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5 Distributed


Centroidsond Centersof Grovity
we have assumedso far that the attraction exefted bv the earth o' a
5.1 Introduction 'ihis
5,2 Centerof Grovityof q Two- lgld body could be representedby a single force W force, called
the lorce ol gravityor t]e weight of the 6ody.was to be appliedat the
Dimensionol Bodv centerof grauity of the body (Sic. 3.2).Actually.the earth u fo.""
5.3 Centroidsof Aruo, qnd Lines on eachof the particles forming the body. The action of the "*"rt,
5.4 FirstMomentsof Areosqnd Lines earth on a
rigrdbody shouldthus be representedbya largenumber of smallforces
5.5 Composite Plotesond Wires distributed over tre entire body. you wiil lear"tiin this chapter,however,
5.6 Determinotionof Ceniroids that all of thesesmall forces can_bereplacedby a singleeq:uivalentforce
by Integrotion
W You will alsoleam how to determinethe centeiof giavig,,i.e., the
5.7 Theorems of Poppus-Guldinus point of application of the resultant W, for bodies of .,"io.,, ,h"o",
5.8 Distributed
Loodson Beoms
5.9 Forceson Submerged Surfoces ^ In the first part of the chapter, two-dimensionalbodiesl such
as flat plates and wires contaitted in a given plane, are considered.
5.10 Centerof Grovityof o Three- Two conceptscloselyassociatedwith thsdetermination of the center
Dimensionol Body.Centroidof
o Volume of gravity of a plate or a wire are introduced: the concept of the
5.1I centroid of an area or a line and the concept of thefrsr iwment of
Composite Bodies
an area or a line with respect to a given axis.
5.12 Determinotionof Centroids
Volumesby Integrotion You will alsolearn that the computationof the area of a sur{ace
of revolutionor of the v^ol-ume of a body of revolutionis directly related
to the determinationof the centroid of the line or areausedio n"rr"r_
ate that surfaceor body of revolution (Theoremsof pappus-Gul&nus).
And, asis shownin secs.5.8 and 5.9, the determinatio" of tt centroid
9f g arga simpliffes the analysis'the of beams subjected to distributed
loads and the computationof forces exertedon submergedrect-
angularsurfaces,such as hydraulic gatesand portions of daJs.
_ In the last part of the chapter,you will learn how to determine
the center of gravity of a three-dimensionalbody as well as the cen-
troid of a volume and the first moments of that volume with respect
to the coordinate planes.

Let us first considera flat horizontal plate (Fig. 5.1). we can divide
the plate into n small elements.The coordinat6sof the first element
Phoro 5.1 The preciseboloncingof ihe
componentsof o mobilerequireson understonding
of ceniersof grovityond centroids,the moin topics
of this chopter.

ZMo: iW=Lx LW
2M,: yW=Zy LW
Fig. 5.1 Centerof grovityof o plote.
o ro i!r,ro.rO '6:r
,14yfr.7:,yk :xytr7
,t4yx7= 1nx ,fryntr7
eql uo peltcol lou lllensn sr erl\. B Jo 11frn"r8 Jo reluec
etll ]Bql olou e \'(A'g'3t,{) errc1dkx eW uI € roJ pe uep
eq u€c suonenbaerueseql 'ep1d pg BJo 1; fir,rer8 Jo reluec arp Jo
4 pu" t saluurproocaql pue A l{31" eq} augep suonsnba eseql
(z's) ^ooI,:^O ^0,I: /a! nnl: n
:suorsserdxaSuproloy eq++1url[eq] uI ulelqo
e ^. 'lueruale qcee Jo ezrs aql es"eJcapdlsnoeuelpu4s pue papplp
sr e1e1deqr qcII.,rAolur sluetualeJo Jeqrunu eql eseeJcur^\ou a \ JI
(r's) "A\V"fr + ... + 61y\Vzk + IzttVrn : A4,4 :yy7
" , M V " * +. . . + u l y y u * +I n V r x - l y y x , f r W <
eg1Jo sluetuotu Surpuodsarroceql Jo runs eW o+ pnbe ere sexetr
pue fi aqt ]noqu A\Jo slueurotueIF lerp elLI^\ e^,'pertdde aq ppoqs
11\+u€]Fsereql ereq/v\t lurod eWJo 4 PrrBr se1elnproocaql u.mlQoo1
"A\V * ... + zfu\V + I,,t{V : /!t :'.{K
Ielueruale eqr yo sepqgrff€ru eql Suppe ,(q peuretqo sr ecroJ slq] Jo
'uopcerrp eul€s eqt ur ecJoJ eliurs B eroJeJerfl
'lellered eq ol peumsffi eq uec laq} sesod-rnd
luelpser rror{J pcrperd
IIB roJ ta.teznoq :rlpee eq+Jo roluac arll Pre^\ol PaperIP e.reqqErezlr
ro secroJ eser{J ''aLv ' "' '6arv lq lle,rncedser 'pe}ouep
"r!tv 'c}e
^oos gelf 5o slueuele ert uo qu€e eql lq peyaxa secroJer{I
'zk Iil^
prrc 6xdq ]ueurelo puoces eq] Jo asoq 'rn pue rr dq pelouep ere
lZ7, iJu-olru.*16-o^g
o 1o,!r,ror9 2.9
222 DistributedForces:Centroidsond Centers
oI \rrovtty OFAREAS
In the caseof a flat homogeneousprate of uniform thickness,
magnitude Aw of the weight of an element of the plate can
AW : yt AA
where 7 : specific weight (weight per unit volume) of the materiar
f : thicknessof the olate
M : area of the elemint
Similarly,we can expressthe magnitudeIv of the weight of the entire
plate as
1ry: yA
where A is the total area of the plate.
If U.S. customaryunits are used,the specificweight should
be expressedin lb/ft3,ihe thicknesst in feet, and the are"as
M andA
in square feet. we observethat Aw and w will then be expressed
in pounds.If SI units are used,7 shourdbe erpressedrn N/in3,
t in
meters, and the areasM and A in square,-"i"rr; the weights AW
and W will then be expressedin newttns.i
for AW and W in the moment equations(5.1) and
,. . _.Srb:atauting
dr\4drngthroughoutby yl , we obtain

?M4 iA: x1M, + x2M2 + ... + x,M,

2M,: iA: yrMr -t y2M2 + ... + i,M,
If we increasethe number of elementsinto which the area A
divided and simultaneouslydecreasethe size of each
obtain in the limit "l"-"rrt,

,e:[*ae ie:laae (5.3)

These equationsdefine the coordinatesr and y of the center

gravity of a homogeneousplate. The point *hosi coordinatesare .r
ard y is also known as the centroid c of the area A of the plate
(Fig. 5.3). If,the plate is not homog"'"orr, these
be used to determine the center.of gravity of the plater they stilr
define, however,the centroid of the aiea.
In the caseof a homogeneouswire of ,niform cross section,the
magnitudeAW of the weight of an element of wire can be expressed
AW: ya AL
where 7 = specific weight of the material
a : cross-sectional area of the wire
AL : Iength of the element
llt shouldbe noted that in the SI systemofunits a given materialis generally
terizedby its densiryp (massper unit volume)rathei tran by its speific
*"igr, f. ir,
specificweight of the materlalcan then be obtainedfrom the relaiion


yh:.",g =, -i p expressed
in kg/m3.we observethat 7 will be expressed
?:t l,
(kgm")(nr/s'). l'":: "'.
that is, in N/m,.
puB sexealeurprooceq] ol lcedsar rppt euu € Jo sluetuotu lsrlJ eql
eusep ol pasn oq uuc (g'g) pue (g'q) 'sbg o1ftllu4s suou€lag
's!xB proJluec eql uaql (oJez
l€rg uo pel€col sr eer€ eq] Jo
rl rp." eleurprooc e o1 lcadser rfipr ee.reu€ Jo lueruotu lsrlJ eql
dlesra,uo3 'oJezsr sIxBl€rp o1lcedser glluvreare arll luetuotu lsrrJ
eq] 'sry a}?urprooc€ uo pel€col sr €er€ u€ Jo prorluec eq] ]eql
(g'g) 'sbU ruo$ o^rosqoazulpulg 's8urpeolesrelsu€r]repun su€eq
ut sessaJlsbuueeqs aql Huglrurelop JoJ sl€uolerri
Jo sctueqcou
ur InJasnosl€ eru Boff eq] Jo sluetuotu ]srlJ oqJ Jleslr €are eq] {q
eare lerll Jo sluourotu lsrlJ aql Su1pprp,(q peurelqo eq rrec €arc ue
plorluec egl Jo se]€utproorrqi lBrll (g'q) 'sbg ulo{ s^\olloJ}l
(e'9) nb
V A: ' d V!:
:ploJluec slr Jo sel€urpJooc
eql pue Ear€ eq] go spnpord aq] sBpasserdxaeq u€c V eere eq+Jo
sluoruorulsrrJeq] ]Bql olou er!\'(g'g) 'sbg ritpn (g'g) 'sbg Suuedruo3
/c'c) orol:d o* I: ^d
elu ^ aA\ "d tq palouap s pue s?rDx aqt ol lcadsat Ultm V lo
tu"tu,olugu,v{eq+sou$apVp n I lerBalureqr llreputs 'od Aqpo}ouap
sI p{re srxo k aq+ og padsat. Uqm V DarDaIIyto Tuautntu qs,r.{erp se
u.4,ou{sr uor}resSurpacerdeqlJo (g'g) 'rbg uIVp x J pr8arur eq1
srNrloNVsvluvJo srNlwowlsulJ v's
O's) ,enJ:t4 ,p*[:rz
suonenbaer1+tuo{ pou1e]qoare T aufl a{+ Jo plo4uec eql Jo 4 pue
r selauTprooc
aql '(L'g 'ftg) erynreg+3o adeqsegt SurugapI aun atfi
to 3 ppo.tquac
aq+Wur soplculocua{+ arlr\ egl 3o fir,ter8 Jo ra}uoc ar{I
'ourlo plor+ue3
t.g .Ell
'Dsro uo plortual .6!l
Jo Jo C.g
lV [rZ=.Ik V Vf i Z = V f i , " W K
7y xg=.1x ,67tg7 VV xK=Vx tfrWK
eZZ saullpuo soervJostuor.uow
tsrll f.g
224 3i'!:TiJ
ondcenters to expressthese mom_ents_as the products of the length L of the line
and the coordinatesi and y of iis centroid.
An area A is said to be sErurnntricusith respectto an axis BB,
if for every point of the th"." existsa point p' of the same
areasuch that the line PP' is"t"""
pelpendicular to B'8, and,isdivided into
two equal parts by that axis Fig. s.Ea),A line L is said to be sran-
metric with respect to an ans BB' if it satisffessimilar corrditilr,r.
When an area A or a line L -BB' possesses an axis of slrnmetry BB', its
first moment with respect to is zero, and its centroid is located
on that a:<is.For example,in the caseof the areaA of Fig. 5.5b,which
is s)rmmetri" *i+ respect to the. g axis, we observe fiat fo.
element of areadA of abscissar there existsan element dA' of ".r"ry equar
area and with abscissa-x.rt follows that the integral in the ffrst of
Eqs. (5.5) is zero and, thus, that p, : 0. It alsofoll-owsfrom the {irst
of the relations (5.3) that t : 0. Thus, if an areaA or a line L pos_
sessesan aris of symmetry its centroid c is located on that axis,'
we further note that.if
?n area-or line possesses two axesof syrn-
metry',its centroid c must be located at the intersection of the trvo axes
(Fig; 5:6). This property enablesus to determineimmediatelythe cen_
troid ofareassuchascircles,ellipses,squares,rectangles,equilateraltri-
(b) Tgles, or other s)rrnmetricftgurbs aswell as the ceniroid oi lines in the
shapeof the circumferenceof a circle, the perimeter of a square,etc.
Fig. 5.5

\a) (b)
Fig. 5.6
An area A is said to be sym.m.etricwith respect to a center o if
for every element of areadA of coordinatesx and,a there existsan
element dA' of equal area with coordinates-r and"-rr (Fis. 5.7). It
then follows that the integrals in Eqs. (5,5) are both zero"and that
Q,:.Qr: 0. It also-
followsfrom Eqs. (5.3)that i : :0, that is,
that the centroid of the areacoincideJwith its center of srrmmetrvO.
similarly, if_a line p_ossesses
a center of symmetry o, the centroid of
the line will coincidewith the center O.
It should be noted that a figure possessinga center of s)rynme_
try does not ndcessarilypossessu" *ir of symmetry (Fig. 5.7[ while
a {igure possesfiingtwo axesof symmetrydoesnot necesiarilypossess
a center of symmetry (Fig. 5.6a). However,if a figure possesiestwo
axeso{ symmetry at a right angle to each other, the point of intersec-
tion of these a6esis a center of syrnmetry (fig. F.Ob).
- Determining the centroids of unsymmetrical areas and lines
and of areasand lines possessingonly one axis of symmetry will be
discussedin Secs.5.6 and 5.7. centroids of commonshapesof areas
Fis. 5.7 and lines are shown in Fig. 5.BA and B.
'so3lD sedoqsuoululoc
Jo Jo splo4ue) vg.g .6!l
6Jn 0 p tll.s J'6 rolces Je[ncJrc
r+u 6+u,
u- D:-
IlD LI + u
I+u IerPu€dsI€rauec
I OI t
qo qt, DE IerprrBds c{oqered
qov 0 Beff cIoq"JBd
w T
8 I €EJ€
Ito7,- Dt
w crroqErudFres
z nt SEIE
0 o -1o
qDJL qt f- FcsdmetuIes
v JLT JLT €et€
srt q7 Dt pcpdqe-regen$
z Lt
0 Eer€ rElncJrcJrues
t JlE J.t't Eete
* rv rv ;upcnp-repen$
' 6 '
K - # - >
6 1
t s t s l
6 I eel? r€lnSuBFI
qq u
?aJv 0 edeqg
9ZZ lsrll y.9
seullpubsbervlo stueurow
226 Forces:




Fig. 5.8B Centroidsof commonshopesof lines.

In manyinstances,a flat plate can be divided into rectangles,triangles,
or tjre other common shapesshownin Fig. 5.8A. The abicissax o? it,
centerof gravityG canbe determinedfrom the abscjssas i.t,iz, . . . ,in
of the centersof gravity of the variousparts by tt"t it"
moment of tle weight of the whole plate about"*pr"rrirrf
the 4 axi"sis equal
to the sum of the momentsof the weiglqs of the variorlsparts abtut
the same axi; (f1S. 5.9). The ordinatJl of the center o?gravity of
the plate is found in a similar way by equating moments about'the
r axis.We write
ZMi X(W, + Wz-l ... + W,) :itWr +i2W2+ ... + i.Wn
2M*: Y(Wr+ Wz* ... + W.) : ytWr + ... +
irW, + i,W*

2M,: f>W=LyW
Fig. 5.9 Cenierof grovityof o composite
l1'9 '6!t '(6'g 'qord
eldur?S aes) slueruele rs olur eurl ro erLr eq] Surprarp,{q
eloq ftlncrlc cv
euq aTsodurocB Jo proJ eII] Jo eJlr*relrsoduroce Jo fi1,rer83o
+ + T e18ue1cer1ng 6y Jeluec eql euliuJslep o] .{ueurur elqgssodsr (pupuls
+ elcrnuueg Iy '(tt'q '3f,{) u8rsannefieu
e peufirsse
v! eq ppoqs aloqe earB 'os1y 'sure
Jo lBrll ol lcedsar rpIA\ lueurour
+srrJ e^aE8eu e e^Bq
lsrrJ a^rlEdeu II!
IIyr\ s n fi eqt Jo Uel oqt o1 pol€col sr prorl
-uec esoq \ BaJs u€ 'eldurBx rog 'e,t4e8euro enqrsod
aq uec ,saclog
'S?ere 'eeJEr{J€e
Jo sluetllotu e{II Jo ueruour lsJrd Jo }uetuour
aW ol u8rs aleudorddr uFrsse ol ue{E} eq ppoqs ereC
.'plorluec sil Jo tr puB x eql ulstqo o+ pasn eq uec leql
ro '?ere alrsodulocer{tlo +srg erp p1er,(suoqenbeeseql
(8's) 6d
v4<: v<t vIK: VKX:
"ll4+...+6V64+r ('v+...+zv.';;t:::-
"\l!+...azyeyar ("v+.'.+zv+tv)i:rd
o^€q eAA'eare alrsodruoc 'j lq
3o tueurorulsrs aqt Suuaprsuoc
,{ezu.repurs B ur punoJ sr xec eql eleurpro (Of'g 'blg)
Jo tr
sure6 erp o1pedser rppr , ^reluauela
,{-reluaualeal[+ "qJ
er1+Jo queulour }sJs
}sJSeql Jo
Iuns aql sB p{rB €aJE [B]o] prre X Jo pnpord ar1+sBq]oq pesserdxe
aq rr"J sore6 eq+ o1 pedser FIa,r Ee-reelrsoduoc eqf Jo ofl l r"-o*
lsrlJ eW pq1 Supou lq eq u"c BerB erll Jo Plo4uac eq]
Jo x Bssrcsqsaql ?ar€ sll C plo4uec el[+ $r^a saplculoc,$rner8yo
Jeluec er{+ 'sserD{crtn pue snoeueSouoq$ aield eq131
'Dero a+rsoduoco .5ll
Jo prorlueJ Ol.g
=vlL ='d
'a1e1daql yo
{ re}uec
erFJo ,( prrs x salBurpJooc arl+roJ pe los eq uec suoBenbeeser{J
U's) fu\lK: ATKX
'Uoqs roJ 10
l(( sorr4 puo salo;6ellsoduro3 9'9
sAtvtplEpRoB[EM 5.1
For the plane area shown, determine (a) the first moments with respect
the r and y axes,(b) the location of the centroid. r ' ro


:tt:lltitt:), ::):.::l:t
; l:l

angle, and a semicircle and by then subtracting'a circlel Usins th?
nate axesshown, the area and the coordinateso?the centroid oTeach "oordi_
component areasare determined and entered in the table below The area
of the circle is indicated as negative, since it is to be subtracted fro* ih"
other areas.we note thatthe coordinatey of the centroid of the trianqle rs
negativefor the axesshown.The first momentsof the componentareaJwith
respectto the coordinateaxesare computedand enteredin the table.

-'= t5 46 --
rt=60mm Jlf rr=60mm

80 mm 105.46mm
I _t__
-20 mm 60 mm 60 mm

A, mmz i, mm ,mm -A, mm3 [A, mm3

Rectangle ( 1 2 0 X 8 0 ) : 9 . 6x 1 0 3 60 40 +576 x 103 +394 x 103
Tiiangle ; ( 1 2 o x 6 o:)3 . 6 x l o 3 40 -20 +144 x 103 -72 x 103
Semicircle ln(60)2 = 5.655 x 103 60 r05.46 +339.3x 10s +596.4x 103
Circle -n(40)2:-5.027x103 60 -301.6 x -402.2 x
80 103 I03
)A=13.828x103 )iA:+757.7xrc3 >VA:+506.2x103

c, Firctfi4rmentgef the Ares. UsingEqs. (5.8),we write

: >iA: ,,erii
Q. 506.2 x 103mms \), - 6t)6 x 3{)'r1tttt"
: 2iA : 787.7 X 103mm3 .,:d
Qo e,, * TSg x l{}ii mrnl
b. location of centrcid. substituting the values given in the tab]e into
the equationsdefining the centroid of a composite irea, we obtain
Y = 36.6mm
X>a : >4, X(IS.AZSx 103mm2) : 757.7X lOs mm3
X : 54.8mn "{i
r2A:2iA: f(te.szs x 103mm2): 506.2x to3mmg
X = 54.8mm
Y : 36,6ntm "*.1

W'ulE:4 6ur0BI : ('ut09)I :1hg: 1gL
W X zut009: ('ut09)] tjlK: IKX
ulrlqo a.u .auq elrsodurocB Jo plorluec eql
Surugapsuonenbaaqr orur rlq.r aqi *or3 p",ip1qo srnl'^
08I:74K 009 = 7{K 09:7<
oq q
0 0 OI vc
08I 6rt c ZI 96 cg
0 886 (.1 7I v6 sv
'uT .UI .T 'uI'7
zuI "lh rur'aq ?
eleurprooc oq+ o1 lcedsa-r qly'r sluatuour +srg arp elnduroc
^'sor€ -eutru_ra1ap
pue luau8as JurI rIJEe Jo plolluJJ Jrll Jo sJlpurprooc ar{l e^
'y 'umoqs
;e urbuo t{}lzu srr€ r}Eurprooc aq; Sursooq3 .pauruue}rp rq
ptorlurcl€ql 'eroJrrorlJ'rurl Burpuodse.r.ror p;ri""r qia i"ig"
-urocfir.er8 Jo raluecslr 'err \ snoaueBouroq "ql
sr er*Bg ec.rls
3o peur-ro3 "q+
.hg-\Er8 roluec slr
^ 'uFIl Jo Jo uoEecol orl+ euru
-rele6l 'ary!\ snoeueSouroq
Jo ecerd e ruo$ ep€ru sr rr,lrogsem3g eql
A uniform semicircular rod of weight w and radius r is attached to a nin
at A and rests againsta frictionless surface at B. Determine the reacti6ns
at A and B.

Free-Body Dicgrom. A free-body diagram of the rod is drawn. The forces

aciing on the rod are its weight w, which is applied at the center of gravity
G (whose.positionis froy b.8Bi; reaction at A, repres"entel
{ig. r
by its componentsA*"bq1"a
and Ar; and a hJrizontal reactjon at B.

ffi:;T -*(+):,
"T:j,'r u:#* q

\=w I
edding the two componentsof the reaction at A:

,t : tu(, *;!)"'

The answerscan also be expressedas follows:

A : 1.049\Iz

-relunocueuoos ilI \ nol +?ql scrdo] I€JeAesur
lBquasseeq IIF \ sad€qs
elrsoduoJ Jo prorluec eq+ elecol ol elq€ Suraq le,taznoH .scrueqcJ- yo lp"1s
eq] qll A op o] oplll e^€q uossel sql uI surelqo"rderl] lueur leqt reedde .&ur 11
Iecrua^-au,€seql uo arl ]snul $+er8 Jo raluac s.lpoq aql pue urd eql .-"uqr;:il:
ur sr urd alSurse urog pepuadsnsfl ]eql lpoq e ueq..u'uorlrpp€uI .oplcurocsplorl
-uac pue fiper8 sreluacqaq+ 'snql isnoeue8ouroqere surelqord 3.tgo11oj aq+
ur peraprsuocsemoq eq; 'ifulnolD .raluar e$ Fu!^lo^ur sura;qo.rd6u;ryog .g
B ol e^q€rer
EorBus Jo ]uoruorursrrJaql 1eqlazlu8oc"r ;::1"
pelou s€ 'oslv '€eJeIBlo] aq] elnduoc o1,{-ressecau }ou sr }r re}}q eq} ro3 tenaznoq
:r€lltuls er€ eaJ€uB sluauour
Jo lsrlJ eql SurururraleproJ puu Eeff rreJo prorluec
aqt BupecolroJ sarnpecordeqa .oero up .g
,o stusurourtsllt sr{* Guu-qnr;o3
.Bear.f ErocI€"* ,"rl1l'Jo,"i,*',1?il"":fil,Hf"Ji:,lT;;,",1?':r"*
'plorlueJ E
uollecol eql eulrurelep nol dleq o1 lf'g 'ceS] ,fileurrufs asn 'elqrssodueq A .)
-rooceql;o ur8uoaqlJouorl'coraq]eloullryerec sle^p prnorrs
'pepnlcur aq sel€urpJooce,r,qr8eu u8rs eql 'osIV 'e,tqu8eu""{iffiJ:l"Tfi
lsntu 3o se peleeJ] er€
(se1oq'eldurexero3)^ouer,, eJ€qcrq,,rA
s€ereleql requaural o1no,,(roJ lelluesse
sr 'sprorluec eql
]I Jo selBurprooce,trlcadsereql pu€ sqfuel ro s€orBeql Sululet
-uoc elqel € lJnrlsuoc nod urelqord qcee roJ l€ql pueururocer,{18uo.qse ,q
'edeqsparrsepE urelqo o] ureq] pp€ s€
_ IIe \ se s€eru+curlqnsuec nol 1eq1
1e8ro;+ou oCJ'sq18uelro s€or€puu sprorluocrlar{} qsrrq€}sa{1}carroco1 no,{ dlaq
'qor4 aldrues ur auop sr su) queuoduroc quere33Tp er{l Sur.ttoqs'os1y de,n
ru^\ (I'g
auo utr{}_eJoruur edeqsrelncnrud € }crulsuoc o1alqrssoduego sr }r s€eJeeueld ro3
]uq1azluBocerplnoqs no 'B'g '8tg Jo sedeqsuoururoceql tuor3 aurl ro eere ue,L13
eq1 lcrulsuoc o+ ,,\\oqeplcop ol eq ppoqs uoqnlos .rnol ur dels 1s.rge{J "n
'pezrseqdureaq pporis 'ere areq; 'adft
leq] slugodleroles te,te,ttoq
slql Jo surelqordSurzrlosueq.^a^\olloJ plnoqs nol arnpecord aql olurlsnl[ 6'9 pue
.ssurl puD ipaJo sllsoduros spro4ua' aW Su1;B)ol "t
I'g sualqor4 aldurug to
'l(g'g) 'sbg] sale1delrsodulocroJ Ber€eql
Jo sluauour
lsJrJaql eurruJalopro sauq pu€ sBoJBalrsoduoc Jo sploJluac aql a+Ecolol e^Er{
'sruelqord3upro11o3 aql uI '[(t'g) 'sbg] seurT
IIIm nol pu€ t(e'g) 'sbgl seereeueld
'sbg] serr,r pue seroog
Jo sprorlueceql pue [(f'g) leuorsueurp-omtJo ,Qprer8y
Jo sroluec eql Supecol ro3 suoqenbapreua8 eql padole,repe,{\ uossel sql uI
5"I through 5,9 Locate the centroid of the plane area shown.

I '1,r,,*-2rin
300mm --*r
30mm II
Fig. P5.l
Fig. P5.3

3 in.
6 in.

i-- 'ra-.--(l-
| ,"/r, -- /

Fig. P5.6

Fig. P5.7 Fig. P5.9
t-t/6-to\lBt eql euprrelap ,II.g .qotd 'eer€relnuuerues eq]
Jo rod 6l.g
8l'gd '6lJ '4 : <u,^oqs BerEeq+
I qcq.{\ roJ q/o o\er arlt eulurretep rod gl.g
I + I;) snrpurJo alcrrc Jo cr€ uB roJ ]eql saqceordde
I plorluec aql Jo uortecol eqf 'zr saqceordde rr se +Bqt ^ orls
I puD 91.9d .6!t
w t,
.i? pu€^ ,6-r.,I,r
Jo srurel
ur eerE pepeqs eql Jo plorluec aql Jo eleurprooc /, eql eunrralo(l
9t'9d '6!t tt'gd'6!t et'9d '6!J
zt'gd 11'9d'5!l o1'9d '6!J
suiatqord 'u.4aoqs
et[ ee.reeueld eqt Jo pJorlueceqt etecoT g1.g q$norql Ol.S
234 OIDistributed
Forces:Cenfroidsond Centers ,5.20 A composite beam is constructed by bolting four plates to four
60 X 60 X l2-mm anglesas shown. The bolts are equally spacec
along the beam, and the beam gupportsa vertical load. Ai provec
in mechanicsof materials,the shearingforces exerted on the bolts
at A and B are proportional to the fir;t momentswith respect to
the centroidal r axis of the red shadedareas shown. ,espectiuely,
in parts a and b of the figure. Knowing that the forc6 exerte.d
on the bolt at A is 280 N, determine the force exerted on the bolt
at B.

60 mm

450 mm

-T t
12 mm
\a) (b)
Fig. P5.2O

5.2t snd 5.22 The horizontal r axis is drawn throush the centroid
C of the area shown, and it dlvides the area into iwo component
areas,41 and A2. Determine the first moment of each comtponent
Fig. P5.21 area with respect to the r axis, and explain the results obtiined.

H 0,/ D r n .
l I f-1.50 itr.

0.75 in.
Fig. P5.22
.leluozrrorlsr raquaw er{t uoruodsrql
^ Jo }eq1os go
IrIr€Jo I r{}tsue1eq} aqurro}ep'!u 0S.0sI p t€q}puuD tEpepoddns
sr requtetuerp l€rp bqmoul 'bqqn1 ynu$mp
Irrog peurJoJ sJ pup alrqou
J0 ocotdeliup t
e 7o lueuoduoc e sr J{CIJA7 re<Iuory
o0'g puD
'l€luozrroq sr reqweu oql
Jo (ICg uorlrod
leql os p ecuetsrpeql eururelep ,u 6 : I l€ql pu? p +epeyoddns
sr roqruoru oql l€ql Sur,rouy '3u1qn1runururnleyo ecard el8urs e
uro{ pauroJ sr pue olrqoule3o;uauoduoc E sr IOJ7V rrqurol{
8Z'9d '6:l 'J
le uollcBerrq] (g) 'dlqer arll
ur uorsue] eql (r) eururela6l .gV elqer erl] o] pu€ 3 te u1d e o]
peqcelle q'q 0I snlpBrpu€ ql 8 fqbla \Jo por rBlncrrc ruroJrunV gr.g
.r.gir.!r.{ 1'''
'6.9d'tsr,{ga.g .tsrd
- ?(.9
'peturoJsnql ernilJ err.Aerll
'peleclpur ern8g eql
5o ,,(lraer8Jo roluoc eql el€coT 3o .relaurr.rad
aqt ruroJ ol luoq sr err,^Asnoeue;ouroq ,uql V
IU'* q6no,tql ?A.g
ienle^ tuntulx€ru leql sI tBr{A\pue "d sl f yo en1e,l
lpr{.r rod (g) 'sue r eq} ot €ere pep€qs eql Jo aseq aql urorS f
ecu€lslpaql pu? '!'qp sturet ut 'fl sserdxg(o) ''d Aqpelouapsr
ge[ surelqord srxe r eql ol lceoser qlvl\ eer€ pep€qs eql Jo lueulotu lsrrJ aql tc.g
236 DishibutedForces:Centroidsond Centers
of Grovity
5.3r The homogeneouswire ABC is bent into a semicircular arc and a
straight section as shown and is attached to a hinge at A. Deter-
mine the value of d for which the wire is in equilibrium for the
indicated position.

5.32 Determine the distance h for which the centroid of the shaded
area is as far above Tine BB' as possible when (a) k : 0.10,
(b)k = 0.80.


Fig. P5.3I

Fig. P5.32 ond P5.33

5.33 Knowing that the distance h has been selectedto maximize the
distance y ftomline BB' to the centroid of the shadedarea, show
that y : 21113.

The centroid of an area bounded by analwical curves (i,e.. curves
defined by algebraic equations) is usually determined by evaluating
the integrals in Eqs. (5.3) of Sec. 5.3:

re: ,td:l,aae (5.3)

[.ae " J "

If the element of area dA is a small rectangle of sides dr and dq,

the evaluation of each of these integrals .eqrires a double i,ntegr"a-
tion with respect to r and y. A double integration is also necesiory
if polar coordinates are used for which dA is a small element of
sides dr and r d0.
In most cases,however,it is possibleto determine the coordi-
nates of the centroid of an area by performing a single integration.
This is achievedby choosing dA to be a thin rectangle or strip or a
thin sector or pie-shapedelement (Fig. 5.12); the centroid of the
thin rectangle is located at ils center, and the centroid of the thin
sectoris located at a distancefr from its vertex (asit is for a triangle).
The coordinatesof the centroid of the area under considerationare
then obtained by expressingthat the first moment of the entire area
with respect to each of the coordinate axesis equal to the sum (or
integral) of the corresponding moments of the elements of area.
Jo sDsrDpuo spro4usJ zt.g .6!l
tq /D\
oPzr fr.p(x-o)=yp rpfr.:yp
A.o$L =pk n=Pn
r6 zth=P4
4soJg-lar ._12-
@'s) -tpol:, ,p*l:,
:g'g 'ces p ft'g)'sbg ur spr8alur eq18unen1e.rc lq pautrue+apaq
rrecprorluec s1r'uoeenba cprqaSle ue lq peugep $ euq ? ueq A
plorluec eqlJo 4p* t sepurprooc aql roJ pe los eq u€c s,rott"n6e
eseql 'pel€nle e ueeq e,req (6'9) .sbg ur qer8elur eqt pue paulu
-relap ue_eqseq eere eql acuo .uorler8alure18urse ol pecnper snq]
sr uoperBalul eql xeqlo aq+ Jo sture+ ur se]eurpJoocaql
Jo auo
sserdxaol pesn eq ppor{s e,trnc Surpunoq eq};o-uonenbe aq} pue
'(6'9) sepuroJ olut pelnlqsqns
aq ppoqs suorsserdxaepgdordde
eql 'seleurp-roocrelod ur ue.l,r8sr BarB eq] Surpunoq e^rnc eq]
3o uonenba eql uerl \ posn eq pForls c yed Jo tuetuele pedeqs-erd
a{} jsluaruala sad,(t uoruruoc aarq} roJ 6I'9 '8Id ur euop ueeq
seq srql 's[EpuareJJrp alegdordde eq] pue lurod leql yo seleuro-rooc
eql Jo suue] ur pesse-rdxe eq ppor{s yp }uauele eq} Jo eere e{+
'oslv_'uoll"Japlsuoc repun €aJBaql Surpunoq e^rnJ erp uo pel€col
lurod e Jo seleulprooc aq+Jo srurol ur passerdxaaq pporls Vp EarB
Jo +uatualaarll Jo plorluoc orll Jo I"fi pue l'r seleurproocaql
'sluatuele aserF
ruor; palndruoc eq os[B rrec ]r '<u,&\orDlfpee;p ]ou $ V eaJ€ arp JI
veP! v!: nd
elu 4,e1\4.'yp
rcZ uouo.rOetul
,(q sp;olue] Jo uorrouluJerec9'g ]uetrrele eq+Jo proJluec erl+Jo seleurprooc e\t 1"4 pue lux Aqfiunoue C
238 DistributedForces:Centroidsond Centers The differential length dL shouldbe replacedby one of the following
of Grovity
expressions,depending upon which coordinate,x: U, 2r ^0,is chosen
as the inde'oendentvariable in the equation used to define the line
(thesee"prissionscan be derived using the Pythagoreantheorem):

,FE,J,-[.e,J', dL:

dL: (#)'*
After the equation of the line has been used to expressone-of the
coordinatesin terms of the other, the integration can be performed,
and Eqs. (5.4) canbe solved for the coordinatesi and y of the cen-
troid of the line.

Thesetheorems,which were first formulated by the Greek geometer
Pappusduring the third century e.o. and later restatedby-the Swiss
mathematiciunG,tldittrrs,or Guldin, (7577-1643)deal with surfaces
and bodies of revolution.
A surfaceof reaolution is a surfacewhich can be generatedby
rotating a plane curve about a fixed axis.For example(Fig. 5.f3), the

Photo 5.2 The storogetonks shown ore oll

Thus,their surfoceoreos
bodiesof revolulion.
ond volumescon be determinedusingthe
theoremsof Poppus-Guldinus. Sphere

surfaceof a spherecan be obtainedby rotating a semicirculararcABC
about the diameter AC, the surface of a cone can be produced by
rotating a straightline AB about an axisAC, and the surfaceof a torus
or ring can be generatedby rotating the circumference of a circle
about a nonintersectingaxis.Abody of reoolutionis a body which can
be generatedby rotating a plane area about a ffxed axis.As shown in
Fig. 5.f4, a sphere, a cone, and a torus can each be generatedby
rotating the appropriateshapeabout the indicated axis.

dq\ -4
A1 f f i
i_r ffifl"\ _ ,\ ) Mi 1,
Sphere Cone Tonrs

T'HsORHM t. The area of a surface of reaolution i's equal to the
length of the generating curae times the distance traueled by the
centroid of the curae while the surface is bei'nggenerated.
Proof. Consider an element dt of the line L (Fig. 5.15), which
is revolved about the r axis.The area dA generatedby the element
'(g'q 'qora
eldures ees)urvrorqsI perp arp lq palr:a'cg ,l''o.l -.r,
etunlol orl+uory\{ eare aueld € plor}uoc erp outtura}ep ol Jo rr \orDI r-
sI o^Jnc e{+ lq pelenaa? eceynJ aq+ Ber€ aT+ o"q ,-." ,.r"1d
eJo pro4uec aw euluua+apol pasn eq osF rlr.,c,{eql .flesranuo3 .uou
-nlo er se.poqJo_
Jo saumlo orB pus uoqnlo oJJo socBJJns SBOJB
J0 erD
elnduroc ol lezv'elduns€ re#o im4ppg-snddedJo^sureroerl+ aql
'eare buperauaEaql slcesJeluT
J: strB aq] I lldde lou seop {rreroerf+erp leql pe+ou eq ppoqs
lI 'v q ku6'ir"rq
Jo plorlusc eql .,(qpelezterlecuelsrp
(rls) vfruT:A
, el"q e \ ,(g.g.ces)
VA ot pnba sr yp n I pr8elur oql aculs prra 'vp ku,6 I : ,y
sI V lq pepreua8 aumlo^ orrlue erl+ 'srr-q.;.Vp fru6'o1
1".r1" rt
lueurela eql lq pelereue8Ap eurnlo eql .(gl'g '3rg) surer eql ln
pe^lo er sl qcFI.,lAv Eere eql Jo yp luaurele ue replsuoD
'palotaua? Bu1,aqv hpoq aq+a1lqm
aql to p?oquac aq+ hq palaaDr+aiuolw aq+ s"utxt oato 3up1o-
aq+o+Tonban uo?tnloaar
{o fipoq o to auryoaaq1 .ll
dldde 1ou p1norA
uarooql aql pu€ 'su8rsellsoddo Surz'uqseerealereua8ppozn spreelrll
Jo aPISrerl}Ie uo suoncas01\+ eql ll JI :pelElor sr I qJrq \ ]noqB
sDrearp ssoJc 1ou lsnru a.trnc Suuereue8 erp leq] palou eq ppoqs ]I
'(gf 'S 'Bf.{)
TJo prorluec aql lq pelo €r} ecu€}srparn,sr hu6 ereq^
(0r'q) 74sz: v
el"q eroJareql eM'I& o1 pnba q :fp n I
prFelul eql teql g'g 'ces uI punoJ e \ lBrF SuqJeceg'W fruZ t : V
sI Z lq peleraue8 BerB erqua eql 'snqJ '.Ip nL6 o1 pnba sr
6eZ snulp;ngrsnddo;
Jo suaroaql l'9
Determine by direct integration the location of the centroid of a parabolic

k$ermilttion d the Consfoat k fhe value of /c is determined by sub-

stituting^r : a artdy : b lnto tlle grven equation. We have b ='kaz or
k : b/a'. The equatiorr of the curve is tlus

A, :- b1*'
o .uz
-, or *: fuA''"
Varticcl Oiffurerdiol Element We choosethe differential element shor.n
and.find the total area of the ftgure.

,o.:[5r- :13:1",:
d:[ae:l +
The ffrst moment of the differential element with respect to the y axis is
i"1 ilAi hence, the ffrst moment of the entire area with respect to this axis is

t u 1 1* n i l t t 7 : V
( z\l(' - \ r :
I )161116 7xrt6 : v
\r"/L\l / )
('- -
\ r ,
L I'b 16: r
\I / '6
o^eq o,\\ ,Sg.S .Bl.{ o1 Euu"reSag .plorl
-ua: sll ,{q pa1a,te4acuetsrpeqt pup cre arll 3o qfual 1".pora o1
pnbe sr pale-reue8Bare eqt ,snurpp3-snddea 3b 1 -"rb"q1 ".p
"q1 3o o1 B.rroro""y
. - - _ " . . 1
'srxe e lnoq€ cr€ relncrrc_rapenbe Buqelor .(q
pJur€lqosr rlJrr{1!\ uolln[o^JtJo JJe#ns Jw Jo eerBJrl] JulrurJ]ec
?"8 W3?808d 3?dtfifvs
n- =0
o uys,-t6 : (nr.6)x.
elrra a,tr '7r : hfl ecurg
n uls
z16 : ";lg urs]u-r: op"=-r&
o-r o-r
-_ r o" -0
0p0soc | tep"i.)(psoc'l) | : lp, | :
o J "t oJ J
sr srn 6 eql ol lcedser {}-r.ll.c.reorp Jo lueurour lsrL} aql
-'-r | '-[
nr6:0 p
l " : e p " p Jl : W l J: t
.{q peuru;alep sr crt aqt 3o qrBual eq} pu€ 'u,\\oqs sB uasoqc sr }uaurola
'0 : 6 'srr"er eql o1
IelluereJJrpV lcadser qll.^ IBJulru[u,{s sr cre arll JruIS
'rr \or{s olcrrc
Jo cre ar{l Jo plol}uec orl} Jo uoqecol eq} eulurJelec
$"9 $t:nTgsud3?dwvt
The outside diameter of a pulley is 0.8 m, and the crosssection of its rim is as
shown. Knowins that the pulley is made of steel and that the density of steel
400m is p : 7.35 x io3 kgm3, ieteimine the massand the weight of the rim'
l-*l* oo---f-]
20 rnm 20 mm I
The volume of the rim can be found by applFng Theorem II of Pappus-
-*ltoo'"* 60 mm Guldinus, which states that the volume equals the product of the given
cross-sectionalareaand the distancetraveledby its centroid in one complete
r l- revolution. However, the volume can be more easily determined if we
roT"'ir.;---'=l- observethat the cross section can be formed from rectangle I, whose area
T-- | l is positive, and rectangle II, whose area is negative'

I Distance Traveled
375 mm 365 mm
by C, mm Volume, mm3
Area, mme

l 2n(375) : 2356 (5000)(2356)= 11.78x 106

It 2n(365) : 2293 (-1800x229s): -4.13 x 106

Volumeof rirn : 7.65 x 106

Since 1 mm : 10-3 m, we have I mm3 : (10-3 m)3 10-e m3, and rye ob-
,5''v-: i.os x 106mm3 : ( 7 . 6 5x 1 0 6 ) ( 1 0 - e m :
i )7 . 6 5 x l 0 - 3 m 3 .

m : pv: (7.85x 103kg/m3)(7,65 x 10-3m3) m : 60,0kg 4

w : mg: (60.0kgXo.SirrVs'9) : 589 kg ' m/s2 trtr/: 5iJ9N 'q


{.::i.' sA't'TPLE
Using the theorems of Pappus-Guldinus,determine (a) the centroid of a
semi;ircular area,(b) the centroid of a semicircular arc. We recall that the
volume and the surfacearea of a sphere ate tnra and 4nf , respectively'

-,. .
: . , . j . ) . . . . . . : : :. : . : t : ; : 1 1 , : . ..:

The volume of a sphere is equal to the -product of the area of a semicircle
and the distance traveled by the centroid of the semicircle in one revolution
about the r axis.

V:2riA 3 r r r 3 : 2 r r y r l n r 2 ) i" : * #
Likewise, the area of a sphereis equal to the product of the length of the gen-
eratinq semicircle and the distancetraveled by its centroid in one revolution.

A : 2nAL 4nra : 2rg(trr) .4.4

SurlEtJuJB dql Jo d,\ln,)
Suqereue8eql So.q+Bualeql al€lnrlec o] e^eq lou op nor( :yf rc
A1uopeou noA 'acteqsuoururocauo ueql erou EoJEJo auu Buqereuag
Jo s+srsrroc
aqt qclq.ttroJ suralqord.esoqt roJ .snqJ die,rqcadsar,1yl\ vete uE puu (?4) au{
E s+ua[Iolll
Jo lsrlJ a_q+
.{ldrutsary qrlq,{\ 'satlrlurnb esoq}
'sbg] suopenbe Jo slcnpordeq} riieluoj
l(tt'g) Pry (oi'g) Suqpsar aq] 'Bar€Surjr:"raua8 eqt ot ro e^rnc
Suqereua8eql Jo llBue1 eqt o] pu€ prortuaceip Iq pele^Ertacu€lsrpaqt ol raJar
sureroaq]e{r.q8noql1y sarrnloAput seer€yo,tonelr-,doior aql ol tplorl.t"ryo
-i^\ou>lrno{,(dde o1no(.{\olle srreroaq} ,eldurrsas-eqt.g.g "iip"
InJasn,(ra.t1a,{ q;"oiqr
g'g'sqord aldureSur u^\oqssv'$nu,ptfiff-rndd*6 swar*aqt aqisurr{y}dv .g
llncrilrp alunlt^a ol porllaur
Jo a6 ro
lsalsuJaql s1sp"r8alur alq€l e Sursn,es-rnoc .sped,{q uoqe-rEa1u, uoqnlqs
-qns crJleurouo8ulse r1,rns'sanbruqJalpaJu€^pB erour esn ol ,(ressecau aq (eur 1r
setur]]B ',trropqSlerls
ore uosselsFil q suoqer8eluleql Jo lsour q8noqlly .p
ilrletuLll,\s J€lncJrc sEq EOJEuB ro euq B ueq \
salEurprooJrelod asn o1 snoeSelue^ppeq,{1ensn 'seuo pcrue^Jo
IIi.u }t'os1y
sluatrlale repbuelcer lEluozuori esn o+ elq€JeJerdaq,{uur qgserlrqallros'aldurexarog
IFA no^ ]Erl] ]ueurrle IErluJr+JIp aql Sulugep eroJaq aurl ro earu ua,tr8 eql 3o
adeqs aql eurrrexe s.{e,n1u'suoqelrlduoc jno,{ eziurrurur -ro,{Srtdurrs.{1q1ssod "
o1 "r
luepodurr srql puulsrepun.{1ry no,'( 1pun 6T.g
,Brg .{pn1s i11ryamc p1norls
notr uorleJaprsuoc repun EaJBeql burcunoq aarnc eql uo pelEcol lurod e
Jo salEu
-lpJooc eq] ol ]orr
IEnDe oJtsVp Jo proJluoc aql Jo salBurpJoocaql }rq} azluboce;ro1
'7p plE
lu€uodrlrr q ]r vp slrreurale IErluerelJlp eLIlJo plor+Ltacaq+{o sa+DLtlprooc
eql luase;dar suoqenba e^oqc eql ur f aqt pue rt aq+ 'g.g .res ur peureldxe sy :q
'ploJluJJ slr ol sJ.)uplsrp Jql pul, ?f Jo yp JoJ dJrorlJ.rno,{;rrr1ro l2rrc rro.nr8aq+
.sulnurroJ pl8alur elqecudcle
Jo qcle{s -rno.{uo ,r\orls o+ no,{ a8e.rnocuer(13uor1seA\
aql ul LLIrel LIcEeEurururralap ro Surur3ep ,{gn3arec ,{q uoqnlos rno,{ ur8ag ,n
'slurod 3ur,to11o3aql ol uoquol]€ .{ed plnoqs no,i .uorlrppe u1
'plorluec arllJo seluulprooc eq]
roJ (l'g) ro (Cg) 'sbg r^los prru .ourl eql ro EarB
aq] lo sluauroLu lsrrJ aql eururrelap '-l ro V elnduroc :g'g puu L'g
.sqord aldureg
ur rlr\oqs uoilnlos Jo poqleur rqt ^\olloJ plnoqs no,{ 'edt slq}
Jo 8uu.1os
uaq6 's*url pup swar*
** sfw.t&u* ar..i{{rsl{sJffie1l'fia*ax.p &Effian*zttsta,;*ff "t
.{1dde osp il1.{\ no1 dle,trlcadse-r 'selrrl pil€ sr:e,ruaurld
Jo sprorluor aql aleJol o}
\v'9) , p o l : , , p ,l : u
(c'c) ,pn[:v! ,1r, : ,l
suorlenbaerl] asn prn r-ro,{'uossels}q}roJ surelclordaqr rrg
.,.. ".* ,,*U .....
.. ..:
g,{ * * ; ; *#
4 :K,4{ , €,"&
^ { " ab T {s {a g 3 a {*
# {rt q6
w|{.{K\ffi{*?{ tr\{effi
5.34 threugh 5,36 Determine by direct integration the centroid of
the area shown. Express your answer in terms of a and h.

.r/ II



Fig. P5.34 Fig. P5.35 Fig. P5.36

5.37 fhrough 5"Sg Determine by direct integration the centroid of

the area shown.

a + r
a2 b2

t " , l
Fig. P5.37 Fig. P5.39

5,4O crnd 5.4I Determine by direct integration the centroid of the

area shown Expressyour answerin terms of a andb.


", - l.t* ^\t

Fig. P5.41
6r'9d '6!t grsa'6u
q 9
, 7 , ' I
zr'gd'6tJ eoJB
eIIl Jo plorluoc eql uorlerSolur]cerrp lq euruueleq 6?'g* pus g?.g*
JO StrrJAJ Ur Je,r\Sue
rno.,( sserdxg 'plorluec r eql
slr Jo o]€urprooc uoqer8elur lcelp
lq aururreleq 'u. Aoqsadeqseql olul ]ueq sr orr.&\snoeueSouroq
y /t.g*
9r'9d '6:t 9r'9d'6!J
9gso) o = x
'plorluoc str el€urprooc r eql uorle,r8elur
Jo narrp lq oururreleq
'u,^Aoqsadeqs eql olur ]ueq sr arr.4\snoaueSoruoqy gf.g puo g?.g
-6+ - - , 6 ,
D l 0 l
zr'gd '6!l
_ " " -- 'A"
r f- ?--*l- 7--
t " - "1 'qpve o
Jo sruJal uI ro,^sue .rno.{sse.rdxg
'u^\oqs eere
aqt Jo plorluec eqt uorl€r8alur lcarrp lq euruualaq vtr'g ?rtrl g?.g
suetqord 'u.t\or{s€arp eql
$VC Jo plorluec aql uoper8e}ul lcerrp ,,{qeurur;eleq gj'g
246 DistributedForces:Centroidsond Cenlers 5.50 Determine the centroid of the area shown when a : 2 in.
of Grovify

5.51 Determine the value of a for which the ratio ili is 9.

5.52 Determine the volume and the surface area of the solid obtained
by rotating the area of Prob. 5.1 about (a) the line x : 240 mm,
(b) the y axis.

5.53 Determine the volume and the surface area of the solid obtained
by rotating the area of Prob. 5.2 about (a) the line y : 60 mm,
(b) the y axis.

5.54 Determine the volume and the surfaceareaof the solid obtainedby
Fig. P5.50 ond P5.5I rotating the area of Prob. 5.8 about (a) the x axis, (b) the y axis.

5.55 Determine the volume of the solid generatedby rotating the para-
bolic area shown about (a) the r axis, (b) the axis AA'.

5.56 Determine the volume and the surface area of the chain link
shown, which is made from a 6-mm-diameter bar, if R : 10 mrn


Fig. P5.56

5.57 Verify that the expressionsfor the volumes of the first four shapes
in Fig. 5.21 on page 260 are correct.

5.58 A f-in.-diameterhole is drilled in a piece of 1-in.-thicksteel;the

hole is then countersunkas shown. Determine the volume of steel
Fig. P5.58 removed during the countersinking process.

5,59 Determine the capacity, in liters, of the punch bowl shown if

R : 250 mm.

Fig. P5.59
g9'9d'5H 'u^\or{suoqcosssorccrloqeredeql seq .epuqs
I leq} 8uI^\oDI
oqlJo eplslnooqlJo eore aceJrnseqt aulturaleq 'crlse1dJuacnlsuer]
Jo laoqs uql € Luo$ paurroJsl tqd{ p3}unour-llB\ B roJ op€qsarlJ gg.f *
lBql lo^\op eql
Jo erunlo^ Frtrq aq] 3o a8rluacred oql aurruroloq 7 puB
relelllerp q 'ul I Ie.Aope urorJ peurnl sr u,^^oqs8ed uepoo,nr,arlJ ?g.s
lured o.^A1
sosl"oc in fT:
aulruro}ecl 'u,r\oqsedeqseq]
?Qplnoqs lured 3o suolle8,{ueu .,ra,oq
Suraeqs8eduepoo,n000'06 acnpord o1Suruueldsrrarnlc€JnueurV
oq] Jo ssetu er{l aurrurelep 'eu/8{ g/fg sr sserq 3o lgrsuep
t9:9d puD e9.9d .6!t arll leql iur.4\ou) 'sserq uro$ lsEc sr u,ro,oqs(1p.rn€ rrrou slrxa
0g'0 edrd eql ereq.r,radrd e uo peceld e1e1de.trlerocepe) uoeqclncsaeqJ
19'9d '6!t
urru 8
u t 9 1 . 801= " r
w _ l
w r
uuqz I
f f i t l
H - l
(- tutu
K 3 i
'epeqs eql '"u/3{
Jo ss€tuoq] eururelep 00gZ sr urnu
-rurnle llrsuep oq] leq] Sup,rou;1 urur
Jo I Jo sienlcgql urroJrune
s€q u,&oqsdurel llrsuelutq8q purs eqt roJ apeqstrrnururnp er{I tg.g
(c) \q)
& &
€I ' uie
G-r ffiJ 1
*r@: "i"
A I 'uI c.,
'w--r ,,riM
-f7\- I
'uI960=r 80'0 / \
/\\ ^r-t1
aI{} puE iloq oqf uoo,4Aleq
oaro lcoluoc oq} ouuralap ,4,e11ndslr 3o
ecuereJuncrrc eql Jo Jlsr{-euoqlla }celuoc se{eur lleq rlcee alurl
IVZ suretqord ue,u8lue l€JI 'palpn$ aq o] ere selSordtloq a^rrp tuareJJrpoarqJ 09'9
248 DistributedForces:Cenhoidsond Centers *5.8 DISTRIBUTED
of Grovity
The concept of the centroid of an area can be used to solve other
'sider, besidesthosedealing*ith the weightsoJ fl?t plaGs.con-
for example,a beam t.rppottittg a distributed load; this load may
consistof the *"igftt of materialssJpported directly or indirectly by
the beam, or it rn"aybe causedby wrnd or hydrostaticpressure.The
distributed load can be representedby plotting the load u, supported
B x per (Fie. 5.17);this load is-expressed in N/m or in lb/ft'
'the unit leneth
masnit;de of tf,e force exerted on an element of beam of length
d.xis dfr : u dx, and the total load supported by the beam is

w:l' u; dx

We observethat the product u; dx is equal i1 magnitude to the ele-

ment of areadA sho*n in Fig. 5.I7a.the load W is thus equal in
magnitude to the total area A under the load curye:

We now determine where a single concentratedloadW, of trre
(b) same magnitude W as the total distributed load, should be applied
Fig. 5.17 on the bJam if it is to produce the samereactionsat the supports
(Flg. 5.I7b). However,tlis concentratedload W, which represents,the
resrll1xntof the given distributed loa&ng, is equivalentto the loading
only when consideringthe free-bodydiagramof the entire beam.The
point of upplicationP of the equivalentconcentratedloadW is obtained
fy that the moment of W about P91"t O is^equalto the
rnrn of the ioments of the elementalloadsdW about O:
( o P ) w:
or, since dW : w dx : dA andW : A,
. I

( oP) A-_ J; o x d A (5.r2)

Since the integral representsthe first moment with respectto-the u;

axis of the area ,rnder the load curve, it can be replaced by the
oroduct rA. We therefore have OP : r, where r is the distance
irom the r,rlaxisto the centroid C of the areaA (thls is nof the cen-
troid of the beam).
A distributed load on a beam can thus be replaced by a con-
centrated load; the magni,tudeof thl's si'ngleload is equal to the area
und.erthe load curne, and lts li,neof action passesthrough the cen-
troid of that area.It should be noted, however,that the concentrated
Photo 5.3 The roofsof the buildingsshown
load is equivalent to the given loading only as far as external forces
mustbe oble to supportnot only the totol weight
of the snow but olso lhe nonsymmefric disiributed .on""ired. It can be used to determine reactionsbut should not
be used to compute internal forces and deflections.
loods resultingfrom driftingof lhe snow.
'uluel*sar i?;"^;:r'{^i#'#,:3"t{iffiil:fi"J
dq peuielqoeq u€r U Jo epqluSeiu eq+'snql 'a+o1d
arpjo Eoft eql selouapV erarla
Vzd = 17q1tfl: 1sd4) = 77o, : td
ollr.^Airec a^\ '(tI g) 'bg Surqeca:pue 'e1e1d eq] Jo A raluoc orll le ql8ua1lrun
.redpeol erp s1aor ercqr 'Is(n o1pnbe sI e^rnc p€ol o{r repun EorEeqt teqi 8ur-lo5l
'(eA) ."rJlcli
locs0de peflEcs] zrulN tlun IS pa,ruepeqJ,
ur ro u1pesse;dxesI '€erellun .redpuol r s1ulsarderqc1q,r,r, 'd a.rnsserd5q11
'O 'deqC ur peurrrretep eq
6l'9'6H ilI^aqlpp,r elqeFs^Jo seJ€Fnspe8raru
-qns uo secroJ sluellnseJaqJ 'seu€Apue sale8 rqn8uepe; pue
surBpJosecelns eql uo PeuexesecJoJcnelsorp^qeqlJo luEllnsorerF
euruJelep 01 pesn oq uBc uoqces sql ur peullno spoqlerueqJ
'U- Lq peuretqouer{+$ ec€3rnspe^Jnc
Jo esueseql
eq] uo peuexe secroJcrJelsorp&{erp Jo U }uellnser eql '?6I'9 '8ld
3o ,(poq aa4 eql ro3 runuqmnbe3o suonenbeaql Surqos,{q paurelqo
sr U- ecroJeq+'punoJuaeq e Bq senlBnrreq] relp :spoqlerupreprrels
lq paururralep eq uBc zU pue 'IU 'Al secroJeqJ 'am{-mspaurn aq+
uo p?nbnaq+nq peuoxe secroJern Jo U lu€]Fser aq+'se uooc€Jo eurr
errreseq+s€qpue 'o1elrsoddopue pnbe srU- luel1nsarer{I 'p?nb7aUl
uo aco{-tnspaemc aq+fr,qpouoxo sacroJoq} Jo U- }u€}Fsar aq+prre
'Oguo pepexa sacJoJe{+Jo 6g aW'OV uo pouoxa sacroJ eq}
tg 'p1nbllJo erunlol peqc€tep oW ere
3o luelpser eqi eWJo A\ 1q31ezr,r
'q6l'g '8ld ul u aorlsgO pul
OgV trpog,ae{ er1 uo SupcesarroJeql
CV seceJuns eueld oz'r1eq] {q pve €IV ec€Fns pa rnc eq} Xq papunoq
CgyprnbrlJo eulnlol er{+SuFIcB}ep lq peuprqo.{poqeeg eqt reprsuoc
en 'Aseeaq lou ppo.4, uorl€Jbalurperro-{q secroJasarflJo U }tre{nser
eql Jo uon€ulrurelepeqt ecurs '(ogt'g'bt.{) rpp}e }u€}suocJo ace#ns
pe^rnc € uo pFbll u lq pepaxe socroJerp reprsuoce.,ur'1xeN
l'atnssa-tdto raluac er{+sEu,r\ou>lsr paudde sr U areq \ e1e1deql 3o
d +ulodeqJ Jo C plortuec eqr q8norql sesseduoncBJo eurr
sll lerll pue e rnc peol aql rapun €eff pplozade4 eW ol eprq1u8eru
ur pnba sr e1e1derp Jo epls euo uo peuexa secroJc!€lsorplq aqt
'B'g 'ces s}Fser,eqlBurnecaH 3o
U luelpser er{r}Br{}e^resqoe,lr Jo
'r seuB^ 'snq}
'pve {}la AIJ€OuIT
U o1puonrodord sr ar qrFual lrun red pBol eq] teql s.AAoqs qclq \
8l'9'6H tlL7: dq : m
leql s.^'\olloJ
'ec€3rnseo$ er{} ruog ecuelsrc
lr l€crue^ eqr sI ? pu€ pFbII er{}Jo
lqSlezrrclylcedseql sl /t arar{,AA : d sr prnbu € ur arnssardeBeB
orp ecrns 'dq : m'snq1 :a1e1deql Jo rppl \ eql sr q pu€ +p1nb{eq}
ur arnsserdaBeBeql sr d araqzn'x? qd : Vp d se pesserdxaeq osp
u€c p€ol srql ta,rezvrog'qBue1 lrun rad p€ol aql sr m e:elqnt'xp m
sr rp qfuel So e1e1deql Jo lueurele u€ uo peuexe p€ol eql 'g'g 'ces
ur pelou sy 'ern8g aql Jo eueld aql ol relncrpuedrad pernseeu sr
? erer{\'? qtpl \pue ? {fualJo sr qcrq^\'8T'g'8l,tlur ur'r.oqs a1e1d
rep3uelcer eql replsuoC 'ppbrr e ur pa8reruqnsacn{tnsnynBuopa"t.
€ uo pauexa secroJeJnssaJdcrlElsoJP^qaql Jo ]u€lFSoJ ar{} eulur
-re+apo] pesn aq uec uoqcas Surpaca"rdeyl ul pasn qceo,rddeaq;
6Vl, secol.rng
uo se3rol6 g st)vJunsql9urwgns
No s])uoJ 6'9*
;,-ii'n,\, S A ' $ P L EP R S B L T & I5 . ?
rf \= 1500N/ill
A beam supports a distributed load as shown. (a) Determine the equivalent
concentratedload. (b) Determine the reactionsat the supporls.

;- / - ssruT;oru
c. Squivalent Co*centrafed Lcad" The magnitude of the resultant of the
I load is equal to the area under the load cuwe, and the line of action of the
resuJtant-passes through the centroid of the samearea.We divide the area
under the load curve into two triangles and construct the table below. To
simplif' the computations and tabulation. the given loads per unit length
have been convertedinlo kN/m.

A, KN f,m r A ,k N ' m
Triangle I 4.5 2 I
Triangle II r3.5 +

)A : 18.0 ZiA : 63

L8k\ Thus,X)a :ZiA: X(tA t N) : 63kN ' m x::.s*

The equivalent concentrated load is

W : 1fi ]<;'r"
and its line of action is located at a distance

7 : :].8 rn ta the riS-* at A .i

13.5iiN b, Reccfions. The reactionaf A is r erticaland is denotedby A: the reacfion
4.5kN *
t at B is representedby its componentsB, and Br. Ihe given load can be
8-- - - wYE- - ' consideredto be the sum of two triangular loads as shown.The resultant of
T-----q- eachtriangularload is equalto the area-ofthetriangleand actsat its centroid,
We write the following equilibrium equations for the free body shown:
i)r":0: s':0 ?
+\ )Ma : 0: -(4.5 kNX2m) - (13.5kNXam) + By(6m) : 0

3" : l8'5 i<Ni'

+\ xM, : s. +(4.5kNX4m) + (13.5kNX2m) - 4(6 m) : 0
Stsluti,*sEz"The given distributed load can be replaced by its*rszre*ic.e
resultant, which was found in part a. The reactionscan be determined by
writing the equilibrium equations )f, : O, 2Ma: 0, and )Ms : 0. We
a{ain obtain

&, =,'tJ Sry: l{1.5kN'l A:7.5kNt .4

,,X'ir:A {i[ Q!i9'6i * X
:elrsoddopue pnbe sl ar"J aql uo rele.,n :
JA eql lq B
pauaxa sacJoJaqlJo U luellnsar aqJ .p_aururratop -x
ars H_ yo uorlca.,rpp,re, .l-l{--------*-7
--.# ,:l
spnlluiEtu eq] q_cF{,r\
uro$ u.e\erpsr a13ueu1ecroJv.d pu€ rzt{;o p uoa qt,gg.zr=" *rY". ,
"";;;=; ,,t,
-Jrsrr.)ur lurod eqt q8no.rq+
10 sessedg- ';urrrn""ro, ,q lrn,u irrrn3 n- ,,
-] ,i
JJurSd JJroJrll] pue'tAI lq81e,tdrl] 'rd.le,{\ "rrqr
rq} uo ulepJrll ,{q fiepa*o ,,,0,,,,,,=r' .i I
seJroJaqlJou-lustpsaraq]aru,po^loqsacroJer{Jdpoqaa4usBuasorlJ i
.l,:il, $=:Jry".,$- : i
sr o)s rale.^AJo eql ,1xci,a{#A& gW
f* ff *un:|n*saq
"JJil " t - -/,i
{ 6 8 0 ru: '.qt. 096'o6s H i,
I ti
urrl^\ .VJo lq8p eq1ol p rJuelsrpn
1eSuqce acroSel8urse .,(qpaurelqo -"1rlr'"1d',o'"-.i":.J di;id;;;;
?; ! 1i " {ll {i9ti'{}El : }ai
0: tN+ (I g)(ql
60I' 01+) (U06xqt
8sr/ )- ( +J -
/ lxqt0006)
(u s rTxqt00e'er)
- (rrs)(q098'7r)- ,0: vruK!+
'- ; til {}f! -l * .X
0 : q l 8 8 V L- q I 0 0 0 6- q l 0 0 9 ' 9 T
- q t 0 g 8 ' 7 I- A ,s:'g3J+
ll + tl 0ll'0t : *{ 0 : 9160I'0I - 1l : 0: ' c K a
srr,*y$)nt';{ ww*qVym&t,;g
qt60r'0r: (ru/qtr'6e)(}J 8r)(rJr)(USrx : I) =
a (cU/ql' us)(I8IXr.I
dr1= ot
qt 88rr : (eUlQIi'6e)($ i ) (U 8T) (+toi )€ : u,.lt ,Ut'
ql 0006: (ei.I/91
oeI) (U I ) (U 8I )(U 0I ): : e,4t rT--
qt00s'er: (cJ/qtOsr)(u i)(u 66)(ug) : u,.n
qr0eB'71 : (eu/qrOer)(u r )(u 66)(u 6)t : r,,!r
e .og uopcosJo lqiF aqt ot to]€.{\ oql
. "^erl a
^q Gg uoqcas uo po}Iaxe secroJ arnsserd arll Jo ;[ lu?]lnsar oq] pu" :r^t
re]€.4 erl] Jo tq5ge,reql :e,11pup '.61t'I41 slueuodurocs1rjo slq8ra.r,r aqt lq
paluesarda.r'tuep oql Jo tq81a.lnoql erp lpoq aa4 eqt uo Burt.lei""to; raq+1;
'y +eurelsls eldnoc-ecroy
luep,tnbe ue ,{q peluesa;dar e-regy as€claq} uc)
puno.r8eql lq palrexr se.)roJuooreer ;qJ .rrlu,trpun urr?perl]Jo ge)dVV
uorlJds)tJlrfi-U-laql lpoq rerl p se rsooqJ r1.1 .uotl)rla5 punoJg.s
dleapcedsa.r'$/qIv'zg pue
eU/gl 0gr er€ rrte.{\ pu€ o}orcuoc3o slqFre,ra
cgrcadsar{J 'urep eqiJo Jg aceJerp uo re}€.4A aq+{q pegexe secroJernsserd
er{t Jo }u€}Fsor orF (q) 'ttrep oq+Jo gy eseq rr{} uo punorB aqt dq pe}raxe
socroJ uorlceer eql Jo tutllnsar erll (r) aurrrrrolrp pup 'urep aq+ Jo uorl
-JJS C r! . - . i '
lJrr.l.l-u-le rJprsuo]'r!\^orls se sr ruep JlJlJuoc EJo uoLlJJsssorJJ1IJ L! -:.1
t l $6
ol's wITSoUd EldWVg T9 ]essoninvolve two_commonand very important g,pes ot'
T|" fis
I loading: distributed loads on beamsand forces on s.tb*eiged^surfacestf
stantwidth. As we discussedin Secs.5.8 and 5.9 and illustratedIn Sampleprobs-
5 19,determining the singleequivalentforce for eachof theseload'ingsr"q"rr",
a knowledgeol' centroids.

l. Anclyzing heoms rubiected |o dis*ibuied locds. In sec. 5.8, we showed

that a distributed load on a beam can be replaced by a single equivalent force.
The magnitude of this force is equal to the aiea ,rndei the d[tributed load curve
and its line of action passesthrough the centroid of that area. Thus, yo" ,r.o"rJ
begin your solution by replacing th'e various distributed loads on a grven beam by
their.respectivesingleeqtti"aletitforces.The reactionsat the supportsof the beam
can then be determinedby using the methodsof Chap. 4.

possible, complex distributed loads should be divided into the common-

shapeareasshownin Fig. 5.BA fsample prob. 5.9]. Each of theseareascan then
be replaced by a single-equivalent force. If required, the system of equivalent
forces can be reduced fu.rtter to a singleequivient force. As you study Sample
Prob. 5.9, note how we have used the"analogybetrveenforce'und t'h"
techniques for locating the centroid of a com"positearea to analyze"r"u "rrd
a beam sub-
jected to a distributed load.

2" sclring proLlernsjnr:l"i*s forceson-suhmergedbedies.The following

points and techniquesshould be rememberedwhen rJ,ritrg problems of this tlpe:
o. The pressurep ^t,^ depth h below the free surfaceof a liquid is equarto
yh, or pgh, where 7 and p are the speci{ic weight and the density of the iiquid,
respectively.The load per unit length-toacting oi a submergedsurfaceof
width b is then "onr'tuni

b" the line of action of the resultant force R acting on a submerged plane
surfaceis pelpendicular to the surface.
c. For a vertical or inclined plane rectangularsurfaceof width b,the loading
on the surfacecan be rep:esentedby a linearly distributed load which is trapezoil
dal in shape(Fig. 5.18).Further, the magnitudeof R is given by
n : lh"e
where hu is the vertical distance to the center of the surface and A is the area of
the surface.

'uosselslql ul
pacnporlur seapl eql asn ol .{lrunpoddo aldruu e^€rl il$\ no,,('(scrueqcaupln6
pu€ sFIJal€u Jo sJrutrlcaurtelncrlred ur) sasJnocscrueqcauluanbasqnsu1
'0I'g 'qord eldureg g pa,{rnc
3o ued ur u,r\oqssr socuJrns
8u^1o,tursuralqo"rdroJ uoqnlos Jo poqlaur aql 'OV aueld aql e.toqe3ur{1 prnbrr
eql Jo tq81a.uaql ol lunba sr 6I'9 '31,{3o tg acro3er{++€q}a^resqo '(Ot S '31.{)
saueldl€cruo^ pue Ieluozrroq{q pue ec€Jrnspe^rnc eq} .{q pepunoq prnbu 3o
atunlo^ al{l Jo urnrrqrynbaeqt Sulraplsuoc,{q paurclqo^sroc€Jrnsaq} uo 8ur1ce
acroJlu€]FSeJeql 'pe^rnJ sI qlpl,\Alu€lsuoJjo ec€Jrnspeireurqns eq+ueq^\ 'l
u Jo apntruts€tu
eq] (luo ueq.{\ pesn eq ppoqs c qder8ered uI U roJ uanr8 uoqunbe eqt 'es.rnor
'palelnclec ,,(pseea.reuoqecrldde slurod asoq,{\'secroJ
JO 3o lu€lFser luapnrnbe
o,r\l aql esn u€c no,( 'g Sursnueql Jer{}€J'snr{J 'U o1 luap,trnba sr sacJoJeseq}
Jo tuns eql l€ql pue e13uerr1Surpuodse"rroc eql Jo plor]_uacaqt qBno;ql sessed
ecroJluBllnsarqcEaJo uorlcEJo aurl 3r{} }Br{le+oN('a}€lo eql Jo r{}p!ry\aql seulp
e13uer4er{} Jo Bar€ aq} o1 pnba s epnlruBeuraql) 'peo1;ep8uer4 qc€a Jo lue}
-lnsar erll 'se18uerrlo.r\l olur p€ol pelnqFlsip
3o apnlru8eureql elndruoc uaql pu€
pprozade.rlaqt ophrp tsrl.{ '6'9 'qo"r4aldureg3o g uud ur pa}EcrpupoqtatrlaLI}esn
nol leql 1se33ns 'prozaderle 8urz.,(pu€ueql ror{lur 'asucpreue8 ar{l rod 's
-uD?r+ v Jo plorluec eqt q8norq+sessedlr roJ 'peurtu;eleplpsee sl U J9 uorlceJo
eutt eq] 'as€csrq] Jod 'oJazsr oceJrnsae-t;aql }E plnbq eq1Jo arnssarctaq} acurs
'pnbl ar{l
Jo aceJrnsaag aql qlp\ saplculoc accJrnsrep8uelce-r eueld u 3o a8pa
dol aq+ uaq.rn(pplozede4 ueql raqter) reln8ueul eq IIla\ e^rnc peol eql 'p
5"66 o'nd 5,67 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the
magnitudeand locationof the result*ntoi th" distributedload.
(b) the reactions at the beam supports.

f00\'n,_+_++ _j"
-dL- rfu

l__+_ ____!
Fig. P5.66 Fig. P5.67

5.68 tlrrough 5.73 Determine the reactions at the beam supports

for the given loading.


f\ -*fi-:f-i.i(x)lr,/rt
{ {\,-t-tire* I { { I i
A [in - "* : _:*: D
I u*
t t
cs' I
t l
Fis. P5.68 Fig. P5.69



Fig. P5.7O Fig. P5.71

Fig. P5.72 Fig. P5.73

l8'9d '6!t
'urep aql
o8'9d '6!t Jo Cg eceJeq+ uo rele \ eq] lq pal-raxesecro3arnsserd
eq] Jo tuel1nsoreql (c) 'o yed Jo lu€{nsar eql Jo uor}ecrldde3o
'utep eql
lurod eq] (g) Jo gy es€q eql uo puno.r8eqr lq pauoxa
secroJ uollcBor aq] Jo +u€llnsor aql (D) aururrolop uorlcas tllep
app\-u-T e rod 'uaoqs s€ sl III€p olarcuoc e Jo uollces ssorc erIJ 1g.g
'urep aql
Jo Cg oceJor{} uo ro}e.^aeqt dq pepexe socroJe"rnsserd
or{} Jo tu€}Fser oql (c) 'o yed Jo }uet1nsoreql Jo uor}€crlddego
'*ep erl]
lurod eqt (q) Jo gv eseq eql uo punor8 eqt lq pepexa
socroJ uollc€er oql Jo ]u€{nsal aql (r) oururJo}apuorlcas urep
oPI.4A-ur-I€ rod 'u1v\oqss€ sI IUBPolarcuoc e Jo uorlces ssolc eqJ, O8'g
s1rua,tr8Fr.r;l?euru.;o gq8ie,r cglceds eq] eupu;slsp o] ^\oq rc1 VV6 atsrd.
uo rlorrtoo+rrll ;rS) alar.]uor3o^.i11suap rqi ioJ : 'd prre
"ur73>i.01x 0i, c
ralp.^tqsar:;.lo.$1sul;paqtrro3 ,.0I : d asn 1g r{11:,lypasna.rus}mn
.,{-rerirolsnc "trr,r&1
.t} a}orruoc 1oiq3r;,u agi;ads aq} ro3 ig/ql 0!I : A pul?.ro1rr,ll
qsarjjo 1q31anr rgrcads orll ro.; ttJ/\I?'Tg: I esn 'suralqo"rd 3ur,eo11t5 ar1]u1
tt gd Puo 9t 9d .6tt N)t08 N)lt6
-r uu-] 'so?Joenp,\ Surpuodserroceql (q) 'urlpl ro3 z
06 : vrn qc1q,u,
yl ecuBtsrpaqt (a) eugualap 'gl,'g 'qord Jo buroeolpue urEeqeq] ro.{ 6l'5
u'dHt w 'urnrrqllnbo o1 SulpuodseJJocscnpue voryo senle eql
ly(il 09r aururrolocl 'u.{\oqss€ p€ol pft.{\on pe}nqrJ}srp^lreeu{ € suoxa }eq}
IIos uo slser pue speol pol€rluocuoc o.4] slroddns gV :rrrcoqer{J Al'g
lE uollc€ar
Surpuodser.rocarl] (g) 'orez sgg ls uopceer eI{} qclq/t\ roJ ClJgv
ureoq oql Jo g puo erll te 0m peol pelnqrrlsrp eql (o) eul:utrcleq 1gg pun
-i --l 0SI : orn ueqnt3u!
-peo1ue.trBeq] roJ slroddns ureeq eql l€ suollceer eql eurtureJe1 gtg
[,G 'slroddns erl] l€ suopceerSurpuodsarroceql (q) 'urnurrurur
sr g poddns Je uorlceer eql ler{} os 2 acuelsrp aql (a) eurure]ee g1.g
uiiN 008I
eql lB suollcee.rSurpuodserrocaq] (q) 'pnbe ere g pue y sgod
992 su€tqord -dns 1e suollceer
l€cruol or{l lerll os 2 ecu€lslp eql (a) eururre1ee Vl'S
256 DistributedForces:Cenhoidsond Centers 5.82 The 3 x 4-m side AB of a tank is hinged at its bottom A and is
ot (,rovrry
held in place by a thin rod BC. The maximum tensile force the
rod can'withstand without breaking is 200 kN, and the design
T C specificationsrequire the force in the rod not to exceed20 percent
ol this value. If the tank is slowly {illed with water, determine the
maximum allowable depth of water d in the tank.

s.83 The 3 x 4-m side of an open tank is hinged at its bottom A and
is held in place by a thin rod BC. The tank is to be filled with
glycerine,whose density is 1263 kg/m'. Determine the force T in
the rod and the reactions at the hinge after the tank is filled to a
Fig. P5.82 ond P5.83 depth of 2.9 m.

5.84 The friction force between a 6 X 6-ft square sluice gate AB and
its guides is equal to l0 percent of the resultant of the pressure
forces exertedby the water on the face of the gate. Determine the
initial force needed to Iift the gate if it weighs 1000 Ib.

5.85 A freshwater marsh is drained to the ocean through an auto-

matic tide gate that is 4 ft wide and 3 ft high. the gate is held
by hinges located along its top edge at A and bears on a sill at
B. If the water level in the marsh is h : 6 ft, determine the
ocean Ievel d for which the gate will open. (Specific weight of
salt water : 64 lb/ft'.)
Fig. P5.84
5.86 The dam for a lake is designedto withstand the additional force
causedby silt that has settledon the lake bottom. Assumingthat
silt is equivalent to a liquid of density p, : 1.76 X I0" kg/m' and
considering a 1-m-wide section of dam, determine the percentage
increasein the force acting on the dam face for a silt accumulation
of depth 2 m.

Fig. P5.85
lig. P5.86 and P5.87
5.87 baseof a dam for a lake is designedto resist up to 120 percent
of the horizontal force of the water. After construction,it is found
that silt (that is equivalentto a liquid of densityp, : 116 x 103kg/m3)
is settling on the lake bottom at the rate of 12 mm/year.Consider-
ing a l-m-wide section of dam, determine the number of years
0.27 until the dam becomesunsafe.
I 0.45 5.88 A 0.5 X 0.8-m gateAB is located at the bottom of a tank filled
A l with water. The gate is hinged along its top edge A and rests on a
frictionless stoD at B. Determine the reactions at A and B when
0.48 cable BCD is slack.

5.89 A 0.5 x 0.8-m gateAB is located at the bottom of a tank filled

with water. The gate is hinged along its top edge A and rests on a
frictionless stop at B. Determine the minimum tension required
Fig. P5.88 qnd P5.89 in cable BCD to open the gate.
'urnJp er{l uo 3ur}c€ sacroJernsserdaq}
'leuusqc orllJo seprseql o1peror{cu€sr
Jo lu€llnser eqt eurruralep
urnrp er{l l€q} EUI^Aou)I'leu-u€t{crelB.t\r{se{epl^\-'ulOt E uI tuep
E s€ tcB o1 epls sI uo pacBldsr lunrp raleu€Ip-'ul-t6 uolFE-ggv 96'9
.6:r ,W
t6.9d PUD e6.9d 9|O : P
, ur 07'0 , ueqr',ruedo ol sr ale8 ar{l JI ?1acue}srpoql eululre}ec 'g }e uoddns
ssaluoqcrge uo slsorput y1€ le{c€rq pue urd u,{q pelroddns sI Iou
-u€qc rote.^Aqsa$ € Jo pue eql le peceld ep8 pedeqs,(lpcqeursr.rdy ?6'9
T-I-- 'uedo
lrt 1y'r ele8 eql qcll{^! roJ p
t -
I t rel€.^A 'e1e8aql
5o p llr,rerB Jo reluac eql
Jo qrdep eqr eurturolocl
9|0 /!\olaq tu 0I'0 : q acuelslp B lB pelecol sr urd aq; 'g 1e yoddns
sseluorlcrrJ€ uo slser PuBv 1BlolcErq pue urd e lq pelroddns sr 1eu
I -uurlc rele^\qsarJ€Jo pue oq] 1epeceld ele8 pedeqsllecrleursrrd V C6'g
.ql 'qord o
000T sq8le,ln.
eleB eqt JI 16.9 los e6.g
'roog eql
l6'sd '6!l ^ 3o uorlrod lecrrpurt{c aql Jo pua oq} o} o our
roJ p re}B \Jo q}oep urntulullu
III^\ elEEel{t Jo g ruol}oq eql qcF{.44
aql aulurralep '!lBluozuoqsuleruer e1e8^eqluo oc por lq peuexe
acroJ oql l€ql bululnssv 'Fclue sI alBEeq] uaq.4\pourroJapunsr
Surrdseq; 'Ulql 8U8srluelsuoc esoq,rl8u1rdse lsulu3estserC pug
'C, por lq uorllsod uI plal{ sI pu€ 1t pe8urq sr ep8 g-6 x 7 V
V 16'9
'role,^A sr qBno4
Jo 1ry .{1e1e1duroc
aql uar{.4Aerurl B }B 'selqBceql Jo qcEe ul uolsuel eql eulturel_oc
'nBpereddn sll ol peqcBllt selq€c
Ftuozlrol{Jo_selresu^lq pue eBpe
l9(, sualqord re1(ol sT Suop e8urq snonulluoc e lq pelroddns sr q8norl 3uo1V 05'g
258 Forces:

The,center of graoity G ol a three-dimensional body is obtained by
divlding the body into small elements and by then expressing that
the weight W of the body acting at G is equivalent to the system of
distributed forces AW representing the weights of the small ele-
ments. Choosing the y aris to be vertical with positive sense upward
(Fig. 5.20) and denoting by i the position vector of G, we write that
Photo 5.4 To predictthe flightchorocferistics vt !
of the modified Boeing 747 when used to
tronsporto spoceshutile.the centerof grovityof
eoch croft hod to be determined.

A1'\ - Alllj

7 z

Fig. 5.2O
W is equal to the sum of the elemental weights AW and that its
moment about O is equal to the sum of the mornents about O of
the elemental weights:
)F: -wj : >(-Arvj)
)Me: Fx (-Wj) :)[rx (-AWj)]
Rewritingthe last equationin the form
iW x (-jl : ()r Aw) x (-j) (5.r5)
we observethat the weight W of the body is equivalentto the system
of the elementalweightsAW if the following conditionsare satisfied:
W:>LW iW:)rAW
Increasingthe number of elementsand simultaneouslydecreasing
the sizeof each element,we obtain in the limit

w:Iaw iw:l,o* (5,16)

We note that the reiations obtained are independent of the orienta-

tion of the body. For example,if the body and the coordinate axes
were rotated so that the e axis pointed upward, the unit vector -j
would be replacedby -k in Eqs. (5.14)and (5.15),but the relations
(5.16)would remain unchanged.Resolvingthe vectorsi and r into
rectangularcomponents,we note that the secondof the relations
(5.16)is equivalentto the three scalarequations

( l
iw:l.o* iw = ) a d w zw--lzdw (5.17)
'al8u€ut €
'EaJEJelnJJrJrures Jo l€ql uroJJ}uaroJJlpsI
euoc E proJluec eq+
Jo Pue € Jo ]€ql ruo{ }uaJeJ
-JIp sI ereqdsrueqe 'snql 'uorlres ssorr slr plor]
Jo plorluec eq+ Jo
-uac eql
ww ap?cu?oc lou saop uol}nlo^er Jo eunlo^ € Jo prorluec
oql l€rouoi q ]eq+po^rosqooq pForls [IZ'9'il.f ul rrlKorlsore
seunlo^ uoururoJlere^esJo splorluec eql '(6I'9 'cas) uoqErbelur
.{q peururre}ep eq ppoqs ,{rteurur,{s3o seueld o^q ro auo dluo 8ur
-ssassod serunlo^Jo Jo setunlol leculeurur(sunJo sploJluecaql
-n8uelcer'<saqnc 'sptosdrya'seraqds splortuocaql suollucolaql
Jo Jo
dlelerpauruneuruuelep o1 sn salq€ue.{lredord srql 'eunlo^ eq} Jo
plorluec eqi qll \ seplculocseueldaarqt eq] Jo uoqcesralur3o lurod
eqr '(eu11uorruroc e Suop 1ou ''a'r) lurod paur;ap-ilo^\E l€ lcosralul
qclq \ .ftleuruls 3o seueld aaJql sessessodeurn1o,r, € ueq,4 l1pulg
'sauqd o.^Aleql
Jo uoqcosrolulJo euITeql uo pel€col sI eurnlo^ eql
Jo plorluec eqt firaruurls yo saueld o/\\l sessessoderunlo.t € ueq1A
'rft1eurur.{s aueld eq} q pe}€col sr erunlol eI{} plor}uer eI{} puu
3o Jo
'orez sr eueld ',ft1eurruls
leqt o1 lcedsar qll \ A Jo luetuotu ]sJU eq]
'otunlo^ ua.t18aql rc1 fuput,
3o aueld e sessessod A elunlo^ € ueq A
-u,lis auoyde eq o} pIBSsr eueld eql 'euu1dleqt .{q pe}ceslq$ pue
aueld ue,rr8aql ol repcrouad-radsI ,dd eurt eql ]€ql qcns 'arunlol
atu€soql Jo ,d lulod € slsua alarp eurnlo^ eql Jo d lulod ,{.le,taro33I
aueld ue.tr8e o1padsar qll \ Fclrleuur,{s eq o} ples $ eurnlol V
'oraz sI eueld luqt ot lcedser qll \ aurnlo^ eql Jo
'eue1del€ulpJooc€ ut pel€col sI atunlol € ploJluoc
]uaurourlsJI] eql Jo
el{l JI }€q} (Oi'g) 'sbg uro{ ueessr 11dle,upedsel'eue1dlir eql pue
aueld rz eql ol ]cedser qlIA eurnlo^ ol{l Jo slueurotx }srIJeq} oulJap
'au,r4clzk aUto+padsar qt?n
Lp z I pueAp 6 J sprBelureqr dpepurrg
aulnloa aql ryawout 1s-n{aqt s€ {rt\ou>lsl Ap x J pr8elur eq1
'eurnlo^er{l plor}uec eq} eulJap 'sbg rane,noq:lpoq
Jo III}s (6T'q)
eqt yo firaer? raluac eql eulurelap ol pesn eq louuec (Of'q) 'sbg
lou q lpoq eqt 31 dpoq er{} Jo L aulrupa aU?{o C
p?oJluaceql s€ u1y\ou{osl€ sI Z'L'I eJ€sel€ulproocesoq,{\lutod e{J
(6r'9) Lpz t : n , N P N J : M,yp* tt
) " - [:
'; relecs u1 to
(8r'9) Lpt
I: ^u
aA\'(gT'g)suoq€lareqlJo puoceseql uI.4{ pue 1\\p toJSuqnlqsqng
AL:fo\ ApL:tl\p
alu,r\ a^A 'A aurnlo^ I€]ol eq] Jo
surrel ur passerdxaeq u€c lzlot eq] Jo ,14epnl1u8eureqt puu
'luatuelo or{}
Jo Ap aunlo^ eII} Jo sllrre} uI pssseJdxeaq u€c }ueul
-ele purselrulJur uB yo 1q31azvr
eq+ ,71p epryru?eruoq+ '1. 1q31a.,'t
eunlo^ o lo prorlua.) APo€
692 louo"r*r1'6-.J"r,11
D"Jo^rr^orc Jo rarual O[ 9 cglcedsJo l€Feleur snoeueSouroq € .lo ePEIusl(poq eqt 3I
Shape x Volume

Hemisphere 3a 2 ^

B iooo

sh 2 " ,
of revolution ifieLn


of revolution
L I or

3 tTa-n


Cone L/ !m2h

4 !"un

Fig. 5.21 Cenhoidsof commonshopesond volumes.

'uorlnlo^ei 't6'g '8ld ur ua.tr8
Jo APoq D Jo Piorluof,
'6!l 'uopnlo^er .{poq e rog
eqlJo uorloururrolec sr erunlo^ rleql puu r€lncrrc ere sq€lseql ;o
xp zrrL= AP
x _lD4
,"' ti"'*.
i ' t \v6'9) LpI"! t:n,
uoqenbe eq+ ul rp pue rJo srrlJe] uI 1p Surssardxe pue eueld zd
eq] o] Iell€r€d sqels uq] olq atunlon ua.tr8 eqt Supnrp f,quop1rt.fia1ug
'1 sI aurru€]op o] e]Burllrooc AFIo aw pue
ayEutset1+1zr\euop aq uuc slql
Q - z - t r
'saueld ozttl
el€r{ a,{\ 'eu{ slq} Suop all ol sIrB r aq} Sugsooq3
aql Jo uoqcesralur Jo auITeql uo pelBcol aq lsnur plorlueJ sll'nrJ'aut
+ufislo sauoydoo4 sessassoduoqe;eplsuoc Japun aunlo^ aq] JI
'l? pu€ r ur uorl€Jielul alqnop e o+
'li pue rJo surre] uI z sse;dxe ol ece3.rnseq]
pecnper sr uo4er8alq aqi
3o uoqenbe aql 3u1sn f,g'1"2'1n4'tn! sol€urprooc oq] pu€ Ap eurnlo^
aql roJ 66'9'fu1, ur uem8 suorsserdxeeqt Sullnl+sqns uaql lq pue
(ea'g) Lpt'z nu Lpt"|l: nu Lp."! ^t
I: I:
'uor1o.r6e1ur se (66'g)'sbg 8urlgu'tar
e;qnopLq eurnlo^o Jo
plorlue) oLll uorlpurLureleqGG'g '6lt Aq peurclqo uaql arB eurnlo^ eql Jo plorluec eq] Jo sal€ulprooc eqJ
Jo '(ZZ'g 'tstl)
[rPrP"=ttP lueuBIIJ urt{} € Jo etunlol aq} o} Fnbe eq ol UJSoI{JsI AP
E =pz,li=Pfi,y-tay y uo?+otBa+ux alqnop.{q seurnlon }sour Jo plor}uac oql Jo sa}Eulprooc
'uot4ot7alw a1du4e sa;rnbar
eql eulruJalop o1 alqrssod sr 1r tenaunoll
spr3alur asor{}Jo qc€e Jo uol}Enl€^o oq+'zP pue'fip'xP saPlsJo
eqnc fl€nrs B o] I€nbe aq ol uosoqc q LP alunlo^ Jo ]ueuala aql JI
r . I
( z z ' s ), Y P z l : A Z A P" hfl : A h LPxl:L4
:0I'g 'cos ur ua.tr8sler8alureql Surlunp,re.,(qpaururelep
aq uBc secBJrnsI€cI]AIEueAq pePunoq awnlo^ € Jo ploJlua"
Norrvil9ltNr Afl
sr$rn'roJo solotrN]]Jo No|rvNll{tx]110
(TT'g) LZK: AKZ LLK: I\Ktr, L!K: A,KX
:urelqo e \ pu€ 'etunlo slr Jo plorluec aql q]$\ seplculoc ,,Qraer8
'lerraleru snoaua8oruoq E
Jo reluec slr Jo ePetu sI lpoq aqt 31
(oz'g) A\z<: tr<z A\4K : A\Kr A\xK: laKX
'p,Q1,rc-r8Joreluec eqlJo Z'L'X se]€urprooc eq] 3ur
-urJepsuoq€nba8ur.tto11oJ rI{} ul€lqo a,$ glg-es uI se Surpeecor4
'sued otll O lnoq€ slueruoruaql
lueuoduroc snouenaqt 5o s1q31a,t\ Jo
Jo tuns aql o1 pnbe sr tq8la',nIelol sll Jo O lnoqu luatuoru aql l€ql
'IZ'F 'Btg .tt
Surssardve.,(qpaururralepeq utc C {r+er8 Jo reluec sll
u,r\orlssadeqsuoururoc elil Jo lllra^es olur pep1.^1p aq u€c Apoq e 31
l9Z 1 o ' i p , o 4 r j 3 j o r o q b u , * , a 1 e 67 1 9 silsosrrFod$Jo)11'9
- : : - "" "- "; ; : ' : ' : '
: " " :
J ' :

. a ' '

Determine the location of_the center of gravity of the homogeneousbody
of revolution shown, which was obtained by joining a hemiiphere and a
cylinder and carving out a cone.

Becalse of symmetry tle center of gravity lies on the r axis.As shown in
the ffgure below, the body can be obtained by adding a hemisphere to a
cylinder and then subtracting a cone. The volume and the absdssaof the
centroid of each of these componentsare obtained from Fig. 5.21 and are
entered in the table below. The total volume of the bodv and the first
moment of its volume with respectto the y.:,plane are then determined,.

,l ,l

j { O O m - t= 2 2 . 5 m m 50 mm

Co Volume, mm3 i, mm iV, mma

I /,+
Hemisphere 0.4524x106 -Y.v 5 - 1 0 . 1 8x 1 0 6
Cylinder :
?-(60)'z(r00) 1.1310x106+50 +56.55x 106
Cone - , ( 0 o r - r r o o: r - 0 . 3 7 7 x0 t 0 6 -28.28 x 106

)V= 1.206x106 )iV:+18.09x106

X>v: >;v X(I.ZOOx 106mm3) - 18.09 X 106mma

X-15rnni 4

'r1I * L :A.ZK: LKZ_
8I9"I rut 999'8: (€ui986'9)2
'ilI * ;
vvrL?0'9- : (errggZ'g),t ,A4K: AKL
'ut -_
_ ; ,\"
ltg'0 rut 8i0'e : (€q 9BG'9)X :A{K : AKX
ss9'8: AlK 1fr0's- : L-K 870'e : AIK 9BZ'9: AK
68g'0- t6t'0 860'0- g T I- q7o. L 6 6 t ' o - : ( S O ) u { S O ; . ' , - AI
'0 cc
VLT'I- 86e 860'0- I- 9ZO L66t'0-: (90)r(90)a- III
868'0 888'I- 6II'6 92',0 8878'0- 887t'I r/9'r : (s'\rlar\ II
96I'0I 96I'I q6',Z I- 96'0 9'r : (9'0x6xg'7) I
'A 'ut'z 'ur 'UI .J
#I,AZ rul vu'l'Ax rul'^
'seuElcteleurproocerF rlcEe01
Jo lceoser qll^\ eunlo^ eql Jo
sluaruou aql puE alunlo lBlol oql oururralapuaql a^\ 'olq€} aql uI €l€p eql +
EuIsO '.t\oleqelqBl eq] uI parelue eff pup paulturelep eft lueuoclwoc qc€e
'(1I pus
Jo plorluec aq] Jo seteurproocaql pue eunlo^ eql III) s.repurtlc
releu€rp-'ur-1 o,Lr1Suncertqnsueql put (II) repuulc ralrenb e o1 (1) ped
-ide1a1e"red reln8uelca"re Suppe lq peurulqo eq u€c ]ueruala eulqc€ur erlJ
uI 9'0
I q alor{ r{cBa Jo ral
-dur€p or{J 'u \oqs }uauldlJ autllJeul
[ar]s aI{} Jo 'Q1nur83o raluer aq} el€ro'l
Yl'g wrr80ud rldwvs
' r : . "
g**tPlf png**-Ffvl 5"13
Determine the location of the centroid of ihe half right circular cone

- - j : : : : : - . . . . . : . : . . . j . . : . - : : : " : . . : : . . : : : . . . : . . ' . . . : . . . j . . . . . : : . . : . . . : . : . . : : . . . . - - .

Since the xg plane is a plane of symmetry the centroid lies in this plane
and a : 0. A slab of thicknessdr is chosen as a differential element. The
volume of this element is
4y : )rr2 dx
The coordinates i,1_and ol the centroidol'the elementare obtainedfrom
Fig. 5.8 (semicirculararea).
rot : x -!/"t3
f ^i

We obserye that r is proportional to x and write

r a
;: i ' : ia *
r : -

The volume of tJrebody is

, h r h / ' i

v : I dv--I' f,,' tr : l" i,(?r\ or: T6

J Jr Jo' \h /
The moment of the differential element with respect to the ya plane is
ia d.V; the total moment of the bodywith respect to this plane is
I lh /o , : oorht
: lh ) r : I r ( j z ) ( 7 x\ Ir d
IJ x " t d v JI o x ( ! r r 2 d Jo \n/
x .

*v:l *",av ,+: + c* j* .,1

Likewise. the moment of the differential element with respect to the ar
plane is g"1dV: the lolal moment is

f- - : lh4r, e\, : 2 - l h / o \ ' . : -o-3 h

IL n 3o7'T- r' 2 r r ' ) t l x 3 J |o (\ 1;, x / l d r 6


iv : Ii",av
na'h oth {i .
' 6 6 ' , ? i

'Ap plorluecarpJo saleurprooD
Jo aq+ara (t6'g'sbg ur /': pue 'P4'p.y1ur11 noi ,{ltn.rt.q'alnduroc ol o^r?rlfltu no,{ spr8alur atp 5o ,Qxaldrnocaq]
1ce33e .{pcaripru \ (Sf g 'qor4 elduresur r pue r rroe^qeqdn1suoile1al al+ e{r[) solq€
-uEAarl] Suouteqsrrqelseno.{ 1eq}dlqstroqelereq} ltrll -roqusureJo1lueyoduri sr 1r
le.te,tro11'flerlsIerupu{.{r urq] r: ro (g1'g 'qor4 alduregur se)qelsuq} E eq.'(erusrq}
'uoqnio^er sapoq rog 'alndurocol +sersua aql are lrr11spr8alur elqnop .io a18urs
eqt sacnpordrlrll.\\ Ap aqt 'alqrssody 'Sud3puapr.{q uoqnlos .rnoi ur8eq pporls
no.{'snq1 'Ap allrnlo^Jo tualualerqt roJ (gZ'q'Bl.{) qEISuFIt e rc (76'9 31g)lrreur
-EIIJulql e rerlllo Sursooqc,{qpagqciurlsaq uec (Af'q) 'rbS jo sp;Betureqt Supenp.ta
'6I'g 'ces nr peurelclresy "**a4**fu4zltry&*t*Xq
saruergee*e €ffesals>eWfuWwZ "&
VZK: V<Z Y4< : Y<,t V{K : VKX
ot asec slql q ecnpe.r snq (16'9) suoqunbg 'e1u1due.tr8 p Jo eaie aqt q v ererp\
'y1 'sbS
lcnpold aqt qli \ pccrlda.r sr A rreq \ (tZ'g) Jo tno rotceJ II.rr!\s.llu1deql go
uuo{nm ?nns aLpp sa1oyd
/ sseDlJrql eLp,'ssau:p!LL+ 'q
llraaas Jo apeur ,{poq e rod
TZK: TKZ il< : I<I 7{K : 7KX
ot esEcslql ut ecnpe-rsnql (IZ'g) suorlenbg
'tueurele_ue,rr8r '7y
3o ql8ue1 eql sl T a.raq,\\ lcnpord aq+ rllp\ pecelder sr A uoqa
(tf'g) 'sbS Jo lno rolcp,JIII \ s+uouroleorl\\ eql Jo y r?orelurrollces-ssorcoLIl'uo!+
4as' ssoJl uuottun alLtosaql Jo slLLauap alroT lDranas'Joap€Lu,{poq e -rod "*
'lelrel€Lrrarues aql
Jo apr?ursa1e1durro,ygurlro saJI.\\uIJo.]Iun.Iaqlla
Jo slsrsuoJ fpoq ue,rr8 eql uerl \ ,rncco +se"reluL+o sasr)eTonads o3r? 1tstl] elou e'11
'alcrrJ rJ+l?rrh e jo
illorluec eq] roJ srroq
-enba eql Sursn parrrelqo ala,{\ .rapur1.,{c
ralrenb arl} Jo pioJlual eql Jo sa}BurpJooD
f pur: r aql ^\oq a.lrasqo '6I'9 'qord aldureg .,(pn1sno( s€ 'oslv 'salpoq alrsod
-uroc Surzl,pue ueq,r\ solqe+
Ilue suru-r8urpeler"rdorddr lcnrlslror o1 rro.,(aFerrtocua
.{13uor1suru8e ecuo a.u 'snrlJ lecr]uepl o,re suralqord leuorstreurlp-corq] pu€ -o,\\l
-ro.Iuoqnlos Jo spoqlaur arp 'altrlsnllI ZI'g prrr? [I'g 'sqord aldureg Jo suor]nlos
eq+ sV 'reldeqc oql ul rorlrea pe-reprsuocsruelqord 1luolsuetulp-o,\\l aq] ro1 posn
suorlenbe oq] lo Lrorsualxaue , suorlenba asaql +Eq] ezlleor plnoqs notr
A."7 -
_ A7'7 AII- -
_ A7 I A\'7 -
_ A'7V
(r6'9) 1r:.\ 1r.\z 111-\ ./r-\-\ 1r::\ lr\^
Jo rotuoc
:(16'9) 'sbg Sursnpelecol aq osluutc {poq aq} Jo {1rtr:"r8
aql 'asec prcads slrlt roJ 'oroJe"raql'aunloo s4t pro4uoo oql rllp\ seplculor
e Jo rsec aq} ro3 le.te,trog
,{poq eql 3o ,Qr,ter8Jo relrier eqt 'l)poq snoaua7outorl
(06'9) A\ZK: X\KZ A\4K :,4\KI ,4\IK : A\KX
qsnur(96'9)'sbg'prauaBuI '6*irry-&a*&*&e3g* &Az'r"x& &*xa*41*e3*r"q*xg*,w3 "g
'esuc p.reua8 eql o] peqddeeq oslt .{eur- t1a '}uaurlJ
l€uorsueurp-eerq+ 'sedeqsuotuuror olur '(poq et113u1ppr1p
IBriuareJJIp llrercgJr tsour eql Sursooqc
Sursn-sarpoq .IoJ passnJslp.{lsnoltard e.u senbru
-qce] oql 'settlnlo^rreql
Jo IIv Jo splo"rluoreql ro selpoqlEuolsuerurp-rrrtllJox-
ilr,ter8Jo s-relueceql elucolol pe{se eq ilpl\ no,{'uosselslq} roJ suLelqorderll u$
.{tr}ffi{*:r{4 ffi{ f 6f ,3ff*%
5.96 Determine the location of the centroid of the composite bodv
shown when (a) h : 2b, (b) h : 2.5b.

' t,\l


Fig. P5.96

5.97 Determine the y coordinate of the centroid of the body shown.

Fig. p5.97 ond p5.98

5"98 Determine the a coordinateof the centroid of the bodv shown.

(Hint: IJsethe result of Sampleprob. 5.13.)

5.99 The compositebody shown is formed by removing a semieilipsoid

of revoiution of semimajor axis h and semiminoiaxis a/2 fim a
hemisphere of radius a. Determine (a) the r7 coordinate of the
centroid when h : a/2, (b) the ratio h/a for -hi"h 7 : -0.4a.

Fig. P5.99
or{tJollr.rer8Joratueceql etecoT tOL,g pug ggl.g
rol'gd '6!r 901'9d'6!r
Jo reluec
erll Jo alBurpJooc , oql elecol ]ualuale eulqcBru arll rod gal,g
tOt'gd puo ggl'96 '6;1
Jo roluoc
erll Jo el€urprooc z eql elEcol luetuele eurqcBrr aql rod t01.9
uJtJJn,z /
'6;1 (;
lOt'gd puo gg1'94
(lrur 09
fir,ter8 Jo reluec eql Jo a]€up
-rcoc fi oql attcol'u^\oqs ]uourolo aurrlcuuroql rod e01"9 puo lAl'9
'u.^eoqs _
reluec eql Jo aleurprooc z eql elBcol le{cBrq do}s eql lo.f 1ol'g
l9Z suatqord roluoc oqlJo eleurprooc I arll ot€col'u1(oqs le{cerq dop aq} ro,f 001'9
268 Forces:
ondcenters 5"!Og A wastebasket,designed to fit in the corner of a room, is 16 in.
high and has a basein the shapeof a quarter circle of radius l0 in.
Locate the center of gravity of the wastebasket,knowing that it is
made of sheet metal of uniform thickness.

Fig. P5.r08
$-lQg A mounting bracket for electronic components is formed from
sheet metal of uniform thickness. Locate the center of gravity of
the bracket.


5"?lC A thin sheetofplastic ofuniform thicknessis bent to form a desk

organizer. Locate the center of gravity of the organizer.

(' ';i:'

')t;,J,,-.-r\ x
3 30mm r=6mm
/ \
r=6mm r=6mm
Fig. P5.lI0
etr'gd '6t!
dlquresse eql;o llr,ter8
Jo raluac eql elr?col
'sseu{ciql urroJlun sl rlclq.{\ 'lBlelu
Jo leerls elues eql uorJ peler
-IJqeJeJo,{\slcnp oql 1eq1Sugatoul 'pel€crpur se paurol aq o] ol€
lcnp r€ln8u€lce|ur-g X p e pue lcnp lecrrpurl,{J rJtrruprp- uf g uy Sl t,E
.,{\oqlo arl] 'ssau)lcrql urroJrun
Jo AI^€ri Jo ralu€c aql olEcoT Jo
pnP er{l roJ .{\oqla uv g i [.9
lE]etrl ]eeqs Jo epr?ul sr ue]s^s tsu4€lrlue E Jo
'8uru.Lreerl] .{lr^€r8 raluec aql elecoT 'sseu
Jo Jo
692 suetqoid -{clql urroJlun lelaur }aoqs luo41paleclrqeJsr Suru.tte^\opurl\ V 111'g
270 orDistributed
Forces:Centroidsond Centers 5.114 A thin steelwire of uniform crosssection is bent into the shape
shown. Locate its center of gravity.

Fig. P5.lt4

5.1t5 ond 5,116 Locate the center of gravity of the figure shown,
knowing that it is made of thin brass rods of uniform diameter.


I ,:
Fig. P5.ll5 Fig. P5.tt6

,l 5.117 The frame of a greenhouseis constructed from uniform aluminum

channels.Locate the center of gravity of the portion of the frame

ffi shown.

5.118 A scratch awl has a plastic handle and a steel blade and shank.
Knowing that the density of plastic is 1030 kg/m3 and of steel is
7860 kg/m", locate the center of gravity of the awl.
I -l['o*-

3.5 mm
Fig. P5.l1 7 x {.-_ 80mm____J
Fis. P5.ll8
97t'gd'6lJ 921'9d
l I
'slx€ x oql lnoq€ €ar€ popeqs aql EUI
-tetor lq pourElcloolunlo^ orllJo plorluac oql alecoT 921"9 PUP 921'9
'uorlnlo^ar ploloqeredv
Jo tu t's
uorlnlo^erJo plosd{lelrrlosv gg1'E
'6!t areqdsuleq Y A7,Z'g
lenbe 3o saurn
10^ o.^l olur edeqsaq+sap1.tlp pue adeqsue.r,13
eql 3^oasuq^oqlol
'II'F '8r,q adeqsue,u8 aql q8norqr
lelpred sr eueld Surpnc^eq1, 3o
eueld Surpnc I€crue^ e Burssed,{q paurelqo seurnlol o,tl} eql roJ r
Jo sanle^ or{} uolter8e}ul tcerrp lq eurturelaq ttrl'g q5no*q* eet'S
rutu 086 = r.
'alqel oq] l1rcr8
3o Jo raluec orll olecol
j-l8l OO1Zsr sse13 Jo pup c./3{ OgSl st lrr}s 3o ,{lrsuaprq} }Ptll
0l puB ulru 009 Jre dol rlqEl rtllJo ssJu
-{crql oq} '6urul Eo-re e pue
Pu€ roleul€Ip eql 09I Jo l€uol}ces-ssorc
LrLLrVZp relaru€Ip aplslno uB seq qcrq,t\ IoolsJo epetu er€
p.r" pecedsllenbe er€ olqet peddol-ssu18 IIEurseJo s8el aerql er{J 121"9
ozt'gd '6tt
6lr'gd'5!J l
00 I
'rul/ql g0t'0 : ss€rq :slqBra.ttcSlceds)
I ('"rtlql tOt'O : rrnurunle
I Jo ro}uac aql_ot€coT u1 7 qr8ual
$oq elsodruoc aq+3o .,{1r.ner8 'rBIIocsserq
Jo por runururnleuB uo palunout sl "ul 9'6 qFualSo Y QEE'9
.,(lquresse Jo reluac arl} Jo uol}EcoleI{} eulluJa}ep
eql 3o ,{1r,,re-r8
' q azuorq tqBle.uc151cads
,ylnt vgz'OsI IaelsJo pu€ eul/ql 8It'0 1o
Ll(, suotqord iql w r Sur.ttou;tr'enaelslaals€ oprsulpolunorll sr BurqsnqazuorqY 61['9
272 DishibutedForces:Cenlroidsond Centers
of Grovity
5.127 Locate the centroid of the volume obtained by rotating the shaded
area about the line K : h.

tig. P5.127

*5.128 Locate the centroid of the volume generatedby revolving the por-
tion of the sine curve shown about the r axis.

= b s nzaF

l;ik I

Fig. P5.128qnd P5.129

'5.129 Locate the centroid ofthe volume generatedby revolving the por-
tion of the sine curve shown about the y axis. (Hint: Use a thin
cylindrical shell of radius r and thickness dr as the element of

*5,130 Show that for a regular pyramid of height h and n sides (n =

3, 4, . . . ) the centroid of the volume of the pyramid is located at
a distance h/4 abovethe base.

5.131 Determine by direct integration the location of the centroid of

one-half of a thin, uniform hemisphericalshell of radius R.

5.132 The sidesand the baseof a punch bowl are of uniform thicknesst.
If t << R and R : 250 mm, determine the location of the center
Fig. P5.t3l of gravity of (a) the bowl, (b) the punch.

Fig. P5.132
get'ga '6ll 'eue1danbllqo ue lqrepur/c pcqdlla
z r{cil{,4^'u.4Aorls
ue ruo$ lnc s€,^A uopces eq} Jo plorluec eql o}BcoT ggl.g*
tr.. 'seueldenbllqoo.,r,r1
lq edrd.relncrrcurql
t \ B urog lnc s€,^qctq \ 'uaoqs uopcasaql Jo plo4uecer{}el€coT gtt.g
r g r sa ' 6 t r
9gt'9d '6!l
'zq|D/(zz,- zq)(ic - xn)r4g : fi
ac€Jrnser{l Jo u.4Aor{suoFroo eql pu? euslclzI eql uae \leq elunlo^
eIIl Jo plorluoc eI{}Jo uollecol eql uoper8elul lcerrp lq eurur"releq tgl'g
eel'gd '6H
(zc_y xg a o : k uollenbe eql lq pelueserder
eq uec qclqll 'euu1d enblqo ue s1 lezrer8 eql Jo eceJrns tuol
-foq or{I :tuxH) 'le^etd er{l Jo^eurnlo^orll Jo plo4uoc ol{l Jo olEulp
-Jooc r eql pu€ pepeeu le BrtsJo eunlo^ eql eulrurelec 'q€Is eq]
'ul 'q€ls aql
qpauoq 1e,re.r8 5o t Jo ulntulullu e seceldreplnq el{r
roJ es€q Ie el 'ur{I e eppord oJ 'asnoq e roJ qels eql Jo sreuroc
elZ surotqord eql eru8gsep ot se{Btsrno; seceldrep[nq P 'pl B Super3 raUY gg['g
This chapter was devoted chiefly to the determination of the center
of grar:i,tyof a rigid body, i.e., to the determination of the point G
where a singleforce W, called the weight of the body, can be applied
to represent the effect of the earth's attraction on the body.

eenterof gravity nf c In the first part of the chapter, we considered ttao-dimensional

two-dimemsionclb*dy b2!les, such as flat plates and wires contained in the xy plane. By
adding force components in the vertical z direction and moments
about the horizontal y and r axes [Sec. 5.2], we derived the

w : I a w iw:l.o* iw:lro* (s.2)

which define the weight of the body and the coordinatesi and y of
its center of gravity.

f;enfrold o$ nn #res sr l;ne In the caseof ahomogeneous flat plateof unifurm thicknessfSec.5.3],
the center of gravity G of the plate coincideswith the centroid C of
the area A of the plate, the coordinatesof which are defined bv the

.e:[.ae ae:laae (5.3)

Similarly, the determination of the center of gravity of a homnge-

neousu;ire of unifunn crosssection contained in a plane reducesto
the determination of the centroicJC of the line L iepresenting the
wire; we have

.r : or:laar (5.4)

Finst ffimmenfs The integrals in Eqs. (5.3) are referred to as the first mamznts of
the area A with respect to the y an! x axesand are denoted by Qo
and Q,, respectively[Sec.5.4]. We have

Qr: iA Q": YA (5.6)

The ftrst moments of a line can be defined in a similar wav.

Fropertier cf symm*fry The determination of the centroid C of an area or line is simplified

when the area or line possessescertain properties of symmetry. lf
the area or line is symmetric with respect to an axis, its centroid C
'ftr'g 'qora apueg]
V eere eq] eulurretep o1
pasn oq osl€ uuc ]uotualo oruuseql :"fl pue hfl slueurour1srrJarp Jo
rpoq elndruoc ol €eJeJo lueurele errresar1 esn ol snoe8eluerrpe sr 11
G's) vpt"li w:,o v.p.! vz: no
l: l:
eABqe/\{ 'vP lueluele erlr Jo plorluec eql Jo sel€urprooc
arqlP4prre lu!.{q Sunoueq '6I'9 '8t.f ur rr ^oqs ear€ Jo sluetuole
padeqs-ardro rep8uelcer ur-r[+er[+Jo euo sesn qclry\\ yo-fiaryt a73
-u!,sE ro (g'S) 'sbg ur spr8alur elqnop erll raple Sunenp.telq auop
uolpr$qry ,Q eq uec sFU '[g'g 'ceg] uogqu.Zap.g Aq peurrure+epaq uec plortuec
PpJ|ue3ro uopsu!ililst3{ sI Jo seluurpJoocerfl 'seAJnJpuArcue Aq pepunoq $ €ere u€ uerl1\
'[tr'g 'qora elduug] uoqsuJ relrrumB ur
lno peursc sTerl \ elrsod
-ruoc B filuter8 roluac aW uorleurruralepeql '[I'g 'qo.r4 e1d
3o Jo Jo
-ureg] pgortuacsIJo,t pue X sel€urprooceIF roJ pe^los aq uec deql
.ro 'eere elrsodurocaql Jo sluauour lsrlJ eql plarl suonunbeeser{J
(e'q) vfrK: vKz : "d WK : VK4: nd
ol ecnper (Z'g) 'sbg
puu 'ep1d erp Jo EarB eql Jo C plorluec eql ql.r^\ seppuloc firu'u.r8
Jo reluac slr ruroJlunJo pue snoeueSoruoqsr a1e1daql y1
(t's) IY\LK: tvt<l tl\IK: tl\KX
elsr{ e \ 'fte'S'^L) llenncadser'sexer pue f aq++noqe
slueruourSuuenbg '[g'g'ceS] qred snope,retlrJo' ' ' '6'f)]C fir,re-r8
' %&'rh ' ' ' '6!'rr saleulProocoql uro{
Jo sroluac el[+"}o PtJc-
peulurrelep eq u"c p fir,mr8 5o rsluec srl Jo tr pIrB X sel€urprooc etp
eq uec alqd pgn uer{z\A.'s'g'8tg
{poq eysoduror 'sedeqseserllJolure^esorq pep1,r1p
o to ,t!^or6 p ralua3 ur pelelnqe] arc sadnqsuanmnc movna{o sp?oqun a#pw noJD arl1-
'o qll a seplculoc p '6 raluec e o1 pedsa;
rl}1 A clJleuruls sr 1l fl :serruo q etp Jo uoqcesrelq eql 13 pe]€Jol
!LZ, fuoru'rng
puo/,.or^€d sr C 'sexe o ^+ ol pedser rFI/\ cpleuur{s sr U JI :strE l€{l uo sett
276 Forces:
The theoremsof Pappus-Culdlrusrelatethe determinationof the
areaof a surfaceof revolutionor the volumeof a bodyof revolution
of Pcppus-suidinus
to the determinationof the centroidof the generatingcurve0I AI0A
[Sec. 5.7]. The area A of tb.e surface"d by 'i,tatirtg a cuNe
of lengthL abouta fixedaxrs(Fig.5,250)rs
t--* A: 2riL (5.r0)
,rA= where y representsthe distancefrom the centroid C ofthe curve to

l \ l the fixed axis. Similarly, the volume V of the body generated by
rotating an area A about a fixed axis (Fig. 5.25b) is
V :2rryA (5.1r)
z"i \,,i where y representsthe distancefrom the centroid C of the area to
the fixed axis.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.25 The conceptof centroid of an areacan alsobe usedto solveproblems
other than those dealingwith the weight of flat plates. For example,
Dirtribuledlosds to determine the reactionsat the supportsof a beam [Sec.5,8],we
can replace a distributed Loadw by a concentratedload W equal in
magnitude to the areaA under the load curve and passingthrough
the centroid C of that area (Fig. 5.26). The same approachcan be
used to determine the resultantof the hydrostaticforces exertedon a
rectangularplate submergedin a liquid [Sec.5.9].


Cenler o* grcvity of s three- The last part of the chapter was devoted to the determination of the
dirnensionol bodv center of graai,ty G of a three-di,m,ensi,onal
body. The coordinatesr,
a, Z of G were defined by the relations

iw:l.o* iw:Jro* vw:l^o* (s.r7)

In the caseof a homngeneous body, the center of gravity G coincides
Cenlroid nf s volunne with the centroid C ol the oolumi V of the body;1he coor&nates of
C are defined by the relations

* v : l . a v v v : Ia a v z v : I z d , v (5.1e)
If the volume possesses a plane of sym:rnntry,its centroid C will lie
in that plane; if it possessestwo planesof symmetry C \l'ill be located
on the line of intersection of the two planes; if it possessesthree
planesof symmetrywhich intersect at only one point, C will coincide
with that point [Sec.5.10].
'g6'9 '31.{ur ue^r8q eunlo^ rreql pu€ r€lncrrcer€ sq€F osetl+
82.9 .6lJ
yo lpoq e ro.f 'ltl'g 'qo.r4aldureg]uo,t1o-fiagp
e r4W
Oz's) ^pI"! ^t
c eur.,,rarap 'eue1d
ueco.1v\ zfi arpoq p11ercd"t"T:1:lT"t-T15S
-lo^ eql Bu1p1,rlp pu€ euITleqi Suop er1ot sx€ r eql Sursoor{C'uoll
-cesrelur 'fuTaututks
Jo euII rlar{} uo pelecol $ C pror}uac s4 {o sauo1d
oo4 sessessodaurnloz' ori] JI 'slur8alur alqnop lpo e,r.1o,rul qc1q \
t ^ t ^ |
(ez'g) Ap t"z | : tz Lp t'h | : t4 APt'x | : t1x
s€ (6I'g) 'sbg elu,uer el.r.'Alntueurele
el{l Jo ploJ}uecar{}Jo se}€urprooceql luzpue'tnfi'tu! Kq Surlouaq
tz.g .6tt
hprp, =,tp
9 =r,z,k=rali,x=rax
' 'ft1ur Lry\oqssE'.sluau€lrJulqt adeqsaqt ur eunlo^
tZ'g -To Jo stueru
-ale asnu€c o1r\'(Of'g) 'sbg ur spr8eluraldpr aqf yo uoqulnduroceql
{q PIo^€ oI
'[at'g '""S] uotlo-t7a1m(q paunureleP eq uec plor]ueo s]l
'sec€Jrnspcr{eue dq pepunoq sr ournlol e uerIAA
Pro4ua] lG us4ourutja{a{l Jo saluurproocaql
fiz's) A.zK: AKZ n4<: t<t L{K: LKX
aldureg] alr"r!\ e^\ pue 'erunlo^ sl1Jo C plorluac aql ql1,t\seplcuroc
,(14er8Jo reluac slr 'luua+€tusnoauaSouorl€ Jo ap€ru sr ,{poq aql y1
(oa's) lwzK: /v\<z tw-K: ilrKr tu\tK: tu\KX
a^BqaAA'ltt'g 'caS] sped snoue,rqr 3o firaer8 Jo sraluac
,tpoq aqr Jo seleurproocSurpuodsar.roceq] urorJ peurrurelep eq uec t
o;o {1po;$;o .ra;ua3lirrrer83o Jeluec sl\Jo Z'tr 'y seleurpJooceql 'sedeqsosorllJo Iereles
otur papr rp aq u€c lpoqnEaq6 '16'9 '8Id ur pel€1nqelen sadoys
ll( {rou.rurng
puo/rer^qu r)uotsumuxp-aarq+ uoluuoc snouoa Jo vP?oJ+uac 1?u0saunlon "qJ
5.137 ond 5.138 Locate the centroid of the plane area shown.

48 mm

54 mm 72mm
Fig. P5.137 Fig. P5.138

5.139 The frame for a sign is fabricated from thin, flat steel bar stock of
massper unit length 4.73 kg/m. The frame is supported by a pin
at C and by a cable AB. Determine (a) the tension in the ca6le
(b) the reaction at C.


Fig. P5.t39

5.140 Determine by direct integration the centroid of the area shown.

Expressyour answer in terms of a and h.


Fig. P5.l4O
fl5lffi;:T'ir: ", unl:r]*ilt
; ; ; n1:,
i "si 1q kq "-^Jq,-uo 1r;,;1 i :; J ;*:";r-:":,'r"':# s?t.s
tvt'ga '6lt
009 : vo?uor{^\ unrrqllpbe o1 Surpuodsarroc?drnpue
senp^ oql aururalo6l 'u.r\or{ssB speol pre,r,rdnpelnqtrtsrp
"."* Jo
,(lurroyrunuaxe qcrrl,4 'Xe pue 39 spoddns opl^\ o^Al uo slsar
pue peol pre^\u.{\oppalnqrr}srp lpeaull e o1 pegcelonssr rupeq V
ue.r.r8aql ro3 s1-roddnsureoq eql le suorlceor eql ourruroloq
_'uoqrod Surupurer
or{} ?arB acEJJns
Jo lBlol aql aurturo}ap 'alaqds uapoo,r Ja}errrErp
-'uI-gI e ruor; pe^ouor ueeq e,teq sdec pnbe o.rq 1eq1FupLrouy
'q pue D surral ur ra.r\sue.rnol sse"rdxg
^ era1
'd,toqs Eer€ oq]
6lZ, Jo plorluoc aql uorter8alffi lcorrp lq eurur;alaq 1y1.g
280 DistributedForces:Centroidsond Centers
of Grovity
5.t46 Consider the compositebodv shown. Determine (a) the value of r
whenh = LtZ,(b)tk ratioh/Lforwhrch
t = L.

Fig. P5.146

5.147 Locate the center of gravity of the sheet-metalform shown.

Fig. P5.147

5.148 Locate the centroid of the volume obtained by rotating the shaded
area about the r axis.


Fig. P5.148
e)'gd '6!l 'sJuetuerculu-g6y 3u1snru g ol ruog pJo senle^
v roJ secroJe.rnsse.rd
eql Jo lu€lpser eql aurrure+eqlu€l a{+ Jo Cgy epls Jo
uorJcesepl {-u-I € uo Jel€.r\eql lq papaxa sacroJe-rnsserdorpJo }rreilnsor
eql aulturalep ol pesn eq uEc lBql urErSoJd
"relnduroc ? ellrlA
1."urp4.61 sr
rel€^\Joflrsueporll) "ralu.^.r, po[U.{pr,rop
eq ol sr{r€} uedouy "g1.g
'.98I : n
06 : V'w IZ : Ll @ :oOe: D'urur 0g/ : U'.rutu\Lg : I(q) :"06 : o
'ur g =
A'ut 6I : tt (o) ueqn l}r, erBJo retuec eq} elecol o1 uerSo;d srql
esrl 'ernlcruls eql Jo ,(11ter3Jo reluoc er[+Jo selBurproocarl] elepcFc ol
pesn eq uec leql urerSordrelndruoc € ellr A releru€m lenbe 3o spor Ioels
ulrll e lJ uro{ pelecuqeJ sr rr.4aor{s
ernJJru}sl€uorsuorurp-eofi{lor{J z).s
1)'9d '6!l
(r) \q) \D)
'ern8g eqt
Jo , pu€ g slred ur u.{\oqssrueaq
oq] roJ spoddns eql l€ suopcearorl] at€1ncpco1 ure.rSordsrql esn 'g pue
y ]E suopceerar{l e}qncpc ol pesn eq u€c 1eq1ruerSo-rdrelnduroc e olu.4a
uaql pue'(O'g'qora elduregees)se13ueu1 o.Aqolq a^rncpeol aq13ouorgod
rlcee repun uere erll epptl61'e-rn8r;eql 1o o U'ed ur tr.^oqs s€ speol poln
-glqsrp 8ur,{.re.t
llur-rogpn pu€ ruroJrunJo seuese ,{.rreco} sr rueeqV t).g
292 Distributed Forces: Centroids ond Ceniers
OI \rrovlry
5.c4 Appronmate the curve shown using to srraightrine segments,and
then write a computer program that can be used to location
of the centroid of the line. use this program to determine the ]ocationof the
c e n t r o i d w h e( an )a : I i n . , L : I I i n . , h : 2 i n . ; ( b ) a : 2 i n . . L : 17in..
h = 4 in; (c) a : 5 in, L : 12 in., h : I in.

Fig. P5.C4

5.C5 Approximate the general spandrel shown using a series of n rectan-

gles, each of width Aa and of the form bcc'b', and then write a compurer
program that can be used to calculate the coordinates of the centroid o-f the
area. Use this program to locate the centroid when (a) m : 2, a : 80 mrn,
h : 80mm; (b)m : 2,a : 80 mm, h : 500mm; (c)m :5, a : 80 mrn,
h : 80mm; (d) m : 5, a : 80mm, h : 500 mm. In each case. comDare
the answers obtained to the exact values of - and I computed fromthe
formulas given in Fig, 5.8A and determine the percent"g" 6rror.

Fig. P5.C5

5.C6 SolveProb. 5.C5, using rectanglesof the form bdrJ'b'.

*5.C7 A farmer asks a

group of engineering students to determine the
volume of water in a small pond. using cord, the students first establisha
2 x. z-ft grid acrossthe pond and then record the depth of the water, in
feet, at each interseciion point of the grid (see the accompanyingtable).
Write a computer program that can be used to determine (a) the volume
0 0 0 0 OI
0 0 O I I 0 0 0 6
O I c c t 8 8 0 8
I V 9 9 9 V 8 0 L
0 T L L B 9 8 r 0 9 o
0 8 9 8 8 9 8 I 0 C E
0 t 9 9 9 8 I 0 0 v
I 8 t t r 0 0 "' c
9 0 0 I O 0 0 6
" 0 0 0 I
9 9
'lualualo eql
Jo srellroc InoJ aq] ]€ sqloep lalB.4'\oql Jo
e8ere,teeql SuFn ral€,^A Jo lueruele V-6 x 6 rlc€eJo t{tdep eq1aleurxorddy
e8(, sualqord.ralnd'.ro3 ral€^\ arF 5o fir,rerB Jo raluec eql Jo uonecol oql (q) 'puod eqr ur role{\Jo

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