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Abu Hureyra Abu Hureyra

Abu Hureyra is an archaeological site first excavated in 1972 and 1973 in the area currently
known as Northern Syria. Abu Hureyra je arheološki lokalitet prvi otkopani u 1972 i 1973 u
području trenutno poznati kao sjevernoj Siriji. The excavation was supervised by Iskopa je
pod nadzorom Andrew MT Moore, shortly before the site
was going to be flooded by the reservoir (Lake Assad) for
the newly built Tabqa Dam. Andrew Moore MT, malo
prije site je idući u biti preplavljena spremnik (Lake
Assad) za novoizgrađeni Tabqa brane.

Most of the archaeological work was done on site. Većina

arheoloških radilo na mjestu. However, skeletons were
studied at the University of Oxford in England. Međutim,
kosturi su studirala na sveučilištu u Oxfordu u Engleskoj.
The skeletons were of people who lived in Abu Hureyra
between 10,000 and 7000 years ago. Kostura bili ljudi
koji su živjeli u Abu Hureyra između 10.000 i prije 7000
godina. The most significant finds on the site were the
skeletal remains of about 162 individuals. Najznačajnijih
nalazišta na mjestu su skeletni ostaci oko 162 osoba. Among those, 75 were children and 87
were adults. Među onima, 75 su bila djeca, a 87 su odrasle. Among the adults 44 were females
and 27 males and the remaining 16 were of undetermined sex. Među 44 odraslih ženki i 27
mužjaka i preostalih 16 bili su neodređenog spola. All of them were from seven trenches dug
at Abu Hureyra. Svi oni su iz sedam rovove iskopali u Abu Hureyra.

The bones and skeletal remains divulged details of daily life at Abu Hureyra along with the
social activities and details of other Neolithic cultures who had made the transaction from
hunting and gathering to an agriculture based economy. Kosti i posmrtni ostaci divulged
detalje svakodnevnog života u Abu Hureyra uz društvene aktivnosti i detalje drugih
neolitičkih kultura, koji je napravio transakciju od lova i okupljanje na poljoprivredu temelji
ekonomije. By comparing the change in shapes of bones and teeth among the people of Abu
Hureyra, examinations have provided ample information about their major activities and
social responsibilities. Usporedbom promjenu oblika kostiju i zubi među ljudima Abu
Hureyra, ispiti uvjetom dovoljno informacija o svojim glavnim aktivnostima i društvene

Abu Hureyra was populated in two periods. Abu Hureyra je naseljena u dva razdoblja. The
first period spanned about 11,500 to 10,000 years just before the agricultural development.
Prvo razdoblje trajala oko 11.500 do 10.000 godina prije razvoj poljoprivrede. The people of
this time gathered a variety of wild seeds, such as barley, lentils, rye, hackberries and
pistachios and also hunted gazelles that migrated towards the Euphrates River in spring. Ljudi
ovaj put okupio razne divlje sjemenje, kao što su ječam, leća, raž, hackberries i pistacijama i
lovi gazele kako migrirati prema Eufrata u proljeće.

The second period stretched from about 10,500 to 7000 years ago. Drugo razdoblje protezala
otprilike od 10.500 do 7000 godina. During this time Abu Hureyra was inhabited by settlers
who had cultivated a variety of domesticated seeds, such as oats, domesticated barley,
chickpeas, emmer and lintels. Za to vrijeme Ebu Hureyra naseljavaju doseljenici koji su se
uzgajaju različite domaće sjemena, poput zobi, ječma pripitomljeni, slanutak, emmer i
nadvoja. These plants required preparation before they could be eaten, thus, needed much
labor and time. Ove biljke potrebne pripreme prije nego što oni mogu jesti, dakle, potrebno
puno rada i vremena.

The evidence of vigorous food preparation was found in studies of bone structure. Dokaz o
snažnom pripremanja hrane pronađen je u studijama kostiju. Some of the notable changes
were signs of extra and excessive strain by carrying loads of grain and possibly building
materials. Neki od zamjetne izmjene su znakovi ekstra i pretjeranog naprezanja nošenje tereta
žita i eventualno građevinskog materijala. One such deformity that was found commonly in
women was their big toe of the right foot was bent upward. Jedan od takvih deformacija, koji
je pronađen uobičajeno u žena, bio je njihov veliki palac desne noge bio je savijena prema
gore. It was the heavy and hard work the people had to do which caused these deformities. To
je bio težak i naporan rad ljudi imali raditi što nanijeti tim deformitetima.

During the unearthing, Moore found saddle querns in the rooms of the houses. Tijekom
unearthing, Moore pronađena sedlo querns u prostorijama kuće. These tools were used to
grind the grains on a long flat piece of stone where the grains were placed and then ground
with the help of a cylindrical pestle. Ovi alati su korištene za mljevenje žitarica na dugim
ravnim komada kamena, gdje žitarice bile postavljene, a zatim zemlju uz pomoć valjkaste

It was the grinding of grain for eating that was the most strenuous and labor-intensive activity
of the inhabitants of Abu Hureyra. To je bio brušenje žita za jelo koji je najviše naporan i
radno-intenzivne aktivnosti stanovnika Abu Hureyra. The grain had to be produced every day
because the seeds would not keep once they were de-husked. The de-husking with mortar and
pestle and the subsequent grinding in a saddle quern would have taken many hours. Žita je
morala biti proizvedena svaki dan, jer sjemenke ne bi zadržati nakon što su de-oljuštene.
Ljuštenje de-žbukom i tučak i kasnije brušenje u sedlu ručni mlin bi uzeti više sati. What was
found with the bones were the meaningful signs of long hours spent at such labor. Što je
pronađena kosti su smislene znakove dugotrajnog boravka na takav rad. Querns and rubbing
stones found at Abu Hureyra suggest how such wear and tear came about. Querns i trljanje
kamenje pronađeno u Abu Hureyra sugeriraju kako takva trošenja došlo. The querns were set
directly on the ground rather than mounted on a plinth or other raised structure, a practice
followed in later times (debris surrounding the querns supports the conclusion that each was
found where it had been used). Querns su postavljena direktno na terenu, a ne postaviti na
podnožju ili drugih podigli strukture, praksa slijediti u kasnijim vremenima (krhotine okolnih
querns podržava zaključak da svakom od njih je pronađeno gdje je bio iskorišten). Thus, the
individual using the quern would have had to kneel. Dakle, pojedinac pomoću ručni mlin bi
morao kleknuti.

The grinding process placed great strain on the body of the person doing the grinding, which
was a woman. Proces mljevenja postavljen velik natezanje na tijelo osobe radiš za brušenje,
koji je bio žena. Grain was placed on the quern and the rubbing stone, the cylindrical pestle,
was held with both hands. Grain je stavljen na ručni mlin i trljanjem kamena, cilindrični
tučak, održan je s obje ruke. Then, kneelings with toes bent forward, the stone was pushed
toward the far end of the quern until the woman's upper body was almost parallel to the
ground, then, the woman herks back to the starting position. Zatim, kneelings sa savijenim
prstima prema naprijed, kamen je gurnula prema suprotnom kraju ručni mlin dok žene gornji
dio tijela bio je gotovo paralelno na tlo, a zatim, žena herks natrag u početni položaj. The
movement that raises the arms as the grinder pushes forward employs the deltoid muscles of
the shoulder. Pokret koji podiže ruke kao brusilicu gura naprijed zapošljava deltoidni mišići
ramena. During this stroke, the arms also turn inward, a motion accomplished by the biceps
muscles. Tijekom tog udara, ruke i okrenuti prema unutra, motion postignuto biceps mišića. It
is precisely where the deltoid muscles attach to the humorous (the long bone of the upper
arm) and the biceps muscles to the radius (one of the two forearm bones) which are markedly
developed in these individuals. To je točno gdje deltoidni mišići pridružiti smiješni (duge
kosti nadlaktice) i biceps mišića na radijus (jedna od dvije kosti podlaktice) koje izrazito
razvijeni u ovih osoba. The over-development of the muscles was symmetrical, affecting both
arms equally. Previše razvoj mišića bio je simetričan, koji utječu na obje ruke jednako. On the
forearm of these individuals, the radial tuberosity, the bulged area of the radius where the
biceps muscle attaches is particularly noticeable. Na podlaktici tih pojedinaca, radijalni
tuberosity, izbočen područje radijusa gdje biceps mišića pridaje posebno je primjetna.

The process of bending for many hours strains the toes and knees, grinding puts additional
pressure on the hips and, especially, the lower back. The characteristic injuries found on the
last dorsal vertebra were disk damage and crushing. Proces savijanja za mnoge sate sojeva
prstiju i koljena, mljevenje stavlja dodatni pritisak na bokovima i, posebno, donji dio leđa.
Karakterističnih ozljeda nalazi na dorzalnoj posljednja kralješka su oštećenja diska i
drobljenje. Such injuries could occur if the grinder overshot the far end of the saddle quern
during the forward push or recoiled to the starting position too quickly or vigorously. Takva
ozljeda može se pojaviti ako brusilica podgriz suprotnom kraju sedlo ručni mlin za vrijeme
naprijed gurati ili recoiled u početni položaj previše brzo ili snažno. During grinding, the body
pivots alternately around the knee and hip joints. Tijekom brušenje, tijelo vrti oko naizmjence
zglobovima koljena i kuka. The movement subjects the femurs (thighbones) to considerable
bending stresses. Pokret subjekata butne kosti (thighbones) do znatne savojna naprezanja.
Thus, these bones develop a distinct buttress along the back to counteract the bending
movements imposed from the hip and the knee as the weight of the body swings back and
forth across the saddle quern. The knee also takes a lot of pressure because it serves as the
pivot for the movement. Dakle, ovim se kosti razvijaju različita poduprijeti duž leđa sve to
kao protuteža pokrete savijanja nametnut iz kuka i koljena kao težina tijela ljuljačke natrag i
naprijed preko prijevoja ručni mlin. Koljena također uzima puno pritiska jer služi kao stožer
za pokret. Thus, the joint surfaces enlarge. Dakle, zajednička površina povećanje.

All of these affects appear on a set of bones which was studied. Svi ovi utječe pojaviti na skup
kostiju, koji je studirao. The femurs were curved and buttressed. ButnjaCe zakrivljene i
buttressed. The knees showed bony extensions on their articulate surfaces. Koljena su
pokazali koštanog proširenja na svojim površinama artikulira. The feet were also subjected to
heavy pressure as one grinds grain on a quern. Noge su također podvrgnuti jak pritisak kao
jedan melje zrna na ručni mlin. The toes were curled forward to provide leverage, which was
supplied in large part by the big toes. Prsti su uvijen naprijed pružiti poluge, koji je isporučen
u velikom dijelu po nogama.

In the remains from Abu Hureyra, the first metatarsal joints of the toes are enlarged and often
injured. U ostaci iz Abu Hureyra, prvi metatarzalne zglobovi prstiju su proširene i često
ozlijeđen. There are also signs of cartilage damage: smooth, polished surfaces at the
metatarsal joint indicate that bone had rubbed on bone. Tu su i znakovi oštećenja hrskavice:
glatke, polirane površine na zajednički metatarzalne kosti pokazuju da je utrljati na kost. In
some individuals, a gross osteoarthritis had developed. U nekim pojedincima, bruto
osteoartritisom bio je razvijen. In one case, the right big toe is much more severely affected
than the left. U jednom slučaju, pravo nožni palac je puno više nego što uzrokuje velike
lijevoj strani. Although an infective origin for this condition cannot be ruled out, perhaps the
grinder was in the habit of resting one foot on the other to relieve the pain. Iako infektivnog
porijekla za ovaj uvjet se ne može isključiti, možda brusilica je u naviku odmaranja jednom
nogom na druge za ublažavanje boli.

At Abu Hureyra, we see a progression of changes that can be understood in the light of such
innovations. U Abu Hureyra, vidimo napredovanje promjena koje se može razumjeti u svjetlu
takvih inovacija. The improvements brought problems that called for further innovations.
Poboljšanja donio problema koji je pozvao na daljnje inovacije. There was a constant progress
toward a better life, a striving that continues to this day. Postojao je stalan napredak prema
boljem životu, nastoji da se nastavlja i danas. Abu Hureyra represents the first step on the path
toward modern civilization. Abu Hureyra predstavlja prvi korak na putu prema moderne


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