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Rahmawati. 14033740. The Effect of Applying Round Robin Writing

Strategy on Students’ Writing Achievement at Eighth Grade Students of
SMP Muhammadiyah 15 Secanggang at Academic Year 2018/2019. An
English Thesis of Department of Languages and Arts. STKIP Budidaya
Binjai. 2018

This study was intended to finding out the effect of using round robin writing
strategy on the students’ writing achievement. It was conducted by using
experimental research design. The population of this research was the eight year
students of SMP Muhammadiyah 15 Secanggang. The sample of the research was
one class that divided into two classes which consisted of experimental and
control group which were chosen by using clustering technique. Thirteen students
were taken as the sample in each class. The experimental group was taught by
using round robin writing strategy. While the control group was taught by lecture
method. The data was analyzed by using t-test. The calculation showed that t-
observed (3,906) was higher than t-table (1,194) at the level of significance (α)
0,05 with the degree of freedom (df) 24. The result of this study showed that
round robin writing Strategy was significantly affect on the Students’ writing

Keywords: Round Robin Writing Strategy,Writing Achievement


In the name of Allah SWT, the most beneficient and the most merciful.

Firstly, the researcher would like to thank to Allah. Secondly, blessing and peace

be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW, who had brought people from the

darkness to the brightness. The skripsi is entitled “The Effect of Applying Round

Robin Writing Strategy on Students’ Writing Achievement at Eighth Grade

Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 15 Secanggang at Academic Year 2018/2019.”.

In writing this skripsi, there were many difficulties and problems faced by the

researcher and without much guidance from the following people, it may be

impossible for the researcher to finish the skripsi.

Therefore, the researcher would like to express her great thanks to those

who have given guidance, spirit, motivation and supports during the compleetion

of this skripsi, they are:

 Dr. H. Hadi Widodo, MA, the Dean of STKIP Budidaya Binjai, who has

given the facilities, recommendation and permission in conducting her


 Eka Rahmadanta Sitepu, MS, the Head of English Education, and

Rahmat Wahyudin Sagala, S.Pd., M. Hum as the Secretary of English


 Ummi Umara, M.Hum and Hj. Yulinda Dwinata, S.Pd, M.Pd, her

supervisors who have given her suggestion, ideas, comment, correction

and guidance in writing this thesis.

 Her deep thank goes to all lectures of Englsih Education Program, for

their lectures’ guidance and knowledge which they have been given during

the academic time at STKIP Budidaya Binjai.

 Her grateful thank to Suparmin Simatupang, S.Pd., M.Pd as the

Headmaster of SMP Negeri 3 Babalan who permitted her to do the

observation in that school.

 Her beloved parents, Destamrin Sinaga and Rukiah Rosmawati

Siburian, who had given the researcher more supports, materials and

their prayer during, before and after her academic year in completing her

study at STKIP Budidaya Binjai. Also to her beloved young sister

Kristiani Sinaga, Mariana Sinaga, Haryati Sinaga, Lamtiur Maida

Sinaga, Kristina Sinaga, Sri Aulia Sinaga, and her young brother Jhon

Prengky Sinaga.

 Finally all of her best friends, Ainun Mardiah, Primadona Sinaga,

Anita Widya Pertiwi and especially her great class in PBI-B 2014, and

all her friends in English Education Program, and hopefully this study will

be useful to those who want to understand more vocabulary mastery

particularly students of English Department.

Binjai, 28 Agustus 2018

The Researcher




ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................... iv

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

A. The Background of the Study .................................................. 1

B. The Identification of the Problems ............................................ 3

C. The Formulation of Problem .................................................... 4

D. The Objectives of Study ............................................................ 4

E. The Scope and Limitation ........................................................ 5

F. The Significance of the Study ................................................... 5

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................. 6

A. Theoretical Framework ............................................................ 6

1. Achievement ...................................................................... 6

2. Writing .............................................................................. 6

3. Writing Achievement ......................................................... 9

4. Writing as Cooperative Activity ........................................ 9

5. Strategy ............................................................................. 10

6. Round Robin Writing Strategy .......................................... 11

7. Concept of Round Robin Strategy .................................... 11

1. Nature of Writing ..................................................... 15

2. Nature of Writing Ability ......................................... 18

3. Teaching Writing ...................................................... 21

B. Defenition of Genre .................................................................. 25

C. Relevant Studies on Using Round Robin Strategy .................. 27

D. Conceptual Framework ............................................................ 29

E. Hypothesies .............................................................................. 30

1. Hypothesies .................................................................. 30

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 32

A. Location of Research ................................................................ 32

B. Population and Sample ............................................................. 33

1. Population ..................................................................... 33

2. Sample .......................................................................... 34

C. The Instrument for Collecting Data ......................................... 34

D. Techiques of Collecting Data ................................................... 35

E. Scoring the Test ........................................................................ 36

F. The Technique for Analysing Data .......................................... 40

CHAPTER IV : DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ............................ 38

A.The Data ................................................................................... 38

B. The Data Analysis ................................................................... 40

C. Testing Hypothesis ................................................................... 41

D. Discussion ................................................................................. 41

CHAPTER IV : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................... 42

A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 42

B. Suggestion ............................................................................... 42

REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 43

APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 45


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