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the best seed with diamonds 20+ and emerald 10+ many redstones 250+ coal 300+
iron 50+ gold 30+
seed= -1682820449

2. A seed just go top right and see 2 villages with gold and iron loot + one
blacksmith have a cave too.
seed= 343145341

3. a seed with mooshroom island village

seed= Wizz000

4. A seed with igloo and a village nearby very good seed for survival.
seed= 2078483587

5. good seed with mesa plateaus spikes go another orange island from spawn.
seed= -934642901

6. One more good seed with 24 villages 3 strongholds 16 temples

seed= 1765050202

7. 47 diamond at spawn
seed= diamond seed

8 igllo
seed= 1410403532

Minecraft 1.12 seed

SEED: -1157514983089113327
Village: -234, 65, 246
Temple: 255, 64, 268
Village: 292, 64, 355
Village: 46, 76, 607 (No Blacksmith)
Village: -220, 63, 793 (No Blacksmith)
Temple: -205, 69, 892
Buried Temple: -352, 76, 1050 (Dig Down)
Crazy Village: -966, 67, 500
Ravine Igloo: 1747, 68, 259
Mineshaft: 1912, 71, 312 (Dig Down)
Buried Igloo: 1283, 66, -765
Stronghold: -1467, 30, -1790 (End Portal Room)

1.12 minecraft seed

885408260 horse shoe island
885408260 lovely horse shoe island with mineshafts and 3 mobs spawners hiding
below. a strong hold around 2thoughsand blocks to the east village a few hundred
blocks to the west. and an underwater temple less then 1000 blocks NE look for the
small island with a single tree. <this is using latest snapshot but it had a
simmilar look when i made it in 1.11 so fingers crossed. you should check it out?
start at x200/Z200 village X-300/Z50 water temple X550/Z-100 stronghold x1344/Z584?

1. 4532253102578848129
2. minisurvival2
3. 6013753619587900891
4. 1180632417534479318
5. 6310936896723336614
7. 7670100323430838974
8. -277041100
9. 5797815300406496553
10. -1795459791567006257

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-Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

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