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Bentofix® NSP types Geosynthetic Clay Liner without a polyethylene (PE) coating Installation Guidelines NAUE GmbH & Co. KG Contents Scope ‘Quality Statement Packaging Labeting Roll Imprint Plant Storage Transportation to Site Unloading Procedures Storage on Site Recommended Equipment = Qualification for Installer - Weather condition for Installation 3. Subgrade Preparation Slopes 5. Ancharing 5. Installation of Bentofixe 1. Overaps and Searing Attachment Details 2. Cover Placement Interruptions daring Installation 1 Repairs 2. Inspection . Hydration of Bentonite Special Conditions The following installation recommendstion contains gereal instal lation suidelines, Is presented asa general foonat, not as 3 direct substitte fora projets ifcation, Inthe event of acon flict, the tequitenent of the project specification will supersede these recommendations. This recommendation does not purport vith ts use Aoaddiessallof the safety concems, ‘any, associated It is the esponsibility of the user of this qideline t apptopriate safety and healt practices and determine the apo Bitty of galery Limitations prion to use Further, this installation quidetine does not purpott to establish tic, geomaphical, hydraulic, 0 topo stat ate Appropriate installation pica field conditions should be modified 45 necessary to maintain ‘ompenents, The infaatio NAVE GmbH Co. 6, Ge dl te and accurate, There is no implied or expres Final dete'mination of suitability for use conterplated isthe se resporsisility ofthe use, This information is subject to change without notice NAVE makes re warranty of any kind apd accepts po esponsiity for the results obtained through this installation guideline ot forthe conestness of the GCL use a an application. Far further information or questions please consul the specifi, designer ot INAUE GimoH & Co, <6, The infomation contained herein is the best to our knonledge, tue and accutte, This installation guide is subject to changes without prior notice 1, Scope 1 Bentofix” geesynthetic clay liners (GCLs) are needle punched, reinforced composites that combine two durable ‘geotextile euter layers and a uniform core of high-swelling powder sodium bentonite clay. This construction forms a shear resistant hydraulic barrier with self-sealing characteristics iat ich vesp Fest sey facturing process |— ‘00m —| the cover nonwoven eotentile of Bentofix™ NSP types is impregnated during the production with bentonite powcer at the edges an both sides in length direction in a width of 500mm {legitudinal foveriags) (fig. 1}. This bentonite imaregnation allows 2 simple self sealing overlap at the edges in length direction, without any supplemental bentonite placement on site 41.3 The subbse, the Bentofix” GCL as well as the minimum 300mm thick cover soil make the sealing system. BentoFix” (CLs are a sealing element and are nat designed to absor® tensile strengths. 1.4 Bentofix’ is produced following strict 180 9001 quality control procecures, Failure to follow good may result in the unnecessary failure of the geosynthetic in a properly designee apolicstion 1.5 This installatian guideline is applicable for all Bentofix~ NSP types without any additional coating barrier. ekg Fig.3 Typat eet ra a 4.6 This Bentofix” installation guideline is net applicable fer underwater instalation applications 17 This guideline must be present to the installer and the responsible site engineer. 2. Quality Statement 21 NAUE Gmbil & Co. KG as the inventor of needle-punched GCs in 1987 is dedicated te continuous quality. This commitment begins ith the manufacture of the Bentafx” Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) material and its components {as well as the quality control of these and their compo- rents), and continues until eur customer has accepted the 6. 2.2 NAUE GmbH & Co, KG is fully 0 9001 (2008) registered 3. Packaging 3.1 Manufactured Bentofix” rolls are usually rolled on cores that have crushing strength sufficient to avoid collapse other damage in normal use \\ 3.2 Bentofie® sells are wiap | ped with a protection sheet to avoid effects to the roll due to shipment, water, sunlight or contaminants UE sche being stored, transported ‘or handles. 3.3 In the unlikely case af a damage te the wrapping, the damaged area is either fixed with tape (Fig. 2} oF is fully replaces, 4, Labeling sl "i ‘nthe wrapping of each Sd valle abel with hana quigelies and an identi FO OMEITISE | sien shee 2) ities 0 which incluces Toor + Name of manufacturer BE + Product identification Hepartten semen’ ars | «Rol inension een me + Unique rll number Sy « Total mass per unit area Sse “ Sune 5. Rall Imprint ach roll of Beatofix” NS? sow way OON4539195 | “ype geasythetic clay liner = 's printed on the slit-flm Si ‘woven side with the prod- WON rrame and type name as vsell as with @ continuous overlap line on each side of the woven, 300mm from the edge. The product imprint and the overlap lines after unroling are, if not otherwise requested, faced down against the subgrace 6, Plant Storage 6.1 Bestofix rolls ave transported in the manufacturing facil ity by means of stinger bars and ave stored so that ne damage affects the performance af the materiale of the wrazping. Hae Eesha ip wows 6.2 Bento fix rolls are stored covered con elevated, dry an smoath grourd, which will prevent any damage to the wrapsing of te rll. 7. Transportation to Site 7.1 Bentofix” GCL rolls are delivered to the working ares of the site in their original packaging on trucks or in con: tainers. The storage surface shoulé be elevated, dry and smooth, to prevent any damage te the wrapping ofthe rll. 7.2 In general ne supplementary bentonite powder is needed {for Bentofix" NSP type overlaps in length divection. Exceptions that recuire adeitional benterite powder may be where there isa requirement far penetrations, cress everlaps er speciality connection details of the Bentofix GCL. In this case bentonite powder in sags as vell a5 approximately 200mm wide nanvioven strips are required. The necessary amount needed must be ordered prior to shipment. These are typically tansported st they do nat got wet 7.3 Before Bentofix” rolls are unloaded it is recommended to identify and verity the shipment and check whether any ralls are damaged, In the unlikely case of damage, d should be noted and reported to the forwarding company ard the supplier. 8. Unloading Procedures 8.1 As with any lifting or leading operations, appropriate safety equipment should be employed and proper safe han fling methods practised. This ineludes an appropriate and firm subbase for the vehicle and the Bentofix” storage. The party responsible for unleading the Bentofix™ GCL should contact the manufacturer prior to shipment to detetnine the correct unloading methods and ecuipment if different from the pre-approved anc specified methods. Use Appencin B to mate nates if necessary 8.2 The storage area for Bento rolls must fellow section 9. 8,3 Lifting the rolls can be accomplished with a 63mm - 75mm cutside diameter steel vipe/bar (oreferably solid), with a wall thickness capable of providing sufficient beam strength to support the weight of the roll without bending, which is (GCL type dependent) generally between 200 and 1.20049 (for Sm wide Bentofin GCLs). The core pipe is insertes through the centre core of the Bentofix™ roll, Heavy-duty slings or chains are attached to each end of the pipe, which ate Lien fastened to spreader ba ig. §) ‘A crane, backhoe, frontend loader or any other suits quipment can then Uft the entive assembly le piece Anall-terrin, extendable boom or fork it, can be fitted with a special, solid steel pole» 40m in length, having an outside iameter of ro more than 8&im. The pele is inserted into the core of the Bentofix” roll. The rall shoulé not be fully lifted until the pole extends its full length into the core so that the core coes not break. This pole has a long reach and is particularly useful for urloading containers or covered vans. must be supported during handling to ensure and prevent damage to the liner and the cove pipe (inner diameter aporex. 125mm). Under approved and Imanitored circumstances only, should the rolls be dragged, lifted frem ene end, ited with enly the forks ofa lift truck ‘or pushed te the ground fram the delivery vehicle Fas 8. The Construction Quality Assurance (COA) insp should verify Unat proper handling equipment exists whic does net pose any danger to the installation crew er risk ‘of damage or deformation to the liner material itself. 8.5 Additional handling equipment is described below Spreader Bar Assembly - A spreader bar assembly shal include ‘both a core pipe or bar and a spreader beam. The core shall be used to uniformly supaert the roll when insert through the GCL core while the spreader beam will prevent chains er straps frem chafing the all edges. Stinger - A stinger is a rigid pipe or rod with one en directly connected to a forklift or other handling equipment. 1 stinger is uses, it should be inserted to its full length into the rol to prevent excessive bending ofthe rll wien lifted Roller Cradles Roller rads consist of twe lage diameter calles spaced approximately 75mm apart which beth support the G roll and allow it te freely urvell. The use of roller cradles shall be permitted if the rolles support the entire width ofthe GCL rll Sings - two slings (© 70mm width) with sufficient strength approx. 1/3rd of the roll width away from the edge, which are fixed to the lifting device, with which (depending on the strength of the slings) one or more rolls can be moved without damaging the GCL or the packagi 8.6 In te unlikely case of damage to the wrapping, the dam- aged area is either fixed with tape (fig. 2) or is fully replaced. 9, Storage on Site 9.1 A storage area is required that is flat, dey, and ell ved to keep the Bentofix” GCL dry and large enough to stare the delivered amount of GCL roils. The surface should be free of sharp recks or other objects that could damage the GCL. The sterage area must be as clase as practicadie to the work area to minimize an site handling 9.2 The storage ares must be secure to prevent vandalism, theft, and must be such tat rls ae unlike by passing vehicles. Rolls of Bentofix* and oentonite for the overlap areas neec to be covered with a plastic sheet ar tarpaulin until their installation. 9.3 Any vols that cone in contact with moisture while in storage should be exe ag amined prior t instllation ta en Sue that subsequent physical damage tas not occurred. Physically damaged ee rolls should be set aside for further examination te determine the plausibility of repair. 9.4 Bentofix® GELs can be stacked up to five rells high if stored on site (fig. 6). It must be ensured that rolls cannat, rave at any time once stacked and stored. [Falls noed to be stacked higher please contact NAUE or ter renracentative 9.5 Artange storage so that access can be maintained te ‘one or preferably twe sides of the stored GCL rells, Pulling of rolls should be avoided 9.6 On site delivered bags with bentonite and nonwoven ps shoulc also be stored ory and if necessary protectec with a waterproof and resistant plastic sheet 10. Recommended Equipment + Approves vehicles, e.g. excavator Bagger + Spreader bar Utility knife Trowel Bucket Shovel Mareer Yardstick 11, Qualification for Installer 1:1 The installation crew must have knowledge of the Bentofix” installation guidelines and be trained on the installation procecure of Bentofix" GCL. 11.2 t's recommended to note the date of traning in the can- struction journal, Appendix A can be used as 3 general format 1.3 NAUE or their local representative personnel staff can ‘sin installers if requestec. Details are to be determines prior to the training 12, Weather conditions for Installation 217) er conditions should allow 2 dry installation of Bentofix" GCLs and the placement of the cover materials. 12.2 The subbase must fulfill the specification or require ants as stated in section 12. 12.3 Installation should follow the procedures described in Sections 13 to 19 (ine! 12.4 If the GCL is hydrated (typically > 50% according to DIN 18121) wien no confining stess is present, it may be necessary to remove and replace the Fydrated material. The project engineer, Construction Quality Assurance (COA) in- spector, and GCL supplier should be consulted far specific guidance if premature hycration is suspected to have occurte.

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