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A. Background

GTM is not a new thing in language learning, which is only slightly different. The
name that has been used by language teachers for a few years ago. In ancient times this
method is called the "classical method" of the time used in the classical language learning,
such as Latin and Greek. At the beginning of this century, this method is used to assist
students in reading and understanding a foreign language literature. But it is also expected
that it is in studying or understanding the grammar of the desired target language, students
will become more familiar with the language rules in accordance with the source language
and a deeper understanding of this will further help them in reading and writing according to
the source language to be better.

Finally concluded that it is studying a foreign language will help the development of
students in developing intellectual, it can be recognized that the students will never use the
target language, but learning is very much needed mental

B. Formulation Of The Problems

1. What is the definition of Grammar-Translation Method ?

2. What is the characteristic of Grammar-Translation Method ?
3. What is the Techniques of Grammar-Translation Method ?
4. What are advantages and disadvantages of Grammar-Translation Method ?


A. Definition of Grammar-Translation Method

GTM is a method of combining between Grammar and Translation methods. In this

method students are expected to be able to translate a sentence not only by interpreting it but
they are also able to understand the intent and analyze the grammatical arrangement of the
sentence. Teachers still often interpret foreign language texts into mother tongue intended
students to understand the sentence in a coherent manner. The use of GTM must be
accompanied by active students in translate foreign language texts so students are also able to
interpret foreign language texts using their own language.

In the Grammar method students learn the grammatical rules together with the teacher
with a list or vocabulary groups. The words are then used as phrases or sentences based on
the rules that have been learned. Translation method contains the activities of translating
texts that are done from easy things to difficult things. First from the target language to the
mother tongue and vice versa. Translation of the text is done by translating words per word
and ideas per idea including idiomatic expressions.

B. Characteristic

The combination of the two methods above gave birth to the Grammar-Translation
Method / GTM method which has the following characteristics:

1. Classes are taught by using mother's discussion.

2. Teaching begins with giving grammatical rules and refers to the formal grammatical

3. Memorization and translation are characteristics of a prominent activity.

4. Pronounciation is not taught or very limited to only a few aspects.

5. More emphasis on reading and writing skills than listening and talking.
6. In this method the teacher gives training to students by giving sentences then students are
asked to guess the translation of the sentence

C. Techniques
1. Translation of a literary passage
 Students will be asked to read a literary passage and then translate the target language
into their native language
 Translation may be written or spoken
 Translation made by the students can show that they understand their meaning

2. The ability of communicating in the target language is not a goal

 The students ask questions in their native language and are also answered by the
teacher also in their native language
 The teacher asks students in their native language

3. Deductive application of rules

 It is important for students to learn about the forms(grammar rules) of the target
 Grammar rules are presented with examples
 Students are asked to apply the rules to examples they are given

4. Reading comprehension questions

 Students answer these questions in the target language.
 Answers to the questions may be in the reading text, or based on the understanding of
the students or students own experiences related to the text.

5. Teacher as the authority

Teacher decides whether the students answers are correct
 It is important for students to get the correct answers
 If students answer incorrectly, the teacher will provide the correct answer

6. Memorization
 Students are asked to memorize new words, grammatical rules, and verb conjugation

7. Fill-in-the-blanks
 Teacher give students sentences with word missing
 Students should fill in the blanks with the new vocabulary or with a particular
grammar type

8. Use words in sentences

 Students are asked to make up sentences with the new words they learn in the text
 This technique can show whether students really understand the new words

9. Composition
 Students are asked to write a composition in the target language The topic is based on
some aspect of the reading passage

D. Advantages & disadvantages of GTM

Each method must have advantages and disadvantages, here are some descriptions of
the advantages & disadvantages of the GTM method.

 Advantages
 Develop skills and abilities of students in reading, writing and translating foreign
language literature.
 Facilitate students in learning foreign languages because they are allowed to use
mother tongue (native language) in the process of teaching the language. Using this
method, young children connect foreign words so that strong memory bonds can be

 Disadvantages
 This method focuses on reading and writing skills, ignores listening and speaking
 This method cannot realize its purpose in accustoming students to writing correctly;
 Lack of interaction between students / teachers and students / students


A. Conclusion

B. Suggestion

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