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SANTIAGO, R. (2015). “The 7 benefits of flipped classroom”.
BERGMANN, J. and SAMS, A. (2014). “Turn your class around: take your class to each
student, anytime, anywhere”.

HEALEY, J. (2011). “Dealing with bullying”. The Spinney Press.

LIBOW, S. and STAGER, G. (2013). “Invent to learn: making, tinkering and engineering
in the classroom”. Torrance, CA: Constructing Modern Knowledge Press.
BELL, J (2010). “Doing your research project”.

MARSH, D. (1994). “Bilingual Education and Content and Language Integrated
Learning. International Association of Cross-Cultural Communication, Language
Teaching in the Member States of the European Union”. University of Sorbonne. Paris.
COYLE, D. (1999). “The next stage? Is there a future for the present? The legacy of
the communicative approach”.

MOON, J. (2005). “Children Learning English”. Macmillan.
WESTOOD, P. (2008). “What teachers need to know about learning difficulties”. ACER
ECHEITA, G. (2006). “Education for inclusion or education without exclusions”. Madrid:
Schools should work to create among their members, and particularly among girls and
boys, a feeling of belonging to an educational community, where is person is valued as
an equal”.
BOOTH, T. (2000). “The Index of Inclusion: Developing Learning and Participation in
Schools”. London: CSIE.
The inclusion is oriented to identify nd reduce barriers to learning and strengthen
resources to support all the members of the educational community.
OECD (2003). “DeSeCo Project: Definition and Selection of Key Competences”.
GONZÁLEZ, J. and WAGENAAR, R. (2003). “Turning Educational Structures in
Europe”. Final Report. Bilbao.
DELORS, J. (1996). “Education holds a treasure”. UNESCO Report of the International
Comission on Education for the 21st Century”. Santillana.

UR, P. (2005). “A Course in Language Teaching”. Cambridge.

CLARK, B. (2002). “Growing up gifted: Developing the potential of children at home
and at school”.
DAVIS, G.A. and RIMM, S.B. (2004). “Education for the gifted and talented”: Boston, A:
Pearson Education Press.

MOLINERO, R. (2010). “Psychoeducational intervention of students with borderline
intelligence in the primary stage”. Educational Approaches Magazine 76, nº62.
DONAIRE, I.M., GALLARDO, J, and MACÍAS S. (2006). “New methodologies in the
classroom: cooperative learning”.
Coopertive work is another efficient way for us to deal with diversity in the classroom
since the organization of the class in groups allows greater dedication and attention to
th different rhythms, levels and learning styles.

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