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Advanced Biology

Submitted by:

Kristiana Aldea

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

(Also known as Anankastic Personality Disorder)

Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), also called anankastic personality disorder, is

a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism,
mental and interpersonal control and a need for power over one's environment, at the expense of flexibility,
openness, and efficiency. It results in complete satisfaction after performing these rituals to the point of
excluding leisure activities and friendships. Persons affected with this disorder may find it hard to relax,
always feeling that time is running out for their activities and that more effort is needed to achieve their goals.
They may plan their activities down to the minute—a manifestation of the compulsive tendency to keep control
over their environment and to dislike unpredictable things as things they cannot control.

The person Who suffers from OCPD would lack flexibility and would be continuously obsessed with
details and rules. He or she may be unable to show affection or generosity towards others. To be classified
as a disorder the obsession should have a negative impact on the person's life and relationships with others.
OCPD occurs in about 2–8% of the general population and 3–10% of psychiatric outpatients.This
disorder most often occurs in men.
The main symptoms of OCPD are preoccupation with remembering and paying attention to minute
details and facts, following rules and regulations, compulsion to make lists and schedules, and
rigidity/inflexibility of beliefs or showing perfectionism that interferes with task completion. Symptoms may
cause extreme distress and interfere with a person's occupational and social functioning. Most people spend
their early life avoiding symptoms and developing techniques to avoid dealing with these strenuous issues.
 Some specific behavioral symptoms for people with OCPD are as follows:

 preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the extent that the major
point of the activity is lost
 shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion (e.g., is unable to complete a project
because his or her own overly strict standards are not met)
 excessively devoted to work and productivity to the exclusion of leisure activities and friendships
(not accounted for by obvious economic necessity)
 overconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values (not
accounted for by cultural or religious identification)
 unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value
 reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others unless they submit to exactly his or her way of
doing things
 adopts a miserly spending style toward both self and others; money is viewed as something to be
hoarded for future catastrophes
 shows rigidity and stubbornness
The World Health Organization uses the term "anankastic personality disorder".

It is characterized by at least three of the following:

 feelings of excessive doubt and caution;

 preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedule;
 perfectionism that interferes with task completion;
 excessive conscientiousness, scrupulousness, and undue preoccupation with productivity to the
exclusion of pleasure and interpersonal relationships;
 excessive pedantry and adherence to social conventions;
 rigidity and stubbornness;
 unreasonable insistence by the individual that others submit exactly to his or her way of doing
things or unreasonable reluctance to allow others to do things;
 intrusion of insistent and unwelcome thoughts or impulses.

It includes:

 compulsive and obsessional personality (disorder)

 obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Also, it excludes:

 obsessive-compulsive disorder

OCPD occurs in about 2–8% of the general population and 3–10% of psychiatric outpatients.This
disorder most often occurs in men.
Treatment for OCPD includes psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, behavior therapy or self-help. Medication
may be prescribed. In behavior therapy, a patient discusses with a psychotherapist ways of changing compulsions
into healthier, productive behaviors. Cognitive analytic therapy is an effective form of behavior therapy.

Obssessive Compulsive Personality Disorder is a type of mental disorder wherein an individual may
experience anxiety characterized by a pervasive pattern of preoccupation towards the excessive desire for
attaining cleanliness and orderliness. A person who has this disorder tends to experience a sense of
perfectionism, interpersonal control among others and the need for power and satisfaction. Although this
illness maybe favourable for some some instances of having self control and organization, there are countless
downsides that would be derived from OCPD. People with OCPD tend to exclude themselves from
friendships leisure activities and other types of physical activities that include interpersonal communications.
They get really bothered with the slightest imperfections they would see and would instantly have the urge to
correct every detail they see. They also find it difficult to relax due to overthinking even the smallest details
of their goals causing them to leave more work, time and effort than one would actually need to finish a
desired goal. People suffering from this illness tend to get bothered with having a limited time for they think
that it wouldn’t suffice for what activity they are about to do. They plan every detail of their lives even down
to the last minute causing them to dislike having to deal with unpredictable things and circumstances they
may encounter.

OCPD is indeed a rare disease or illness concerning the Nervous system. Based on my opinion,
OCPD is quite an interesting ordeal to face knowing that thid illness affects certain portions of our brain
which highly influences our behavioral pattern. Although this ilness causes a person to become
aggressive and somewhat like a huge control freak, I for one think that this illness could also be beneficial
at some point regarding one’s ability to be neat and tidy although i would also think that this would be a
big hindrance towards becoming an efficient individual which is why I really am a bit confused on how to
adress this type of illness. For me it is very crucial to monitor whoever is suffering from this ilness to be
able to monitor their emotions.

I would not want anyone I know to suffer this condition because of the fact that this illness
overpowers one’s hopes and inhibitions causing them to act like an inconsiderate individual. Although
specialists say that one may be able to cure or asses this matter, I am still bothered by the fact that this
illness could strike anyone (most commonly in male) at any moment given the symptomps tackled above.
I could only imagine the hardships being faced by OCPD patients in everyday of their lives.i feel awful
knowing that they would live everyday being tormented by their own paranoia towards maintaining every
single detail that they might encounter. I also think thatit is quite bothersome to plan every minute of
their lives and get annoyed by the slightest unexpected phenomena.

If i were to have this illness, I think that I would be able to handle shunning people away just because
of the urge to keep everything in top shape. I think it would take a lot of hard effort to always look out for
things that aren’t in proper order just for the liberty of having to be a ble to fix it. I also feel a bit lonely for the
OCPD patients because of the fact that they would throw away friendships for the sake of their carreer and
fulfillment just because of this illness.

To sum all of my perception about having Obssessive Compulsive Disorder, i would say that having
to face this is surely tough not only for the victims but also to the people around them who are being affected
because of how the patient would be treating them which is why I wouldn’t want anything to do with someone
suffering this case as much as possible. On the contrary, i would like for scientist to discover a more efficient
way of immidiate solution for OCPD and hope for the recovery of all those who suffer it.

By: Kristiana A. Leano Grade 9-A

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