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Sending all processes the KILL signal...

Unmounting remote filesystems...

Deactivating swap...
Unmounting local filesystems...
Rebooting... Restarting system.

U-Boot 2011.12-00062-gf837a99 (Jul 11 2014 - 13:47:59)

CPU0: P2041E, Version: 2.0, (0x82180120)

Core: E500MC, Version: 3.2, (0x80230032)
Clock Configuration:
CPU0:1500 MHz, CPU1:1500 MHz, CPU2:1000 MHz, CPU3:1000 MHz,
CCB:600 MHz,
DDR:600 MHz (1200 MT/s data rate) (Asynchronous), LBC:75 MHz
FMAN1: 500 MHz
PME: 300 MHz
L1: D-cache 32 kB enabled
I-cache 32 kB enabled
Reset Configuration Word (RCW):
00000000: 4c580000 00000000 1e140000 00440000
00000010: 648e20c1 ffc02000 ce000000 41000000
00000020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 f05b4101
00000030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Board: EX4300-32F 2.8
EPLD: Version 4.0 (0x08)
I2C: ready
DRAM: Initializing
Detected UDIMM TS512MLK72V3N
1 GiB left unmapped
DDR: 4 GiB (DDR3, 64-bit, CL=8, ECC on)
FLASH bank: 1
Flash: 8 MiB
L2: 128 KB enabled
Corenet Platform Cache: 1024 KB enabled
SERDES: bank 2 disabled
SERDES: bank 3 disabled
PCIe2: Root Complex, x2, regs @ 0xfe201000
PCIe2: Bus 00 - 01

In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial

Firmware Version: 02.00.00

Net: Initializing Fman
Hardcoded FMAN at 0x3ff935c4
Fman1: Uploading microcode version 101.8.0
Register 10011 NbrPorts 1
Register 10011 NbrPorts 1
scanning bus for devices...
Root Hub 0: 2 USB Device(s) found
Root Hub 1: 2 USB Device(s) found
scanning bus for storage devices... 2 Storage Device(s) found
reading uimage.bin
5409968 bytes read
reading EX4300F.dtb

37025 bytes read

reading ramdisk.ub

14576719 bytes read

WARNING: adjusting available memory to 30000000
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 01000000 ...
Image Name: Linux-3.10.55-ltsi-WR6.0.0.15_st
Image Type: PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 5409904 Bytes = 5.2 MiB
Load Address: 00000000
Entry Point: 00000000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 03000000 ...
Image Name: ramdisk
Image Type: PowerPC Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 14576655 Bytes = 13.9 MiB
Load Address: 40000000
Entry Point: 00000000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 02000000
Booting using the fdt blob at 0x02000000
Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
reserving fdt memory region: addr=40000000 size=4000000
Loading Ramdisk to 2f219000, end 2ffffc0f ... OK
Loading Device Tree to 03fe3000, end 03fff0a0 ... OK
setup_arch: bootmem
arch: exit

Freescale FM module (Apr 24 2015:04:13:34), FMD API version 21.1.0

Freescale FM Ports module (Apr 24 2015:04:13:34)
i2c i2c-54: of_i2c: modalias failure on /soc@ffe000000/i2c@118000/i2c-
First Level Bootstrap using initramfs...
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
Mounting boot device LABEL=LINUX-BOOT
Unpacking initrd.cpio.gz ....
492955 blocks
Unmount boot device LABEL=LINUX-BOOT
INIT: Starting udev
running pre rc steps on EX4300-32F
Executing application pre-initilization
[ OK ] Application Pre initialization.
Starting udev
Starting Bootlog daemon: bootlogd.
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
kernel.core_uses_pid = 0
kernel.core_pattern = |/etc/init.d/ /var/tmp/corefiles/ %h.%e.%p.%t.core
fs.suid_dumpable = 2
vm.swappiness = 1
vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 50
INIT: Entering runlevel: 3
Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
Configuring network interfaces... done.
Restoring archived files to /var/log ...
Starting domain name service: named.
Starting ntpd: done
starting rsyslogd ... done
Starting crond: OK
Booting normal on EX4300-32F
Executing application
Executing /usr/local/bin/cjob
[ OK ] Application initialization.
Wind River Linux localhost console

localhost login: Starting monit daemon with http interface at [localhost:2812]

i2c i2c-51: delete_device: Can't find device in list

Wind River Linux localhost console

localhost login: root

root@localhost:~# ifconfig
ge-0-0-31 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:64
inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d64/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

ge-0-0-31c Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:64

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d64/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:91 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:91 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:7930 (7.7 KiB) TX bytes:7930 (7.7 KiB)

lo-prv Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d40/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

lo-pub Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:41

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d41/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

xe-0-0-34 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:70

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d70/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

xe-0-0-35 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:71

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d71/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

xe-0-0-34c Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:70

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d70/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:67 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:74 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:20569 (20.0 KiB) TX bytes:22636 (22.1 KiB)

xe-0-0-35c Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:71

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d71/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:66 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:73 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:20262 (19.7 KiB) TX bytes:22310 (21.7 KiB)

root@localhost:~# tcpdump
tcpdump: WARNING: lo-prv: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on lo-prv, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
0 packets captured
0 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
root@localhost:~# tcpdump -h
tcpdump version 4.1.1
libpcap version 1.4.0
Usage: tcpdump [-aAbdDefIKlLnNOpqRStuUvxX] [ -B size ] [ -c count ]
[ -C file_size ] [ -E algo:secret ] [ -F file ] [ -G seconds ]
[ -i interface ] [ -M secret ] [ -r file ]
[ -s snaplen ] [ -T type ] [ -w file ] [ -W filecount ]
[ -y datalinktype ] [ -z command ] [ -Z user ]
[ expression ]
root@localhost:~# tcpdump -i xe-0-0-34c
tcpdump: WARNING: xe-0-0-34c: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on xe-0-0-34c, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
05:39:24.177023 LLDP, name jtac-mx480-r2030-re0, length 293
05:39:26.943809 LLDP, name localhost, length 312
2 packets captured
2 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
root@localhost:~# tcpdump -vvv -i xe-0-0-34c
tcpdump: WARNING: xe-0-0-34c: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: listening on xe-0-0-34c, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535
05:39:44.180616 LLDP, length 293
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 c1c1 15f7 c0
Port ID TLV (2), length 4
Subtype Local (7): 621
0x0000: 0736 3231
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 60s
0x0000: 003c
Port Description TLV (4), length 8: xe-0/3/6
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f33 2f36
System Name TLV (5), length 20: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0
0x0000: 6a74 6163 2d6d 7834 3830 2d72 3230 3330
0x0010: 2d72 6530
System Description TLV (6), length 101
Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 , version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build
date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 206d 7834 3830 202c 2076
0x0020: 6572 7369 6f6e 2031 342e 322d 3230 3137
0x0030: 3036 3234 2e30 205b 6275 696c 6465 725d
0x0040: 2042 7569 6c64 2064 6174 653a 2032 3031
0x0050: 372d 3036 2d32 3420 3036 3a33 383a 3334
0x0060: 2055 5443 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f 0084 c1c1 15f0 fc84 c1c1 15f0
0x0010: fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 49: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 736c
0x0010: 6f74 2030 2073 6e20 3834 3a63 313a 6331
0x0020: 3a31 353a 6637 3a63 3020 6470 2032 3035
0x0030: 39
Organization specific TLV (127), length 13: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6922 0a00 1819 0a00 181a 1e
Organization specific TLV (127), length 14: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6924 0002 0000 8167 ac10 ff01
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 ea60
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692b 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
End TLV (0), length 0
05:39:45.871609 LLDP, length 312
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 b59c c21d 40
Port ID TLV (2), length 2
Subtype Local (7): 0
0x0000: 0730
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 30s
0x0000: 001e
Port Description TLV (4), length 9: xe-0/0/34
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f30 2f33 34
System Name TLV (5), length 9: localhost
0x0000: 6c6f 6361 6c68 6f73 74
System Description TLV (6), length 89
Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun
29 12:16:49 2017
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 2045 5834 3330 302d 3332
0x0020: 4620 2c20 7665 7273 696f 6e20 312e 3052
0x0030: 322e 3320 4275 696c 6420 6461 7465 3a20
0x0040: 5468 7520 4a75 6e20 3239 2031 323a 3136
0x0050: 3a34 3920 3230 3137 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f ff00 0102 0304 05aa 63b1 4d3d
0x0010: ee
Organization specific TLV (127), length 113: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 686f
0x0010: 7374 2d73 7720 312e 302e 3020 6170 706c
0x0020: 2d73 7720 312e 3052 322e 3320 6661 6d69
0x0030: 6c79 2070 7063 206d 6f64 656c 2045 5834
0x0040: 3330 302d 3332 4620 736e 2054 5733 3731
0x0050: 3431 3330 3138 3820 6470 2031 3036 3020
0x0060: 7370 2031 3037 3320 7273 2030 2067 7220
0x0070: 30
Organization specific TLV (127), length 10: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6921 84c1 c115 f0fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
Organization specific TLV (127), length 6: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6932 0002
End TLV (0), length 0
05:39:54.176846 LLDP, length 293
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 c1c1 15f7 c0
Port ID TLV (2), length 4
Subtype Local (7): 621
0x0000: 0736 3231
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 60s
0x0000: 003c
Port Description TLV (4), length 8: xe-0/3/6
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f33 2f36
System Name TLV (5), length 20: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0
0x0000: 6a74 6163 2d6d 7834 3830 2d72 3230 3330
0x0010: 2d72 6530
System Description TLV (6), length 101
Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 , version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build
date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 206d 7834 3830 202c 2076
0x0020: 6572 7369 6f6e 2031 342e 322d 3230 3137
0x0030: 3036 3234 2e30 205b 6275 696c 6465 725d
0x0040: 2042 7569 6c64 2064 6174 653a 2032 3031
0x0050: 372d 3036 2d32 3420 3036 3a33 383a 3334
0x0060: 2055 5443 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f 0084 c1c1 15f0 fc84 c1c1 15f0
0x0010: fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 49: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 736c
0x0010: 6f74 2030 2073 6e20 3834 3a63 313a 6331
0x0020: 3a31 353a 6637 3a63 3020 6470 2032 3035
0x0030: 39
Organization specific TLV (127), length 13: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6922 0a00 1819 0a00 181a 1e
Organization specific TLV (127), length 14: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6924 0002 0000 8167 ac10 ff01
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 ea60
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692b 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
End TLV (0), length 0
05:39:55.730388 LLDP, length 312
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 b59c c21d 40
Port ID TLV (2), length 2
Subtype Local (7): 0
0x0000: 0730
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 30s
0x0000: 001e
Port Description TLV (4), length 9: xe-0/0/34
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f30 2f33 34
System Name TLV (5), length 9: localhost
0x0000: 6c6f 6361 6c68 6f73 74
System Description TLV (6), length 89
Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun
29 12:16:49 2017
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 2045 5834 3330 302d 3332
0x0020: 4620 2c20 7665 7273 696f 6e20 312e 3052
0x0030: 322e 3320 4275 696c 6420 6461 7465 3a20
0x0040: 5468 7520 4a75 6e20 3239 2031 323a 3136
0x0050: 3a34 3920 3230 3137 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f ff00 0102 0304 05aa 63b1 4d3d
0x0010: ee
Organization specific TLV (127), length 113: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 686f
0x0010: 7374 2d73 7720 312e 302e 3020 6170 706c
0x0020: 2d73 7720 312e 3052 322e 3320 6661 6d69
0x0030: 6c79 2070 7063 206d 6f64 656c 2045 5834
0x0040: 3330 302d 3332 4620 736e 2054 5733 3731
0x0050: 3431 3330 3138 3820 6470 2031 3036 3020
0x0060: 7370 2031 3037 3320 7273 2030 2067 7220
0x0070: 30
Organization specific TLV (127), length 10: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6921 84c1 c115 f0fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
Organization specific TLV (127), length 6: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6932 0002
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:04.176669 LLDP, length 293
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 c1c1 15f7 c0
Port ID TLV (2), length 4
Subtype Local (7): 621
0x0000: 0736 3231
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 60s
0x0000: 003c
Port Description TLV (4), length 8: xe-0/3/6
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f33 2f36
System Name TLV (5), length 20: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0
0x0000: 6a74 6163 2d6d 7834 3830 2d72 3230 3330
0x0010: 2d72 6530
System Description TLV (6), length 101
Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 , version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build
date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 206d 7834 3830 202c 2076
0x0020: 6572 7369 6f6e 2031 342e 322d 3230 3137
0x0030: 3036 3234 2e30 205b 6275 696c 6465 725d
0x0040: 2042 7569 6c64 2064 6174 653a 2032 3031
0x0050: 372d 3036 2d32 3420 3036 3a33 383a 3334
0x0060: 2055 5443 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f 0084 c1c1 15f0 fc84 c1c1 15f0
0x0010: fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 49: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 736c
0x0010: 6f74 2030 2073 6e20 3834 3a63 313a 6331
0x0020: 3a31 353a 6637 3a63 3020 6470 2032 3035
0x0030: 39
Organization specific TLV (127), length 13: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6922 0a00 1819 0a00 181a 1e
Organization specific TLV (127), length 14: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6924 0002 0000 8167 ac10 ff01
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 ea60
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692b 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:04.954587 LLDP, length 312
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 b59c c21d 40
Port ID TLV (2), length 2
Subtype Local (7): 0
0x0000: 0730
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 30s
0x0000: 001e
Port Description TLV (4), length 9: xe-0/0/34
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f30 2f33 34
System Name TLV (5), length 9: localhost
0x0000: 6c6f 6361 6c68 6f73 74
System Description TLV (6), length 89
Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun
29 12:16:49 2017
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 2045 5834 3330 302d 3332
0x0020: 4620 2c20 7665 7273 696f 6e20 312e 3052
0x0030: 322e 3320 4275 696c 6420 6461 7465 3a20
0x0040: 5468 7520 4a75 6e20 3239 2031 323a 3136
0x0050: 3a34 3920 3230 3137 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f ff00 0102 0304 05aa 63b1 4d3d
0x0010: ee
Organization specific TLV (127), length 113: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 686f
0x0010: 7374 2d73 7720 312e 302e 3020 6170 706c
0x0020: 2d73 7720 312e 3052 322e 3320 6661 6d69
0x0030: 6c79 2070 7063 206d 6f64 656c 2045 5834
0x0040: 3330 302d 3332 4620 736e 2054 5733 3731
0x0050: 3431 3330 3138 3820 6470 2031 3036 3020
0x0060: 7370 2031 3037 3320 7273 2030 2067 7220
0x0070: 30
Organization specific TLV (127), length 10: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6921 84c1 c115 f0fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
Organization specific TLV (127), length 6: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6932 0002
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:14.177863 LLDP, length 293
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 c1c1 15f7 c0
Port ID TLV (2), length 4
Subtype Local (7): 621
0x0000: 0736 3231
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 60s
0x0000: 003c
Port Description TLV (4), length 8: xe-0/3/6
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f33 2f36
System Name TLV (5), length 20: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0
0x0000: 6a74 6163 2d6d 7834 3830 2d72 3230 3330
0x0010: 2d72 6530
System Description TLV (6), length 101
Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 , version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build
date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 206d 7834 3830 202c 2076
0x0020: 6572 7369 6f6e 2031 342e 322d 3230 3137
0x0030: 3036 3234 2e30 205b 6275 696c 6465 725d
0x0040: 2042 7569 6c64 2064 6174 653a 2032 3031
0x0050: 372d 3036 2d32 3420 3036 3a33 383a 3334
0x0060: 2055 5443 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f 0084 c1c1 15f0 fc84 c1c1 15f0
0x0010: fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 49: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 736c
0x0010: 6f74 2030 2073 6e20 3834 3a63 313a 6331
0x0020: 3a31 353a 6637 3a63 3020 6470 2032 3035
0x0030: 39
Organization specific TLV (127), length 13: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6922 0a00 1819 0a00 181a 1e
Organization specific TLV (127), length 14: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6924 0002 0000 8167 ac10 ff01
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 ea60
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692b 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:14.719155 LLDP, length 312
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 b59c c21d 40
Port ID TLV (2), length 2
Subtype Local (7): 0
0x0000: 0730
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 30s
0x0000: 001e
Port Description TLV (4), length 9: xe-0/0/34
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f30 2f33 34
System Name TLV (5), length 9: localhost
0x0000: 6c6f 6361 6c68 6f73 74
System Description TLV (6), length 89
Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun
29 12:16:49 2017
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 2045 5834 3330 302d 3332
0x0020: 4620 2c20 7665 7273 696f 6e20 312e 3052
0x0030: 322e 3320 4275 696c 6420 6461 7465 3a20
0x0040: 5468 7520 4a75 6e20 3239 2031 323a 3136
0x0050: 3a34 3920 3230 3137 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f ff00 0102 0304 05aa 63b1 4d3d
0x0010: ee
Organization specific TLV (127), length 113: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 686f
0x0010: 7374 2d73 7720 312e 302e 3020 6170 706c
0x0020: 2d73 7720 312e 3052 322e 3320 6661 6d69
0x0030: 6c79 2070 7063 206d 6f64 656c 2045 5834
0x0040: 3330 302d 3332 4620 736e 2054 5733 3731
0x0050: 3431 3330 3138 3820 6470 2031 3036 3020
0x0060: 7370 2031 3037 3320 7273 2030 2067 7220
0x0070: 30
Organization specific TLV (127), length 10: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6921 84c1 c115 f0fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
Organization specific TLV (127), length 6: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6932 0002
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:24.178895 LLDP, length 293
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 c1c1 15f7 c0
Port ID TLV (2), length 4
Subtype Local (7): 621
0x0000: 0736 3231
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 60s
0x0000: 003c
Port Description TLV (4), length 8: xe-0/3/6
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f33 2f36
System Name TLV (5), length 20: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0
0x0000: 6a74 6163 2d6d 7834 3830 2d72 3230 3330
0x0010: 2d72 6530
System Description TLV (6), length 101
Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 , version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build
date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 206d 7834 3830 202c 2076
0x0020: 6572 7369 6f6e 2031 342e 322d 3230 3137
0x0030: 3036 3234 2e30 205b 6275 696c 6465 725d
0x0040: 2042 7569 6c64 2064 6174 653a 2032 3031
0x0050: 372d 3036 2d32 3420 3036 3a33 383a 3334
0x0060: 2055 5443 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f 0084 c1c1 15f0 fc84 c1c1 15f0
0x0010: fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 49: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 736c
0x0010: 6f74 2030 2073 6e20 3834 3a63 313a 6331
0x0020: 3a31 353a 6637 3a63 3020 6470 2032 3035
0x0030: 39
Organization specific TLV (127), length 13: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6922 0a00 1819 0a00 181a 1e
Organization specific TLV (127), length 14: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6924 0002 0000 8167 ac10 ff01
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 ea60
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692b 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:24.313312 LLDP, length 312
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 b59c c21d 40
Port ID TLV (2), length 2
Subtype Local (7): 0
0x0000: 0730
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 30s
0x0000: 001e
Port Description TLV (4), length 9: xe-0/0/34
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f30 2f33 34
System Name TLV (5), length 9: localhost
0x0000: 6c6f 6361 6c68 6f73 74
System Description TLV (6), length 89
Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun
29 12:16:49 2017
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 2045 5834 3330 302d 3332
0x0020: 4620 2c20 7665 7273 696f 6e20 312e 3052
0x0030: 322e 3320 4275 696c 6420 6461 7465 3a20
0x0040: 5468 7520 4a75 6e20 3239 2031 323a 3136
0x0050: 3a34 3920 3230 3137 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f ff00 0102 0304 05aa 63b1 4d3d
0x0010: ee
Organization specific TLV (127), length 113: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 686f
0x0010: 7374 2d73 7720 312e 302e 3020 6170 706c
0x0020: 2d73 7720 312e 3052 322e 3320 6661 6d69
0x0030: 6c79 2070 7063 206d 6f64 656c 2045 5834
0x0040: 3330 302d 3332 4620 736e 2054 5733 3731
0x0050: 3431 3330 3138 3820 6470 2031 3036 3020
0x0060: 7370 2031 3037 3320 7273 2030 2067 7220
0x0070: 30
Organization specific TLV (127), length 10: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6921 84c1 c115 f0fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
Organization specific TLV (127), length 6: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6932 0002
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:33.449263 LLDP, length 312
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 b59c c21d 40
Port ID TLV (2), length 2
Subtype Local (7): 0
0x0000: 0730
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 30s
0x0000: 001e
Port Description TLV (4), length 9: xe-0/0/34
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f30 2f33 34
System Name TLV (5), length 9: localhost
0x0000: 6c6f 6361 6c68 6f73 74
System Description TLV (6), length 89
Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun
29 12:16:49 2017
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 2045 5834 3330 302d 3332
0x0020: 4620 2c20 7665 7273 696f 6e20 312e 3052
0x0030: 322e 3320 4275 696c 6420 6461 7465 3a20
0x0040: 5468 7520 4a75 6e20 3239 2031 323a 3136
0x0050: 3a34 3920 3230 3137 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f ff00 0102 0304 05aa 63b1 4d3d
0x0010: ee
Organization specific TLV (127), length 113: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 686f
0x0010: 7374 2d73 7720 312e 302e 3020 6170 706c
0x0020: 2d73 7720 312e 3052 322e 3320 6661 6d69
0x0030: 6c79 2070 7063 206d 6f64 656c 2045 5834
0x0040: 3330 302d 3332 4620 736e 2054 5733 3731
0x0050: 3431 3330 3138 3820 6470 2031 3036 3020
0x0060: 7370 2031 3037 3320 7273 2030 2067 7220
0x0070: 30
Organization specific TLV (127), length 10: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6921 84c1 c115 f0fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
Organization specific TLV (127), length 6: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6932 0002
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:34.179967 LLDP, length 293
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 c1c1 15f7 c0
Port ID TLV (2), length 4
Subtype Local (7): 621
0x0000: 0736 3231
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 60s
0x0000: 003c
Port Description TLV (4), length 8: xe-0/3/6
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f33 2f36
System Name TLV (5), length 20: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0
0x0000: 6a74 6163 2d6d 7834 3830 2d72 3230 3330
0x0010: 2d72 6530
System Description TLV (6), length 101
Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 , version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build
date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 206d 7834 3830 202c 2076
0x0020: 6572 7369 6f6e 2031 342e 322d 3230 3137
0x0030: 3036 3234 2e30 205b 6275 696c 6465 725d
0x0040: 2042 7569 6c64 2064 6174 653a 2032 3031
0x0050: 372d 3036 2d32 3420 3036 3a33 383a 3334
0x0060: 2055 5443 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f 0084 c1c1 15f0 fc84 c1c1 15f0
0x0010: fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 49: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 736c
0x0010: 6f74 2030 2073 6e20 3834 3a63 313a 6331
0x0020: 3a31 353a 6637 3a63 3020 6470 2032 3035
0x0030: 39
Organization specific TLV (127), length 13: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6922 0a00 1819 0a00 181a 1e
Organization specific TLV (127), length 14: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6924 0002 0000 8167 ac10 ff01
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 ea60
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692b 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:43.321762 LLDP, length 312
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 b59c c21d 40
Port ID TLV (2), length 2
Subtype Local (7): 0
0x0000: 0730
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 30s
0x0000: 001e
Port Description TLV (4), length 9: xe-0/0/34
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f30 2f33 34
System Name TLV (5), length 9: localhost
0x0000: 6c6f 6361 6c68 6f73 74
System Description TLV (6), length 89
Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun
29 12:16:49 2017
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 2045 5834 3330 302d 3332
0x0020: 4620 2c20 7665 7273 696f 6e20 312e 3052
0x0030: 322e 3320 4275 696c 6420 6461 7465 3a20
0x0040: 5468 7520 4a75 6e20 3239 2031 323a 3136
0x0050: 3a34 3920 3230 3137 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f ff00 0102 0304 05aa 63b1 4d3d
0x0010: ee
Organization specific TLV (127), length 113: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 686f
0x0010: 7374 2d73 7720 312e 302e 3020 6170 706c
0x0020: 2d73 7720 312e 3052 322e 3320 6661 6d69
0x0030: 6c79 2070 7063 206d 6f64 656c 2045 5834
0x0040: 3330 302d 3332 4620 736e 2054 5733 3731
0x0050: 3431 3330 3138 3820 6470 2031 3036 3020
0x0060: 7370 2031 3037 3320 7273 2030 2067 7220
0x0070: 30
Organization specific TLV (127), length 10: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6921 84c1 c115 f0fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
Organization specific TLV (127), length 6: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6932 0002
End TLV (0), length 0
05:40:44.177086 LLDP, length 293
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 c1c1 15f7 c0
Port ID^C
14 packets captured
14 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
root@localhost:~# ifconfig
ge-0-0-31 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:64
inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d64/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

ge-0-0-31c Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:64

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d64/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:91 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:91 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:7930 (7.7 KiB) TX bytes:7930 (7.7 KiB)

lo-prv Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d40/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

lo-pub Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:41

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d41/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

xe-0-0-34 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:70

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d70/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

xe-0-0-35 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:71

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d71/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

xe-0-0-34c Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:70

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d70/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:96 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:104 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:29472 (28.7 KiB) TX bytes:32416 (31.6 KiB)

xe-0-0-35c Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:71

inet6 addr: fe80::86b5:9cff:fec2:1d71/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:95 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:104 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:29165 (28.4 KiB) TX bytes:32416 (31.6 KiB)

root@localhost:~# d localhost
-sh: d: command not found
root@localhost:~# ?
-sh: ?: command not found
root@localhost:~# cli

> d localhost

localhost> show lldp ?

Possible Completions:

localhost# ^[[A^H^H^H
localhost# ^[[A^H^H^H
Syntax error,
localhost# show lldp history
"xe-0-0-34c": {
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 48s .326",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: aa:63:b1:4d:3d:ee",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 0",
"TTL: 30",
"Port Description: xe-0/0/34",
"System Name: localhost",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-
32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun 29 12:16:49 2017 ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Adjacency-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Info: Satellite host-sw 1.0.0 appl-sw 1.0R2.3 family
ppc model EX4300-32F sn TW3714130188 dp 1060 sp 1073 rs 0 gr 0",
"\tSerial Number*: TW3714130188",
"\tModel Name*: EX4300-32F",
"\tFamily Name*: ppc"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Tx Discovery Message.113"
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 48s .326",
"Action List": {
"Action": [
"new rx hold-time: 60000 msec",
"new tx hold-time: 30000 msec",
"New FSM State: One-Way",
"Set Adjacency TLV: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Create hold-down timer sec: 60 usec 0"
"Event ID": "Discovery Message"
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 48s .326",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 60000 msec",
"Peer Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 621",
"TTL: 60",
"Port Description: xe-0/3/6",
"System Name: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 ,
version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Info: Satellite slot 0 sn 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 dp 2059",
"\tSerial Number*: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"\tRE slot id*: 0",
"\tProv PID*: 2059"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Rx Discovery Message.110"
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 48s .600",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 50s .40",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"
"lo": {},
"ge-0-0-31c": {
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 48s .610",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 51s .468",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"
"xe-0-0-35c": {
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 45s .394",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 02:e5:4f:b8:7b:f0",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 0",
"TTL: 30",
"Port Description: xe-0/0/35",
"System Name: localhost",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-
32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun 29 12:16:49 2017 ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Adjacency-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Info: Satellite host-sw 1.0.0 appl-sw 1.0R2.3 family
ppc model EX4300-32F sn TW3714130188 dp 1060 sp 1073 rs 0 gr 0",
"\tSerial Number*: TW3714130188",
"\tModel Name*: EX4300-32F",
"\tFamily Name*: ppc"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Tx Discovery Message.113"
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 45s .394",
"Action List": {
"Action": [
"new rx hold-time: 60000 msec",
"new tx hold-time: 30000 msec",
"New FSM State: One-Way",
"Set Adjacency TLV: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Create hold-down timer sec: 60 usec 0"
"Event ID": "Discovery Message"
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 45s .394",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 60000 msec",
"Peer Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 622",
"TTL: 60",
"Port Description: xe-0/3/7",
"System Name: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 ,
version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Info: Satellite slot 0 sn 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 dp 2059",
"\tSerial Number*: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"\tRE slot id*: 0",
"\tProv PID*: 2059"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Rx Discovery Message.109"
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 45s .746",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 17m: 48s .642",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"

localhost# ^[[A^[[B
Syntax error,

localhost# No power commands available for this target

Type the hot key to suspend the connection: <CTRL>Z

localhost# show lldp adjacneyu^H^H^H

Syntax error, adjacneyu

localhost# show lldp adjacency

"xe-0-0-34c": {
"Peer Name": "jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"Protocol State": "One-Way",
"Peer Information": {
"Adjacency UP/Dn transition": 0,
"Peer Device Serial Number": "84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0"
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 10s .130",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: aa:63:b1:4d:3d:ee",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 0",
"TTL: 30",
"Port Description: xe-0/0/34",
"System Name: localhost",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-
32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun 29 12:16:49 2017 ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Adjacency-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Info: Satellite host-sw 1.0.0 appl-sw 1.0R2.3 family
ppc model EX4300-32F sn TW3714130188 dp 1060 sp 1073 rs 0 gr 0",
"\tSerial Number*: TW3714130188",
"\tModel Name*: EX4300-32F",
"\tFamily Name*: ppc"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Tx Discovery Message.134"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 10s .130",
"Action List": {
"Action": [
"new rx hold-time: 60000 msec",
"new tx hold-time: 30000 msec",
"New FSM State: One-Way",
"Set Adjacency TLV: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Create hold-down timer sec: 60 usec 0"
"Event ID": "Discovery Message"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 10s .130",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 60000 msec",
"Peer Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 621",
"TTL: 60",
"Port Description: xe-0/3/6",
"System Name: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 ,
version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Info: Satellite slot 0 sn 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 dp 2059",
"\tSerial Number*: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"\tRE slot id*: 0",
"\tProv PID*: 2059"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Rx Discovery Message.131"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 10s .404",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 11s .843",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"
"xe-0-0-35c": {
"Peer Name": "jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"Protocol State": "One-Way",
"Peer Information": {
"Adjacency UP/Dn transition": 0,
"Peer Device Serial Number": "84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0"
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 7s .198",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 02:e5:4f:b8:7b:f0",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 0",
"TTL: 30",
"Port Description: xe-0/0/35",
"System Name: localhost",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-
32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun 29 12:16:49 2017 ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Adjacency-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Info: Satellite host-sw 1.0.0 appl-sw 1.0R2.3 family
ppc model EX4300-32F sn TW3714130188 dp 1060 sp 1073 rs 0 gr 0",
"\tSerial Number*: TW3714130188",
"\tModel Name*: EX4300-32F",
"\tFamily Name*: ppc"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Tx Discovery Message.134"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 7s .198",
"Action List": {
"Action": [
"new rx hold-time: 60000 msec",
"new tx hold-time: 30000 msec",
"New FSM State: One-Way",
"Set Adjacency TLV: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Create hold-down timer sec: 60 usec 0"
"Event ID": "Discovery Message"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 7s .198",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 60000 msec",
"Peer Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 622",
"TTL: 60",
"Port Description: xe-0/3/7",
"System Name: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 ,
version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Info: Satellite slot 0 sn 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 dp 2059",
"\tSerial Number*: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"\tRE slot id*: 0",
"\tProv PID*: 2059"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Rx Discovery Message.129"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 7s .550",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 10s .445",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"

localhost# show lldp neighbor

Syntax error, neighbor

localhost# show lldp session

Syntax error, session

localhost# show lldp ?

Possible Completions:

localhost# show lldp hios^H^H

Syntax error, hios

localhost# show lldp history

"xe-0-0-34c": {
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 41s .599",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: aa:63:b1:4d:3d:ee",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 0",
"TTL: 30",
"Port Description: xe-0/0/34",
"System Name: localhost",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-
32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun 29 12:16:49 2017 ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Adjacency-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Info: Satellite host-sw 1.0.0 appl-sw 1.0R2.3 family
ppc model EX4300-32F sn TW3714130188 dp 1060 sp 1073 rs 0 gr 0",
"\tSerial Number*: TW3714130188",
"\tModel Name*: EX4300-32F",
"\tFamily Name*: ppc"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Tx Discovery Message.138"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 41s .599",
"Action List": {
"Action": [
"new rx hold-time: 60000 msec",
"new tx hold-time: 30000 msec",
"New FSM State: One-Way",
"Set Adjacency TLV: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Create hold-down timer sec: 60 usec 0"
"Event ID": "Discovery Message"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 41s .600",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 60000 msec",
"Peer Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 621",
"TTL: 60",
"Port Description: xe-0/3/6",
"System Name: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 ,
version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Info: Satellite slot 0 sn 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 dp 2059",
"\tSerial Number*: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"\tRE slot id*: 0",
"\tProv PID*: 2059"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Rx Discovery Message.134"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 41s .874",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 43s .313",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"
"lo": {},
"ge-0-0-31c": {
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 41s .884",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 44s .741",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"
"xe-0-0-35c": {
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 38s .668",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 02:e5:4f:b8:7b:f0",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 0",
"TTL: 30",
"Port Description: xe-0/0/35",
"System Name: localhost",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-
32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun 29 12:16:49 2017 ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Adjacency-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Info: Satellite host-sw 1.0.0 appl-sw 1.0R2.3 family
ppc model EX4300-32F sn TW3714130188 dp 1060 sp 1073 rs 0 gr 0",
"\tSerial Number*: TW3714130188",
"\tModel Name*: EX4300-32F",
"\tFamily Name*: ppc"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Tx Discovery Message.137"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 38s .668",
"Action List": {
"Action": [
"new rx hold-time: 60000 msec",
"new tx hold-time: 30000 msec",
"New FSM State: One-Way",
"Set Adjacency TLV: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Create hold-down timer sec: 60 usec 0"
"Event ID": "Discovery Message"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 38s .668",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 60000 msec",
"Peer Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 622",
"TTL: 60",
"Port Description: xe-0/3/7",
"System Name: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 ,
version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Info: Satellite slot 0 sn 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 dp 2059",
"\tSerial Number*: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"\tRE slot id*: 0",
"\tProv PID*: 2059"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Rx Discovery Message.132"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 39s .20",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 41s .915",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"

localhost# show lldp adjacency

"xe-0-0-34c": {
"Peer Name": "jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"Protocol State": "One-Way",
"Peer Information": {
"Adjacency UP/Dn transition": 0,
"Peer Device Serial Number": "84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0"
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 57s .722",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: aa:63:b1:4d:3d:ee",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 0",
"TTL: 30",
"Port Description: xe-0/0/34",
"System Name: localhost",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-
32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun 29 12:16:49 2017 ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Adjacency-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Info: Satellite host-sw 1.0.0 appl-sw 1.0R2.3 family
ppc model EX4300-32F sn TW3714130188 dp 1060 sp 1073 rs 0 gr 0",
"\tSerial Number*: TW3714130188",
"\tModel Name*: EX4300-32F",
"\tFamily Name*: ppc"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Tx Discovery Message.139"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 57s .722",
"Action List": {
"Action": [
"new rx hold-time: 60000 msec",
"new tx hold-time: 30000 msec",
"New FSM State: One-Way",
"Set Adjacency TLV: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Create hold-down timer sec: 60 usec 0"
"Event ID": "Discovery Message"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 57s .722",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fc",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 60000 msec",
"Peer Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 621",
"TTL: 60",
"Port Description: xe-0/3/6",
"System Name: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 ,
version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Info: Satellite slot 0 sn 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 dp 2059",
"\tSerial Number*: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"\tRE slot id*: 0",
"\tProv PID*: 2059"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Rx Discovery Message.135"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 57s .996",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 59s .435",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"
"xe-0-0-35c": {
"Peer Name": "jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"Protocol State": "One-Way",
"Peer Information": {
"Adjacency UP/Dn transition": 0,
"Peer Device Serial Number": "84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0"
"Event History": {
"Event": [
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 54s .790",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 02:e5:4f:b8:7b:f0",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 0",
"TTL: 30",
"Port Description: xe-0/0/35",
"System Name: localhost",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-
32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun 29 12:16:49 2017 ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Adjacency-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Info: Satellite host-sw 1.0.0 appl-sw 1.0R2.3 family
ppc model EX4300-32F sn TW3714130188 dp 1060 sp 1073 rs 0 gr 0",
"\tSerial Number*: TW3714130188",
"\tModel Name*: EX4300-32F",
"\tFamily Name*: ppc"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Tx Discovery Message.139"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 54s .790",
"Action List": {
"Action": [
"new rx hold-time: 60000 msec",
"new tx hold-time: 30000 msec",
"New FSM State: One-Way",
"Set Adjacency TLV: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Create hold-down timer sec: 60 usec 0"
"Event ID": "Discovery Message"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 54s .790",
"Event": {
"Elements": [
"Source-Mac Address: 84:c1:c1:15:f0:fd",
"Dst-Mac Address: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e",
"Hold-time: 60000 msec",
"Peer Hold-time: 30000 msec",
"Chassis-ID: Type: 4, Value: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"Port-ID: Type: 7, Value: 622",
"TTL: 60",
"Port Description: xe-0/3/7",
"System Name: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0",
"System Description: Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 ,
version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC ",
"System Capability: 16",
"\tEnabled: 0",
"Info: Satellite slot 0 sn 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 dp 2059",
"\tSerial Number*: 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0",
"\tRE slot id*: 0",
"\tProv PID*: 2059"
"Heading": "Parsed Message Contents"
"Event ID": "Rx Discovery Message.134"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 55s .142",
"Event ID": "Interface Up"
"Timerstamp": " 21m: 58s .37",
"Event ID": "Interface Add"

localhost# help
d [device-name] Establish the CLI session

localhost# d

> Closing the connection with localhost

> exit
d [device-name] Establish the CLI session

> quit
d [device-name] Establish the CLI session

> bye
d [device-name] Establish the CLI session

> ?
d [device-name] Establish the CLI session

> help
d [device-name] Establish the CLI session

> ^C
root@localhost:~# tcpdump -vvv -i xe-0-0-34c
tcpdump: WARNING: xe-0-0-34c: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: listening on xe-0-0-34c, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535
05:54:14.174040 LLDP, length 293
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 c1c1 15f7 c0
Port ID TLV (2), length 4
Subtype Local (7): 621
0x0000: 0736 3231
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 60s
0x0000: 003c
Port Description TLV (4), length 8: xe-0/3/6
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f33 2f36
System Name TLV (5), length 20: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0
0x0000: 6a74 6163 2d6d 7834 3830 2d72 3230 3330
0x0010: 2d72 6530
System Description TLV (6), length 101
Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 , version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build
date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 206d 7834 3830 202c 2076
0x0020: 6572 7369 6f6e 2031 342e 322d 3230 3137
0x0030: 3036 3234 2e30 205b 6275 696c 6465 725d
0x0040: 2042 7569 6c64 2064 6174 653a 2032 3031
0x0050: 372d 3036 2d32 3420 3036 3a33 383a 3334
0x0060: 2055 5443 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f 0084 c1c1 15f0 fc84 c1c1 15f0
0x0010: fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 49: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 736c
0x0010: 6f74 2030 2073 6e20 3834 3a63 313a 6331
0x0020: 3a31 353a 6637 3a63 3020 6470 2032 3035
0x0030: 39
Organization specific TLV (127), length 13: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6922 0a00 1819 0a00 181a 1e
Organization specific TLV (127), length 14: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6924 0002 0000 8167 ac10 ff01
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 ea60
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692b 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
End TLV (0), length 0
05:54:22.621185 LLDP, length 312
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:b5:9c:c2:1d:40 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 b59c c21d 40
Port ID TLV (2), length 2
Subtype Local (7): 0
0x0000: 0730
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 30s
0x0000: 001e
Port Description TLV (4), length 9: xe-0/0/34
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f30 2f33 34
System Name TLV (5), length 9: localhost
0x0000: 6c6f 6361 6c68 6f73 74
System Description TLV (6), length 89
Juniper Networks, Inc. EX4300-32F , version 1.0R2.3 Build date: Thu Jun
29 12:16:49 2017
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 2045 5834 3330 302d 3332
0x0020: 4620 2c20 7665 7273 696f 6e20 312e 3052
0x0030: 322e 3320 4275 696c 6420 6461 7465 3a20
0x0040: 5468 7520 4a75 6e20 3239 2031 323a 3136
0x0050: 3a34 3920 3230 3137 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f ff00 0102 0304 05aa 63b1 4d3d
0x0010: ee
Organization specific TLV (127), length 113: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 686f
0x0010: 7374 2d73 7720 312e 302e 3020 6170 706c
0x0020: 2d73 7720 312e 3052 322e 3320 6661 6d69
0x0030: 6c79 2070 7063 206d 6f64 656c 2045 5834
0x0040: 3330 302d 3332 4620 736e 2054 5733 3731
0x0050: 3431 3330 3138 3820 6470 2031 3036 3020
0x0060: 7370 2031 3037 3320 7273 2030 2067 7220
0x0070: 30
Organization specific TLV (127), length 10: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6921 84c1 c115 f0fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
Organization specific TLV (127), length 6: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6932 0002
End TLV (0), length 0
05:54:24.175024 LLDP, length 293
Chassis ID TLV (1), length 7
Subtype MAC address (4): 84:c1:c1:15:f7:c0 (oui Unknown)
0x0000: 0484 c1c1 15f7 c0
Port ID TLV (2), length 4
Subtype Local (7): 621
0x0000: 0736 3231
Time to Live TLV (3), length 2: TTL 60s
0x0000: 003c
Port Description TLV (4), length 8: xe-0/3/6
0x0000: 7865 2d30 2f33 2f36
System Name TLV (5), length 20: jtac-mx480-r2030-re0
0x0000: 6a74 6163 2d6d 7834 3830 2d72 3230 3330
0x0010: 2d72 6530
System Description TLV (6), length 101
Juniper Networks, Inc. mx480 , version 14.2-20170624.0 [builder] Build
date: 2017-06-24 06:38:34 UTC
0x0000: 4a75 6e69 7065 7220 4e65 7477 6f72 6b73
0x0010: 2c20 496e 632e 206d 7834 3830 202c 2076
0x0020: 6572 7369 6f6e 2031 342e 322d 3230 3137
0x0030: 3036 3234 2e30 205b 6275 696c 6465 725d
0x0040: 2042 7569 6c64 2064 6174 653a 2032 3031
0x0050: 372d 3036 2d32 3420 3036 3a33 383a 3334
0x0060: 2055 5443 20
System Capabilities TLV (7), length 4
System Capabilities [Router] (0x0010)
Enabled Capabilities [none] (0x0000)
0x0000: 0010 0000
Organization specific TLV (127), length 17: OUI Ethernet bridged (0x0080c2)
unknown Subtype (15)
0x0000: 0080 c20f 0084 c1c1 15f0 fc84 c1c1 15f0
0x0010: fc
Organization specific TLV (127), length 49: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692e 5361 7465 6c6c 6974 6520 736c
0x0010: 6f74 2030 2073 6e20 3834 3a63 313a 6331
0x0020: 3a31 353a 6637 3a63 3020 6470 2032 3035
0x0030: 39
Organization specific TLV (127), length 13: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6922 0a00 1819 0a00 181a 1e
Organization specific TLV (127), length 14: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 6924 0002 0000 8167 ac10 ff01
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692a 0000 ea60
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692b 0000 7530
Organization specific TLV (127), length 8: OUI Juniper (0x009069)
0x0000: 0090 692d 0000 0001
End TLV (0), length 0
3 packets captured
3 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

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