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“What from vengeance yet restrains me?” 409 (General consternation. Alice, aided by some ladies, raises Lucy and leads her to a seat.) Alice. Ed - — gar-do! On Edgar! Bide-the-Bent. oh ter - ror! Day of woe! gar- to! Ed-gar! on’ ter | ror! Day of | woe! oh ter - ror! Day of woe! bbi Aci. & corns. Tm |p rail. Larghetto. Edgar. (aside) —_ > Chi mi fre - nain talmo-me - to? chi tron Whatfrom ven - geance yet re-strains me, Words suf- Henry. (aside) p. — Chi raf-fre - nail miofu-ro,- re, e la Larghetto. What from ven - geance yet re-strains_me, Will he ‘Strings ptie e sempre cre; Ca, bustatn. 14047 Printed in the. 8... 10 Fo > co (el-Ti-reil cor - so? 11 suo duo-lo, il suo spa-ven-to son la fice not to up-braid thee,Eenthe ter - ror that thus en-chainstheeProvesthat ——— > man chealbran-do Gor- se?Del-la mi-sera in fa-vo - re nel mio mad - ly dare up-braid her?Ah,she dreadsme, and _dis - dains me, Nev - er SEP. pro - va,son la pro-vadun fi- mor - so!Ma,qual ro - sai-na-ri - false - ly,provesthatfalse-ly thowstbe-tray'd me! As a rose ’mid tempest Sa sy? pet- to un gri - do sor - se!Emio san - guelVhotra- more will I thus per - suade her!Day of wrath, _whatwillbethy cu a, Se == di - ta, el-la sta_framor-tee vi - tal Io son vin - to, soncom -,Griefand guilt thyheartare rend-ing, Thy des - pair - ing looksdis - a z di - ta! El-la sta_—framor-tee Vi - ta! Ah! che spe - gne-re non end - ing!Fur-ther grief__maybe im - pend-ing! Her des-pair - inglooks a. - JP. 11087 at Lucy. (turning to Alice) To spe- Eagar. ——$—_=__—— "Twas my > TS —_ duaffrett. & mos. - so! ta- mgin-gra-ta, fa- mo, fa-mojin-gra-ta, ta - arm me,Faith-less maid-en, faith-less maid a - las, I” love Henry. ——<—_ —_ Qan= thee pos - so i ri-mor-si del mio co- re, del mio larm me, Name-less ter - rors, name-less fears my bo - som Bide-the-Bent. (Aside) 7 Qual ter- Oh, may -ta tron-ca.a-ves- —-s¢il mio spa- that death would hide me Froma doom of shame and 7 mio san- gue! Tho a An,she dreads me, and dis- ri- -bi- le mo- men - to! pia for- mar non so pa- heav’n in mer-cy guide. thee In this hour of wrath and Fl. a Cl. with yotce a/ Pp 12047

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