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GNU Pem https://www.gnu.


GNU Personal Expenses Manager


GNU Pem is a handy tool to help you keep track of your

personal income and expenses. On GNU/Linux and other Unix
like systems, Pem works by storing the details in a CSV file
placed in the ~/.pem directory under your $HOME directory.
On Windows, the same file is placed in pem directory, under
the %USERPROFILE% directory. Each such file is named after
the current month, and is automatically created by Pem when
you enter the first record for a month. It is not advisable
to edit these files by hand.

Screen shots: one two three

Latest release: pem-0.7.9.tar.gz

User guide: Getting started with GNU Pem


On GNU/Linux and other Unix like systems: just say

$ ./configure [--prefix=/install/directory]
$ make
# make install

By default, this should install Pem under /usr/local/bin

directory, assuming you have the right privileges to do
that. You may also consider changing the prefix using the
--prefix option, in case you don´t have the necessary
permissions. For more information please see:

$ ./configure --help.

On Windows:

Copy and paste the file to the directory where

you keep your other executable files, and make sure, this
directory is included in your %PATH% variable. That´s all,
GNU Pem is ready to serve you. :)

For usage information about pem, on GNU/Linux et al., try

$ pem --help
$ man pem
$ info pem

On Windows try

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C:\> --help

Also, use the pem.txt file to explore what Pem can do, and
how it does that.


Please send any suggestions/comments or bug reports you

may have, to the pem mailing list. They are most welcome and

Thank you!

. .

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