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International Journal of Stress Management © 2017 American Psychological Association

2018, Vol. 25, No. 3, 301–311 1072-5245/18/$12.00


Seeking Signs of Stress Overload: Symptoms and Behaviors

James H. Amirkhan, Isidro Landa, and Seyka Huff

California State University Long Beach

A number of symptoms and behaviors are said to be indicative of stress, yet there is
little empirical evidence to verify which are actually signs of pathogenic stress over-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

load. Moreover, the few relevant studies have methodological limitations. The present
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

study addressed those issues in an attempt to identify the signs most telling of overload.
A community sample (n ⫽ 408) was drawn from sites purposefully selected to capture
general population demographics and a wide spectrum of stress levels. Participants
completed the Stress Overload Scale (SOS) and extensive checklists of potential
markers (symptoms and behaviors) on site (Wave 1) and a follow-up survey of only the
markers one week later at home (Wave 2). Partial correlations showed most individual
signs, from both waves, to relate significantly to SOS scores. However, factor analyses
showed these signs to cluster, thereby defining marker types: Body complaints (BC),
gastrointestinal disturbances (GD), and respiratory problems (RP) for symptoms and
moodiness (M), nervous habits (NH), and cognitive disruption (CD) for behaviors.
Multivariate multiple regressions showed certain marker types to be consistently
indicative of stress overload: CD behaviors covaried with SOS scores at both waves.
Other marker types were found to have time windows: Wave 1 GD symptoms and M
behaviors and Wave two RP symptoms covaried with the SOS, indicating that some
signs might be more immediate and others more delayed indicators of stress overload.
The contribution of these findings, suggestions for furthering the search for signs, and
implications for the rapid diagnosis of stress overload are discussed.

Keywords: signs of stress, stress symptoms, stress behaviors, stress overload, SOS

A multitude of health information resources Warning Signs,” 2015). Yet there is little em-
provide lists of the signs of stress, in the belief pirical evidence that these signs are actually
that these are red flags for imminent physical or manifestations of stress, much less the kind of
mental health problems (e.g., “Listening to the stress that causes illness (Lunney, 2006). The
current study explores the links between such
signs and stress overload—the type of stress
that has been theoretically and empirically
This article was published Online First April 3, 2017. linked to pathology (e.g., McEwen, 2008).
James H. Amirkhan, Isidro Landa, and Seyka Huff, Psy-
chology Department, California State University Long
Stress Versus Stress Overload
Isidro Landa is now at the Psychological and Brain Sci-
ences Department, Washington University, St. Louis, Mis- Exposure to environmental demands,
souri. whether major events (Holmes & Rahe, 1967)
This research was partially supported by a California or minor hassles (Kanner, Coyne, Schaefer, &
State University Long Beach Research, Scholarly and Cre- Lazarus, 1981), can produce stress. Yet, accord-
ative Activities [RSCA] award. Gratitude is expressed to the
Stress Research group for their efforts in collecting these ing to stress theories, not all such experiences
data. Preliminary findings from this study were presented at inevitably produce illness. It was Selye (1956)
the 2016 meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. who first proposed that when homeostasis is
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- disrupted by any adaptational demand, feelings
dressed to James H. Amirkhan, Psychology Department,
California State University Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower of stress ensue. However, if there are adequate
Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90840. E-mail: james resources to counter the demand, homeostasis is regained and stress feelings dissipate. It is only

when resources are overwhelmed that one be- tigue and body pains but also respiratory and
comes susceptible to illness. Subsequent theories cardiovascular problems, in a large sample of
emphasized different systems, some physiological Finnish workers (Huuhtanen, Nygård, Tuomi,
(McEwen, 2000) and some psychological (Laz- & Martikainen, 1997). A study of chronic stress
arus & Folkman, 1984), but all retained the in working university students again found ev-
same basic mechanism. That is, all agreed that idence of fatigue and back pain but also symp-
for stress to make a person sick, there must be toms of eyestrain, headache, and sleep difficul-
both (a) impinging demands and (b) inadequate ties (Shoss & Shoss, 2012).
resources (Cohen, Kessler, & Gordon, 1995). The inconsistencies among these findings
This state has been called “stress overload” may well be due to methodological variations
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

(Amirkhan, 2012; Lunney, 2006) to differenti- among the studies. First, as argued above, there
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ate it from more fleeting and benign feelings of has been a general failure to assess stress over-
stress. load specifically. Therefore, the symptoms re-
In identifying signs of imminent stress- ported in such studies might mark nonpatho-
related pathology, then, it is imperative that they genic states of stress. Second, these studies tend
be markers of true stress overload. The search to sample specific groups, such as patients
for such markers may have been stymied by the (Evers et al., 2012) or students (e.g., Shoss &
fact that most available stress measures do not Shoss, 2012) or middle-aged workers (e.g.,
capture the entirety of stress overload. That is, Huuhtanen et al., 1997), rather than the general
life events checklists (e.g., Holmes & Rahe, population. The symptoms reported, then, might
1967) measure impinging demands but over- be specific to a medical condition, phase of life,
look the extent of resistive resources. Other or activity. Finally, these studies tend to assess
scales assess levels of resistance (e.g., resil- limited numbers of symptoms, from 1 (Jansson,
ience; Connor & Davidson, 2003) but ignore the Wallander, Johansson, Johnsen, & Hveem,
weight of demand load. Without assessing both 2010) to 16 (Shoss & Shoss, 2012). Thus, it is
demands and resources, it cannot be known if possible that they missed important markers of
the signs discovered are truly markers of patho- stress overload.
genic stress.
Behaviors as Signs of Stress Overload
Symptoms as Signs of Stress Overload
In addition to somatic symptoms, certain be-
Although there is plentiful information re- havior patterns are also said to be indicative of
garding the types of symptoms reported by peo- stress (“Behavioural Stress Symptoms,” 2009).
ple experiencing stress (e.g., “Stress in Amer- In searching for such behavioral markers, it is
ica,” 2014), it is not clear whether these are important to differentiate stress reactions from
manifestations of transitory stress feelings or coping responses. The former are reflexive be-
true overload states. Evidence for the “defining haviors, typical of all humans experiencing
characteristics [of stress overload] is present but overload; the latter are deliberated and idiosyn-
comparatively weak” (Lunney, 2006, p. 170). cratic efforts to resolve the stressors and/or feel
And even this weak evidence derives from re- better about them (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).
search studies using proxy measures rather than The informational resources that list behavioral
a dedicated and validated measure of stress signs of stress often fail to make this distinction;
overload. For example, a study of arthritis pa- WebMD (“Stress Symptoms,” 2015), for exam-
tients used a daily stressors scale (akin to de- ple, lists both “fidgeting” and “procrastination.”
mand load) and a stress vulnerability scale (re- The former may be the autonomic and universal
flecting resource inadequacies) and found their type of response of interest here, but the latter is
conjoint effects to predict symptoms of fatigue more likely a choice, typical of avoidant copers
and joint pain (Evers et al., 2012). Chronic but not everyone.
stress may also serve as a proxy for overload, if While the stress literature is replete with stud-
it is assumed to entail relentless demands and ies of coping behavior, very few have investi-
depleted resources. One study examined the ac- gated behavior markers of stress overload. One
cretive effects of job strain over an 11-year large-scale, international investigation did in-
period, and likewise reported symptoms of fa- vestigate chronic stress and found it to be asso-

ciated with disrupted eating and sleeping pat- Method

terns in college students (Allgöwer, Wardle, &
Steptoe, 2001). However, this study evidenced Participants
all the aforementioned problems, having em-
ployed an index of stress that may not have Of 440 adults recruited from community ven-
ues, 408 (93%) completed on-site surveys. Of
captured true overload, a student sample, and a
these, 161 (40%) returned follow-up surveys
limited inventory of behaviors. Another study,
one week later. The demographic composition
although smaller and qualitative, did focus spe-
of these samples is shown in Table 1.
cifically on stress overload (Lunney, 2006). It
found people in the overload state to most often Measures
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

report behaviors of faulty decision making and

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

increased negative affect. Stress overload. The Stress Overload

Scale (SOS) was used because it was con-
structed purposefully to assess stress overload
Current Study (Amirkhan, 2012). It contains two subscales
corresponding to theoretical components of
The goal of the present research was to
continue the search for signs of stress over-
load, both symptomatic and behavioral. But Table 1
in doing so, pains were taken to address the Demographic Composition of Study Sample
methodological limitations of prior studies.
Current study
That is, a general population sample was re- U.S.
cruited, extensive lists of symptoms and be- Sample type Wave 1 Wave 2 Census
haviors were constructed, and a stress mea- Size (n) 408 161
sure specific to overload—and already shown Gender, n (%)
to be accurate in predicting pathology—was Male 164 (40) 83 (51) 49%
Female 167 (41) 77 (49) 51%
Age, years, n (%)
It was anticipated that the signs of stress 18–24 65 (16) 14 (9) 15%
overload would be intercorrelated. A second- 25–34 77 (19) 37 (23) 20%
ary goal, then, was to identify meaningful 35–49 76 (19) 38 (24) 29%
clusters of these markers and determine their 50–65 74 (18) 60 (37) 23%
relative strength of association with the over- ⬎65 12 (3) 10 (6) 12%
Ethnicity, n (%)
load state. In essence, this was a search for the African American 35 (9) 15 (9) 9%
types of symptoms (e.g., “gastrointestinal”) or Asian American 33 (8) 17 (11) 14%
behaviors (“moodiness”) that were the most Caucasian 167 (41) 78 (48) 50%
telling. Hispanic American 98 (24) 35 (22)
In pursuing these goals, a longitudinal Mixed 42 (10) 14 (9) 9%
Education, n (%)
study design was deemed necessary for two High school or less 103 (25) 28 (17) 44%
reasons. First, the aforementioned stress the- Some college 152 (37) 69 (43) 27%
ories provide no timeline for the emergence College degree 68 (17) 34 (21) 19%
of sequelae following the onset of stress over- Advanced degree 52 (13) 29 (18) 10%
load. Therefore, to increase the likelihood of Income (household), n (%)
$25,000 113 (28) 35 (22) 23%
capturing all symptoms and behaviors associ- $25,000–$39,000 67 (16) 22 (14) 14%
ated with overload, it was believed best to $40,000–$59,000 48 (12) 26 (16) 15%
extend the search over a period of 1 week. $60,000–$99,000 78 (19) 36 (22) 22%
Second, because the symptom and behavior $100,000–$149,000 59 (15) 32 (20) 14%
measures would be new and untested, it was ⬎$150,000 0 (0) 0 (0) 12%
believed essential to demonstrate their test– Note. Percentages not adding to 100% indicate missing
retest reliability over this period. This would values and/or rounding error. Census figures are from the
2010 Census and 2013 American Community Survey for
ensure that any findings regarding the advent persons over 18 years old in Los Angeles County. “Asian
(or waning) of signs across time were not American” includes Pacific Islanders; “Hispanic American”
mere artifacts of score fluctuations. is not a distinct category in Census data.

overload: Event Load (EL) items assess per- courthouse and an aquarium, with approxi-
ceived demands (e.g., “felt swamped by your mately equal numbers drawn from each (n ⫽
responsibilities”), and Personal Vulnerability 201 and 207, respectively). Persons who quali-
(PV) items assess perceived inadequacy (e.g., fied for the study (over 18 years and English
“felt like you couldn’t cope”). In addition, there literate) provided informed consent and then
are filler items to dissuade response biases. completed a contact information form. This and
Each item is paired with a 5-point response all subsequent survey forms were marked only
scale (1 ⫽ not at all, 5 ⫽ a lot). Because with an identification code, ensuring confiden-
demands and vulnerability are conjoint compo- tiality (although not complete anonymity) of
nents of stress overload, and because EL and response. Participants next received a Wave 1
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

PV scales derive from oblique factors and there- survey packet, containing the SOS and the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

fore correlate (Amirkhan, 2012), the scales are symptoms and behaviors checklists in counter-
typically summed to yield total scores ranging balanced orders, which they completed on site.
from 24 –120. The combined scales have, in They sealed their responses into unmarked en-
fact, proven internally consistent (␣ ⫽ .94), and velopes and deposited these into locked collec-
SOS total scores have demonstrated test–retest tion boxes. At this point, they received the
reliability (r ⫽ .75) and criterion validity (ac- Wave 2 packet, marked with their identification
curately predicting pathological reactions to code and the due date (one week later). This
natural and induced stressors; Amirkhan, Uri- packet included the symptoms and behaviors
zar, & Clark, 2015). scales (in counterbalanced order), a return en-
Symptoms. A symptoms checklist, resem- velope (preaddressed and prepaid), and a small
bling the intake forms used at doctors’ offices, incentive (a $1 state lottery scratcher ticket).
was constructed. It lists 35 somatic symptoms Participants were instructed to wait one week
gleaned from health measures (e.g., Cohen- before taking the survey, to avoid the use of
Hoberman Inventory of Physical Symptoms identifiers, and to seal their responses into the
[CHIPS]; Cohen & Hoberman, 1983) and Inter- provided envelopes for return by post. All par-
net sites (e.g., “Stress Symptoms,” 2015), and it ticipants received reminders one day prior to
was carefully screened to avoid any overlap their due date, either by text message or by
with SOS items. The extent to which each email according to the preference indicated on
symptom had been experienced in the prior their contact information form. Those who
week is indicated by means of a 5-point re- failed to return envelopes on time received an
sponse identical to that used on the SOS. Pos- additional reminder three days after their due
sible Symptoms totals range from 35–175. date.
Behaviors. A parallel behaviors checklist
was constructed. Attempting to exhaust those Results
said to be indicative of stress in the literature
(e.g., Krueger & Chang, 2008) and on the In- Descriptive Statistics
ternet (e.g., “Behavioural Stress Symptoms,”
2009) but eliminating any similar to SOS items, Sample characteristics. The sampling
it lists 35 behavior patterns. Respondents indi- strategy proved effective in capturing diver-
cate which occurred in the prior week (e.g., sity. As may be seen in Table 1, there was
“had difficulty making decisions”) using the good variability in gender, age, ethnicity, and
same 5-point scale (i.e., 1 ⫽ not at all, 5 ⫽ a socioeconomic status (as reflected by educa-
lot). Behaviors totals range from 35–175. tion and income). Moreover, the strategy
proved effective in obtaining a sample closely
Procedure representative of the general population.
When sample demographics were compared
To obtain a sample representative of the gen- to U.S. Census proportions for the region,
eral population, two recruitment sites were cho- only one significant difference emerged: The
sen based on their success in providing a spec- sample did not adequately reflect income lev-
trum of demographics and stress levels in prior els, ␹2(5) ⫽ 12.72, p ⫽ .026, owing to un-
research (Amirkhan et al., 2015). Convenience derrepresentation of those in the highest
sampling was employed at both a community bracket. In regard to differences between

Wave 1 and Wave 2 samples, none were amined. As seen in Table 2, income was the
found despite the considerable attrition. only demographic associated with SOS
Scale characteristics. The sampling strat- scores. It was also associated with the symp-
egy was also successful in capturing a spectrum toms (r ⫽ ⫺.20 at Wave 1, r ⫽ ⫺.33 at Wave
of stress levels. As may be seen in Table 2, the 2, ps ⬍ .0001) and behaviors measures (r ⫽
sites yielded the full range of possible SOS ⫺.23 at Wave 1, r ⫽ ⫺.29 at Wave 2, ps ⬍
scores. This range, a midrange mean, and a .0001). Thus, income was a potential third-
large standard deviation indicated good vari- variable confound in tests between stress
ability of response on the SOS. Its internal overload and the markers.
reliability was likewise good. In regard to the Symptoms. Partial correlations, control-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

symptoms measure, it exhibited variability of ling for income, were used to test associations
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

response, internal consistency at both Waves 1 between the overload scale and the symptom
and 2, and good test–retest stability (r ⫽ .80) markers. The SOS proved strongly related to
over the 1-week interim. Similarly, the behav- symptoms totals from both Wave 1 (partial
iors scale showed good variability and internal r ⫽ .60, p ⬍ .0001) and Wave 2 (partial r ⫽
reliability at each wave, as well as adequate .73, p ⬍ .0001). In regard to individual symp-
test–retest reliability (r ⫽ .75), across waves. In toms, nearly every one correlated signifi-
short, all study measures were reliable and cantly with the SOS even after controlling the
showed no ceiling or basement effects that confounding variable (see Table 3). However,
might compromise the ensuing correlational there was evidence of a difference in strength
analyses. of these relationships over time. Specifically,
Relationships Among Measures more Wave 2 symptoms (32 of 35) correlated
more strongly (mean partial r ⫽ .42, p ⬍
Relationships among the study variables .001) with the SOS than did Wave 1 symp-
were examined with Pearson correlations, using toms (28 of 35; mean partial r ⫽ .28, p ⬍
a conservative significance level (␣ ⫽ .01) .01). A test for differences in the magnitude
given the number of tests. of correlations (McNemar, 1975) showed the
Confounds. Correlations between the de- Wave 2 versus Wave 1 discrepancy to be
mographics and the measures were first ex- significant, t(151) ⫽ 2.52, p ⬍ .02. This sug-

Table 2
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations for the Study Sample and Measures
SOS (Wave 1)
Correlate M SD Range ␣ PV scale EL scale Total
Age 39.01 14.96 18–85 ⫺.14 ⫺.26ⴱ ⫺.21
Gender .07 .10 .09
Education ⫺.07 .01 ⫺.03
Income ⫺.39ⴱⴱ ⫺.18 ⫺.29ⴱⴱ
Wave 1 51.29 18.20 35–148 .92 .60ⴱⴱ .56ⴱⴱ .60ⴱⴱ
Wave 2 49.82 18.19 35–137 .94 .75ⴱⴱ .65ⴱⴱ .73ⴱⴱ
Wave 1 59.91 25.27 35–169 .96 .79ⴱⴱ .74ⴱⴱ .80ⴱⴱ
Wave 2 55.41 24.60 35–166 .96 .71ⴱⴱ .63ⴱⴱ .70ⴱⴱ
SOS (Wave 1)
PV scale 24.42 12.57 12–60 .93 .82ⴱⴱ .95ⴱⴱ
EL scale 28.68 13.61 12–60 .94 .96ⴱⴱ
Total 55.73 24.76 24–120 .96
Note. Higher “gender” scores indicate female. SOS ⫽ Stress Overload Scale; PV ⫽ Personal Vulnerability; EL ⫽ Event

p ⬍ .01. ⴱⴱ p ⬍ .0001.

Table 3 (partial r ⫽ .70, p ⬍ .0001). Again, nearly

Relationship of Symptoms to the SOS and to every individual behavior correlated signifi-
Symptom Factors cantly with the SOS (see Table 4). There was
Correlation with no difference in the strength of association of
SOS Factor loadings Wave 1 behaviors (mean partial r ⫽ .50)
Symptom Wave 1 Wave 2 BC GD RP
versus Wave 2 behaviors (mean partial r ⫽
.43) to the SOS, t(154) ⫽ 1.23, p ⫽ .21. This
Appetite change .484ⴱⴱ .555ⴱⴱ .221 .521 .178 suggests that behavioral disturbances emerge
Weight change .340ⴱⴱ .437ⴱⴱ .156 .413 .089
Temperature change .346ⴱⴱ .505ⴱⴱ .078 .214 .508
fairly quickly following the onset of stress
Complexion change .406ⴱⴱ .538ⴱⴱ .208 .498 .228 overload, making them more immediate
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Low sex drive .233ⴱ .358ⴱ .418 .220 .116 markers of that state.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

More sweating .299ⴱⴱ .386ⴱ .242 .473 .212

Stomach pains .314ⴱⴱ .324ⴱ .207 .643 .213 Types of Markers
Constipation/diarrhea .306ⴱⴱ .403ⴱ .176 .489 .140
Indigestion/heartburn .276ⴱⴱ .183 .223 .409 .147 To identify clusters of stress overload signs,
Nausea .349ⴱⴱ .394ⴱ .139 .692 .128 factor analyses were used. Separate analyses
Vomiting .212ⴱ .345ⴱ .019 .573 .040
were conducted on the symptoms and behaviors
Frequent urination .350ⴱⴱ .411ⴱ .442 .245 .091
Bad breath .216ⴱ .502ⴱⴱ .476 .068 .149
checklists, but both used Wave 1 data because
Mouth/cold sores .019 .331ⴱ .151 .129 .183 only this sample exceeded the recommended
Toothache/grinding .244ⴱ .090 .452 .141 .208 minimum size for factor analysis (Comrey,
Coughing/wheezing .182 .348ⴱ .130 .107 .671 1973). As there was no a priori indication of
Sneezing .146 .559ⴱⴱ .080 .078 .769 how the markers might intercorrelate, these
Stuffy/runny nose .215ⴱ .562ⴱⴱ .123 .207 .814 analyses were exploratory in nature, and prin-
Sore throat .216ⴱ .376ⴱ .203 .140 .719 cipal axis factoring was used for factor extrac-
Shortness of breath .387ⴱⴱ .622ⴱⴱ .441 .189 .231
tion. To find discrete marker types, varimax was
Fatigue/weakness .540ⴱⴱ .533ⴱⴱ .495 .219 .262
Lightheaded/dizzy .528ⴱⴱ .500ⴱⴱ .273 .548 .285
used to rotate the extracted factors to orthogonal
Fainting .239ⴱ .378ⴱ .221 .222 .035 positions.
Pounding/racing heart .436ⴱⴱ .602ⴱⴱ .485 .247 .221 Symptoms. The factorability of the symp-
Headache .429ⴱⴱ .502ⴱⴱ .224 .442 .208 toms list was indicated by the fact that 33 of the
Earache .220ⴱ .384ⴱ .285 .198 .447 35 symptoms correlated significantly with at
Muscular/body aches .411ⴱⴱ .457ⴱⴱ .686 .267 .195 least one other, and a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test
Back/shoulder pain .386ⴱⴱ .450ⴱⴱ .611 .216 .178 of sample adequacy yielded a value of .87 (ex-
Joint pain .243ⴱ .270 .714 .101 .089 ceeding the recommended threshold of .6; Bea-
Skin sores/pimples .249ⴱ .467ⴱⴱ .233 .478 .117
Itching/rash .079 .349ⴱ .443 .085 .182
vers et al., 2013). Multiple methods were used
Pink eye/sty .129 .378ⴱ .118 .029 .024 to determine the number of factors extracted:
Swollen feet/hands .170 .394ⴱ .483 .134⫺.035 The Kaiser criterion showed five factors to have
Swollen glands .116 .440ⴱⴱ .220 .107 .135 eigenvalues ⬎1; however, this approach tends
Any other .254ⴱ .513ⴱ .446 .275 .024 to “overextract” factors (Beavers et al., 2013).
Note. Correlations are partial and control for level of Therefore, the scree method was also applied,
income. Factor loadings reflect orthogonal positions and and this showed the plot to plateau after only
boldface indicates the primary factor loading. SOS ⫽ Stress three factors. Because this technique has been
Overload Scale; BC ⫽ body complaints; GD ⫽ gastroin- criticized for subjectivity (Beavers et al., 2013),
testinal disturbances; RP ⫽ respiratory problems.

p ⬍ .01. ⴱⴱ p ⬍ .0001. its results were checked using the variance ex-
tracted method. This showed the first factor to
explain 27.89%, the second 7.98%, the third
gests that many somatic symptoms take time 5.76%, and subsequent factors no more than 5%
to surface, making them more delayed signs of the variance. To verify that a three-factor
of stress overload. solution was best, parallel analysis (O’Connor,
Behaviors. Partial correlations also 2000) was also employed. Comparing obtained
showed SOS scores to be strongly related to eigenvalues to those extracted by the principal
summed behaviors scores, at both Wave 1 factor method from 1,000 random permutations
(partial r ⫽ .80, p ⬍ .0001) and Wave 2 of the data set, it was found that only the first

Table 4
Relationship of Behaviors to the SOS and to Behavior Factors
Correlation with
SOS Factor loadings
Behavior Wave 1 Wave 2 M NH CD
Woke up tired .631ⴱⴱ .502ⴱⴱ .566 .192 .283
Irritable/short-tempered .628ⴱⴱ .459ⴱⴱ .706 .193 .214
Trouble falling/staying asleep .638ⴱⴱ .434ⴱⴱ .553 .182 .272
Problems remembering .464ⴱⴱ .542ⴱⴱ .320 .201 .631
Rode emotional rollercoaster .615ⴱⴱ .493ⴱⴱ .660 .208 .255
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Cancelled appointments/dates .481ⴱⴱ .414ⴱ .229 .211 .458

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Lost focus .638ⴱⴱ .513ⴱⴱ .285 .234 .660

Used more alcohol/drugs/tobacco .375ⴱⴱ .221 .463 .242 .168
Spent more money .403ⴱⴱ .295 .155 .319 .350
Was impatient .628ⴱⴱ .467ⴱⴱ .659 .190 .241
Difficulty making decisions .595ⴱⴱ .646ⴱⴱ .296 .271 .580
Was wound up/nervous .635ⴱⴱ .607ⴱⴱ .588 .337 .333
Skipped time with friends .541ⴱⴱ .470ⴱⴱ .318 .446 .336
Cried or wanted to cry .539ⴱⴱ .355ⴱ .659 .269 .248
Drank more coffee/caffeine .398ⴱⴱ .293 .477 .201 .167
Experienced guilt .563ⴱⴱ .551ⴱⴱ .577 .140 .108
Someone expressed concern for you .591ⴱⴱ .369ⴱ .258 .460 .199
Lost temper .591ⴱⴱ .356ⴱ .697 .238 .161
Took something to relax/sleep .424ⴱⴱ .116 .257 .474 .263
Skipped exercise/gym routine .231ⴱ .262 .135 .099 .277
Noticed self shaking .553ⴱⴱ .319ⴱ .294 .510 .224
Neglected personal grooming .521ⴱⴱ .421ⴱⴱ .186 .503 .273
Were told you looked tired/tense .581ⴱⴱ .328ⴱ .262 .472 .237
Skipped fun activities .585ⴱⴱ .491ⴱⴱ .267 .533 .246
Operated on autopilot .558ⴱⴱ .621ⴱⴱ .222 .322 .501
Running late .514ⴱⴱ .592ⴱⴱ .203 .236 .544
Couldn’t finish “to do” list .448ⴱⴱ .631ⴱⴱ .244 .255 .550
Nervous tics/twitches .389ⴱⴱ .232 .187 .613 .226
Chewed nails/pencils/etc. .317ⴱⴱ .224 .214 .480 .150
Ate more fast food/junk food .355ⴱⴱ .372ⴱ .249 .348 .367
Picked hair/other nervous habit .280ⴱⴱ .376ⴱ .120 .519 .276
Made more mistakes .564ⴱⴱ .638ⴱⴱ .213 .612 .341
Took more risks .373ⴱⴱ .618ⴱⴱ .254 .585 .183
Paced back and forth .457ⴱⴱ .467ⴱⴱ .269 .645 .105
Did something out of character .404ⴱⴱ .327ⴱ .209 .652 .139
Note. Correlations are partial and control for level of income. Factor loadings reflect
orthogonal positions and boldface indicates the primary factor loading. SOS ⫽ Stress
Overload Scale; M ⫽ moodiness; NH ⫽ nervous habits; CD ⫽ cognitive disruption.

p ⬍ .01. ⴱⴱ p ⬍ .0001.

three factors exceeded the 95th percentile crite- item scores within each cluster, and these scales
rion. proved to be uncorrelated, with no r ⬎ .10.
The three factors were rotated to orthogonal Behaviors. The factorability of the behav-
positions, in order to minimize overlap and en- iors was indicated by the fact that all 35 behav-
sure distinctiveness of the symptom clusters. iors correlated with at least one other and that
This yielded an interpretable solution (see Table the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin statistic was .95. Ex-
3), which suggested the symptom types were traction showed six factors to have eigenval-
body complaints (BC), gastrointestinal distur- ues ⬎1, but the scree plot leveled after three
bances (GD), and respiratory problems (RP). factors. The first factor was found to explain
Factor scales were constructed by summing the 40.67% of the variance, the second 5.23%, the

third 3.95%, and additional factors less than scores served as dependent variables in the mul-
3.75%. Therefore, a three-factor solution again tivariate equation. Again, the Wave 1 SOS was
appeared the most parsimonious. Parallel anal- found to be a significant predictor overall, ␭ ⫽
ysis verified this conclusion, showing the eigen- .816, p ⫽ .005. Examination of the standardized
values for only the first three factors to exceed regression coefficients for univariate effects
95% of the values generated by principal factor showed the SOS to relate significantly to later
extractions from 1,000 random permutations of GD, ␤ ⫽ .383, t(67) ⫽ 2.76, p ⫽ .008, and RP
the current data. symptoms, ␤ ⫽ .530, t(67) ⫽ 3.02, p ⫽ .004.
These three factors were rotated to an orthog- The SOS did not predict subsequent BC symp-
onal solution, again to maximize the distinctive- toms, ␤ ⫽ .049, t(67) ⫽ 0.35, p ⫽ .728.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ness of the behavior clusters. This yielded a In sum, gastrointestinal problems proved the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

meaningful solution (see Table 4), which sug- most consistent of the symptom indicators,
gested that the behavior types were moodiness while respiratory problems emerged as a belated
(M), nervous habits (NH), and cognitive disrup- sign of stress overload.
tion (CD). Factor scales formed by adding the Behaviors. To test the association between
items within each cluster were found to be un- stress overload and contemporary behavior pat-
correlated, with no r ⬎ .11. terns, Wave 1 M and NH and CD factor scores
were employed as dependent variables. The re-
Relationship of Marker Types to gression analysis showed a significant multivar-
Stress Overload iate effect for the Wave 1 SOS, ␭ ⫽ .813, p ⬍
.0001. Standardized regression coefficients
To determine the types of markers most in- from univariate analyses showed this effect was
dicative of stress overload, a series of multivar- largely due to significant relationships between
iate multiple regression analyses was con- the SOS and both M, ␤ ⫽ .252, t(182) ⫽ 5.19,
ducted. The independent variable in each case p ⬍ .0001, and CD behaviors, ␤ ⫽ .177,
was the Wave 1 SOS score, with the confound t(182) ⫽ 2.92, p ⫽ .004. The association be-
as a covariate. The dependent variables were the tween the SOS and concurrent NH behaviors
factor scale scores for symptoms (BC, GD, and was not significant, ␤ ⫽ .064, t(182) ⫽ 1.05,
RP), behaviors (M, NH, and CD), or both. Sep- p ⫽ .297.
arate analyses were conducted for Wave 1 ver- To determine the relationship of stress over-
sus Wave 2 factor scores, in order to determine load to subsequent behavior patterns, Wave 2
whether the relationship of the SOS to the marker M, NH, and CD factor scores were used as
types changed over time. Owing to the number of dependent variables in the multivariate equa-
equations tested, a conservative threshold for sig- tion. This time, the Wave 1 SOS was only
nificance (␣ ⫽ .01) was used. marginally significant as an overall predictor,
Symptoms. To test the relationship be- ␭ ⫽ .872, p ⫽ .039. Inspection of the standard-
tween stress overload and concurrent symptom ized regression coefficients for univariate ef-
clusters, Wave 1 BC and GD and RP factor fects showed the SOS to relate significantly
scores were used as dependent variables in the only to later CD behaviors, ␤ ⫽ .341, t(66) ⫽
multivariate regression equation. Results 5.13, p ⬍ .0001. It did not relate to subsequent
showed a significant multivariate effect for the M, ␤ ⫽ .184, t(66) ⫽ 1.18, p ⫽ .241, or NH
Wave 1 SOS predictor, Wilk’s ␭ ⫽ .895, p ⬍ behaviors, ␤ ⫽ .117, t(66) ⫽ 0.64, p ⫽ .522.
.0001. However, inspection of the univariate In sum, in terms of behavior patterns, diffi-
effects showed the SOS to relate significantly to culty in thinking was a consistent indicator,
GD symptoms alone, with a standardized re- moodiness a short-term indicator, and nervous
gression coefficient of ␤ ⫽ .177, t(180) ⫽ 2.74, rituals not at all indicative of stress overload.
p ⫽ .007. The SOS related only marginally to Best indicators. To pit symptom and be-
RP, ␤ ⫽ .248, t(180) ⫽ 2.53, p ⫽ .02, and to havior types against one another and determine
BC symptoms, ␤ ⫽ .124, t(180) ⫽ 2.42, p ⫽ which among them were the best indicators of
.04. stress overload, two additional multivariate re-
To examine the association between stress gression analyses were conducted. All six factor
overload and symptom clusters emerging one scores served as dependent variables; the Wave
week later, Wave 2 BC and GD and RP factor 1 SOS was the predictor, with the confound as

a covariate, and separate analyses were used for tified as pathogenic by both theory and evi-
Wave 1 and Wave 2 data. It was expected that, dence.
owing to covariance between the symptom and While this might seem like confirmation of
behavior clusters, these results would not sim- the obvious, most of these signs had never been
ply duplicate those of the segregated analyses empirically tested, and the remainder had been
above. tested in studies with methodological limita-
To examine which marker types were imme- tions. Thus, even the established signs were
diate signs of stress overload, the Wave 1 factor uncertain, with questions about their generaliz-
scores were employed as dependent variables. ability across populations and their specificity
Results showed a significant multivariate effect to pathogenic stress.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

for the SOS, ␭ ⫽ .828, p ⬍ .0001. Univariate The present study addressed previous limita-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

standardized regression coefficients showed this tions, employing a general population sample, a
effect to be due largely to a significant relation- dedicated stress-overload measure, and exhaus-
ship of the SOS to GD, ␤ ⫽ .164, t(165) ⫽ 3.00, tive measures of potential signs. Beyond vali-
p ⫽ .003, of the symptom types and to both M, dating individual signs, this study also identified
␤ ⫽ .255, t(165) ⫽ 4.91, p ⬍ .0001, and CD, clusters of signs and found these clusters to be
␤ ⫽ .232, t(165) ⫽ 3.44, p ⫽ .001, of the differentially related to stress overload. If one is
behavior patterns. looking for somatic symptoms of overload,
To determine which clusters were the best there were indications that the gastrointestinal
delayed indicators of stress overload, Wave 2 cluster was a more consistent marker than either
factor scores were used as dependent variables. respiratory or body complaints. These findings
A marginal multivariate effect was found for the are in accord with a large literature on “func-
SOS predictor, ␭ ⫽ .745, p ⫽ .013. Examina- tional gastrointestinal disorders,” which shows
tion of the standardized regression coefficients constipation, diarrhea, and stomach pains to be
from univariate analyses showed this effect was associated with stress (Chang, Locke, Schleck,
due mainly to a significant association between Zinsmeister, & Talley, 2009; Jansson et al.,
the SOS and subsequent RP symptoms, ␤ ⫽ 2010). If one is looking for behavioral indica-
.488, t(61) ⫽ 2.62, p ⫽ .010, and CD behaviors, tors of overload, cognitive problems proved the
␤ ⫽ .326, t(61) ⫽ 2.65, p ⫽ .010. most consistent cluster, more so than moodiness
Despite expectations, these findings largely or nervous habits. This is also a finding with
replicated earlier ones, with one exception in precedent: Persons diagnosed with stress over-
regard to gastrointestinal symptoms. But the load have been found to report difficulties in
direct comparisons did reveal that behaviors decision making (Lunney, 2006). It may seem
might be generally better indicators of stress counterintuitive that nervous behaviors such as
overload than symptoms. That is, cognitive dis- hair picking were not markers of stress over-
ruptions emerged as the only consistent marker, load. However, a prior study suggests such hab-
and moodiness remained an immediate sign of its may be more indicative of anxiety disorders,
overload. Of the symptoms, gastrointestinal finding that “displacement behaviors” such as
problems were still short-term but no longer lip biting and face touching were positively
consistent indicators. Respiratory symptoms re- related to anxiety and negatively related to
mained a red flag but one that took time to stress (Mohiyeddini & Semple, 2013).
emerge. By comparing somatic to behavioral signs,
the current study suggested some general pat-
terns not mentioned in informational resources
Discussion (e.g., WebMD) but worthy of note. There were
indications that behaviors might be more imme-
Many informational sources describe the diate, and symptoms more delayed signs of
signs of stress, with warnings that these are pathogenic stress, and that behaviors might be
omens of imminent medical or psychiatric prob- better indicators overall. Moreover, owing to its
lems. Current results verify the general accu- longitudinal design, the study revealed that cer-
racy of this information by showing that nearly tain signs have time windows, waxing or wan-
all of the indicated signs are indeed significantly ing even over course of a week. It showed the
linked to stress overload—the stress state iden- diagnostic value of respiratory symptoms to re-

quire time to emerge, while that of gastrointes- patients and intervene before the onset of pa-
tinal symptoms and moody behaviors dissipated thology. The importance of recognizing stress
with time. It also identified the most consistent overload would seemingly extend to any orga-
of all the signs: Cognitive problems were the nization— educational, governmental, indus-
only ones to remain significantly associated trial, and medical—invested in preserving the
with stress overload across time and across health of its members and clients. However,
analyses. The fact that the symptom and behav- Lunney (2006) conceded that “further studies
ior measures constructed for this study proved are needed to validate the defining characteris-
reliable lends credence to such time-related ef- tics . . . of this diagnosis” (p. 165). The present
fects by indicating they were likely not products study represents one step in the many that will
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

of measurement error. However, there were be needed to attain this goal. By identifying the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

other limitations to be considered before draw- types of signs most likely to be markers of stress
ing firm conclusions from these findings. overload and suggesting their most likely time
windows, it hopefully steers future studies in
Limitations and Recommendations directions most likely to be fruitful. With addi-
tional evidence from such studies, it may one
The present study may not have been entirely day be possible to predict stress-related pathol-
successful in its attempts to overcome the con- ogy quickly and easily, without the use of for-
straints of past research. First, although the mal, cumbersome, often invasive and expensive
present sample reflected the demographic diver- tests.
sity of the region, it did not perfectly mirror the
general population. In addition, participants
self-selected into the study and could well have
differed from those who stayed home or de-
clined participation. Future research might em- Allgöwer, A., Wardle, J., & Steptoe, A. (2001). De-
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