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Nama-nama ruangan dan tempat yang berhubungan dengan rumah adalah:

1. Living room : ruang tamu
2. Bedroom : kamar tidur
3. Bathroom : kamar mandi
4. Kitchen : dapur
5. Dining room : ruang makan
6. Garage : garasi
7. Garden : kebun

Contoh kalimat :
1. There is a sofa in the living room.
(Ada sebuah sofa di ruang tamu.)
2. There are four bedrooms in my house.
(Ada empat kamar tidur di rumah saya.)
3. I always take a bath in the bathroom.
(Saya selalu mandi di kamar mandi.)
4. My mother cooks in the kitchen.
(Ibu saya memasak di dapur.)
5. I usually eat with my family in the dining room.
(Saya biasanya makan dengan keluarga saya di ruang makan.)
6. My mother puts her car in the garage.
(Ibu saya menyimpan mobilnya di garasi.)
7. I have a beautiful garden in my house.
(Saya mempunyai kebun yang indah di rumah saya.)

Berikut adalah benda-benda yang biasa dijumpai di ruangan-ruangan di dalam rumah :

1. Living room :

- sofa (sofa) - vase (vas bunga)

- table (meja) - flower (bunga)
- chair (kursi) - picture (lukisan/gambar)

2. Bedroom :

- pillow (bantal) - bed (tempat tidur)

- bolster (guling) - cupboard (lemari)
- blanket (selimut)

3. Bathroom :

- soap (sabun) - shampoo (sampo)

- dipper (gayung) - toothpaste (pasta gigi)
- toothbrush (sikat gigi)

4. Kitchen :

- stove (kompor) - refrigerator (lemari es)

- pan (panci) - knife (pisau)
- teapot (teko)

5. Dining room :

- plate (piring) - bowl (mangkuk)

- spoon (sendok) - glass (gelas)
- fork (garpu)

The text is for answering no 1 until no 5!
I am Roy. This is my house. There are a living room, a bedroom, a dining room, a
bathroom, and a kitchen. There are sofas and a table in the livingroom. My father always reads
newpaper in the livingroom. I have breakfast in the diningroom. I have a towel, a soap, a
toothbrush, and a toothpaste in the bathroom. There are pillows, a bolster, a cupboard in the
bedroom. My mother has stoves, pans, frying pans, knifes, plates, and spoons in the kitchen.
There are two bikes, two motorcycles, and a car in the garage.

1. What is there in the livingroom? There is a....

a. sofa c. knife
b. towel d. Bolster

2. What does his father always do in the livingroom? His father always....
a. has breakfast c. cooks
b. reads newpaper d. takes a bath

3. Roy has breakfast in the....

a. bathroom c. dining room
b. bedroom d. Garage

4. Are there a towel and a soap in the diningroom? No,....

a. it is. c. it is not.
b. there are not. d. there are..

5. The stove, pans, and knifes are in the....

a. garage c. kitchen
b. bathroom d. Bedroom

6. My sister sweeps her bedroom.

The word sweeps means....
a. menyapu c. berenang
b. mencuci d. Menonton

7. Dapur ada di bawah loteng.

The best translation is...
a. The kitchen is in the attic.
b. The kitchen is under the attic.
c. The kitchen is outside the attic.
d. The kitchen is beside the attic.

8. Lila is washing her face in the bathroom.

The best translation is....
a. Lila sedang mencuci piring di dapur.
b. Lila sedang mencuci mukanya di kamar mandi.
c. Lila sedang mencuci mukanya di kamar tidur.
d. Lila sedang mencuci baju di kamar mandi.

9. I want to take a bath. Where is my w – e – l – o – t ?

The correct word is....
a. toothbrush c. towel
b. bowl d. Pillow

10. reading – in – Vella – the – magazine – is - livingroom.

The best arrangement for these words is....
a. Vella is reading magazine in the livingroom.
b. Vella is magazine reading in the livingroom.
c. Vella in the livingroom is reading magazine.
d. Vella is reading livingroom in the magazine.

11. I always have my…before school

a. Lunch c. Dinner b. Breakfast d. Eat

12. Father…a newspaper in the living room

a. Drink c. Read b. Drinks d. Reads

13. Azzam : What do you like to….?

Syauqi : A glass of milk please
a. Drink c. Read b. Drinks d. Reads

14. It is a fruit. It is sour (asam). It`s leaf likes a sword (pedang). It is a .…

a. Pineapple c. Mango b. Durian d. Banana

15. It is a food. It is from Padang.

a. Rendang c. Burger b. Meatball d. Petis

16. The right sentence bellow is ….

a. The spinach is green c. The corn is green
b. The carrot is red d. The garlic is red

17. Satay is kind of .…

a. Drink c. Vegetable b. Food d. Fruit

18. People can order some food in the .…

a. Canteen c. Yard b. Stall d. Mosque

19. This food contents many vegetables
a. Rujak c. Seruit b. Salad d. Rendang

20. Is burger kind of food?

a. Yes, they are c. Yes, it is b. No, it is not d. No, it is

21. What do you need to make a soup?

a. Potato c. Pineapple b. Orange d. Chilly

22. It is good for our skin (kulit) because it contents Vitamine E

a. Pineapple c. Avocado b. Orange d. Apple

23. Indonesian people always … mineral water after meal

a. Cook c. Eat b. Drink d. Read

24. My sisiter eats fried rice every morning. “Fried rice” means ….
a. Nasi goreng c. Nasi uduk b. Ayam goreng d. Nasi

25. My sister … like milk

a. Do c. Does b. Don’t d. Doesn’t

II. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

1. Malam ini sangat dingin. Saya tidak bisa tidur tanpa selimutku.
Tonight is very cold. I can’t sleep without my....
2. Please turn off the tap. The water is full.
The word tap means....
3. I want to sweep the floor.
I need a b – r – o – m – o.
The correct word is....
4. My father’s motorcycle is parked in the a – g – a – r – g – e
The correct word is....
5. I feel very sleepy. I want to sleep.
My l – i – p – l – o – w is very comfortable.
The correct word is....

6. Where are you studying?
7. Mention four things in the diningroom!

8. Sendok dan garpu ada di atas piring.

Translate into English!
9. My mother is washing clothes with washing machine.
Translate into Indonesia!
10. coffee – Grandfather – a – is – cup – drinking – of
Arrange into the best sentence!



1. rice : nasi 7. meatballs : bakso

2. fruits : buah-buahan 8. fried fish : ikan goreng
3. vegetables : sayuran 9. fried chicken : ayam goreng
4. noodles : mie 10. fried rice : nasi goreng
11. rujak : rujak
5. soup : sup
12. fried noodle : mie goreng
6. egg : telur

What do you like to eat?

(Kamu mau makan apa?)
I like to eat meatballs.
(Saya suka makan bakso.)


1. water : air
2. coffee : kopi
3. tea : teh
4. milk : susu
5. juice : jus / sari buah

What do you like to drink?

(Kamu mau minum apa?)
I like to drink a glass of orange juice.
(Saya suka minum segelas jus jeruk.)


1. breakfast : sarapan / makan pagi

I have breakfast in the morning.
(Saya sarapan pada pagi hari.)

2. brunch : makan diatara waktu makan pagi dan makan siang.
(breakfast+lunch= brunch)
I have brunch late in the morning.
(Saya makan pada pagi menjelang siang.)
3. lunch : makan siang
I have lunch in the afternoon.
(Saya makan siang pada siang hari.)
4. dinner : makan malam
I have dinner in the evening.
(Saya makan malam pada malam hari.)


1. bread : roti 5. fried banana : pisang goreng
2. corn : jagung 6. peanuts : kacang
3. chocolate : coklat 7. chips : keripik
4. cake : kue 8. biscuits : biskuit

Contoh Kalimat
1. I like eating bread and drinking milk.
(Saya suka makan roti dan minum susu.)
2. These are rice and fried chicken.
(Ini adalah nasi dan ayam goreng.)
3. Rina likes eating fried rice and drinking guava juice.
(Rina suka makan nasi goreng dan minum jus jambu.)

I. Read the text and then answer the questions!

(Bacalah teks kemudian jawab pertanyaannya!)

My name is Yuli. I and family are having lunch in a restaurant. It is the best restaurant in
Sukabumi. We order the food to the waiter. I order fried rice and orange juice. My father
orders fried chicken and tea. My mother orders steak and mango juice. The food and
drinks are very nice. We like having lunch there.

1. Where are Yuli and her family having their lunch?

2. What does Yuli order?
3. What does her father order?
4. What does her mother order?
5. Are the food and drinks very nice there?

1. The conversation above take place in the ….
a. Hospital c. Market
b. Restaurant d. Zoo

2. He … some cookies in his pocket.

a. has c. is
b. have d. are

3. A : What do you have?

B : I … cabbage
a. has c. is
b. have d. are

4. Ari has seven marbles, Rudi has three marbles. They have … marbles.
a. eleven c. ten
b. nine d. twelve

5. Mother cooks in the…

a. Bathroom c. Bedroom
b. Kitchen d. Garage

6. “Cook” means.…
a. Makan c. Memasak
b. Minum d. Membaca

7. I’am vegetable. My colour is orange. I’am very good for your eyes. I am a ….
a. Pumpkin c. Eggplant
b. Chily d. Carrot

8. This vegetable is hot. “Don’t eat too much!” you will get a stomachache
a. Pumpkin c. Eggplant

b. Chily d. Carrot

9. Need-popeye-and olive-spinach
a. Popeye need spinach and Olive
b. And Olive Popeye need spinach
c. Popeye and Olive need spinach
d. Spinach need Popeye and Olive

10. In this place you can eat and drink with your friends
a. Restroom c. Canteen
b. Library d. School

11. Mother … a cup of tea every morning

a. Drink c. Eat
b. Drinks d. Eats

12. This is a traditional food from Lampung

a. Rujak c. Empek-empek
b. Rendang d. Seruit

13. X : What would you like to eat?

Y : I would like a plate of ….
a. Juice c. Fried rice
b. Water d. Ice cream

14. There are fruits and vegetables in the ….

a. Fruit juice c. Fruit salad
b. Fruity d. Fruit stall

15. . …. Contents of vitamin C

a. Pineapple c. Avocado
b. Orange d. Apple

16. A …works in the restaurant

a. Fisherman c. Teacher
b. Waiters d. Seller

17. There … six mangoes on the table

a. Are c. Have
b. Is d. Has

18. Fruits and…are good for our health

a. Salad c. Vegetables
b. Rendang d. Apple

19. Makan in English is ….

a. Eat c. Cook
b. Drink d. Read

20. I am… I want to buy some food at the canteen

a. Eat c. Cook
b. Drink d. Hungry

II. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

36. He … coffee every morning.

37. My friend and I … dinner in restaurant every day.

38. My mother … delicious food in the kitchen every day.

39. Onion means …

40. There … many apples on the plate.

41. The right letter to complete this word are …. P U _ _ K _ N —–> (Labu)

42. Carrot contents Vitamine ….

43. It is kind of food. It is made from meat. It is from java. It is ….

44. In the fruit stall, we can buy ….

45. Traditional food from Padang is .…

III. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

46. What is your favorite food?

47. What is you favorite drink?

48. What do you need to make Rujak?

49. Ayah makan nasi goreng setiap pagi. Write in English!

50. Mention 5 kinds of drinks!


Nama-Nama Anggota Tubuh :

1. head : kepala 14. shoulder : bahu

2. face : wajah 15. chest : dada
3. eye : mata 16. knee : lutut
4. ear : telinga 17. foot : kaki
5. nose : hidung 18. toes : jari kaki
6. chin :dagu 19. hair : rambut
7. cheek : pipi 20. hand : tangan
8. neck : leher 21. fingers : jari tangan
9. lip : bibir 22. back : punggung
10. tooth : gigi 23. thigh : paha
11. tongue : lidah 24. calf : betis
12. mouth : mulut 25. buttock : pantat
13. elbow : sikut

Contoh :
1. black hair = rambut hitam
2. white tooth = gigi putih
3. brown hand = tangan coklat
4. red lip = bibir merah
5. black chin : dagu hit


1. What part of the body is it?

a. It is nose
b. It is eye
c. It is Head
d. It is arm

2. What part of the body is it?

a. It is leg
b. It is lip
c. It is head
d. It is arm

3. Nose is part of our ....

a. Leg
b. Foot
c. Face
d. Stomach

4. Ear is part of our ....

a. Mouth
b. Head
c. Back
d. Fingers

5. My head is covered by ....

a. Arm
b. Hair
c. Elbow
d. Teet

6. Every hands have ..... fingers

a. Ten
b. Five
c. Seven
d. One

7. We have .... ears.

a. Two
b. Three

c. Four
d. Five

8. We have .... lip.

a. Four
b. Three
c. Two
d. One

9. Alia : “Is that your nose?”

Sinta : “No, ....................”
a. That is not
b. That not is
c. Is that not
d. Not that is

10. Dina : “Is this your foot?”

Kusuma : “Yes, ...................”
a. This not
b. This is not
c. This is
d. Is this

11. Saya punya dua kaki

The English sentence is ....
a. I have two ears
b. I have two Foots
c. I have two elbows
d. I have two heads

12. Mulut adalah bagian dari wajah

The english sentences is ....
a. Mouth is part of face
b. Teeth is part of face
c. Lip is part of face
d. Chin is part of face

13. Kita mempunyai satu kepala

The english senteces is ....
a. We have one forehead
b. We have one knee
c. We have one back
d. We have one head

14. Santi is listening radio with her .....
a. Eyes
b. Ears
c. Heads
d. Legs

15. Dika is watching television with his ....

a. Eyes
b. Ears
c. Cheeks
d. Arms

16. We talk wit our ....

a. Cheek
b. Head
c. Knee
d. Mouth

17. Above your eyes, there is ....

a. Leg
b. Finger
c. Stomach
d. Forehead

18. Our ears are on the .... and .... side.

a. Right and above
b. Right and left
c. Left and under
d. Under and above

19. is – this – my – elbow

The correct order is ....
a. This my is elbow
b. My elbow this is
c. This is my elbow
d. Elbow my is this

20. have – two – I – hands

The correct order is ....
a. I have two hands
b. I have hands two
c. I two have hands
d. Hands I have two

21. that – is – knee – your - ?
The correct order is ....
a. That is your knee?
b. Is that your knee?
c. Your knee is that?
d. Knee is that your?

22. I always wash my face

The Indonesian sentece is ....
a. Aku selalu mencuci mulutku
b. Aku selalu mencuci mukaku
c. Aku selalu menuci kakiku
d. Aku selalu mencuci tanganku

23. My lip is red

The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Bibirku ada dua
b. Gigiku berwarna putih
c. Bibirku berwarna merah
d. Rambutku berwarna merah

24. Sania : “Deni, what is an ear for?”

Deni : “It is for ....... to something.”
a. Watching
b. Listening
c. Catching
d. Jumping

25. Raka : “Selly, what is an mouth for?”

Selly : “It is for ....... to something.”
a. Shooting
b. Singing
c. Talking
d. Talking


1. Fingers is part of our ....

2. We have .... hands.

3. We jump with our ....

4. Rambutku itu hitam

The english sentences is ....

5. Saya punya sepuluh jari

The english sentence is ....

6. is – your – forehead – this - ?

The correct order is ....

7. have – one – nose – we

The correct order is ....

8. The colour of teets is ....

9. Sintia : “How many arms do you have?”

Lani : “ I have .... arms.”

10. Thumb is part of fingers

The Indonesian sentence is ....


1. Ragil : “Is that your elbow?”

Rudi : “No, ....................”
Ragil : “What part of the body is it?”
Rudi : “It is ..................”

2. Panji : “Is this your cheek?”

Siska : “No, .......................”
Panji : “What part of the body is it?”
Siska : “It is .......................”

3. Mention 5 parts of face!

Jawab :

4. Write these sentences into Indonesian!

a. How many legs do you have?
b. We have two legs and two knees.
Jawab :

5. Write these sentences into English!

a. Saya punya dua tangan, tangan saya punya lima jari
b. Kita punya dua mata, dua telingan dan satu hidung
Jawab :



1. car = mobil 11. ship = kapal

2. bicycle = sepeda 12. helicopter = helikopter
3. bus = bis 13. hot air balloon = balon terbang
4. school bus = bis sekolah 14. cruiser ship = kapal pesiar
5. motorcycle = sepeda motor 15. ambulance = ambulans
6. pedicab = becak 16. scooter = skuter
7. taxi = taksi 17. boat = kapal
8. truck = truk 18. rocket = roket
9. train = kereta 19. warship = kapal perang
10. plane = pesawat terbang 20. Tractor = traktor

Contoh Kalimat menggunakan Transportation

 I go to school by school bus (aku pergi ke sekolah naik bis sekolah)

 We go to the zoo by train (kami pergi ke kebun binatang naik kereta)
 My father go to his office by motorcycle (ayahku ke kantornya naik motor)
 My uncle go to Jakarta by car (pamanku pergi ke jakarta naik mobil)
 The ambulance color is white (ambulans berwarna putih)
 The truck color is yellow (truk berwarna kuning)
 The train color is blue (kereta berwarna biru)
 The hot air balloon is so colorful (balon terbang itu sangat berwarna)

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a, b, c, atau d!)

1. The traffic sign means that you can't ... here

a. park
b. stop
c. turn
d. start

2. We are not allowed to turn ....

a. left
b. right
c. forward
d. around

3. It is a ....
a. T-junction
b. crossroad
c. zebra cross
d. traffic light

4. Bandung is located in ....

a. East Java
b. West Java
c. Central Java
d. Bogor

Text for number 5 and 6

Tantry : "What do you usually do on Sunday, Dewi?"
Dewi : "I usually read books. How about you?"
Tantry : "I usually watch TV."

5. Dewi usually ... on Sunday.

a. reads books
b. gardening
c. singing
d. dancing

6. Tantry likes to ... on Sunday.

a. study
b. go to school
c. play doll
d. watch TV

7. Tiara and Bimo go to the ... on holiday.

a. beach
b. zoo
c. mountain
d. temple

8. My brother is playing ... in the park.

a. roller skate
b. skateboard
c. marbles
d. toycar
9. We go to Borobudur temple by ....
a. car
b. van
c. bus
d. motorcycle

10. Dani and Dina go ... every Sunday.

a. surfing
b. fishing
c. reading
d. singing

11. My grandfather is ... than my grandmother.

a. old
b. older
c. oldest
d. more old

12. Tania always gets the first rank in her class. She is the ... student in the class.
a. clever
b. more clever
c. cleverest
d. cleverer

13. Train is .... than bus.

a. fast
b. slow
c. faster
d. slower

14. The opposite of south is ....

a. north
b. east
c. west
d. southwest
15. The opposite of long is ....
a. big
b. short
c. large
d. small

II. Translate the sentences into Indonesian!

(Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!)
1. The cat is under the chair.
2. The book is on the table.
3. Post office is beside the hospital
4. My house is on Jl.Benteng.
5. Pencil is longer than eraser.
III. Arrange the words into good sentences!
(Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang benar!)
1. is - Where - post office - the?
2. faster - train - The - runs - bus - the - than.
3. is - She - playing - doll.
4. father - My - older - is - my - mother - than.
5. table - The - on - glass - is.


I. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

Text for number 1 - 3

My name is Irma, I have two sisters and a brother. My sister has a son. He is
very handsome boy. My brother goes to the office by motorcycle everyday.

1. What the writer name? Her name is..........

2. My sister has a son, he is my..........
3. My brother goes to his office by..........
4. Mr. Bima Arya is a ... of Bogor city.
5. The center of our solar system is..........
6. I like to eat chocolate, its taste..........
7. The located of bookstore are ... school and bank.
8. The located of city park is on Sehat Street. It is a hospital.
9. People who tells and shows us to tourism object are called
10. Ina is 165 cm, Ani is 155 cm. Ina is ... than Ani.
11. The opposite of South is
12. Fable is a story about.
13. That is my bag. That bag is
14. Belok kiri in English is
15. Do you have a ballpoint ? Yes

II. Answer the Questions

1. Mention 5 name of mounts in Indonesia!

2. Mention 5 name of public places!

3. Write down 7 days in a week in order!

4. Write the opposite!

Tall =
Skinny =
Big =

5. Rearrange the words into a good sentence!

a. Me - can - Sir - the way - to - you - the library - showS ? - me
b. Plese - could - - ne - you - the fan - help - turn on

III. Essay!

Read the text and answer the question!


Sport is favorite subject in my class. We can play game, play football, basketball, running or
doing other game In a field. Yesterday our class had an exercise. We run around the yard,
then practiced gymnastics. After that we practiced high jump and long jump. By the end on
the day, we were very tired.

1. What is the favourite subject in the writer’s class?

2. What is the tittle of the text?
3. When did the students have an exercise?
4. What game can students play in the field?
5. What happened in the end of the day?


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