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A. carlota @carlota50150452
No. La paz es ausencia de cualquier prejuicio, signo o acto de violencia, injusticia, dolor
o sufrimiento, no simplemente de guerra. Es la convivencia pero también el respeto.
Sin guerra, puede haber odio, y odio nunca es paz #pazyjusticia @Aequitas25JM
B. Eduardo Ramirez @Eduardo49130733
La paz no es la ausencia de guerra, la guerra es la ausencia de paz. #Pazyjusticia
@Aequitas25JM @IESJUANDEMAIREN @mdr_rivera
C. Ana Ramírez @ana_rrramire
El día en el que vivamos sin prejuicios, sin críticas, con libertad, en calma, sin miedo;
habrá paz. Y si, la paz es ausencia de guerra pero de todo tipo de esta. #pazyjusticia
@Aequitas25JM @iesjdmairena
D. Rocioo Aradilla ❤ @rocioaradilla
La Paz no sólo es la ausencia de guerra, también es sentirte bien contigo mismo, creer
en tí y tener autoestima. Si no hay paz en tu interior, no habrá paz en el exterior.
#Pazyjusticia @iesjdmairena @Aequitas25JM
E. My_yellow_submarine @Alicia14631164
La paz será ausencia de guerra cuando lloremos a las tumbas por quienes contienen y
no por el motivo de su partida. #pazyjusticia @Aequitas25JM
F. Laura Torres @lauraa_torresss
Sin guerras pero con miedo, miedo a ser diferente, a no encajar, miedo a ser tú mismo,
miedo al ser mujer, persona de color, tener otra religión... La paz no es ausencia de
guerra, sino ausencia de estupidez humana @iesjdmairena @Aequitas25JM
G. Helena Carpintero @helenawithhache
@Aequitas25JM @iesjdmairena @mdr_rivera #Pazyjusticia Si consultamos a la Rae, sí,
la paz es la ausencía de guerras. Pero, ¿puede haber paz en un mundo, que explota los
recursos que no le pertenecen, aleja la mirada de los necesitados, contamina y mira
hacía el beneficio propio?


1. Pablo Camadro @camadro_pablo

a. Sure peace is in fact a utopia: wherever the human being is, war will prevail.
May it be violent, based on killing, or may be just about tearing each other
apart, but absolute peace will never exist unless we take humans out of the
equation of life. #pazyjusticia @Aequitas25JM

2. adrian gamarra@ARDItheHUMAN
Is peace the absence of war? If you think that wishing there were no more
wars, there would be peace in the world, you are wrong, friend.
The differences of ideas are the only thing that leads to war and the laws are
the only thing that keep "peace". #pazyjusticia @Aequitas25JM

3. Maikid @Maikid_mc
a. #pazyjusticia @Aequitas25JM I do not think that a single person can make a
pacific world but all the people can make the perfect world in which we all


1. No lo es. Que no haya guerra en un país no significa que estemos en paz; no se
va a acabar la violencia. Las personas deben aceptarse unas a otras, ser felices
por lo que tienen y respetarse (Adriana Heredia Csoka 1º A)
2. Pienso que no. La paz es el respeto, la cooperación, la ayuda mutua sin
discriminaciones y sin odio (María Cáceres Fernández 4º B)
3. No, porque mientras haya pobreza, discriminación y exclusión difícilmente
podremos alcanzar un mundo de paz (Marina Garrido Romero 1º A)
4. No hay paz sin guerra y guerra sin paz (Marina Gómez Calvo 1º Bachillerato A)
5. No. Es la paz la ausencia de miedo, la ausencia de ignorancia, superioridad,
desprecio y desigualdad. La puesta en práctica de los valores de uno mismo. La
ausencia de guerra es un simple pacto con la tranquilidad (Celia Martínez
Hernández 4º B)


1. I don’t think that peace is the opposite to war. There can be peace without
thinking on a possible war. But when a war is going on, everyone wants peace
(Ana Floran Sanz 1º ESO A)
2. Peace is not understood only in terms of avoiding war; peace is to establish an
active culture of living in peace in the world (Carlos Bretones Conde 1º
Bachillerato A)
3. Life is too short to spend it at war (María González Samper 1º Bachillerat F)
4. The absence of war is one step forward to peace, but peace is not just the
absence of any kind of major conflict (armed, political, religious, etc) and that’s
why peace is quite unlikely to ever be a reality, unfortunately (Nuria Fernández
Roca, 1º Bachillerato A)
5. My opinion is that if everyone wanted to be at peace there would be no war.
But there are people who want to argue for fun or annoyance and end up in a
war. The world should be for everyone the same life without injustice. I think
we should all be more conformist and want good for all (Mercedes Vela Salado
2º ESO B)


4. Paulina @actresslina
a. Of course it’s true.When war isn’t around people live peacefully and calmly but
in different aspects war still can exist.For example women have to fight for
their rights and respect.People need to notice that every single person may
have their own war.#pazyjusticia @Aequitas25JM
5. Chiriac Elena @ChiriacElena6
a. #pazyjusticia @Aequitas25JM I think violence is for weak people. No one
should make such gestures. For me peace is the key and it represents a good
relationship between people, and also respect. We are different, but we must
feel equal regardless of gender or diversity.
6. Ferariu Vasile @FerariuVasile
a. I’d say that this ”peace” that we have is not something that comes just from
the absence of a war happening, it is the collaboration and understanding
between people. It is the acceptance that we can offer to each other and the
tolerance between us. @Aequitas25JM #pazyjusticia
7. Mihnea Mosneagu @MihneaMosneagu
Is peace the absence of war? Good question. Well, I think war is one of the most grave
mistakes mankind ever made. Now, peace. What can I say, peace is not just the
absence of people fighting, peace is tolerance and respect. So, be kind and spread
peace, ly @Aequitas25JM
#pazyjusticia @Aequitas25JM Recent events clearly show that the ironworks is only a
moment when we feel safe among loved ones. Peace is only a moment. The
omnipresent language of hatred, the division of society, calling someone scumbags in
the media.

8. Maciej @Maciej83626100
a. #pazyjusticia @Aequitas25JM Peace is time of silence and calmness between
wars and other conflicts. In time of peace people usually show their diversity
and unfortunately divide the world. In human race nature is possibility to unite
and integrate only in difficult situations –

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