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1. A preschool-age child refuses to take prescribed c. Administration of oxygen at a rate of 4 Liminute

medication. Which nursing strategy would be most using a nonhumidified nasal cannula
appropriate? d. Use of a tympanic membrane sensor to measure her
a. Mixing the medication in milk so the child isn’t aware temperature at the bedside
that ifs there RATIONALES: Oxygen should be humidified to assure
b. Explaining the medications effects in detail to ensure that irritation of the mucosa doesn’t occur. This teen’s
cooperation platelet level is decreased, so she’s at risk for bleeding
c. Making the child feel ashamed for not cooperating The nose is a vascular region that can bleed easily if the
d. Showing trust in the child’s ability to cooperate even mucosa is dried by the oxygen. A sign to remind others
with an unpleasant procedure to avoid needle sticks and to not give anything via the
RATiONALES: To gain a preschooler’s cooperation. the rectum, the presence of two peripheral LVs. and the use
nurse should show trust and express faith in the child’s of a tympanic temperature device are all aspects of care
ability to cooperate even with an unpleasant procedure that would decrease the client’s risk of bleeding
Hiding the medication in milk may foster mistrust The
nurse should provide simple, not detailed, explanations 5. A child, age 2 is brought to the emergency
and should use terms the child can understand Shaming department after ingesting an unknown number of
the child is inappropriate and may lead to feelings of aspirin tablets about 30 minutes earlier. Qn entering the
guilt. examination room, the child is crying and clinging to the
mother Which data should the nurse obtain first?
2. Which intervention provides the most accurate a. Heart rate, respiratory rate. and blood pressure
information about an infant’s hydration status? b. Recent exposure to communicable diseases
a. Monitoring the infant’s vital signs c. Number of immunizations received
b. Accurately measuring intake and output d. Height and weight
c. Monitoring serum electrolyte levels
d. Weighing the infant daily 6. A 15-year-old girl visits the neighborhood clinic
RATIONALES: Weighing an infant daily provides the most seeking information on “how to keep from getting
accurate information about the infant’s hydration status pregnant” What should the nurse say in response to her
Vital signs, intake and output, and electrolyte levels request?
provide helpful information about an infant’s hydration a. ‘What would you like to know?”
status, but they aren’t as accurate as weighing daily b. “Let’s discuss what your friends are doing to keep
from getting pregnant”
3. Laboratory results for a child with a congenital heart c. I “Can you tell me if you’ve told your parents you’re
defect with decreased pulmonary blood flow reveal an having sex?”
elevated hemoglobin(Hb) level. hematocrit(HCT), and d. “Can you tell me about the precautions you’re taking
red blood cell (RBC) count. These data suggest which now?”
a. Anemia 7. For a child with a WiIms tumor, which preoperative
b. Dehydration nursing intervention takes highest priority?
c. Jaundice a. Restricting oral intake
d. Compensation for hypoxia b. Monitoring acid-base balance
RATIONALES: A congenital heart defect with decreased c. Avoiding abdominal palpation
pulmonary blood flow alters blood flow through the d. Maintaining strict isolation
heart and lungs. resulting in hypoxia To compensate, the RATIONALES: Because manipulating the abdominal mass
body increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of RBCs by may disseminate cancer cells to adjacent and distant
increasing RBC production, which causes the Hb level sites, the most important intervention for a child with a
and HCT to rise. In anemia, the Hb level and HCT Wilms tumor is to avoid palpating the abdomen.
typically decrease. Altered electrolyte levels and other Restricting oral intake and monitoring acid-base balance
laboratory values are better indicators of dehydration are routine interventions for all preoperative clients:
An elevated Hb level and HCT aren’t associated with they have no higher priority in one with a Wilms tumor.
jaundice Isolation isnt required because a Wilms tumor isnt
4. An adolescent girl who’s receiving chemotherapy for
leukemia is admitted for pneumonia The adolescent’s 8. A preschool-age child is admitted to the facility with
platelet count is 50.000 pl. Which of the following would nephrotic syndrome. Nursing assessment reveals a
be inappropriate to include in the care plan? blood pressure of 100160 mm Hg. Lethargy, generalized
a. A sign over the bed that reads “NO NEEDLE STICKS edema, and dark, frothy urine After prednisone
AND NOTHING PER RECTUM” (Deltasone) therapy is initiated, which nursing action
b. Two peripheral LV intermittent infusion devices, one takes highest priority?
for blood draws and one for infusions a. Monitoring the child for hypertension
b. Turning and repositioning the child frequently
c. Providing a high-sodium diet
d. Discussing the adverse effects of steroids with the eliminate the buffered acids by increasing alveolar
parents ventilation through deep, rapid respirations. Altered
RATIONALES: The child with nephrotic syndrome is at WBC and platelet counts aren’t specific signs of
risk for skin breakdown from generalized edema. metabolic imbalance.
Because this syndrome typically impairs independent
movement, the nurse must turn and reposition the child 12. The school nurse is evaluating a 7-year-old client
frequently to help prevent skin breakdown. Frequent who is having an asthma attack. The client is cyanotic
turning also helps prevent respiratory infections, which and unable to speak with decreased breath sounds and
may arise during the edematous phase of nephrotic shallow respirations. Based on these physical findings,
syndrome. The syndrome typically causes hypotension, the nurse should first:
not hypertension, from significant loss of intravascular a. monitor the client with a pulse oximeter in her office.
protein and a subsequent drop in oncotic pressure b. prepare to ventilate the client
Dietary sodium should be restricted because it worsens c. return the client to class.
edema. Although the nurse should discuss the adverse d. contact the clients parent or guardian.
effects of steroids with the parents, This isnt a priority at RATIONALES: The nurse should recognize these physical
this time. findings as signs and symptoms of impending
respiratory collapse. The nurse’s top priority is to assess
9. During chemotherapy for lymphoma, a child, age 15, airway, breathing, and circulation, and prepare to
is at risk for stomatitis. Which statement by the child ventilate the client if necessary. The nurse should then
supports a nursing diagnosis of Deficient knowledge notify the emergency medical systems (EMS) to
related to mouth care? transport the client to a local hospital When the clients
a. “I use a soft toothbrush to clean my teeth” condition allows, the nurse can notify the parents or
b. remove white patches on my tongue and cheeks guardian This client shouldn’t be returned to class
with my toothbrush” Because the clients condition requires immediate
c. “1 rinse my mouth every 2 to 4 hours with a solution intervention, simply monitoring pulse oximetry
of baking soda and water° would delay treatment
d. I don’t use bottled mouthwashes”
RATIONALES: White patches on the tongue and oral 13. The physician prescribes digoxin (Lanoxin) elixir for a
mucosa indicate infection: the client should report, not toddler with heart failure. Immediately before
remove them. The child should use a soft toothbrush to administering this drug, the nurse must check the
prevent injury to the fragile oral mucosa. To prevent toddle(s:
stomatitis, the child should rinse the mouth every 2 to 4 a. serum sodium level
hours with a nonirritating solution, such as baking soda b. urine output
and water or normal saline solution, and should avoid c. weight
commercial mouthwashes containing alcohol, which d. apical pulses
may dry the oral mucosa.
14. A toddler is brought to the emergency department
10. A preschool-age child with sickle cell anemia is with sudden onset of abdominal pain, vomiting, and
admitted to the health care facility in vaso-occlusive stools that look like red currant jelly. To confirm
crisis after developing a fever and joint pain What is the intussusception. the suspected cause of these findings,
nurse’s highest priority when caring for this child? the nurse expects the physician to order:
a. Providing fluids a. a barium enema.
b. Maintaining protective isolation b. suprapubic aspiration.
c. Applying cool compresses to affected joints c. nasogastric (NG) tube insertion.
d. Administering antipyretics as prescribed d. indwelling urinary catheter insertion.
RATIONALES: During a vaso-occlusive crisis, sickle-
shaped red blood cells (RBC5) clump together and 15. A 6-year-old client has tested positive for West Nile
obstruct blood vessels, causing ischemia and tissue virus infection. The nurse suspects the client has the
damage. Providing I.V. and oral fluids promotes severe form of the disease when she recognizes which
hemodilution. Which aids the free flow of ROCs through signs and symptoms?
blood vessels. The client must be kept away from known a. Fever, rash, and malaise
infection sources but doesn’t require protective b. Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting
isolation Warm compresses may be applied to painful c. Fever, muscle weakness, and change in mental
joints to promote comfort: cool compresses would status
cause vasoconstriction, which exacerbates sickling. d. Fever, lymphadenopathy, and rash
Antipyretics may be administered to reduce fever but RATIONALES: Severe West Nile virus infection (also
don’t play a crucial role in resolving the crisis. called West Nile encephalitis or West Nile meningitis)
affects the central nervous system and may cause
11. When caring for a 12-month-old infant with headache, neck stiffness, fever, muscle weakness or
dehydration and metabolic acidosis, the nurse expects paralysis. changes in mental status, and seizures Such
to see which of the following? signs and symptoms as fever, rash, malaise, anorexia,
a. A reduced white blood cell (WBC) count nausea and vomiting, and lymphadenopathy suggest the
b. A decreased platelet count mild form of West Nile virus infection
c. Shallow respirations
d. Tachypnea 16. A pediatric client with iron deficiency anemia is
RATIONALES: The body compensates for metabolic prescribed ferrous sulfate (Ferralyn), an oral iron
acidosis via the respiratory system, which tries to supplement. When teaching the child and parent how to
administer this preparation, the nurse should provide 20. A 2-year-old child is brought to the emergency
which instruction? department with suspected croup. Which of the
a. “Administer ferrous sulfate with meals to prevent following assessment findings reflects increasing
stomach upset” respiratory distress?
b. “Administer ferrous sulfate with milk to promote a. Intercostal retractions
absorption” b. Bradycardia
c. “Administer ferrous sulfate with fruit juice to c. Decreased level of consciousness
promote absorption.” d. Flushed skin
d. “Administer ferrous sulfate with antacids to prevent
stomach upset.” 21. The mother of a 4-year-old child tells the pediatric
RATIONALES: Administering an oral iron supplement nurse that the child’s abdomen seems to be swollen.
such as ferrous sulfate with fruit juice or another During further assessment, the mother tells the nurse
vitamin C source enhances its absorption Preferably. that the child is eating well and that the activity level of
doses should be administered between meals because the child is unchanged. The nurse, suspecting the
gastric acidity and absence of food promote iron possibility of Wilms’ tumor, should avoid which during
absorption In contrast. food, milk, and antacids impair the physical assessment?
iron absorption. a. Palpating the abdomen for a mass
b. Assessing the urine for the presence of hematuria
17. A boy, age 3, develops a fever and rash and is c. Monitoring the temperature for the presence of fever
diagnosed with rubella His mother has just given birth to d. Monitoring the blood pressure for the presence of
a baby girl Which statement by the mother best hypertension
indicates that she understands the implications of Rationale: Wilms’tumor is the most common
rubella? intraabdominal and kidney tumor of childhood. If Wilms’
a. “I told my husband to give my son aspirin for his tumor is suspected, the tumor mass should not be
fever” palpated by the nurse. Excessive manipulation can cause
b. I’ll ask the physician about giving the baby an seeding of the tumor and spread of the cancerous cells.
immunization shot” Hematuria, fever, and hypertension are clinical
c. “1 don’t have to worry because I’ve had the measles” manifestations associated with Wilms’ tumor.
d. “I’ll call my neighbor who’s 2 months pregnant and
tell her not to have contact with my son-” 22. Which specific nursing interventions are
RATIONALES: Fetal defects can occur during the first implemented in the care of a child with leukemia who
trimester of pregnancy if the pregnant woman contracts is at risk for infection? Select all that apply.
rubella Aspirin shouldn’t be given to young children 1. Maintain the child in a semiprivate room.
because aspirin has been implicated in the development 2. Reduce exposure to environmental organisms.
of Reyes syndrome. Tylenol should be used instead of 3. Use strict aseptic technique for all procedures.
aspirin Rubella immunization isn’t recommended for 4. Ensure that anyone entering the child’s room wears
children until ages 12 to 15 months Measles is rubeola a mask.
and won’t provide immunity for rubella 5. Apply firm pressure to a needle-stick area for
at least 10 minutes.
18. An adolescent is diagnosed with iron deficiency a. 1,2,4 b. 2,3,4 c. 3,4,5 d. 2,3,5
anemia. After emphasizing the importance of Rationale: Leukemia is a malignant increase in the
consuming dietary iron, the nurse asks the child to number of leukocytes, usually at an immature stage, in
select iron-rich breakfast items from a sample menu the bone marrow. It affects the bone marrow, causing
Which selection demonstrates knowledge of dietary iron anemia from decreased erythrocytes, infection from
sources? neutropenia, and bleeding from decreased platelet
a. Grapefruit and toast production (thrombocytopenia). A common
b. Pancakes and a banana complication of treatment for leukemia is overwhelming
c. Ham and eggs infection secondary to neutropenia. Measures to
d. Bagel and cream cheese prevent infection include the use of a private room,
strict aseptic technique, restriction of visitors and health
19. Which of the following objects poses the most care personnel with active infection, strict hand
serious safety threat to a 2-year-old child in the washing, ensuring that anyone entering the child’s room
hospital? wears a mask, and reducing exposure to environmental
a. Crayons and paper organisms by eliminating raw fruits and vegetables
b. Stuffed teddy bear in the crib from the diet and fresh flowers from the child’s room
c. Mobile hanging over the crib and by not leaving standing water in the child’s room.
d. Side rails in the halfway position Applying firm pressure to a needle-stick area for at least
RATIONALES: To prevent falls — one of the most 10 minutes is a measure to prevent bleeding.
common accidents in hospitals — the crib rails always
should be raised and fastened securely unless an adult is 23. An adolescent client with type 1 diabetes mellitus
at the bedside Crayons and paper and a stuffed teddy is admitted to the emergency department for treatment
bear are safe toys for a 2-year-old child. Although a of diabetic ketoacidosis. Which assessment
mobile could pose a safety threat to this child, the findings should the nurse expect to note?
threat is less serious than that posed by an incorrectly a. Sweating and tremors
positioned side rail b. Hunger and hypertension
c. Cold, clammy skin and irritability
d. Fruity breath odor and decreasing level of
consciousness a. Provide less frequent, larger feedings.
b. Burp the infant less frequently during feedings.
24. A child with type 1 diabetes mellitus is brought c. Thin the feedings by adding water to the formula.
to the emergency department by the mother, d. Thicken the feedings by adding rice cereal to the
who states that the child has been complaining formula.
of abdominal pain and has been lethargic. Diabetic Rationale: Gastroesophageal reflux is backflow of gastric
ketoacidosis is diagnosed. Anticipating the plan of care, contents into the esophagus as a result of relaxation or
the nurse prepares to administer which type of incompetence of the lower esophageal or cardiac
intravenous (IV) infusion? sphincter. Small, more frequent feedings with frequent
a. Potassium infusion burping often are prescribed in the treatment of
b. NPH insulin infusion gastroesophageal reflux. Feedings thickened with rice
c. 5% dextrose infusion cereal may reduce episodes of emesis. If thickened
d. Normal saline infusion formula is used, cross-cutting of the nipple may be
25. The nurse should implement which interventions
for a child older than 2 years with type 1 diabetes 29. After a tonsillectomy, a child begins to vomit bright
mellituswho has a blood glucose level of 60 mg/dL red blood. The nurse should take which initial action?
(3.4 mmol/L)? Select all that apply. a. Turn the child to the side.
1. Administer regular insulin. b. Administer the prescribed antiemetic.
2. Encourage the child to ambulate. c. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
3. Give the child a teaspoon of honey. d. Maintain NPO (nothing by mouth) status.
4. Provide electrolyte replacement therapy Rationale: After tonsillectomy, if bleeding occurs, the
intravenously. nurse immediately turns the child to the side to prevent
5. Wait 30 minutes and confirm the blood glucose aspiration and then notifies the HCP. NPO status would
reading. be maintained, and an antiemetic may be prescribed;
6. Prepare to administer glucagon subcutaneously however, the initial nursing action would be to turn the
if unconsciousness occurs. child to the side.
a. 1,3,6 b. 3,5,6 c. 3,6 d. 5,6
30. A child has been diagnosed with acute otitis media
26. The clinic nurse reviews the record of an infant and of the right ear. Which interventions should the
notes that the health care provider has documented nurse include in the plan of care? Select all that apply.
a diagnosis of suspected Hirschsprung’s disease. 1. Provide a soft diet.
The nurse reviews the assessment findings 2. Position the child on the left side.
documented in the record, knowing that which 3. Administer an antihistamine twice daily.
sign most likely led the mother to seek health care 4. Irrigate the right ear with normal saline every 8 hours.
for the infant? 5. Administer ibuprofen for fever every 4 hours as
a. Diarrhea prescribed and as needed.
b. Projectile vomiting 6. Instruct the parents about the need to administer
c. Regurgitation of feedings the prescribed antibiotics for the full course of therapy.
d. Foul-smelling ribbon-like stools Rationale: Acute otitis media is an inflammatory
27. An infant has just returned to the nursing unit after caused by an infection of the middle ear. The child often
surgical repair of a cleft lip on the right side. The has fever, pain, loss of appetite, and possible ear
nurse should place the infant in which best position drainage. The child also is irritable and lethargic and
at this time? may roll the head or pull on or rub the affected ear.
a. Prone position Otoscopic examination may reveal a red, opaque,
b. On the stomach bulging, and immobile tympanic membrane. Hearing
c. Left lateral position loss may be noted particularly in chronic otitis media.
d. Right lateral position The child’s fever should be treated with ibuprofen. The
Rationale: A cleft lip is a congenital anomaly that occurs child is positioned on his or her affected side to facilitate
as a result of failure of soft tissue or bony structure to drainage. A soft diet is recommended during the acute
fuse during embryonic development. After cleft lip stage to avoid pain
repair, the nurse avoids positioning an infant on the side that can occur with chewing. Antibiotics are prescribed
of the repair or in the prone position because these to treat the bacterial infection and should be
positions can cause rubbing of the surgical site on the administered for the full prescribed course. The ear
mattress. The nurse positions the infant on the side should not be irrigated with normal saline because it can
lateral to the repair or on the back upright and positions exacerbate the inflammation further. Antihistamines are
the infant to prevent airway obstruction by secretions, not usually recommended as a part of therapy.
blood, or the tongue. From the options provided,
placing the infant on the left side immediately after 31. The nurse is caring for an 8-year-old child with acute
surgery is best to prevent the risk of aspiration if the asthma exacerbation. Which of the following would be
infant vomits. of greatest concern to the nurse?
a. The child’s respiratory rate is now 24 breaths/minute
28. The nurse provides feeding instructions to a parent b. Recent blood gas analysis indicates an oxygen
of an infant diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux saturation of 96W
disease. Which instruction should the nurse give to the c. Before a respiratory therapy treatment, wheezing
parent to assist in reducing the episodes of emesis? isn’t heard on auscultation
d. The child’s mother reports that the child sometimes sunken eyeballs indicate dehydration. not increased ICR
forgets to take the inhalers With increased ICP, the heart rate decreases
RATIONALES: Typically, before a respiratory therapy
treatment, wheezing has increased and the client has 36. Which intervention takes priority when admitting an
increased respiratory distress. No wheezing on infant with acute gastroenteritis?
auscultation is an indication that the child isn’t moving a. Obtaining a stool specimen
air in and out and is in respiratory distress. A respiratory b. Weighing the infant
rate of 24 breaths/minute in an 8-year-old child is c. Offering the infant clear liquids
normal. An oxygen saturation of 95% is somewhat of a d. Obtaining a history of the illness
concern, possibly indicating that the client needs oxygen
or needs to clear the airways The fact that the mother 37. A neonate born several hours ago shows signs of a
makes the 8-year-old child responsible for taking tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). During the initial
medications is of concern and needs to be investigated, assessment,
but this isn’t as important at this time as the lack of what does the nurse expect to find?
wheezing a. Continuous drooling
b. Diaphragmatic breathing
32. A toddler with a ventricular septal defect IVSD) is c. A slow response to stimuli
receiving digoxin (Lanoxin) to treat heart failure The d. Passage of frothy meconium
nurse should monitor the child for early signs of digoxin
toxicity. which include: 38. Which technique is most effective in preventing
a. bradycardia nosocomial infection transmission when caring for a
b. tachycardia preschooler?
c. hypertension a. Client isolation
d. hyperactivity b. Standard precautions
c. Hand washing
33. Which of the following should the nurse do first d. Needleless syringe system
when admitting an 11-year-old child in sickle cell crisis?
a. Administer oral pain medication while obtaining the 39. The nurse is teaching accident prevention to the
child’s history parents of a toddler. Which instruction is appropriate
b. Begin I.V. fluids after obtaining the child’s history. for the nurse to
c. Instruct the parents about what to expect during this tell the parents?
hospitalization a. The toddler should wear a helmet when roller
d. Start oxygen therapy as soon as the child’s vital signs blading.
are taken b. Place locks on cabinets containing toxic substances.
RATIONALES: Fluids are one of the most important c. Teach the toddler water safety.
components of therapy for sickle cell crisis Fluids help d. Don't allow the toddler to use pillows when sleeping.
increase blood volume and prevent sickling and
thrombosis A child experiencing a sickle cell crisis often 40. Twenty-four hours after birth, a neonate hasn't
has severe pain requiring the use of LV. analgesics such passed meconium. The nurse suspects which condition?
as morphine, which would be administered after fluid a. Hirschsprung's disease
therapy has been started. Instructing the parents about b. Celiac disease
what to expect during hospitalization is important but it c. Intussusception
isn’t the first action the nurse should take. Oxygen d. Abdominal wall defect
therapy is used only if the child is hypoxic.
41. In a pediatric client, what is an early sign of acute
34. A child, age 4, is admitted with a tentative diagnosis renal failure (ARF)?
of congenital heart disease. When assessment reveals a a. Hypertension
bounding radial pulse coupled with a weak femoral b. Decreased urine output
pulse, the nurse suspects that the child has: c. Anemia
a. patent ductus arteriosus. d. Hematuria
b. coarctation of the aorta.
c. a ventricular septal defect. 42. A 4-year-old girl has a urinary tract infection (UTI).
d. truncus arteriosus. When teaching the parents how to help her avoid
recurrent UTIs,
35. An infant undergoes surgery to remove a the nurse should emphasize which preventive measure?
myelomeningocele.To detect increased intracranial a. Wiping her perineum from back to front after she
pressure (ICP) as early as possible the nurse should stay uses the toilet
alert for which postoperative finding? b. Administering prophylactic antibiotics
a. Decreased urine output c. Giving her a warm bath for 15 minutes daily
b. Increased heart rate d. Making sure she avoids bubble baths
c. Bulging fontanels
d. Sunken eyeballs 43. When assessing a child with juvenile
RATIONALES: Because an infant’s fontanels remain hypothyroidism, the nurse expects which finding?
open. the skull may expand in response to increased ICR a. Goiter
Therefore, bulging fontanels are a cardinal sign of b. Recent weight loss
increased ICP in an infant Decreased urine output and c. Insomnia
d. Tachycardia
enzymes. Which response by the nurse would be most
44. A child with diabetes insipidus receives appropriate?
desmopressin acetate (DDAVP). When evaluating for a. "Pancreatic enzymes promote absorption of
therapeutic nutrients and fat."
effectiveness, the nurse would interpret which finding b. "Pancreatic enzymes promote adequate rest."
as a positive response to this drug? c. "Pancreatic enzymes prevent intestinal mucus
a. Decreased urine output accumulation."
b. Increased urine glucose level d. "Pancreatic enzymes help prevent meconium ileus."
c. Decreased blood pressure

45. A child is diagnosed with pituitary dwarfism. Which Situation: You are assigned in the neurology stroke unit.
pituitary agent will the physician probably prescribe to To prepare for this assignment, you should be able to
treat this answer the following questions.
a. corticotropin zinc hydroxide (Cortrophin-Zinc) 51. Which of the following statements can best describe
b. somatrem (Protropin) / define stroke or brain attack:
c. desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) a. It occurs when circulation to a part of the brain is
d. vasopressin (Pitressin) disrupted
b. It is usually caused by abuse of prescribed
46. When discharging a 5-month-old infant from the medications
hospital, the nurse checks to see whether the parent's c. It is caused by a cerebral hemorrhage
car restraint d. It may be the results of a transient ischemic attack
system for the infant is appropriate. Which of the (TIA)
following restraint systems would be safest?
a. A front-facing convertible car seat in the middle of the 52. Several diagnostic tests may be ordered for proper
back seat evaluation. The purpose of each of the following
b. A rear-facing infant safety seat in the front passenger diagnostic exam is correct EXCEPT:
seat a. Cerebral angiography – is used to identify collateral
c. A rear-facing infant safety seat in the middle of the blood circulation and may reveal site of rupture or
back seat occlusion
d. A front-facing convertible car seat in the back seat b. ECG – may reveal abnormal electrical activity, such as
next to the window focal slowing and assess amount of brain wave activity
c. MRI – may reveal the site of infarction, hematoma,
47. A 12-month-old child fell down the stairs and a and shift of brain structures
basilar skull fracture is suspected. The nurse should look d. PET scanning – may reveal information on cerebral
for: metabolism and blood flow characteristics
a. cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea.
b. deafness. 53. Which of the following is the most common cause of
c. raccoon eyes. stroke or brain attack:
d. Battle's sign. a. Embolism
b. Hemorrhage
48. The nurse is caring for an 8-year-old child with acute c. Cerebral arterial spasm
asthma exacerbation. Which of the following would be d. Thrombosis
greatest concern to the nurse? 54. To guide you in your assessment, it is also important
a. The child's respiratory rate is now 24 breaths/minute. for you to remember that the clinical features of stroke
b. Recent blood gas analysis indicates an oxygen vary with the following factors EXCEPT:
saturation of 95%. a. Severity of damage
c. Before a respiratory therapy treatment, wheezing b. Gender
isn't heard on auscultation. c. Artery affected
d. The child's mother reports that the child sometimes d. The extent of collateral circulation
forgets to take the inhalers.
55. It is important for you to also teach clients and their
49. When performing a physical assessment on a girl, families who are at risk to observe primary prevention
age 10, the nurse keeps in mind that the first sign of which includes the following:
sexual a. Maintain serum cholesterol level between 180 and
maturity in girls is: 220 mg/dL
a. breast bud development. b. Treat TIA early
b. pubic hair. c. Teach preventive health behaviors (consequences of
c. axillary hair. smoking, obesity, alcoholism, drug abuse) to children
d. menarche. of patients with stroke
d. Screen for systolic hypertension
50. The parents of a child with cystic fibrosis ask the
nurse why their child must receive supplemental
CARE OF THE PATIENT WITH RENAL FAILURE 63. A client on dialysis frequently experience the
psychologic problem of:
56. How many percent of cardiac output must the a. Reactive depression
kidneys have? b. Superego constriction
a. 20-25% c. Postpartum psychosis
b. 15-20% d. Disequillibrium syndromes
c. 10-20%
d. 25-35% 64. Mr. Perez is taking Furosemide (Lasix) to relieve
edema. The nurse should monitor the client for
57. The following are causes of renal failure except: evidence of:
a. Nephrotoxicity a. Negative nitrogen balance
b. Cardiac Tamponade b. Excessive retention of sodium ions
c. UTI c. Excessive loss of potassium ions
d. none of the above d. Elevation of the urine-specific gravity

58. Phases of acute renal failure: 65. The most important test used to determine whether
a. Initiation, oliguric, diuresis, recovery a client’s newly transplanted kidney is working is a:
b. Initiation, diuresis, oliguric, recovery a. Renal Scan
c. Emergent, oliguric, diuresis, recovery b. 24-hour urine output
d. Emergent, Intermediate, Recovery c. Serum Creatinine
d. White blood cell count
59. A patient with acute renal failure is on oliguric
phase. Which of the following is the appropriate nursing 66. Which of the following is a sign that the nurse could
intervention in this situation? observe in acute transplant rejection in patient after
a. Encourage fluid intake kidney transplant?
b. Passive range of motion exercises a. Polyuria
c. Restricting fluids b. Fever and chills
d. Fresh fruits to increase immunity c. Weight loss
d. Rising BUN and Creatinine more than 20%
60. Hyperkalemia in a patient with renal failure is a fatal
condition because hyperkalemia can result to: 67. A male client who is to have a kidney transplant asks
a. Increase muscle weakness the nurse how long will he be taking azathioprine
b. cardiac dysrhythmias (IMURAN), cyclosporine and prednisone. The nurse
c. Facial twitching recognizes that the client understood the teaching when
d. Decrease LOC he states “I must take these medications:
a. For the rest of my life.”
SITUATION: b. Until the surgery is over.”
Mr. Perez was diagnosed is a patient with Chronic Renal c. Until the anastomosis heals.”
Failure. The doctor ordered dialysis for the meantime d. During the post operative period.”
until a donor is available for Kidney Transplantation. As
a nurse, you are to evaluate his response to this 68. One hour after receiving 7 U of regular insulin, the
physiologic and psychosocial alteration. client presents with diaphoresis, pallor, and tachycardia.
The priority nursing action would be to
61. A client with chronic renal failure is receiving a a. notify the physician.
hemodialysis treatment. After hemodialysis, the nurse b. call the lab for a blood glucose level.
knows that the client is most likely to experience: c. offer the client milk and crackers.
a. Hematuria d. administer glucagon.
b. Weight loss
c. Increased urine output 69. A patient who has Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
d. Increase blood pressure (SLE) is taking prednisone (Deltasone) maintainance for
life. During client teaching, the nurse stresses the
62. A client with chronic renal failure is undergoing importance of taking prednisone exactly as prescribed
dialysis. You taught him to limit his sodium intake and and cautions against discontinuing the drug abruptly. A
you told him about the use of Salt substitute. You client who discontinues prednisone abruptly may
correctly explained to him that: experience:
a. Do not use salt substitutes because some of them a. Hyperglycemia and glycosuria.
contain potassium and it could cause fatal arrhythmias b. Acute adrenocortical insufficiency.
and asystole c. Cushing’s Disease
b. Never use salt substitutes because it contains higher d. Peptic Ulcer
amount of sodium and might contribute to your edema
c. Salt substitute is only taken if the Sodium intake 70. The nurse knows before puncturing the artery,
exceeded the limit Allen’s Test must be perform. What is the purpose of
d. Salt substitutes is recommended than the usual table this?
salt because it contains less sodium that might a. To determine level of oxygenation in the blood
contribute to hypertension and water retention to the b. To determine patency of the brachial artery
patient with chronic renal failure c. To determine patency of ulnar artery
d. To determine partial pressure of oxygen in the blood
b. The nurse should rotate the injection site to prevent
SITUATION : subcutaneous tissue irritation.
A client was rushed in the E.R Because of third degree c. Insulin are administer directly from the refrigerator.
burns sustained all over the body. d. Insulin injection are carefully spaced apart atleast
an inch away from one another to prevent
71. During the Acute phase of burn, the priority nursing lipodystrophy.
intervention in caring for this client is:
a. Prevention of infection 79.In diabetes mellitus Type 1, insulin deficiency or its
b. Pain management total absence can lead to fat breakdown that can
c. Prevention of Bleeding eventually lead to ketosis. The nurse knows that the acid
d. Fluid Resuscitation base disturbance associated with DKA is:
a. Metabolic Acidosis
72. The nurse knows that the most fatal electrolyte b. Respiratory Acidosis
imbalance in burned client during the Emergent phase c. Metabolic Alkalosis
of burn is: d. Respiratory Alkalosis
a. Hypokalemia
b. Hyperkalemia 80. In a client with DM 1 with persistent elevated blood
c. Hypernatremia glucose level of 240 mg/dl or more. Ketosis should be
d. Hyponatremia suspected. The nurse knows that to detect ketosis,
which of the following specimen is obtained?
73. Hypokalemia is reflected in the ECG by which of the a. Sputum b. Urine c. Feces d. Saliva
a. Tall T waves SITUATION: Foot care among patients with peripheral
b. Widening QRS Complex vascular problems is very important
c. Pathologic Q wave
d. U wave 81. When teaching a client with peripheral vascular
disease about foot care, you should include which
74. Knowledge of the pathophysiology of burn is instructions:
essential in caring for a burned client. The nurse knows a. Avoid wearing canvass shoes
the during the Emergent phase of burn, The movement b. Avoid using a nail clipper to cut the nails
of fluids is: c. Avoid use of cornstarch on the foot
a. From the Intracellular space going to the extracellular d. Avoid wearing cotton socks
b. From the Interstitial space going to the intravascular 82. FT, who has no known history of PVD comes to the
space ER complaining of sudden onset of lower leg pain.
c. From the Extracellular space going to the intracellular Inspection and palpation reveal absent pulses,
space paresthesia and a mottled, cyanotic, cold, cadaverous
d. From the Intravascular space going to the interstitial left calf. While the physician determines the appropriate
space management, you should:
a. Shave the affected leg in anticipation of surgery
75. The nurse is aware that in Emergent phase of burn, b. Place a heating pad around the calf
The most common cause of death is usually due to: c. Keep the affected leg level or slightly dependent
a. Bleeding d. Elevate the affected calf as high as possible
b. Burn Shock
c. Infection 83. What is the earliest manifestation of peripheral
d. Myocardial Infarction neuropathy?
a. Paresthesia
PATIENT WITH ENDOCRINE DISORDERS b. burning sensations specially in the morning
Situation: Knowledge of insulin preparation and c. Prickling or heightened sensation with episodes of
administration is of key importance in the management sharp pain
of diabetes. d. Numbness

76.If ketosis is present, the nurse knows that insulin to 84. Peripheral neuropathy can best be controlled by:
be given is: a. Good glucose control
a. NPH b. Humulin R c. Lente d. Humulin N b. Steroid therapy
c. Vitamin supplement
77.The acronym NPH stands for: d. Nothing, there is no slowing the process
a. Normal Protein Humalog
b. Normal Protein Hagedorn 85. In addition to clients with DM you must be aware
c. Neutral Protamine Humalog that acute hypoglycemia can also develop in a client
d. Neutral Protamine Hagedorn with:
a. Hypertension
78.Which of the following is true with regards to insulin b. Hyperthyroidism
absorption? c. Liver disease
a. The fastest absorption occurs in the subcutaneous d. Diabetes insipidus
tissues of the arm.
86. Which safety measure should the nurse use for a c. Assess for laryngeal nerve damage
client who has Cushing's disease? d. Assess for thyroid storm
a. Pad the siderails of the client's bed.
b. Assist the client to change positions frequently. 95. Which piece of equipment is most important for the
c. Use a lift sheet to change the client's position. nurse to keep at the client’s bedside who had
d. Keep suctioning equipment at the client's bedside. undergone subtotal thyroidectomy?
a. Indwelling urinary catheter kit
87. Which safety measure should the nurse use for a b. Tracheostomy set
client who has adrenocortical insufficiency? c. Scissors
a. Pad the siderails of the client's bed. b. Humidifier
b. Assist the client to change positions slowly
c. Use a lift sheet to change the client's position. 96. A client with myasthenia gravis is experiencing
d. Keep suctioning equipment at the client's bedside. prolonged periods of weakness, and the physician
orders an edrophonium (Tensilon) test A test dose is
88. The client with hyperaldosteronism is being treated administered and the client becomes weaker. The nurse
with spironolactone therapy. What precautions should interprets this test result as:
the nurse teach this client? a. Normal
a. “Avoid salt substitutes.” b. Positive
b. “Avoid adding salt to food.” c. Myasthenic crisis
c. “Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight.” d. Cholinergic crisis
d. “Avoid acetaminophen and acetaminophen-
containing products.” 97. The nurse is monitoring the intracranial pressure
(ICP) of a client with a head injury and notes that the ICP
89. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for the client is averaging 25 mmHg. How should the nurse correctly
with hypothyroidism? interpret this result?
a. Hypothermia a. The result is normal.
b. Disturbed Body Image b. Compensation is occurring, indicating adequate brain
c. Disturbed Thought Processes adaptation.
d. Imbalanced Nutrition: More than Body Requirements c. ICP is increased, indicating a serious compromise in
cerebral perfusion.
90. When taking the blood pressure of a client after a d. ICP is borderline in elevation, indicating the initial
parathyroidectomy, the nurse notes that the client's stage of decompensation.
hand has gone into flexion contractions. What is the
nurse’s interpretation of this observation? 98. A nurse is performing an assessment on a client who
a. Hypokalemia has a suspected spinal cord injury. Which of the
b. Hyperkalemia following is the priority nursing assessment?
c. Hyponatremia a. Pain level
d. Hypocalcemia b. Mobility level
c. Respiratory status
SITUATION: Thyroid glands are important in metabolism d. Pupillary response
in the body. The nurse has recently admitted with fixed
stare, weight loss and tachycardia 99. The nurse is assessing a 38-year-old client diagnosed
with multiple sclerosis. Which of the following
91. What is the condition the client is exhibiting? symptoms would the nurse expect to find?
a. Hyperthyroidism a. Vision changes
b. Hypothyroidism b. Absent deep tendon reflexes
c. Cushing’s Syndrome c. Tremors at rest
d. Addison’s Disease d. Flaccid muscles

92. The nurse explains to the lient with thyroid disease 100. A client with myasthenia gravis arrives at the
that the thyroid gland normally produces: hospital emergency department in suspected crisis. The
a. Iodine, and TSH nurse prepares to administer which medication as
b. TRH, and TSH prescribed if the client is in cholinergic crisis?
c. TSH, T3, and calcitonin a. Atropine sulfate
d. T3, T4, calcitonin b. Morphine sulfate
c. Pyridostigmine (Mestinon)
93. What will you do to know if the patient has laryngeal d. Tensilon
nerve damage?
a. Ask the patient to speak every hour CARE OF CLIENTS WITH ENDOCRINE DISORDER
b. Encourage the patient to vomit blood 101. Which of the following is caused by a total lack of
c. Inspect paralysis on the neck endogenous insulin?
d. Ask the patient to dance a. Metabolic alkalosis
b. Hypotension
94. Immediately after thyroidectomy, what is the c. Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic nonketotic syndrome
PRIORITY nursing intervention of the nurse? (HHNS)
a. Assess for hemorrhage d. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
b. Assess for Hypocalcemic Tetany
102. A patient with SIADH asks why he is on water d. Anorexia and weight loss
restriction. The appropriate response by the nurse
would be: 109. A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a
a. The physician has prescribed it. client who has Cushing’s syndrome. Which client
b. You are not on fluid restriction. Your sodium level is statement indicates that instructions related to dietary
restricted. management are understood?
c. Water restrictions will bring your potassium level back a. “I can eat foods that have a lot of potassium in
to normal. them.”
d. Your body is producing too much ADH, causing you b. “I will need to limit the amount of potassium in my
to reabsorb water. Limiting your water will help bring diet.”
your fluid level down and your sodium level up. c. “I am fortunate that I can eat all the salty foods I
103. Which of the following is true with regards to d. “I am fortunate that I do not need to follow any
insulin absorption? special diet.”
a. The fastest absorption occurs in the subcutaneous
tissues of the arm. 110. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory test results for a
b. The nurse should rotate the injection site to prevent client with a diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome. Which of
subcutaneous tissue irritation. the following laboratory findings would the nurse expect
c. Insulin are administer directly from the refrigerator. to note in this client?
d. Insulin injection are carefully spaced apart at least a. A serum sodium level of 110 mEq/L
an inch away from one another to prevent b. A potassium (K) level of 6.8 mEq/L
lipodystrophy. c. A white blood cell (WBC) count of 3000 cells/mm
d. A blood pressure reading of 90/70 mm Hg
104. When taking the blood pressure of a client after a
parathyroidectomy, the nurse notes that the client's SITUATION: Bowel perforation, gunshot wound,
hand has gone into flexion contractions. What is the perforated ulcer are one of the following causes of
nurse’s interpretation of this observation? peritonitis.
a. Hypokalemia
b. Hyperkalemia 111. At first, symptoms of peritonitis will present the
c. Hyponatremia following:
d. Hypocalcemia a. Diffuse pain which tends to become constant and
105. A nurse has developed a postoperative plan of care b. Constant pain, localized, and movement usually
for a client who had a thyroidectomy and formulates a aggravates it
nursing diagnosis of risk for Ineffective breathing c. Constant systemic pain
pattern. Which of the following nursing interventions d. Constant, systemic, and with periods of diffuse pain
will the nurse include in the plan of care? At first, symptoms of peritonitis, there is diffuse pain
a. Maintain a supine position. which tends to become constant and localized, and
b. Encourage deep breathing exercises and vigorous more intense over the site and movement usually
coughing exercises. aggravates it. Pp 1081 Brunner 12th ed.
c. Monitor neck circumference every 4 hours.
d. Maintain a pressure dressing on the operative site. 112. Associated manifestations of peritonitis are the
106. A client with hypovolemia experiences activation of a. Presence of rebound tenderness and absence of
the renin-angiotensin system to maintain blood paralytic ileus
pressure. The nurse plans care understanding that, as b. Increased temperature and pulse rate, absence of
part of this response, the endocrine system will increase paralytic ileus
production and secretion of which mineralocorticoid? c. Rigid abdomen, presence of rebound tenderness,
a. Aldosterone decrease pulse rate
b. Adrenocorticotropic hormone d. Increased pulse rate and temperature, rigid
c. Cortisol abdomen
d. Glucagon
113. In this condition, intensive care often needed. As a
107. Addisonian Crisis is exhibited by a potentially fatal nurse, one of the primary nursing intervention for this
electrolyte imbalance with which of the following? condition is?
a. Hyponatremia and Hyperkalemia a. to decrease the pain
b. Hyponatremia and Hypokalemia b. monitor for signs of ascites
c. Hypernatremia and Hyperkalemia c. monitor for shock
d. Hypernatremia and Hypokalemia d. advise the patient to undergo surgical treatment

108. A client has been diagnosed with Cushing’s 114. Peritonitis can lead to what type of shock?
syndrome. The nurse would assess this client for which a. Anaphylactic
of the following as expected manifestations of this b. Cardiogenic
disorder? c. Neurogenic
a. Hyperkalemia and bronzed skin appearance d. Septic
b. Moon facies and hirsutism
c. Hypotension and dizziness
115. Which of the following shock shares a common RATIONALES: The high abdominal incision used in a
pathophysiologic basis? cholecystectomy interferes with respirations
a. Cardiogenic and anaphylactic shock postoperatively increasing the risk of atelectasis.
b. Spinal and hypovolemic shock Therefore, incentive spirometry is used to promote lung
c. Septic and neurogenic shock expansion, increase alveolar inflation, and strengthen
d. Hypovolemic and septic shock respiratory muscles. Incentive spirometry has no effect
on intubation, nutrition, or analgesia.
123. What do you call the stone found in the common
116. Upon assessment of a client with acromegaly, what bile duct?
will the nurse notice to the patient except? a. Cholelithiasis
a. Enlargement of the tongue b. Choledocolithtotolithiasis
b. Space-shaped hands c. Cholecytolithiasis
c. Prognathism d. Choledocolithiasis
d. Decreasing the lip and nose sizes
124. Which of the following nursing measures would be
117. Hypersecretion of GH can lead to: most appropriate for a patient who has ascites?
a. Glucose intolerance a. withholding fluids
b. Organoatrophy b. measuring abdominal girth
c. Soft tissue atrophy c. encouraging ambulation
d. None of the above d. monitoring for pedal edema

118. The nurse reviews that patient’s chart and saw that 125. What causes the ascites of the patient?
the physician prescribes Sandostatin (Octreotide) for a. Decreased hydrostatic pressure
acromegaly. The nurse’ knows that the action of this b. Decreased osmotic pressure
drug is for: c. Portal hypotension
a. Growth hormone suppression d. Increased intra-abdominal pressure
b. Decreasing the blood glucose level
c. Stimulating the release of growth hormone 126. Before paracentesis, the nurse must instruct the
d. Stimulates growth hormone to secrete patient to?
a. Drink fluids to prevent dehydration
119. What is the administration route of Sandostatin b. Void at the rectum
(Octreotide) in acromegaly patient? c. Void to reduce the size of the bladder
a. I.V. d. Drink fluids so the uterus can pushed upward for
b. I.M. good visualization
c. I.D.
d. SubQ 127. After liver biopsy, the nurse must assess the
patient for signs of?
120. The most common side effect of Sandostatin a. Hepatic encephalopathy
(Octreotide): b. Decreasing blood pressure and increasing heart rate
a. Constipation c. Formation of ascites
b. Abdominal Pain d. Increasing BP and pulse rate
c. Hypotension
d. Dysuria 128. Which of the following is/are signs of hepatic
CARE OF THE PATIENT WITH HEPATO-BILIARY a. Asterixis, fetor diabeticus,
DISORDERS b. Fetor hepaticus, and carpopedal tremors
c. Flapping tremors, fetor hepaticus
121. The group of characteristics that would alert the d. Facial twitching, carpopedal spasm
nurse that a client is at increased risk of developing
gallbladder disease would be female: 129. Which of the following diet is allowed for a patient
a. Over the age of 40, obese with liver cirrhosis?
b. Under the age of 40, history of high fat intake a. High protein
c. Over the age of 40, low serum cholesterol level b. High fat
d. Under the age of 40, family history of gallbladder c. Low carbohydrate
stones d. Low protein

122. While preparing a client for cholecystectomy, the 130. A home care nurse is visiting a client with a
nurse explains that incentive spirometry will be used diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. The client is taking
after surgery benztropine mesylate (Cogentin) orally daily. The nurse
primarily to: provides information to the spouse regarding the side
a.increase respiratory effectiveness. effects of this medication and tells the spouse to report
b.eliminate the need for nasogastric intubation. which side effect if it occurs?
c.improve nutritional status during recovery. a. inability to urinate
d.decrease the amount of postoperative analgesia b. decrease appetite
needed. c. shuffling gait
d. irregular bowel movement
131. A client with Addison’s disease is scheduled for
discharge after being hospitalized for an adrenal crisis.
Which statements by the client would indicate that
client teaching has been effective?
1. I have to take my steroids for 10 days.
2. I need to weigh myself daily to be sure I don’t eat too
many calories.
3. I need to call my doctor to discuss my steroid needs
before I have dental work
4. I will call the doctor if I suddenly feel profoundly
weak or dizzy.”
5. If I feel like I have the flu, I’ll carry on as usual because
this is an expected response.
6. I need to obtain and wear a Medic Alert bracelet.

a. 1,3,4,6 b. 3,4,6 c. 2,4,5 d. 2,3,4,5

132. The nurse administered neutral protamine

Hagedorn (NPH) insulin to a diabetic client at 7 a.m At
what time would the nurse expect the client to be most
at risk for a hypoglycemic reaction?
a. 10 am
b. Noon
c. 4 pm
d. 10 pm

133. The nurse is admitting a client with Guillain-Barré

syndrome to the nursing unit. The client has an
ascending paralysis to the level of the waist. Knowing
the complications of the disorder, the nurse brings
which of the following essential items into the client’s
a. Nebulizer and pulse oximeter
b. Blood pressure cuff and flashlight
c. Flashlight and incentive spirometer
d. Electrocardiographic monitoring electrodes and
intubation tray

134. The nurse has instructed the family of a client with

brain attack (stroke) who has homonymous
hemianopsia about measures to help the client
overcome the deficit.
The nurse determines that the family understands the
measures to use if they state that they will:
a. Place the object in the client’s impaired field of vision
b. Discourage the client from wearing eyeglasses
c. Approach the client from the impaired field of vision
d. Remind the client to turn the head to scan the lost
visual field

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