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0 TextAsset Base

1 string m_Name = "c_fp_allianceDavion_a2_assassinate"

1 string m_Script = "{\n "ID" : "c_fp_allianceDavion_a2_assassinate",\n
"contractName" : "Davion Alliance IV",\n "contractDisplayStyle" :
"BaseFlashpoint",\n "difficulty" : 8,\n "difficultyUIModifier" : 0,\n
"weight" : 1,\n "scope" : "MID_CAMPAIGN",\n "finalDifficulty" : 0,\n
"shortDescription" : "Those aren't just reinforcements, Commander. That's our
target: the CCAF commander, Lieutenant Colonel Song. As a reminder, they're a
deadly MechWarrior as well as a skilled strategist. Their arrival on the field
presents an opportunity\\u2014if we act swiftly, we can achieve our goals here on
Kern in a single strike, making this world an easy pickup when we mount the full-
scale attack. This is it, Commander. Don't screw this up.",\n
"longDescription" : "Yang's been filling me in about Song, Commander. He says
they're supposed to be the best shot in the entire CCAF. We're going to be lucky to
get out of this one without serious losses.",\n "salvagePotential" : 28,\n
"requirementList" : [],\n "OnContractSuccessResults" : [],\n
"OnContractFailureResults" : [],\n "contractType" : "Assassinate",\n
"encounterPlayStyle" : "SinglePlayer",\n "maxNumberOfPlayerUnits" : 4,\n
"lanceMinTonnage" : -1,\n "lanceMaxTonnage" : -1,\n "mechMinTonnages" : [\n
-1,\n -1,\n -1,\n -1\n ],\n "mechMaxTonnages" : [\n
-1,\n -1,\n -1,\n -1\n ],\n "mapMood" : "",\n
"startingFogOfWarVisibility" : "Surveyed",\n "contractObjectiveList" : [\n
{\n "contractObjective" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" :
"edafecaf-4d24-4304-98b1-9e645898c6ee"\n },\n "title" :
"Destroy Lieutenant Colonel Song and Escape",\n "description" : "Destroy
the Target, clear area of additional forces Enemies, and Escape",\n
"isPrimary" : true,\n "forPlayer" : "Player1",\n
"objectiveGuids" : [\n "504a1169-8858-4f3d-be89-48eb39f54e4d",\n
"cc0880d2-2c42-40ef-98ed-33fe754c96e6",\n "650245ff-89b6-4c0f-9b72-
31db69cf109c",\n "ef887928-31f2-4001-a1d8-44f8dc5f5bf8",\n
"3a4192be-2a53-4383-94ac-19c08883ea5f"\n ]\n }\n ],\n
"objectiveList" : [\n {\n "objective" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "650245ff-89b6-4c0f-9b72-31db69cf109c"\n },\n
"title" : "Destroy the Supporting Capellan Forces",\n "description" :
"The secondary objective to destroy an additional lance supporting the
assassination target.",\n "isPrimary" : false,\n
"OnSuccessResults" : [\n {\n "Scope" :
"Company",\n "Requirements" : null,\n
"AddedTags" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : ""\n },\n
"RemovedTags" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : ""\n },\n "Stats" : [\n
{\n "typeString" : "System.Single",\n
"name" : "ContractBonusRewardPct",\n "value" : "0.1",\n
"set" : false,\n "valueConstant" : null\n
}\n ],\n "Actions" : [],\n
"ForceEvents" : [],\n "TemporaryResult" : false,\n
"ResultDuration" : 0\n }\n ],\n
"OnFailureResults" : []\n },\n {\n "objective" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "ef887928-31f2-4001-a1d8-44f8dc5f5bf8"\n },\n
"title" : "Destroy the Capellan Reinforcements",\n "description" :
"Destroy enemy Ambushers before extraction",\n "isPrimary" : false,\n
"OnSuccessResults" : [\n {\n "Scope" :
"Company",\n "Requirements" : null,\n
"AddedTags" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : ""\n },\n
"RemovedTags" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : ""\n },\n "Stats" : [\n
{\n "typeString" : "System.Single",\n
"name" : "ContractBonusRewardPct",\n "value" : "0.1",\n
"set" : false,\n "valueConstant" : null\n
}\n ],\n "Actions" : [],\n
"ForceEvents" : [],\n "TemporaryResult" : false,\n
"ResultDuration" : 0\n }\n ],\n
"OnFailureResults" : []\n },\n {\n "objective" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "504a1169-8858-4f3d-be89-48eb39f54e4d"\n },\n
"title" : "Destroy Lieutenant Colonel Song",\n "description" : "The
objective to destroy the Assassination Target.",\n "isPrimary" : true,\n
"OnSuccessResults" : [],\n "OnFailureResults" : []\n },\n
{\n "objective" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "c12ee829-
2a99-4ed4-be8a-5f16407a2361"\n },\n "title" : "Destroy
Assassination Lance Hidden Objective",\n "description" : "Hidden
Objective for AutoComplete, Destroy Assassination Lance",\n
"isPrimary" : false,\n "OnSuccessResults" : [\n {\n
"Scope" : "Company",\n "Requirements" : null,\n
"AddedTags" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : ""\n },\n
"RemovedTags" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : ""\n },\n "Stats" : [\n
{\n "typeString" : "System.Single",\n
"name" : "ContractBonusRewardPct",\n "value" : "0.1",\n
"set" : false,\n "valueConstant" : null\n
}\n ],\n "Actions" : [],\n
"ForceEvents" : [],\n "TemporaryResult" : false,\n
"ResultDuration" : 0\n }\n ],\n
"OnFailureResults" : []\n },\n {\n "objective" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "cc0880d2-2c42-40ef-98ed-33fe754c96e6"\n },\n
"title" : "Get to the Evac Zone",\n "description" : "The objective for
the player to escape and complete the mission.",\n "isPrimary" : true,\n
"OnSuccessResults" : [],\n "OnFailureResults" : []\n },\n
{\n "objective" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "3a4192be-
2a53-4383-94ac-19c08883ea5f"\n },\n "title" : "Prevent the
Target from Escaping",\n "description" : "The objective to stop the
assassination target for escaping, the player will fail if the target escapes.",\n
"isPrimary" : true,\n "OnSuccessResults" : [],\n
"OnFailureResults" : []\n },\n {\n "objective" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "1bd16613-2bbe-4bd7-bb7a-240ddb055ac0"\n },\n
"title" : "Armor Breached",\n "description" : "Armor of the Target is
breached.",\n "isPrimary" : false,\n "OnSuccessResults" : [\n
{\n "Scope" : "Company",\n "Requirements" :
null,\n "AddedTags" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : ""\n },\n
"RemovedTags" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : ""\n },\n "Stats" : [\n
{\n "typeString" : "System.Single",\n
"name" : "ContractBonusRewardPct",\n "value" : "0.1",\n
"set" : false,\n "valueConstant" : null\n
}\n ],\n "Actions" : [],\n
"ForceEvents" : [],\n "TemporaryResult" : false,\n
"ResultDuration" : 0\n }\n ],\n
"OnFailureResults" : []\n }\n ],\n "artilleryObjectiveList" : [],\n
"buildingList" : [],\n "chunkList" : [\n {\n "name" :
"Chunk_Ambush (Bonus)",\n "encounterChunk" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "19e8fa2a-f850-42f0-a067-15fcafcc8123"\n },\n
"enableChunkFromContract" : true,\n "requirementList" : []\n },\n
{\n "name" : "Chunk_TargetEscape (Bonus)",\n "encounterChunk"
: {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "9a27ee75-f33f-45ac-b0d3-
ebc321ae7ffc"\n },\n "enableChunkFromContract" : false,\n
"requirementList" : []\n }\n ],\n "cameraFocusHelperList" : [\n
{\n "name" : "Spawner_PlayerLance",\n
"encounterObject" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "49c80ae9-df2d-
4788-a56e-3b21cf381691"\n }\n },\n {\n "name" :
"Lance_Enemy_OpposingForce",\n "encounterObject" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "72773efa-5537-4273-89f8-5fcf1a06f7ff"\n }\n
},\n {\n "name" : "Lance_Enemy_Ambushers",\n
"encounterObject" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "a40b7be1-0b20-445f-
a31d-b2b2ff228eda"\n }\n },\n {\n "name" :
"Lance_Enemy_AssassinationTarget",\n "encounterObject" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "9d973fb5-9b7e-4c49-969a-6bb3e60caa64"\n }\n
},\n {\n "name" : "Region_Escape",\n "encounterObject"
: {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "a25a4728-0069-41cc-ac38-
19b1f49023e7"\n }\n },\n {\n "name" :
"Region_TargetEscapeZone",\n "encounterObject" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "a85da736-7a2e-4cc6-aff3-feb9d73fc7e1"\n }\n
}\n ],\n "dialogueList" : [\n {\n "dialogue" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "73df8d9c-a274-48fd-98c9-2bd0d7860e83"\n },\n
"name" : "Dialogue_MissionStart",\n "overrideDialogueBucketId" : "",\n
"dialogueContent" : [\n {\n "words" : "Commander,
we're receiving a transmission from the Liao forces.",\n
"wordsColor" : {\n "r" : 1,\n "g" :
1,\n "b" : 1,\n "a" : 1\n
},\n "selectedCastDefId" : "castDef_DariusDefault",\n
"emote" : "Default",\n "audioName" : "NONE",\n
"cameraFocusGuid" : "",\n "cameraDistance" : "Far",\n
"cameraHeight" : "Default",\n "revealRadius" : -1\n
},\n {\n "words" : "Attention, mercenary forces.
You are trespassing on sovereign Capellan Confederation territory.",\n
"wordsColor" : {\n "r" : 1,\n "g" :
1,\n "b" : 1,\n "a" : 1\n
},\n "selectedCastDefId" :
"castDef_FP_allianceDavion_SongDefault",\n "emote" :
"Default",\n "audioName" : "NONE",\n
"cameraFocusGuid" : "9d973fb5-9b7e-4c49-969a-6bb3e60caa64",\n
"cameraDistance" : "Far",\n "cameraHeight" : "Default",\n
"revealRadius" : -1\n },\n {\n
"words" : "If you retreat now, you will be spared. If you remain, we will wipe you
out completely. Song out.",\n "wordsColor" : {\n
"r" : 1,\n "g" : 1,\n "b" : 1,\n
"a" : 1\n },\n "selectedCastDefId" :
"castDef_FP_allianceDavion_SongDefault",\n "emote" :
"Default",\n "audioName" : "NONE",\n
"cameraFocusGuid" : "",\n "cameraDistance" : "Far",\n
"cameraHeight" : "Default",\n "revealRadius" : -1\n
},\n {\n "words" : "\\u2026Well, that seems
pretty straightforward.",\n "wordsColor" : {\n
"r" : 1,\n "g" : 1,\n "b" : 1,\n
"a" : 1\n },\n "selectedCastDefId" :
"castDef_DariusDefault",\n "emote" : "Default",\n
"audioName" : "NONE",\n "cameraFocusGuid" : "49c80ae9-df2d-4788-
a56e-3b21cf381691",\n "cameraDistance" : "Far",\n
"cameraHeight" : "Default",\n "revealRadius" : -1\n
}\n ]\n },\n {\n "dialogue" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "4011a4c3-cba2-4d22-b2b3-3b19a3297ab9"\n },\n
"name" : "Dialogue_MissionSuccess",\n "overrideDialogueBucketId" : "",\n
"dialogueContent" : [\n {\n "words" : "Song is
down and their remaining forces are without a commander. All that's left is the
cleanup. Well done, Commander.",\n "wordsColor" : {\n
"r" : 1,\n "g" : 1,\n "b" : 1,\n
"a" : 1\n },\n "selectedCastDefId" :
"castDef_DavionRepDefault",\n "emote" : "Default",\n
"audioName" : "NONE",\n "cameraFocusGuid" : "",\n
"cameraDistance" : "Far",\n "cameraHeight" : "Default",\n
"revealRadius" : -1\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n
"dialogue" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "d3d33d95-9ed7-4686-b9eb-
954ebe51cc02"\n },\n "name" : "Dialogue_MissionFailure",\n
"overrideDialogueBucketId" : "",\n "dialogueContent" : [\n
{\n "words" : "Goddamn it, we were <i>so close</i>. Song's just
contacted their commanding officer, and reinforcements are on the way. The
operation is blown.",\n "wordsColor" : {\n
"r" : 1,\n "g" : 1,\n "b" : 1,\n
"a" : 1\n },\n "selectedCastDefId" :
"castDef_DavionRepDefault",\n "emote" : "Default",\n
"audioName" : "NONE",\n "cameraFocusGuid" : "",\n
"cameraDistance" : "Far",\n "cameraHeight" : "Default",\n
"revealRadius" : -1\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n
"dialogue" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "dafa63cd-96e8-4a03-8383-
6abfd360bde8"\n },\n "name" :
"overrideDialogueBucketId" : "",\n "dialogueContent" : [\n
{\n "words" : "The Lieutenant Colonel is down, Commander. A
Leopard is on standby for pickup.",\n "wordsColor" : {\n
"r" : 1,\n "g" : 1,\n "b" : 1,\n
"a" : 1\n },\n "selectedCastDefId" :
"castDef_DavionRepDefault",\n "emote" : "Default",\n
"audioName" : "NONE",\n "cameraFocusGuid" : "",\n
"cameraDistance" : "Far",\n "cameraHeight" : "Default",\n
"revealRadius" : -1\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n
"dialogue" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "cbb7a848-5367-478a-82f2-
256bb94080e6"\n },\n "name" : "Dialogue_AmbushDestroyed",\n
"overrideDialogueBucketId" : "DialogBucketDef_Universal_KillConfirmed",\n
"dialogueContent" : [\n {\n "words" : "Readings
indicate the ambushing units are out of commision. The employer will be pleased.
",\n "wordsColor" : {\n "r" : 1,\n
"g" : 1,\n "b" : 1,\n "a" : 1\n
},\n "selectedCastDefId" : "castDef_DariusDefault",\n
"emote" : "Default",\n "audioName" : "NONE",\n
"cameraFocusGuid" : "",\n "cameraDistance" : "Far",\n
"cameraHeight" : "Default",\n "revealRadius" : -1\n
}\n ]\n },\n {\n "dialogue" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "cc82de54-d0b5-4227-bb23-dc845ea88833"\n },\n
"name" : "Dialogue_TargetDamaged",\n "overrideDialogueBucketId" :
"DialogBucketDef_Assassinate_TarDamaged",\n "dialogueContent" : [\n
{\n "words" : "That is our target, sustain fire on that
unit!",\n "wordsColor" : {\n "r" : 1,\n
"g" : 1,\n "b" : 1,\n "a" : 1\n
},\n "selectedCastDefId" : "castDef_DariusDefault",\n
"emote" : "Default",\n "audioName" : "NONE",\n
"cameraFocusGuid" : "",\n "cameraDistance" : "Far",\n
"cameraHeight" : "Default",\n "revealRadius" : -1\n
}\n ]\n },\n {\n "dialogue" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "4a6a16e6-15ea-4c14-8075-a77089825af7"\n },\n
"name" : "Dialogue_AmbushWarning",\n "overrideDialogueBucketId" :
"DialogBucketDef_Assassinate_AmbushWarning",\n "dialogueContent" : [\n
{\n "words" : "Sensors are showing enemy movement beyond our
intitial count. Be advised you might meet with increased resistance.",\n
"wordsColor" : {\n "r"
: 1,\n "g" : 1,\n "b" : 1,\n
"a" : 1\n },\n "selectedCastDefId" :
"castDef_DariusDefault",\n "emote" : "Default",\n
"audioName" : "NONE",\n "cameraFocusGuid" : "",\n
"cameraDistance" : "Far",\n "cameraHeight" : "Default",\n
"revealRadius" : -1\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n
"dialogue" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "9fb497e2-e3cf-410a-92c6-
8943c6e09533"\n },\n "name" : "Dialogue_TargetFleeing",\n
"overrideDialogueBucketId" : "DialogBucketDef_Assassinate_TargetFleeing",\n
"dialogueContent" : [\n {\n "words" : "Commander,
the target is bugging out! Eliminate them before they escape.",\n
"wordsColor" : {\n "r" : 1,\n "g" :
1,\n "b" : 1,\n "a" : 1\n
},\n "selectedCastDefId" : "castDef_DariusDefault",\n
"emote" : "Default",\n "audioName" : "NONE",\n
"cameraFocusGuid" : "",\n "cameraDistance" : "Far",\n
"cameraHeight" : "Default",\n "revealRadius" : -1\n
}\n ]\n }\n ],\n "overrideAutoCompleteDialogueId" :
"DialogBucketDef_c_fp_allianceDavion_a2_assassinate",\n "disableNegotations" :
true,\n "disableLanceConfiguration" : false,\n "disableCancelButton" :
true,\n "disableAfterAction" : false,\n "contractRewardOverride" : -1,\n
"travelOnly" : false,\n "useTravelCostPenalty" : false,\n "usesExpiration" :
false,\n "expirationTimeOverride" : -1,\n "negotiatedSalary" : 0.5,\n
"negotiatedSalvage" : 0.5,\n "excludedFromProceduralGeneration" : true,\n
"player1Team" : {\n "encounterLayerData" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : ""\n },\n "teamGuid" : "bf40fd39-ccf9-47c4-
94a6-061809681140",\n "teamName" : "Player 1",\n "faction" :
"Player1sMercUnit",\n "teamLeaderCastDefId" :
"castDef_TeamLeader_Current",\n "lanceOverrideList" : [\n {\n
"lanceSpawner" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : "49c80ae9-df2d-
4788-a56e-3b21cf381691"\n },\n "name" :
"Spawner_PlayerLance",\n "lanceDefId" : "Manual",\n
"lanceTagSet" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/LanceTags"\n },\n
"lanceExcludedTagSet" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/LanceTags"\n },\n
"spawnEffectTags" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/SpawnEffectTags"\n },\n
"lanceDifficultyAdjustment" : 0,\n "selectedLanceDefId" : "",\n
"selectedLanceDifficulty" : 0,\n "unitSpawnPointOverrideList" : [\n
{\n "unitSpawnPoint" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "d7b3b2a0-a5ea-449b-8f20-e75ec9593a8b"\n
},\n "customUnitName" : "",\n
"customHeraldryDefId" : "",\n "unitType" : "Mech",\n
"unitDefId" : "mechDef_None",\n "unitTagSet" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/UnitTags"\n
},\n "unitExcludedTagSet" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/UnitTags"\n
},\n "spawnEffectTags" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" :
"tags/SpawnEffectTags"\n },\n
"pilotDefId" : "pilotDef_InheritLance",\n "pilotTagSet" :
{\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/PilotTags"\n },\n
"pilotExcludedTagSet" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/PilotTags"\n },\n
"selectedUnitType" : "UNDEFINED",\n "selectedUnitDefId" :
"",\n "selectedPilotDefId" : ""\n },\n
{\n "unitSpawnPoint" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "9c2cae94-8f3a-46ab-ad5b-574051e6ad07"\n
},\n "customUnitName" : "",\n
"customHeraldryDefId" : "",\n "unitType" : "Mech",\n
"unitDefId" : "mechDef_None",\n "unitTagSet" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/UnitTags"\n
},\n "unitExcludedTagSet" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/UnitTags"\n
},\n "spawnEffectTags" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" :
"tags/SpawnEffectTags"\n },\n
"pilotDefId" : "pilotDef_InheritLance",\n "pilotTagSet" :
{\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/PilotTags"\n },\n
"pilotExcludedTagSet" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/PilotTags"\n },\n
"selectedUnitType" : "UNDEFINED",\n "selectedUnitDefId" :
"",\n "selectedPilotDefId" : ""\n },\n
{\n "unitSpawnPoint" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "f2e3b2cf-b22e-4355-b990-fbcee4021c8d"\n
},\n "customUnitName" : "",\n
"customHeraldryDefId" : "",\n "unitType" : "Mech",\n
"unitDefId" : "mechDef_None",\n "unitTagSet" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/UnitTags"\n
},\n "unitExcludedTagSet" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/UnitTags"\n
},\n "spawnEffectTags" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" :
"tags/SpawnEffectTags"\n },\n
"pilotDefId" : "pilotDef_InheritLance",\n "pilotTagSet" :
{\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/PilotTags"\n },\n
"pilotExcludedTagSet" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/PilotTags"\n },\n
"selectedUnitType" : "UNDEFINED",\n "selectedUnitDefId" :
"",\n "selectedPilotDefId" : ""\n },\n
{\n "unitSpawnPoint" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "ba11e63f-b04a-475c-a01d-915686e3669a"\n
},\n "customUnitName" : "",\n
"customHeraldryDefId" : "",\n "unitType" : "Mech",\n
"unitDefId" : "mechDef_None",\n "unitTagSet" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/UnitTags"\n
},\n "unitExcludedTagSet" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/UnitTags"\n
},\n "spawnEffectTags" : {\n
"items" : [],\n "tagSetSourceFile" :
"tags/SpawnEffectTags"\n },\n
"pilotDefId" : "pilotDef_InheritLance",\n "pilotTagSet" :
{\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/PilotTags"\n },\n
"pilotExcludedTagSet" : {\n "items" : [],\n
"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/PilotTags"\n },\n
"selectedUnitType" : "UNDEFINED",\n "selectedUnitDefId" :
"",\n "selectedPilotDefId" : ""\n }\n
]\n }\n ]\n },\n "player2Team" : {\n
"encounterLayerData" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : ""\n },\n
"teamGuid" : "757173dd-b4e1-4bb5-9bee-d78e623cc867",\n "teamName" : "Player
2",\n "faction" : "Player2sMercUnit",\n "teamLeaderCastDefId" :
"lanceOverrideList" : []\n },\n "employerTeam" : {\n
"encounterLayerData" : {\n "EncounterObjectGuid" : ""\n },\n
"teamGuid" : "ecc8d4f2-74b4-465d-adf6-84445e5dfc230",\n "teamName" :
"Employer",\n "faction" : "INVALID_UNSET",\n "teamLeaderCastDefId" :
"castDef_TeamLeader_Current",\n "lanceOverrideList" : []\n },\n
"targetTeam" : {\n "encounterLayerData" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : ""\n },\n "teamGuid" : "be77cadd-e245-4240-
a93e-b99cc98902a5",\n "teamName" : "Target",\n "faction" :
"INVALID_UNSET",\n "teamLeaderCastDefId" : "castDef_TeamLeader_Current",\n
"lanceOverrideList" : [\n {\n "lanceSpawner" : {\n
"EncounterObjectGuid" : "72773efa-5537-4273-89f8-
5fcf1a06f7ff"\n },\n "name" :
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"tagSetSourceFile" : "tags/PilotTags"\n },\n
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"teamGuid" : "31151ed6-cfc2-467e-98c4-9ae5bea784cf",\n "teamName" :
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"lanceOverrideList" : []\n },\n "neutralToAllTeam" : {\n
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"teamGuid" : "61612bb3-abf9-4586-952a-0559fa9dcd75",\n "teamName" : "Neutral
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"hostileToAllTeam" : {\n "encounterLayerData" : {\n
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"INVALID_UNSET",\n "teamLeaderCastDefId" : "castDef_TeamLeader_Current",\n
"lanceOverrideList" : []\n }\n}"
1 string m_PathName = ""

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