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Are many people stuck in a self-conscious image of themselves?

I'm wondering what motivates you to ask such a question, so much different than
all the other ask here around. - It is a good question and so I will answer it.

The first thing I want to say is that for me it is obvious that not only 'many'
people are stuck in a self-conscious image of themselves, but almost all people.
With just a very few exceptions, although these few individuals are the proof
that it is possible to grow beyond the common state of 'being stuck' at this
present state of evolution.

When there is asked such a question, then this tells that there happens some self
reflection and as a result there are showing up doubts and the need to question
oneself. This is a very delicate situation, because it goes against the established
state of being of the person who ask this question. Through ones identification
with it and being so much focused on it, the self image gives the only way of being
aware of ones existence and if this is touched in an invading way and as a result is
reduced, then one enters into a void without frame. Then being left in a state of
insecurity and non-existence. There is an urgent need to go beyond the stuck
state of being limited to ones 'self consciousness', because if this can't happen in
a creative way, then the form will break down in a dramatic and destructive way.
Due to the inbuilt *growing force* in all alive beings.

So let's be open for doubts about our existence and ask questions like this one.
This can give us hope that we can avoid the extinction of the human species. ;-)

To be able to understand the condition of our present state of consciousness, we

will need to go back to the moment when 'self-consciousness' started. This was
the moment when human individuals realized that they were separated from their
surrounding and others. This was an evolutionary step and with this there started
the 'split' and the self-consciousness. That is the perception from what comes
from the outside and the response coming from ones system and that was and
still is, the reaction of ones thinking and emotions and not just out of instinct,
without any reasoning, like with animals. These at least half conscious human
reactions triggered a response and that was acceptance or rejection, based on
previous experiences or given information by established tradition or authorities.
The same as it still functions in our present days and ways of life, when we relate
to conditions and happenings under our daily circumstances out of concepts.
- 1 -
The developed mental capability was used to give an explication for every thing
that surrounded humans and they came in contact with. So they gave a name to
every thing, even though when they started with it, they had a limited intellectual
capacity. Also in this early days was the beginning of intentional manipulation,
when more clever individuals became the leader of the group and told all the
other what to do and to think. For example when there was a thunder storm and
people were afraid of the lightning and the thunder. Then the leader explained
that this was from an angry big guy who was living up in the clouds and that his
name was 'Thunder God' and that one must give him food to calm him down. So
people gave food putting it under a tree and of course the food disappeared and
the sun showed up again. The tricks are more sophisticated in our days, but still
more or less the same...

Meanwhile humanity has developed a firmly established mindset, that covers all
thinkable fields of human existence. There are given names for every thing and
concepts about how things are or should be. People living in their own image world,
being introduced and educated into it from there early childhood and completing
it during their life time. This is the frame people feel comfortable, because
that's what every body does, believe, think and live. No questions ask, - it is like
it is. That's our reality. That this is self created and fake, nobody wants to know
and the personality that is coming out of being identified with those illusions, has
developed effective defence mechanisms not to be touched in ones self image.
So, yes indeed, people are extremely stuck in their self image.

The dramatic and tragically aspect of it is, that the inbuilt *growing force* that
all existing beings have, will break up all forms that are stuck and doesn't allow
the natural growing. The result we can observe in the rising imbalance all over the
world, that manifests in fights and wars on the global level and in suffering,
depression and diseases on the individual level. The established system always
tries to find the solution by fighting back with more manipulation and it is obvious
that this doesn't work. Again I must quote Albert Einstein, who said: One can't
find a solution for a problem with the same mind set that has created it.

So the solution must come from beyond the present state of consciousness and
that is mainly people's limited 'self image'. People are indeed 'stuck' in it and so
they are holding on it and don't want to get over it, even though they are
extremely suffering.
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They are so much stuck, that they must go for a long part of their life through
disease and heavy experiences with the health system that represents the same
mindset and claims authority. Then it might happen, that the sick and suffering
individual steps out of dependency and takes self responsibility and with this does
the first steps for ones *real healing* and so also getting out of being stuck.

As the follow up of the initial question there might show up the question:
What can one do to avoid suffering and disease?
One can ask questions and be aware of the reactions triggered in oneself when
answers are showing up. These reactions are telling about ones structure that is
mostly unconscious, but is ruling our thinking and emotions and so with this our
whole life.

This mostly unconscious background program can only be cleared up when one
becomes aware of it and that happens in the first place and in the most natural
way, by living ones daily life with a different attitude that one had until now.

That is: If one is convinced, that whatever shows up in ones daily life, that this is
the most effective to further ones learning and growing process, then one will be
open and so capable to relate and also respond to every thing that shows up in
ones daily life, - not needing to close up and defend oneself. But one will need to
be ready for this step and in this very little can be done and nothing forced.

If one understand ones situation and condition and doesn't see any possibility to
get out of it, because one is in a frame of responsibilities with family, profession,
business or personal problems, then one can at least try to avoid that stress
accumulates and that more tension is produced than it is possible to avoid. So one
can use ones intelligence not to waste energy, - like eating unhealthy food or
having habits that poison ones system or being in a surrounding and with people
that make one stressed out. One can do favourable things like walking in nature,
being with animals or doing exercises that help to relax. Out of a more relaxed
state ones defence will slow down and one can open up and so be ready for a new

With plain words: If we continue to live our self image, ruled by our established
mind set, we are 'stuck' and only extreme suffering will make us question our
'straitjacket' we are wearing with the illusion to be this!

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