along the punch tnveis.
diagonal deforms at large mounts. and along the midpoints of the sides there are
also large rigid body moons. As a result. there is a luge vanation of metal flow Figs. 5 , 6 and 7 indicate that the marerial below the punch is under the
rates in the deforming sheet. Therefore the sheet material at different regions. e.i. effect of tension. and small amounts of thinning occurs both &TOSS the diagonal of
above the die, below the punch. at rhc m i g h t side of the die profile and punch the cup and between the midpoints of the sides. There is high compression for the
profile, at h e comer of the die profile snd punch profiie must be investigated material between the midpoints of the sides and above !he die whereas along the
scpantely. On the flat surface of the die there is a two dimensional motion for wch diagonal then is a small amount of thickening.
node. A1 the botrom of the punch nodes have the same vemcal dispiacement with

(a; (3) !C)

Figure -1. Cornpansion of the deformed biank shapes found by cxpenments and
FEM (a) 10 mm of punch travel. (b) 15 mm of punch travel, ( c ) 20 mm
of punch rnvel ( __ Expenmental finding, .---._-_- FEM soluhoni.
0 I(! 20 30 42 50
I n i t i a l Distance from l n i t i a l Distance from
Across the diagonal of the cup maximum thinning occurs at the comer of Center Q [ Blank (mm) Center of Blank (mm)
the punch profile (Figs. j a , 6a and 7aj. The material deformed to the clearance
between die and punch. subjected luge tensile suains along the cup diagonal and (a) (b)
they are under the effect oi high compression in the transverse direction.
Figure 7 Comparision of the thickness strain distribution for 20 mm of cup

Therefore, the thickness strain for the elements between the corner of the punch
profile and die profile increases gradually and thickening occurs over the die. height found by numencal solution and cxpenments (a, across the
diagonal. (b) between the midpoints of :he sides (- Expenmental
The distribution of strain predicted by experiments and FEM are quite data. Numencal SOlUhOn).
consistent and the results are in g o d agreement for smaller values of punch uavel
As the cap height increases the difference becomes larger.

During the FEM the coefficient of friction is taken as pd = 0.04 for both
punch-sheet and die-sheet interface. It is expected that during the experiments the
coefficient of fncrion varies at large amounts and also the coefticient of friction is COYCLUSION
effected by the amount of plastic deformation panicululy under the blank holder.
Therefore vanation of friction coefficient may be a reason of discnpency between Numencal results related with partial square cup drawins have been
the nurner:cal and expimental resulls. presented by using an elastic.plastic finite element analvsls. The results we found
to be in good agreement with the expenmental finding: The differences.bctween
The numerical results may be improved by using a finer mesh. The experimental and numencal results are mainly amibuud to the variation of Friction
relatively large clement used over the die surface may cause the discrepancy of the conditions at the sheet-punch and sheet-die interface.
experimental and numerical results to some extent (Fig. 3). A finer mesh for the
region between die and punch may reset a better agreement but increase the total
soluaon nme considerably. REFERENCES

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