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Article management system is a management of content available on the web. The

aim of this project is to study and analyze this current system running in the web.
On the basis of the analysis performed our goal is to develop a quality assurance
document that supports all the quality plans with improvements suggested for the
current deficiencies.
1.1 Purpose

2. Requirements According to McCall Quality Factor

2.1 Product Operation Factors

1. Correctness
 Output Mission
o In Article Management System, Visitor can view any documents.
 Accuracy of the output
o The mistakes in Article Management System should not exceed 1%.
 Completeness of output information
o The probability of missing data about member, for example publisher total
article published should not exceed 1%.
 Availability of information
o In Article Management System, if a visitor search about an article it will get
result in less than two seconds on average.
 required standards and guidelines
o The Article Management System and its documentation are required to comply
with the client’s guidelines and standards.

2. Reliability Requirements

 The failure rate of an Article Management System should be less than one in 2 years.
3. Efficiency Requirements
 In Article Management System, Visitor view any article if his internet connection in 30-
50 KBs.

4. Integrity
 In Article Management System, Admin need to sign in first in order to view his

5. Usability
 In Article Management System, after 10-minute training publisher must be able to
publish their article.

2.2 Product revision factors

1. Maintenance
 If any bug occurs in Article Management System correct that bug should not take more
than 2 hours.
2. Flexibility
 Non-professional publishers also able to create new article in Article Management
3. Testability

 Set of standard tests are applied in Article Management System before deploying it on

2.3 Product transition factors

1. Portability Requirements:

 The Article Management System should be able to run on windows browser and
different size mobile browsers correctly.
2. Reusability Requirements:

 In Article Management System we have built admin dashboard. We can later reuse the
admin dashboard design for publisher dashboard.
3. Interoperability Requirements:
 In Article Management System a publisher can sign up through Google Account or
Facebook account.

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