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ALAINA B. JOSE-MILLER, M.D., University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

JENNIFER W. BOYDEN, M.D., and KEITH A. FREY, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona

Infertility is defined as failure to achieve pregnancy during one year of frequent, unprotected intercourse. Evaluation
generally begins after 12 months, but it can be initiated earlier if infertility is suspected based on history or if the female
partner is older than 35 years. Major causes of infertility include male factors, ovarian dysfunction, tubal disease,
endometriosis, and uterine or cervical factors. A careful history and physical examination of each partner can suggest
a single or multifactorial etiology and can direct further investigation. Ovulation can be documented with a home uri-
nary luteinizing hormone kit. Hysterosalpingography and pelvic ultrasonography can be used to screen for uterine and
fallopian tube disease. Hysteroscopy and/or laparoscopy can be used if no abnormalities are found on initial screening.
Women older than 35 years also may benefit from ovarian reserve testing of follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol
levels on day 3 of the menstrual cycle, the clomiphene citrate challenge test, or pelvic ultrasonography for antral follicle
count to determine treatment options and the likelihood of success. Options for the treatment of male factor infertility
include gonadotropin therapy, intrauterine insemination, or in vitro fertilization. Infertility attributed to ovulatory
dysfunction often can be treated with oral ovulation-inducing agents in a primary care setting. Women with poor ovar-
ian reserve have more success with oocyte donation. In certain cases, tubal disease may be treatable by surgical repair or
by in vitro fertilization. Infertility attributed to endometriosis may be amenable to surgery, induction of ovulation with
intrauterine insemination, or in vitro fertilization. Unexplained infertility may be managed with ovulation induction,
intrauterine insemination, or both. The overall likelihood of successful pregnancy with treatment is nearly 50 percent.
(Am Fam Physician 2007;75:849-56, 857-8. Copyright © 2007 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

Patient information:

nfertility is defined as one year of fre- be considered when historical factors, such
A handout on infertility,
written by the authors of
quent, unprotected intercourse during as previous pelvic inflammatory disease or
this article, is provided on which pregnancy has not occurred. amenorrhea, suggest infertility, although
page 857. According to data from the National physicians should be aware that earlier evalu-
Survey of Family Growth, an estimated ation may lead to unnecessary testing and
10 to 15 percent of couples in the United treatment in some cases.3,4 Evaluation also
States are infertile.1 Many of these couples may be initiated earlier when the female
present first to their primary care physician, partner is older than 35 years, because fertil-
who may initiate evaluation and treatment. ity rates decrease and spontaneous miscar-
Infertility can be attributed to any abnor- riage and chromosomal abnormality rates
mality in the female or male reproductive increase with advancing maternal age.5,6
system. In most cases, the etiology is dis- Partners should be evaluated together and
tributed fairly equally among male factors, separately, because each person may want to
ovarian dysfunction, and tubal factors. A reveal information about which their partner
smaller percentage of cases are attributed
to endometriosis, uterine or cervical fac-
tors, or other causes. In approximately one table 1
fourth of couples, the cause is uncertain and Etiology of Infertility
is referred to as “unexplained infertility”
(Table 1).2 The etiology is multifactorial for Unexplained (28 percent)
some couples. Male factors (24 percent)
Ovarian dysfunction (21 percent)
Tubal factors (14 percent)
In general, an infertility evaluation is initi- Other (13 percent)
ated after 12 months of unprotected inter-
course during which pregnancy has not Information from reference 2.
been achieved.3,4 Earlier investigation may

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Clinical recommendation rating References

Men with low-volume ejaculate may benefit from postejaculatory urinalysis and transrectal C 4
ultrasonography to rule out retrograde ejaculation and ejaculatory duct obstruction.
Transvaginal ultrasonography can be used to obtain an antral follicle count and predict ovarian C 5, 19
response to gonadotropin stimulation.
Postcoital testing has not been shown to improve pregnancy outcome. B 21
Varicocele repair has not been shown to increase the likelihood of conception. A 26, 27
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling for ovulation induction may be beneficial in women with polycystic A 29, 32
ovary syndrome who have not responded to other therapies.
To achieve ovulation, clomiphene citrate (Clomid) in an initial dosage of 50 mg per day is C 29
administered starting on day 3 to day 5 of the menstrual cycle and continued for five days.
Women with endometriosis may benefit from laparoscopic ablation, laparotomy, or ovulation A 35-38
induction with or without intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization.
Women with unexplained infertility may benefit from intrauterine insemination, clomiphene citrate A 39, 40
therapy, or intrauterine insemination with either clomiphene citrate or gonadotropin therapy.

A = consistent, good quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-
oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For more information about the SORT evidence rating system, see page 789 or

is unaware, such as previous pregnancy or prognosis and may help in determining

sexually transmitted disease.7 etiology.2,7

evaluation of the couple evaluation of the male partner

Important topics to address include the fre- Any condition that results in impaired
quency and timing of intercourse, and the sperm quality, quantity, or both can lead
use of lubricants or other products that may to male factor infertility. Testicular failure
impair fertility.8-10 The duration of infertil- or dysfunction, also referred to as primary
ity and history of previous fertility for the hypogonadism, is the most common iden-
couple and for each partner individually also tifiable cause.11 Less common causes are
need to be addressed, because they affect hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction, also

table 2
Causes of Male Factor Infertility

Unknown (40 to 50 percent) Altered sperm transport (10 to 20 percent)

Primary hypogonadism (30 to 40 percent) Absent vas deferens or obstruction
Androgen insensitivity Epididymal absence or obstruction
Congenital or developmental testicular disorder Erectile dysfunction
(e.g., Klinefelter syndrome) Retrograde ejaculation
Cryptorchidism Secondary hypogonadism (1 to 2 percent)
Medication (e.g., alkylating agents, antiandrogens, Androgen excess state (e.g., tumor, exogenous administration)
cimetidine [Tagamet], ketoconazole [Nizoral], Congenital idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
spironolactone [Aldactone])
Estrogen excess state (e.g., tumor)
Orchitis, including mumps orchitis
Infiltrative disorder (e.g., sarcoidosis, tuberculosis)
Medication effect
Systemic disorder
Multiorgan genetic disorder (e.g., Prader-Willi syndrome)
Testicular trauma
Pituitary adenoma
Y chromosome defect

Information from references 4, 7, and 11 through 13.

850  American Family Physician Volume 75, Number 6 ◆ March 15, 2007

referred to as secondary hypogonadism, and of 22 to 35 days suggests ovulatory cycles,

conditions that affect sperm transport.11 The as does the presence of mittelschmerz and
etiology remains unclear in nearly one half of premenstrual symptoms.14 During review of
cases (Table 2).4,7,11-13 the woman’s substance use history, caffeine
Important historical and physical exami- intake should be assessed; high levels of caf-
nation details and laboratory tests in the feine use by the female partner have been
evaluation of the male partner are outlined associated with lower fertility rates.15
in Table 3.4,7,12,13 Normal semen parameters, Basal body temperature charting is a simple
as established by the World Health Organi-
zation, are shown in Table 4.12 If hypogonad-
table 3
ism is suspected based on the semen analysis
(severe oligospermia or azoospermia), eval- Key Elements of Infertility Evaluation in Men
uation of morning follicle-stimulating hor-
mone (FSH) and total serum testosterone
Coital practices
levels can help distinguish between primary
Developmental history
and secondary causes.7 Elevated levels of
Medical history (e.g., genetic disorders, chronic illness, genital trauma,
FSH in the presence of low testosterone levels
correlate with primary hypogonadism. Low
Medications (e.g., sulfasalazine [Azulfidine], methotrexate, colchicine,
levels of both hormones suggest secondary cimetidine [Tagamet], spironolactone [Aldactone])
hypogonadism. Measurement of prolactin Potential sexually transmitted disease exposure, symptoms of genital
levels is indicated if secondary hypogonad- inflammation (e.g., urethral discharge, dysuria)
ism is suspected, to rule out hyperprolac- Previous fertility
tinemia as the underlying cause.7 Recent high fever
In patients with a low volume of ejaculate, Substance use
postejaculatory urinalysis and transrectal Surgical history (e.g., previous genitourinary surgery)
ultrasonography may be performed to rule Toxin exposure
out retrograde ejaculation and ejaculatory Physical examination
duct obstruction, respectively.4 Scrotal ultra- Genital infection (e.g., discharge, prostate tenderness)
sonography also can be helpful in evaluating Hernia
suspected testicular and scrotal abnormali- Presence of vas deferens
ties such as hydroceles and tumors.13 Spe- Signs of androgen deficiency (e.g., increased body fat, decreased muscle
cialized semen tests, including testing for mass, decreased facial and body hair, small testes, Tanner stage < 5)
sperm vitality, sperm culture, and analysis Testicular mass
of sperm biochemistry and function, should Varicocele
be considered if evaluation of the female Laboratory evaluation/specialized tests
partner fails to reveal a cause.12 Complete blood cell count (if infection suspected)
Follicle-stimulating hormone, testosterone levels (if hypogonadism
evaluation of the female partner suspected)
As previously noted, causes of infertility in Gonorrhea and chlamydia cultures, urinalysis (if genital infection
the female partner include disorders of ovu-
Other laboratory studies based on history and physical examination
lation, tubal disease, and uterine or cervical
factors.2,3 Endometriosis also has been impli-
Postejaculatory urinalysis (if retrograde ejaculation suspected)
cated as an independent cause of infertility
Renal and liver function studies
(Table 5).2,3,7,14,15
Scrotal ultrasonography
Important historical and physical exami-
Semen analysis (two or more samples)
nation details, laboratory tests, and addi-
Specialized sperm studies (if initial evaluation of both partners
tional studies to consider for the female unrevealing)
partner are outlined in Table 6.3,5,7,8,16-21 Transrectal ultrasonography (if ejaculatory duct obstruction suspected)
Details of the menstrual cycle can help
determine whether the cycles are ovulatory Information from references 4, 7, 12, and 13.
or anovulatory. A menstrual cycle length

March 15, 2007 ◆ Volume 75, Number 6 American Family Physician  851
table 5
Causes of Female Factor Infertility

Ovulation disorders (40 percent)

and inexpensive means of documenting Aging
ovulation. In ovulatory cycles, the first Diminished ovarian reserve
morning body temperature often increases Endocrine disorder (e.g., hypothalamic
from 97°F to 98°F (36.1°C to 36.6°C) to amenorrhea, hyperprolactinemia, thyroid
disease, adrenal disease)
greater than 98°F as a woman’s menstrual
Polycystic ovary syndrome
cycle progresses from the follicular phase
Premature ovarian failure
to the luteal phase. The rise in temperature
Tobacco use
is generally noted two days after a surge
Tubal factors (30 percent)
in luteinizing hormone (LH) occurs.3,22 In
Obstruction (e.g., history of pelvic
recent years, basal body temperature chart-
inflammatory disease, tubal surgery)
ing for documentation of ovulation has
Endometriosis (15 percent)
largely been replaced by use of the less cum-
Other (about 10 percent)
bersome urinary LH prediction kit. Dur-
Uterine/cervical factors (more than 3 percent)
ing ovulatory cycles, an LH surge can be
Congenital uterine anomaly
detected in the urine 14 to 48 hours before
ovulation.8,16 Additionally, a single mid-
luteal progesterone level, measured at the
Poor cervical mucus quantity/quality (caused
midpoint between ovulation and the start by smoking, infection)
of the next menstrual cycle, can provide Uterine synechiae
further confirmation as well as informa-
tion about the adequacy of the luteal phase. Information from references 2, 3, 7, 14, and 15.
A level greater than 6 ng per mL (19 nmol
per L) implies ovulation and normal corpus
luteal production of progesterone.17 Of the or normal FSH levels are most common in
three tests, the urinary LH kit provides the patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
greatest accuracy in predicting ovulation.17 (PCOS) and hypothalamic amenorrhea.18
If ovulatory dysfunction is suspected based The presence or absence of obesity and
on the results of initial evaluation, focused androgenization, generally occurring in
laboratory investigation and other testing women with PCOS, can be used to dis-
can help determine the underlying cause. tinguish between the two disorders.18 The
Testing in patients with amenorrhea, irregu- usefulness of the progesterone challenge
lar menses, or galactorrhea should involve test is limited because of high false-positive
checking FSH, prolactin, and thyroid- and false-negative rates with respect to the
stimulating hormone (TSH) levels.7,18 Low presence or absence of estrogen produc-
tion.18 A high FSH level correlates with
ovarian failure.18 Evaluation of prolactin
TABLE 4 level is useful to rule out pituitary tumor,
World Health Organization 1999 Seminal Fluid Analysis and measurement of TSH is necessary to
Reference Values rule out hypothyroidism.18 Measurement of
17α-hydroxyprogesterone and serum testos-
Variable Measurement terone levels is helpful in evaluating patients
with hyperandrogenism for late-onset con-
Volume More than 2 mL
genital adrenal hyperplasia and androgen-
Sperm concentration More than 20 million per mL
secreting tumors.23
Total sperm number More than 40 million per ejaculate
Women older than 35 years may benefit
Sperm motility More than 50 percent motile and/or more than
from testing of FSH and estradiol levels on
25 percent progressively motile
day 3 of their menstrual cycle to assess
Sperm morphology More than 14 percent normal forms using strict
criteria ovarian reserve.5 An FSH level of less than
10 mIU per mL (10 IU per L), combined
Information from reference 12. with an estradiol level of less than 80 pg
per mL (294 pmol per L), suggests favorable

852  American Family Physician Volume 75, Number 6 ◆ March 15, 2007

follicular potential.5 The clomiphene citrate (i.e., clear, stringy), or both, may be the most
challenge test, in which the FSH level is helpful in determining optimal timing of
obtained on day 3 of the cycle, then again on intercourse, because they reflect the increase
day 10 after administration of clomiphene in estrogen before the LH surge and are more
citrate (Clomid; 100 mg per day) on days prospective than basal body temperature
5 to 9, also can be helpful in assessing ovarian charting or the urinary LH kit.8
reserve.5 Normal and abnormal values vary The importance of avoiding lubricants
by laboratory. Obtaining an antral follicle and douches should be stressed.10 Both part-
count via transvaginal ultrasonography can ners should be encouraged to avoid alco-
be useful in evaluating ovarian reserve; it hol consumption and use of tobacco and
also can help predict ovarian responsiveness
to gonadotropin stimulation, which is useful
when considering treatment options.5,19 The table 6
optimal test to assess ovarian reserve has not Key Elements of Infertility Evaluation in Women
yet been determined.5 Circulating inhibin B
levels and the gonadotropin-releasing hor- History
mone test are not recommended for routine Coital practices
use in the assessment of ovarian reserve Medical history (e.g., genetic disorders, endocrine disorders, history of
because of limited data regarding their prog- pelvic inflammatory disease)
nostic value.5 Medications (e.g., hormone therapy)
If the initial history and physical exami- Menstrual history
nation suggest tubal dysfunction or a uter- Potential sexually transmitted disease exposure, symptoms of genital
ine abnormality, or if other testing has failed inflammation (e.g., vaginal discharge, dysuria, abdominal pain, fever)
to reveal an etiology, hysterosalpingography Previous fertility
is indicated.3,7 The contour of the uterine Substance use, including caffeine
cavity, including the presence or absence of Surgical history (previous genitourinary surgery)
any abnormalities, as well as tubal patency Toxin exposure
can be assessed. Ultrasonography can also Physical examination
be used to evaluate for pelvic pathology.3 Breast formation
If abnormalities are detected, hysteroscopy Galactorrhea
and/or laparoscopy, depending on the loca- Genitalia (e.g., patency, development, masses, tenderness, discharge)
tion of the abnormality, can be pursued Signs of hyperandrogenism (e.g., hirsutism, acne, clitoromegaly)
for confirmation and further assessment.3,7 Laboratory evaluation/specialized tests
Laparoscopy may be performed as a final To document ovulation: measurement of mid-luteal progesterone level,
step in the infertility evaluation because it urinary luteinizing hormone using home prediction kit, and basal body
can reveal additional causes not otherwise temperature charting
seen, including endometriosis and pelvic To determine etiology if ovulatory dysfunction suspected:
adhesions.3,7,20 The use of postcoital testing measurement of FSH, prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone,
17α-hydroxyprogesterone (if hyperandrogenism suspected),
to evaluate for factors of cervical mucus has testosterone (if hyperandrogenism suspected)
been abandoned by most physicians because To assess ovarian reserve (women older than 35 years): measurement of
of its lack of effect on pregnancy outcome.21 FSH and estradiol levels on day 3 of the menstrual cycle, clomiphene
citrate (Clomid) challenge test, or transvaginal ultrasonography for
Management antral follicle count
treatment of the couple To assess tubes, uterus, and pelvis: transvaginal ultrasonography,
Ideal coital frequency, consisting of inter- hysterosalpingography if tubal dysfunction suspected or evaluation
otherwise unrevealing, hysteroscopy if results of hysterosalpingography
course on multiple days during the “fertile suggest intrauterine abnormality, laparoscopy if results of
window,” which includes the five days pre- hysterosalpingography abnormal or evaluation otherwise unrevealing
ceding and the day of anticipated ovulation,
should be reviewed with the couple.8 Using FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone.
the Clear Plan Easy Fertility Monitor, check- Information from references 3, 5, 7, 8, and 16 through 21.
ing for E-type vaginal mucous discharge

March 15, 2007 ◆ Volume 75, Number 6 American Family Physician  853

street drugs and, as mentioned earlier, the otherwise correctable, the condition can
woman should be counseled to limit caffeine be managed with use of the oral ovulation-
intake.3,4,7,15 The use of fertility-impairing inducing agent clomiphene citrate.29 Clomi-
medications should be avoided by both part- phene citrate can be used in patients with
ners if possible (Tables 3 and 6).2,3,7,12,14,15 PCOS as well, with or without the coad-
The couple should be offered emotional ministration of insulin-sensitizing agents.31
support because infertility often produces Treatment with clomiphene citrate is inef-
significant stress and sadness in one or both fective in patients with ovulatory dysfunc-
partners. Groups such as RESOLVE: the tion caused by hypothalamic amenorrhea,
National Fertility Association can provide however, because its mechanism of action
additional support and information to assist occurs at the hypothalamus.29 These patients
the couple ( are more likely to respond to gonadotro-
pin therapy.14 Women with limited ovarian
management of male factor infertility reserve also are unlikely to benefit from
Dopamine agonists such as bromocriptine ovulation induction. Currently, only oocyte
(Parlodel) can be useful in patients with donation has been proven successful for
hyperprolactinemia.24 Agents to treat erectile these patients.5
dysfunction can be employed if indicated.25 Clomiphene citrate is generally well toler-
If obstruction or a varicocele is found to be ated and effective; 80 percent of appropri-
associated with seminal fluid abnormalities, ately selected patients will ovulate with this
surgical repair may be pursued. Varicocele treatment.29 Major risks associated with the
repair has been shown to improve semen use of clomiphene citrate include ovarian
parameters, although it has not yet been shown hyperstimulation syndrome and twinning.
to increase the chance of conception.26,27 In Higher-order multiple gestation is a rare
general, seminal fluid abnormalities warrant consequence.29 Generally, a dosage of 50 mg
referral to a fertility specialist for treatment. per day is administered starting on day 3 to
Depending on findings, treatment options day 5 of the menstrual cycle and is continued
available to the specialist include gonadotro- for five days.29 Documentation of ovulation
pin injections, intrauterine insemination, and can be accomplished fairly easily with basal
in vitro fertilization (IVF) with or without body temperature charting or use of a uri-
intracytoplasmic sperm injection, using tes- nary LH kit.29 If a dosage of 50 mg per day
ticular sperm extraction if indicated.25,28 is insufficient to induce ovulation, it can be
increased to 100 mg per day. Higher dosages
management of ovulatory dysfunction generally should be managed by a fertility
Underlying causes of ovulatory dysfunc- specialist because 100 mg per day is the
tion, such as thyroid dysfunction, should be maximal dosage approved by the FDA.29 If
corrected if possible.29 As with men, women clomiphene citrate therapy is unsuccessful,
who have hyperprolactinemia can be treated additional treatment options include IVF
with dopaminergic agents, which may restore and injectable ovulation-inducing agents
ovulation.30 Insulin-sensitizing agents, most such as human menopausal gonadotropin,
commonly metformin (Glucophage), have exogenous FSH, and gonadotropin-releas-
been shown to increase ovulation and preg- ing hormone.33
nancy rates in patients with PCOS, although
management of tubal, uterine,  
these agents are not yet approved by the U.S.
and pelvic disease
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for
the treatment of infertility.31 Laparoscopic Tubal disease may be treated with tubal
ovarian drilling for ovulation induction also reparative surgery, although success rates
may be considered for patients with PCOS if are generally low and are compromised
other treatments are unsuccessful.29,32 by increased risk of subsequent ectopic
In most women with ovulatory dysfunc- pregnancy.14,34 IVF is an alternative, espe-
tion without evident cause or that is not cially in patients with markedly damaged

854  American Family Physician Volume 75, Number 6 ◆ March 15, 2007

tubes.14 Patients with endometriosis may KEITH A. FREY, M.D., M.B.A., is chair of the Department
of Family Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, and an
benefit from laparoscopic ablation or lapa-
associate professor of family medicine at Mayo Clinic
rotomy, depending on the severity of dis- School of Medicine. He received his medical degree from
ease.35,36 Ovulation induction with or without the Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth
intrauterine insemination and IVF also can University, Richmond, and completed a residency in fam-
ily practice at the U.S. Air Force Medical Center, Scott Air
be used in these patients.35,37,38 Force Base, Ill.
management of unexplained or Address correspondence to Alaina B. Jose-Miller, M.D.,
persistent infertility Dept. of Family and Community Medicine, University
of Arizona, 707 N. Alvernon Way, Suite 101, Tucson, AZ
Options for patients with unexplained infer- 85711. Reprints are not available from the authors.
tility include intrauterine insemination, clo- Author disclosure: Nothing to disclose.
miphene citrate therapy, and intrauterine
insemination with either clomiphene citrate
or gonadotropin therapy.39,40 To date, the REFERENCES
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856  American Family Physician Volume 75, Number 6 ◆ March 15, 2007

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