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Q1:What are paradigms in HCI and define Its types?

Ans: Each of these paradigms represents a world-view and encompasses a set of practices and
expectations for the value and contribution of research. Each contributes to HCI, but in
different ways. The first two are not particularly controversial in terms of their contributions to
larger enterprises of HCI.

There are three paradigms of HCI:

 Human-Factors focuses on optimizing man-machine fit.

2:Classical Cognitivism/Information Processing Based

 Classical Cognitivism/Information Processing emphasizes (ideally predictive) models and

theories and the relationship between what is in the computer and in the human mind.

3:Third/Phenomenologically-Situated Paradigm

 It focuses on the experiential quality of interaction, primarily the situated nature of

meaning and meaning creation.

All three paradigms drive design, but in different ways. All three have their own forms of
knowledge creation and criteria for what constitutes knowledge. Identifying these approaches
as paradigms allows us to value work more clearly.

Women’s voices are a particular design solution. However, they work because they effectively
differentiated signal and noise in the system interface’s interaction with the pilot. Efficient
transmission of information turns out to be a factor in modeling the entire system of machine,
interface and the actual user. This model suggests other design solutions. For example, there
could be a taxonomy of voice types created,based on cognitive load and response times.
Experimentation using this approach revealed that familiar (i.e. wives, girlfriends) further
improved pilot performance. This optimization of communication and pilot mental work load
corresponds to the classical cognitivism/information processing paradigm.

Types of Interaction paradigm:

o Time sharing
o Programming toolkits
o Video display unit
o Personal computing
o Window systems and the WIMP interface
o The metaphor
o Direct Manipulation
o Hypertext
o Language versus action
o Multi-modality
o Computer-supported cooperative work
o The World Wide Web
o Ubiquitous computing
o Sensor-based and context-aware interaction

1:Sensor-based and context-aware interaction

The yard-scale, foot-scale and inch-scale computers are all still clearly embodied devices
with which we interact, whether or not we consider them `computers'. There are an
increasing number of proposed and existing technologies that embed computation even
deeper, but unobtrusively, into day-to-day life.
2: Ubiquitous computing
The intention is to create a computing infrastructure that permeates our physical
environment so much that we do not notice the computer may longer. A good analogy for
the vision of ubiquitous computing is the electric motor.When the electric motor was first
introduced, it was large, loud and very noticeable.Today, the average household contains so
many electric motors that we hardly ever notice them anymore. Their utility led to ubiquity
and, hence, invisibility.
3: The World Wide Web
Probably the most significant recent development interactive computing is the WorldWide
Web, often referred to as just the web, or WWW. The web is built on top of theInternet,
and offers an easy to use, predominantly graphical interface to information,hiding the
underlying complexities of transmission protocols, addresses and remoteaccess to data.
4: Multi-modality
A multi-modal interactive system is a system thatrelies on the use of multiple human
communication channels. Each different channelfor the user is referred to as a modality of
5: Language versus action
Whereas it is true that direct manipulation interface make some tasks easier to perform
correctly, it is equally true that some tasks are more difficult, if not impossible. Contrary to
popular wisdom, it is not generally true that action speaklouder than words. The image,
projected for direct manipulation was of the interface as a replacement for the underlying
system as the world of interest to the user. Actions performed at the interface replace any
need to understand their meaning at any deeper,system level. The user gives the interface
instructions and it is then the responsibility of the interface to see that those instructions
are carried out. The user-system communication is by means of indirect language instead of
direct actions.
6: Direct Manipulation
the early 1980s as the price of fast and high-quality graphics hardware was steadily
decreasing, designers were beginning to see that their products were gaining popularity as
their visual content increased. As long as the user-system command line prompt computing
was going to stay within the minority population of the hackers who reveled in the
challenge of complexity.
7: The metaphor
Metaphor is used quite successfully to teach new concepts in terms of ones, which are
already understood. It is no surprise that this general teaching mechanism has been
successful in introducing computer novices to relatively foreign interaction techniques.
Metaphor is used to describe the functionality of many interaction widgets, such as
windows, menus, buttons and palettes.
8: Window systems and the WIMP interface
With the advent and immense commercial success of personal computing, the emphasis for
increasing the usability of computing technology focused on addressing the single user who
engaged in a dialog with the computer in order to complete some work. Humans are able to
think about more than one thing at a time, and in accomplishing some piece of work, they
frequently interrupt their current train of thought to pursue some other related piece of
9: Personal computing
Programming toolkits provide a means for those with substantial computing skills to
increase their productivity greatly. One of the first demonstrations that the powerful tools
of the hacker could be made accessible to the computer novice was graphics programming
language for children called LOGO.
10: Time sharing
In the 1940s and 1950s, the significant advances in computing consisted of new hardware
technologies. Mechanical relays were replaced by vacuum electron tubes.Tubes were
replaced by transistors, and transistors by integrated chips, all of which meant that the
amount of sheer computing power was increasing by orders of magnitude.

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