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History of Solar Energy

Think about it. The sun has always been put on a pedestal because of its innate abilities to
provide a few elements that make life a tad easier; light, for one. But even those who have
always been in reverence of the suns abilities hardly grasped the full extent of its power.
Solar energy is all the rave in the 21st century. It might interest you to know however, that
it isn’t such a new concept after all.

Where it all Began

Solar energy dates back a few centuries; and its first use was in the 7th century B.C.

The solar energy trend advanced over time and was probed even further by inquisitive
minds. By 1876, William Grylls Adams along with a student of his, Richard Day, discovered
that when selenium was exposed to light; it produced electricity.

Recounting the history of solar energy in such a brief summary might under emphasize all
the events that have culminated to today’s reality – so here is a timeline of the
development of solar energy; from the ancient days till date.

The Sunlit Ants & Archimedes Heat Ray – 700-214 BC

Like we mentioned earlier, the use of concentrated sun rays to kill ants was perhaps the
first event that shed some light on the potential of sunlight. Whether or not this spurred on
the next event is unclear, because by 3rd century BC, historians claimed that Archimedes –
a then Greek inventor, came up with a solar powered heat ray that he used to destroy
enemy ships during the Siege of Syracuse.

While the Archimedes heat ray has been scientifically proven to be possible phenomena,
scientists also insist that it is unlikely – especially considering the circumstances that would
need to be in place for the heat ray to effectively carry out its function.

Sun-baked Food – 1767

More than two and a half centuries after its invention, solar ovens are still quite popular. In
1767, a Swiss physicist Horace de Saussure invented the solar oven it is used to heat meals
and drinks. They were only reliant on sunlight and even today solar ovens are useful for
makinf food in parts of the world where electricity is inaccessible.

Photoconductivity & Photovoltaic Effect 1839- 1873

Soon after the use of solar cookers and ovens became predominant, a 19 year old French
scientist Edmund Becquerel saw the creation of voltage when light and certain materials
met. This laid the foundation of solar power, and soon after an English Engineer Willoughby
Smith discovered photoconductivity in solid selenium.

Electricity’s First Spark– 1876

Picking up from where Edmund and Smith stopped William Grylls Adams, and his student,
Richard Evans Day used two electrodes on a plate of selenium and observed a tiny amount
of electricity – which was, before then – a vague concept. Unfortunately, their research
didn’t go any further

Photovoltaic Cells & the Photo-Electric Effect

But by 1883 Charles Fritts, an American Inventor took the plunge and decided to design his
first solar cells. He structured his first design based on selenium wafers before Albert
Einsten – who is famous for his many contributions to science delivered a paper on the
photoelectric effect where he described how light can liberate electrons on a metal surface.
For which he won a Nobel Prize.

Electricity! – 1954

It wasn’t until the first solar cell was invented; that David ChapinCalvin Fuller and Gerald
Pearson of Bell Labs converted solar energy conveniently into electricity. A number of other
developments saw the conversion efficiency of the cells move from 4% to 11%. And
overtime the cost of solar energy has gradually receded; with prices of solar energy related
material dropping by at least 10% since the year 1980.

You have a chance to contribute to the growing trend. Take note that the more people who
adopt solar energy; the cheaper and more accessible it becomes to people who have no
alternate means of electricity. Not to mention, you stand a chance of amassing a small
fortune in savings; just from choosing solar power over the more conventional alternatives.
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