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== VERSION 4.1 ==

Version 4.1.2 (19-5-2008)

- added error message when save to file fails if file or folder is read-only
- fixed issue with keyboard shortcuts after selection of a layer
- polygon and wire editing: double-click now inserts a new node, Delete-key removes
selected nodes
- polygon and wire properties dialogs: popup menu added to copy/paste nodes to/from
- improved drawing of first segment while drawing new polygon
- added support for multiple measurements through command 'Insert measurement'
- double-click on a measurement invokes the cross-section viewer

Version 4.1.1 (23-2-2008)

- PRO version: added Lua scripting
- DXF import: fixed issue with line width

Version 4.1.0 (4-2-2008)

- complete update of polygon operations due to continuing problems
- polygon functions are now in a separate dll: clebool.dll
- long time-consuming polygon operations are handled more efficiently with up to 5
times improvement in speed
- added Window|Appearance... command to choose between various user interface
- added toolbar "layer settings" with layer specific commands in the layer panel
- wire properties dialog: added option to make current settings the default for new
- added toolbar buttons for the polygon operations
- bug fix in C scripts: box function could appear at wrong position

== VERSION 4.0 ==

Version 4.0.3 (21-8-2007)

- bug fix: memory buffer issue in Matlab scripts, new Matlab interface dll's

Version 4.0.2 (11-8-2007)

- added option to use independent grid for horizontal and vertical direction
- added option for variable aspect ratio in layout windows

Version 4.0.1 (8-5-2007)

- fixed issue when double-clicking cif and gds files in windows explorer
- added full support for windows XP themes
- CIF output: option 'Do not use CleWin extensions' now automatically converts
wires with flat or extended end styles
in order to be compatible with standard CIF
- added bitmap (BMP) format in Export layer command
- small changes to user interface; added bitmaps to some menu commands
- fixed issue in polygon operations (merge, xor, etc.) that could under specific
conditions result in wrong results
- fixed issue with toolbars appearing at non-standard positions when CleWin is
started for the first time
- fixed issue with disappearing 'measure' button in the mode-bar

Version 4.0.0 (15-1-2007)

- new user interface with 'slide-in' layer panel to maximize work area
- radial duplicate
- pro version: MatLab and MaskEngineer scripting
- several small bug fixes and optimizations
- updated help file and manual

== VERSION 3.2 ==

Version 3.2.2 (13-10-2006)

- bug fix: negative row and column spacings in symbol arrays are now correctly
- bug fix: symbols inside arrays were sometimes not shown on the screen
- GDS-II files without a LIBNAME record at the beginning of the file are now also
- Postscript output: wires are drawn as wires instead of being converted into
- Added quick selection buttons for origin in "New symbol" dialog
- DXF import: bug fix that could cause bulge factor to be ignored
- TAP export: decreased smallest tool diameter to 0.1 mm

Version 3.2.1 (5-6-2006)

- implemented symbol arrays. Arrays of symbol instances can now be generated using
the Duplicate command and
and checking the option "Create symbol array"
- fixed a memory allocation bug that became apparent after the optimization of
memory allocation in version 3.2.0
- added medium/high accuracy option to area calculator and fixed bug that could
result in erroneous values
for polygons containing more than 16000 nodes
- improved the accuracy of the text "Height" setting. This value now corresponds to
the height of a capital 'E'
- added option "Round corners" in grow/shrink dialog
- ',' is now accepted instead of '.'
- DXF import: CleWin now tries to extract a valid layer index from the layer names
- bug fix: reading and writing text and script objects containing unbalanced
- bug fix: leave original of nested groups did not copy all objects
- bug fix: undo of an "ungroup" operation did not work
- renamed "Uncombine / ungroup" command to "Break apart". The command can now also
be applied to array and script objects
- CIF and GDS-II export: wires containing more than 200 nodes are no longer
automatically split into smaller ones
- GDS-II import and export: a warning message is shown when symbol names contain
more than 32 characters

Version 3.2.0 (2-4-2006)

- implemented C-like scripting language and new "Script" mode. Requires
clescrpt.dll to be in the
same folder as CleWin3.exe
- improved "Use default short names" option in the "Layer properties" dialog. When
selected the
default short name ("L"+index) is used for all layers.
- DXF import: bulge factor for equal start/end points in a LWPOLYLINE could result
in an error message
causing the LWPOLYLINE to be ignored completely. Now only the bulge factor is
- '(' and ')' characters are not allowed in layer and symbol names.
- added '+' as shortcut for "Leave original" during dragging of an object
- added Ctrl-L and Ctrl-K shortcuts for "Combine into symbol" and "Uncombine"
- GDS-II export: number of segments for "converting rings into wires" was also used
for converting
circles into polygons
- GDS-II export: a scaling factor of 0 for symbol instances resulted in endless
- added calculation of surface area in polygon properties dialog
- integrated the areacalculator utility in CleWin (Layout|Special|Area
calculator... Ctrl+A)
- optimized memory allocation for faster reading of CIF and GDS-II files and
handling of larger files
- improved check on creating loops in nested symbols
- updated help file

== VERSION 3.1 ==

Version 3.1.12 (3-1-2006)

- slightly changed layout of cross-section dialog to improve appearance at some
screen resolutions
- Mann export: added some more options to make the output adjustable for different
pattern generators
also added the *.dwm extension for Mann files.
- implemented copying cross sections to the FlowDesigner process simulator
- added "Clear field"/"Dark field" option in the "Layer properties" dialog. This
option is currently
only used for the cross section viewer: if "Dark field" is selected the output is

Version 3.1.11 (30-11-2005)

- bug fix: grey text indicating mask dimensions gave wrong info for custom mask
- improved error handling when entering invalid numbers
- made cross-section dialog resizeable
- implemented copying cross section to the windows clipboard
- layers containing objects cannot be removed
- updated help file

Version 3.1.10 (14-11-2005)

- Implemented cross-section viewing in Measure-mode (right mouse button + 'View
cross section' after
completing a measurement)

Version 3.1.9 (4-9-2005)

- Zoom mode: right mouse button can be used for panning (single click = zoom out,
click + move = pan),
left mouse button can be used for panning by pressing Ctrl.
- fixed potential memory leak in drawing of wires
- Gerber export: added support for flat and extended wire end-styles
- added option "Tolerance for connecting wires" in Layout|Preferences
- GDS-II export: polygons with less than 3 nodes and wires with less than 2 nodes
are ignored
- added shortcuts: Escape key to deselect all objects, 'I' and '+' for zoom-in, 'O'
and '-' for zoom-out,
page up/down for open/close symbol
- Added command "Convert into wire" to convert an arc-wire or ring into a wire

Version 3.1.8 (30-8-2005)

- fixed the boolean library (merge, xor, subtract operations)
- fixed memory leak in measure mode that could eventually result in instability of
the application
- added calculation of total wire length in wire properties dialog to simplify
calculation of resistance
- added "expand", "collapse", "expand all", and "collapse all" commands to treeview
- updated polygon boolean operations
- DXF import: fixed extrusion direction in SOLID, CIRCLE and ELLIPSE objects

Version 3.1.7 (19-7-2005)

- bug fix: pressing Esc/Cancel in Wire/Poygon properties dialog while editing could
give exception error
- added command "Remove guidelines" in ruler popup menu
- bug fix: minor version number did not always show up in About box.
- bug fix: pressing Ctrl-Z (Undo) while simultaneously dragging a node in the Edit
nodes mode could
disable further drawing to the layout window.

Version 3.1.6 (27-6-2005)

- optimized reading files with lots of identical symbol instances
- added option in "preferences" dialog: round output of polygon operations
to user-defined resolution :
* The output of the polygon operations (merge, xor, subtract, convert into
polygons, etc.)
is snapped to a user defineable grid.
* It will only work for these commands, not during a save operation to gds-II,
and not during some other automatic conversions (for example when a circle is
stretched into an ellipse).
- bug fix: option automatically split large polygons could give wrong results when
inserting text while
having the max. number of nodes set to a very small value
- guideline information is now stored in CIF files
- option "Show layer indices" added in layer panel popup menu

Version 3.1.5 (13-6-2005)

- bug fix: copy&paste of groups and text objects between different layouts
resulted in the objects being duplicated
- fixed "File does not exist" error when a filename is passed between brackets
- Pop-up menu for the "Text properties" popup, and also the "wire properties" popup

are (still) accessible via the layout Viewer window, after selecting their icon.

Version 3.1.4 (18-5-2005)

- added optional dashed blue outline for groups
- scaled symbol instances now have a solid outline to distinguish them from
normal symbol instances
- object nodes are correctly calculated when switching into Edit nodes mode
- improved clicking again at same position to select next object
- fixed bug in layer panel resulting in wrong layer colors when having more than 15
- updated help file

Version 3.1.3 (25-4-2005)

- hierarchical postscript output
- encapsulated postscript output
- added View|Show rulers option
- About box also shows minor version number, i.e. 3.1.3 instead of 3.1
- when reading CIF created by LinkCAD the layer index is extracted from the
layer shortname
- reduced print resolution for faster printing

Version 3.1.2 (22-3-2005)

- polygon and wire properties: selected node is automatically selected in dialog
- drag&drop from library panel: coordinates are shown for accurate positioning
- list of open windows is attached to Window menu again

Version 3.1.1 (14-3-2005)

- rename of layers in layerpanel
- added check for unique layer name
- rename of symbols: added check for unique symbol name
- double-click in file manager works again
- zoom-in: implemented max. zoomin level for mouse-wheel
- position of main window is stored in registry
- bug fix: library panel should be read-only

Version 3.1.0 (8-3-2005)

- new style layer panel
- new toolbar handling
- import gds-II: polygons are no more converted into rotated rectangles
- save CIF: if "export single layer" groups are eliminated
- read CIF: groups cannot extend beyond a symbol definition
- added 8 and 12 inch wafer and 9 inch mask
- shortcuts to switch between modes are working again
- initialization of grid when grid hidden

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