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Escape Harassment from Government or Legal Fraudsters within 72 Hours - Strategy #1

Quick Reply to any offer is everything to shut it down - never hide because they will try
backdoor methods like publishing in a newspaper or mail to bad address, then claim it was
sent, then arrest you on a warrant. It is better to reply with something.
To avoid “Service of Process”, “Notice”, and “Acceptance”. May apply to tax issues, or any bill
matter (a ticket, a bill, a summons, indictment offer, a warrant, etc – anything is an offer).
Regardless of how served, delivered, mailed, or left at home or office, etc:
1. IMMEDIATELY make copies and place all original papers/ documents and envelope to
be returned into a NEW envelope.
2. IMMEDIATELY address a NEW envelope with document sender's address on it, also
use their address as the “return address”. DO NOT use your name or address on this
NEW envelope.
3. DO NOT use ANY headings, date, or signature on your “neutral response”.
Just handwrite or type it on plain paper and retain a “certified” copy of everything;
a certified copy helps you retain evidence/proof capability later.
4. Even if you are involved in an ongoing matter, each mailing they send you is a NEW
offer, so keep that I mind. Expect them to try and to test you up to 3 times.

The object here is to immediately return the unwanted presentment or “offer” in pristine
condition, in the most NEUTRAL and non-committal manner possible.
DO NOT rebut or argue the issue at this point, or address anything in their documents. To
do so is, to do “something that is beneficial to one party or detrimental to another party”. In other
words, you are making “an appearance” and meeting that qualification, by not adding to their
You simply return the unwanted presentments. The only way to avoid THEIR criminal
fraud game is NOT TO PLAY. Do it within 72 hours or receipt. OR if later than 72 hours,
you might try to add the words “Nunc pro tunc to ______ 2015 (back to the date of receipt). It
is not as effective but might work in some cases.
You are effectively presenting this document as a misdirected posting being “returned to
sender” (even if delivered as a summons by mistake). Send in a new envelope using DELIVERY
CONFIRMATION, as proof that you did NOT retain it or “accept by retaining” it. When you
delay refusing and returning it becomes an agreement for you to accept accepting… they count
on this mistake all the time.
ALSO IMMEDIATELY send “courtesy copy”, with a copy of postal delivery confirmation
stub, in neutral and anonymous way, to the Court Clerk (if it was actually sent from a
government agency or debt collector), if applicable such as a summons, warrant, ticket,
indictment, etc – if the court is NOT where it is actually from. Send with online DELIVERY
CONFIRMATION method (not a return card or you give them information), so the court will be
aware that that party in question does NOT have the proper “service of process”.
No service (delivery to you) = no due process for you, you win! If in doubt, copy all parties
Again - MAIL IT, with delivery confirmation back to where it came from. If from a court
DO NOT go to court in person, and do NOT put YOUR return address on the mailing. Just
track it online for your records!
The Result? No Agreement or Contract for “you” to “appear” has been established. This is
all about offer and acceptance of a trust, so don’t get caught up in an acceptance trick, by
not acting, hiding, or giving up your identification in the return response.
The following is the “Neutral Response” wording to write when sending back. Send using
DELIVERY CONFIRMATION #or CERTIFIED MAIL with the sender address in both sender
and destination boxes. Do NOT use green return postcard at post office. Just obtain a
confirmation online and keep it in the file. Remember the return address will be the same as the
address ending to.
Place this statement “3rd Party Affidavit of Mailing” as a letter you insert AND on hand write
it on the outside of your return envelope like this (perhaps on the back of the envelope):

3rd Party Affidavit of Mailing

“These enclosed documents were inadvertently received and opened by mistake.
These enclosed documents, which appear to be (insert name of document) are not
understandable, acknowledgeable, or recognizable under the penalty of False
Personation, MUST be returned.”
“The enclosure herein contains the aforementioned and misdirected documents; as
there is not enough information or knowledge disclosed to form a responsive
answer, said documents are being returned forthwith.” (use no signature)
NOTES - If it’s been longer than 72 hours since receipt of their offer, possibly add
“Nunc pro tunc to ___________ 2018” = the date you received it.

If they don’t rebut that, they accepted it. Use no signatures or identifying information.
There may be additional steps as the matter progresses, but essentially you repeat this each time
until you have better remedies in place long term.
Why does this work? Common Q&A
This is all about "Due Process" which requires all 3 of these jurisdictional events need to
occur, or it becomes a NON issue…they:
1. Must serve and prove "WRITTEN NOTICE" upon you, AND
2. Must Serve 'Proper SERVICE of PROCESS' upon you, AND
3. Must obtain "Acceptance" for 'Contract' (jurisdiction) to attach.

The purpose of this system is to DEPRIVE them of all 3 of those.

If they lack one you can win if you have to counter sue them for 3 due process failings on the
record. Keep in mind however, they may re-test this a few times. Simply repeat the process.
They have nothing until YOU accept to offer.

What is this process based on?

Answer: In the definition of “Contract” it requires essentially Offer, Acceptance (of an offer), &
Consideration-of-Value to be a contract. It is at the time you accept that offer that it goes into
effect at Law. At that time the “Offeror” can NO LONGER withdraw the Offer. THEN and only
then are BOTH parties are IMMEDIATELY BOUND and HELD to Specific Performance of the
Newly arisen “Contract”. (By the 'Acceptance'). SO DON’T DO THAT!
When a summons, warrant, ticket, a bills, etc is presented to you. We teach you to Avoid the
"Voluntary Acceptance Trap" ! This is the key. No contract = No Authority to proceed. This
works every time if you follow through a when needed. They may test you, but stay on this issue
to win. Be persistent.
What is the (legal) definition of “Acceptance”?
Answer; definition of Acceptance is the "Intent to Retain". (C.J.S./'Corpus Juris Secundum')
Law Encyclopedia (Secundom = Second Edition, in Latin). So if you delay what you do when
something is presented to you, you accept by your silence. So acting quick is powerful
3. What is the (legal) definition of “Appearance” (aren’t they asking someone to appear)?'
Answer: definition of “Appearance” is if one does ANYTHING beneficial to one party or
detrimental to another party, they “Traverse”, and have made appearance into the case, as are
now a party to the case (CJS). If it is not "Neutral" you HAVE MADE APPEARANCE and you
therefore created a “controversy” for the enemy to presume you are playing in. You just fell for
the "Appearance Trap").
4. How does the IRS coerce us (Trick us) into being "Subjected" to their private U.S.
CORPORATION (District of Columbia) Rules & Regulations and presume a legal-
Answer: "Income Tax" (IRS) is collected by "Voluntary Compliance". They use Basic Contract
Law. Once One volunteers into a being a Regulated Enterprise, one must comply with the
regulations of that enterprise. That’s all.
By implementing "Strategy #1" One "UN-Volunteers" (Discontinues Volunteering), and
TERMINATES the (presumption of) contract. The simple procedure must be repeated EACH
and EVERY time an Offer is Presented, ALWAYS and FOREVER, otherwise a NEW contract
arises when you respond incorrectly; you actually Re-Contract', and fall into the “Acceptance
Trap” again. It is always about a contract, nothing more.
Who actually "is" (Lawfully) Required to File with IRS?
Answer: If you enjoy a 'Government Job' (a 'Privilege', not a 'Right'), or some other government-
granted Benefit, Privilege, License, Title-of-Nobility, (such as Voter of, Taxpayer of, citizen of,
resident of, address in a zip code / federal district, member of, resident, agent of, etc.), or accept
and opportunity offered from government…We cannot help you as one "may actually owe the
(Excise) “Tax”. This is in RETURN" for enjoying that privilege or benefit being enjoyed. (See
"INTERNATIONAL SHOE Co. vs. STATE OF WASHINGTON"). Which is not to say you
cannot use the techniques to avoid accepting new offers generically! The it is not about taxes,
but the activity that qualified and where you are.
How do Courts get jurisdiction over us?
Answer: In order to have jurisdiction (to adjudicate) a Case (controversy) or controversy, it
requires a Contract, over-which there exists a dispute or disagreement (even if a so called
criminal matter). When there is No Acceptance there is No Contract (and therefore or No
“controversy” over a matter exists.
No Controversy = NO jurisdiction by the court = NO Case/Action can be docketed
(commenced). See Constitution. ARTICLE III, Section 2)
Is what they are doing 'Constitutional' ?
Answer: Even the Declaration of Independence says, "government derives their just powers from
the “Consent of the governed". So "DON'T CONSENT"! – over an over again (see Declaration
of Independence paragraph 2). This is what they are talking about.
Why must a "courtesy copy" be sent to the court clerk?
Answer: Purpose of the Escape strategies is to deprive (the ENEMY) of all 3 'Due Process'
Requirements. If missing any one of these, let alone all 3, they can NOT PROCEED. If they
cannot "Docket" a Case against you, it all goes nowhere. The Court Clerk does not know that
you have successfully escaped their deception, coercion and trickery, and Clerk will continue-on
under 'Presumption', until they Receive (Neutral) NOTICE from (anonymous you), that they
have been Deprived of "Acceptance" of the Offer. Subsequently they (per "Due Process"
Requirements) cannot proceed with their little game. Clerk won't know this, until they receive
(Neutral/ anonymous) NOTICE copies as Evidence/Proof (anonymously and neutrally sent from
you). One can 'Omit' this CLERK step with an IRS notice, since no clerk involved; just send it
back to the sender.
What are the 3 Preliminary Elements of Primary “Jurisdiction” necessary for Contract
Establishment and Enforcement?
1. Person
2. Place (Venue)/location/geography
3. Thing ("subject matter"/contract of Insurance). 'Social Security' is FICA (Federal Insurance
Contributions Act, 'F.I.C.A.'). Also known as Subject Matter OVER the thing (must be valid law
and matter).
FIRST ELEMENT OF JURISDICTION is “Person”. Today, NO ONE is in Jail, having been
accused of violating a "Law". EVERYONE in Jail is there having been accused of violating a
Contract-Penalty-Clause CODE Title number, or Contract-Penalty-Clause CODE Section
number, NOT any 'LAW'.

So, activate "Strategy #1" and avoid the "Acceptance Trap". If there "Is No" Contract, then
NO Contract-Penalty-Clause CODE Title or Section numbers can attach (to you). In this case
NO "In Personam" (personal) jurisdiction CAN possibly exist. Remember the terms "people"
(All lower-case letter name, No number, GOD-created), are NOT "PERSONS"
(Legislature/Congress-created with ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAMES who have Government
I.D. Numbers). People are "Actual" living beings, as opposed to PERSONs are "Virtual"
(FICTION) entities.
SECOND ELEMENT OF JURSIDICTION; “Place” (Venue). Keep in mind a live actual
natural private man or woman are 'people' who do NOT live WITHIN the four (4) FICTION
Corporation-Government "THIS STATE" Zones. Which are;
1. Government FICTION ("THIS STATE") Zone D.C. (Guam, Puerto Rico, Marianas Islands,
American Samoa, Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-yards, Territories, Possessions and Zones).
2. FICTION Government CORPORATION "STATE OF ___(Name_One)___"
3. Government "THIS STATE" FICTION 2 CAPITAL LETTER Abbreviations (Zones).
4. Government "THIS STATE" FICTION 5 using a Z.I.P. ("Zone Improvement Program")
numbered FICTION Zone.
What if I am handed a warrant or arrested or in a jury situation. You also have the
opportunity to PAY IT with a signature (yes really – effective with a Promissory Note).
Get a hold of the papers, if served to you such as a warrant, civil summons, etc and write this on
the BACK (hopefully in blue or red ink), if a civil matter VS criminal you can write across the
FRONT as well :
On the front: Accepted as Grantee
On the back write
Returned as Grantor.
“Pay to the Order of US Treasury”
Autograph (unqualified) – just the usual signature
And possibly optionally add on the back:
“Tendered for Full Satisfaction and Accord” and sign it.
Then tell them firmly to take this to their supervisor and accounting department for settlement of
the matter. Then hold that position that this is settled, isn’t it? Yes, that gives them the ability to
pay and settle the matter in the court accounting.
EVERYTHING in those courts is accounting – EVERYTHING.

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