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2/13/2019 SAML2 vs JWT: Understanding OAuth2 – Robert Broeckelmann – Medium

SAML2 vs JWT: Understanding

Robert Broeckelmann
Jan 23, 2017 · 16 min read

This blog post continues the SAML2 vs JWT series. In the last post, we
discussed JSON Web Tokens. Now, we are going to move on to OAuth2
and OpenID Connect, which provides some structure and protocol
around the use of JWT. These protocols are used, along with JWT, to
build the JWT use cases this series covers. We will start with OAuth2.
We got a glimpse of OAuth2 calls in the Apigee and Azure Active
Directory Integration — A JWT Story post. There we saw examples of
the Authorization Code Grant and the Resource Owner Password
Credentials Grant in practice. This post will look at those grants and the
others in more detail.

What is OAuth 2.0?

The OAuth 2.0 speci cation de nes an authorization protocol (a
protocol that is focused on what actors have access to — not who the 1/21
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actor is). This is speci cally geared towards allowing a resource owner
(user, most likely) to grant third-party applications and websites access
to resources (which could be just about anything). Think of use cases
such as a mobile app that can post pictures to Facebook where you
authorize the app access to Facebook once and, from that point onward
you can simply post pictures from the app to Facebook. As an
authorization protocol, the details of how authentications works are
largely unde ned; in fact, in some cases the details of how the
credentials are passed from the Client or User to Identity Provider
aren’t speci cally de ned (that leaves a lot of room for things to get a
little weird or, at least, custom). The OAuth2 spec de nes four actors:
Resource Owner (User, most likely), Client, Authorization Server, and
Resource Server (API, website, etc). Obviously the User, Client and the
Resource Server should trust the Authorization Server.

Resource Owner: any entity that is capable of granting access to a

Resource; this could be a person (referred to as the end-user in the
spec) or a variety of other things — this is essentially the Principal
(thing that can be authenticated) from our earlier discussions.

Client: application that wants access to the Resource; this could be a

Mobile App, Single Page Application (SPA), traditional server-side Web
Application component, desktop application or a couple of other

Authorization Server: the Identity Provider (this should be a familiar

concept at this point) — if not, start at the beginning.

Resource Server: contains the Resource that the Client wants to access
(again, an API, web server, etc).

OAuth 2.0 is composed of the following speci cations (from here):

OAuth 2.0 Core

• OAuth 2.0 Framework — RFC 6749

• Bearer Token Usage — RFC 6750

• Threat Model and Security Considerations — RFC 6819

OAuth 2.0 Extensions 2/21
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• JSON Web Token — RFC 7519

• OAuth Assertions Framework — RFC 7521

• SAML2 Bearer Assertion — RFC 7522, for integrating with existing

identity systems

• JWT Bearer Assertion — RFC 7523, for integrating with existing

identity systems

There is also an OAuth2 Token Exchange spec that is of particular

interest — we will revisit this spec during a future delegation and
impersonation post.

The Authorization Grants

Authorization Grants are the protocol mechanism the OAuth2 and
extension specs de ne for the actors listed above to interact with one
another. This section describes each one.

Authorization Code Grant (Section 4.1 of the OAuth2 Spec): This is

the big one most people think of that involves end-users and
authorizing third-party applications to access that end-user’s resources
without exposing the end-user’s credentials to the third-party
application. This is generally referred to as three-legged OAuth.
Although, there is no backwards compatibility between OAuth 1.0 and
OAuth2, three-legged OAuth is the theme that ties the two together.
The three “legs” refer to (1) the Resource Owner (User), (2) the Client,
and (3) the Resource Server. This is an example of an interactive login
— meaning that there must be an end user that can move through the
login work ow (authentication steps).

The end user initiates the ow by clicking on a login link, button, or

similar action. The application redirects the User Agent to the IdP
(authorization endpoint) — step (A) in the diagram below. The IdP
redirects the user to the authentication work ow (most likely a series
of screens) that is not de ned in the scope of the spec — step (B). If
authentication of the end-user is successful and the user grants access
to the requested resource, the IdP returns an Authorization Code and
redirects the user to the Client application — step (C). The Client then
exchanges this Authorization Code for an access token — steps (D) &
(E). From there, the access token can be used to access the desired 3/21
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Resource(s) on the Resource Server — step (F). If the access token is

being used for repeated API access that doesn’t have any other type of
session management (like a session cookie), then it can be used until it
expires (this assumes no one-time use or similar policy on the token).
When the access token expires, a refresh token (which would be cached
on the Client) can be used to obtain a new access token. This grant is
geared towards con dential clients (server-side application
components or something else that can protect the client secret);
although, it can be used with public clients such as SPA Web Apps or
Mobile Apps. The following illustration adapted from the OAuth2 spec
shows this grant.

The Authorization Code Grant consists of the following calls (these

examples came from the OAuth2 spec):

GET /oauth2/authorize?
Host: 4/21
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Outside of the OAuth2 spec, the authorization endpoint will redirect

the user to some form of login work ow. This could be on the same
identity provider (Authorization Server) or could be a di erent one
that has a federation relationship with this Authorization Server. That
federation relationship between our Authorization Server and the
third-party IdP could be based upon SAML Browser Pro le (SAML-P),
OpenID Connect, WS-Federation, or other protocols.

Eventually, the user agent will be passed an authorization code. That

authorization code will be passed to the Client via a browser redirect to
the redirect_uri endpoint. This response from the authorization
endpoint will look something like (again, example call from the spec):

HTTP/1.1 302 Found


The Client, will use the authorization code in the following call to the
token endpoint (once more, example from the spec)

POST /token HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The response from the token endpoint will look something like
(example from the spec):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache

"token_type":"bearer", 5/21
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An interesting note on how this scenario can di er in practice. If the

Authorization Code Grant is being used by a mobile app (with say AAD
and the ADAL library, which would be a Public Client), then ADAL
library will trigger the last call to the token endpoint and from the
perspective of the Authorization Server, all of this tra c is coming from
the same place (the mobile device). If the grant is being used by a
traditional web application, the nal call to the token endpoint will be
made by the server component (which would be a Con dential Client),
not the user agent (browser). Thus, the authorization endpoint call and
the token endpoint calls will appear to come from di erent places.

The steps described above are outlined in the following sequence

diagram. Special thanks to Karen Larson for assisting with the
sequence diagrams. 6/21
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Implicit Grant (Section 4.2 of the Spec): This grant is very similar to
the Authorization Code Grant except that instead of an Authorization
Code being returned to the Client, the access token is returned directly
to the Client following the end-user authentication (and authorization
to the Resource). This grant exists for scenarios where the Client
cannot keep its credentials secret such as with a SPA Web Application
or Mobile app. There is an overlap in the supported scenarios between
this grant and the Authorization Code Grant — we will look more at
that below. This is also an interactive login.

In steps (D) — (F) things get a bit funky to obtain a web page that
contains a script (probably Javascript) that can be used to parse out the 7/21
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access token. In all likelihood, this script will already be loaded in the
user agent that is running the SPA application or running on behalf of
the mobile application. Refresh tokens are not used with this Grant. We
have this diagram adapted rom the OAuth2 spec:

The call the Client makes to the authorization endpoint will look
something like (example from the spec):

GET /oauth2/authorize?

This will initially result in a redirect to some type of login work ow just
like with the Authorization Code Grant. Upon successful completion of
this authentication step, the response will look something like
(example from the spec):

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

state=xyz&token_type=example&expires_in=3600 8/21
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You’ll notice that the access_token and other details are passed to the
Client in a URI Fragment in an HTTP redirect— not as part of a
response message body or query parameters.

The following sequence diagram describes the Implicit Grant steps that
were described above.

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant (Section 4.3 of the

Spec): This grant involves the Client application asking for the 9/21
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username and password directly from the end-user rather than

directing the user to a login page hosted by the Authorization Server
(or other Identity Provider) like in the rst two Grants — step (A). The
Client then passes the client credentials (client identi er + client secret
in the case of Con dential Client or just client identi er in the case of a
Public Client) and end-user credentials to the Authorization Server —
step (B). If authentication is successful, then an access token will be
returned — a refresh token can also be used — step (C). Finally, the
access token can be used to access the Resource Server — step (D). This
is a non-interactive login, which makes it useful for things like batch
jobs or containers that use a generic or system account for
authenticating against the Identity Provider. From the OAuth2 spec, we
have this diagram:

Compared to the rst two Authorization Grants, this grant is a simple,

single-call to the token endpoint that looks similar to the following
(example from the spec):

POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
password=A3ddj3w 10/21
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The response will look more-or-less like the response from the Token
Endpoint shown in the Authorization Code Grant Section above.

The following sequence diagram further captures the steps described


Client Credentials Grant (Section 4.4 of the Spec): This Grant does
not authenticate an end-user, it just authenticates the Client; similar to
the Resource Owner Password Grant, it is not an interactive login. It
can only be used by a con dential Client. This is what is known as two-
legged OAuth. If validation of the client credentials is successful, then
an access token is returned that represents the Client. This is a simple,
yet e ective, way of managing the authentication step when the 11/21
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authorization decision only depends upon the calling application and

not the end user. The following diagram was adapted from the OAuth2

The request for a client credentials grant call to the token endpoint will
look like (example from the spec):

POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The response will also look like the response from the Authorization
Code Grant above, but in this case the access_token describes the Client
(an application) rather than the end user.

The following sequence diagram captures the steps described above. 12/21
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Refresh Tokens (Section 1.5 of the spec):The OAuth2 Core spec also
describes how to obtain a new access token as part of the same
authenticated session with the IdP using the refresh token when the
original has expired (for Authorization Grants that support Refresh
Tokens). The refresh token can be given to the token endpoint to obtain
the new access token (as described here).

OAuth2 Extension Grants

The OAuth2 Core Spec de nes a mechanism for de ning Extension
(additional) Grants that can be used within the OAuth2 Framework.
The Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and
Authorization Grant speci cation builds on this to provide “a
framework for the use of assertions with OAuth 2.0 in the form of a
new client authentication mechanism and a new authorization grant
type. Mechanisms are speci ed for transporting assertions during
interactions with a token endpoint; general processing rules are also
speci ed.” The Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 provides a
“common framework for OAuth 2.0 to interwork with other identity
systems using assertions and to provide alternative client
authentication mechanisms.” The use of the word Assertions here
basically means Bearer Tokens (JWT, SAML v2.0 Bearer Tokens, etc). At
the time of this writing, Azure Active Directory supports the JWT
Pro le for Authorization Grants for On-Behalf-Of functionality similar
to that described in the OAuth2 Token Exchange spec using JWTs that
were issued by AAD. Azure Active Directory also supports the SAML 2.0
Bearer Assertion Pro le for Authorization Grants for On-Behalf-Of 13/21
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functionality similar to that described in the OAuth2 Token Exchange

Spec, but with SAML2 it can take input tokens that are issued by remote
Identity Providers — this is what was used in the “API Management and
Security for COTS Applications” blog post.

SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Pro les (Security Assertion Markup

Language (SAML) 2.0 Pro le for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication
and Authorization Grants spec): This speci cation de nes how to use
SAML2 Bearer Tokens as the authentication mechanism for requesting
an OAuth2 access token or for client authentication. When being used
for requesting an access token, the SAML Assertion most likely
describes an end user that was authenticated with another Identity
Provider that supports SAML2 Bearer Tokens. This represents yet
another use of SAML 2.0, but we didn’t explore it in the rst part of this
series. The OAuth2 call to the token endpoint for the Authorization
Grant would look something like (example from the spec):

POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
assertion=PHNhbWxwOl…[omitted for brevity]…ZT4&
client_id =blahblah1234&

From a practical standpoint, every IdP I am familiar with would require

the client_id parameter. Most IdPs would likely require a Con dential
Client that would have a client secret that would also be included in
this request (not shown). The resource parameter would be needed to
tell the IdP what audience should be used with the resulting access
token (which would be a JWT for our purposes). The scope parameter
can also be used to request a speci c audience. The way that resource
and audience are used in these request will most likely be IdP-
implementation dependent.

If you will recall from our earlier API Management and Perimeter
Security for COTS Applications, we had the system depicted in the next
diagram depicting an out-of-the-box mobile application and backend
API with a custom perimeter security layer added to meet the needs of
a large enterprise organization. 14/21
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Another thing to remember when using Azure Active Directory in this

scenario is that the token presented to AAD should have its audience set
to the AAD itself. AAD will reject a token that is presented to it that has
a di erent audience, even if the token is a valid one.

If we add a little bit of technical detail to this same picture, we get the
following diagram. Notice the API Gateway box makes a WS-Trust call
to the Active Directory Federation Server box. The resulting SAML2
Bearer Token (with the audience set to the Azure AD value) is then
placed into an OAuth2 call to the Azure Active Directory endpoint that
looks more-or-less the same as the example call given above. Note, that
the Azure AD trusts the ADFS server in this scenario.

JWT Pro le for Authorization Grants (JSON Web Token (JWT)

Pro le for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization
Grants spec): This spec de nes how to use JWT tokens as the
authentication mechanism for requesting an OAuth2 access token or 15/21
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for client authentication. When being used for requesting an access

token, the JWT most likely describes an end user that was
authenticated with another Identity Provider (that supports JWT) —
this should sound very familiar to the description of using SAML 2.0
above. The call to the token endpoint will look something like (from the

POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
eyJpc3Mi[…omitted for brevity…].
J9l-ZhwP[…omitted for brevity…]&

The discussion about resource, client_id, and scope parameters listed

above apply here as well.

Token Exchange Grant (OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange spec): This

speci cation de nes 16/21
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• how to request and obtain Security Tokens from an OAuth2

Authorization Server

• how one party can act on behalf of another party or enabling one
party to delegate authority to another party

This type of functionality is inspired by the WS-Trust speci cations Act-

As (impersonation) and On-Behalf-Of (delegation) functionality. This
spec can work with assertions, bearer tokens, such as JWT or SAML2
Bearer Tokens. This spec references the OAuth2 Assertion Framework,
but does get a bit creative. If you haven’t been in an environment where
delegation and impersonation concepts from the WS-Trust spec have
been used, the ideas will likely seem a bit abstract — delegation and
impersonation will be the subject of a future post. For completeness, an
example of an On-Behalf-Of call is given below.

The request to the token endpoint would look similar to (example from
the spec):

POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



For comparison, this is what the OAuth2 On-Behalf-Of call for Azure
Active Directory looks like:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 1000 17/21
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bearer& assertion=AbEf[…Omitted for brevity…]KdP3&

There are some notable di erences between these two requests. It

appears that Microsoft decided to implement the concept of delegation
directly on top of the JWT Pro le for Authorization Grants described in
the last section together with an advanced delegation model based
upon the Client application de nitions (within AAD).

Message Authentication Code (MAC) Tokens (OAuth 2.0 Message

Authentication Code (MAC) Tokens spec): This one does not use the
OAuth2 Assertion Framework. This is an extension of the Authorization
Code Grant that allows a MAC to be used. It “describes how to use MAC
Tokens in HTTP requests to access OAuth 2.0 protected resources. An
OAuth client willing to access a protected resource needs to
demonstrate possession of a cryptographic key by using it with a keyed
message digest function to the request.” This RFC is still in draft and
there are no plans to go forward with it — we’re not going to explore it

What Does the Access Token Mean?

Regardless of how the access token is obtained (which Authorizaton
Grant), what the token represents is the same: the permission granted
by the user for an application to access a resource on the resource
server (which presumably is owned by the user).

JWT as the OAuth2 Access Token

Note, I jump ahead to OpenID Connect brie y in this section. We will be
covering that topic next.

It is important to call out that neither the OAuth2 spec family nor the
OpenID Connect spec family explicitly requires that the OAuth2 access
token be a JWT. Both specs are intentionally vague about what an
access_token should be (opaque token, bearer token, custom token,
etc). For the purposes of what I am trying to achieve in this series of 18/21
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posts, there is an assumption that the OAuth2 access token is a JWT.

This brings us into the closest possible alignment with how SAML2 is
used with SOAP Web Services, SSO and other use cases. Now, all
discussion regarding the use of bearer tokens in the Web Application
Security vs API Security Series applies here. As with anything in the
application security realm, there are trade o s.

An alternative implementation that is hinted at in the OpenID Connect

speci cation is that the OAuth2 access token is an opaque token that
can be passed to downstream actors (APIs, other Resource Servers, etc)
and then exchanged for the user’s information in the form of a JWT
from the UserInfo Endpoint. Use of this mechanism vs using the JWT as
the access token is the same di erence as passing the JWT (user
information) by value versus passing the JWT by reference. This is
analogous to using the SAML2 SAML Artifact Pro le. Passing around
references that must be resolved at run-time and potentially cached
have their own intricacies that must be weighed — the same is true of
SAML2’s SAML Artifact.

In using JWT as the OAuth2 access token, one is potentially creating a

situation where sensative information could be exposed to a Client,
User Agent, or end-user. This can be managed, but does require a
certain level of discipline. Another drawback is that OpenID Connect
and OAuth2 specs set out to separate the concepts of refresh tokens,
User Information Claim Sets, and access tokens — by doing this we are
undoing those last two design goals.

In the Azure Active Directory (AAD) OpenID Connect implementation,

the default con guration of the id_token is a JWT with no digital
signature (algorithm set to None) and the access_token is a JWT that is
digitally signed.

It is also possible and perfectly legitimate to use JWT as the OAuth2

access token without OpenID Connect in the picture. In fact, at one
client that I’ve been working with recently, that is exactly what we have
been doing. When using AAD in this way, my observation has been that
the Claim Set in the OAuth2 access token JWT mirrors what would be
found in the OpenID Connect (OIDC) id_token JWT.

That ends our exploration of OAuth2. Leave comments and questions

below. In the next post, we will look at OpenID Connect. 19/21

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