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This paper has been approved to be a partial

requirement to pass the MA NU Banat

Written By:

Laila Nurhidayah NIS 7700

Mudafiqoh A.K NIS 7721
Nabella Khoirinnissa NIS 7726
Nafisatun Nisa NIS 7732


KHM. Arwani Amin Street, Kajan
Krandon Kudus 59314
TELP: (0291) 443143, 3316150
A Mean of Traditional Gamelan Music toward Young Generation

This paper has been approved to be a partial requirement to pass the MA NU

Banat Kudus

Written by:

Laila Nurhidayah NIS 7700

Mudafiqoh A. K NIS 7721
Nabella Khorinnissa NIS 7726
Nafisatun Nisa NIS 7732



KHM. Arwani Amin Street, Kajan

Krandon Kudus
Telepon (0291) 443143, 3316150

Title : A Mean Traditional Gamelan Music toward Young

Program : Natural Science Preeminent
Writers :
1. Name : Laila Nurhidayah
NIS : 07700
2. Name : Mudafiqoh Awaliyatul Kasanah
NIS : 07721
3. Name : Nabella Khoirinnissa
NIS : 07726
4. Name : Nafisatun Nisa
NIS : 07732

Approved by

Advisor, Writers,

Siti Susanti, S.Pd Nafisatun Nisa

Acknowledge by

Drs. H. Moh Said, M.Pd.I


 Do more of what makes you happy.

 Life is about moment; don’t wait for them, creating
 Telling the truth is a simple way to have a peaceful life.
 It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to

Specially dedicated to:

1. Our parents who always do anything for our best

2. Mr. KH. Ma’shum, AK as the leader of BPPMNU Banat Kudus
3. Mr. Drs. H. Moh. Said, M.Pd.I as the principal of MA NU Banat Kudus
4. All teachers who always encouraging us in anything, especially Mrs. Siti
Susanti, S.Pd as our beloved consultant
5. All friends of mine who fell in the same both in any condition and
6. All close friend who helped us
7. The reader who read this scientific paper

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Firstly, the writers express their gratitude to Allah SWT as the
single power of the universe, the creator of all in the world and sky is so
amazing. They also thank for mercies and blessing so they could finish
this scientific paper.
Secondly, peace and honorable sent to the prophet Muhammad
SAW, the example of all people in the universe, who brought from the
darkness to the lightness.
And the end, they are sure that this paper couldn’t finish without
many suggestions, support, and helps from several sides, so the authors
say great thanks for them, especially to:
1. Mr. Drs. H. Moh. Said, M.Pd.I as headmaster of MA NU Banat Kudus.
2. All teachers who have been educating and guiding us, especially to
Mrs. Dina Maria, M.Sc as homeroom teacher, and Mrs. Siti Susanti,
S.Pd as the advisor.
3. The writers’ parents, brother and sister who had supported and helped
during the writers’ study and do anything for them.
4. All participants who have been willing to spend some time in the
preparation of this report, only gratitude that the writer is able to
The writers always hope any good critics and suggestion from the
readers, because they are sure that this report has not completed yet
and still far from perfect and has many mistakes.

Wassalamu’alaikum waramatullahi wabarakatuh

Kudus, April 2016

The Writers

TITLE SHEET……………………………………………………………….
TABLE OF CONTENS………………………………………………..
1.1 The Background of The Study…………………………
1.2 Problem Formulation………………………………….
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Significant of Writing
2.1 Definition of Traditional Music…………………..
2. 2Definition of Gamelan……………………………
2.3 Definition of Youth……………………………….
4.1 Result of Young Generation’s Responses………………
4.2 Solutions to Increase Interest Gamelan………………….
5.1 Conclusion…………………………………………….
5.2 Suggestion……………………………………………..

Nurhidayah, Laila. Kasanah, Mudafiqoh Awaliyatul. Khoirinnissa,

Nabella. Nisa, Nafisatun. AMean of Traditional Gamelan Music toward Young
Generation. This paper approved to be a partial requirement to pass the MA NU
Banat kudus.
Gamelan is one of the traditional music of Indonesia which preceded the
rise of the Hindu-Buddhist culture that dominated Indonesia in the early days of
recording history, which also represents the original art of Indonesia. The
instrument was developed to shape up like this. Gamelan music is often played
during the opening time of sacred events, bridesmaids’ puppet show and others.
Today the use of gamelan has begun forgotten by society, especially the younger
generation. They prefer to play modern music of the cultural heritage of their
The Method that is used in his paper writing is through various stages
namely: Search of ideas, problem formulation, research and collection of
information, mini research, conclusion and suggestion, research information and
data processing.

Based on the results obtained from literature, the writers can conclude that
although gamelan music is still in demand by the younger generation, but there
are still some who believe that gamelan music is the kind of music that is boring,
and mystical. The author provides some solutions like realized that as the young
generation has a valuable asset called gamelan, do not think negative first when
you hear the word gamelan, attend traditional crafts area, following the activities
involving gamelan.

Key Word: gamelan, traditional music and young generation.



A. Background Issues

Traditional music is also called folk music, which is a type of music that
emerged or was born of local culture for generations. Traditional music has long
been alive and thriving in Indonesia, was created by the ancestors of Indonesia
and has a hereditary trait traditionally from one generation the next generation.
From the process of hereditary succession is this kind of music alive and thriving
today. This music is often referred to as music traditional scattered throughout
Indonesia. Traditional music in Indonesia is a work of authorship of each tribe
that live on this earth.

There are several types of traditional music in Indonesia, one of which is

the gamelan, gamelan is a traditional musical art using a variety of instruments as
a whole musical. In ancient times gamelan music is often played by the public as a
companion puppet show, as entertainment, or as the opening ceremonies of the
sacred. Gamelan music at this time has undergone many developments and
slightly modified or added some modern instruments. But even so the music
enthusiasts is still very little particularly, especially the young generation, they
assume that gamelan is an ancient music, in addition, to play the gamelan also
requires special skills. This has led to gamelan music.

Therefore, traditional gamelan music began to be replaced with different

types of music from around the world like pop, jazz, rock and others music types.
They prefer that foreigners can play a musical instrument than playing musical
instruments their own areas. That is one of the factors that encourage more
disappearance of traditional music. This is the reason why the writers write this
paper entitled “A Mean of Traditional Gamelan Music toward Young
B. Problem Formulation

The problem formulation in this scientific paper “A Mean of Traditional

Gamelan Music toward Young Generation” can be formulated in some questions

1. How are the responses of young generation about gamelan today?

2. How are the solutions to increase the interest of young generation toward
traditional gamelan music?

C. Objective

The purpose of the students is expected to be achieved in this study are:

1. Knowing the responses of young generation about gamelan today

2. Knowing some solutions about how to increase the interest of young
generation toward traditional gamelan music

D. Significant of writing

1. For the writers

This scientific paper is made has been approved to be a partial requirement

to pass MA NU Banat Kudus. Beside it this scientific paper also can be

the new knowledge’s for the writers.

2. For the readers

This scientific paper is made for the readers so they can measure their
interest in traditional gamelan music.


2.1 Definition of Regional Music or Traditional

Folk music or traditional music is the music that was born and
developed in the regions throughout Indonesia. Characteristic of this kind
of music can be seen from the content of the song and instruments
(musical instrument). Traditional music has distinctive characteristics,
namely poetry and melody using the language and style of the local area.
Indonesia is a country made up of thousands of islands that stretches from
Papua to Aceh. Among the many islands along with the communities born,
grow and develop. Art tradition that is identity and expression of
community supporters

Almost all parts of Indonesia have typical traditional music. The

uniqueness can be seen from his playing technique, presentation and form
or organology musical instruments. Almost all traditional Indonesian art
has a high spirit of collectivity that can recognize the distinctive character
of the person or people of Indonesia, which is friendly and courteous.
However, since the passage of time and the more spirit of the traditional
arts, we are changing the character of the properties that uphold the values
of togetherness into individual or selfish. So many artistic traditions of the
Indonesian nation, then it's easier to recognize it can be classified into
several groups: musical instruments or percussion instruments, stringed
and swipe
2.2 Definition of Gamelan

Gamelan is a musical ensemble that usually includes gendang

(drum), gambang (xylophone), and gongs. The term gamelan refers to the
instrument or tool, which is a unified whole that is realized and pounded
together. Gamelan word itself comes from the Javanese word meaning
ndamel (make) hitting or beating, followed by an ending that makes a
noun. Gamelan orchestra mostly located on the island of Java, Madura,
Bali and Lombok in Indonesia in various kinds of sizes and shapes
ensemble. In Bali and Lombok today, and in Java through the 18th
century, the term gong is considered synonymous with gamelan.
Occurrences gamelan preceded by Hindu-Buddhist culture that
dominated Indonesia in the early days of recording history, which also
represents the original art of Indonesia. The instrument was developed to
shape up like nowadays from the Majapahit Kingdom era. It’s different
with the music of India, the only impact of India's in gamelan music is
how to sing it. In the mythology of Java, gamelan was created by Sang
Hyang Guru in Saka era, the god who controlled the whole land of Java,
with a castle on the mountain Mahendra in Medangkamulan (now Mount
Lawu). Sang Hyang Guru first create a gong to summon the gods. For a
more specific message and then create two gongs, and finally formed a set
of gamelan.

The following are the types of gamelan musical instruments:

1. Gong
In Gamelan, Gong serves as a marker of the end of the long part of
the song whose lyrics. Tone of voice "dungggg" very fit at the hearing by
the end of Sinden singing.

2. Gendang (drum)
Gendang divided into three size, that is the smallest gendang
named ketipung, whose middle is named kendang ciblon and most major
named Gedhe Kalih drums. From the three gendangs, gendang gede was
the one who used the gamelan instrument.

3. Gambang (xylophone)
The yield form tone sequentially from the smallest size to the
largest. It is intended that the resulting tone is varied and producing the
tone is made of 18 pieces of wood or bamboo. Gendang certainly played
by clubbed.

4. Bonang
Bonang an important supporting instrument in javanese gamelan.
Bonang divided into two types: bonang barung and also bonang successor.

5. Demung
In one set of gamelan often have 2 demung, from both demung
own version pelog and slendro. Demung produce tones with the octave of
the lowest in balungan members, but the large physical size. Demung has a
layer thinner but wider than the wilahan saron, it is this which produces a
lower tone. Plays demung made of wood, and the shape of bat-like

6. Suling (flute)
Suling a wind instrument that is generally made from wood or
bamboo. However, according to the times distilled can now be made of
nickel, silver, or metal. Soft flute sound so perfect combined with musical
instruments in gamelan instruments.

7. Kempul
Kempul is one of the gamelan musical instruments made of bronze.
Kempul function as filler chord in every game gamelan. Kempul also
serves as stakeholder’s cadence or rhythm melody asserted.
8. Peking
The Peking is a color poster gamelan melody in the game.

2.3 Definition Youths

The first definition, youth are individuals who when seen

physically is experiencing growth and a psychic are experiencing
emotional development, so that the youth is the human resource
development of both today and the future. Internationally, the WHO calls
the "young people" with a limit of 10-24 years of age, while those aged
10-19 years is called "adolescence" or teens. International Youth Year,
held in 1985, defines the population aged 15-24 years as a youth group.

The latter definition, youth are individuals with a dynamic character,

even turbulent and optimistic, but do not yet have a stable emotional
control. Youth face the social and cultural changes.

Meanwhile, according to the Draft Law on Youth, Youth were those

aged between 18 and 35 years old. Judging from the age of the youth is the
future development of biologically and psychologically. Therefore, the
youth always have different aspirations with the aspirations of society in
general. In positive sense different aspirations is called the spirit of a

In the Indonesian vocabulary, youth also known as the younger

generation and youth. Often the terminology of youth, youth, or youth has
a variety of definitions. Definition of a young man at the top is the
technical definition is based on the age category, while other definitions
are more flexible. Where youth or youth or young people are those who
have the spirit of a reformer and progressive.
Conclusions of some of the terms above is Young people are the
people who have an age range between 10-24 years, teenagers or young
generation is the person who will enter adulthood who have biological and
psychological development, younger generations tend to have explosive
emotions, though they have unstable emotions, generation young is
considered as a society spears, because the youth are often issued
criticisms and suggestions in regard media as a public aspirations and also
as a major capital progress of a nation.

Writing this scientific paper entitled “ A Mean of Traditional

Gamelan Music toward Young Generation” one through various stages
1. Search of ideas
The idea of writing was obtained from observation of how the state
of traditional music among young people and their responses to today's
traditional music.
2. Problem Formulation
The problem is a contradiction and reality. In which there are
hypotheses that need writers sought the truth through the collection of
data which will be the analysis of the expert-analysts.
3. Research and collection of information
Information gathered through of articles from the internet.
4. Mini research
Using questionnaires with respondents that all grade students of
MA NU Banat Kudus beginning from class X and XI with a sample of
32 people.
5. Research information and data processing
Data were analyzed with the results of research linking various
6. Conclusion and suggestion

A. Results
Question: How is your response about traditional gamelan music?
Answer Selected
No Class
Very like Like Unlike
1. Ten Grade 1 12 2
2. Eleven
5 5 7
Total 6 17 9

 Comparison
 Ten Grade Class
(15 students)



very like

 Eleven Grade Class
(17 students)


46.60% Very like


 Ten Grade Class

From 15 students who choose:

- Very like = 1, the reason is because gamelan is a

traditional music instrument that need to
be preserved and ides that the resulting
sound too, interesting, unique and very
good in listening.
- Like = 12, the conclusion from their reasons is
gamelan is one of traditional music from
Indonesia which is the cultural heritage
that must be maintained and preserved,
they assume that traditional music is the
kind of music that is pleasing to the ear,
which has a distinctive sound so they
obliged to defend it.
- Unlike = 2, the conclusion from their reasons is they
assume that gamelan music is the kind of
music that is not attractive, and cause

 Eleven Grade Class

From 17 students who choose:
- Very like = 5, the conclusion from their reason is they
assume that Indonesian music is traditional
music that contains positive values also
cultural values, therefore they really love
it although they do not play it. Gamelan
should also be maintained and preserved
because otherwise gamelan can be
recognized by other countries such as
angklung that actually is a state-owned
- Like = 5, the conclusion from their reasons is
gamelan music is one of traditional
Indonesian music that should be preserved
as one of the nation's cultural wealth
assets, also with their love gamelan, it can
help realize the program of the minister of
culture which is a program of local culture
- Unlike = 7, the conclusion from their reasons is they
assume that gamelan music is the music
that makes saturated, unattractive and
often associated with custom or things
B. Some solutions that can increase the interest of young generation
toward gamelan:
1. Realized that as the young generation has a valuable asset
called gamelan

Actually the Indonesian nation has many valuable assets that are
not recognized, one of which is the gamelan, if the Indonesian people,
especially the young generation does not want to study or preserve, it
could be the gamelan was recognized as belonging to other countries.

2. Do not think negative first when you hear the word gamelan

Many of the younger generation when they heard the gamelan said
that they would think it smacks of ugly, old fashioned and boring. And
they think that traditional music is not their style. Music such as jazz,
rock, pop, and the other is that according to them this time. And that's
why today traditional music is not recognized by the community

3. Following the activities involving gamelan

Examples of such activities may be extracurricular activities in

schools; we need not feel embarrassed or afraid to join the activity.

4. Attend traditional crafts area

Such as attending a puppet show, in addition to seeing a puppet

show, they can also see how the orchestra played, so in addition to
love the art of puppetry, they can also add a love of gamelan.


A. Conclusion

Culture region is a traditional art which is owned by each region,

or the tribes in Indonesia. Regional culture owned by Indonesia is an
expensive assets and precious value, because the local culture owned
by Indonesia has the characteristics and identity that serves as
embellishment and unifying the diversity of cultures that exist in
Indonesia under the motto Unity in Diversity. However, to strengthen
and maintain traditional arts, it’s an obligation for young generation to
continue and carry on the struggle predecessors.

In the last, the writers conclude that responses of young generation

about traditional gamelan music today is many of them who still like
or interest it even though they rarely hear that. They also hope that
gamelan would be preserved or conserved by the government because
gamelan is one of Indonesia's cultural wealth assets. But only a few of
them who really like traditional gamelan music. However, not a bit too
from them who do not like gamelan music for some reason. Most of
them who do not like it found that gamelan music is horror music
because it is often used for horror movie or relating with something
B. Suggestion

A. For the government

This is the right time to start paying attention to the nation that
is heritage of traditional music in the sense that this is the gamelan
music. Governments must be willing and able to facilitate and to be
willing to support the community needs to preserve the gamelan
music. From providing musical instruments to do promotions like
to make an event of gamelan music both inside and outside the
country. In this way besides making gamelan music will be
recognized by the people especially the younger generation, as well
as for gamelan music is not lost in this era of modernization.

B. For the school agency

As relevant agencies should also help preserve the gamelan

music by holding seminars, socialization and always inculcate love
of the nation's culture, especially traditional music. And helps
develop students who are gifted or potentially in music, especially
in gamelan music.

C. For the young generation

As the future generation should want to preserve the culture

of his people and as a culture do not think ancient culture but must
be maintained and developed in order not to be lost.

2. gamelan-dan-
Personal Data

a) Full name : Laila Nurhidayah

b) Place and date of birth : Pati,25th October 1998
c) Home address : Tlogosari Tlogowungu Pati
d) Phone : 081390947270
e) Email address :

Personal Data

a) Full name : Mudafiqoh Awaliyatul Kasanah

b) Place and date of birth : Kendal, 01st October 1998
c) Home address : Brangsong Kendal
d) Phone : 081901007494
e) Email address :

Personal Data

a) Full name : Nabella Khoirinnissa

b) Place and date of birth : Semarang, 22nd July 1998
c) Home address : Leyangan Ungaran Timur
d) Phone : 081326179578
e) Email address :

Personal Data

a) Full name : Nafisatun Nisa

b) Place and date of birth : Tanjung Mas,19th August 1998
c) Home address : Raman Agung Oku Timur
Sumatera Selatan
d) Phone : 085384375798
e) Email address :

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