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Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 3, No. I, pp. 71-84, 1990 0895-9811/90 $3.00+0.

Printed in Great Britain © 1990 Pergamon Press pie
& Earth Sciences and Resources Institute

The Choco Block in the northwestern corner of

South America: Structural, tectonostratigraphic, and
paleogeographic implications
H. D U Q U E - C A R O
INGEOMINAS, Ap. Aereo 53385, BogotA, Colombia
(manuscript received May 1989; manuscript accepted September 1989)

Abstract--The Choco Block, located in the northwestern corner ofSouth America, comprises the isthmus of
Panama east of the Canal Zone and northwestern Colombia, including the westernmost flanks of the
Cordillera Occidental above latitude 4°N. Three major structural and lithogeneticelements compose this
terrain: the Dabeiba and Baudo Arches, the Atrato-Chucunaque Basins, and the Istmina Deformed Zone.
The Dabeiba and Baudo Arches outline the external boundaries of the Choco Block and display similar
characteristics: (a) mostly positive gravity anomalies and association of igneous bodies of oceanic origin
with sedimentary suites,and (b) occurrence of Upper Cretaceous to Miocene pelagic and hemipelagic and
terrigenous strata in blocks of differentages and environments associated with marie igneous rocks. The
Dabeiba Arch exhibits a melange fabric,particularly at itseastern margin, in which disrupted strata and
inclusions of Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene, Eocene-Oligocene, and Miocene exotic blocks are dispersed in a
sheared peliticmatrix of middle Miocene age. The Atrato-Chucunaque Basins contain sedimentary fillex-
ceeding 10 k m in thickness. Two distinctive stratigraphic sequences comprise: (I) an outcropping and
apparently continuous Oligocene to middle Miocene sequence composed mostly of pelagic and hemipelagic
strata, overlain by hemipelagic and terrigenous strata of latestmiddle Miocene to Pliocene age, and (2) an
underlying middle Miocene and older sequence, composed mostly of turbidites,which has been recognized
only in subsurface sections. An evaluation and synthesis of the structural and lithogenetic information of
the Choco Block indicate the following conclusions. The Choco Block is an exotic terrane with no litho-
genetic affinity with South America, accreted onto the northwestern flanks of the Cordillera Occidental
during the middle Miocene. The occurrence of exotic upper Paleocene planktic foraminiferal assemblages
in the Dabeiba Arch suggests an origin for the Choco Block as distant as the northern latitudes of Gun,
temala and Mexico. The Uramita Fault Zone is the suture between the Choco Block and the Cordillera
Occidental in NW South America. The young intermontane Atrato and Chucunaque Basins and the
Istmina Deformed Zone were formed as a result of the accretion of the Choco Block to the northwestern
flanks of the Cordillera Occidental during middle Miocene time.
R e s u m e n - - E l Bloque del Choc6 en el noroccidente suramericano comprende el lstmo de Panam~ al oriente
de la Zona del Canal y el noroccidente colombiano junto con los flancos noroccidentales de la Cordillera
Occidental al norte de la latitud 4*N. Esta regi6n estA caracterizada por tres elementos estructurales y lito-
geneticos: los arcos de Dabeiba y Baudo, las cuencas de Atrate-Chucunaque y la Zona Deformada de Ist-
minn. Los arcos de Dabeiba y Baud6, con caracteristicas similares, delimitan los margenes externos del
Bloque del Choc6: (a) anomalias gravim~tricas positivas relacionadas con cuerpos igneos y sedimentarios de
origen oce/mico, y (b) ocurrencia de estratos pelagicos, hemipel#igicos y terrigenos en bloques sin guardar
entre si ninguna coherencia estratigr/tfica ni estructural, con diferentes edades y ambientes, e inter-
calaciones volc~nicas m~tficas. El Arco de Dabeiba presenta f~brica de tipo melange, particularmente en su
margen oriental donde estratos rotos e inclusiones de bloques ex6ticos de edad Cretacea-Paleocena, Eocena-
Oligocena y Miocena ocurren dispersos dentro de una matriz pelitica cizallada de edad Miocena media. Las
cuencas de Atrato-Chucunaque contienen un relleno sedimentario de m~s de 10 Km de espesor y est~n car-
acterizadas por dos secuencias estratigr~ficas muy distintivas, particularmente en el valle del Atrato:
(1) una secuencia aflorante compuesta principalmente por estratos pelagicos y hemipelagicos, de edad
Oligocena a Miocena media, superpuesta por una secuencia hemipel~gica y terrigena de edad Miocena
media alto a Pliocena, y (2) una secuencia infrayacente a (1) de edad Miocena media y m~s antigua,
principalmente compuesta por sedimentos turbiditicos que unicamente se ha podido reconocer en secciones
de subsuelo. Una evaluaci6n y sintesis de la informaci6n estructural y litogen~tica del Bloque del Choc6
indica lo siguiente: El Bloque del Choc6 es un terreno ex6tico sin ninguna afinidad litogen6tica con Sur
America, que fu6 acrecido al continente (Cordillera Occidental) durante el Mioceno medio. La ocurrencia de
bloques ex6ticos con microfauna planct6nica del Paleoceno en el Arco de Dabeiba plantea una proveniencia
para el Bloque del Choc6 de latitudes tan lejanas como Ins de Guatemala y M6jico. La Zona de falla de
Uramita es la sutura que pone en contacto el Bloque del Choc6 con la Cordillera Occidental del noroccidente
de Suram~rica. Las cuencas juveniles intramontafiosas del Atrato y Chucunaque y la Zona Deformada de
Istmina se formaron como consecuencia del acrecimento y perturbaciones tecthnicas del Mioceno medio.

INTRODUCTION Two arcuate and parallel mountain ranges -- the

Serrania de San Blas-Dari6n on the Caribbean side,
THE NORTHWESTERN C O R N E R of South A m e r i c a has connecting with the western flanks of the Cordillera
continental m a r g i n s on both the Pacific O c e a n a n d Occidental, and the Serrania de Maje-Baud6 on the
the C a r i b b e a n S e a a n d comprises the region of P a c i f i c s i d e ( F i g . 2) - - o u t l i n e t h e b a c k b o n e o f t h i s
southern Central A m e r i c a east of the P a n a m a region. This physiographic framework is comple-
Canal Zone, including eastern P a n a m a a n d north- m e n t e d by: (a) t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g c o n t i n e n t a l m a r -
western C o l o m b i a above latitude 4 ° N (Figs. I a n d 2). gins on the Caribbean side (Colombian Basin) and







CHOCO BLOCK Caseand Others, 1984
Dengo, 1983


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Etayo and Others, 1986 ,

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Fig. I. Tectonostratigraphic terranes and geologic provinces in the northwestern corner of South America,

the Pacific side (Panama Basin); (b) the elongated margins such as those bordering the Circum-Pacific
and mostly flat and s w a m p y topography lying Rim, to make precise descriptions, identification,
between the two mountain ranges, the Atrato and and tectonostratigraphic characterization of fault-
Chucunaque valleys in northwestern Colombia and bounded entities, and to map and discriminate suc-
eastern Panama, respectively; and (c) the low and cessive tectonic elements within a p a r t i c u l a r ter-
NE-trending Istmina hills on the south. rane, in order to aid interpretation.
Very littlefield work has been conducted here, The northwestern corner of South America is
and the geology is poorly known, particularly in located within the very complex zone of convergence
northwestern Colombia. Most of the scant existing between nuclear Central America and South Am-
information is unpublished proprietary data collec- erica. This area consists of several structural and
ted by oil companies. lithogenetic e l e m e n t s t h a t have r e c e n t l y b e e n
The recent concept of tectonostratigraphic ter- described as geologic provinces andIor terranes
rane analysis (Coney et al., 1980, and many others) i.e., Choco Block (Dengo, 1983; Fig: la); San Blas-
has contributed to a better understanding of contin- Dari6n Province, Choco Terrane, Cordillera Occi-
ental growth. It is critical,in complex continental dental Province (Case et aI., 1984; Fig. lb); Choco
The Choco Block: Structural, tectonostratigraphic, and paleogeographic implications 73




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Fig. 2. Major physiographic elements of the northwestern corner of South America: Serranlas de San Blas-Dari6n and Baudo- Maje,
Atrato and Chucunaque Valleys, lstmina Hills and Cordillera Occidental.

Terrane (Howell et al., 1985); Cafias Gordas, Atrato- Zone, and the Uramita, Baudo, and Panama major
San Juan-Tumaco, and Baudo Terranes (Etayo et fault zones (Fig. 3), which were not included in
al., 1986; Fig. lc). previous descriptions of the Choco Block and this re-
An evaluation of known published and unpub- gion - - are discussed here. This study has benefited
lished information and new field data recorded from from access to unpublished geological information
the northwestern flanks of the Cordillera Occidental in the files of Ecopetrol in BogotA, supplementing
has resulted in new constraints for interpreting field work along the Medellin-Quibdo, Medellin-
lithogenetic elements in the northwestern corner of Turbo, and Quibdo-Istmina-Pereira highways. Sub-
South America. On the other hand, the Choco Block surface information, maps and samples from ex-
(Dengo, 1983; Fig. la), which includes most of the ploratory wells in the Atrato Basin were made
lithogenetic elements of the northwestern corner of available by Ingeominas.
South America, constitutes a critical region in this
area. Therefore, this study was aimed at assessing
this terrain more precisely, with emphasis on major REGIONAL SETTING
fault zones, stratigraphy, internal structure, and
the timing of geologic events, for a better under- The previous literature on the Choco Block goes
standing of the integrated tectonic and stratigraphic back to Dengo (1983, Fig. la), who included the area
setting of this region in particular, during the
- - that extends westward of the Atrato Fault at the
Cenozoic evolution of southern Central America and western flanks of the Cordillera Occidental in north-
northwestern Colombia. Some new features - - the western Colombia to as far south as the Baudo River
Dabeiba and Baudo Arches, the Istmina Deformed (Figs. la and 2), and extending over eastern Panama
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Fig. 3. Major lithogenetic and structural characters of the Choco Block

to the Canal Zone where a tectonic break separates Dabeiba Arch

it from the Chorotega Block. Case et al. (1984; Fig.
lb} defined the Choco Terrane as including the area The Dabeiba Arch is an arcuate structural fea-
west of the Atrato Fault, including the Atrato-San ture that outlines the eastern to northern boundary
J u a n Basin and the region comprised by the Serra- of the Choco Block (Figs. ld and 3). This name is
nia de Maje-Baudo. The Serrania de San Blas- used because most of the structural and lithogenetic
Dari6n and the Chucunaque Basin were not inclu- characteristics of this feature can be observed in the
ded as part of the Choco Terrane. [lowell et al. Dabeiba area. The Dabeiba Arch includes the
(1985) described the Choco Terrane as including the Serrania de San Blas-Dari6n (San Blas-Dari6n Pro-
area west of the Atrato Fault, apparently with the vince of Case et al., 1984; Fig. lb), the Sautata Arch
same structural boundaries of the Choco Block as (Case et al., 1971), and the northernmost western
originally described by Dengo (1983). flanks of the Cordillera Occidental (partially the
I n general, the Atrato Fault has been known as Cafias Gordas Terrane, Etayo et al., 1986; Fig. lc).
one of the major structural boundaries in north- Similar lithogenetic and geophysical charac-
western Colombia. Recent data indicate that there teristics link the Serrania de San Blas-Dari6n with
are two other major fault zones: the Uramita Fault the northernmost western flanks of the Cordillera
Zone marking the eastern boundary of the Choco Occidental through the Sautata Arch (Case et al.,
Block, and the Istmina Deformed Zone to the south 1971). Mostly pelagic, hemipelagic, turbidite, and
(Fig. 3). conglomerate strata of Late Cretaceous to Miocene
The Choco Block: Structural, tectonostratigraphic,and paleogeographic implications 75

age (foraminiferal and radiolarian data, Table 1) - - Table 1. Some diagnostic microfossils collected in the
characteristically associated with basalts, diabase, Dabeiba Arch.
tufts and agglomerates, and granitoid plutons LATE CRETACEOUS
constitute the most distinctive lithologies. Scat- Globotruncana sp.
tered K/Ar radiometric dates of basalts and diabases Rugoglobigerina sp
Hedbergella sp
(97+3, 10--+5, and 3-+1 Ma; Restrepo et aI., 1981) and Dictyomitra multicostata Zittel
granitoid plutons (47+2.5, 34, and 11 Ma; Restrepo Dictyornitra torquata Foreman
et al., 1981) indicate Late Cretaceous to Neogene Rzehakina epigona (Rzehak)
magmatic activity associated with this terrain. PALEOCENE
Positive Bouguer anomalies on the northernmost Morozobella trinidadensis (Bolli)
western flanks of the Cordillera Occidental continue Morozobella velascoensis (Cushman)
Morozobella aequa (Cushman & Renz)
over the Sorrania de San Bias-Darien in eastern Morozobella angulata (White)
Panama (Case et al., 1971; Case, 1974). It is impor- Subbotina triloculinoides (Plummer)
tant to emphasize that basaltic and diabase inter- S u bbotina triangularis (White)
beds are present within both the Upper Cretaceous- Rzehakina epigona (Rzehak)
Agglutinated foraminifera
Paleocene and the Miocene pelagic and hemipelagic Radiolaria
A major feature of the Dabeiba Arch, never Numrnulites sp
reported before, is the melange character of this ter- Globigerina angulisuturalis Bolli
rain that recalls melange examples from California Globorotalia opima opima Bolli
and Alaska (cf. Raymond, 1984; Byrne, 1984, among Globigerina ciperoensis Bolli
others). Stratigraphically disrupted cherty and Globigerina praebulloides Blow
Globigerina tripartita Koch
carbonate beds are present along the road con- Uvigerina mexicana Nuttall
necting Uramita and Mutata (Medellin-Turbo high- Cibicidoides perlucidus (Nuttall)
way; Fig. 4). These consist mostly of Late Creta- Radiolaria
ceous to Paleocene (planktic foraminifera and radio- MIOCENE
laria, Table 1), and volcanic flows of basalt and Globigerinoides sicanus De Estefani
diabase, all embedded in a pervasively sheared, fine- Globigerinoides trilobus (Reuss)
Globoquadrina altispira (Cushman & Jarvis)
grained, and mostly pelitic matrix bearing highly Catapsydrax dissimilis (Cushman & Bermudez)
deformed Miocene planktic foraminifera. This is Globorotalia peripheroronda Blow
also associated with blocks (hills) of highly deformed Globigerinoides obliquus Bolli
carbonate and siliceous pelagic and hemipelagic Orbulina universa D'Orbigny
strata of Late Cretaceous to Paleocene age (Table 1) Vulvulina spinosa Cushman
Planulina renzi Cushman & Stainforth
up to several kilometers in length, and of Miocene Uvigerina gallowayi Cushman
mudstone with diabase interbeds and turbidite Agglutinated foraminifera
strata. West of here, similar chaotic blocks include Radiolaria
Eocene nummulitic and algal limestones, Oligocene
mudstones and sandstones, coarse and polymictic
conglomerates, and tufts, agglomerates, and felsic
intrusives (Fig. 4). The nummulitic and algal lime- cal strong carina, a taxon not characteristic in the
stones and coarse conglomerates and the Miocene N W corner of South America. Along the traditional
turbidites recall similar lithologies of the adjacent Bolivar Geosyncline (Nygren, 1950), extending from
San Jacinto and Sinu Belts northward. In the San northern Peru through coastal Ecuador and north-
Jacinto and Sinu Belts, however, these lithologies western Colombia, Paleocene to early Eocene plank-
occur coherently within continuous marine strati- tic foraminifera are dwarfed and scarce, and the
graphic sequences (Duque-Caro, 1979, 1984). Maps carinated forms, including the typical MorozobeUa
show a "patchy" and faulted pattern accompanied by velascoensis, are completely absent (Duque-Caro,
a mosaic of ages including contrasting sedimentary 1972, 1975). The lithology bearing these faunas is
environments. This characteristic of the northern- also very different. Whereas Paleocene strata of the
most western flanks of the Cordillera Occidental is Bolivar Geosyncline are mostly terrigenous tur-
difficult to explain and integrate in a coherent bidites (Duque-Caro, 1972), Upper Cretaceous to
framework with normal stratigraphic and struc- Paleocene strata in the Dabeiba Arch are carbonate
tural relationships. Therefore, unusual mechan- and siliceous pelagic to hemipelagic beds. Another
isms have been suggested to explain the formation feature, difficult to explain, is the occurrence of
of this terrain. Several observations support this coarse quartzose turbidites of Late Cretaceous age
possibility, such as the exotic occurrence of Paleo- along the Medellin-Quibdo highway (Fig. 3) and
cene planktic foraminifera, which recalls the Paleo- vicinity, which coarsen westward, suggesting a
cene biostratigraphy of northern Central America quartz source in the west (Calle and Salinas, 1986).
in Guatemala and Mexico. The planktic assem- I have recognized this phenomenon particularly
blages that I have collected from the Dabeiba area along the Pereira-lstmina and Medellin-Quibdo
(Table I; see also Bourgois et al., 1982) are char- highways and in general on the western flanks of
acterized by MorozobeUa velascoensis with its typi- the Cordillera Occidental. In contrast, quartz is not

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F i g , 4. M a j o r l i t h o s t r a t i g r a p h i c f e a t u r e s i n t h e C h o e o B l o c k a n d n o r t h e r n C o r d i l l e r a O c c i d e n t a l
The Choco Block: Structural,tectonostratigraphic,and paleogeographic implications 77

a common component along the eastern flanks of the The outcropping stratigraphic sequence appears
Cordillera Occidental. This phenomenon is not in as a continuous Oligocene to Pliocene sequence
agreement with the generally accepted eastern con- overlain at the central portion (Opogado-1, Bucha-
tinental lands -- i.e.,Cordillera Central -- as terri- do-1 wells area, Figs. 3 and 4) by post-Pliocene
genous and a quartz source for the Cretaceous and terrestrial deposits of fluvial and lacustrine origin
early Tertiary basins in northwestern Colombia. (Duque-Caro, in press). The older sequence is com-
posed of mostly pelagic and hemipelagic strata of
Atrato and Chucunaque Basins Oligocene to middle Miocene age (Figs. 4 and 5),
overlain by hemipelagic and terrigenous strata of
Two elongate synclinal structures, the Atrato uppermost middle Miocene to Pliocene, particularly
and Chucunaque Basins, comprise the second struc- well exposed on the western side of the basin. Along
tural element of the Choco Block and comprise the the eastern side of the basin, the Miocene to Pliocene
swampy topography adjacent to the previous Dabei- stratigraphic record is represented by mostly terri-
ba Arch (Fig. 2). The Atrato and Chucunaque genous beds (Fig. 4). The outcropping sequence has
Basins lie in a north- to NW-trending depression a m a x i m u m thickness of close to 4000 meters in the
and include part of the San Bias-Darien Province Quibdo area (Haffer, 1967) as well as in the Chu-
(Case et al., 1984; Fig. lb) and parts of the Atrato- cunaque Basin (Fig.5). In subsurface sections of the
San Juan-Tumaco Terrane (Etayo et al., 1986; Fig. Atrato Basin, however, a different stratigraphic
lc). These basins are characterized by distinctive sequence has been identified beneath the out-
gravity anomalies, becoming more negative south- cropping sequence, as seen in four exploratory wells
ward along the Atrato Valley area ( - 5 0 to - 9 0 (Figs.3, 4, 6).
regals, Case et al., 1971), and by great thickness of The Opogado-1 well in the western Atrato Basin
sediments ~ up to more than 3500 meters in eastern (Fig. 3) penetrated through Oligocene pelagic and
Panama (Johnson and Headington, 1971; Case, hemipelagic carbonates at 3186 meters (10, 450 ft).
1974} and as much as 5000 to 10,000 meters in From this depth down to 3467 meters (TD) is a
northwestern Colombia (Nygren, 1950; Case et al., terrigenous sequence bearing mixed middle Eocene
1971; Flueh et al., 1981). E n echelon folds occur at to middle Miocene foraminiferal faunas. The Bu-
the western margins of the basins, along the contact chado-1, one of the deepest wells in the central part
with the volcanic lithologies of the Baudo Arch. of the basin, displays comparable stratigraphy and

A T R A T 0 B A S I N

MODIFIED AFTER HAFFER, I 9 6 7 irllTil'lliJl, ~r"ll r~ ,'~fil )J,-I




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Fig. 5. Correlationchartofsuccessivestratigraphicsequencesin the Atrato-ChuctmaqueBasins

Opepde-1 6uchade-1 Pacurita-1 Urodo-1

( FORMATIONS ) / i.. ,t
I /
I i f / f ~
ii /
f l li I
I I i f iI
f I 1
I I i
1000 I I 1064
I i ~
/ I
I i i~"
I / /
I I 11:2 ~:
"/ I id"
S I ERRA i / I 1951
2000 I I I
I I I ~'
/ I ~:
/ / ~
I ~ ©
UV A ~ 3000 t ~ TD 2,8|3m
* ":"":"":"":"":"":"":":" "~ * ":"":"";"* ":""" ":"":""~ ":""~' t 3186

TO 3,4|7 m Biestratigraphic Markers

I based on Opgado-1 Well
I (Duque-Caro, in press)
I TD 4,572m
I TO 4,737m
Fig. 6, Stratigraphic correlation of exploratory wells in the Atrato Basin. Refer to Fig, 3 for location of wells.
The Choco Block: Structural, tectonostratigraphic, and paleogeographic implications 79

biostratigraphy, with a terrigenous sequence dis- Haffer, 1967; ICSC, 1968; Case, 1974; Goossens
playing similar mixed Miocene and older foramini- et al., 1977; Bourgois et aI., 1982) and are
feral faunas recovered between 4000 and 4737 intruded by granitoid plutons (Olsson, 1956;
meters (TD). The Pacurita-1 well, in the eastern Case et al., 1984). Scattered K/Ar dates (basalts)
part of the basin, penetrated an upper middle to in restricted areas of the Baudo Arch are con-
middle Miocene mudstone section down to 1064 centrated in the range of 70, 41, and 25.8 Ma
meters (3490 ft); from this depth down to 2893 (Bourgois et al., 1982).
meters (TD), poorly sorted terrigenous sediments Upper Cretaceous to Miocene sedimentary rocks
containing similar mixed faunas were recovered. of mostly oceanic origin are associated with
Finally the Urodo-1, another deep well in the basalts and diabase (Fig. 4) and restricted to
western Atrato Basin, passed through a middle to small outcrops (Gansser, 1950; Haffer, 1967;
upper lower Miocene hemipelagic mudstone section ICSC, 1968a,b; Bourgois et al., 1982).
down to 1951 meters (6400 ft). From this depth An apparent "patchy" and faulted pattern is
down to 4572 meters (TD), the stratigraphy and seen based on the existing maps along routes 17
biostratigraphy of poorly sorted sandy and shaly and 25 (ICSC, 1968a,b).
lithologies (turbidites) were very chaotic and diffi-
cult to interpret m with Eocene, Oligocene, and Mio-
cene foraminiferal faunas commonly mixed. MAJOR FAULT ZONES
These observations indicate the existence of two
sedimentary sequences in the Atrato Valley area The Choco Block is characterized by five major
which are superimposed and distinctive: an upper, structural features: the Uramita, Atrato, Baudo,
coherent sequence with distinctive Oligocene to and Panama Fault Zones, and the Istmina Deformed
middle Miocene pelagic and hemipelagic facies Zone.
(Duque-Caro, in press); and an underlying, uncoher-
ent sequence, not exposed in surface, in which Uramita Fault Zone
sediments of middle Miocene age appear mixed with
older Eocene and Oligocene foraminiferal faunas. The eastern boundary of the Dabeiba Arch with
In seismic records of the Atrato Basin area, near the the Cordillera Occidental appears to be a major fault
Urodo-1 and Opogado-1 well site areas, the boun- zone. Case et al. (1971, Fig. 4) illustrated inferred
dary between these two stratigraphic sequences also fault boundaries for both the eastern and western
coincides with a zone of contrasting reflections. flanks of the gravity high at the n o r t h w e s t e r n
Whereas the first and exposed sequence is dis- flanks of the Cordillera Occidental, north of 5°N.
tinguished by coherent reflections, the second un- Three km east of Uramita on the Medellin-Dabeiba
derlying and unexposed sequence is characterized highway (Figs. 2 and 3), the melange characteristic
by domal zones of uncoherent reflections. In the of the Dabeiba Arch is in tectonic contact with
surface, domal structures have also been reported turbidites of the Urrao Formation of the Cordillera
and interpreted as diapiric structures (Barlow, Occidental. The same relationship is also observed
1981). Similar features that could be compared to along the Medellin-Quibdo and P e r e i r a - I s t m i n a
those of the former second sequence are observed in highways (Fig. 3). This fault contact can be ob-
the seismic records of the adjacent Sinu Belt and served as far as the Golfo de Uraba area. There, the
Golfo de Uraba areas (Fig. 3; Figs. 5 and 9 of Duque- Sinu Belt, with its typical radial structures (Duque-
Caro, 1984). Caro, 1984, Fig. 5), is truncated to the south by the
What are the stratigraphical and/or the struc- north- to NW-trending structures and melanges of
tural relationships between these two sequences and the Dabeiba Arch. In unpublished (Restrepo and
their significance? This question is presently diffi- Perez, 1982) and published (Kellogg et al., 1989)
cult to answer in a coherent framework, due to the reports, the northernmost land extension of the
scant existing information available. More tectonic Atrato Fault coincides with the trace of the Uramita
and structural control is needed, particularly addi- Fault Zone of this study. However, I believe that
tional well data. the characteristics of this fault zone, as presented
here, are very distinctive and different from those of
Baudo Arch the Atrato Fault (see below). The offshore extension
of this feature is unknown and probably concealed
The Baudo Arch, which is practically unknown, below the sedimentary prism. I infer that this fault
outlines the western boundary of the Choco Block zone continues to the northwest, following steep
and comprises the Serrania de Maje-Baudo (Figs. 2 bathymetric contours of the sedimentary prism of
and 3). The scant existing information suggests it is offshore Panama (Fig. 3). The precise nature of this
similar to the Dabeiba Arch. The Baudo Arch is fault zone is difficult to assess on the basis of the
characterized by the following features: sparse structural and tectonic data available. The
• Positive Bouguer anomalies are present (Case et occurrence of exotic Paleocene planktic foramini-
al., 1971; Bricefio-Guarupe, 1978). fera, however, which probably originated in higher
• Large areas of igneous rocks are exposed, which northern latitudes, and the tectonic nature of the
are mostly oceanic in origin (Gansser, 1950; eastern boundary of the Dabeiba Arch suggest that
8(} I I. I)UQUE-CAI¢()

the Uramita Fault Zone is the contact between a difficult to reconcile with the structural framework
province of Central American affinity - - the Choco of the Choco Block
Block - - and northwestern South America. Co~n
pression between nuclear Central America and Baudo Fault Zone
northern South America has previously been pro-
posed by Lloyd (1963) and Dengo (1968, 1983) to Similar to the Dabeiba Arch, both the eastern
explain the sigmoidal shape of southern Central and western margins of the Baudo Arch are fault
America. A left-lateral transpressive character is boundaries (Haffer, 1967}. Steep gravity gradients
suggested for the Uramita Fault Zone (Fig. 3). This outline the eastern and western margins of the
would have served to bring in the exotic blocks onto positive Bouguer anomalies of the Baudo Arch (Case
the northwestern flanks of the Cordillera Oceiden et al., 1971; Case, 1974; Bricefio-Guarupe, 1978).
tal The abrupt change between the low and s w a m p y
topography of the Atrato-Chucunaque River Valleys
Atrato Fault Zone and the steep flanks and rugged topography of the
coastal ranges coincides with a marked g r a v i t y
The Atrato Fault (Irving, 1971, 1975; Shagam, gradient along the eastern flanks of the Baudo Arch
1975; Barlow, 1981; Dengo, 1983; Case et al., 1984; (Fig. 2). The boundary also coincides with a marked
E t a y o el al., 1986; Kellogg et al., 1989) was lithologic and structural contrast between coherent
originally described by Irving (1971, 1975) to name Oligocene and younger strata (Figs. 4 and 5), which
"an extraordinary rift zone . . . along the eastern dip toward the basin axis, and the complex and
margin of the Atrato River Valley and the western faulted rocks of the Baudo Arch (Haffer, 1967). An
margin of the western Cordillera. The fault extends additional characteristic of this fault zone is the
for several hundred kilometers south from the Gulf occurrence of en echelon folds along the w e s t e r n
of Uraba." This feature was also originally illus- margins of the Atrato Basin in both northwestern
trated as a thrust dipping to the east with a left- Colombia (Barlow, 1981) and e a s t e r n P a n a m a
lateral displacement and an inferred n o r t h e r n (Wing and McDonald, 1973). T h e s e folds and
extension to the Golfo de Uraba. It is important to deformation, particularly in the Atrato Valley area,
m e n t i o n here that H a f f e r (1967) had a l r e a d y appear to affect mostly the Oligocene to middle
described and discussed a fault called Uraba, appar- Miocene strata; the post-middle Miocene deposits
ently with the same characteristics as Irving's are not substantially deformed.
Atrato Fault.
The western flanks of the Dabeiba Arch also Panama Fault Zone
appear structurally controlled at the steep gravity
gradient between the positive anomalies of the Very little is known about the western boundary
Sautata gravity high and the negative anomalies of of the Choco Block located offshore of the Baudo
the adjacent Atrato Basin (Case et al., 1971). This Arch. However, this boundary can be projected into
steep gravity gradient coincides with an abrupt the distinctive northwestern structural trends and
topographic c o n t r a s t b e t w e e n the s w a m p y and lineaments present in the adjacent P a n a m a Basin
forested plains of the Atrato Valley (Fig. 2) and the (Fig. 3; Van Andel et al., 1971; Case, 1974; Lonsdale
steep flanks of the Cordillera Occidental (Dabeiba and Klitgord, 1978; Case and Holcombe, 1980). For
Arch). example, the inferred N W - t r e n d i n g "deep s h e a r
The tectonically complex and distinctive rocks of zone" parallel to the Panama Canal (Fig. 2 of Case,
the Dabeiba Arch crop out along the Medellin- 1974; Case and Holcombe, 1980), which forms the
Quibdo highway (Fig. 3), across the northwestern boundary of the Choco Block with the Chorotega
flanks of the Cordillera Occidental. These rocks are blocks (Fig. la), apparently continues southeast-
bounded to the west by columnar basalts and are ward to outline this western boundary. This fea-
overlain by coherent and gently west-dipping {less ture, in turn, coincides with the steep bathymetric
than 20 °) Oligocene to lower Miocene pelagic and gradient of the Pacific coastal margins of north-
hemipelagic carbonate and sandy mudstone beds of western Colombia and eastern Panama (Lonsdale
the adjacent and less abrupt Atrato Valley topo- and Klitgord, 1978).
graphy. To the north, the trace of this contact is
marked by the slightly west-dipping Neogene terri- Istmina Deformed Zone
genous and Quaternary unconsolidated sediments
unconformably overlying the complex rocks of the The southern boundary of the Choco Block is
Dabeiba Arch. marked by the low hills of the Istmina Deformed
In light of the present discussion, the Atrato Zone which trend N60°E (cf. Istmina S h a l l o w s ,
Fault coincides with the previous fault zone sepa- Nygren, 1950; Istmina Shear Zone, Haffer, 1967;
rating the Dabeiba Arch from the adjacent Atrato San Juan Paleohigh, Bueno and Govea, 1976; Figs.
Basin (Fig. 3; Fig. 4 of Case et al., 1971). However, 2 and 3). This feature, which separates the Atrato
the original inferred northern extension of the and San Juan Basins, is a major structure extending
Atrato Fault to the Golfo de Uraba appears now from the Pacific Coast to the eastern flanks of the
Cordillera Occidental. Along the lstmina-Pereira
The Choco Block: Structural, tectonostratigraphic, and paleogeographic implications 81

highway (Figs. 3 and 7), the lstmina Zone consists of indicating the great thickness of sediments present.
highly deformed sedimentary rocks no younger than On seismic reflection records, particularly from the
middle Miocene (foraminiferal data; Duque-Caro, in offshore areas to the north and west of Buena-
press). It is also characterized by N60°E-trending ventura, between 4 ° and 5°N (Ecopetrol data), the
steep dips and tight folds which are cut by strike- submarine continuation of this structure contains
parallel faults (cf. Haffer, 1967; Barlow, 1981). This "diapiric intrusions" similar to those of the Sinu
structural pattern continues to the east, including Belt to the north (Duque-Caro, 1984).
both the western and eastern flanks of the Cor- The Istmina Deformed Zone is more than 40 km
dillera Occidental. N60°E-oriented fractures associ- wide and 320 km long, apparently contiguous with
ated with N20°W faults can be observed. similar structural trends to the west in the adjacent
Negative gravity anomalies are characteristic of Panama Basin (Fig. 3; Van Andel et al., 1971). To
the Istmina Deformed Zone (Case et al., 1971), the east, it divides the Cordillera Occidental into

u ~" ~ L 0 M B I A N
B A S I N ~/~


" \ J -

" //" ...2/

/ ./2






Fig. 7. Structural implications of the Istmina Zone on the Cordillera Occidental in N-W Colombia.
82 I|, [)UQUE-CARO

two distinctive segments (Fig. 7). The northern seg- anomalies and the association of igneous bodies of
ment is characterized by: (l) mostly north to NW- oceanic origin with sedimentary rocks; and (b) the
trending positive gravity anomalies of the Dabeiba presence of Upper Cretaceous to Miocene pelagic,
Arch and by mostly igneous rocks and chaotic strata hemipelagic, and terrigenous strata, with volcanic
along the western flanks; and (2)north-trending rock interbeds of oceanic origin, in blocks of differ
gravity anomalies, generally correlative with the ent ages and environments, chaotically distributed,
fine-grained turbidites of the Upper Cretaceous- and of variable size up to several i~ilometers in
lower Tertiary Urrao Formation, along the eastern length. The Dabeiba Arch, in addil;ion, includes
flanks. South of the Istmina Deformed Zone (Fig melange fabric, particularly along its eastern m a r
7), in contrast, N20°E-trending negative gravity gin, consisting of disrupted strata and inclusions of
anomalies (Case et al., 1971), related to the mostly Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene exotic blocks of dif-
metamorphic and m e t a s e d i m e n t a r y suites of the ferent sizes in a sheared pelitic mat~'ix of middle
Cretaceous Cisneros and Espinal Formations of the Miocene age.
Dagua Group (Barrero, 1979), are exposed along the • The Atrato-Chucunaque Basins contain only
western flanks of the Cordillera Occidental. The thick sedimentary fill. In contrast, the Dabeiba and
eastern flanks of the southern segment exhibit posi Baudo Arches are composed of associated sedi
tive gravity anomalies that correspond mostly to mentary and igneous rocks. Two stratigraphic
volcanic suites of the Upper Cretaceous Diabasc sequences have been recognized in the Atrato Basin:
Group (Case et al., 1971; Barrero, 1979). Another (1) an exposed Oligocene to Pliocene sequence with
major contrast is the absence of granitoid plutons on distinctive Oligocene to middle Miocene s t r a t a of
the western flanks of the southern segment, where- pelagic and hemipelagic character; and (2) an u n
as these are characteristic in the western flanks of derlying and unexposed middle Miocene and older
the northern segment. In offshore areas, this differ- terrigenous sequence.
ence between the northern and southern segments is
reflected by a major tectonic break indicated by Interpretations
geophysical contrasts b e t w e e n the S e r r a n i a de
Baudo to the north and Gorgona Island to the south • The Choco Block is an exotic piece of Central
(McGeary and Ben-Avraham, 1985). This break America accreted to the northwestern flanks of the
coincides with the offshore extension of the lstmina Cordillera Occidental, with no lithogenetic affinity
l)eformed Zone. with northwestern South America. The presence of"
The N60°E-trending structures appear to be a exotic components such as Paleocene planktic as-
regional pattern characteristic of n o r t h w e s t e r n semblages and quartzose turbidites, c o n s i d e r e d
Colombia and the adjacent P a n a m a Basin (Van atypical of the n o r t h w e s t e r n c o r n e r of S o u t h
Andel et al., 1971). In the Choco Block, this struc- America, supports this interpretation.
tural pattern is developed particularly in Oligocene • The Choco Block likely originated far from
to middle Miocene strata, both along the eastern South America, at least as far as northern Central
flanks of the Baudo Arch and in the [stmina American latitudes, previous to its accretion onto
Deformed Zone (Fig. 3). In contrast, this structural the northwestern flanks of the Cordillera Occiden-
pattern does not substantially affect the post-middle tal. Where its components originally formed and
Miocene beds. This indicates that the deformation how they were amalgamated, however, are ques-
which produced these trends, roughly perpendicular tions difficult to answer at present. Several plate
to the Panama and Uramita Fault Zones, originated tectonic models have been suggested to explain the
during and after the middle Miocene tectonic distur- origin of oceanic rocks in the northwestern corner of
bances (Duque-Caro, in press) and resulted from the South America (Case, 1974; Mooney, 1980; Penning-
thrusting and compression of the Choco Block with ton, 1981; Dengo, 1983, among others). The sparse
the northwestern corner of South America. existing data and the lack of systematic mapping of
this region, however, hamper clarification of this
SUMMARY A N D CONCLUSIONS • The suture zone between the Choco Block and
northwestern South America is m a r k e d by the
A n t e c e d e n t s a n d Facts Uramita Fault Zone.
• The accretion of the Choco Block onto the north-
• The Choco Block is composed of the Dabeiba and western flanks of the Cordillera Occidental started
Baudo Arches and the Atrato-Chucunaque Basins, during the middle Miocene (Duque-Caro, in press).
each of which displays contrasting structural and This accretion entailed major deformation of pre-
stratigraphic styles. Five conspicuous fault zones middle Miocene formations, including the steep dips
include the internal Atrato and Baudo Fault Zones, and tight folds that trend N60°E in the [stmina
the bounding Uramita and P a n a m a Fault Zones, Deformed Zone, the synclinal shape of the Atrato-
and the Istmina Deformed Zone. Chucunaque Basins, the en echelon folds along the
• The Dabeiba and Baudo Arches outline the western margins of the Atrato-Chucunaque Basins,
external boundaries of the Choco Block and display and the shearing and deformation of lower middle
similar characteristics: (a) mostly positive gravity Miocene planktic foraminifera in the Dabeiba Arch
The Choco Block: Structural, tectonostratigraphic,and paleogeographic implications 83

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middle Miocene episode, during which the areas Calle, B., and Salinas, R., 1986. Geolog~a y Gcoquimica de la
west of the Cordillera Occidental were open to the Plancha 165, Carmen de Atrato. lngeominas, Informe 1987.
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Cordillera Occidental, thus affecting the water tin of the Geological Society of America 82, 2685-2712.
circulation between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Case, J. E., Holcombe, T. L., and Martin, R.G., 1984. Map of
(Duque-Caro, in press). The resulting paleogeo- geologic provinces in the Caribbean region. In: The Caribbean-
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ty of America, Memoir 162, 1-30.
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inner borderland basins of southern California Coney, P. J., Jones, D. L., and Monger, J. W. H., 1980. Cordilleran
suspect terranes. Science 288, 329-333.
(Duque-Caro, in press).
• The previous interpretations lead to the ques- Dengo, G., 1968. gstructura Geoldgica, Historia Tect6nica y
Morfologia de Amdrica Central. Centro Regional de Ayuda Tec-
tion of how paleoceanography and paleobiogeo- nica-Agencia para el Desarrollo [nternacional (AID), 52 p.
graphy evolved in the northwestern corner of South
Dengo, G., 1983. Mid-America: Tectonic Setting for the Pacific
America, and how the fossil content of the pre- and Margin from Southern Mexico to Northern Colombia. Centro de
post-middle Miocene stratigraphic sequences reflect Estudios Geol6gicos de America Central, Guatemala, 56 p.
the middle Miocene tectonic disturbances; this is the Duque-Caro, H., 1972. Relaciones entre la bioestratigrafla y la
subject of another paper (Duque-Caro, in press). cronoestratigrafla en el llamado geosiclinal de Bolivar. Ingeo-
minas, Boletin Geol6gico 19 (3), 25-68.
Duque-Caro, H., 1975. Los foraminfferos planct6nicos y el Ter-
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Acknowledgements--This paper is part of my PhD thesis at the Duque-Caro, H., 1979. Major structural elements and evolution
Department of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Princeton of northwestern Colombia. In: Geological and Geophysical In-
University. In this matter I want to express my sincere thanks vestigations of Continental Margins (edited by J. S. Watkins, L.
and acknowledgement to A. G. Fischer, F. B. van Houten, J. E. Montadert, and P. W. Dickerson). American Association of Petro-
Case, N. Lundberg, and J. N. Kellogg for their comments and leum Geologists, Memoir 29, 329-351.
suggestions at various stages of its completion.
Duque-Caro, H., 1984. Structural style, diapirism and accre-
tionary episodes of the Sinu-San Jacinte terrane, southwestern
Caribbean borderland. In: The Caribbean-South American Plate
Boundary and Regional Tectonics (edited by W. E. Bonini, R. B.
Hargraves, and R. Shagam). Geological Society of America,
Memoir 162,303-316.

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